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public interface DUBwiseUIDefinitions
    // id for each state - must just be uniq - order isnt important
    public final static byte STATEID_INITIAL          =0;
    public final static byte STATEID_DEVICESELECT     =1;
    public final static byte STATEID_MAINMENU         =2;
    public final static byte STATEID_MOTORTEST        =3;
    public final static byte STATEID_SELECT_PARAMSET  =4;
    public final static byte STATEID_EDIT_PARAMS      =5;
    public final static byte STATEID_HANDLE_PARAMS    =6;
    public final static byte STATEID_FLIGHTVIEW       =7;
    public final static byte STATEID_RAWDEBUG         =8;
    public final static byte STATEID_KEYCONTROL       =9;
    public final static byte STATEID_SETTINGSMENU     =10;
    public final static byte STATEID_STICKVIEW        =11;
    public final static byte STATEID_CAMMODE          =12;
    public final static byte STATEID_READ_PARAMS      =13;
    public final static byte STATEID_GPSVIEW          =14;
    public final static byte STATEID_FILEOPEN         =15;
    public final static byte STATEID_GRAPH            =16;
    public final static byte STATEID_CONN_DETAILS     =17;
    public final static byte STATEID_IPINPUT          =18;
    public final static byte STATEID_PROXY            =19;
    public final static byte STATEID_TRAFFIC          =20;
    public final static byte STATEID_SELECT_COMPORT   =21;
    public final static byte STATEID_ABOUT            =22;
    public final static byte STATEID_ERROR_MSG        =23;
    public final static byte STATEID_FLASHING         =24;
    public final static byte STATEID_NAMEINPUT        =25;
    public final static byte STATEID_DATABUFF         =26;
    public final static byte STATEID_HORIZON          =27;
    public final static byte STATEID_SUCCESS_MSG      =28;
    public final static byte STATEID_STRINGINPUT      =29;
    public final static byte STATEID_SCANNING         =30;
    public final static byte STATEID_RESET_PARAMS     =31;
    public final static byte STATEID_PARAM_MENU       =32;
    public final static byte STATEID_COUNT            =33;

    public final static byte ACTIONID_SETTINGS     = 0;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_DEVICESELECT = 1;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_DEBUG        = 2;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_CONN_DETAILS = 3;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_SWITCH_NC    = 4;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_SWITCH_FC    = 5;

    public final static byte ACTIONID_GRAPH        = 6;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_LCD          = 7;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_RAWDEBUG     = 8;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_RCDATA       = 9;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_KEYCONTROL   = 10;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_MOTORTEST    = 11;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_EDIT_PARAMS  = 12;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_CAM          = 13;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_PROXY        = 14;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_GPSDATA      = 15;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_TRAFFIC      = 16;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_ABOUT        = 17;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_NC_ERRORS    = 18;

    public final static byte ACTIONID_WRITE_PARAMS = 19;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_UNDO_PARAMS  = 20;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_MAINMENU     = 21;

    public final static byte ACTIONID_HORIZON        = 22;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_WRITE_PARAM_AS = 23;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_PARAM_WRITE_OK = 24;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_PARAM_MENU     = 25;
    // public final static byte ACTIONID_FULLSCREENTOGGLE  = 26;
    // public final static byte ACTIONID_LIGHTTOGGLE  =27;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_DATABUFF  =28;

    public final static byte ACTIONID_SWITCH_MK3MAG  = 29;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_CONNECT_TCP  =30;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_SCAN_BT      =31;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_SELECT_COM   =32;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_PROXY_INPUT  =33;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_FLASH        =34;
    public final static byte ACTIONID_RESET_PARAMS =35;

    public final static byte ACTIONID_BACK_TO_CONNDETAILS=36;    
    public final static byte ACTIONID_SELECT_PARAMS =37;    
    //    public final static byte ACTIONID_SET_GPS_FORMAT_DECIMAL=38;    
    // public final static byte ACTIONID_SET_GPS_FORMAT_MINSEC=39;    

    //public final static byte ACTIONID_SELECT_SPEED_FORMAT=40;    
    //public final static byte ACTIONID_SET_SPEED_FORMAT_KMH=41;    
    //public final static byte ACTIONID_SET_SPEED_FORMAT_MPH=42;    
    //public final static byte ACTIONID_SET_SPEED_FORMAT_CMS=43;

    public final static byte ACTIONID_RENAME_PARAMS=44;
    //public final static byte ACTIONID_TOGGLE_EXPERT=45;

    public final static byte ACTIONID_QUIT         = 100;

    public  final static String[] param_menu_items={"Edit Settings","Reinitialize all","back"};
    public  final static byte[] param_menu_actions={ACTIONID_SELECT_PARAMS,ACTIONID_RESET_PARAMS,ACTIONID_MAINMENU};

    public  final static String[] handle_params_menu_items={"Edit Content","Rename","Save AS","Save","Read Again","back"};


    public  final static String[] handle_params_menu_items={"save","save as","discard/read again","rename","to Main-Menu"};

    public final static String[] conn_details_menu_items={ "packet Traffic","view Data","connect via TCP/IP","connect via BT","connect via COM","set Proxy","back" };

    public final static String[] set_gps_format_menu_items={ "Decimal" , "Min/Sec","Back" };
    public  final static byte[]  set_gps_format_menu_actions={ ACTIONID_SET_GPS_FORMAT_DECIMAL , ACTIONID_SET_GPS_FORMAT_MINSEC,ACTIONID_MAINMENU};

    public final static String[] set_speed_format_menu_items={ "Kilometers/Hour" , "Miles/Hour", "CM/Sec","Back" };

    public final static  String[] settings_menu_items={"Skin ","Sound ","Vibra " ,"Scrolling BG ","FullScreen " ,"GPS-Format","Speed-Format",
//#if devicecontrol=="on"
                                         "Keep BGLight " ,
                                                       "Expert Mode",
                                         "Back" };

//#if devicecontrol=="on"
                                         ACTIONID_MAINMENU };


    public final static String[] onlyback_menu_items={"back" };
    public final static byte[]    back_to_conndetails_actions={ACTIONID_BACK_TO_CONNDETAILS};

    final static byte SKINID_DARK= 0;
    final static byte SKINID_LIGHT = 1;

    final static String[] credits= {
//#expand "About DUBwise v%VERSION%",
        "Digital UFO",
        "Broadcasting With ",
        "Byteelligent Service",
        "2007-2008 by ",
        "Marcus LiGi B"+(char)(252)+"schleb",
        "Creative Commons(CC)",
        " -Attribution",
        " -Noncommercial",
        " -Share Alike",
        " -No Violence",
        " ",
        "Credits: ",
        " -HolgerB&IngoB",
        " -CaScAdE",
        " -Orion8",
        " -Joko",
        " -Speedy",
        " -Jamiro",
        "More Infos:",

    public final static char[] idle_seq={'.','_','-','='};

    public final static int[] default_ip={192,168,1,42,4242};
