/C-OSD/trunk/C-OSD.aps |
1,0 → 0,0 |
<AVRStudio><MANAGEMENT><ProjectName>C-OSD</ProjectName><Created>24-Mar-2009 01:26:47</Created><LastEdit>25-May-2009 20:23:26</LastEdit><ICON>241</ICON><ProjectType>0</ProjectType><Created>24-Mar-2009 01:26:47</Created><Version>4</Version><Build>4, 16, 0, 626</Build><ProjectTypeName>AVR GCC</ProjectTypeName></MANAGEMENT><CODE_CREATION><ObjectFile>default\C-OSD.elf</ObjectFile><EntryFile></EntryFile><SaveFolder>G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\</SaveFolder></CODE_CREATION><DEBUG_TARGET><CURRENT_TARGET>AVR 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|
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|
17,6 → 17,13 |
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * |
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * |
****************************************************************************/ |
20090604-1330 |
*possible to choose between different osd-layouts (via menu) |
20090604-0700 |
+(shaddi)osd_ncmode_minimal for less symbols during FPV |
20090601-2233 |
*(woggle) changed timer init an interupt to be more precise |
*(woggle) remove all warning during compile |
/C-OSD/trunk/c-osd.aws |
1,0 → 0,0 |
<AVRWorkspace><IOSettings><CurrentRegisters><USART1><register register="UBRR1L" group="USART1" display="1" locked="0"/></USART1><USART1><register register="UCSR1B" group="USART1" display="1" locked="0"/></USART1><USART1><register register="UCSR1A" group="USART1" display="1" locked="0"/></USART1><USART1><register register="UDR" group="USART1" display="1" locked="0"/></USART1><CPU><register register="OSCCAL" group="CPU" display="1" locked="0"/></CPU><JTAG><register register="OCDR" group="JTAG" display="1" locked="0"/></JTAG><PORTE><register register="PINE" group="PORTE" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTE><PORTE><register register="DDRE" group="PORTE" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTE><PORTE><register register="PORTE" group="PORTE" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTE><ANALOG_COMPARATOR><register register="ACSR" group="ANALOG_COMPARATOR" display="1" locked="0"/></ANALOG_COMPARATOR><USART0><register register="UBRR0L" group="USART0" display="1" locked="0"/></USART0><USART0><register register="UCSR0B" 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389 1736 896" LineCol="42 124" State="Maximized"/><File00011 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\osd_fcmode_default.c" Position="940 411 1758 918" LineCol="0 0" State="Maximized"/><File00012 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\config.c" Position="698 169 1516 676" LineCol="261 20" State="Maximized"/><File00013 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\config.h" Position="720 191 1538 698" LineCol="0 0" State="Maximized"/><File00014 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\spi.c" Position="742 213 1560 720" LineCol="0 0" State="Maximized"/><File00015 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\spi.h" Position="764 235 1582 742" LineCol="0 0" State="Maximized"/><File00016 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\buttons.c" Position="786 257 1604 764" LineCol="0 0" State="Maximized"/><File00017 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\buttons.h" Position="808 279 1626 786" LineCol="0 0" State="Maximized"/><File00018 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\ppm.c" Position="830 301 1648 808" LineCol="24 45" State="Maximized"/><File00019 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\ppm.h" Position="852 323 1670 830" LineCol="18 78" State="Maximized"/></Files></AVRWorkspace> |
<AVRWorkspace><IOSettings><CurrentRegisters><USART1><register register="UBRR1L" group="USART1" display="1" locked="0"/></USART1><USART1><register register="UCSR1B" group="USART1" display="1" locked="0"/></USART1><USART1><register register="UCSR1A" group="USART1" display="1" locked="0"/></USART1><USART1><register register="UDR" group="USART1" display="1" locked="0"/></USART1><CPU><register register="OSCCAL" group="CPU" display="1" locked="0"/></CPU><JTAG><register register="OCDR" group="JTAG" display="1" locked="0"/></JTAG><PORTE><register register="PINE" group="PORTE" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTE><PORTE><register register="DDRE" group="PORTE" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTE><PORTE><register register="PORTE" group="PORTE" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTE><ANALOG_COMPARATOR><register register="ACSR" group="ANALOG_COMPARATOR" display="1" locked="0"/></ANALOG_COMPARATOR><USART0><register register="UBRR0L" group="USART0" display="1" locked="0"/></USART0><USART0><register register="UCSR0B" group="USART0" display="1" locked="0"/></USART0><USART0><register register="UCSR0A" group="USART0" display="1" locked="0"/></USART0><USART0><register register="UDR0" group="USART0" display="1" locked="0"/></USART0><SPI><register register="SPCR" group="SPI" display="1" locked="0"/></SPI><SPI><register register="SPSR" group="SPI" display="1" locked="0"/></SPI><SPI><register register="SPDR" group="SPI" display="1" locked="0"/></SPI><PORTD><register register="PIND" group="PORTD" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTD><PORTD><register register="DDRD" group="PORTD" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTD><PORTD><register register="PORTD" group="PORTD" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTD><PORTC><register register="PINC" group="PORTC" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTC><PORTC><register register="DDRC" group="PORTC" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTC><PORTC><register register="PORTC" group="PORTC" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTC><PORTB><register register="PINB" group="PORTB" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTB><PORTB><register register="DDRB" group="PORTB" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTB><PORTB><register register="PORTB" group="PORTB" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTB><PORTA><register register="PINA" group="PORTA" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTA><PORTA><register register="DDRA" group="PORTA" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTA><PORTA><register register="PORTA" group="PORTA" display="1" locked="0"/></PORTA><EEPROM><register register="EECR" group="EEPROM" display="1" locked="0"/></EEPROM><EEPROM><register register="EEDR" group="EEPROM" display="1" locked="0"/></EEPROM><EEPROM><register register="EEAR" group="EEPROM" display="1" locked="0"/></EEPROM><USART0><register register="UBRR0H" group="USART0" display="1" locked="0"/></USART0><USART0><register register="UCSR0C" group="USART0" display="1" locked="0"/></USART0><WATCHDOG><register register="WDTCR" group="WATCHDOG" display="1" locked="0"/></WATCHDOG><TIMER_COUNTER_2><register register="OCR2" group="TIMER_COUNTER_2" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_2><TIMER_COUNTER_2><register register="TCNT2" group="TIMER_COUNTER_2" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_2><TIMER_COUNTER_1><register register="ICR1" group="TIMER_COUNTER_1" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_1><TIMER_COUNTER_2><register register="ASSR" group="TIMER_COUNTER_2" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_2><TIMER_COUNTER_2><register register="TCCR2" group="TIMER_COUNTER_2" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_2><TIMER_COUNTER_1><register register="OCR1B" group="TIMER_COUNTER_1" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_1><TIMER_COUNTER_1><register register="OCR1A" group="TIMER_COUNTER_1" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_1><TIMER_COUNTER_1><register register="TCNT1" group="TIMER_COUNTER_1" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_1><TIMER_COUNTER_1><register register="TCCR1B" group="TIMER_COUNTER_1" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_1><TIMER_COUNTER_1><register register="TCCR1A" group="TIMER_COUNTER_1" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_1><CPU><register register="SFIOR" group="CPU" display="1" locked="0"/></CPU><TIMER_COUNTER_0><register register="OCR0" group="TIMER_COUNTER_0" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_0><TIMER_COUNTER_0><register register="TCNT0" group="TIMER_COUNTER_0" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_0><TIMER_COUNTER_0><register register="TCCR0" group="TIMER_COUNTER_0" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_0><CPU><register register="MCUCSR" group="CPU" display="1" locked="0"/></CPU><JTAG><register register="MCUCSR" group="JTAG" display="1" locked="0"/></JTAG><CPU><register register="MCUCR" group="CPU" display="1" locked="0"/></CPU><EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT><register register="MCUCR" group="EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT" display="1" locked="0"/></EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT><CPU><register register="EMCUCR" group="CPU" display="1" locked="0"/></CPU><EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT><register register="EMCUCR" group="EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT" display="1" locked="0"/></EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT><BOOT_LOAD><register register="SPMCR" group="BOOT_LOAD" display="1" locked="0"/></BOOT_LOAD><TIMER_COUNTER_0><register register="TIFR" group="TIMER_COUNTER_0" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_0><TIMER_COUNTER_1><register register="TIFR" group="TIMER_COUNTER_1" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_1><TIMER_COUNTER_2><register register="TIFR" group="TIMER_COUNTER_2" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_2><TIMER_COUNTER_0><register register="TIMSK" group="TIMER_COUNTER_0" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_0><TIMER_COUNTER_1><register register="TIMSK" group="TIMER_COUNTER_1" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_1><TIMER_COUNTER_2><register register="TIMSK" group="TIMER_COUNTER_2" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_2><EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT><register register="GIFR" group="EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT" display="1" locked="0"/></EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT><EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT><register register="GICR" group="EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT" display="1" locked="0"/></EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT><USART1><register register="UBRR1H" group="USART1" display="1" locked="0"/></USART1><USART1><register register="UCSR1C" group="USART1" display="1" locked="0"/></USART1><CPU><register register="SP" group="CPU" display="1" locked="0"/></CPU><CPU><register register="SREG" group="CPU" display="1" locked="0"/></CPU><CPU><register register="CLKPR" group="CPU" display="1" locked="0"/></CPU><EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT><register register="PCMSK0" group="EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT" display="1" locked="0"/></EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT><EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT><register register="PCMSK1" group="EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT" display="1" locked="0"/></EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT><TIMER_COUNTER_3><register register="ETIFR" group="TIMER_COUNTER_3" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_3><TIMER_COUNTER_3><register register="ETIMSK" group="TIMER_COUNTER_3" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_3><TIMER_COUNTER_3><register register="ICR3" group="TIMER_COUNTER_3" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_3><TIMER_COUNTER_3><register register="OCR3B" group="TIMER_COUNTER_3" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_3><TIMER_COUNTER_3><register register="OCR3A" group="TIMER_COUNTER_3" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_3><TIMER_COUNTER_3><register register="TCNT3" group="TIMER_COUNTER_3" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_3><TIMER_COUNTER_3><register register="TCCR3B" group="TIMER_COUNTER_3" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_3><TIMER_COUNTER_3><register register="TCCR3A" group="TIMER_COUNTER_3" display="1" locked="0"/></TIMER_COUNTER_3></CurrentRegisters></IOSettings><part name="ATMEGA162"/><Files><File00000 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\main.c" Position="212 116 1038 653" LineCol="142 61" State="Maximized"/><File00001 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\mk-data-structs.h" Position="234 138 1052 645" LineCol="38 0" State="Maximized"/><File00002 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\max7456_software_spi.h" Position="256 160 1074 667" LineCol="40 0" State="Maximized"/><File00003 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\max7456_software_spi.c" Position="278 182 1096 689" LineCol="23 0" State="Maximized"/><File00004 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\usart1.c" Position="300 204 1118 711" LineCol="0 0" State="Maximized"/><File00005 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\usart1.h" Position="322 226 1140 733" LineCol="23 0" State="Maximized"/><File00006 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\characters.c" Position="344 248 1162 755" LineCol="27 21" State="Maximized"/><File00007 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\main.h" Position="208 93 1922 972" LineCol="29 0" State="Maximized"/><File00008 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\osd_helpers.c" Position="388 292 1206 799" LineCol="178 84" State="Maximized"/><File00009 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\osd_helpers.h" Position="410 314 1228 821" LineCol="18 78" State="Maximized"/><File00010 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\osd_ncmode_default.c" Position="432 336 1250 843" LineCol="11 24" State="Maximized"/><File00011 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\osd_fcmode_default.c" Position="454 358 1272 865" LineCol="8 17" State="Maximized"/><File00012 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\config.c" Position="212 116 1030 623" LineCol="87 4" State="Maximized"/><File00013 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\config.h" Position="234 138 1052 645" LineCol="23 38" State="Maximized"/><File00014 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\spi.c" Position="256 160 1074 667" LineCol="0 0" State="Maximized"/><File00015 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\spi.h" Position="278 182 1096 689" LineCol="0 0" State="Maximized"/><File00016 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\buttons.c" Position="300 204 1118 711" LineCol="0 0" State="Maximized"/><File00017 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\buttons.h" Position="322 226 1140 733" LineCol="0 0" State="Maximized"/><File00018 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\ppm.c" Position="344 248 1162 755" LineCol="24 0" State="Maximized"/><File00019 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\ppm.h" Position="366 270 1184 777" LineCol="18 0" State="Maximized"/><File00020 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\osd_ncmode_minimal.c" Position="366 270 1808 858" LineCol="25 0" State="Maximized"/><File00021 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\osd_ncmode_default.h" Position="388 292 1830 880" LineCol="20 3" State="Maximized"/><File00022 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\osd_ncmode_minimal.h" Position="410 314 1852 902" LineCol="20 3" State="Maximized"/><File00023 Name="G:\Eigene Dateien\C-Projects\C-OSD\trunk\osd_fcmode_default.h" Position="432 336 1874 924" LineCol="20 3" State="Maximized"/></Files></AVRWorkspace> |
/C-OSD/trunk/config.c |
40,6 → 40,7 |
uint16_t EEMEM ee_cal_ampere = 512; |
uint8_t EEMEM ee_sensor = 50; |
uint8_t EEMEM ee_COSD_FLAGS; |
uint8_t EEMEM ee_COSD_DISPLAYMODE = 0; |
// store init strings in progmem |
const char init_0[] PROGMEM = "C-OSD Initialisation"; |
68,12 → 69,14 |
const char menu_item5[] PROGMEM = "Warnings"; // TODO: do it! |
const char menu_item6[] PROGMEM = "Reset uptime"; |
const char menu_item7[] PROGMEM = "Request OSD-data"; |
const char menu_item8[] PROGMEM = "Disable Debug-data"; |
const char menu_item8[] PROGMEM = "Display Mode"; |
const char menu_item9[] PROGMEM = "Save config"; |
const char menu_item10[] PROGMEM = "EXIT"; |
const char* menu[] = {menu_item0, menu_item1, menu_item2, menu_item3, menu_item4, |
menu_item5, menu_item6, menu_item7, menu_item8, menu_item9, menu_item10}; |
const displaymode_t * mode; |
/** |
* read data saved in eeprom, print out message if <verbose> is set |
*/ |
81,6 → 84,8 |
if (eeprom_read_byte(&ee_checkbyte1) == CHECKBYTE1 && eeprom_read_byte(&ee_checkbyte2) == CHECKBYTE2) { |
if (verbose) write_ascii_string_pgm(2, 9, ee_msg[0]); // Loading data |
COSD_FLAGS = eeprom_read_byte(&ee_COSD_FLAGS); |
COSD_DISPLAYMODE = eeprom_read_byte(&ee_COSD_DISPLAYMODE); |
//if (verbose) write_ndigit_number_u(23, 11, COSD_DISPLAYMODE, 10, 0); |
} else { |
if (verbose) write_ascii_string_pgm(2, 9, ee_msg[1]); // No data found |
} |
93,6 → 98,7 |
eeprom_write_byte(&ee_checkbyte1, CHECKBYTE1); |
eeprom_write_byte(&ee_checkbyte2, CHECKBYTE2); |
eeprom_write_byte(&ee_COSD_FLAGS, COSD_FLAGS); |
eeprom_write_byte(&ee_COSD_DISPLAYMODE, COSD_DISPLAYMODE); |
} |
/** |
142,6 → 148,19 |
write_ascii_string_pgm(23, 2, VM_PAL); |
} |
#if FCONLY |
COSD_DISPLAYMODE %= (sizeof(fcdisplaymodes) / sizeof(displaymode_t)); |
mode = fcdisplaymodes; |
osd_fcmode = (int(*)(void)) pgm_read_word(&mode->dfun); |
#else |
COSD_DISPLAYMODE %= (sizeof(ncdisplaymodes) / sizeof(displaymode_t)); |
mode = ncdisplaymodes; |
osd_ncmode = (int(*)(void)) pgm_read_word(&mode->dfun); |
#endif |
_delay_ms(200); |
clear(); |
// update flags to paint display again because of clear |
192,6 → 211,9 |
} else { |
write_ascii_string_pgm(23, 7, OFF); |
} |
//write_ndigit_number_u(23, 10, COSD_DISPLAYMODE, 10, 0); |
write_ascii_string_pgm(18, 10, (const char *) (pgm_read_word(&(mode->desc)))); |
} |
/** |
295,11 → 317,19 |
#endif |
config_menu_doclick(chosen, menu); |
break; |
case 8: // disable debug data |
// disable sending of debug data |
// may result in smoother ddata display |
usart1_request_mk_data(0, 'd', 0); |
config_menu_doclick(chosen, menu); |
case 8: // change mode |
#if FCONLY |
COSD_DISPLAYMODE = (COSD_DISPLAYMODE + 1) % (sizeof(fcdisplaymodes) / sizeof(displaymode_t)); |
mode = fcdisplaymodes; |
osd_fcmode = (int(*)(void)) pgm_read_word(&mode->dfun); |
#else |
COSD_DISPLAYMODE = (COSD_DISPLAYMODE + 1) % (sizeof(ncdisplaymodes) / sizeof(displaymode_t)); |
mode = ncdisplaymodes; |
osd_ncmode = (int(*)(void)) pgm_read_word(&mode->dfun); |
#endif |
config_menu_drawings(chosen); |
break; |
case 9: // save |
save_eeprom(); |
/C-OSD/trunk/default/Makefile |
35,7 → 35,7 |
## Objects that must be built in order to link |
OBJECTS = main.o usart1.o max7456_software_spi.o osd_helpers.o config.o spi.o buttons.o ppm.o |
OBJECTS = main.o usart1.o max7456_software_spi.o osd_helpers.o config.o spi.o buttons.o ppm.o osd_ncmode_default.o osd_ncmode_minimal.o osd_fcmode_default.o |
## Objects explicitly added by the user |
67,7 → 67,16 |
ppm.o: ../ppm.c |
$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $< |
osd_ncmode_default.o: ../osd_ncmode_default.c |
$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $< |
osd_ncmode_minimal.o: ../osd_ncmode_minimal.c |
$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $< |
osd_fcmode_default.o: ../osd_fcmode_default.c |
$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $< |
##Link |
/C-OSD/trunk/main.c |
37,6 → 37,11 |
#include "spi.h" |
#include "buttons.h" |
#include "ppm.h" |
#include "osd_ncmode_default.h" |
#include "osd_ncmode_minimal.h" |
#include "osd_fcmode_default.h" |
#endif |
/* TODO: |
* - verifiy correctness of values |
43,9 → 48,6 |
* - clean up code :) |
*/ |
// data structs not needed for character flashing |
#include "mk-data-structs.h" |
/* ########################################################################## |
* global definitions and global vars |
68,6 → 70,27 |
// remember last time data was received |
volatile uint8_t seconds_since_last_data = 0; |
// general PAL|NTSC distingiusch stuff |
uint8_t top_line = 1; |
uint8_t bottom_line = 14; |
// battery voltages |
uint8_t min_voltage = 0; |
uint8_t max_voltage = 0; |
// Flags |
uint8_t COSD_FLAGS = 0, COSD_FLAGS2 = 0; |
// stats for after flight |
int16_t max_Altimeter = 0; |
uint8_t min_UBat = 255; |
uint16_t max_GroundSpeed = 0; |
int16_t max_Distance = 0; |
uint16_t max_FlyingTime = 0; |
// flags from last round to check for changes |
uint8_t old_MKFlags = 0; |
// store stats description in progmem to save space |
const char stats_item_0[] PROGMEM = "max Altitude:"; |
const char stats_item_1[] PROGMEM = "max Speed :"; |
77,10 → 100,9 |
const char stats_item_5[] PROGMEM = "longitude :"; |
const char stats_item_6[] PROGMEM = "latitude :"; |
const char stats_item_7[] PROGMEM = "max current :"; |
const char* stats_item_pointers[] PROGMEM = {stats_item_0, stats_item_1, stats_item_2, |
const char* stats_item_pointers[8] PROGMEM = {stats_item_0, stats_item_1, stats_item_2, |
stats_item_3, stats_item_4, stats_item_5, stats_item_6, stats_item_7}; |
#if !(FCONLY) |
//char* directions[8] = {"NE", "E ", "SE", "S ", "SW", "W ", "NW", "N "}; |
//char arrowdir[8] = {218, 217, 224, 223, 222, 221, 220, 219}; |
const char str_NE[] PROGMEM = "NE"; |
100,20 → 122,26 |
str_W, |
str_NW, |
str_N}; |
#endif |
#endif // ends !(ALLCHARSDEBUG|(WRITECHARS != -1)) |
/* ########################################################################## |
* Different display mode function pointers |
* ##########################################################################*/ |
const char str_1[] PROGMEM = "default"; |
const char str_2[] PROGMEM = "minimal"; |
// general PAL|NTSC distingiusch stuff |
uint8_t top_line = 1; |
uint8_t bottom_line = 14; |
const displaymode_t ncdisplaymodes[] PROGMEM = { |
{ osd_ncmode_default, (char *)str_1 }, |
{ osd_ncmode_minimal, (char *)str_2 } |
}; |
// battery voltages |
uint8_t min_voltage = 0; |
uint8_t max_voltage = 0; |
const displaymode_t fcdisplaymodes[] PROGMEM = { |
{ osd_fcmode_default, (char *)str_1 }, |
}; |
// Flags |
uint8_t COSD_FLAGS = 0, COSD_FLAGS2 = 0; |
int (*osd_ncmode)(void) = (int(*)(void)) &osd_ncmode_default; |
int (*osd_fcmode)(void) = (int(*)(void)) &osd_ncmode_default; |
#endif |
/* ########################################################################## |
* Interrupt handler |
283,18 → 311,6 |
usart1_request_mk_data(0, 'd', 0); |
#endif |
// stats for after flight |
int16_t max_Altimeter = 0; |
uint8_t min_UBat = 255; |
#if !(FCONLY) |
uint16_t max_GroundSpeed = 0; |
int16_t max_Distance = 0; |
uint16_t max_FlyingTime = 0; |
// flags from last round to check for changes |
uint8_t old_MKFlags = 0; |
#endif |
while (1) { |
// in case SPI is ready and there is nothing to send right now |
if (!icnt && spi_ready) { |
344,8 → 360,8 |
// fix for min_UBat |
min_UBat = debugData.Analog[9]; |
init_cosd(debugData.Analog[9]); |
} |
#include OSD_FCMODE |
} |
osd_fcmode(); |
} |
#else |
if (rxd_buffer[2] == 'O') { // NC OSD Data |
358,7 → 374,7 |
min_UBat = naviData.UBat; |
init_cosd(naviData.UBat); |
} |
#include OSD_NCMODE |
osd_ncmode(); |
} |
#endif |
rxd_buffer_locked = 0; |
/C-OSD/trunk/main.h |
18,6 → 18,9 |
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * |
****************************************************************************/ |
#include <avr/pgmspace.h> |
#include "mk-data-structs.h" |
/* ########################################################################## |
* Debugging and general purpose definitions |
* ##########################################################################*/ |
42,16 → 45,8 |
#ifndef FCONLY |
#define FCONLY 0 // set to 1 if you do NOT have a NaviCtrl and the OSD is |
#endif // connected to the FC directly |
#ifndef OSD_FCMODE // set up which FCMODE to display if doing batch generating |
#define OSD_FCMODE "osd_fcmode_default.c" // default is a nice standard |
#endif |
#ifndef OSD_NCMODE // set up which NCMODE to display if doing batch generating |
#define OSD_NCMODE "osd_ncmode_default.c" // default is a nice standard |
#endif |
#define HUD 1 // set to 0 to disable HUD by default |
#define HUD 1 // set to 0 to disable HUD by default |
#define ARTHORIZON 0 // set to 1 to enable roll&nick artificial horizon by default |
#define BIGVARIO 0 // set to 1 to enable the big vario bar on right side |
#define STATS 1 // set to 1 to enable statistics during motor off by default |
112,3 → 107,61 |
extern int16_t ampere, max_ampere; |
extern int32_t ampere_wasted; |
/* ########################################################################## |
* struct for displaymodes |
* ##########################################################################*/ |
typedef struct { |
int (*dfun)(void); // function pointer |
char *desc; // description text |
} displaymode_t; |
const displaymode_t ncdisplaymodes[2]; |
const displaymode_t fcdisplaymodes[1]; |
int (*osd_ncmode)(void); |
int (*osd_fcmode)(void); |
/* ########################################################################## |
* vars used by other parts as well |
* ##########################################################################*/ |
volatile uint16_t setsReceived; |
volatile NaviData_t naviData; |
volatile DebugOut_t debugData; |
// cache old vars for blinking attribute, checkup is faster than full |
// attribute write each time |
volatile uint8_t last_UBat; |
volatile uint8_t last_RC_Quality; |
// 16bit should be enough, normal LiPos don't last that long |
volatile uint16_t uptime; |
volatile uint16_t timer; |
// remember last time data was received |
volatile uint8_t seconds_since_last_data; |
// general PAL|NTSC distingiusch stuff |
uint8_t top_line; |
uint8_t bottom_line; |
// battery voltages |
uint8_t min_voltage; |
uint8_t max_voltage; |
// Flags |
// stats for after flight |
int16_t max_Altimeter; |
uint8_t min_UBat; |
uint16_t max_GroundSpeed; |
int16_t max_Distance; |
uint16_t max_FlyingTime; |
// flags from last round to check for changes |
uint8_t old_MKFlags; |
const char *directions[8]; |
const char* stats_item_pointers[8]; |
/C-OSD/trunk/osd_fcmode_default.c |
17,68 → 17,82 |
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * |
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * |
****************************************************************************/ |
// write icons at init or after menu/mode-switch |
write_char_xy(10, top_line, 0xCA); // RC-transmitter |
write_char_xy(27, top_line, 0xCC); // small meters m height |
write_char_xy(7, bottom_line, 0x9E); // small v |
write_char_xy(7, bottom_line - 1, 0x9F); // small A |
write_char_xy(14, bottom_line - 1, 0xB5); // mah |
#include "main.h" |
#include "max7456_software_spi.h" |
#include "osd_helpers.h" |
#include "osd_fcmode_default.h" |
int osd_fcmode_default() { |
// write icons at init or after menu/mode-switch |
write_char_xy(10, top_line, 0xCA); // RC-transmitter |
write_char_xy(27, top_line, 0xCC); // small meters m height |
write_char_xy(7, bottom_line, 0x9E); // small v |
write_char_xy(7, bottom_line - 1, 0x9F); // small A |
write_char_xy(14, bottom_line - 1, 0xB5); // mah |
} |
} |
} |
write_ndigit_number_u(7, top_line, debugData.Analog[10], 100, 0); |
if (debugData.Analog[10] <= RCLVL_WRN && last_RC_Quality > RCLVL_WRN) { |
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 4; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(7 + x, top_line, BLINK); |
} else if (debugData.Analog[10] > RCLVL_WRN && last_RC_Quality <= RCLVL_WRN) { |
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 4; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(7 + x, top_line, 0); |
} |
write_ndigit_number_u(7, top_line, debugData.Analog[10], 100, 0); |
if (debugData.Analog[10] <= RCLVL_WRN && last_RC_Quality > RCLVL_WRN) { |
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 4; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(7 + x, top_line, BLINK); |
} else if (debugData.Analog[10] > RCLVL_WRN && last_RC_Quality <= RCLVL_WRN) { |
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 4; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(7 + x, top_line, 0); |
} |
if (debugData.Analog[5] > 300 || debugData.Analog[5] < -300) { |
// above 10m only write full meters |
write_ndigit_number_s(23, top_line, debugData.Analog[5] / 30, 1000, 0); |
} else { |
// up to 10m write meters.dm |
write_ndigit_number_s_10th(23, top_line, debugData.Analog[5] / 3, 100, 0); |
} |
if (debugData.Analog[5] > max_Altimeter) max_Altimeter = debugData.Analog[5]; |
if (debugData.Analog[5] > 300 || debugData.Analog[5] < -300) { |
// above 10m only write full meters |
write_ndigit_number_s(23, top_line, debugData.Analog[5] / 30, 1000, 0); |
} else { |
// up to 10m write meters.dm |
write_ndigit_number_s_10th(23, top_line, debugData.Analog[5] / 3, 100, 0); |
} |
if (debugData.Analog[5] > max_Altimeter) max_Altimeter = debugData.Analog[5]; |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 1, debugData.Analog[0], debugData.Analog[1]); |
} |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 1, debugData.Analog[0], debugData.Analog[1]); |
} |
// pre-bottom line |
//write_ndigit_number_s(3, bottom_line - 1, ampere, 1000, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(3, bottom_line - 1, ampere / 10, 100, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_s(10, bottom_line - 1, ampere_wasted / 10, 1000, 0); |
// pre-bottom line |
//write_ndigit_number_s(3, bottom_line - 1, ampere, 1000, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(3, bottom_line - 1, ampere / 10, 100, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_s(10, bottom_line - 1, ampere_wasted / 10, 1000, 0); |
} |
draw_battery(2, bottom_line, min_voltage, debugData.Analog[9], max_voltage); |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(3, bottom_line, debugData.Analog[9], 100, 0); |
if (debugData.Analog[9] <= min_voltage && last_UBat > min_voltage) { |
for (uint8_t x = 2; x < 8; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(x, bottom_line, BLINK); |
} else if (debugData.Analog[9] > min_voltage && last_UBat < min_voltage) { |
for (uint8_t x = 2; x < 8; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(x, bottom_line, 0); |
} |
} |
// remember last values |
last_UBat = debugData.Analog[9]; |
last_RC_Quality = debugData.Analog[10]; |
draw_battery(2, bottom_line, min_voltage, debugData.Analog[9], max_voltage); |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(3, bottom_line, debugData.Analog[9], 100, 0); |
if (debugData.Analog[9] <= min_voltage && last_UBat > min_voltage) { |
for (uint8_t x = 2; x < 8; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(x, bottom_line, BLINK); |
} else if (debugData.Analog[9] > min_voltage && last_UBat < min_voltage) { |
for (uint8_t x = 2; x < 8; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(x, bottom_line, 0); |
} |
/* |
debugData.Analog[0]); // AngleNick |
debugData.Analog[1]); // AngleRoll |
debugData.Analog[5]); // Height |
debugData.Analog[9]); // Voltage |
debugData.Analog[10]);// RC Signal |
debugData.Analog[11]);// Gyro compass |
*/ |
seconds_since_last_data = 0; |
return 0; |
} |
// remember last values |
last_UBat = debugData.Analog[9]; |
last_RC_Quality = debugData.Analog[10]; |
/* |
debugData.Analog[0]); // AngleNick |
debugData.Analog[1]); // AngleRoll |
debugData.Analog[5]); // Height |
debugData.Analog[9]); // Voltage |
debugData.Analog[10]);// RC Signal |
debugData.Analog[11]);// Gyro compass |
*/ |
seconds_since_last_data = 0; |
#endif |
/C-OSD/trunk/osd_fcmode_default.h |
0,0 → 1,21 |
/**************************************************************************** |
* Copyright (C) 2009 by Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje * |
* admiralcascade@gmail.com * |
* Project-URL: http://www.mylifesucks.de/oss/c-osd/ * |
* * |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * |
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * |
* * |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * |
* GNU General Public License for more details. * |
* * |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * |
* along with this program; if not, write to the * |
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * |
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * |
****************************************************************************/ |
int osd_fcmode_default(void); |
/C-OSD/trunk/osd_helpers.c |
19,6 → 19,7 |
****************************************************************************/ |
#include <avr/pgmspace.h> |
#include "main.h" |
#include "osd_helpers.h" |
#include "max7456_software_spi.h" |
/C-OSD/trunk/osd_helpers.h |
18,8 → 18,6 |
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * |
****************************************************************************/ |
#include "main.h" |
#define ALLCHARSDEBUG = 0 |
#endif |
/C-OSD/trunk/osd_ncmode_default.c |
17,185 → 17,199 |
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * |
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * |
****************************************************************************/ |
// write icons at init or after menu/mode-switch |
write_char_xy(5, top_line, 0xCB); // km/h |
write_char_xy(10, top_line, 0xCA); // RC-transmitter |
write_char_xy(16, top_line, 0xD0); // degree symbol |
write_char_xy(27, top_line, 0xCC); // small meters m height |
write_char_xy(20, top_line + 1, 0xB0); // left circle |
write_char_xy(22, top_line + 1, 0xB2); // right circle |
write_char_xy(27, top_line + 1, 0xCC); // small meters m home |
write_char_xy(7, bottom_line, 0x9E); // small V |
write_char_xy(7, bottom_line - 1, 0x9F); // small A |
write_char_xy(14, bottom_line - 1, 0xB5); // mah |
#include "main.h" |
#include "max7456_software_spi.h" |
#include "osd_helpers.h" |
#include "osd_ncmode_default.h" |
int osd_ncmode_default() { |
// write icons at init or after menu/mode-switch |
write_char_xy(5, top_line, 0xCB); // km/h |
write_char_xy(10, top_line, 0xCA); // RC-transmitter |
write_char_xy(16, top_line, 0xD0); // degree symbol |
write_char_xy(27, top_line, 0xCC); // small meters m height |
write_char_xy(20, top_line + 1, 0xB0); // left circle |
write_char_xy(22, top_line + 1, 0xB2); // right circle |
write_char_xy(27, top_line + 1, 0xCC); // small meters m home |
write_char_xy(7, bottom_line, 0x9E); // small V |
write_char_xy(7, bottom_line - 1, 0x9F); // small A |
write_char_xy(14, bottom_line - 1, 0xB5); // mah |
} |
write_char_xy(14, bottom_line, 0xD1); // on clock |
write_char_xy(21, bottom_line, 0xD2); // fly clock |
write_char_xy(26, bottom_line, 0xC8); // sat1 |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 0xC9); // sat2 |
} |
write_char_xy(14, bottom_line, 0xD1); // on clock |
write_char_xy(21, bottom_line, 0xD2); // fly clock |
write_char_xy(26, bottom_line, 0xC8); // sat1 |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 0xC9); // sat2 |
} |
// first line |
write_ndigit_number_u(2, top_line, (uint16_t) (((uint32_t) naviData.GroundSpeed * (uint32_t) 9) / (uint32_t) 250), 100, 0); |
// first line |
write_ndigit_number_u(2, top_line, (uint16_t) (((uint32_t) naviData.GroundSpeed * (uint32_t) 9) / (uint32_t) 250), 100, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_u(7, top_line, naviData.RC_Quality, 100, 0); |
if (naviData.RC_Quality <= RCLVL_WRN && last_RC_Quality > RCLVL_WRN) { |
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 4; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(7 + x, top_line, BLINK); |
} else if (naviData.RC_Quality > RCLVL_WRN && last_RC_Quality <= RCLVL_WRN) { |
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 4; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(7 + x, top_line, 0); |
} |
write_ndigit_number_u(7, top_line, naviData.RC_Quality, 100, 0); |
if (naviData.RC_Quality <= RCLVL_WRN && last_RC_Quality > RCLVL_WRN) { |
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 4; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(7 + x, top_line, BLINK); |
} else if (naviData.RC_Quality > RCLVL_WRN && last_RC_Quality <= RCLVL_WRN) { |
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 4; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(7 + x, top_line, 0); |
} |
if (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_NOSERIALLINK) { |
write_char_xy(11, top_line, 0); // clear |
} else { |
write_char_xy(11, top_line, 0xC6); // PC icon |
} |
if (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_NOSERIALLINK) { |
write_char_xy(11, top_line, 0); // clear |
} else { |
write_char_xy(11, top_line, 0xC6); // PC icon |
} |
write_ndigit_number_u(13, top_line, naviData.CompassHeading, 100, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_u(13, top_line, naviData.CompassHeading, 100, 0); |
write_ascii_string_pgm(17, top_line, (const char *) (pgm_read_word ( &(directions[heading_conv(naviData.CompassHeading)])))); |
write_ascii_string_pgm(17, top_line, (const char *) (pgm_read_word ( &(directions[heading_conv(naviData.CompassHeading)])))); |
draw_variometer(21, top_line, naviData.Variometer); |
draw_variometer(21, top_line, naviData.Variometer); |
//note:lephisto:according to several sources it's /30 |
if (naviData.Altimeter > 300 || naviData.Altimeter < -300) { |
// above 10m only write full meters |
write_ndigit_number_s(23, top_line, naviData.Altimeter / 30, 1000, 0); |
} else { |
// up to 10m write meters.dm |
//write_number_u_10th(21, top_line, naviData.Altimeter / 3); |
write_ndigit_number_s_10th(23, top_line, naviData.Altimeter / 3, 100, 0); |
} |
//note:lephisto:according to several sources it's /30 |
if (naviData.Altimeter > 300 || naviData.Altimeter < -300) { |
// above 10m only write full meters |
write_ndigit_number_s(23, top_line, naviData.Altimeter / 30, 1000, 0); |
} else { |
// up to 10m write meters.dm |
//write_number_u_10th(21, top_line, naviData.Altimeter / 3); |
write_ndigit_number_s_10th(23, top_line, naviData.Altimeter / 3, 100, 0); |
} |
// seccond line |
draw_compass(11, top_line + 1, naviData.CompassHeading); |
// seccond line |
draw_compass(11, top_line + 1, naviData.CompassHeading); |
// TODO: verify correctness |
uint16_t heading_home = (naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Bearing + 360 - naviData.CompassHeading) % 360; |
//write_char_xy(21, top_line + 1, arrowdir[heading_conv(heading_home)]); |
// finer resolution, 0xa0 is first character and we add the index 0 <= index < 16 |
write_char_xy(21, top_line + 1, 0xa0 + heading_fine_conv(heading_home)); |
// TODO: verify correctness |
uint16_t heading_home = (naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Bearing + 360 - naviData.CompassHeading) % 360; |
//write_char_xy(21, top_line + 1, arrowdir[heading_conv(heading_home)]); |
// finer resolution, 0xa0 is first character and we add the index 0 <= index < 16 |
write_char_xy(21, top_line + 1, 0xa0 + heading_fine_conv(heading_home)); |
write_ndigit_number_u(24, top_line + 1, naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Distance / 10, 100, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_u(24, top_line + 1, naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Distance / 10, 100, 0); |
// center |
if (naviData.MKFlags & FLAG_MOTOR_RUN) { // should be engines running |
if (!(old_MKFlags & FLAG_MOTOR_RUN)) { // motors just started, clear middle |
clear(); |
// update flags to paint display again if needed |
} |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 2, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} else { |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 1, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} |
} |
// motors are on, assume we were/are flying |
} else { |
// stats |
uint8_t line = 3; |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, line, stats_item_pointers[0]); // max Altitude |
write_ndigit_number_s(18, line, max_Altimeter / 30, 1000, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 204); // small meters m |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[1]); // max Speed |
write_ndigit_number_u(19, line, (uint16_t) (((uint32_t) max_GroundSpeed * (uint32_t) 9) / (uint32_t) 250), 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 203); // km/h |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[2]); // max Distance |
write_ndigit_number_u(19, line, max_Distance / 10, 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 204); // small meters m |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[3]); // min voltage |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(18, line, min_UBat, 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 0x9E); // small V |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[7]); // ampere |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(18, line, max_ampere / 10, 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 0x9F); // small A |
} |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[4]); // max time |
write_time(16, line, max_FlyingTime); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 210); // fly clock |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[5]); // longitude |
write_gps_pos(15, line, naviData.CurrentPosition.Longitude); |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[6]); // latitude |
write_gps_pos(15, line, naviData.CurrentPosition.Latitude); |
} else if (COSD_FLAGS & COSD_FLAG_ARTHORIZON) { // if no stats there is space horizon |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 2, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} else { |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 1, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} |
} |
} |
draw_big_variometer(27, 8, naviData.Variometer); |
} |
// center |
if (naviData.MKFlags & FLAG_MOTOR_RUN) { // should be engines running |
if (!(old_MKFlags & FLAG_MOTOR_RUN)) { // motors just started, clear middle |
clear(); |
// update flags to paint display again if needed |
} |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 2, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} else { |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 1, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} |
} |
// motors are on, assume we were/are flying |
} else { |
// stats |
uint8_t line = 3; |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, line, stats_item_pointers[0]); // max Altitude |
write_ndigit_number_s(18, line, max_Altimeter / 30, 1000, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 204); // small meters m |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[1]); // max Speed |
write_ndigit_number_u(19, line, (uint16_t) (((uint32_t) max_GroundSpeed * (uint32_t) 9) / (uint32_t) 250), 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 203); // km/h |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[2]); // max Distance |
write_ndigit_number_u(19, line, max_Distance / 10, 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 204); // small meters m |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[3]); // min voltage |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(18, line, min_UBat, 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 0x9E); // small V |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[7]); // ampere |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(18, line, max_ampere / 10, 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 0x9F); // small A |
} |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[4]); // max time |
write_time(16, line, max_FlyingTime); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 210); // fly clock |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[5]); // longitude |
write_gps_pos(15, line, naviData.CurrentPosition.Longitude); |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[6]); // latitude |
write_gps_pos(15, line, naviData.CurrentPosition.Latitude); |
} else if (COSD_FLAGS & COSD_FLAG_ARTHORIZON) { // if no stats there is space horizon |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 2, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} else { |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 1, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} |
} |
} |
draw_big_variometer(27, 8, naviData.Variometer); |
} |
// pre-bottom line |
//write_ndigit_number_s(3, bottom_line - 1, ampere, 1000, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(3, bottom_line - 1, ampere / 10, 100, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_s(10, bottom_line - 1, ampere_wasted / 10, 1000, 0); |
} |
// pre-bottom line |
//write_ndigit_number_s(3, bottom_line - 1, ampere, 1000, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(3, bottom_line - 1, ampere / 10, 100, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_s(10, bottom_line - 1, ampere_wasted / 10, 1000, 0); |
} |
// bottom line |
draw_battery(2, bottom_line, min_voltage, naviData.UBat, max_voltage); |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(3, bottom_line, naviData.UBat, 100, 0); |
if (naviData.UBat <= min_voltage && last_UBat > min_voltage) { |
for (uint8_t x = 2; x < 8; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(x, bottom_line, BLINK); |
} else if (naviData.UBat > min_voltage && last_UBat < min_voltage) { |
for (uint8_t x = 2; x < 8; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(x, bottom_line, 0); |
} |
// bottom line |
draw_battery(2, bottom_line, min_voltage, naviData.UBat, max_voltage); |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(3, bottom_line, naviData.UBat, 100, 0); |
if (naviData.UBat <= min_voltage && last_UBat > min_voltage) { |
for (uint8_t x = 2; x < 8; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(x, bottom_line, BLINK); |
} else if (naviData.UBat > min_voltage && last_UBat < min_voltage) { |
for (uint8_t x = 2; x < 8; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(x, bottom_line, 0); |
} |
write_time(8, bottom_line, uptime); |
write_time(15, bottom_line, naviData.FlyingTime); |
write_time(8, bottom_line, uptime); |
write_time(15, bottom_line, naviData.FlyingTime); |
write_ndigit_number_u(24, bottom_line, naviData.SatsInUse, 10, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_u(24, bottom_line, naviData.SatsInUse, 10, 0); |
if (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_MANUAL_CONTROL) { |
write_char_xy(23, bottom_line, 0xB3); // rc transmitter |
} else { |
write_char_xy(23, bottom_line, 0); // clear |
if (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_MANUAL_CONTROL) { |
write_char_xy(23, bottom_line, 0xB3); // rc transmitter |
} else { |
write_char_xy(23, bottom_line, 0); // clear |
} |
if (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_CH) { |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 231); // gps ch |
} else if (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_PH) { |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 230); // gps ph |
} else { // (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_FREE) |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 201); // sat2 (free) |
} |
} |
if (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_CH) { |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 231); // gps ch |
} else if (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_PH) { |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 230); // gps ph |
} else { // (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_FREE) |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 201); // sat2 (free) |
//write_number_s(8, 5, RxDataLen); |
//write_number_s(16, 5, setsReceived++); |
// remember statistics (only when engines running) |
if (naviData.MKFlags & FLAG_MOTOR_RUN) { |
if (naviData.Altimeter > max_Altimeter) max_Altimeter = naviData.Altimeter; |
if (naviData.GroundSpeed > max_GroundSpeed) max_GroundSpeed = naviData.GroundSpeed; |
if (naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Distance > max_Distance) { |
max_Distance = naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Distance; |
} |
if (naviData.UBat < min_UBat) min_UBat = naviData.UBat; |
if (naviData.FlyingTime > max_FlyingTime) max_FlyingTime = naviData.FlyingTime; |
if (ampere > max_ampere) max_ampere = ampere; |
} |
} |
//write_number_s(8, 5, RxDataLen); |
//write_number_s(16, 5, setsReceived++); |
// remember last values |
last_RC_Quality = naviData.RC_Quality; |
last_UBat = naviData.UBat; |
old_MKFlags = naviData.MKFlags; |
seconds_since_last_data = 0; |
// remember statistics (only when engines running) |
if (naviData.MKFlags & FLAG_MOTOR_RUN) { |
if (naviData.Altimeter > max_Altimeter) max_Altimeter = naviData.Altimeter; |
if (naviData.GroundSpeed > max_GroundSpeed) max_GroundSpeed = naviData.GroundSpeed; |
if (naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Distance > max_Distance) { |
max_Distance = naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Distance; |
} |
if (naviData.UBat < min_UBat) min_UBat = naviData.UBat; |
if (naviData.FlyingTime > max_FlyingTime) max_FlyingTime = naviData.FlyingTime; |
if (ampere > max_ampere) max_ampere = ampere; |
return 0; |
} |
// remember last values |
last_RC_Quality = naviData.RC_Quality; |
last_UBat = naviData.UBat; |
old_MKFlags = naviData.MKFlags; |
seconds_since_last_data = 0; |
#endif |
/C-OSD/trunk/osd_ncmode_default.h |
0,0 → 1,21 |
/**************************************************************************** |
* Copyright (C) 2009 by Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje * |
* admiralcascade@gmail.com * |
* Project-URL: http://www.mylifesucks.de/oss/c-osd/ * |
* * |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * |
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * |
* * |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * |
* GNU General Public License for more details. * |
* * |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * |
* along with this program; if not, write to the * |
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * |
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * |
****************************************************************************/ |
int osd_ncmode_default(void); |
/C-OSD/trunk/osd_ncmode_minimal.c |
1,157 → 1,171 |
/**************************************************************************** |
* Copyright (C) 2009 by Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje * |
* admiralcascade@gmail.com * |
* Project-URL: http://www.mylifesucks.de/oss/c-osd/ * |
* * |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * |
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * |
* * |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * |
* GNU General Public License for more details. * |
* * |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * |
* along with this program; if not, write to the * |
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * |
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * |
****************************************************************************/ |
// write icons at init or after menu/mode-switch |
write_char_xy(4, top_line, 0xCB); // km/h |
write_char_xy(15, top_line, 0xCC); // small meters m height |
write_char_xy(26, top_line, 0xCC); // small meters m height |
write_char_xy(16, top_line, 0xB0); // left circle |
write_char_xy(18, top_line, 0xB2); // right circle |
write_char_xy(7, bottom_line, 0x9E); // small V |
write_char_xy(17, bottom_line, 0xD2); // fly clock |
write_char_xy(26, bottom_line, 0xC8); // sat1 |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 0xC9); // sat2 |
} |
/**************************************************************************** |
* Copyright (C) 2009 by Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje * |
* admiralcascade@gmail.com * |
* Project-URL: http://www.mylifesucks.de/oss/c-osd/ * |
* * |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * |
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * |
* * |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * |
* GNU General Public License for more details. * |
* * |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * |
* along with this program; if not, write to the * |
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * |
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * |
****************************************************************************/ |
#include "main.h" |
#include "max7456_software_spi.h" |
#include "osd_helpers.h" |
#include "osd_ncmode_default.h" |
int osd_ncmode_minimal() { |
// write icons at init or after menu/mode-switch |
write_char_xy(4, top_line, 0xCB); // km/h |
write_char_xy(15, top_line, 0xCC); // small meters m height |
write_char_xy(26, top_line, 0xCC); // small meters m height |
write_char_xy(16, top_line, 0xB0); // left circle |
write_char_xy(18, top_line, 0xB2); // right circle |
write_char_xy(7, bottom_line, 0x9E); // small V |
write_char_xy(17, bottom_line, 0xD2); // fly clock |
write_char_xy(26, bottom_line, 0xC8); // sat1 |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 0xC9); // sat2 |
} |
// first line |
write_ndigit_number_u(1, top_line, (uint16_t) (((uint32_t) naviData.GroundSpeed * (uint32_t) 9) / (uint32_t) 250), 100, 0); |
// first line |
write_ndigit_number_u(1, top_line, (uint16_t) (((uint32_t) naviData.GroundSpeed * (uint32_t) 9) / (uint32_t) 250), 100, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_u(12, top_line, naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Distance / 10, 100, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_u(12, top_line, naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Distance / 10, 100, 0); |
uint16_t heading_home = (naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Bearing + 360 - naviData.CompassHeading) % 360; |
write_char_xy(17, top_line, 0xa0 + heading_fine_conv(heading_home)); |
uint16_t heading_home = (naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Bearing + 360 - naviData.CompassHeading) % 360; |
write_char_xy(17, top_line, 0xa0 + heading_fine_conv(heading_home)); |
if (naviData.Altimeter > 300 || naviData.Altimeter < -300) { |
// above 10m only write full meters |
write_ndigit_number_s(22, top_line, naviData.Altimeter / 30, 1000, 0); |
} else { |
// up to 10m write meters.dm |
write_ndigit_number_s_10th(22, top_line, naviData.Altimeter / 3, 100, 0); |
} |
if (naviData.Altimeter > 300 || naviData.Altimeter < -300) { |
// above 10m only write full meters |
write_ndigit_number_s(22, top_line, naviData.Altimeter / 30, 1000, 0); |
} else { |
// up to 10m write meters.dm |
write_ndigit_number_s_10th(22, top_line, naviData.Altimeter / 3, 100, 0); |
} |
draw_variometer(27, top_line, naviData.Variometer); |
draw_variometer(27, top_line, naviData.Variometer); |
// center |
if (naviData.MKFlags & FLAG_MOTOR_RUN) { // should be engines running |
if (!(old_MKFlags & FLAG_MOTOR_RUN)) { // motors just started, clear middle |
clear(); |
// update flags to paint display again if needed |
} |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 2, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} else { |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 1, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} |
} |
// motors are on, assume we were/are flying |
} else { |
// stats |
uint8_t line = 3; |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, line, stats_item_pointers[0]); // max Altitude |
write_ndigit_number_s(18, line, max_Altimeter / 30, 1000, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 204); // small meters m |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[1]); // max Speed |
write_ndigit_number_u(19, line, (uint16_t) (((uint32_t) max_GroundSpeed * (uint32_t) 9) / (uint32_t) 250), 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 203); // km/h |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[2]); // max Distance |
write_ndigit_number_u(19, line, max_Distance / 10, 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 204); // small meters m |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[3]); // min voltage |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(18, line, min_UBat, 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 0x9E); // small V |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[7]); // ampere |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(18, line, max_ampere / 10, 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 0x9F); // small A |
} |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[4]); // max time |
write_time(16, line, max_FlyingTime); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 210); // fly clock |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[5]); // longitude |
write_gps_pos(15, line, naviData.CurrentPosition.Longitude); |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[6]); // latitude |
write_gps_pos(15, line, naviData.CurrentPosition.Latitude); |
} else if (COSD_FLAGS & COSD_FLAG_ARTHORIZON) { // if no stats there is space horizon |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 2, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} else { |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 1, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} |
} |
} |
draw_big_variometer(27, 8, naviData.Variometer); |
} |
// center |
if (naviData.MKFlags & FLAG_MOTOR_RUN) { // should be engines running |
if (!(old_MKFlags & FLAG_MOTOR_RUN)) { // motors just started, clear middle |
clear(); |
// update flags to paint display again if needed |
} |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 2, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} else { |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 1, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} |
} |
// motors are on, assume we were/are flying |
} else { |
// stats |
uint8_t line = 3; |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, line, stats_item_pointers[0]); // max Altitude |
write_ndigit_number_s(18, line, max_Altimeter / 30, 1000, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 204); // small meters m |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[1]); // max Speed |
write_ndigit_number_u(19, line, (uint16_t) (((uint32_t) max_GroundSpeed * (uint32_t) 9) / (uint32_t) 250), 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 203); // km/h |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[2]); // max Distance |
write_ndigit_number_u(19, line, max_Distance / 10, 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 204); // small meters m |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[3]); // min voltage |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(18, line, min_UBat, 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 0x9E); // small V |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[7]); // ampere |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(18, line, max_ampere / 10, 100, 0); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 0x9F); // small A |
} |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[4]); // max time |
write_time(16, line, max_FlyingTime); |
write_char_xy(22, line, 210); // fly clock |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[5]); // longitude |
write_gps_pos(15, line, naviData.CurrentPosition.Longitude); |
write_ascii_string_pgm(2, ++line, stats_item_pointers[6]); // latitude |
write_gps_pos(15, line, naviData.CurrentPosition.Latitude); |
} else if (COSD_FLAGS & COSD_FLAG_ARTHORIZON) { // if no stats there is space horizon |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 2, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} else { |
draw_artificial_horizon(top_line + 2, bottom_line - 1, naviData.AngleNick, naviData.AngleRoll); |
} |
} |
} |
draw_big_variometer(27, 8, naviData.Variometer); |
} |
// pre-bottom line |
//write_ndigit_number_s(3, bottom_line - 1, ampere, 1000, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(3, bottom_line - 1, ampere / 10, 100, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_s(10, bottom_line - 1, ampere_wasted / 10, 1000, 0); |
} |
// pre-bottom line |
//write_ndigit_number_s(3, bottom_line - 1, ampere, 1000, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(3, bottom_line - 1, ampere / 10, 100, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_s(10, bottom_line - 1, ampere_wasted / 10, 1000, 0); |
} |
// bottom line |
draw_battery(2, bottom_line, min_voltage, naviData.UBat, max_voltage); |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(3, bottom_line, naviData.UBat, 100, 0); |
if (naviData.UBat <= min_voltage && last_UBat > min_voltage) { |
for (uint8_t x = 2; x < 8; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(x, bottom_line, BLINK); |
} else if (naviData.UBat > min_voltage && last_UBat < min_voltage) { |
for (uint8_t x = 2; x < 8; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(x, bottom_line, 0); |
} |
// bottom line |
draw_battery(2, bottom_line, min_voltage, naviData.UBat, max_voltage); |
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(3, bottom_line, naviData.UBat, 100, 0); |
if (naviData.UBat <= min_voltage && last_UBat > min_voltage) { |
for (uint8_t x = 2; x < 8; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(x, bottom_line, BLINK); |
} else if (naviData.UBat > min_voltage && last_UBat < min_voltage) { |
for (uint8_t x = 2; x < 8; x++) |
write_char_att_xy(x, bottom_line, 0); |
} |
write_time(11, bottom_line, naviData.FlyingTime); |
write_time(11, bottom_line, naviData.FlyingTime); |
write_ndigit_number_u(24, bottom_line, naviData.SatsInUse, 10, 0); |
write_ndigit_number_u(24, bottom_line, naviData.SatsInUse, 10, 0); |
if (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_CH) { |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 231); // gps ch |
} else if (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_PH) { |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 230); // gps ph |
} else { // (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_FREE) |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 201); // sat2 (free) |
if (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_CH) { |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 231); // gps ch |
} else if (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_PH) { |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 230); // gps ph |
} else { // (naviData.NCFlags & NC_FLAG_FREE) |
write_char_xy(27, bottom_line, 201); // sat2 (free) |
} |
} |
} |
// remember statistics (only when engines running) |
if (naviData.MKFlags & FLAG_MOTOR_RUN) { |
if (naviData.Altimeter > max_Altimeter) max_Altimeter = naviData.Altimeter; |
if (naviData.GroundSpeed > max_GroundSpeed) max_GroundSpeed = naviData.GroundSpeed; |
if (naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Distance > max_Distance) { |
max_Distance = naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Distance; |
} |
if (naviData.UBat < min_UBat) min_UBat = naviData.UBat; |
if (naviData.FlyingTime > max_FlyingTime) max_FlyingTime = naviData.FlyingTime; |
if (ampere > max_ampere) max_ampere = ampere; |
} |
// remember statistics (only when engines running) |
if (naviData.MKFlags & FLAG_MOTOR_RUN) { |
if (naviData.Altimeter > max_Altimeter) max_Altimeter = naviData.Altimeter; |
if (naviData.GroundSpeed > max_GroundSpeed) max_GroundSpeed = naviData.GroundSpeed; |
if (naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Distance > max_Distance) { |
max_Distance = naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Distance; |
} |
if (naviData.UBat < min_UBat) min_UBat = naviData.UBat; |
if (naviData.FlyingTime > max_FlyingTime) max_FlyingTime = naviData.FlyingTime; |
if (ampere > max_ampere) max_ampere = ampere; |
} |
// remember last values |
last_RC_Quality = naviData.RC_Quality; |
last_UBat = naviData.UBat; |
old_MKFlags = naviData.MKFlags; |
seconds_since_last_data = 0; |
// remember last values |
last_RC_Quality = naviData.RC_Quality; |
last_UBat = naviData.UBat; |
old_MKFlags = naviData.MKFlags; |
seconds_since_last_data = 0; |
return 0; |
} |
#endif |
/C-OSD/trunk/osd_ncmode_minimal.h |
0,0 → 1,21 |
/**************************************************************************** |
* Copyright (C) 2009 by Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje * |
* admiralcascade@gmail.com * |
* Project-URL: http://www.mylifesucks.de/oss/c-osd/ * |
* * |
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * |
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * |
* * |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * |
* GNU General Public License for more details. * |
* * |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * |
* along with this program; if not, write to the * |
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * |
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * |
****************************************************************************/ |
int osd_ncmode_minimal(void); |