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This program (files gps.c and gps.h) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; 
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. 
You should have received a copy of GNU General Public License (License_GPL.txt)  and 
GNU Lesser General Public License (License_LGPL.txt) along with this program. 
If not, see <>.

Please note: All the other files for the project "Mikrokopter" by H.Buss are under the license (license_buss.txt) published by 
Peter Muehlenbrock 
Auswertung der Daten vom GPS im ublox Format
Hold Modus mit PID Regler
Rückstuerz zur Basis Funktion
Stand 24.10.2007
Anederung: 24.10. Altitude in relativer Position jetzt auch drin
#include "main.h"
#include "math.h"
//#include "gps.h"

// Defines fuer ublox Messageformat um Auswertung zu steuern
#define                 UBLOX_IDLE              0
#define                 UBLOX_SYNC1             1
#define                 UBLOX_SYNC2             2
#define                 UBLOX_CLASS             3
#define                 UBLOX_ID                4
#define                 UBLOX_LEN1              5
#define                 UBLOX_LEN2              6
#define                 UBLOX_CKA               7
#define                 UBLOX_CKB               8
#define                 UBLOX_PAYLOAD   9

// ublox Protokoll Identifier 
#define                 UBLOX_NAV_POSUTM                0x08
#define                 UBLOX_NAV_STATUS                0x03
#define                 UBLOX_NAV_VELED                 0x12
#define                 UBLOX_NAV_CLASS                 0x01
#define                 UBLOX_SYNCH1_CHAR               0xB5
#define                 UBLOX_SYNCH2_CHAR               0x62

signed int                      GPS_Nick = 0;
signed int                      GPS_Roll = 0;
short int                       ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;
static                          uint8_t chk_a =0; //Checksum
static                          uint8_t chk_b =0;
short int                       gps_state,gps_sub_state; //Zustaende der Statemachine
short int                       gps_updte_flag;
signed int                      GPS_hdng_abs_2trgt; //Winkel zum Ziel bezogen auf Nordpol
signed int                      GPS_hdng_rel_2trgt; //Winkel zum Ziel bezogen auf Nordachse des Kopters
signed int                      GPS_dist_2trgt; //vorzeichenlose Distanz zum Ziel 
signed int                      gps_int_x,gps_int_y,gps_reg_x,gps_reg_y;                                
static unsigned int rx_len;
static unsigned int ptr_payload_data_end;
unsigned int            gps_alive_cnt; // Wird bei jedem gueltigen GPS Telegramm hochgezaehlt
signed int                      hdng_2home,dist_2home; //Richtung und Entfernung zur home Position 
static signed           gps_tick; //wird bei jedem Update durch das GPS Modul hochgezaehlt 
static                          short int hold_fast,hold_reset_int; //Flags fuer Hold Regler
static                          uint8_t *ptr_payload_data;
static                          uint8_t *ptr_pac_status;
long int                        dist_flown;
unsigned int            int_ovfl_cnt; // Zaehler fuer Overflows des Integrators
signed int                      int_east,int_north;     //Integrierer 

short int Get_GPS_data(void);

NAV_POSUTM_t actual_pos;    // Aktuelle Nav Daten werden hier im ublox Format abgelegt
NAV_STATUS_t actual_status; // Aktueller Nav Status
NAV_VELNED_t actual_speed;  // Aktueller Geschwindigkeits und Richtungsdaten

GPS_ABS_POSITION_t              gps_act_position;               // Alle wichtigen Daten zusammengefasst
GPS_ABS_POSITION_t              gps_home_position;      // Die Startposition, beim Kalibrieren ermittelt
GPS_REL_POSITION_t              gps_rel_act_position;   // Die aktuelle relative Position bezogen auf Home Position
GPS_REL_POSITION_t              gps_rel_hold_position;  // Die gespeicherte Sollposition fuer GPS_ Hold Mode
GPS_REL_POSITION_t              gps_rel_start_position; // Die gespeicherte Ausgangsposition fuer GPS_ Home Mode

// Initialisierung
void GPS_Neutral(void)
        ublox_msg_state                         =       UBLOX_IDLE;
        gps_state                                       =       GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
        gps_sub_state                           =       GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
        actual_pos.status                       =       0;
        actual_speed.status                     =       0;
        actual_status.status            =       0;
        gps_home_position.status        =       0; // Noch keine gueltige Home Position
        gps_act_position.status         =       0;
        gps_rel_act_position.status     =       0;      
        GPS_Nick                                        =       0;
        GPS_Roll                                        =       0;
        gps_updte_flag                          =       0;
        gps_int_x                                       =       0;
        gps_int_y                                       =       0;
        gps_alive_cnt                           =       0;

// Home Position sichern falls Daten verfuegbar sind. 
void GPS_Save_Home(void) 
        short int n;
        n = Get_GPS_data();
        if (n == 0)   // Gueltige  und aktuelle Daten ?   
                // Neue GPS Daten liegen vor
                gps_home_position.utm_east      = gps_act_position.utm_east;    
                gps_home_position.utm_north     = gps_act_position.utm_north;   
                gps_home_position.utm_alt       = gps_act_position.utm_alt;
                gps_home_position.status        = 1; // Home Position gueltig                   

// Relative Position zur Home Position bestimmen
// Rueckgabewert 0= Daten sind aktuell und gueltig. 1= Keine Aenderung. 2= Daten ungueltig
short int Get_Rel_Position(void) 
        short int n = 0;
        n = Get_GPS_data();
        if (n >=1) return (n); // nix zu tun, weil keine neue Daten da sind
        if (gps_alive_cnt < 1000) gps_alive_cnt += 600; // Timeoutzaehler. Wird in Motorregler Routine ueberwacht und dekrementiert
        if  (gps_home_position.status > 0) //Nur wenn Home Position vorliegt
                gps_rel_act_position.utm_east   = (int)  (gps_act_position.utm_east - gps_home_position.utm_east); 
                gps_rel_act_position.utm_north  = (int)  (gps_act_position.utm_north - gps_home_position.utm_north); 
                gps_rel_act_position.utm_alt    = (int)  (gps_act_position.utm_alt - gps_home_position.utm_alt); 
                gps_rel_act_position.status     = 1; // gueltige Positionsdaten
                n = 0; 
                gps_updte_flag = 1; // zeigt an, dass neue Daten vorliegen.
                n = 2; //keine gueltigen Daten vorhanden
                gps_rel_act_position.status = 0; //keine gueltige Position weil keine home Position da ist.
        return (n);

// Daten aus aktuellen ublox Messages extrahieren 
// Rueckgabewert 0= Daten sind aktuell und gueltig. 1= Keine Aenderung. 2= Daten ungueltig
short int Get_GPS_data(void)
        short int n = 1;

        if (actual_pos.status == 0) return (1); //damit es schnell geht, wenn nix zu tun ist
        if ((actual_pos.status > 0) && (actual_status.status > 0) && (actual_speed.status > 0))
                if (((actual_status.gpsfix_type & 0x03) >=2) && ((actual_status.nav_status_flag & 0x01) >=1)) // nur wenn Daten aktuell und gueltig sind
                        actual_status.status            = 0;
                        gps_act_position.utm_east       = actual_pos.utm_east/10;
                        gps_act_position.utm_north      = actual_pos.utm_north/10;
                        gps_act_position.utm_alt        = actual_pos.utm_alt/10;
                        actual_pos.status                       = 0; //neue ublox Messages anfordern
//                      gps_act_position.speed_gnd      = actual_speed.speed_gnd/10;
//                      gps_act_position.speed_gnd      = actual_speed.speed_gnd/10;
//                      gps_act_position.heading        = actual_speed.heading/100000;
                        actual_speed.status             = 0;
                        gps_act_position.status         = 1;
                        n                                                       = 0; //Daten gueltig
                        gps_act_position.status         = 0; //Keine gueltigen Daten
                        actual_speed.status             = 0;
                        actual_status.status            = 0;
                        actual_pos.status                       = 0; //neue ublox Messages anfordern
                        n                                                       = 2;
        return (n);     

Daten vom GPS im ublox MSG Format auswerten 
Die Routine wird bei jedem Empfang eines Zeichens vom GPS Modul durch den UART IRQ aufgerufen
// Die UBX Messages NAV_POSUTM, NAV_STATUS und NAV_VALED muessen aktiviert sein
void Get_Ublox_Msg(uint8_t rx) 
        switch (ublox_msg_state)

                case UBLOX_IDLE: // Zuerst Synchcharacters pruefen
                        if ( rx == UBLOX_SYNCH1_CHAR ) ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_SYNC1;
                        else ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;

                case UBLOX_SYNC1: 

                        if (rx == UBLOX_SYNCH2_CHAR) ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_SYNC2;
                        else ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;
                        chk_a = 0,chk_b = 0;

                case UBLOX_SYNC2:
                        if (rx == UBLOX_NAV_CLASS) ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_CLASS;       
                        else ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;

                case UBLOX_CLASS: // Nur NAV Meldungen auswerten
                        switch (rx)
                                case UBLOX_NAV_POSUTM:
                                        ptr_pac_status  =       &actual_pos.status;
                                        if (*ptr_pac_status > 0) ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE; //Abbruch weil Daten noch nicht verwendet wurden
                                                ptr_payload_data                = &actual_pos;
                                                ptr_payload_data_end    = &actual_pos.status;
                                                ublox_msg_state                 = UBLOX_LEN1;

                                case UBLOX_NAV_STATUS:
                                        ptr_pac_status  =       &actual_status.status;
                                        if (*ptr_pac_status > 0) ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;
                                                ptr_payload_data                = &actual_status;
                                                ptr_payload_data_end    = &actual_status.status;
                                                ublox_msg_state                 = UBLOX_LEN1;

                                case UBLOX_NAV_VELED:
                                        ptr_pac_status          =       &actual_speed.status;
                                        if (*ptr_pac_status > 0) ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;
                                                ptr_payload_data                = &actual_speed;
                                                ptr_payload_data_end    = &actual_speed.status;
                                                ublox_msg_state                 = UBLOX_LEN1;

                                        ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;
                        chk_a   = UBLOX_NAV_CLASS + rx;
                        chk_b   = UBLOX_NAV_CLASS + chk_a;                      

                case UBLOX_LEN1: // Laenge auswerten
                        rx_len  = rx;
                        chk_a   += rx;
                        chk_b   += chk_a;               
                        ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_LEN2;

                case UBLOX_LEN2: // Laenge auswerten
                        rx_len = rx_len + (rx *256); // Laenge ermitteln
                        chk_a   += rx;
                        chk_b   += chk_a;       
                        ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_PAYLOAD;

                case UBLOX_PAYLOAD: // jetzt Nutzdaten einlesen
                        if (rx_len > 0)
                                *ptr_payload_data = rx;
                                chk_a   += rx;
                                chk_b   += chk_a;
                                if ((rx_len > 0) && (ptr_payload_data <= ptr_payload_data_end))                          
                                        ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_PAYLOAD;
                                else ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_CKA;
                        else ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE; // Abbruch wegen Fehler

                case UBLOX_CKA: // Checksum pruefen
                        if (rx == chk_a) ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_CKB;                           
                        else ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE; // Abbruch wegen Fehler

                case UBLOX_CKB: // Checksum pruefen
                        if (rx == chk_b) *ptr_pac_status = 1; // Paket ok
                        ublox_msg_state    = UBLOX_IDLE;

                        ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;           
//Zentrale Statemachine fuer alle GPS relevanten Regelungsablauefe
short int GPS_CRTL(short int cmd)
        static unsigned int cnt;                                        //Zaehler fuer diverse Verzoegerungen 
        static signed int dist_north,dist_east; 
        static signed int diff_east,diff_north;         // Differenzierer  (Differenz zum  vorhergehenden x bzw. y  Wert)
        static signed int diff_east_f,diff_north_f; // Differenzierer,  gefiltert
        signed int n,diff_v;
        static signed int gps_g2t_act_v; // Aktuelle Geschwindigkeitsvorgabe fuer Home Funktion
        long signed int dev,n_l;
        signed int dist_frm_start_east,dist_frm_start_north;

        switch (cmd)

                case GPS_CMD_REQ_HOME: // Es soll zum Startpunkt zurueckgeflogen werden. 
                        if ((gps_state != GPS_CRTL_HOLD_ACTIVE) && (gps_state != GPS_CRTL_HOME_ACTIVE))
                                if (cnt > 200) // erst nach Verzoegerung 
                                        // Erst mal initialisieren
                                        cnt                             = 0;
                                        gps_tick                = 0;                                    
                                        hold_fast               = 0; 
                                        hold_reset_int  = 0; // Integrator enablen
                                        int_east                = 0, int_north  = 0;
                                        gps_reg_x               = 0, gps_reg_y  = 0;
                                        dist_east               = 0, dist_north = 0;
                                        diff_east_f             = 0, diff_north_f= 0;
                                        diff_east               = 0, diff_north  = 0;   
                                        dist_flown              = 0;
                                        gps_g2t_act_v   = 0; 
                                        gps_sub_state   = GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
                                        // aktuelle positionsdaten abspeichern
                                        if (gps_rel_act_position.status > 0)
                                                gps_rel_start_position.utm_east = gps_rel_act_position.utm_east; 
                                                gps_rel_start_position.utm_north= gps_rel_act_position.utm_north; 
                                                gps_rel_start_position.status   = 1; // gueltige Positionsdaten 
                                                gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east  = gps_rel_act_position.utm_east; 
                                                gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north = gps_rel_act_position.utm_north; 
                                                gps_rel_hold_position.status    = 1; // gueltige Positionsdaten 
                                                //Richtung zur Home Position bezogen auf Nordpol bestimmen
                                                hdng_2home = arctan_i(-gps_rel_start_position.utm_east,-gps_rel_start_position.utm_north);
                                                // in Winkel 0...360 Grad umrechnen
                                                if (( gps_rel_start_position.utm_east < 0)) hdng_2home = ( 90-hdng_2home);
                                                else  hdng_2home = (270 - hdng_2home); 
                                                dist_2home = (int) get_dist(gps_rel_start_position.utm_east,gps_rel_start_position.utm_north,hdng_2home); //Entfernung zur Home Position bestimmen
                                                gps_state       = GPS_CRTL_HOME_ACTIVE;
                                                return (GPS_STST_OK);                           
                                                gps_rel_start_position.status   =       0;  //Keine Daten verfuegbar
                                                gps_state                                               = GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
                                                return(GPS_STST_ERR); // Keine Daten da
                                else return(GPS_STST_PEND); // noch warten
// ******************************

                case GPS_CMD_REQ_HOLD: // Die Lageregelung soll aktiviert werden.
                        if (gps_state != GPS_CRTL_HOLD_ACTIVE)
                                if (cnt > 400) // erst nach Verzoegerung 
                                        cnt     =       0;
                                        // aktuelle positionsdaten abspeichern
                                        if (gps_rel_act_position.status > 0)
                                                hold_fast               = 0; 
                                                hold_reset_int  = 0; // Integrator enablen
                                                int_east        = 0, int_north  = 0;
                                                gps_reg_x       = 0, gps_reg_y  = 0;
                                                dist_east       = 0, dist_north = 0;
                                                diff_east_f     = 0, diff_north_f= 0;
                                                diff_east       = 0, diff_north  = 0;
                                                int_ovfl_cnt = 0;
                                                gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east  = gps_rel_act_position.utm_east; 
                                                gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north = gps_rel_act_position.utm_north; 
                                                gps_rel_hold_position.status    = 1; // gueltige Positionsdaten 
                                                gps_state                                               = GPS_CRTL_HOLD_ACTIVE;
                                                return (GPS_STST_OK);                           
                                                gps_rel_hold_position.status    =       0;  //Keine Daten verfuegbar
                                                gps_state                                               = GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
                                                return(GPS_STST_ERR); // Keine Daten da
                                else return(GPS_STST_PEND); // noch warten

                case GPS_CMD_STOP: // Lageregelung beenden
                        cnt                             =       0;
                        GPS_Nick                =       0;
                        GPS_Roll                =       0;
                        gps_int_x               =       0;
                        gps_int_y               =       0;
                        gps_sub_state   =       GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
                        gps_state               =       GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
                        return (GPS_STST_OK);

                        return (GPS_STST_ERR);

        switch (gps_state)
                case GPS_CRTL_IDLE:
                        cnt             =       0;
                        return (GPS_STST_OK);

                case GPS_CRTL_HOME_ACTIVE: // Rueckflug zur Basis
                //Der Sollwert des Lagereglers wird der Homeposition angenaehert
                        if (gps_rel_start_position.status >0)
                                if ((gps_updte_flag > 0) && (gps_sub_state !=GPS_HOME_FINISHED)) // nur wenn neue GPS Daten vorliegen und nicht schon alles fertig ist
                                        int d1,d2,d3;
                                        d1      = abs (gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east - gps_rel_act_position.utm_east );
                                        d2      = abs (gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north - gps_rel_act_position.utm_north );
                                        d3      = (dist_2home - (int)dist_flown); // Restdistanz zum Ziel       
                                        if (d3 > GPS_G2T_DIST_MAX_STOP) // Schneller Rueckflug, noch weit weg vom Ziel
                                                if ((d1 < GPS_G2T_FAST_TOL)  && (d2 < GPS_G2T_FAST_TOL)) //nur weiter wenn Lage innerhalb der Toleranz
                                                        if (gps_g2t_act_v < GPS_G2T_V_MAX) gps_g2t_act_v++;    //Geschwindigkeit langsam erhoehen
                                                        dist_flown              +=(long)gps_g2t_act_v; // Vorgabe der Strecke anhand der Geschwindigkeit
                                                        gps_sub_state   = GPS_HOME_FAST_IN_TOL; 
                                                else    //Den Lageregler in Ruhe arbeiten lassen weil ausserhalb der Toleranz
                                                        if (gps_g2t_act_v > 1) gps_g2t_act_v--; // Geschwindigkeit reduzieren
                                                        dist_flown++;                                                   //Auch ausserhalb der Toleranz langsam erhoehen
                                                        gps_sub_state   = GPS_HOME_FAST_OUTOF_TOL;
                                                hold_reset_int                                  = 0; // Integrator einsschalten  
                                                hold_fast                                               = 1; // Regler fuer schnellen Flug
                                                dist_frm_start_east                             = (int)((dist_flown * (long)sin_i(hdng_2home))/1000);
                                                dist_frm_start_north                    = (int)((dist_flown * (long)cos_i(hdng_2home))/1000);
                                                gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east  = gps_rel_start_position.utm_east  + dist_frm_start_east; //naechster Zielpunkt
                                                gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north = gps_rel_start_position.utm_north + dist_frm_start_north; //naechster Zielpunkt
                                        else if (d3 > GPS_G2T_DIST_HOLD)   //Das Ziel naehert sich, deswegen abbremsen
                                                if ((d1 < GPS_G2T_NRML_TOL)  && (d2 < GPS_G2T_NRML_TOL))  
                                                        dist_flown              +=      GPS_G2T_V_RAMP_DWN; // Vorgabe der Strecke anhand der Geschwindigkeit
                                                        gps_sub_state   =       GPS_HOME_RMPDWN_IN_TOL;
                                                        dist_flown++; //Auch ausserhalb der Toleranz langsam erhoehen
                                                        gps_sub_state   = GPS_HOME_RMPDWN_OUTOF_TOL;
                                                hold_reset_int                                  = 0; // Integrator ausschalten            
                                                hold_fast                                               = 1; // Wieder normal regeln
                                                dist_frm_start_east                             = (int)((dist_flown * (long)sin_i(hdng_2home))/1000);
                                                dist_frm_start_north                    = (int)((dist_flown * (long)cos_i(hdng_2home))/1000);
                                                gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east  = gps_rel_start_position.utm_east  + dist_frm_start_east; //naechster Zielpunkt
                                                gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north = gps_rel_start_position.utm_north + dist_frm_start_north; //naechster Zielpunkt
                                        else  //Soll-Ziel fast erreicht, Jetzt noch Reste ausgleichen, weil Zielpunkt nicht exakt bestimmt werden konnte (Fehler in Winkelfkt) 
                                                if ((d1 < GPS_G2T_NRML_TOL)  && (d2 < GPS_G2T_NRML_TOL)) // Jetzt bis zum Zielpunkt regeln
                                                        gps_sub_state   = GPS_HOME_IN_TOL;
                                                        hold_fast               = 0; // Wieder normal regeln
                                                        hold_reset_int  = 0; // Integrator wieder aktivieren              
                                                        if (gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east >= GPS_G2T_V_MIN) gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east -= GPS_G2T_V_MIN; 
                                                        else if (gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east <= -GPS_G2T_V_MIN ) gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east += GPS_G2T_V_MIN;
                                                        if (gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north >= GPS_G2T_V_MIN) gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north -= GPS_G2T_V_MIN; 
                                                        else if (gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north <= - GPS_G2T_V_MIN ) gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north += GPS_G2T_V_MIN;
                                                        if ((abs(gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east) <= GPS_G2T_V_MIN) && (abs(gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north) <=GPS_G2T_V_MIN)) 
                                                                gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east  = 0;
                                                                gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north = 0;
                                                                gps_sub_state                                   = GPS_HOME_FINISHED;
                                                else gps_sub_state      = GPS_HOME_OUTOF_TOL;
                                gps_state = GPS_CRTL_HOLD_ACTIVE; //Zwischensprung
                                return (GPS_STST_OK);                                   
                        else  // Keine GPS Daten verfuegbar, deswegen Abbruch
                                gps_state       =       GPS_CRTL_IDLE;  
                                return (GPS_STST_ERR);

                case GPS_CRTL_HOLD_ACTIVE:  // Hier werden die Daten fuer Nick und Roll errechnet
                        if (gps_updte_flag >0)  // nur wenn neue GPS Daten vorliegen
                                gps_updte_flag = 0;
                                // ab hier wird geregelt
                                diff_east       = -dist_east;     //Alten Wert fuer Differenzierer schon mal abziehen
                                diff_north      = -dist_north;
                                dist_east       = gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east  - gps_rel_act_position.utm_east;
                                dist_north      = gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north - gps_rel_act_position.utm_north;
                                int_east        += dist_east;
                                int_north   += dist_north;
                                diff_east       += dist_east;   // Differenz zur vorhergehenden East Position
                                diff_north      += dist_north;  // Differenz zur vorhergehenden North Position

                                if (hold_fast > 0) // wegen Sollpositionsspruengen im Fast Mode Differenzierer daempfen
                                        diff_east_f             = ((diff_east_f  *2)/3) + (diff_east *1/3); //Differenzierer filtern    
                                        diff_north_f    = ((diff_north_f *2)/3) + (diff_north*1/3); //Differenzierer filtern
                                else // schwache Filterung
                                        diff_east_f             = ((diff_east_f  * 1)/4) + ((diff_east *3)/4); //Differenzierer filtern 
                                        diff_north_f    = ((diff_north_f * 1)/4) + ((diff_north*3)/4); //Differenzierer filtern

                                #define GPSINT_MAX 3000 // Neues Verfahren ab  30.12.2007  bei Integratoroverflow
                                if ((abs(int_east) > GPSINT_MAX) || (abs(int_north)> GPSINT_MAX)) 
                                        if (int_ovfl_cnt < 40) int_ovfl_cnt += 20; // Zahl der Overflows zaehlen
//                                      int_east        -= dist_east; auf alten Wert halten
//                                      int_north   -= dist_north;                                      
                                if (int_ovfl_cnt > 0) //bei Overflow Wert Inetgratorwert reduzieren 
                                        int_ovfl_cnt    -= 1; 
                                        int_east                = (int_east*7)/8; // Wert reduzieren
                                        int_north       = (int_north*7)/8;                                      

                                if (hold_reset_int > 0)  //Im Schnellen Mode Integrator abschalten
                                        int_east        = 0;    
                                        int_north       = 0;                                    

                                // Variable Verstarkung fuer Differenzierer ermitteln. Je weiter vom Ziel wir entfernt sind
                                // desto groesser wird der Faktor. Es gibt aber einen Maximalwert. Bei 0 ist die Verstaerkung immer 1
                                signed long dist,int_east1,int_north1;
                                int phi;
                                phi  = arctan_i(abs(dist_north),abs(dist_east)); 
                                dist = get_dist(dist_east,dist_north,phi); //Zunaechst Entfernung zum Ziel ermitteln

                                if (hold_fast == 0)  // je Nach Modus andere Verstaerkungskurve fuer Differenzierer
                                        diff_v = (int)((dist * (GPS_DIFF_NRML_MAX_V - 10)) / GPS_DIFF_NRML_MAX_D) +10; //Verstaerkung * 10
                                        if (diff_v > GPS_DIFF_NRML_MAX_V) diff_v = GPS_DIFF_NRML_MAX_V; //begrenzen
                                        diff_v = (int)((dist * (GPS_DIFF_FAST_MAX_V - 10)) / GPS_DIFF_FAST_MAX_D) +10; //Verstaerkung * 10
                                        if (diff_v > GPS_DIFF_FAST_MAX_V) diff_v = GPS_DIFF_FAST_MAX_V; //begrenzen

                                int diff_p;  //Vom Modus abhaengige zusaetzliche Verstaerkung
                                if (hold_fast > 0) diff_p = GPS_PROP_FAST_V; 
                                else diff_p = GPS_PROP_NRML_V; 

                                //I Werte begrenzen
                                #define INT1_MAX (GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * GPS_V)/2 //ab 30.12.2007 auf Halben Maximalen Nick/Rollwert begrenzen
                                int_east1  =  ((((long)int_east)   * Parameter_UserParam2)/32)/GPS_USR_PAR_FKT;
                                int_north1 =  ((((long)int_north)  * Parameter_UserParam2)/32)/GPS_USR_PAR_FKT;  //Fehler behoben am 17.12.2007 vorher int_north= 
                                if (int_east1 > INT1_MAX) int_east1 =  INT1_MAX; //begrenzen
                                else if (int_east1 < -INT1_MAX) int_east1 =  -INT1_MAX;
                                if (int_north1 > INT1_MAX) int_north1 =  INT1_MAX; //begrenzen
                                else if (int_north1 < -INT1_MAX) int_north1 =  -INT1_MAX;

                                //PID Regler Werte aufsummieren
                                gps_reg_x = ((int)int_east1  + ((dist_east  * (Parameter_UserParam1/GPS_USR_PAR_FKT) * diff_p)/(8*2))+ ((diff_east_f  * diff_v * (Parameter_UserParam3/GPS_USR_PAR_FKT))/10));  // I + P +D  Anteil X Achse
                                gps_reg_y = ((int)int_north1 + ((dist_north * (Parameter_UserParam1/GPS_USR_PAR_FKT) * diff_p)/(8*2))+ ((diff_north_f * diff_v * (Parameter_UserParam3/GPS_USR_PAR_FKT))/10));  // I + P +D  Anteil Y Achse

                                //Ziel-Richtung bezogen auf Nordpol bestimmen
                                GPS_hdng_abs_2trgt = arctan_i(gps_reg_x,gps_reg_y);

                                // in Winkel 0...360 Grad umrechnen
                                if ((gps_reg_x >= 0)) GPS_hdng_abs_2trgt = ( 90-GPS_hdng_abs_2trgt);
                                else  GPS_hdng_abs_2trgt = (270 - GPS_hdng_abs_2trgt); 

                                // Relative Richtung in bezug auf Nordachse des Kopters errechen
                                n= GyroKomp_Int/GYROKOMP_INC_GRAD_DEFAULT;
                                GPS_hdng_rel_2trgt      =       GPS_hdng_abs_2trgt - n; 
                                if      ((GPS_hdng_rel_2trgt >180) && (GPS_hdng_abs_2trgt >=180)) GPS_hdng_rel_2trgt = GPS_hdng_rel_2trgt-360;
                                else if (GPS_hdng_rel_2trgt >180)  GPS_hdng_rel_2trgt = 360 - GPS_hdng_rel_2trgt;
                                else if (GPS_hdng_rel_2trgt <-180)  GPS_hdng_rel_2trgt = 360 + GPS_hdng_rel_2trgt;
                                // Regelabweichung aus x,y zu Ziel in Distanz umrechnen 
                                if (abs(gps_reg_x) > abs(gps_reg_y) )
                                        dev = (long)gps_reg_x; //Groesseren Wert wegen besserer Genauigkeit nehmen
                                        dev = abs((dev *1000) / (long) sin_i(GPS_hdng_abs_2trgt));
                                        dev = (long)gps_reg_y;
                                        dev = abs((dev *1000) / (long) cos_i(GPS_hdng_abs_2trgt));
                                GPS_dist_2trgt  = (int) dev;
                                // Winkel und Distanz in Nick und Rollgroessen umrechnen
                                GPS_Roll = (int) +( (dev * (long) sin_i(GPS_hdng_rel_2trgt))/1000); 
                                GPS_Nick = (int) -( (dev * (long) cos_i(GPS_hdng_rel_2trgt))/1000);
                                if (GPS_Roll > (GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * GPS_V)) GPS_Roll = (GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * GPS_V);
                                else if (GPS_Roll < -(GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * GPS_V)) GPS_Roll = -(GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * GPS_V);
                                if (GPS_Nick > (GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * GPS_V)) GPS_Nick = (GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * GPS_V);
                                else if (GPS_Nick < -(GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * GPS_V)) GPS_Nick = -(GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * GPS_V);

                                //Kleine Werte verstaerken, Grosse abschwaechen
                                n                       = sin_i((GPS_Roll*90)/(GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * GPS_V));
                                n_l                     = ((long) GPS_NICKROLL_MAX  * (long) n)/1000;
                                GPS_Roll        = (int) n_l;
                                n                       = sin_i((GPS_Nick*90)/(GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * GPS_V));
                                n_l                     = ((long) GPS_NICKROLL_MAX  * (long) n)/1000;
                                GPS_Nick        = (int) n_l;
                                if ((abs(dist_east) > GPS_DIST_MAX) || (abs(dist_north) > GPS_DIST_MAX))  // bei zu grossem Abstand abbrechen
                                        GPS_Roll        = 0;
                                        GPS_Nick        = 0;
                                        gps_state       = GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
                                        return (GPS_STST_ERR);  
                                        if ( cmd == GPS_CMD_REQ_HOME ) gps_state = GPS_CRTL_HOME_ACTIVE; // State umsetzen
                                        return (GPS_STST_OK);
                                if ( cmd == GPS_CMD_REQ_HOME ) gps_state = GPS_CRTL_HOME_ACTIVE; // State umsetzen
                                return (GPS_STST_OK);

                        gps_state = GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
                        return (GPS_STST_ERR);
        return (GPS_STST_ERR);