Subversion Repositories Projects

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 56 → Rev 57

14,7 → 14,7
#include "uart.h"
#include "twislave.h"
volatile unsigned int PPM_SIGNAL = 1500;
volatile unsigned int PPM_SIGNAL = 1520;
volatile unsigned char PPM_NEW = 0;
volatile unsigned char TMR1OvF = 0;
volatile unsigned int TMR1MS;
228,6 → 228,9
#define EEPSIGNATURE 0x55aa
#define inimin 1200
#define inimax 1800
unsigned int ppm;
signed int color;
unsigned int setupdly;
238,8 → 241,8
unsigned int lmin;
unsigned int max;
unsigned int min;
signed long temp1;
signed long temp2;
signed long temp1;
signed long temp2;
DDRB = (CH0_B|CH1_B|CH2_B);
PORTB = 0x00;
260,16 → 263,17
lmax = 0x0000;
lmin = 0xffff;
// StartUART();
if (eeprom_read_word(&EEPSIG) != EEPSIGNATURE) //check eep if signature is there
min = inimin; //default min
max = inimax; //default max
if (eeprom_read_word(&EEPSIG) != EEPSIGNATURE) //check eep if signature is there
min = 1100; //default min
max = 1900; //default max
eeprom_write_word(&EEPMIN, min); //no, write initial min
eeprom_write_word(&EEPMAX, max); //and max values
eeprom_write_word(&EEPSIG, EEPSIGNATURE); //along with eep signature
276,10 → 280,12
min = eeprom_read_word(&EEPMIN); //signature ok
max = eeprom_read_word(&EEPMAX); //read min and max
setup = 0; //reset setup toggle counter
setupdly = SetDelay(5000);
ppmtodly = SetDelay(5000);
355,22 → 361,27
PORTD clrbit ledgreen;
printf("ppm: %d / min: %d / max: %d\n",ppm,min,max);
if (setup == 8)
temp1 = (STEP * (signed long)30000 * (signed long)6) / ((max-REDUCE) - (min+REDUCE));
temp2 = ((ppm - (min+REDUCE)) * temp1);
color = temp2 / 30000;
temp1 = ((long)STEP * 6 * 20000) / ((max-REDUCE) - (min+REDUCE));
temp2 = (((int)ppm - ((int)min+REDUCE)) * temp1);
color = temp2 / 20000;
if (color < 0) color = 0;
if (color > (STEP * 6)) color = (STEP * 6);
if (color > ((STEP*6)+1)) color = ((STEP*6)+1);
printf("color: %d\n",color);
//printf("p %u ",ppm);
//printf("pm %u ",(min+REDUCE));
//printf("t1 %li ",temp1);
//printf("t2 %li ",temp2);
//printf("c %i\n ",color);
// Farbablauf: rot > Violett > blau > tuerkis > gruen > gelb >
if ((color >= (STEP * 0)) && (color < (STEP * 1)))