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namespace GMap.NET.MapProviders
   using System;
   using System.Collections.Generic;
   using System.Diagnostics;
   using System.Globalization;
   using System.Net;
   using System.Text;
   using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
   using System.Threading;
   using System.Xml;
   using GMap.NET.Internals;
   using GMap.NET.Projections;

   public abstract class BingMapProviderBase : GMapProvider, RoutingProvider, GeocodingProvider
      public BingMapProviderBase()
         MaxZoom = null;
         RefererUrl = "";
         Copyright = string.Format("©{0} Microsoft Corporation, ©{0} NAVTEQ, ©{0} Image courtesy of NASA", DateTime.Today.Year);

      public string Version = "4810";

      /// <summary>
      /// Bing Maps Customer Identification.
      /// |
      /// |
      /// </summary>
      public string ClientKey = string.Empty;

      internal string SessionId = string.Empty;

      /// <summary>
      /// set true to append SessionId on requesting tiles
      /// </summary>
      public bool ForceSessionIdOnTileAccess = false;

      /// <summary>
      /// set true to avoid using dynamic tile url format
      /// </summary>
      public bool DisableDynamicTileUrlFormat = false;

      /// <summary>
      /// Converts tile XY coordinates into a QuadKey at a specified level of detail.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="tileX">Tile X coordinate.</param>
      /// <param name="tileY">Tile Y coordinate.</param>
      /// <param name="levelOfDetail">Level of detail, from 1 (lowest detail)
      /// to 23 (highest detail).</param>
      /// <returns>A string containing the QuadKey.</returns>      
      internal string TileXYToQuadKey(long tileX, long tileY, int levelOfDetail)
         StringBuilder quadKey = new StringBuilder();
         for(int i = levelOfDetail; i > 0; i--)
            char digit = '0';
            int mask = 1 << (i - 1);
            if((tileX & mask) != 0)
            if((tileY & mask) != 0)
         return quadKey.ToString();

      /// <summary>
      /// Converts a QuadKey into tile XY coordinates.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="quadKey">QuadKey of the tile.</param>
      /// <param name="tileX">Output parameter receiving the tile X coordinate.</param>
      /// <param name="tileY">Output parameter receiving the tile Y coordinate.</param>
      /// <param name="levelOfDetail">Output parameter receiving the level of detail.</param>
      internal void QuadKeyToTileXY(string quadKey, out int tileX, out int tileY, out int levelOfDetail)
         tileX = tileY = 0;
         levelOfDetail = quadKey.Length;
         for(int i = levelOfDetail; i > 0; i--)
            int mask = 1 << (i - 1);
            switch(quadKey[levelOfDetail - i])
               case '0':

               case '1':
               tileX |= mask;

               case '2':
               tileY |= mask;

               case '3':
               tileX |= mask;
               tileY |= mask;

               throw new ArgumentException("Invalid QuadKey digit sequence.");

      #region GMapProvider Members
      public override Guid Id
            throw new NotImplementedException();

      public override string Name
            throw new NotImplementedException();

      public override PureProjection Projection
            return MercatorProjection.Instance;

      GMapProvider[] overlays;
      public override GMapProvider[] Overlays
            if(overlays == null)
               overlays = new GMapProvider[] { this };
            return overlays;

      public override PureImage GetTileImage(GPoint pos, int zoom)
         throw new NotImplementedException();

      public bool TryCorrectVersion = true;

      /// <summary>
      /// set false to use your own key.
      /// </summary>
      public bool TryGetDefaultKey = true;
      static bool init = false;

      public override void OnInitialized()
               var key = ClientKey;

               // to avoid registration stuff, default key
               if(TryGetDefaultKey && string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientKey))
                  //old: Vx8dmDflxzT02jJUG8bEjMU07Xr9QWRpPTeRuAZTC1uZFQdDCvK/jUbHKdyHEWj4LvccTPoKofDHtzHsWu/0xuo5u2Y9rj88
                  key = Stuff.GString("Jq7FrGTyaYqcrvv9ugBKv4OVSKnmzpigqZtdvtcDdgZexmOZ2RugOexFSmVzTAhOWiHrdhFoNCoySnNF3MyyIOo5u2Y9rj88");

               #region -- try get sesion key --
                  string keyResponse = GMaps.Instance.UseUrlCache ? Cache.Instance.GetContent("BingLoggingServiceV1" + key, CacheType.UrlCache, TimeSpan.FromHours(8)) : string.Empty;

                     // Bing Maps WPF Control

                     keyResponse = GetContentUsingHttp(string.Format("{0}&jsonp=microsoftMapsNetworkCallback", key));

                     if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyResponse) && keyResponse.Contains("ValidCredentials"))
                           Cache.Instance.SaveContent("BingLoggingServiceV1" + key, CacheType.UrlCache, keyResponse);

                  if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyResponse) && keyResponse.Contains("sessionId") && keyResponse.Contains("ValidCredentials"))
                     // microsoftMapsNetworkCallback({"sessionId" : "xxx", "authenticationResultCode" : "ValidCredentials"})

                     SessionId = keyResponse.Split(',')[0].Split(':')[1].Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                     Debug.WriteLine("GMapProviders.BingMap.SessionId: " + SessionId);
                     Debug.WriteLine("BingLoggingServiceV1: " + keyResponse);

               // supporting old road
               if(TryCorrectVersion && DisableDynamicTileUrlFormat)
                  #region -- get the version --
                  string url = @"";
                  string html = GMaps.Instance.UseUrlCache ? Cache.Instance.GetContent(url, CacheType.UrlCache, TimeSpan.FromDays(7)) : string.Empty;

                     html = GetContentUsingHttp(url);
                           Cache.Instance.SaveContent(url, CacheType.UrlCache, html);

                     #region -- match versions --

                     Regex reg = new Regex("tilegeneration:(\\d*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                     Match mat = reg.Match(html);
                        GroupCollection gc = mat.Groups;
                        int count = gc.Count;
                        if(count == 2)
                           string ver = gc[1].Value;
                           string old = GMapProviders.BingMap.Version;
                           if(ver != old)
                              GMapProviders.BingMap.Version = ver;
                              GMapProviders.BingSatelliteMap.Version = ver;
                              GMapProviders.BingHybridMap.Version = ver;
                              Debug.WriteLine("GMapProviders.BingMap.Version: " + ver + ", old: " + old + ", consider updating source");
                              Debug.WriteLine("GMapProviders.BingMap.Version: " + ver + ", OK");

               init = true; // try it only once
            catch(Exception ex)
               Debug.WriteLine("TryCorrectBingVersions failed: " + ex);

      protected override bool CheckTileImageHttpResponse(WebResponse response)
         var pass = base.CheckTileImageHttpResponse(response);
            var tileInfo = response.Headers.Get("X-VE-Tile-Info");
            if(tileInfo != null)
               return !tileInfo.Equals("no-tile");
         return pass;

      internal string GetTileUrl(string imageryType)
         //Retrieve map tile URL from the Imagery Metadata service:
         //This ensures that the current tile URL is always used.
         //This will prevent the app from breaking when the map tiles change.

         string ret = string.Empty;
               string url = "" + imageryType + "?output=xml&key=" + SessionId;

               string r = GMaps.Instance.UseUrlCache ? Cache.Instance.GetContent("GetTileUrl" + imageryType, CacheType.UrlCache, TimeSpan.FromDays(7)) : string.Empty;
               bool cache = false;

                  r = GetContentUsingHttp(url);
                  cache = true;

                  XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                  XmlNode xn = doc["Response"];
                  string statuscode = xn["StatusCode"].InnerText;
                  if(string.Compare(statuscode, "200", true) == 0)
                     xn = xn["ResourceSets"]["ResourceSet"]["Resources"];
                     XmlNodeList xnl = xn.ChildNodes;
                     foreach(XmlNode xno in xnl)
                        XmlNode imageUrl = xno["ImageUrl"];

                        if(imageUrl != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageUrl.InnerText))
                           if(cache && GMaps.Instance.UseUrlCache)
                              Cache.Instance.SaveContent("GetTileUrl" + imageryType, CacheType.UrlCache, r);

                           var baseTileUrl = imageUrl.InnerText;

                           if(baseTileUrl.Contains("{key}") || baseTileUrl.Contains("{token}"))
                              baseTileUrl.Replace("{key}", SessionId).Replace("{token}", SessionId);
                           else if(ForceSessionIdOnTileAccess)
                              // haven't seen anyone doing that, yet? ;/                            
                              baseTileUrl += "&key=" + SessionId;

                           Debug.WriteLine("GetTileUrl, UrlFormat[" + imageryType + "]: " + baseTileUrl);

                           ret = baseTileUrl;
            catch(Exception ex)
               Debug.WriteLine("GetTileUrl: Error getting Bing Maps tile URL - " + ex);
         return ret;

      #region RoutingProvider

      public MapRoute GetRoute(PointLatLng start, PointLatLng end, bool avoidHighways, bool walkingMode, int Zoom)
         string tooltip;
         int numLevels;
         int zoomFactor;
         MapRoute ret = null;
         List<PointLatLng> points = GetRoutePoints(MakeRouteUrl(start, end, LanguageStr, avoidHighways, walkingMode), Zoom, out tooltip, out numLevels, out zoomFactor);
         if(points != null)
            ret = new MapRoute(points, tooltip);
         return ret;

      public MapRoute GetRoute(string start, string end, bool avoidHighways, bool walkingMode, int Zoom)
         string tooltip;
         int numLevels;
         int zoomFactor;
         MapRoute ret = null;
         List<PointLatLng> points = GetRoutePoints(MakeRouteUrl(start, end, LanguageStr, avoidHighways, walkingMode), Zoom, out tooltip, out numLevels, out zoomFactor);
         if(points != null)
            ret = new MapRoute(points, tooltip);
         return ret;

      string MakeRouteUrl(string start, string end, string language, bool avoidHighways, bool walkingMode)
         string addition = avoidHighways ? "&avoid=highways" : string.Empty;
         string mode = walkingMode ? "Walking" : "Driving";

         return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, RouteUrlFormatPointQueries, mode, start, end, addition, SessionId);

      string MakeRouteUrl(PointLatLng start, PointLatLng end, string language, bool avoidHighways, bool walkingMode)
         string addition = avoidHighways ? "&avoid=highways" : string.Empty;
         string mode = walkingMode ? "Walking" : "Driving";

         return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, RouteUrlFormatPointLatLng, mode, start.Lat, start.Lng, end.Lat, end.Lng, addition, SessionId);

      List<PointLatLng> GetRoutePoints(string url, int zoom, out string tooltipHtml, out int numLevel, out int zoomFactor)
         List<PointLatLng> points = null;
         tooltipHtml = string.Empty;
         numLevel = -1;
         zoomFactor = -1;
            string route = GMaps.Instance.UseRouteCache ? Cache.Instance.GetContent(url, CacheType.RouteCache) : string.Empty;

               route = GetContentUsingHttp(url);

                     Cache.Instance.SaveContent(url, CacheType.RouteCache, route);

            // parse values
               #region -- title --
               int tooltipEnd = 0;
                  int x = route.IndexOf("<RoutePath><Line>") + 17;
                  if(x >= 17)
                     tooltipEnd = route.IndexOf("</Line></RoutePath>", x + 1);
                     if(tooltipEnd > 0)
                        int l = tooltipEnd - x;
                        if(l > 0)
                           //tooltipHtml = route.Substring(x, l).Replace(@"\x26#160;", " ");
                           tooltipHtml = route.Substring(x, l);

               #region -- points --
               XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
               XmlNode xn = doc["Response"];
               string statuscode = xn["StatusCode"].InnerText;
                  case "200":
                     xn = xn["ResourceSets"]["ResourceSet"]["Resources"]["Route"]["RoutePath"]["Line"];
                     XmlNodeList xnl = xn.ChildNodes;
                     if(xnl.Count > 0)
                        points = new List<PointLatLng>();
                        foreach(XmlNode xno in xnl)
                           XmlNode latitude = xno["Latitude"];
                           XmlNode longitude = xno["Longitude"];
                           points.Add(new PointLatLng(double.Parse(latitude.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                      double.Parse(longitude.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
                  // no status implementation on routes yet although when introduced these are the codes. Exception will be catched.
                  case "400":
                  throw new Exception("Bad Request, The request contained an error.");
                  case "401":
                  throw new Exception("Unauthorized, Access was denied. You may have entered your credentials incorrectly, or you might not have access to the requested resource or operation.");
                  case "403":
                  throw new Exception("Forbidden, The request is for something forbidden. Authorization will not help.");
                  case "404":
                  throw new Exception("Not Found, The requested resource was not found.");
                  case "500":
                  throw new Exception("Internal Server Error, Your request could not be completed because there was a problem with the service.");
                  case "501":
                  throw new Exception("Service Unavailable, There's a problem with the service right now. Please try again later.");
                  points = null;
                  break; // unknown, for possible future error codes
         catch(Exception ex)
            points = null;
            Debug.WriteLine("GetRoutePoints: " + ex);
         return points;

      // example :,-93.26493&wp.1=44.943828508257866,-93.09332862496376&optmz=distance&rpo=Points&key=[PROVIDEYOUROWNKEY!!]
      static readonly string RouteUrlFormatPointLatLng = "{0}?o=xml&wp.0={1},{2}&wp.1={3},{4}{5}&optmz=distance&rpo=Points&key={6}";
      static readonly string RouteUrlFormatPointQueries = "{0}?o=xml&wp.0={1}&wp.1={2}{3}&optmz=distance&rpo=Points&key={4}";

      #endregion RoutingProvider

      #region GeocodingProvider

      public GeoCoderStatusCode GetPoints(string keywords, out List<PointLatLng> pointList)
         //Escape keywords to better handle special characters.
         return GetLatLngFromGeocoderUrl(MakeGeocoderUrl("q=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(keywords)), out pointList);

      public PointLatLng? GetPoint(string keywords, out GeoCoderStatusCode status)
         List<PointLatLng> pointList;
         status = GetPoints(keywords, out pointList);
         return pointList != null && pointList.Count > 0 ? pointList[0] : (PointLatLng?)null;

      public GeoCoderStatusCode GetPoints(Placemark placemark, out List<PointLatLng> pointList)
         return GetLatLngFromGeocoderUrl(MakeGeocoderDetailedUrl(placemark), out pointList);

      public PointLatLng? GetPoint(Placemark placemark, out GeoCoderStatusCode status)
         List<PointLatLng> pointList;
         status = GetLatLngFromGeocoderUrl(MakeGeocoderDetailedUrl(placemark), out pointList);
         return pointList != null && pointList.Count > 0 ? pointList[0] : (PointLatLng?)null;

      string MakeGeocoderDetailedUrl(Placemark placemark)
         string parameters = string.Empty;

         if(!AddFieldIfNotEmpty(ref parameters, "countryRegion", placemark.CountryNameCode))
            AddFieldIfNotEmpty(ref parameters, "countryRegion", placemark.CountryName);

         AddFieldIfNotEmpty(ref parameters, "adminDistrict", placemark.DistrictName);
         AddFieldIfNotEmpty(ref parameters, "locality", placemark.LocalityName);
         AddFieldIfNotEmpty(ref parameters, "postalCode", placemark.PostalCodeNumber);

            AddFieldIfNotEmpty(ref parameters, "addressLine", placemark.ThoroughfareName + " " + placemark.HouseNo);
            AddFieldIfNotEmpty(ref parameters, "addressLine", placemark.ThoroughfareName);

         return MakeGeocoderUrl(parameters);

      bool AddFieldIfNotEmpty(ref string Input, string FieldName, string Value)
               Input = string.Empty;
               Input = Input + "&";

            Input = Input + FieldName + "=" + Value;

            return true;
         return false;

      public GeoCoderStatusCode GetPlacemarks(PointLatLng location, out List<Placemark> placemarkList)
         throw new NotImplementedException();

      public Placemark? GetPlacemark(PointLatLng location, out GeoCoderStatusCode status)
         throw new NotImplementedException();

      string MakeGeocoderUrl(string keywords)
         return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, GeocoderUrlFormat, keywords, SessionId);

      GeoCoderStatusCode GetLatLngFromGeocoderUrl(string url, out List<PointLatLng> pointList)
         var status = GeoCoderStatusCode.Unknow;
         pointList = null;

            string geo = GMaps.Instance.UseGeocoderCache ? Cache.Instance.GetContent(url, CacheType.GeocoderCache) : string.Empty;

            bool cache = false;

               geo = GetContentUsingHttp(url);

                  cache = true;

            status = GeoCoderStatusCode.Unknow;
               if(geo.StartsWith("<?xml") && geo.Contains("<Response"))
                  XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                  XmlNode xn = doc["Response"];
                  string statuscode = xn["StatusCode"].InnerText;
                     case "200":
                        pointList = new List<PointLatLng>();
                        xn = xn["ResourceSets"]["ResourceSet"]["Resources"];
                        XmlNodeList xnl = xn.ChildNodes;
                        foreach(XmlNode xno in xnl)
                           XmlNode latitude = xno["Point"]["Latitude"];
                           XmlNode longitude = xno["Point"]["Longitude"];
                           pointList.Add(new PointLatLng(Double.Parse(latitude.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                         Double.Parse(longitude.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));

                        if(pointList.Count > 0)
                           status = GeoCoderStatusCode.G_GEO_SUCCESS;
                           if(cache && GMaps.Instance.UseGeocoderCache)
                              Cache.Instance.SaveContent(url, CacheType.GeocoderCache, geo);

                        status = GeoCoderStatusCode.G_GEO_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS;

                     case "400":
                     status = GeoCoderStatusCode.G_GEO_BAD_REQUEST;
                     break; // bad request, The request contained an error.
                     case "401":
                     status = GeoCoderStatusCode.G_GEO_BAD_KEY;
                     break; // Unauthorized, Access was denied. You may have entered your credentials incorrectly, or you might not have access to the requested resource or operation.
                     case "403":
                     status = GeoCoderStatusCode.G_GEO_BAD_REQUEST;
                     break; // Forbidden, The request is for something forbidden. Authorization will not help.
                     case "404":
                     status = GeoCoderStatusCode.G_GEO_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS;
                     break; // Not Found, The requested resource was not found.
                     case "500":
                     status = GeoCoderStatusCode.G_GEO_SERVER_ERROR;
                     break; // Internal Server Error, Your request could not be completed because there was a problem with the service.
                     case "501":
                     status = GeoCoderStatusCode.Unknow;
                     break; // Service Unavailable, There's a problem with the service right now. Please try again later.
                     status = GeoCoderStatusCode.Unknow;
                     break; // unknown, for possible future error codes
         catch(Exception ex)
            status = GeoCoderStatusCode.ExceptionInCode;
            Debug.WriteLine("GetLatLngFromGeocoderUrl: " + ex);

         return status;

      static readonly string GeocoderUrlFormat = "{0}&o=xml&key={1}";

      #endregion GeocodingProvider

   /// <summary>
   /// BingMapProvider provider
   /// </summary>
   public class BingMapProvider : BingMapProviderBase
      public static readonly BingMapProvider Instance;


      static BingMapProvider()
         Instance = new BingMapProvider();

      #region GMapProvider Members

      readonly Guid id = new Guid("D0CEB371-F10A-4E12-A2C1-DF617D6674A8");
      public override Guid Id
            return id;

      readonly string name = "BingMap";
      public override string Name
            return name;

      public override PureImage GetTileImage(GPoint pos, int zoom)
         string url = MakeTileImageUrl(pos, zoom, LanguageStr);

         return GetTileImageUsingHttp(url);

      public override void OnInitialized()

            //UrlFormat[Road]: http://ecn.{subdomain}{quadkey}.jpeg?g=3179&mkt={culture}&shading=hill

            UrlDynamicFormat = GetTileUrl("Road");
               UrlDynamicFormat = UrlDynamicFormat.Replace("{subdomain}", "t{0}").Replace("{quadkey}", "{1}").Replace("{culture}", "{2}");


      string MakeTileImageUrl(GPoint pos, int zoom, string language)
         string key = TileXYToQuadKey(pos.X, pos.Y, zoom);

         if(!DisableDynamicTileUrlFormat && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UrlDynamicFormat))
            return string.Format(UrlDynamicFormat, GetServerNum(pos, 4), key, language);

         return string.Format(UrlFormat, GetServerNum(pos, 4), key, Version, language, ForceSessionIdOnTileAccess ? "&key=" + SessionId : string.Empty);

      string UrlDynamicFormat = string.Empty;


      static readonly string UrlFormat = "http://ecn.t{0}{1}?g={2}&mkt={3}&lbl=l1&stl=h&shading=hill&n=z{4}";