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bmp085 lib 0x01

copyright (c) Davide Gironi, 2012

Released under GPLv3.
Please refer to LICENSE file for licensing information.

  - this library is a porting of the bmp085driver 0.4 ardunio library

  - to compile with avrgcc you may define -lm flag for some math functions

#ifndef BMP085_H_
#define BMP085_H_

#include <stdio.h>
#include <avr/io.h>

#define BMP085_ADDR (0x77<<1) //0x77 default I2C address

#define BMP085_I2CFLEURYPATH "i2cmaster.h" //define the path to i2c fleury lib
#define BMP085_I2CINIT 1 //init i2c

#define BMP085_REGAC1 0xAA
#define BMP085_REGAC2 0xAC
#define BMP085_REGAC3 0xAE
#define BMP085_REGAC4 0xB0
#define BMP085_REGAC5 0xB2
#define BMP085_REGAC6 0xB4
#define BMP085_REGB1 0xB6
#define BMP085_REGB2 0xB8
#define BMP085_REGMB 0xBA
#define BMP085_REGMC 0xBC
#define BMP085_REGMD 0xBE
#define BMP085_REGCONTROL 0xF4 //control
#define BMP085_REGCONTROLOUTPUT 0xF6 //output 0xF6=MSB, 0xF7=LSB, 0xF8=XLSB
#define BMP085_REGREADTEMPERATURE 0x2E //read temperature
#define BMP085_REGREADPRESSURE 0x34 //read pressure

#define BMP085_MODEULTRALOWPOWER 0 //oversampling=0, internalsamples=1, maxconvtimepressure=4.5ms, avgcurrent=3uA, RMSnoise_hPA=0.06, RMSnoise_m=0.5
#define BMP085_MODESTANDARD 1 //oversampling=1, internalsamples=2, maxconvtimepressure=7.5ms, avgcurrent=5uA, RMSnoise_hPA=0.05, RMSnoise_m=0.4
#define BMP085_MODEHIGHRES 2 //oversampling=2, internalsamples=4, maxconvtimepressure=13.5ms, avgcurrent=7uA, RMSnoise_hPA=0.04, RMSnoise_m=0.3
#define BMP085_MODEULTRAHIGHRES 3 //oversampling=3, internalsamples=8, maxconvtimepressure=25.5ms, avgcurrent=12uA, RMSnoise_hPA=0.03, RMSnoise_m=0.25

//autoupdate temperature enabled
#define BMP085_AUTOUPDATETEMP 1 //autoupdate temperature every read

//setup parameters
#define BMP085_MODE BMP085_MODEULTRAHIGHRES //define a mode
#define BMP085_UNITPAOFFSET 0 //define a unit offset (pa)
#define BMP085_UNITMOFFSET 0 //define a unit offset (m)

//avarage filter
#define BMP085_FILTERPRESSURE 1 //avarage filter for pressure

int bmp085_regac1, bmp085_regac2, bmp085_regac3, bmp085_regb1, bmp085_regb2, bmp085_regmb, bmp085_regmc, bmp085_regmd;
unsigned int bmp085_regac4, bmp085_regac5, bmp085_regac6;
long bmp085_rawtemperature, bmp085_rawpressure;

extern void bmp085_init();
extern int32_t bmp085_getpressure();
extern double bmp085_getaltitude();
extern double bmp085_gettemperature();
