Subversion Repositories Projects

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 344 → Rev 346

28,7 → 28,9
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "max7456_software_spi.c"
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "max7456_software_spi.h"
#include "usart1.h"
/* TODO:
36,72 → 38,14
* - clean up code :)
/* ##########################################################################
* Debugging and general purpose definitions
* ##########################################################################*/
#define ALLCHARSDEBUG 0 // set to 1 and flash firmware to see all chars
#ifndef WRITECHARS // if WRITECHARS not set via makefile
#define WRITECHARS -1 // set to 2XX and flash firmware to write new char
// enables the allchars as well to see results
#ifndef NTSC // if NTSC is not thet via makefile
#define NTSC 0 // set to 1 for NTSC mode + lifts the bottom line
#define HUD 1 // set to 0 to disable HUD by default
#define ARTHORIZON 0 // set to 1 to enable roll&nick artificial horizon by default
#define STATS 1 // set to 1 to enable statistics during motor off by default
#define WARNINGS 1 // set to 1 to display battery+rc warning even if HUD is disabled
#define UBAT_WRN 94 // voltage for blinking warning, like FC settings
#define RCLVL_WRN 100 // make the RC level blink if below this number
// ### read datasheet before changing stuff below this line :)
#define BLINK 0b01001111 // attribute byte for blinking chars
/* ##########################################################################
* FLAGS usable during runtime
* ##########################################################################*/
#define COSD_FLAG_NTSC 1
#define COSD_FLAG_HUD 2
/* ##########################################################################
* LED controll
* ##########################################################################*/
#define LED1_ON PORTC |= (1 << PC0);
#define LED1_OFF PORTC &= ~(1 << PC0);
#define LED2_ON PORTC |= (1 << PC1);
#define LED2_OFF PORTC &= ~(1 << PC1);
#define LED3_ON PORTC |= (1 << PC2);
#define LED3_OFF PORTC &= ~(1 << PC2);
#define LED4_ON PORTC |= (1 << PC3);
#define LED4_OFF PORTC &= ~(1 << PC3);
/* ##########################################################################
* switch controll
* ##########################################################################*/
#define S1_PRESSED !(PINC & (1<<PC5))
#define S2_PRESSED !(PINC & (1<<PC4))
// data structs
// data structs not needed for character flashin
#include "mk-data-structs.h"
/* ##########################################################################
* global definitions and global vars
* ##########################################################################*/
volatile uint8_t rxd_buffer_locked = 0;
volatile uint8_t rxd_buffer[RXD_BUFFER_LEN];
volatile uint8_t txd_buffer[TXD_BUFFER_LEN];
volatile uint8_t ReceivedBytes = 0;
volatile uint8_t *pRxData = 0;
volatile uint8_t RxDataLen = 0;
volatile uint16_t setsReceived = 0;
volatile NaviData_t naviData;
119,6 → 63,18
// remember last time data was received
volatile uint8_t seconds_since_last_data = 0;
// store stats description in progmem to save space
char stats_item_0[] PROGMEM = "max Altitude:";
char stats_item_1[] PROGMEM = "max Speed :";
char stats_item_2[] PROGMEM = "max Distance:";
char stats_item_3[] PROGMEM = "min voltage :";
char stats_item_4[] PROGMEM = "max time :";
char* stats_item_pointers[] PROGMEM = {stats_item_0, stats_item_1, stats_item_2, stats_item_3, stats_item_4};
// store more fixed strings in progmen
char ON[] PROGMEM = "ON ";
char OFF[] PROGMEM = "OFF";
#endif // ends !(ALLCHARSDEBUG|(WRITECHARS != -1))
// general PAL|NTSC distingiusch stuff
153,7 → 109,7
* serial support
#include "usart1.c"
//#include "usart1.c"
/* ##########################################################################
300,32 → 256,41
void config_menu_drawings(uint8_t chosen) {
// clear prevoius _cursor_
write_ascii_string(3, (chosen + 4) % 5, " ");
write_ascii_string(3, (chosen + 6) % 7, " ");
// draw current _cursor_
write_ascii_string(3, chosen + 6, ">");
write_ascii_string(23, 6, "ON ");
write_ascii_string_pgm(23, 6, ON);
} else {
write_ascii_string(23, 6, "OFF");
write_ascii_string_pgm(23, 6, OFF);
write_ascii_string(23, 7, "ON ");
write_ascii_string_pgm(23, 7, ON);
} else {
write_ascii_string(23, 7, "OFF");
write_ascii_string_pgm(23, 7, OFF);
write_ascii_string(23, 8, "ON ");
write_ascii_string_pgm(23, 8, ON);
} else {
write_ascii_string(23, 8, "OFF");
write_ascii_string_pgm(23, 8, OFF);
write_ascii_string(23, 9, "ON ");
write_ascii_string_pgm(23, 9, ON);
} else {
write_ascii_string(23, 9, "OFF");
write_ascii_string_pgm(23, 9, OFF);
* some sort of clicking response in the menu
void config_menu_doclick(uint8_t chosen, char** menu) {
write_ascii_string(4, chosen + 6, "DONE ");
write_ascii_string(4, chosen + 6, menu[chosen]);
* a simple config menu tryout
void config_menu(void) {
335,10 → 300,13
// clear screen
char* menu[5] = {"Full HUD",
char* menu[8] = {"Full HUD",
"Art.Horizon in HUD",
"Warnings", // TODO: do it!
"Reset uptime",
"Request OSD-data",
"Disable Debug-data",
uint8_t inmenu = 1;
353,6 → 321,9
write_ascii_string(4, 8, menu[2]);
write_ascii_string(4, 9, menu[3]);
write_ascii_string(4, 10, menu[4]);
write_ascii_string(4, 11, menu[5]);
write_ascii_string(4, 12, menu[6]);
write_ascii_string(4, 13, menu[7]);
359,7 → 330,7
while (inmenu) {
if (s2_pressed()) {
write_ascii_string(3, chosen+6, " ");
chosen = (chosen + 1) % 5;
chosen = (chosen + 1) % 8;
write_ascii_string(3, chosen+6, ">");
} else if (s1_pressed()) {
380,7 → 351,22
case 4: // exit
case 4: // reset uptime
uptime = 0;
config_menu_doclick(chosen, menu);
case 5: // re-request OSD data
// request OSD Data from NC every 100ms
usart1_request_mk_data(1, 'o', 100);
config_menu_doclick(chosen, menu);
case 6: // disable debug data
// disable sending of debug data
// may result in smoother ddata display
usart1_request_mk_data(0, 'd', 0);
config_menu_doclick(chosen, menu);
case 7: // exit
inmenu = 0;
530,16 → 516,14
//usart1_puts("hello world!\r\n");
// request data ever 100ms from FC
//unsigned char ms = 10;
//sendMKData('d', 0, &ms, 1);
// request data ever 100ms from FC;
//usart1_request_mk_data(0, 'd', 100);
// request OSD Data from NC every 100ms
unsigned char ms = 10;
sendMKData('o', 1, &ms, 1);
usart1_request_mk_data(1, 'o', 100);
// and disable debug...
//ms = 0;
//sendMKData('d', 0, &ms, 1);
//usart1_request_mk_data(0, 'd', 0);
// disable TXD-pin
648,19 → 632,19
} else {
// stats
write_ascii_string(2, 5, "max Altitude:");
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, 5, stats_item_pointers[0]); // max Altitude
write_number_s(17, 5, max_Altimeter / 30);
write_char_xy(22, 5, 204); // small meters m
write_ascii_string(2, 6, "max Speed :");
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, 6, stats_item_pointers[1]); // max Speed
write_3digit_number_u(19, 6, (uint16_t) (((uint32_t) max_GroundSpeed * 36) / 1000));
write_char_xy(22, 6, 203); // km/h
write_ascii_string(2, 7, "max Distance:");
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, 7, stats_item_pointers[2]); // max Distance
write_number_s(17, 7, max_Distance / 100);
write_char_xy(22, 7, 204); // small meters m
write_ascii_string(2, 8, "min voltage :");
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, 8, stats_item_pointers[3]); // min voltage
write_number_u_10th(16, 8, min_UBat);
write_ascii_string(22, 8, "V"); // voltage
write_ascii_string(2, 9, "max time :");
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, 9, stats_item_pointers[4]); // max time
write_time(16, 9, max_FlyingTime);
write_char_xy(22, 9, 210); // fly clock
} else if (COSD_FLAGS & COSD_FLAG_ARTHORIZON) { // if no stats there is space horizon
711,31 → 695,12
// handle keypress
if (s1_pressed()) {
//sendMKData('d', 1, (unsigned char*) 0, 1);
// request OSD Data from NC every 100ms
/*unsigned char ms = 10;
sendMKData('o', 1, &ms, 1);
if (s2_pressed()) {
uptime = 0;
if (seconds_since_last_data > 2) {
// re-request OSD Data from NC
// re-enable TXD pin
// every 100ms
unsigned char ms = 10;
sendMKData('o', 1, &ms, 1);
// disable TXD pin again
seconds_since_last_data = 0;
// request OSD Data from NC every 100ms
usart1_request_mk_data(1, 'o', 100);
seconds_since_last_data = 0;