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#include <inttypes.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#define MAX_CHANNELS 10
#define MAX_MOTORS 12
typedef struct {
// IMU
/*PMM*/uint8_t gyroP;
/* P */uint8_t gyroD;
/* P */uint8_t gyroI;
/* P */uint8_t IFactor;
uint8_t yawIFactor;
/* P */uint8_t compassYawEffect;
// Control
/* P */uint8_t externalControl;
/* P */uint8_t axisCoupling1;
/* P */uint8_t axisCoupling2;
/* P */uint8_t axisCouplingYawCorrection;
/* P */uint8_t dynamicStability;
uint8_t maxControlActivityForAcc;
// Height control
/*PMM*/uint8_t heightP;
/*PMM*/uint8_t heightD;
/* P */uint8_t heightSetting;
/* P */uint8_t heightACCEffect;
uint8_t attitudeControl;
// The rest...
/* P */uint8_t userParams[8];
/*PMM*/uint8_t output0Timing;
/*PMM*/uint8_t output1Timing;
uint8_t servoManualControl[2];
uint8_t motorSmoothing;
} dynamicParam_t;
extern dynamicParam_t dynamicParams;
typedef struct {
uint8_t sourceIdx, targetIdx;
uint8_t min, max;
typedef struct {
uint8_t sourceIdx, targetIdx;
typedef struct {
uint8_t channels[MAX_CHANNELS];
} channelMap_t;
extern channelMap_t channelMap;
typedef struct {
int8_t name[12];
int8_t motor[MAX_MOTORS][4];
}__attribute__((packed)) mixerMatrix_t;
extern mixerMatrix_t mixerMatrix;
typedef struct {
uint8_t manualControl;
uint8_t compensationFactor;
uint8_t minValue;
uint8_t maxValue;
uint8_t flags;
} servo_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t bitmask;
uint8_t timing;
} output_flash_t;
// values above 250 representing poti1 to poti4
typedef struct {
// Global bitflags
uint8_t bitConfig; // see upper defines for bitcoding
// Height Control
uint8_t heightP; // Value : 0-32
uint8_t heightD; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t heightSetting; // Value : 0-32
uint8_t heightControlMaxThrottleChange; // Value : 0-100
uint8_t heightSlewRate; // Value : 0-50
uint8_t heightACCEffect; // Value : 0-250
// Attitude Control
uint8_t attitudeControl;
// Control
uint8_t stickP; // Value : 1-6
uint8_t stickD; // Value : 0-64
uint8_t stickYawP; // Value : 1-20
uint8_t stickThrottleD;
uint8_t minThrottle; // Value : 0-32
uint8_t maxThrottle; // Value : 33-250
uint8_t externalControl; // for serial Control
uint8_t maxControlActivityForAcc;
// IMU
uint8_t gyroPIDFilterConstant;
uint8_t gyroATTFilterConstant;
uint8_t gyroDFilterConstant;
uint8_t accFilterConstant;
uint8_t gyroP; // Value : 10-250
uint8_t gyroI; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t gyroD; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t zerothOrderCorrection; // Value : 1-64
uint8_t driftCompDivider; // 1/k (Koppel_ACC_Wirkung)
uint8_t driftCompLimit; // limit for gyrodrift compensation
uint8_t axisCoupling1; // Value: 0-250 Faktor, mit dem Yaw die Achsen Roll und Nick koppelt (NickRollMitkopplung)
uint8_t axisCoupling2; // Value: 0-250 Faktor, mit dem Nick und Roll verkoppelt werden
uint8_t axisCouplingYawCorrection;// Value: 0-250 Faktor, mit dem Nick und Roll verkoppelt werden
uint8_t dynamicStability; // PID limit for Attitude controller
uint8_t IFactor; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t yawIFactor;
uint8_t compassYawEffect; // Value : 0-32
// Servos
servo_t servoConfigurations[2]; // [PITCH, ROLL]
uint8_t servoCount;
// Battery warning and emergency flight
uint8_t batteryVoltageWarning; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t emergencyThrottle; // Value : 0-250 //Gaswert bei Emp�ngsverlust /*
uint8_t emergencyFlightDuration; // Value : 0-250 // Zeitbis auf EmergencyGas geschaltet wird, wg. Rx-Problemen
// Outputs
output_flash_t outputFlash[2];
uint8_t outputDebugMask;
uint8_t outputOptions;
// User params
uint8_t userParams[8]; // Value : 0-250
// Name
uint8_t name[12];
} paramset_t;
extern paramset_t staticParams;
// MKFlags
#define MKFLAG_MOTOR_RUN (1<<0)
#define MKFLAG_FLY (1<<1)
#define MKFLAG_CALIBRATE (1<<2)
#define MKFLAG_START (1<<3)
#define MKFLAG_RESERVE1 (1<<5)
#define MKFLAG_RESERVE2 (1<<6)
#define MKFLAG_RESERVE3 (1<<7)
// bit mask for staticParams.bitConfig
#define CFG_HEADING_HOLD (1<<2)
#define CFG_COMPASS_ACTIVE (1<<3)
#define CFG_COMPASS_FIX (1<<4)
#define CFG_GPS_ACTIVE (1<<5)
#define ATMEGA644 0
#define ATMEGA644P 1
#define SYSCLK F_CPU
// Not really a part of configuration, but LEDs and HW version test are the same.
#define RED_OFF {if((boardRelease == 10) || (boardRelease == 20)) PORTB &=~(1<<PORTB0); else PORTB |= (1<<PORTB0);}
#define RED_ON {if((boardRelease == 10) || (boardRelease == 20)) PORTB |= (1<<PORTB0); else PORTB &=~(1<<PORTB0);}
#define RED_FLASH PORTB ^= (1<<PORTB0)
#define GRN_OFF {if(boardRelease < 12) PORTB &=~(1<<PORTB1); else PORTB |= (1<<PORTB1);}
#define GRN_ON {if(boardRelease < 12) PORTB |= (1<<PORTB1); else PORTB &=~(1<<PORTB1);}
#define GRN_FLASH PORTB ^= (1<<PORTB1)
// Mixer table
#define MIX_THROTTLE 0
#define MIX_PITCH 1
#define MIX_ROLL 2
#define MIX_YAW 3
extern volatile uint8_t MKFlags;
extern uint8_t requiredMotors;
extern int16_t variables[VARIABLE_COUNT]; // The "Poti"s.
extern uint8_t boardRelease;
extern uint8_t CPUType;
extern volatile uint8_t MKFlags;
extern uint16_t isFlying;
void channelMap_default(void);
void paramSet_default(uint8_t setnumber);
void mixerMatrix_default(void);
void configuration_applyVariablesToParams(void);
uint8_t getCPUType(void);
uint8_t getBoardRelease(void);