14,26 → 14,19 |
#include "uart.h" |
#include "twislave.h" |
volatile unsigned int ppm_signal = 1500; |
volatile unsigned char ppm_new = 0; |
volatile unsigned int PPM_SIGNAL = 1500; |
volatile unsigned char PPM_NEW = 0; |
volatile unsigned char TMR1OvF = 0; |
volatile unsigned int TMR1MS; |
volatile unsigned char ch0; |
volatile unsigned char ch1; |
volatile unsigned char ch2; |
volatile unsigned char ch3; |
volatile unsigned char ch4; |
volatile unsigned char ch5; |
volatile unsigned char ch0_tmp; |
volatile unsigned char ch1_tmp; |
volatile unsigned char ch2_tmp; |
volatile unsigned char ch3_tmp; |
volatile unsigned char ch4_tmp; |
volatile unsigned char ch5_tmp; |
volatile unsigned char CH0; |
volatile unsigned char CH1; |
volatile unsigned char CH2; |
volatile unsigned char CH3; |
volatile unsigned char CH4; |
volatile unsigned char CH5; |
unsigned int timer; |
/*##############################################################################*/ |
{ |
TMR1OvF++; |
59,9 → 52,9 |
{ |
if (ppm > 2100) ppm = 2100; |
if (ppm < 900) ppm = 900; |
ppm = (ppm_signal * 3 + ppm) / 4; |
ppm_signal = ppm; |
if (ppm_new < 50) ppm_new++; |
ppm = (PPM_SIGNAL * 3 + ppm) / 4; |
PPM_SIGNAL = ppm; |
if (PPM_NEW < 50) PPM_NEW++; |
} |
} |
68,10 → 61,7 |
} |
/*##############################################################################*/ |
{ |
// this function is called every 32us, |
80,6 → 70,12 |
static unsigned char counter = 254; |
static unsigned char ms1 = 0; |
static unsigned char ch0_tmp = 0; |
static unsigned char ch1_tmp = 0; |
static unsigned char ch2_tmp = 0; |
static unsigned char ch3_tmp = 0; |
static unsigned char ch4_tmp = 0; |
static unsigned char ch5_tmp = 0; |
unsigned char PORTB_BAK; |
unsigned char PORTD_BAK; |
88,27 → 84,26 |
if (counter++ == 254) |
{ |
ch0_tmp = ch0; |
ch1_tmp = ch1; |
ch2_tmp = ch2; |
ch3_tmp = ch3; |
ch4_tmp = ch4; |
ch5_tmp = ch5; |
PORTB_BAK LEDON (CH0_B | CH1_B | CH2_B); //new cycle, output on |
PORTD_BAK LEDON (CH3_D | CH4_D | CH5_D); // |
ch0_tmp = CH0; |
ch1_tmp = CH1; |
ch2_tmp = CH2; |
ch3_tmp = CH3; |
ch4_tmp = CH4; |
ch5_tmp = CH5; |
counter = 0; |
} |
if (ch0_tmp == counter) PORTB_BAK LEDOFF CH0_B; |
if (ch1_tmp == counter) PORTB_BAK LEDOFF CH1_B; |
if (ch2_tmp == counter) PORTB_BAK LEDOFF CH2_B; |
if (ch3_tmp == counter) PORTD_BAK LEDOFF CH3_D; |
if (ch4_tmp == counter) PORTD_BAK LEDOFF CH4_D; |
if (ch5_tmp == counter) PORTD_BAK LEDOFF CH5_D; |
if (ch0_tmp == counter) PORTB_BAK LEDOFF CH0_B; //channel value reached, output off |
if (ch1_tmp == counter) PORTB_BAK LEDOFF CH1_B; // |
if (ch2_tmp == counter) PORTB_BAK LEDOFF CH2_B; // |
if (ch3_tmp == counter) PORTD_BAK LEDOFF CH3_D; // |
if (ch4_tmp == counter) PORTD_BAK LEDOFF CH4_D; // |
if (ch5_tmp == counter) PORTD_BAK LEDOFF CH5_D; // |
if (ms1++ == 32) |
{ |
122,42 → 117,39 |
} |
/*##############################################################################*/ |
unsigned int SetDelay (unsigned int t) |
{ |
unsigned char temp_hi; |
unsigned char temp_lo; |
unsigned char hi_byte; |
unsigned char lo_byte; |
temp_hi = (TMR1MS >> 8); |
temp_lo = (TMR1MS & 0xff); |
if (temp_hi != (TMR1MS >> 8)) temp_hi = (TMR1MS >> 8); |
hi_byte = (TMR1MS >> 8); |
lo_byte = (TMR1MS & 0xff); |
if (hi_byte != (TMR1MS >> 8)) hi_byte = (TMR1MS >> 8); |
return(((temp_hi << 8) | temp_lo) + t + 1); |
return(((hi_byte << 8) | lo_byte) + t + 1); |
} |
/*##############################################################################*/ |
char CheckDelay(unsigned int t) |
{ |
unsigned char temp_hi; |
unsigned char temp_lo; |
unsigned char hi_byte; |
unsigned char lo_byte; |
temp_hi = (TMR1MS >> 8); |
temp_lo = (TMR1MS & 0xff); |
if (temp_hi != (TMR1MS >> 8)) temp_hi = (TMR1MS >> 8); |
hi_byte = (TMR1MS >> 8); |
lo_byte = (TMR1MS & 0xff); |
if (hi_byte != (TMR1MS >> 8)) hi_byte = (TMR1MS >> 8); |
return(((t - ((temp_hi << 8) | temp_lo)) & 0x8000) >> 9); |
return(((t - ((hi_byte << 8) | lo_byte)) & 0x8000) >> 9); |
} |
/*##############################################################################*/ |
void StartPWM(void) |
{ |
//Timer 0 Config for getting right timing for IR Pattern |
//Timer 0 Config |
TCCR0 = (0<<CS02)|(0<<CS01)|(1<<CS00); // (@8MHz) = 1/8us Clk = 256/8 = 32us overflow |
TIMSK setbit (1<<TOIE0); // enable Int |
164,12 → 156,11 |
} |
/*##############################################################################*/ |
void StartPPM(void) |
{ |
//global timer1 Config |
//Timer1 Config |
TCCR1A = (0<<COM1A1)|(0<<COM1A0)|(0<<COM1B1)|(0<<COM1B0)| |
(0<<FOC1A) |(0<<FOC1B) |(0<<WGM10) |(0<<WGM11); |
TCCR1B = (1<<ICNC1)|(1<<ICES1)|(0<<WGM13)| |
181,7 → 172,6 |
} |
/*##############################################################################*/ |
unsigned int GetPPM(void) |
{ |
192,9 → 182,9 |
unsigned char temp_hi; |
unsigned char temp_lo; |
temp_hi = (ppm_signal >> 8); |
temp_lo = (ppm_signal & 0xff); |
if (temp_hi != (ppm_signal >> 8)) temp_hi = (ppm_signal >> 8); |
temp_hi = (PPM_SIGNAL >> 8); |
temp_lo = (PPM_SIGNAL & 0xff); |
if (temp_hi != (PPM_SIGNAL >> 8)) temp_hi = (PPM_SIGNAL >> 8); |
return( (temp_hi << 8) | temp_lo); |
} |
206,27 → 196,30 |
int main (void) |
{ |
#define step 128 |
#define mul 2 |
#define STEP 256 |
#define MUL 1 |
#define REDUCE 5 |
#define sigeepadr 0x00 |
#define mineepadr 0x20 |
#define maxeepadr 0x22 |
#define eepsig 0x55aa |
#define EEPADRSIG 0x00 |
#define EEPADRMIN 0x20 |
#define EEPADRMAX 0x22 |
#define EEPSIGATURE 0x55aa |
unsigned int ppm; |
signed int color; |
unsigned int setupdly; |
unsigned int ppmtodly; |
unsigned int flashdly; |
unsigned char setup; |
unsigned int lmax; |
unsigned int lmin; |
unsigned int max; |
unsigned int min; |
unsigned int sig; |
unsigned char setup; |
unsigned long temp1; |
unsigned long temp2; |
DDRB = (CH0_B|CH1_B|CH2_B); |
PORTB = 0x00; |
236,12 → 229,12 |
DDRD = (ledgreen|CH3_D|CH4_D|CH5_D); |
PORTD = 0x00; |
ch0 = 0; |
ch1 = 0; |
ch2 = 0; |
ch3 = 0; |
ch4 = 0; |
ch5 = 0; |
CH0 = 0; |
CH1 = 0; |
CH2 = 0; |
CH3 = 0; |
CH4 = 0; |
CH5 = 0; |
lmax = 0x0000; |
lmin = 0xffff; |
253,130 → 246,152 |
sei(); |
min = 1100; |
max = 1900; |
if (eeprom_read_word(sigeepadr) != eepsig) |
if (eeprom_read_word(EEPADRSIG) != EEPSIGATURE) //check eep if signature is there |
{ |
eeprom_write_word(mineepadr, min); |
eeprom_write_word(maxeepadr, max); |
eeprom_write_word(sigeepadr, eepsig); |
min = 1100; //default min |
max = 1900; //default max |
eeprom_write_word(EEPADRMIN, min); //no, write initial min |
eeprom_write_word(EEPADRMAX, max); //and max values |
eeprom_write_word(EEPADRSIG, EEPSIGATURE); //along with eep signature |
} |
else |
{ |
min = eeprom_read_word(mineepadr); |
max = eeprom_read_word(maxeepadr); |
min = eeprom_read_word(EEPADRMIN); //signature ok |
max = eeprom_read_word(EEPADRMAX); //read min and max |
} |
printf("ppm: %d / min: %d / max: %d\n",ppm,min,max); |
setup = 0; |
setup = 0; //reset setup toggle counter |
setupdly = SetDelay(3000); |
ppmtodly = SetDelay(5000); |
flashdly = SetDelay(100); |
while (1) |
{ |
if (ppm_new > 20) |
if (PPM_NEW > 20) //ppm Signal ok |
{ |
PORTC clrbit ledred; |
ppm = GetPPM(); |
ppmtodly = SetDelay(500); |
if (lmax < ppm) lmax=ppm; |
if (lmin > ppm) lmin=ppm; |
ppm = GetPPM(); |
ppmtodly = SetDelay(500); //reset timeout |
if (lmax < ppm) lmax=ppm; //update impulse max |
if (lmin > ppm) lmin=ppm; //and min boundarys |
} |
else |
{ |
PORTC setbit ledred; |
ppm = min; |
PORTC setbit ledred; //ppm signal not ok |
ppm = min; //set ppm to minimum |
} |
if (CheckDelay(ppmtodly)) |
if (CheckDelay(ppmtodly)) //timeout |
{ |
ppmtodly = SetDelay(5000); |
ppm_new = 0; |
ppmtodly = SetDelay(5000); |
PPM_NEW = 0; //set ppm signal not ok |
} |
if (setup < 6) |
{ |
if ((ppm > 1600) && ((setup&1)==0)) setup++; // |
if ((ppm < 1400) && ((setup&1)==1)) setup++; // |
if (CheckDelay(flashdly)) //setup timeout reached |
{ |
CH0 = CH0 ^ 0xff; |
CH1 = CH1 ^ 0xff; |
CH2 = CH2 ^ 0xff; |
flashdly = SetDelay(250); |
} |
} |
if ((ppm > 1600) && ((setup&1)==0)) setup++; |
if ((ppm < 1400) && ((setup&1)==1)) setup++; |
if (setup == 6) |
{ |
PORTD setbit ledgreen; |
eeprom_write_word(mineepadr, lmin); |
eeprom_write_word(maxeepadr, lmax); |
min = lmin; |
if (setup == 6) //if stick is toggled 6 times |
{ //within setup timeout |
PORTD setbit ledgreen; //store ppm min and max |
eeprom_write_word(EEPADRMIN, lmin); //in eeprom |
eeprom_write_word(EEPADRMAX, lmax); |
min = lmin; |
max = lmax; |
setupdly = SetDelay(2000); |
setupdly = SetDelay(2000); |
if (CheckDelay(flashdly)) //setup timeout reached |
{ |
CH0 = CH0 ^ 0xff; |
CH1 = CH1 ^ 0xff; |
CH2 = CH2 ^ 0xff; |
flashdly = SetDelay(25); |
} |
} |
if (CheckDelay(setupdly)) |
if (CheckDelay(setupdly)) //setup timeout reached |
{ |
setup = 0; |
setup = 7; //lockdown setup |
PORTD clrbit ledgreen; |
} |
//printf("ppm: %d / min: %d / max: %d\n",ppm,lmin,lmax); |
/* |
// Farbablauf: rot > Violett > blau > tuerkis > gruen > gelb > |
if ((ppm >= (step * 0)) && (ppm < (step * 1))) |
if (setup = 7) |
{ |
ch0 = mul * ((ppm - (step * 0))); //fade in red > red (red only) |
ch1 = 0; |
ch2 = 0; |
} |
if ((ppm >= (step * 1)) && (ppm < (step * 2))) |
{ |
ch0 = ((step-1) * mul); |
ch2 = mul * ((ppm - (step * 1))); //fade in blue > purple (red + blue) |
ch1 = 0; |
} |
if ((ppm >= (step * 2)) && (ppm < (step * 3))) |
{ |
ch0 = mul * ((step - 1) - (ppm - (step * 2))); //fade out red > blue (blue only) |
ch2 = ((step-1) * mul); |
ch1 = 0; |
} |
if ((ppm >= (step * 3)) && (ppm < (step * 4))) |
{ |
ch0 = 0; |
ch2 = ((step-1) * mul); |
ch1 = mul * ((ppm - (step * 3))); //fade in green > tuerkis (blue + green) |
} |
if ((ppm >= (step * 4)) && (ppm < (step * 5))) |
{ |
ch0 = 0; |
ch2 = mul * ((step - 1) - (ppm - (step * 4))); //fade out blue > green (green only) |
ch1 = ((step-1) * mul); |
} |
if ((ppm >= (step * 5)) && (ppm < (step * 6))) |
{ |
ch0 = mul * ((ppm - (step * 5))); //fade in red > yellow (green + red) |
ch2 = 0; |
ch1 = ((step-1) * mul); |
} |
if ((ppm >= (step * 6)) && (ppm < (step * 7))) |
{ |
ch0 = ((step-1) * mul); |
ch2 = 0; |
ch1 = mul * ((step - 1) - (ppm - (step * 6))); //fade out green > red (red only) |
} |
if ((ppm >= (step * 7)) ) |
{ |
ch0 = ((step-1) * mul); |
ch2 = 0; |
ch1 = 9; |
} |
*/ |
temp1 = (STEP * (long)40000 * (long)6) / ((max-REDUCE) - (min+REDUCE)); |
temp2 = ((ppm - (min+REDUCE)) * temp1); |
color = temp2 / 40000; |
if (color < 0) color = 0; |
if (color > (STEP * 6)) color = (STEP * 6); |
// Farbablauf: rot > Violett > blau > tuerkis > gruen > gelb > |
if ((color >= (STEP * 0)) && (color < (STEP * 1))) |
{ |
CH0 = MUL * ((color - (STEP * 0))); //fade in red > red (red only) |
CH1 = 0; |
CH2 = 0; |
} |
if ((color >= (STEP * 1)) && (color < (STEP * 2))) |
{ |
CH0 = ((STEP-1) * MUL); |
CH1 = 0; |
CH2 = MUL * ((color - (STEP * 1))); //fade in blue > purple (red + blue) |
} |
if ((color >= (STEP * 2)) && (color < (STEP * 3))) |
{ |
CH0 = MUL * ((STEP - 1) - (color - (STEP * 2))); //fade out red > blue (blue only) |
CH1 = 0; |
CH2 = ((STEP-1) * MUL); |
} |
if ((color >= (STEP * 3)) && (color < (STEP * 4))) |
{ |
CH0 = 0; |
CH1 = MUL * ((color - (STEP * 3))); //fade in green > cyan (blue + green) |
CH2 = ((STEP-1) * MUL); |
} |
if ((color >= (STEP * 4)) && (color < (STEP * 5))) |
{ |
CH0 = 0; |
CH1 = ((STEP-1) * MUL); |
CH2 = MUL * ((STEP - 1) - (color - (STEP * 4))); //fade out blue > green (green only) |
} |
if ((color >= (STEP * 5)) && (color < (STEP * 6))) |
{ |
CH0 = MUL * ((color - (STEP * 5))); //fade in red > yellow (green + red) |
CH1 = ((STEP-1) * MUL); |
CH2 = 0; |
} |
if (color >= (STEP * 6)) |
{ |
CH0 = ((STEP-1) * MUL); //fade in red > yellow (green + red) |
CH1 = ((STEP-1) * MUL); |
CH2 = 0; |
} |
} |
} |
} |