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    File:       nmea.h
    Version:    0.1.0
    Date:       Feb. 23, 2013
        License:        GPL v2
        NMEA GPS content parser
    Copyright (C) 2013 Radu Motisan  <>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#include <string.h>
//#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define NMEA_TIMEOUT    500             // Timeout 5 sek.
typedef struct
    uint32_t Counter;                   // Zaehler empfangene GPGGA Pakete
    int32_t  Latitude;                  // in 1E-7 deg
    int32_t  Longitude;                 // in 1E-7 deg
    int16_t  Altitude;                  // Hoehe in Meter
    uint8_t  SatFix;                    // GPS Quality indicator (0=no fix, 1=GPS fix, 2=Dif. GPS fix, 6=Estimated)
    uint8_t  SatsInUse;                 // Number of satelites currently in use
    int16_t  HDOP;                      // Horizontal Dilution of Precision, 1.1 -xx.x, niederiger = besser
    char     Time[9];                   // "hh:mm:ss"

// export vars
extern NMEA_GPGGA_t     NMEA;
extern uint8_t receiveNMEA;
extern volatile uint32_t res_nNMEAcounter;

// /*class NMEA {
//      private:
//              bool                    m_bFlagRead,                                    // flag used by the parser, when a valid sentence has begun
//                                              m_bFlagDataReady;                               // valid GPS fix and data available, user can call reader functions
//              char                    tmp_words[20][15],                              //      hold parsed words for one given NMEA sentence
//                                              tmp_szChecksum[15];                             //      hold the received checksum for one given NMEA sentence
//              // will be set to true for characters between $ and * only
//              bool                    m_bFlagComputedCks ;                    // used to compute checksum and indicate valid checksum interval (between $ and * in a given sentence)
//              int                             m_nChecksum ;                                   // numeric checksum, computed for a given sentence
//              bool                    m_bFlagReceivedCks ;                    // after getting  * we start cuttings the received checksum
//              int                             index_received_checksum ;               // used to parse received checksum
//              // word cutting variables
//              int                             m_nWordIdx ,                                    // the current word in a sentence
//                                              m_nPrevIdx,                                             // last character index where we did a cut
//                                              m_nNowIdx ;                                             // current character index
//              // globals to store parser results
//              float                   res_fLongitude;                                 // GPRMC and GPGGA
//              float                   res_fLatitude;                                  // GPRMC and GPGGA
//              unsigned char   res_nUTCHour, res_nUTCMin, res_nUTCSec,         // GPRMC and GPGGA
//                                              res_nUTCDay, res_nUTCMonth, res_nUTCYear;       // GPRMC
//              int                             res_nSatellitesUsed;                    // GPGGA
//              float                   res_fAltitude;                                  // GPGGA
//              float                   res_fSpeed;                                             // GPRMC
//              float                   res_fBearing;                                   // GPRMC
//              // the parser, currently handling GPRMC and GPGGA, but easy to add any new sentences
//              void                    parsedata();
//              // aux functions
//              int                             digit2dec(char hexdigit);
//              float                   string2float(char* s);
//              int                             mstrcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
//      public:
//              // constructor, initing a few variables
 * The serial data is assembled on the fly, without using any redundant buffers.
 * When a sentence is complete (one that starts with $, ending in EOL), all processing is done on
 * this temporary buffer that we've built: checksum computation, extracting sentence "words" (the CSV values),
 * and so on.
 * When a new sentence is fully assembled using the fusedata function, the code calls parsedata.
 * This function in turn, splits the sentences and interprets the data. Here is part of the parser function,
 * handling both the $GPRMC NMEA sentence:

uint8_t fusedata(char c);
void parsedata(void);
int32_t NMEA_floatStrToInt( const char *s, int32_t power1 );
int32_t NMEA_calcLatitude( const char *s, const char *NS);
int32_t NMEA_calcLongitude( const char *s, const char *WE);
void NMEA_getTime( const char *s);

                // READER functions: retrieving results, call isdataready() first
        bool NMEA_isdataready();
        int NMEA_getHour();
        int NMEA_getMinute();
        int NMEA_getSecond();
        int NMEA_getDay();
        int NMEA_getMonth();
        int NMEA_getYear();
        int32_t NMEA_getLatitude();
        int32_t NMEA_getLongitude();
        uint8_t NMEA_getSatellites();
        uint8_t NMEA_getGPSfix();
        int16_t NMEA_getHDOP();
        int16_t NMEA_getAltitude();
        float NMEA_getSpeed();
        int16_t NMEA_getBearing();
        uint32_t NMEA_getNMEAcounter();
        uint32_t NMEA_getCRCerror();
//      };