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 *   Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Kaiser,                  *
 *   Copyright (C) 2009 Peter "woggle" Mack,                  *
 *   Copyright (C) 2011 Christian "Cebra" Brandtner, *
 *   Copyright (C) 2011 Harald Bongartz                                      *
 *                                                                           *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.          *
 *                                                                           *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
 *                                                                           *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                           *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                         *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.               *
 *                                                                           *
 *                                                                           *
 *   Credits to:                                                             *
 *   Holger Buss & Ingo Busker from for the MK project + SVN  *
 *                                        *
 *   Gregor "killagreg" Stobrawa for his version of the MK code              *
 *   Thomas Kaiser "thkais" for the original project. See                    *
 *                            *
 *                    *
 *   Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje for providing the font and his C-OSD code *
 *                             *
 *   Harald Bongartz "HaraldB" for providing his Ideas and Code for usibility*

#define PAGES 14
#ifdef MKVERSION088n
#define PARAM_COUNT 152  //152 FC088L

#ifdef MKVERSION090b
#define PARAM_COUNT 156 //156 FC090b

#define PARAM_LENGTH 15
#define PARAM_NUM_LANG 3

//           German          Englisch    Holländisch

prog_char param_pages[PAGES][PARAM_NUM_LANG][PARAM_LENGTH]= // zeilen,zeichen+1
        {"Kanäle        ","Channel       ","Kanaal        "},
        {"Konfiguration ","main          ","Configuratie  "},
        {"Stick         ","stick         ","Stick         "},
        {"Looping       ","Looping       ","Looping       "},
        {"Höhe          ","Altitude      ","Hoogte        "},
        {"Kamera        ","Camera        ","Camera        "},
        {"NaviCtrl      ","NaviCtrl      ","NaviCtrl      "},
        {"Ausgänge      ","Outputs       ","Uitgangen     "},
        {"Verschiedenes ","Divers        ","Diversen      "},
        {"Gyro          ","Gyro          ","Gyro          "},
        {"Benutzer      ","User          ","Gebruiker     "},
        {"Achskopplung  ","Coupl Axes    ","Koppeling Ass "},
        {"Mixer-Setup   ","Config Mix    ","Config. Mixer "},
        {"Easy Setup    ","Config Easy   ","Config. easy  "},


prog_char  param_names[PARAM_COUNT][PARAM_NUM_LANG][PARAM_LENGTH]=
        // group 0 (kanaele) 1-15

        {"Gas           ","Throttle      ","Gas           "},
        {"Gier          ","Gier          ","Gier          "},
        {"Nick          ","Nick          ","Nick          "},
        {"Roll          ","Roll          ","Roll          "},
        {"Poti 1        ","Poti 1        ","Poti 1        "},
        {"Poti 2        ","Poti 2        ","Poti 2        "},
        {"Poti 3        ","Poti 3        ","Poti 3        "},
        {"Poti 4        ","Poti 4        ","Poti 4        "},
        {"Poti 5        ","Poti 5        ","Poti 5        "},
        {"Poti 6        ","Poti 6        ","Poti 6        "},
        {"Poti 7        ","Poti 7        ","Poti 7        "},
        {"Poti 8        ","Poti 8        ","Poti 8        "},
        {"Motor Sich.Sch","Mot.Safety Sw.","Mot.saf.schak."},
        {"Motor Swi.Mode","Motor Swi.Mode","Motor Swi.Mode"},
        {"Erw. Sig. Pr. ","Enh. Sig.Check","Uitg.Sig.Check"},
        {"Empfänger Typ ","Receiver Type ","Ontvang. Type "},
#ifdef MKVERSION090b
        {"Spk all Events","Spk all Events","Spk all Events"},

        // group 1 (main) 16-23

        {"Höhenregeler  ","Ctrl Altitude ","Ctrl Hoogte   "},
        {"GPS           ","GPS           ","GPS           "},
        {"Kompass       ","Compass       ","Kompas        "},
        {"KompFest Ausr.","CompOrient.Fix","Kompas vast   "},
        {"Erw. Sig. Pr. ","Sens.RcvSigVal","ExtRec Signaal"},
        {"Achs(e.)koppl.","Axis Couping  ","As koppeling  "},
        {"Drehratenbegr.","RotRate limit.","RotRate limit."},
        {"Heading Hold  ","Nick/Roll     ","Koers vast    "},

        // group 2 (stick) 24-27

        {"Nick/Roll P   ","Nick/Roll P   ","Nick/Roll P   "},
        {"Nick/Roll D   ","Nick/Roll D   ","Nick/Roll D   "},
        {"Gier P        ","Gier P        ","Gier P        "},
        {"Externe Kontr.","Extern Ctrl   ","Extern Control"},

        // group3 : (looping) 28-36

        {"Looping oben  ","Looping up    ","Looping omhoog"},
        {"Looping unten ","Looping down  ","Looping bened."},
        {"Looping links ","Looping left  ","Looping links "},
        {"Looping rechts","Looping right ","Looping rechts"},
        {"Gas Limit     ","Throttle Limit","Gas Limiet    "},
        {"Ansprechschw. ","Resp. Thresh. ","Drempelwaarde "},
        {"Hysterese     ","Hysteresis    ","Hysterese     "},
        {"Umkehrp. Nick ","Turnover Nick ","Nick geinvert."},
        {"Umkehrp. Roll ","Turnover Roll ","Roll geinvert."},

        // group 4 (hoehe) 37-50

        {"Höhenregelung ","Altitude Ctrl ","Hoogte Control"},
        {"Schalter f. H.","use Sw. f.Setp","Schak. Hoogte "},
        {"akust. Vario  ","acoustic Vario","Akoest. Vario "},
        {"Sollhöhe      ","Setpoint      ","Gewenste hoogt"},
        {"Min. Gas      ","min. throttle ","Minimaal gas  "},
        {"Höhe P        ","Altitude P    ","Hoogte P      "},
        {"Luftdruck D   ","Barometric D  ","Barometr. D   "},
        {"Z-ACC         ","ACC Z         ","ACC Z         "},
        {"Max. Höhe     ","Max. Altitude ","Max. hoogte   "},
        {"Verstärkung/R ","gain/rate     ","Verst./rate   "},
        {"Schwebegas +/-","hoover varia. ","hoover varia. "},
        {"GPS Z         ","GPS Z         ","GPS Z         "},
        {"Stick Neutr. P","stick neutr. P","stick neutr. P"},

        // group 5 : (kamera) 51-68

        {"Nick S. Anst. ","nick serv ctrl","nick serv ctrl"},
        {"Nick Kompens. ","nick compens. ","nick compens. "},
        {"Nick Umkehren ","nick inv. dir.","nick"},
#ifdef MKVERSION090b
        {"Nick Servo rel","nick servo rel","nick servo rel"},
        {"Nick Servo min","nick servo min","nick servo min"},
        {"Nick Servo max","nick servo max","nick servo max"},
        {"Nick Serv Filt","Nick Serv Filt","Nick Serv Filt"},  //FC0.87

        {"Roll S. Anst. ","roll serv ctrl","roll serv ctrl"},
        {"Roll Kompens. ","roll compens. ","roll compens. "},
        {"Roll Umkehren ","roll inv. dir.","roll omkeren  "},
        {"Roll Servo min","roll servo min","roll servo min"},
        {"Roll Servo max","roll servo max","roll servo max"},
        {"Roll Serv Filt","Roll Serv Filt","Roll Serv Filt"},  //FC0.87

        {"Anst. Geschw. ","servo refresh ","Servo refresh "},
        {"Manuelle Gesch","manuell Speed ","Snelh.handbed."},
        {"Cam Richtung  ","Cam Orient    ","Camera richt. "},
        {"Servo 3       ","Servo 3       ","Servo 3       "},
        {"Servo 4       ","Servo 4       ","Servo 4       "},
        {"Servo 5       ","Servo 5       ","Servo 5       "},

        // group 6 : (navictrl) 69-88                      "CH Hoogte     "

        {"GPS           ","enable GPS    ","enable GPS    "},
        {"GPS Modus St. ","GPS mode contr","GPS mode contr"},
        {"GPS Verstärk. ","GPS Gain      ","GPS versterk. "},
        {"GPS St. Schw. ","GPS stick thre","GPS st. dremp."},
        {"Min. Sat.     ","Min. Sat.     ","Min. Sat.     "},
        {"GPS-P         ","GPS-P         ","GPS-P         "},
        {"GPS-I         ","GPS-I         ","GPS-I         "},
        {"GPS-D         ","GPS-D         ","GPS-D         "},
        {"P Limit       ","Limit  P      ","Limiet  P     "},
        {"I Limit       ","Limit  I      ","Limiet  I     "},
        {"D Limit       ","Limit  D      ","Limiet  D     "},
        {"GPS Acc       ","GPS Acc       ","GPS Acc       "},
        {"GPS Windkorr. ","GPS Wind Corr.","GPS Wind Corr."},
        {"Bremswirkung  ","Speed compens.","Remwerking    "},
        {"GPS max. Rad. ","GPS max.radius","GPS max.radius"},
        {"GPS Winkel Li.","GPS angl.limit","GPS hoek lim. "},
        {"PH Login time ","PH login time ","PH login tijd "},
        {"Dynamic PH    ","Dynamic PH    ","Dynamische PH "},
        {"GPS m. Rad dPH","GPS m. Rad dPH","GPS m. Rad dPH"}, //FC0.87
        {"CH Höhe       ","CH Altitude   ","CH Hoogte     "},

        // group 7 : (ausgaenge) 89-98

        {"LED1 Bitmaske ","Out1 Bitmask  ","Uitg1 Bitpatr."},
        {"     Timing   ","Out1 Timing   ","Uitg1 Timing  "},
        {"     sofort an","Activ         ","Direct aan    "},
        {"     n.m.Motor","Act. wi. Motor","Akt. motor uit"},
#ifdef MKVERSION090b
        {"mit WP-Event  ","comb. WP-Event","comb. WP-Event"},
        {"AutoTr. m/Poti","AutoTr. m/poti","AutoTr. m/poti"},
        {"LED2 Bitmaske ","Out2 Bitmask  ","Uitg2 Bitpatr."},
        {"     Timing   ","Out2 Timing   ","Uitg2 Timing  "},
        {"     sofort an","Activ         ","Direct aan    "},
        {"     n.m.Motor","Act. wi. Motor","Akt. motor uit"},
        {"Out1 Vmin.Warn","Out1 undervolt","Uitg1 ondersp."},
        {"Out2 Vmin.Warn","Out2 undervolt","Uitg2 ondersp."},

        // group 8 : (verschiedenes) 99-11

        {"Min. Gas      ","min. throttle ","minimaal gas  "},
        {"Max. Gas      ","max. throttle ","maximaal gas  "},
        {"Kompasswirkung","compass effect","Kompas effect "},
        {"Carefree St.  ","Carefree Ctrl ","Carefree Ctrl "},
        {"Teachable Care","Teachable Care","Teachable Care"},
        {"Unterspannung ","undervoltage  ","Onderspanning "},
        {"Volt Referenz ","Volt Referenz ","Ref. spanning "},
        {"Not Gas Zeit  ","Emerg.Thr.Time","Nood gas tijd "},
        {"Not Gas       ","Emerg.Throttle","Nood gas      "},
        {"Fails. CH Time","Fails. CH Time","Fails. CH Tijd"},
        {"Fails. Channel","Fails. Channel","Fails. Channel"}, //FC 0.87
        {"k.Summer o Sen","n beep act TX ","n beep act TX "}, // Pos Change FC0.87
        {"Vario fail Alt","Vario fail Alt","Vario fail Alt"}, //FC 0.87
        {"Compass Error ","Compass Error ","Kompas Error  "},
        {"k.Start o.SD-K","n st. wtho SD ","n st. wtho SD "}, //FC 0.87
        {"k.Start o.GPS ","n st. wtho GPS","n st. wtho GPS"}, //FC 0.88L

        // group 9 : (gyro) 114-126

        {"Gyro P        ","Gyro P        ","Gyro P        "},
        {"Gyro I        ","Gyro I        ","Gyro I        "},
        {"Gyro D        ","Gyro D        ","Gyro D        "},
        {"Gier P        ","Lacet P       ","Gier P        "},
        {"Gier I        ","Lacet I       ","Gier I        "},
        {"Dynamische St.","dynamic stabi.","Dynamis. stab."},
        {"Drehratenbeg. ","RotRate limit.","Toerental lim."},
        {"ACC/Gyro Fak. ","ACC/Gyro Fact ","ACC/Gyro Fact "},
        {"ACC/Gyro Komp.","Comp ACC/Gyro ","Comp ACC/Gyro "},
        {"Hauptregler I ","Main I        ","Hoofdregel. I "},
        {"Drifkompensat.","drift Compens.","Drift compens."},
        {"Gyro stab.    ","Gyro stability","Gyro stabilit."},
        {"Motor smooth  ","Motor smooth  ","Motor smooth  "},

        // group 10: (benutzer) 127-134

        {"Parameter 1   ","Parameter 1   ","Parameter 1   "},
        {"Parameter 2   ","Parameter 2   ","Parameter 2   "},
        {"Parameter 3   ","Parameter 3   ","Parameter 3   "},
        {"Parameter 4   ","Parameter 4   ","Parameter 4   "},
        {"Parameter 5   ","Parameter 5   ","Parameter 5   "},
        {"Parameter 6   ","Parameter 6   ","Parameter 6   "},
        {"Parameter 7   ","Parameter 7   ","Parameter 7   "},
        {"Parameter 8   ","Parameter 8   ","Parameter 8   "},

        // group 11: (achskopplung) 135-13

        {"Achs(e.)koppl.","(De)Coupl Axes","As koppeling  "},
        {"Gier pos. Kopp","Retroac lacet ","Gier pos. kop."},
        {"Nick/Roll Kopp","Retro roul/tan","Nick/Roll kop."},
        {"Gier Korrektur","Correct lacet ","Gier correctie"},

        // group 12: (mixer) 139

        {"Orientierung  ","Orientierung  ","Orientation   "},

        // group 13 (easy) 140-150

        {"Höhenregelung ","Altitude Ctrl ","Hoogte Contr. "},
        {"Sollhöhe      ","Setpoint      ","Gewenst.hoogte"},
        {"Stick Neutr. P","stick neutr. P","Stick neutr. P"},
        {"GPS           ","enable GPS    ","Enable GPS    "},
        {"GPS Modus St. ","GPS mode contr","GPS mode contr"},
        {"Dynamic PH    ","Dynamic PH    ","Dynamic PH    "},
        {"CH Höhe       ","CH High       ","CH hoogte     "},
        {"Carefree St.  ","Carefree Ctrl ","Carefree Ctrl "},
        {"Teachable Care","Teachable Care","Teachable Care"},
        {"Motor Sich.Sch","Mot.Safety Sw.","Mot.saf.schak."},
        {"Orientierung  ","Orientation   ","Orientatie    "},
