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namespace GMap.NET
   using System;
   using System.Collections.Generic;
   using System.Diagnostics;
   using System.Globalization;
   using System.IO;
   using System.Net;
   using System.Text;
   using System.Threading;
   using System.Xml;
   using System.Xml.Serialization;
   using GMap.NET.CacheProviders;
   using GMap.NET.Internals;
   using GMap.NET.MapProviders;
    using System.Reflection;

#if PocketPC
   using OpenNETCF.ComponentModel;
   using OpenNETCF.Threading;
   using Thread=OpenNETCF.Threading.Thread2;

   /// <summary>
   /// maps manager
   /// </summary>
   public class GMaps : Singleton<GMaps>
      /// <summary>
      /// tile access mode
      /// </summary>
      public AccessMode Mode = AccessMode.ServerAndCache;

      /// <summary>
      /// is map ussing cache for routing
      /// </summary>
      public bool UseRouteCache = true;

      /// <summary>
      /// is map using cache for geocoder
      /// </summary>
      public bool UseGeocoderCache = true;

      /// <summary>
      /// is map using cache for directions
      /// </summary>
      public bool UseDirectionsCache = true;

      /// <summary>
      /// is map using cache for placemarks
      /// </summary>
      public bool UsePlacemarkCache = true;

      /// <summary>
      /// is map ussing cache for other url
      /// </summary>
      public bool UseUrlCache = true;

      /// <summary>
      /// is map using memory cache for tiles
      /// </summary>
      public bool UseMemoryCache = true;

      /// <summary>
      /// primary cache provider, by default: ultra fast SQLite!
      /// </summary>
      public PureImageCache PrimaryCache
            return Cache.Instance.ImageCache;
            Cache.Instance.ImageCache = value;

      /// <summary>
      /// secondary cache provider, by default: none,
      /// use it if you have server in your local network
      /// </summary>
      public PureImageCache SecondaryCache
            return Cache.Instance.ImageCacheSecond;
            Cache.Instance.ImageCacheSecond = value;

      /// <summary>
      /// MemoryCache provider
      /// </summary>
      public readonly MemoryCache MemoryCache = new MemoryCache();

      /// <summary>
      /// load tiles in random sequence
      /// </summary>
      public bool ShuffleTilesOnLoad = false;

      /// <summary>
      /// tile queue to cache
      /// </summary>
      readonly Queue<CacheQueueItem> tileCacheQueue = new Queue<CacheQueueItem>();

      bool? isRunningOnMono;

      /// <summary>
      /// return true if running on mono
      /// </summary>
      /// <returns></returns>
      public bool IsRunningOnMono
                  isRunningOnMono = (Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != null);
                  return isRunningOnMono.Value;
               return isRunningOnMono.Value;
            return false;

      /// <summary>
      /// cache worker
      /// </summary>
      Thread CacheEngine;

      internal readonly AutoResetEvent WaitForCache = new AutoResetEvent(false);

#if !PocketPC
      static GMaps()
          if (GMapProvider.TileImageProxy == null)
                  AppDomain d = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
                  var AssembliesLoaded = d.GetAssemblies();

                  Assembly l = null;

                  foreach (var a in AssembliesLoaded)
                      if (a.FullName.Contains("GMap.NET.WindowsForms") || a.FullName.Contains("GMap.NET.WindowsPresentation"))
                          l = a;

                  if (l == null)
                      var jj = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
                      var hh = Path.GetDirectoryName(jj);
                      var f1 = hh + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "GMap.NET.WindowsForms.dll";
                      var f2 = hh + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "GMap.NET.WindowsPresentation.dll";
                      if (File.Exists(f1))
                          l = Assembly.LoadFile(f1);
                      else if (File.Exists(f2))
                          l = Assembly.LoadFile(f2);

                  if (l != null)
                      Type t = null;

                      if (l.FullName.Contains("GMap.NET.WindowsForms"))
                          t = l.GetType("GMap.NET.WindowsForms.GMapImageProxy");
                      else if (l.FullName.Contains("GMap.NET.WindowsPresentation"))
                          t = l.GetType("GMap.NET.WindowsPresentation.GMapImageProxy");

                      if (t != null)
                          t.InvokeMember("Enable", BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, null);
              catch (Exception ex)
                  Debug.WriteLine("GMaps, try set TileImageProxy failed: " + ex.Message);

      public GMaps()
         #region singleton check
         if(Instance != null)
            throw (new Exception("You have tried to create a new singleton class where you should have instanced it. Replace your \"new class()\" with \"class.Instance\""));

         ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 5;

#if !PocketPC
      /// <summary>
      /// triggers dynamic sqlite loading,
      /// call this before you use sqlite for other reasons than caching maps
      /// </summary>
      public void SQLitePing()
#if SQLite
#if !MONO

      #region -- Stuff --

#if !PocketPC

      /// <summary>
      /// exports current map cache to GMDB file
      /// if file exsist only new records will be added
      /// otherwise file will be created and all data exported
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="file"></param>
      /// <returns></returns>
      public bool ExportToGMDB(string file)
#if SQLite
         if(PrimaryCache is SQLitePureImageCache)
            StringBuilder db = new StringBuilder((PrimaryCache as SQLitePureImageCache).GtileCache);
            db.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}Data.gmdb", GMapProvider.LanguageStr, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);

            return SQLitePureImageCache.ExportMapDataToDB(db.ToString(), file);
         return false;

      /// <summary>
      /// imports GMDB file to current map cache
      /// only new records will be added
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="file"></param>
      /// <returns></returns>
      public bool ImportFromGMDB(string file)
#if SQLite
         if(PrimaryCache is GMap.NET.CacheProviders.SQLitePureImageCache)
            StringBuilder db = new StringBuilder((PrimaryCache as SQLitePureImageCache).GtileCache);
            db.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}Data.gmdb", GMapProvider.LanguageStr, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);

            return SQLitePureImageCache.ExportMapDataToDB(file, db.ToString());
         return false;

#if SQLite

      /// <summary>
      /// optimizes map database, *.gmdb
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="file">database file name or null to optimize current user db</param>
      /// <returns></returns>
      public bool OptimizeMapDb(string file)
         if(PrimaryCache is GMap.NET.CacheProviders.SQLitePureImageCache)
               StringBuilder db = new StringBuilder((PrimaryCache as SQLitePureImageCache).GtileCache);
               db.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}Data.gmdb", GMapProvider.LanguageStr, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);

               return SQLitePureImageCache.VacuumDb(db.ToString());
               return SQLitePureImageCache.VacuumDb(file);

         return false;


      /// <summary>
      /// enqueueens tile to cache
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="task"></param>
      void EnqueueCacheTask(CacheQueueItem task)
               Debug.WriteLine("EnqueueCacheTask: " + task);


               if(CacheEngine != null && CacheEngine.IsAlive)
#if PocketPC
               else if(CacheEngine == null || CacheEngine.State == ThreadState.Stopped || CacheEngine.State == ThreadState.Unstarted)
               else if(CacheEngine == null || CacheEngine.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped || CacheEngine.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Unstarted)
                  CacheEngine = null;
                  CacheEngine = new Thread(new ThreadStart(CacheEngineLoop));
                  CacheEngine.Name = "CacheEngine";
                  CacheEngine.IsBackground = false;
                  CacheEngine.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;

                  abortCacheLoop = false;

      volatile bool abortCacheLoop = false;
      internal volatile bool noMapInstances = false;

      public TileCacheComplete OnTileCacheComplete;
      public TileCacheStart OnTileCacheStart;
      public TileCacheProgress OnTileCacheProgress;

      /// <summary>
      /// immediately stops background tile caching, call it if you want fast exit the process
      /// </summary>
      public void CancelTileCaching()

         abortCacheLoop = true;

      int readingCache = 0;      
      volatile bool cacheOnIdleRead = true;

      /// <summary>
      /// delays writing tiles to cache while performing reads
      /// </summary>
      public bool CacheOnIdleRead
              return cacheOnIdleRead;
              cacheOnIdleRead = value;

      volatile bool boostCacheEngine = false;

      /// <summary>
      /// disables delay between saving tiles into database/cache
      /// </summary>
      public bool BoostCacheEngine
              return boostCacheEngine;
              boostCacheEngine = value;

      /// <summary>
      /// live for cache ;}
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="sender"></param>
      /// <param name="e"></param>
      void CacheEngineLoop()
         Debug.WriteLine("CacheEngine: start");
         int left = 0;

         if(OnTileCacheStart != null)

         bool startEvent = false;

               CacheQueueItem? task = null;

                  left = tileCacheQueue.Count;
                  if(left > 0)
                     task = tileCacheQueue.Dequeue();

                     startEvent = false;

                     if(OnTileCacheStart != null)

                  if(OnTileCacheProgress != null)

                  #region -- save --
                  // check if stream wasn't disposed somehow
                  if(task.Value.Img != null)
                     Debug.WriteLine("CacheEngine[" + left + "]: storing tile " + task.Value + ", " + task.Value.Img.Length / 1024 + "kB...");

                     if((task.Value.CacheType & CacheUsage.First) == CacheUsage.First && PrimaryCache != null)
                           while(Interlocked.Decrement(ref readingCache) > 0)
                        PrimaryCache.PutImageToCache(task.Value.Img, task.Value.Tile.Type, task.Value.Tile.Pos, task.Value.Tile.Zoom);

                     if((task.Value.CacheType & CacheUsage.Second) == CacheUsage.Second && SecondaryCache != null)
                           while(Interlocked.Decrement(ref readingCache) > 0)
                        SecondaryCache.PutImageToCache(task.Value.Img, task.Value.Tile.Type, task.Value.Tile.Pos, task.Value.Tile.Zoom);


#if PocketPC
                     Debug.WriteLine("CacheEngineLoop: skip, tile disposed to early -> " + task.Value);
                  task = null;
                     startEvent = true;

                     if(OnTileCacheComplete != null)

                  if(abortCacheLoop || noMapInstances || !WaitForCache.WaitOne(33333, false) || noMapInstances)
#if !PocketPC
            catch(Exception ex)
               Debug.WriteLine("CacheEngineLoop: " + ex.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine("CacheEngine: stop");

            if(OnTileCacheComplete != null)

      class StringWriterExt : StringWriter
         public StringWriterExt(IFormatProvider info)
            : base(info)


         public override Encoding Encoding
               return Encoding.UTF8;

      public string SerializeGPX(gpxType targetInstance)
         string retVal = string.Empty;
         using(StringWriterExt writer = new StringWriterExt(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(targetInstance.GetType());
            serializer.Serialize(writer, targetInstance);
            retVal = writer.ToString();
         return retVal;

      public gpxType DeserializeGPX(string objectXml)
         gpxType retVal = null;

         using(StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(objectXml))
            XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(stringReader);

            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpxType));
            retVal = serializer.Deserialize(xmlReader) as gpxType;

         return retVal;

      /// <summary>
      /// exports gps data to gpx file
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="log">gps data</param>
      /// <param name="gpxFile">file to export</param>
      /// <returns>true if success</returns>
      public bool ExportGPX(IEnumerable<List<GpsLog>> log, string gpxFile)
            gpxType gpx = new gpxType();
               gpx.creator = "GMap.NET -";
               gpx.trk = new trkType[1];
               gpx.trk[0] = new trkType();

            var sessions = new List<List<GpsLog>>(log);
            gpx.trk[0].trkseg = new trksegType[sessions.Count];

            int sesid = 0;

            foreach(var session in sessions)
               trksegType seg = new trksegType();
                  seg.trkpt = new wptType[session.Count];
               gpx.trk[0].trkseg[sesid++] = seg;

               for(int i = 0; i < session.Count; i++)
                  var point = session[i];

                  wptType t = new wptType();
                     #region -- set values --
            = new decimal(point.Position.Lat);
                     t.lon = new decimal(point.Position.Lng);

                     t.time = point.TimeUTC;
                     t.timeSpecified = true;

                     if(point.FixType != FixType.Unknown)
                        t.fix = (point.FixType == FixType.XyD ? fixType.Item2d : fixType.Item3d);
                        t.fixSpecified = true;

                        t.ele = new decimal(point.SeaLevelAltitude.Value);
                        t.eleSpecified = true;

                        t.geoidheight = new decimal(point.EllipsoidAltitude.Value);
                        t.geoidheightSpecified = true;

                        t.vdopSpecified = true;
                        t.vdop = new decimal(point.VerticalDilutionOfPrecision.Value);

                        t.hdopSpecified = true;
                        t.hdop = new decimal(point.HorizontalDilutionOfPrecision.Value);

                        t.pdopSpecified = true;
                        t.pdop = new decimal(point.PositionDilutionOfPrecision.Value);

                        t.sat = point.SatelliteCount.Value.ToString();
                  seg.trkpt[i] = t;

#if !PocketPC
            File.WriteAllText(gpxFile, SerializeGPX(gpx), Encoding.UTF8);
            using(StreamWriter w = File.CreateText(gpxFile))
         catch(Exception ex)
            Debug.WriteLine("ExportGPX: " + ex.ToString());
            return false;
         return true;


      /// <summary>
      /// gets image from tile server
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="provider"></param>
      /// <param name="pos"></param>
      /// <param name="zoom"></param>
      /// <returns></returns>
      public PureImage GetImageFrom(GMapProvider provider, GPoint pos, int zoom, out Exception result)
         PureImage ret = null;
         result = null;

            var rtile = new RawTile(provider.DbId, pos, zoom);

            // let't check memmory first
               var m = MemoryCache.GetTileFromMemoryCache(rtile);
               if(m != null)
                  if(GMapProvider.TileImageProxy != null)
                     ret = GMapProvider.TileImageProxy.FromArray(m);
                     if(ret == null)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Image disposed in MemoryCache o.O, should never happen ;} " + new RawTile(provider.DbId, pos, zoom));
                        m = null;

            if(ret == null)
               if(Mode != AccessMode.ServerOnly && !provider.BypassCache)
                  if(PrimaryCache != null)
                     // hold writer for 5s
                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref readingCache, 5);

                     ret = PrimaryCache.GetImageFromCache(provider.DbId, pos, zoom);
                     if(ret != null)
                           MemoryCache.AddTileToMemoryCache(rtile, ret.Data.GetBuffer());
                        return ret;

                  if(SecondaryCache != null)
                     // hold writer for 5s
                        Interlocked.Exchange(ref readingCache, 5);

                     ret = SecondaryCache.GetImageFromCache(provider.DbId, pos, zoom);
                     if(ret != null)
                           MemoryCache.AddTileToMemoryCache(rtile, ret.Data.GetBuffer());
                        EnqueueCacheTask(new CacheQueueItem(rtile, ret.Data.GetBuffer(), CacheUsage.First));
                        return ret;

               if(Mode != AccessMode.CacheOnly)
                  ret = provider.GetTileImage(pos, zoom);
                     // Enqueue Cache
                     if(ret != null)
                           MemoryCache.AddTileToMemoryCache(rtile, ret.Data.GetBuffer());

                        if (Mode != AccessMode.ServerOnly && !provider.BypassCache)
                           EnqueueCacheTask(new CacheQueueItem(rtile, ret.Data.GetBuffer(), CacheUsage.Both));
                  result = noDataException;
         catch(Exception ex)
            result = ex;
            ret = null;
            Debug.WriteLine("GetImageFrom: " + ex.ToString());

         return ret;

      readonly Exception noDataException = new Exception("No data in local tile cache...");

#if !PocketPC
      TileHttpHost host;

      /// <summary>
      /// turns on tile host
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="port"></param>
      public void EnableTileHost(int port)
         if(host == null)
            host = new TileHttpHost();

      /// <summary>
      /// turns off tile host
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="port"></param>
      public void DisableTileHost()
          if (host != null)