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Copyright 2008, by Killagreg

This program (files mm3.c and mm3.h) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.

Please note: The original implementation was done by Niklas Nold.
All the other files for the project "Mikrokopter" by H. Buss are under the license (license_buss.txt) published by

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

#include "mm3.h"
//#include "mymath.h"
#include "timer0.h"
#include "rc.h"
#include "eeprom.h"
#include "printf_P.h"

// for compatibility reasons gcc3.x <-> gcc4.x
#ifndef SPCR
#define SPCR   SPCR0
#ifndef SPIE
#define SPIE   SPIE0
#ifndef SPE
#define SPE    SPE0
#ifndef DORD
#define DORD   DORD0
#ifndef MSTR
#define MSTR   MSTR0
#ifndef CPOL
#define CPOL   CPOL0
#ifndef CPHA
#define CPHA   CPHA0
#ifndef SPR1
#define SPR1   SPR01
#ifndef SPR0
#define SPR0   SPR00

#ifndef SPDR
#define SPDR   SPDR0

#ifndef SPSR
#define SPSR   SPSR0
#ifndef SPIF
#define SPIF   SPIF0
#ifndef WCOL
#define WCOL   WCOL0
#ifndef SPI2X
#define SPI2X  SPI2X0
// -------------------------

#define MAX_AXIS_VALUE          500

typedef struct
        uint8_t STATE;
        uint16_t DRDY;
        uint8_t AXIS;
        int16_t x_axis;
        int16_t y_axis;
        int16_t z_axis;
} MM3_working_t;

// MM3 State Machine
#define MM3_STATE_RESET                         0
#define MM3_STATE_START_TRANSFER        1
#define MM3_STATE_WAIT_DRDY                     2
#define MM3_STATE_DRDY                          3
#define MM3_STATE_BYTE2                         4

#define MM3_X_AXIS              0x01
#define MM3_Y_AXIS              0x02
#define MM3_Z_AXIS              0x03

#define MM3_PERIOD_32   0x00
#define MM3_PERIOD_64   0x10
#define MM3_PERIOD_128  0x20
#define MM3_PERIOD_256  0x30
#define MM3_PERIOD_512  0x40
#define MM3_PERIOD_1024 0x50
#define MM3_PERIOD_2048 0x60
#define MM3_PERIOD_4096 0x70

#if defined(USE_WALTER_EXT) // walthers board
        // Output Pins (J9)PC6->MM3_SS ,(J8)PB2->MM3_RESET
        #define MM3_SS_PORT    PORTC //J9->MM3_SS
        #define MM3_SS_DDR     DDRC
        #define MM3_SS_PIN     PC6
        #define MM3_RESET_PORT PORTB //J8->MM3_RESET
        #define MM3_RESET_DDR  DDRB
        #define MM3_RESET_PIN  PB2
#elif defined(USE_NICK666) // nick666 version 0.67g
        #define MM3_SS_PORT    PORTD //J5->MM3_SS
        #define MM3_SS_DDR     DDRD
        #define MM3_SS_PIN     PD3
        #define MM3_RESET_PORT PORTB //J8->MM3_RESET
        #define MM3_RESET_DDR  DDRB
        #define MM3_RESET_PIN  PB2
#else // killagregs board
        // Output Pins PC4->MM3_SS ,PC5->MM3_RESET
        #define MM3_SS_PORT    PORTC
        #define MM3_SS_DDR     DDRC
        #define MM3_SS_PIN     PC4
        #define MM3_RESET_PORT PORTC
        #define MM3_RESET_DDR  DDRC
        #define MM3_RESET_PIN  PC5

#define MM3_SS_ON      MM3_SS_PORT    &= ~(1<<MM3_SS_PIN);
#define MM3_SS_OFF     MM3_SS_PORT    |=  (1<<MM3_SS_PIN);
#define MM3_RESET_ON   MM3_RESET_PORT |=  (1<<MM3_RESET_PIN);
#define MM3_RESET_OFF  MM3_RESET_PORT  &= ~(1<<MM3_RESET_PIN);

MM3_calib_t MM3_calib;
volatile MM3_working_t MM3;
volatile uint8_t MM3_Timeout = 0;

/*  Initialize Interface to MM3 Compass      */
void MM3_Init(void)
        uint8_t sreg = SREG;


        // Configure Pins for SPI
        // set SCK (PB7), MOSI (PB5) as output
        DDRB |= (1<<DDB7)|(1<<DDB5);
        // set MISO (PB6) as input
        DDRB &= ~(1<<DDB6);

        // Output Pins MM3_SS ,MM3_RESET
        MM3_SS_DDR    |= (1<<MM3_SS_PIN);
        MM3_RESET_DDR |= (1<<MM3_RESET_PIN);
        // set pins permanent to low
        MM3_SS_PORT    &= ~((1<<MM3_SS_PIN));
        MM3_RESET_PORT &= ~((1<<MM3_RESET_PIN));

        // Initialize SPI-Interface
        // Enable interrupt (SPIE=1)
        // Enable SPI bus (SPE=1)
        // MSB transmitted first (DORD = 0)
        // Master SPI Mode (MSTR=1)
        // Clock polarity low when idle (CPOL=0)
        // Clock phase sample at leading edge (CPHA=0)
        // Clock rate = SYSCLK/128 (SPI2X=0, SPR1=1, SPR0=1) 20MHz/128 = 156.25kHz
        SPCR = (1<<SPIE)|(1<<SPE)|(0<<DORD)|(1<<MSTR)|(0<<CPOL)|(0<<CPHA)|(1<<SPR1)|(1<<SPR0);
        SPSR &= ~(1<<SPI2X);

    // Init Statemachine
        MM3.AXIS = MM3_X_AXIS;

        // Read calibration from EEprom
        MM3_calib.X_off = (int8_t)GetParamByte(PID_MM3_X_OFF);
        MM3_calib.Y_off = (int8_t)GetParamByte(PID_MM3_Y_OFF);
        MM3_calib.Z_off = (int8_t)GetParamByte(PID_MM3_Z_OFF);
        MM3_calib.X_range = (int16_t)GetParamWord(PID_MM3_X_RANGE);
        MM3_calib.Y_range = (int16_t)GetParamWord(PID_MM3_Y_RANGE);
        MM3_calib.Z_range = (int16_t)GetParamWord(PID_MM3_Z_RANGE);

        MM3_Timeout = 0;

        SREG = sreg;

/*  Get Data from MM3                        */
void MM3_Update(void) // called every 102.4 µs by timer 0 ISR
        switch (MM3.STATE)
        case MM3_STATE_RESET:
                MM3_SS_ON  // select slave
                MM3_RESET_ON    // RESET to High, MM3 Reset

                MM3_RESET_OFF   // RESET auf Low (was 102.4 µs at high level)
                // write to SPDR triggers automatically the transfer MOSI MISO
                // MM3 Period, + AXIS code
                case MM3_X_AXIS:
                        SPDR = MM3_PERIOD_256 + MM3_X_AXIS;
                case MM3_Y_AXIS:
                        SPDR = MM3_PERIOD_256 + MM3_Y_AXIS;
                case MM3_Z_AXIS:
                        SPDR = MM3_PERIOD_256 + MM3_Z_AXIS;
                        MM3.AXIS = MM3_X_AXIS;
                        MM3.STATE = MM3_STATE_RESET;

                // DRDY line is not connected, therefore
                // wait before reading data back
                MM3.DRDY = SetDelay(8); // wait 8ms for data ready
                MM3.STATE = MM3_STATE_WAIT_DRDY;

        case MM3_STATE_WAIT_DRDY:
                if (CheckDelay(MM3.DRDY))
                        // write something into SPDR to trigger data reading
                        SPDR = 0x00;
                        MM3.STATE = MM3_STATE_DRDY;

/*  Interrupt SPI transfer complete          */
        static int8_t tmp;
        int16_t value;

        switch (MM3.STATE)
        // 1st byte received
        case MM3_STATE_DRDY:
                tmp = SPDR;     // store 1st byte
                SPDR = 0x00;    // trigger transfer of 2nd byte
                MM3.STATE = MM3_STATE_BYTE2;

        case MM3_STATE_BYTE2:           // 2nd byte received
                value = (int16_t)tmp;   // combine the 1st and 2nd byte to a word
                value <<= 8;            // shift 1st byte to MSB-Position
                value |= (int16_t)SPDR; // add 2nd byte

                if(abs(value) < MAX_AXIS_VALUE)         // ignore spikes
                        switch (MM3.AXIS)
                        case MM3_X_AXIS:
                                MM3.x_axis = value;
                                MM3.AXIS = MM3_Y_AXIS;
                        case MM3_Y_AXIS:
                                MM3.y_axis = value;
                                MM3.AXIS = MM3_Z_AXIS;
                        case MM3_Z_AXIS:
                                MM3.z_axis = value;
                                MM3.AXIS = MM3_X_AXIS;
                                MM3.AXIS = MM3_X_AXIS;
                MM3_SS_OFF // deselect slave
                MM3.STATE = MM3_STATE_RESET;
                // Update timeout is called every 102.4 µs.
                // It takes 2 cycles to write a measurement data request for one axis and
                // at at least 8 ms / 102.4 µs = 79 cycles to read the requested data back.
                // I.e. 81 cycles * 102.4 µs = 8.3ms per axis.
                // The two function accessing the MM3 Data - MM3_Calibrate() and MM3_Heading() -
                // decremtent the MM3_Timeout every 100 ms.
                // incrementing the counter by 1 every 8.3 ms is sufficient to avoid a timeout.
                if ((MM3.x_axis != MM3.y_axis) || (MM3.x_axis != MM3.z_axis) || (MM3.y_axis != MM3.z_axis))
                {       // if all axis measurements give diffrent readings the data should be valid
                        if(MM3_Timeout < 20) MM3_Timeout++;
                else // something is very strange here
                        if(MM3_Timeout ) MM3_Timeout--;


/*  Calibrate Compass                        */
void MM3_Calibrate(void)
        static int16_t x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max;

                case 1: // change to x-y axis
                        x_min =  10000;
                        x_max = -10000;
                        y_min =  10000;
                        y_max = -10000;
                        z_min =  10000;
                        z_max = -10000;
                case 2:
                        // find Min and Max of the X- and Y-Axis
                        if(MM3.x_axis < x_min) x_min = MM3.x_axis;
                        if(MM3.x_axis > x_max) x_max = MM3.x_axis;
                        if(MM3.y_axis < y_min) y_min = MM3.y_axis;
                        if(MM3.y_axis > y_max) y_max = MM3.y_axis;
                case 3:
                        // change to z-Axis
                case 4:
                        RED_ON;  // find Min and Max of the Z-axis
                        if(MM3.z_axis < z_min) z_min = MM3.z_axis;
                        if(MM3.z_axis > z_max) z_max = MM3.z_axis;
                case 5:
                        // calc range of all axis
                        MM3_calib.X_range = (x_max - x_min);
                        MM3_calib.Y_range = (y_max - y_min);
                        MM3_calib.Z_range = (z_max - z_min);

                        // calc offset of all axis
                        MM3_calib.X_off = (x_max + x_min) / 2;
                        MM3_calib.Y_off = (y_max + y_min) / 2;
                        MM3_calib.Z_off = (z_max + z_min) / 2;

                        // save to EEProm
                        SetParamByte(PID_MM3_X_OFF,   (uint8_t)MM3_calib.X_off);
                        SetParamByte(PID_MM3_Y_OFF,   (uint8_t)MM3_calib.Y_off);
                        SetParamByte(PID_MM3_Z_OFF,   (uint8_t)MM3_calib.Z_off);
                        SetParamWord(PID_MM3_X_RANGE, (uint16_t)MM3_calib.X_range);
                        SetParamWord(PID_MM3_Y_RANGE, (uint16_t)MM3_calib.Y_range);
                        SetParamWord(PID_MM3_Z_RANGE, (uint16_t)MM3_calib.Z_range);

                        CompassCalState = 0;
                        CompassCalState = 0;

void MM3_Calibrate(void)
        static uint8_t debugcounter = 0;
        int16_t x_min = 0, x_max = 0, y_min = 0, y_max = 0, z_min = 0, z_max = 0;
        uint8_t measurement = 50, beeper = 0;
        uint16_t timer;


        // get maximum and minimum reading of all axis
        while (measurement)
                // reset range markers if yawstick ist leftmost
                if(PPM_in[staticParams.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]] > 100)
                        x_min = 0;
                        x_max = 0;
                        y_min = 0;
                        y_max = 0;
                        z_min = 0;
                        z_max = 0;

                if (MM3.x_axis > x_max) x_max = MM3.x_axis;
                else if (MM3.x_axis < x_min) x_min = MM3.x_axis;

                if (MM3.y_axis > y_max) y_max = MM3.y_axis;
                else if (MM3.y_axis < y_min) y_min = MM3.y_axis;

                if (MM3.z_axis > z_max) z_max = MM3.z_axis;
                else if (MM3.z_axis < z_min) z_min = MM3.z_axis;

                if (!beeper)
                        BeepTime = 50;
                        beeper = 50;
                // loop with period of 10 ms / 100 Hz
                timer = SetDelay(10);

                if(debugcounter++ > 30)
                        printf("\n\rXMin:%4d, XMax:%4d, YMin:%4d, YMax:%4d, ZMin:%4d, ZMax:%4d",x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max,z_min,z_max);
                        debugcounter = 0;

                // If gas is less than 100, stop calibration with a delay of 0.5 seconds
                if (PPM_in[staticParams.ChannelAssignment[CH_GAS]] < 100) measurement--;
        // Rage of all axis
        MM3_calib.X_range = (x_max - x_min);
        MM3_calib.Y_range = (y_max - y_min);
        MM3_calib.Z_range = (z_max - z_min);

        // Offset of all axis
        MM3_calib.X_off = (x_max + x_min) / 2;
        MM3_calib.Y_off = (y_max + y_min) / 2;
        MM3_calib.Z_off = (z_max + z_min) / 2;

        // save to EEProm
        SetParamByte(PID_MM3_X_OFF,   (uint8_t)MM3_calib.X_off);
        SetParamByte(PID_MM3_Y_OFF,   (uint8_t)MM3_calib.Y_off);
        SetParamByte(PID_MM3_Z_OFF,   (uint8_t)MM3_calib.Z_off);
        SetParamWord(PID_MM3_X_RANGE, (uint16_t)MM3_calib.X_range);
        SetParamWord(PID_MM3_Y_RANGE, (uint16_t)MM3_calib.Y_range);
        SetParamWord(PID_MM3_Z_RANGE, (uint16_t)MM3_calib.Z_range);


/*  Calculate north direction (heading)      */
void MM3_Heading(void)
        int32_t sin_nick, cos_nick, sin_roll, cos_roll, sin_yaw, cos_yaw;
        int32_t  Hx, Hy, Hz, Hx_corr, Hy_corr;
        int16_t angle;
        int16_t heading;

        if (MM3_Timeout)
                // Offset correction and normalization (values of H are +/- 512)
                Hx = (((int32_t)(MM3.x_axis - MM3_calib.X_off)) * 1024) / (int32_t)MM3_calib.X_range;
                Hy = (((int32_t)(MM3.y_axis - MM3_calib.Y_off)) * 1024) / (int32_t)MM3_calib.Y_range;
                Hz = (((int32_t)(MM3.z_axis - MM3_calib.Z_off)) * 1024) / (int32_t)MM3_calib.Z_range;

                // Compensate the angle of the MM3-arrow to the head of the MK by a yaw rotation transformation
                // assuming the MM3 board is mounted parallel to the frame.
                // User Param 4 is used to define the positive angle from the MM3-arrow to the MK heading
                // in a top view counter clockwise direction.
                // North is in opposite direction of the small arrow on the MM3 board.
                // Therefore 180 deg must be added to that angle.
                angle = ((int16_t)staticParams.UserParams2[0] + 180);
                // wrap angle to interval of 0°- 359°
                angle += 360;
                angle %= 360;
                sin_yaw = (int32_t)(c_sin_8192(angle));
                cos_yaw = (int32_t)(c_cos_8192(angle));

                Hx_corr = Hx;
                Hy_corr = Hy;

                // rotate
                Hx = (Hx_corr * cos_yaw - Hy_corr  * sin_yaw) / 8192;
                Hy = (Hx_corr * sin_yaw + Hy_corr  * cos_yaw) / 8192;

                // tilt compensation

                // calculate sinus cosinus of nick and tilt angle
                angle = (int16_t)(IntegralGyroNick/GYRO_DEG_FACTOR);
                sin_nick = (int32_t)(c_sin_8192(angle));
                cos_nick = (int32_t)(c_cos_8192(angle));

                angle = (int16_t)(IntegralGyroRoll/GYRO_DEG_FACTOR);
                sin_roll = (int32_t)(c_sin_8192(angle));
                cos_roll = (int32_t)(c_cos_8192(angle));

                Hx_corr = Hx * cos_nick;
                Hx_corr -= Hz * sin_nick;
                Hx_corr /= 8192;

                Hy_corr = Hy * cos_roll;
                Hy_corr += Hz * sin_roll;
                Hy_corr /= 8192;

                // calculate Heading
                heading = c_atan2(Hy_corr, Hx_corr);

                // atan returns angular range from -180 deg to 180 deg in counter clockwise notation
                // but the compass course is defined in a range from 0 deg to 360 deg clockwise notation.
                if (heading < 0) heading = -heading;
                else heading = 360 - heading;
        else // MM3_Timeout = 0 i.e now new data from external board
                if(!BeepTime) BeepTime = 100; // make noise to signal the compass problem
                heading = -1;
        // update compass values in fc variables
        CompassHeading = heading;
        if (CompassHeading < 0) CompassOffCourse = 0;
        else CompassOffCourse = ((540 + CompassHeading - CompassCourse) % 360) - 180;