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Regard whitespace Rev 294 → Rev 293

1,80 → 1,34
#include <avr/io.h>
#include "fat16.h"
#include "ssc.h"
// Module name: fat16.c
// Compiler used: avr-gcc 3.4.5
// Last Modifikation: 24.07.2007
// Version: 1.03
// Authors: Stephan Busker
// Description: Source files for access to the synchrnous serial channel.
// Copyright (C) 2007 Stephan Busker
// Functions: extern void SSC_Init(void);
// extern u8 SSC_GetChar (void);
// extern void SSC_PutChar (u8 Byte);
// extern void SSC_Disable(void);
// extern void SSC_Enable(void);
// ext. functions: extern u8 SDC_GetSector (u32,u8*);
// extern u8 SDC_PutSector (u32,u8*);
// URL:
// mailto:
//-------------------------------------- Hardware specific definitions --------------------------------------
#define PORTW_SPI PORTB //Port to which the sd-card is connected (SPI Port)
#define PORT_MISO PORTB6 //Port Pin that is connected to the DO of the MMC/SD-card
#define PORT_MOSI PORTB5 //Port Pin that is connected to DI of the MMC/SD-card
#define PORT_SCK PORTB7 //Port Pin that is connected the CLK of the MMC/SD-card
#define PORT_SS PORTB4 //Slave Select is not used in SPI Master Mode, but must be defined
#define PORT_CS PORTB4 //Port Pin that is connected to /CS of the MMC/SD-Karte
#define __SD_INTERFACE_INVERTED // the interface between the controller and the SD-card uses an inverting leveltranslator (transistorinverter)
#endif // and therefore the signals to or from the memorycard have to be inverted.
#ifdef USE_FOLLOWME // uses resitors, therefore its not inverted
//#define __SD_INTERFACE_INVERTED // the interface between the controller and the MMC/SD-card uses an inverting leveltranslator (transistorinverter)
#define DDR_SPI DDRB
#define DD_MISO DDB6 //Port Pin that is connected to the DO of the MMC/SD-card
#define DD_MOSI DDB5 //Port Pin that is connected to DI of the MMC/SD-card
#define DD_SCK DDB7 //Port Pin that is connected the CLK of the MMC/SD-card
#define DD_SS DDB4 //Slave Select is not used in SPI Master Mode, but must be defined
#define DD_CS DDB4 //Port Pin that is connected to /CS of the MMC/SD-Karte
// for compatibility reasons gcc3.x <-> gcc4.x
#ifndef SPCR
#define SPCR SPCR0
#ifndef SPIE
#define SPIE SPIE0
#ifndef SPE
#define SPE SPE0
#ifndef DORD
#define DORD DORD0
#ifndef MSTR
#define MSTR MSTR0
#ifndef CPOL
#define CPOL CPOL0
#ifndef CPHA
#define CPHA CPHA0
#ifndef SPR1
#define SPR1 SPR01
#ifndef SPR0
#define SPR0 SPR00
#ifndef SPDR
#define SPDR SPDR0
#ifndef SPSR
#define SPSR SPSR0
#ifndef SPIF
#define SPIF SPIF0
#ifndef WCOL
#define WCOL WCOL0
#ifndef SPI2X
#define SPI2X SPI2X0
// Funtion: SSC_Init(void);
86,40 → 40,44
void SSC_Init(void)
// Set MOSI,SCK and CS as output
DDR_SPI |= (1<<DD_MOSI)|(1<<DD_SCK)|(1<<DD_CS);
// set MISO as input
DDR_SPI &= ~(1<<DD_MISO);
MMC_Direction_REG &=~(1<<SPI_DI); // Set the direction of the ssc-port
MMC_Direction_REG |= (1<<SPI_Clock); // _______ _______
MMC_Direction_REG |= (1<<SPI_DO); // CS \________________________/
MMC_Direction_REG |= (1<<MMC_Chip_Select); //
MMC_Direction_REG |= (1<<SPI_SS); // ___ ___ ___
// clk __________/ \___/ \___/ \_________
SSC_Disable(); // ___ ___
// data_________/ \___________/ \___________
// initialise ssc, clock = Idel low
// devide clock by 32
SPCR = (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(1<<SPR1)|(1<<CPOL); // Enable SSC in mastermode, invert clockpolarity (idle high)
// 20MHz / 32 = 625 kHz
SPCR = (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(0<<DORD)|(1<<CPOL)|(0<<CPHA)|(1<<SPR1)|(1<<SPR0); // Enable SSC in mastermode, inverted clockpolarity (idle high)
SPCR = (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(0<<DORD)|(0<<CPOL)|(0<<CPHA)|(1<<SPR1)|(1<<SPR0); // Enable SSC in mastermode, noninverted clockpolarity (idle low)
SPSR |= (1<<SPI2X);
// set port pin as input pullup for SD-Card switch
PORTB |= (1 << PORTB2);
DDRB &= ~(1 << DDB2);
PORTB |= (1 << PORTB3);
DDRB &= ~(1 << DDB3);
void SSC_Deinit(void)
// Funtion: void SSC_ClearRxFifo(void);
// Description: Clears the fifo of the ssc if the controller used has a builtin fifo.
// Returnvalue: none
void SSC_ClearRxFifo(void)
// enter your code here to clear the rx-fifo of the ssc.
// Function: SSC_GetChar(void);
// Funtion: SSC_GetChar(void);
// Description: This function reads one byte from the SSC
127,31 → 85,26
// Returnvalue: the byte received.
uint8_t SSC_GetChar (void)
u8 SSC_GetChar (void)
uint8_t Byte = 0;
u8 Byte = 0;
SPDR = 0x00; // send dummy byte to initiate the reading
SPDR = 0xFF; // send dummy byte to initiate the reading
while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)))
// wait until the data has been read.
SPDR = 0x00; // read one byte of data from the SSC
while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))){}; // wait until the data has been read.
Byte = SPDR;
Byte = ~Byte;
return (~Byte);
return (Byte); // the byte received
// Function: SSC_PutChar(u8 Byte);
// Funtion: SSC_PutChar(u8 Byte);
// Description: This function writes one byte to the SSC
159,23 → 112,22
// Returnvalue: none
void SSC_PutChar (uint8_t Byte)
void SSC_PutChar (u8 Byte)
SPDR = ~Byte; // send one byte of data to the SSC
SPDR = Byte; // send one byte of data to the SSC
while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)))
SPDR = ~Byte; // send one byte of data to the SSC
while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) // wait until data was send.
// wait until the data has been sent.
// Function: SSC_Disable(void);
// Funtion: SSC_Disable(void);
// Description: This function enables chipselect of the sdcard (active low)
185,10 → 137,10
void SSC_Disable(void)
PORTW_SPI &= ~(1<<PORT_CS); // disable chipselect of the sdcard (active low).
MMC_Write &= ~(1<<MMC_Chip_Select); // disable chipselect of the sdcard (active low).
PORTW_SPI |= (1<<PORT_CS); // disable chipselect of the sdcard (active low).
MMC_Write |= (1<<MMC_Chip_Select); // enable chipselect of the sdcard (active low).
196,7 → 148,7
// Function: SSC_Enable(void);
// Funtion: SSC_Enable(void);
// Description: This function disables chipselect of the sdcard (active low)
206,11 → 158,10
void SSC_Enable(void)
PORTW_SPI |= (1<<PORT_CS); // enable chipselect of the sdcard (active low).
MMC_Write |= (1<<MMC_Chip_Select); // enable chipselect of the sdcard (active low).
PORTW_SPI &= ~(1<<PORT_CS); // enable chipselect of the sdcard (active low).
MMC_Write &= ~(1<<MMC_Chip_Select); // disable chipselect of the sdcard (active low).