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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "analog.h"
volatile uint16_t Adc0, Adc1, Adc2, Adc3, Adc4, Adc5, Adc6, Adc7;
volatile uint8_t ADReady = 1;
/* Initialize Analog Digital Converter */
void ADC_Init(void)
uint8_t sreg = SREG;
// disable all interrupts before reconfiguration
//ADC0 ... ADC7 is connected to PortA pin 0 ... 7
DDRA = 0x00;
PORTA = 0x00;
// Digital Input Disable Register 0
// Disable digital input buffer for analog adc_channel pins
DIDR0 = 0xFF;
// external reference AREF, adjust data to the right
ADMUX &= ~((1 << REFS1)|(1 << REFS0)|(1 << ADLAR));
// set muxer to ADC adc_channel 0 (0 to 7 is a valid choice)
ADMUX = (ADMUX & 0xE0) | 0x00;
//Set ADC Control and Status Register A
//Auto Trigger Enable, Prescaler Select Bits to Division Factor 128, i.e. ADC clock = SYSCKL/128 = 156.25 kHz
ADCSRA = (0<<ADEN)|(0<<ADSC)|(0<<ADATE)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0)|(0<<ADIE);
//Set ADC Control and Status Register B
//Trigger Source to Free Running Mode
ADCSRB &= ~((1 << ADTS2)|(1 << ADTS1)|(1 << ADTS0));
// Start AD conversion
// restore global interrupt flags
SREG = sreg;
/* Interrupt Service Routine for ADC */
// runs at 312.5 kHz or 3.2 µs
// if after (60.8µs) all 19 states are processed the interrupt is disabled
// and the update of further ads is stopped
#define ADC0 0
#define ADC1 1
#define ADC2 2
#define ADC3 3
#define ADC4 4
#define ADC5 5
#define ADC6 6
#define ADC7 7
static uint8_t ad_channel = ADC0, state = 0;
// state machine
case 0:
Adc0 = ADC;
ad_channel = ADC1;
case 1:
Adc1 = ADC;
ad_channel = ADC2;
case 2:
Adc2 = ADC;
ad_channel = ADC3;
case 3:
Adc3 = ADC;
ad_channel = ADC4;
case 4:
Adc4 = ADC;
ad_channel = ADC5;
case 5:
Adc5 = ADC;
ad_channel = ADC6;
case 6:
Adc6 = ADC;
ad_channel = ADC7;
case 7:
Adc7 = ADC;
ad_channel = ADC0;
state = 0;
ADReady = 1;
ad_channel = ADC0;
state = 0;
ADReady = 1;
// set adc muxer to next ad_channel
ADMUX = (ADMUX & 0xE0) | ad_channel;
// after full cycle stop further interrupts
if(state != 0) ADC_Enable();