2598 |
2853 d 0 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*adapted structs to reflect FC/NC software V2.18a |
2099 |
3599 d 14 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*adapted structs to reflect FC/NC software V2.10a/b |
2075 |
3793 d 12 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*adapted structs to reflect FC/NC software V2.08a
*changed hanging to 2min wait in case of version missmatch |
2043 |
3976 d 14 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
angepasst *adapted structs to reflect FC/NC software V2.06a
*added version check for FC/NC software
(OSD will hang at init in case version do not match) |
2041 |
4005 d 17 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*fixed battery-voltage >254 crash |
2039 |
4009 d 2 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*adapted structs to reflect FC/NC software V2.04a |
2009 |
4211 d 0 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*fixed FC-only mode |
2000 |
4239 d 2 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*adapted settings struct to FC software 0.90L |
1992 |
4273 d 15 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*adapted settings struct to FC software 0.90j |
1951 |
4350 d 3 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*fixed display of mAh from C-Strom
*fixed ppm crash due do underflow |
1801 |
4480 d 13 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
+No FC communication define in config for usage with NC and no FC
*memcpy stuff instead of inplace buffer to unlock the buffer faster
+prepared the 3D Data stuff |
1773 |
4502 d 23 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
attemp to fix errors when building with GCC 4.7 |
1772 |
4503 d 16 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*renamed usart-ISRs |
1771 |
4505 d 22 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*small init fix for display modes
*small change in ppm handling |
1706 |
4607 d 16 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*expanded ampere wasted to 5digits in nc_mode_default |
1593 |
4723 d 22 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*corrected bug in stats which caused maximal current to be overwritten |
1591 |
4725 d 1 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*setting struct adapted to V0.88e
@caused wrong setting-name display |
1437 |
4809 d 23 h |
/C-OSD/ |
@//remarks is error.
@clearing only take 20us. Not 12us |
787 |
5328 d 7 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*removed constantly requests for the NC Uart in NC mode which caused problems when using OSD/MKTool at the same time |
783 |
5331 d 21 h |
/C-OSD/trunk/ |
*added current setting display
*updated structs for FC 0.80 and NC 0.20 (old version will still work, just cosmetics)
*battery warn level now _can_ be taken from the FC-Settings
*corrected some defines so FC stuff is only in FC Builds and NC stuff only in NC builds |