2513 |
3709 d 12 h |
/branches/V2.08a_Rens_Testversion/FlightCtrl_AS6.2/FlightCtrl/FlightCtrl/ |
Geändert für Atmel Studio V6.2 svn bisl buggi :-D |
2512 |
3709 d 12 h |
/branches/V2.08a_Rens_Testversion/FlightCtrl_AS6.2/FlightCtrl/FlightCtrl/Release/ |
Geändert für Atmel Studio V6.2 svn bisl buggi :-D |
2511 |
3709 d 12 h |
/branches/V2.08a_Rens_Testversion/FlightCtrl_AS6.2/FlightCtrl/FlightCtrl/Release/ |
Geändert für Atmel Studio V6.2 svn bisl buggi :-D |
2510 |
3709 d 12 h |
/branches/V2.08a_Rens_Testversion/FlightCtrl_AS6.2/FlightCtrl/FlightCtrl/Release/ |
Geändert für Atmel Studio V6.2 |
2509 |
3709 d 12 h |
/branches/V2.08a_Rens_Testversion/FlightCtrl_AS6.2/FlightCtrl/FlightCtrl/Release/ |
Geändert für Atmel Studio V6.2 |
2508 |
3709 d 12 h |
/branches/V2.08a_Rens_Testversion/FlightCtrl_AS6.2/FlightCtrl/FlightCtrl/Debug/ |
Geändert für Atmel Studio V6.2 |
2507 |
3709 d 12 h |
/branches/V2.08a_Rens_Testversion/FlightCtrl_AS6.2/FlightCtrl/ |
Geändert für Atmel Studio V6.2 |
2506 |
3709 d 13 h |
/branches/V2.08a_Rens_Testversion/FlightCtrl_AS6.2/ |
Geändert für Atmel Studio V6.2 |
2505 |
3709 d 13 h |
/branches/V2.08a_Rens_Testversion/ |
2504 |
3709 d 13 h |
/branches/V2.08a_Rens_Testversion/ |
2503 |
3709 d 21 h |
/branches/V2.08a_Rens_Testversion/ |
Rens Testversion |
2492 |
3822 d 7 h |
holgerb |
/tags/V2.08a/ |
2.08a (10.10.2014)
- Redundance now In Flag3
- Boat-Moade implemented
- New Gyro DriftCompensation implemented
- sending Offset values to NC for Logging
- Menu: Neutral Values of Gyro now in full resolution
- camera releases via automatic distances faster than 1 sec
- clamp Altitude setpoint at +15m instead of +10m to allow faster starting
- set all channels to zero in case of RC-Lost
- removed: GPS_Z
- New Parameter: Parameter_Hoehe_TiltCompensation
- Default Failsafe-Time is 60sec (was 30sek before)
- Sensitive_RC removed
- Bugfix: WP-Event was sometimes triggered two times
- transmit HoverGas to NC for logging |
2491 |
/trunk/ |
2489 |
/trunk/ |
2488 |
/trunk/ |
2487 |
/trunk/ |
2486 |
/trunk/ |
2485 |
/trunk/ |
2482 |
/trunk/ |
2481 |
/trunk/ |