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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <math.h>
//#include "eeprom.h"
#include "flight.h"
#include "output.h"
//#include "uart0.h"
// Necessary for external control and motor test
//#include "twimaster.h"
#include "attitude.h"
#include "analog.h"
#include "controlMixer.h"
#include "commands.h"
#include "heightControl.h"
#include "definitions.h"
#include "debug.h"
#ifdef USE_MK3MAG
#include "mk3mag.h"
#include "compassControl.h"
int16_t targetHeading;
int32_t IPart[2];
FlightMode_t flight_flightMode = FM_UNINITALIZED;
int16_t minThrottle, maxThrottle;
/* Filter for motor value smoothing (necessary???) */
int16_t motorFilter(int16_t newvalue, int16_t oldvalue) {
switch (staticParams.motorSmoothing) {
case 0:
return newvalue;
case 1:
return (oldvalue + newvalue) / 2;
case 2:
if (newvalue > oldvalue)
return (1 * (int16_t) oldvalue + newvalue) / 2; //mean of old and new
return newvalue - (oldvalue - newvalue) * 1; // 2 * new - old
case 3:
if (newvalue < oldvalue)
return (1 * (int16_t) oldvalue + newvalue) / 2; //mean of old and new
return newvalue - (oldvalue - newvalue) * 1; // 2 * new - old
return newvalue;
void resetIParts(void) {
IPart[X] = IPart[Y] = 0;
void flight_setMode(FlightMode_t _flightMode) {
if (flight_flightMode != _flightMode) {
flight_flightMode = _flightMode;
// To be called only when necessary.
void flight_setParameters(void) {
minThrottle = staticParams.minThrottle << LOG_CONTROL_BYTE_SCALING;
maxThrottle = staticParams.maxThrottle << LOG_CONTROL_BYTE_SCALING;
// A heuristic when the yaw attitude cannot be used for yaw control because the airframe is near-vertical or inverted.
// Fum of abs(pitch) and abs(roll) greater than 75 degrees or about 1.3 radians.
uint8_t isHeadingUnaccountable(void) {
int16_t x = attitude[X];
if (x<0) x = -x;
int16_t y = attitude[Y];
if (y<0) y = -y;
int32_t result = (int32_t)x + y;
return result >= (long)(1.3 * INT16DEG_PI_FACTOR);
void flight_setGround(void) {
targetHeading = attitude[Z];
void flight_takeOff(void) {
// This is for GPS module to mark home position.
// TODO: What a disgrace, change it.
#ifdef USE_MK3MAG
/* Main Flight Control */
void flight_control(void) {
// PID controller variables
float PID;
// High resolution motor values for smoothing of PID motor outputs
// static int16_t motorFilters[MAX_MOTORS];
throttleTerm = controls[CONTROL_THROTTLE]; // in the -1000 to 1000 range there about.
if (throttleTerm > 200 && (MKFlags & MKFLAG_MOTOR_RUN)) {
// increment flight-time counter until overflow.
if (isFlying != 0xFFFF)
* When standing on the ground, do not apply I controls and zero the yaw stick.
* Probably to avoid integration effects that will cause the copter to spin
* or flip when taking off.
if (isFlying < 256) {
if (isFlying == 255)
// This check removed. Is done on a per-motor basis, after output matrix multiplication.
if (throttleTerm < minThrottle)
throttleTerm = minThrottle;
else if (throttleTerm > maxThrottle)
throttleTerm = maxThrottle;
// This is where control affects the target heading. It also (later) directly controls yaw.
targetHeading -= ((int32_t)controls[CONTROL_YAW] * YAW_STICK_INTEGRATION_SCALER_LSHIFT16) >> 16;
int16_t headingError;
if (isHeadingUnaccountable()) {
// inverted flight. Attitude[Z] is off by PI and we should react in the oppisite direction![0] |= DEBUG_INVERTED;
headingError = 0;
} else {[0] &= ~DEBUG_INVERTED;
headingError = attitude[Z] - targetHeading;
// Ahaa. Wait. Here is pretty much same check.
if (headingError < -YAW_I_LIMIT) {
headingError = -YAW_I_LIMIT;
targetHeading = attitude[Z] + YAW_I_LIMIT;
} else if (headingError > YAW_I_LIMIT) {
headingError = YAW_I_LIMIT;
targetHeading = attitude[Z] - YAW_I_LIMIT;
//debugOut.analog[24] = targetHeading;
//debugOut.analog[25] = attitude[Z];
//debugOut.analog[26] = headingError;
//debugOut.analog[27] = positiveDynamic;
//debugOut.analog[28] = negativeDynamic;
// Yaw P part.
PID = ((int32_t)gyro_control[Z] * YAW_RATE_SCALER_LSHIFT16 * dynamicParams.yawGyroP) >> 16;
if (flight_flightMode != FM_RATE) {
PID += ((int32_t)headingError * ATT_P_SCALER_LSHIFT16 * dynamicParams.yawGyroI) >> 16;
yawTerm = PID + controls[CONTROL_YAW];
// yawTerm = limitYawToThrottle(yawTerm);
/* Calculate control feedback from angle (gyro integral) */
/* and angular velocity (gyro signal) */
for (uint8_t axis = CONTROL_ROLL; axis <= CONTROL_PITCH; axis++) {
if (flight_flightMode == FM_RETURN_TO_LEVEL) {
// Control.
// The P part is attitude error.
PID = (((int32_t)attitude[axis] * ATT_P_SCALER_LSHIFT16 * dynamicParams.attGyroP) >> 16) + controls[axis];
// The I part is attitude error integral.
IPart[axis] += PID;
// The D part is rate.
PID += ((int32_t)gyro_control[axis] * RATE_P_SCALER_LSHIFT16 * dynamicParams.attGyroD) >> 16;
} else {
// We want: Normal stick gain, full stick deflection should drive gyros halfway towards saturation.
// If that is not enough, then fully towards saturation.
PID = (((int32_t)gyro_control[axis] * RATE_P_SCALER_LSHIFT16 * dynamicParams.rateGyroP) >> 16) + controls[axis];
IPart[axis] += PID;
PID -= ((int32_t)gyroD[axis] * dynamicParams.rateGyroD) >> 8;
// PDPart += (gyroD[axis] * (int16_t) dynamicParams.gyroD) / 16;
// Right now, let us ignore I.
// term[axis] = PDPart - controls[axis] + (((int32_t) IPart[axis] * ki) >> 14);
term[axis] = PID;
term[axis] += (dynamicParams.levelCorrection[axis] - 128);
debugOut.analog[12 + axis] = term[axis];
//debugOut.analog[14] = yawTerm;
//debugOut.analog[15] = throttleTerm;
//debugOut.analog[15] = IPart[0] / 1000;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Universal Mixer
// Each (pitch, roll, throttle, yaw) term is in the range [0..255 * CONTROL_SCALING].
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
debugOut.analog[9] = controls[CONTROL_PITCH];
debugOut.analog[10] = controls[CONTROL_YAW];
debugOut.analog[11] = controls[CONTROL_THROTTLE];