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h2>SimpleOSD Web Manual<
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strong>Table Of Contents<
a href="http://blog.flytron.com/simpleosd-web-manual.html#parts of simpleosd">Parts of SimpleOSD<
a href="http://blog.flytron.com/simpleosd-web-manual.html#pinouts">Pinouts<
a href="http://blog.flytron.com/simpleosd-web-manual.html#wiring diagram">Wiring Diagram<
a href="http://blog.flytron.com/simpleosd-web-manual.html#variations">Some Installation Variations<
a href="http://blog.flytron.com/simpleosd-web-manual.html#calibrating">CALIBRATING EXTERNAL SENSORS of SimpleOSD Ultralight<
a href="http://blog.flytron.com/simpleosd-web-manual.html#upgrading">UPGRADING SimpleOSD FIRMWARE<
a href="http://blog.flytron.com/simpleosd-web-manual.html#extra_features">Extra Features
for SimpleOSD XL<
br />
a href="http://blog.flytron.com/simpleosd-web-manual.html#background visibility">My Black
Background is not enough black<
a href="http://blog.flytron.com/simpleosd-web-manual.html#background visibility">My GPS&#
8217;s 3DFIX LED dont stop to blinking<
a href="http://blog.flytron.com/simpleosd-web-manual.html#gps fixed but">My GPS Fixed but SimpleOSD didnt recognise it<
hr /><
a name="parts of simpleosd"><
/a>Parts of SimpleOSD<
1 &#
8211; OSD Main Board<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/osd_1.jpg" border="0" alt="" width="300" height="225" /><
p>Main Board coming with
40 male and
3 of
4 pin female pins.<
br />
You can solder it
for different wiring combinations.<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/pins.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><
2 &#
8211; Current Sensor<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/akim_1.jpg" border="0" alt="" width="300" height="225" /><
p>Ultralight Sensor<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/img/p/60-218-large.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><
3 &#
8211; GPS Module<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/gps_1.jpg" border="0" alt="" width="200" height="150" /><
4 &#
8211; USB Loader Stick<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/img_0107.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><
hr />
span style="font-size: medium;"><
a name="pinouts"><
p>SimpleOSD designed
for minimum wiring requirements. Because, most of accidents being from reverse polarity or poor wiring quality etc.<
p>GPS module&#
8217;s dont need extra wiring, you can solder it easly on the main module. And firmware update tool can plug directly on this.<
br />
You can supply your camera over OSD pins or directly from battery.<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/con_dig.jpg" border="0" alt="" width="562" height="374" /><
hr />
span style="font-size: medium;"><
a name="wiring diagram"><
strong> <
strong> <
strong> <
strong> <
strong> <
strong> <
strong> <
p>SimpleOSD have very flexible wiring architecture.<
p>All connections optional except VDD supply voltage, Ground and Video signal.<
p>If you connect only power and video pins, you can see &#
8220;battery voltage&#
8221; on the screen.<
span style="color: #ff0000;">Note: GPS module disabling automatically when USB Loader Stick plugged.<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/wiring.jpg" border="0" alt="" width="500" height="487" /><
hr />
span style="font-size: medium;"><
a name="variations"><
/a>Some Installation Variations<
1-Main OSD Module Only<
br />
/strong>You can read battery voltages
(main and second battery
) and RSSI
value with main module.<
br />
It is enough
for most of FPV fun flying actions.<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/only_bat.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><
2- with Current Sensor<
br />
/strong>You can read extra; current and used battery capacity with current sensor.<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/with_current.jpg" alt="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/with_current.jpg" /><
3-with 10Hz GPS<
strong> <
p>You can read Position, Distance, Home direction, Altitude and Cruise Speed with GPS module.<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/with_gps.jpg" alt="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/with_gps.jpg" /><
p>GPS module can be connect over main module
for minimum space requirements.<
br />
You can see the long pinouts
(on the left side of gps
) for firmware update.<
br />
This is photo of my last test set. It was working when i shot this photo. <
img src='http://blog.flytron.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif' alt=':)' class='wp-smiley' /> <
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/gps_plugged.jpg" alt="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/gps_plugged.jpg" /><
hr />
span style="font-size: medium;"><
a name="calibrating"><
span style="font-size: medium;"> <
br />
span style="color: #ff0000;">Important Notice: this proscedure works only with old SimpleOSD Ultralight devices.<
p>SimpleOSD Ultralight&#
8217;s default firmware including a calibration menu
for first time calibrations of sensors.<
p>You can calibrate current sensors and RSSI input with this menu.<
p>Calibration proscedure very easy,<
li>Press and hold the button when SimpleOSD Ultralight running. It will reboot in
7 seconds. Dont release the button when rebooting.Or press and hold the button and remove and connect the battery
(same way with rebooting
li>It will show Calibration menu on the OSD, now release the button.<
li>It will show &#
8220;Current Sensor
8243; and count
5 to
0 in
5 seconds, if you want to calibrate press and release the button. It will read &#
8220;zero amper value&#
8221; of current sensor
li>It will show &#
8220;Current Sensor
8243; and count
5 to
0 in
5 seconds, if you want to calibrate press and release the button. It will read &#
8220;zero amper value&#
8221; of current sensor
li>It will show &#
8220;RSSI Calibration &#
8221; and count
5 to
0 in
5 seconds, if you want to calibrate press and release the button.It will read max and minimum values of your RC Receiver.Power On your rc transmitter
for max valueand Power Off
for min valueand Press and release the button.<
li>It will record calibration values in internal memory. And reboot automatically.<
object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="425" height="344" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"><
param name="src" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/M54VC7jUHVQ&hl=en&fs=1&" /><
param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><embed
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/M54VC7jUHVQ&hl=en&fs=1&" allowfullscreen
hr />
span style="font-size: medium;"><
a name="upgrading"><
p>SimpleOSD is most flexible OSD device on the market with online firmware update
/upgrading system.<
p>We can design new OSD layouts with your ideas and you can choose and install it in seconds.<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/screen.jpg" alt="" /><
span style="font-size: medium;"><
strong>Downloading Latest Firmware Loader and Tools<
strong> <
span style="color: #000000;"><
a href="http://www.flytron.com/bootloader/xl_tools.zip">xl_tools.zip<
version 2.4 Release Date:
p>Extract this zip file in any folder. It&#
8217;s including EXE file and XP & Vista Drivers.<
span style="font-size: medium;"><
span style="font-size: small;"><
strong>Installing USB Drivers<
span style="font-size: medium;"><
span style="font-size: small;">Our USB Loader Stick coming with XP and Vista Drivers. Installation steps same as other devices.<
p>Plug the stick on any USB port of your computer, Your PC will find the device<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/install_step.jpg" alt="" /><
p>You will see this screen in
5 second, select &#
8220;No, not this time&#
8221; optin and Next<
br />
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/install_step2.jpg" alt="" /><
p>Select &#
8220;Install from spesific location&#
8221; and Next<
br />
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/install_step3.jpg" alt="" /><
p>Select &#
8220;Include this location in the search&#
8221; box and click &#
8221; button, Then select the driver folder.<
br />
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/install_step4.jpg" alt="" /><
p>It will install the drivers automaticaly<
br />
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/install_step5.jpg" alt="" /><
p>and you will see Finish screen. Driver installation done!<
br />
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/install_step6.jpg" alt="" /><
hr />
span style="font-size: medium;"><
strong>Using Firmware Loader Software<
span style="font-size: medium;"><
br />
/span>You can install our firmwares in seconds with
9 easy steps <
span style="text-decoration: underline;">when your SimpleOSD running.<
br />
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/screen.jpg" alt="" /><
li>Plug the USB Loader Stick on your computer<
li>Plug the loader cable on your OSD&#
8217;s Loader
/GPS port<
li>Power On your OSD<
li>Run the Flytron_Loader.EXE and Select the COM Port of your USB Loader Stick<
li>Enter the Firmware
Code and Press the &#
8220;Check the Code&#
8221; Button<
li>It will connect our web site and download firmware automatically.
(If you using a firewall please open it
li>Press the button of SimpleOSD and hold it, It will reboot in
7 seconds.<
li>Uploader will install new firmware when your OSD rebooting. Release the button when it loading. OSD will run automatically after installation.<
li>Remove the loader cable from OSD and reboot it again.
(from button or power off and on
hr />
a name="latest firmwares"><
table id="table1" border="1" cellspacing="0" width="640">
td width="94"><
td width="164"><
td width="92"><
strong>Release Date<
td colspan="4"><
strong>XL Firmwares<
td width="94">xl_final<
td width="164">XL Final v2.6<
td width="92">
td>Final firmware of SimpleOSD XL with more features<
td width="94">xl_final_25<
td width="164">XL Final v2.5<
td width="92">
td>bug fixed
version of v2.4<
td width="94">xl_final_24<
td width="164">XL Final v2.4<
td width="92">
td>bug fixed
version with extra features<
td width="94">xl_final_20<
td width="164">XL Final v2.0<
td width="92">
td>Old Final firmware of SimpleOSD XL<
td width="94">xl_stable<
td width="164">XL Stable v1.0<
td width="92">
8217;s old firmware of SimpleOSD XL<
td colspan="4"><
strong>Ultralight Firmwares<
td width="94">ul_stable<
td width="164">Ultralight Stable v1.0<
td width="92">
8217;s latest default firmware of SimpleOSD Ultralight<
td width="94">ul_gps<
td width="164">Ultralight with GPS v1.0<
td width="92">
td>GPS based firmware with home arrow and distance indicators.<
td width="94">grooveytime<
td width="164">Groovey Timer
td width="92">
td>Including a timer
for flight time.<
br />
8217;s idea from RCGroups<
hr />
a name="extra_features"><
/a>Extra Features
for SimpleOSD XL<
p>Please download and extract this file before reading below:<
a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.flytron.com/bootloader/xl_tools.zip" target="_blank">http:
br />
Load latest xl_final firmware that coded <
/strong> before runnig this tools.<
hr />
span style="font-size: medium;"><
strong>PC Based Configuration Tool<
strong> <
/strong>This tool is heart of new Final firmware. You can control all features of XL over your computer and design your screens with it.<
br />
strong>Final Firmware Loading Steps
for Old Firmware Users<
li>Run <
Type <
/strong> in
code line and press enter<
li>Press and hold the OSD&#
8217;s button
for loading new firmware<
li>Release the button when loader burning the rom.<
li>Screen will blank after OSD Boot Screen this is normal.<
li>Close Boot Loader and run <
li>Select Com Port from Program Settings tab.<
li>Click &#
8220;Load ROM From File&#
8221; button and select default.soc binary ROM file from same folder.<
li>It will load all setting from default.soc. Then click &#
8221; button
for uploading new ROM settings to OSD.<
li>DONE! , Now you will see main configuration values on the screen.<
li>Press Read Button
for reading current ROM values from OSD, then click &#
8220;Save ROM to File&#
8221; button
for saving your rom in a file
for backup. This is important
for saving your voltage and current calibration values
for future usage.<
strong>Using Configuration Tool<
p>Configuration tool have
3 tab
for all options.<
br />
First tab is screen design only.<
Type your Callsign if you want to show it on the screen. Use only <
strong>uppercase charaters<
/strong> and @
for &#
li>Select the unit system Metric or Imperial<
/Off the background<
/Off the home indicator.<
5 different screen with values.<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/config_beta3.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><
p>Second Tab
for calibration values and other options.<
Type Alert values
for Battery, Range and RSSI<
li>Select Audio options.<
li>Design your analog sensor input like Ultrasonic altimeter or any.<
li>Change calibration values
for fine tunning your system.<
br />
Default voltage
value is
br />
Default current
value is
3 (auto configuration
for Ultralight sensors
br />
Default RSSI Min
40 , Max
135 for 2.6v to 0.8v RSSI systems.<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/config_beta1.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><
p>Thirth Tab
for logs and rom records.<
li>Select the ComPort of USB loader.<
/Load the configuration options on the file.<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/config_beta2.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><
hr />
h2>FLYTRON Ground Station<
p>The Ground Station software works with bidirectional FrSky modules. You should edit config.ini file before first run.<
p>you will see the line like &#
8243; in the ini file, edit this com port number to your computer&#
8217;s comport number that FrSky module connected. Then run the software and explore it&#
8217;s features. Software is already on Beta and we are sharing it just
for testing purpose.<
a rel="attachment wp-att-352" href="http://blog.flytron.com/simpleosd-web-manual.html/gs"><
img title="gs" src="http://blog.flytron.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/gs.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="462" /><
li>It is <
a rel="nofollow" href="http://code.google.com/p/openfgs/" target="_self">OpenSource<
(under LGPL license
li>Live Video<
li>Live Google Maps position<
li>Video Capturing with all compression codecs.<
Data logging and others.<
p>And we will add <
a rel="nofollow" href="http://blog.flytron.com/category/openlrs-project" target="_self">OpenLRS<
/a> telemetry support with IMU and other sensors on Alpha
version of firmware.<
p>You can follow our all FrSKY telemetry projects from this <
a rel="nofollow" href="http://blog.flytron.com/category/frsky-telemetry-projects" target="_self">link<
p>And this is the google
code page of OpenFGS project. <
a rel="nofollow" href="http://code.google.com/p/openfgs/">http:
p>Please contact with us
for being the project member, all developers are welcome.<
hr />
h2>Audio Telemetry Modem Receiver<
p>This is world first telemetry modem system over sound card, this mean you dont need any external device or part
for reading telemetry
data on the ground station. It reducing cost of your FPV set and increasing the flexibility.<
img src="http://www.flytron.com/fotolar/simpleosd/audio_telemetry_modem.png" border="0" alt="" width="521" height="376" /><
p>Tool reading AFSK waves from your microphone
(or line-in
) input and analysing it
for byes and giving out from TCP
1976 port
for external plugin softwares like google earth interfaces,
data rcordars or flight gauges.<
br />
strong>Follow this
3 easy steps
for reading telemetry datas:<
li>Power on SimpleOSD XL
(ofcourse connect it&#
8217;s audio pin on your video TX&#
8217;s audio input.
li>Connect your video receivers audio output on you computer&#
8217;s line-in or microhone input. You will hear the AFSK signals from your speaker.
(if not, check your sound card&#
8217;s recorder input options
li>Run the SimpleOSD Audio Modem Receiver software and press the RUN button.<
strong>Fine Tune:<
li>Every video receiver&#
8217;s have different output levels
for audio signals and you must finetune it from your computer.<
li>Uncheck the Digitize check box. It will show audible signals on the screen.<
li>You should see full waves on the screen, if waves too small or overloaded it is affect your
data quality.<
li>Open your sound card&#
8217;s &#
8220;Recording Control&#
8221; menu and change the Gain
value for optimising the AFSK waves on acceptible wave
size.Waves mus be smaller then oscilloscope screen
height and higher than half of screen. %80 is best
size for waves.<
li>Check Digitize check box after fine tuning.<
8217;s Section<
p>Audio Modem software including basic plugin architecture
for using telemetry values on external applications like googleaerth control or
value analysers.<
p>Download this manual
for detailed information about our AFSK protocol and Plugin system :<
a href="http://www.flytron.com/pdf/audio_modem.pdf">http:
span style="font-size: medium;">TROUBLESHOOTING<
span style="font-size: small;"><
a name="background visibility"><
1 &#
8211; My Black
Background is not enough black<
p>Some CCD Survilance Cameras giving powerfull video outputs
for long cable lengths, If you using this
type cameras
for FPV, SimleOSD&#
8217;s black
background will not enough black.<
br />
You should increase SimpleOSD&#
8217;s output than original design and it is very simple hack.<
br />
Just find &#
8243; coded resistors close to GPS Port. First resistor increases white, Second one increases Black <
img src='http://blog.flytron.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif' alt=';)' class='wp-smiley' /><
br />
Use a solder drop jumper
for disabling this resistor.<
br />
object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="480" height="385" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"><
param name="src" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/1IX0udZnNNg&hl=en_US&fs=1" /><
param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><embed
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="385" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1IX0udZnNNg&hl=en_US&fs=1" allowfullscreen
span style="font-size: small;"><
a name="gps cant fixed"><
2 &#
8211; My GPS&#
8217;s 3DFIX LED dont stop to blinking<
p>GPSs works 1.3Ghz and they are following very low power satellite signals. Because satellites works with solar panels and output powers only few watts on GPS signals. This is why GPSs affects all noises around.<
p>At first, be sure your GPS not close to your video transmitter. Then you should check magnetic
/electric noise generators on your setup. Brushless motors and their wires generates giant magnetic pulses and it affects all sensitive things arround. And some wrong designed ESCs are the main problem of all noise problems. They generates big voltage drops on battery side and it affects your equipments. Most of Rc Receivers resistive to this problems because producers designing them
for worst case. But GPS producers already designing them
for more healty conditions.<
p>Power line filters resolves powerline parasites on most cases but not RF noises afound.<
p>You should find right GPS position and maybe you should add some ferrite beads on wires.<
span style="font-size: small;"><
a name="gps fixed but"><
3 &#
8211; My GPS Fixed but SimpleOSD didnt recognise it<
p>Please check the GPS to OSD cabling and
data lines.<
br />
Tx or RX lines should be connected to OSD before power on.<
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p class="top">Mulder<
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January 16th,
2011 at
58 am <
a href="#comment-201" title="">#<
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p>I just got my SimpleOSD, installed the firmware using the USB loader. But the calibrator_xl always says that it cannot find SimpleOSD?<
p>Any hints?<
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p class="top">Melih Karakelle<
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January 16th,
2011 at
29 pm <
a href="#comment-206" title="">#<
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p>Hi Dan,<
p>- be sure your OSD working and everything installed when updating it. You cant talk with it when it is off.<
br />
- And be sure you choosed right com port from software and cable connected to right place.<
p>It works without problem when this points ok.<
br />
br />
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a href='http://www.youtube.com/user/petleh82' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Peter<
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February 16th,
2011 at
38 am <
a href="#comment-295" title="">#<
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p>Hello, do the osd have support
for rssi
value from
4 ghz receivers with &#
8220;lost packet led&#
8221;, where a led on a receiver blink
for every packet lost. I know it it possible to build a little circuit to convert the blink rate to a analog rssi
value. But that feels a little unnecessary. It would be a trivial thing to do in the firmware
code. Do it support that ? If not see this a request <
img src='http://blog.flytron.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif' alt=':-)' class='wp-smiley' /> Have a nice day !<
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p class="top">Melih Karakelle<
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February 16th,
2011 at
47 am <
a href="#comment-298" title="">#<
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p>Direct lost package counter is a good idea, i will think about it on next generation firmware.<
br />
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a href='http://sircrashalot.wordpress.com/2011/02/20/easystar-schematics-v1-1/' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Easystar schematics v1.1 « sircrashalot<
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February 20th,
2011 at
59 pm <
a href="#comment-306" title="">#<
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] with
2 amp sensors. I thought that I will connect them later. This seemed to be a great idea until I started to check out how I can do the wiring. The more I read about it the more I got convinced how bad idea is to have OSD in the back. It was
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p class="top">Patrick O
'Neill<span><br />
February 23rd, 2011 at 10:08 pm <a href="#comment-312" title="">#</a></span></p>
<div class="body">
<div class='body
'><p>Hi Melih, I have purchased your OSD, 100amp sensor and GPS sensor and have just received them. Brilliant work!<br />
I too, like Peter above, want to connect for RSSI from my RDS8000 2.4ghz receiver. Please make a solution <img src='http:
' alt=';
)' class='wp-smiley
' /><br />
I have questions for you; (without Volt sensor installed)<br />
#1) I am powering the video, vid transmitter, and OSD through the 4 pin vid connect on OSD board. IS THIS OK?<br />
#2) With the above set up I see the Voltage and mA on screen with out volt sensor…is this the MAIN #1 passed through to video?<br />
The mA counts off really fast…must not be accurate installed this way.<br />
Hope to hear from you soon, Patrick</p>
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<p class="top">Daniel Hibben<span><br />
February 26th, 2011 at 7:42 pm <a href="#comment-316" title="">#</a></span></p>
<div class="body">
<div class='body
'><p>can this simple OSD be used with Antenna tracker system like the eagle eyes i have that and was hoping that it could send data that would allow the it to track the aircraft but i see nothing on this in the manual<br />
thanks Dan</p>
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<p class="top">Melih Karakelle<span><br />
March 13th, 2011 at 8:02 am <a href="#comment-327" title="">#</a></span></p>
<div class="body">
<div class='body-author
'><p>Hi Daniel,</p>
<p>Yes it is possible, Simple OSD including opensource telemetry systems (Audio and FrSky based ones) but you need some programming skills for that.</p>
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<p class="top">Melih Karakelle<span><br />
March 13th, 2011 at 8:09 am <a href="#comment-328" title="">#</a></span></p>
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<div class='body-author
'><p>Hi Patrick </p>
<p>Sorry i was offline/busy since few weeks.</p>
<p>I guess you can use the package lost led modification method for your receiver.<br />
just reads this article: <a href="http://blog.flytron.com/rssi-output-for-2-4ghz-futaba-fasst.html" rel="nofollow">http://blog.flytron.com/rssi-output-for-2-4ghz-futaba-fasst.html</a></p>
<p>About your questions:<br />
1) yes you can supply it over 4 pin side, this is simplest installation method with only 3 wire (+ – video)<br />
2) but you can measure the current over it. disable current info from screen for this setup. Because OSD measures the volts with internal voltage sensor but current sensor inputs affects from electric noises and measures the noise without the current sensor.</p>
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<p class="top">Aaron<span><br />
March 31st, 2011 at 3:31 pm <a href="#comment-363" title="">#</a></span></p>
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<div class='body
'><p>I figured out how to use the configurator and it’s pushing the data to the OSD just fine (by the way it works on Window’s 7). The only problem I have is that I can’t get the GPS to lock. I have the GPS on the OSD, and I get a solid blue light, but I never get any GPS related data on the screen. It always says wait for GPS fix.</p>
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<p class="top">Melih Karakelle<span><br />
April 3rd, 2011 at 9:20 am <a href="#comment-372" title="">#</a></span></p>
<div class="body">
<div class='body-author
'><p>At first, you must remove the USB cable from OSD before power on, because it disables the GPS when plugged. o<br />
Second, Be sure about GPS cabling between OSD and GPS, Tx of GPS must be connected to Rx of OSD as we show in diagram. </p>
<p><strong>Means of LEDs</strong></p>
<li>Solid BLUE: GPS backup battery charging</li>
<li>Solid RED: Low supply voltage or burned GPS chip by high voltage</li>
<li>Blinking RED: Searching for satellites</li>
<li>RED LED off: GPS locked (3Dfix) to satellites</li>
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<p class="top">Carlos Santiago<span><br />
April 5th, 2011 at 12:32 am <a href="#comment-383" title="">#</a></span></p>
<div class="body">
<div class='body
'><p>Hello<br />
My simple OSD locates the satellites and is initialized without<br />
problems but after a few minutes there is a alert that says<br />
waiting GPS fix and might not work, which<br />
can it be? Watch the video, thanks.<br />
Always doing the same.<br />
<a href="http://vimeo.com/21940624" rel="nofollow">http://vimeo.com/21940624</a></p>
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<p class="top">roberto<span><br />
April 21st, 2011 at 2:41 am <a href="#comment-402" title="">#</a></span></p>
<div class="body">
<div class='body
'><p>i would like to have 2 lines of information on the screen, is it possible?</p>
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<p class="top">Melih Karakelle<span><br />
May 2nd, 2011 at 4:29 pm <a href="#comment-411" title="">#</a></span></p>
<div class="body">
<div class='body-author
'><p>Sorry, it gives only one line information according the “simple” rule.<br />
PS:I know it is not “simple” when configuring but it is only way for answering the all requirements.</p>
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<p class="top">Aaron<span><br />
May 12th, 2011 at 11:42 am <a href="#comment-444" title="">#</a></span></p>
<div class="body">
<div class='body
'><p>I am having exactly the same problem as Carlos Santiago,<br />
after 1-2 mins of perfect operation it shows “waiting for gps fix” just like his video, happens every time, please help.</p>
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<p class="top">Melih Karakelle<span><br />
May 12th, 2011 at 6:46 pm <a href="#comment-449" title="">#</a></span></p>
<div class="body">
<div class='body-author
'><p>Oh sorry i was missed his question too.<br />
If it is same problem i will answer both;<br />
GPS already working and giving altitude and other details on this video. But saying “waiting for fix”. This is not a problem of OSD or GPS unit. GPS giving alert about loosing fix when it cant detect enough satellites around. Probably, your video TX jamming the GPS signals and it is receiving poor quality GPS signals. Change the GPS’s or VTx’s position, it resolves the most of noise problem. And add a satellite count symbol on your OSD screen for following the signal quality.</p>
<p>Possible reasons of time delays:<br />
- All VTx devices sensitive to temperature on mosfet junction and they generates more noise less power when the temperature increasing. This is why their range reduces after few minutes.<br />
- Satellites turning around the earth. If GPS fixes with only 4 satellite, it loses it after few minutes. You need 8 or more satellite signal for good quality position detection.</p>
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<p class="top">Carlos Santiago<span><br />
May 13th, 2011 at 11:36 pm <a href="#comment-462" title="">#</a></span></p>
<div class="body">
<div class='body
'><p>I think I found the problem, some cameras that are generally<br />
GPS blockade, SN777, SN555, DX201, KX201, KX131 give no problem,<br />
KX191, KX171, KPC650CHQ.<br />
I hope this information serves.</p>
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<p class="top">Carlos Santiago<span><br />
May 14th, 2011 at 2:29 pm <a href="#comment-463" title="">#</a></span></p>
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<div class='body
'><p>Sorry; KX131 No problem</p>
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<p class="top">Jho<span><br />
May 18th, 2011 at 3:22 am <a href="#comment-465" title="">#</a></span></p>
<div class="body">
<div class='body
'><p>Carlos Santiago try to get the Mickey FIlter</p>
<p><a href="http://flytron.com/70-mickey-1-amper-power-noise-filter.html" rel="nofollow">http://flytron.com/70-mickey-1-amper-power-noise-filter.html</a></p>
<p>and see if this helps with problematic cameras,</p>
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