1,106 → 1,56 |
#include <confuse.h> |
#include <string.h> |
/************************************************** |
* |
* |
* Riddim |
* Remote Interactive Digital Drone Interface Mashup |
* |
* 2007-2008 Marcus -LiGi- Bueschleb |
* |
* |
**************************************************/ |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <fcntl.h> |
#include "lib/x52/x52.h" |
#include <unistd.h> |
#include <sys/socket.h> |
#include <bluetooth/bluetooth.h> |
#include <bluetooth/hci.h> |
#include <bluetooth/hci_lib.h> |
#include "riddim.h" |
#include <sys/time.h> |
#define FALSE 0 |
#define TRUE 1 |
#define test_bit(bit, array) (array[bit/8] & (1<<(bit%8))) |
#include <bluetooth/rfcomm.h> |
#include <linux/joystick.h> |
#define JOY_DEV "/dev/input/js0" |
// from config |
char *input_evdev_name; |
int mk_socket_port=0; |
int loop_delay=0; |
#define MAX_BT_DEVICES 3 |
double nick_mul=0.3f; |
double roll_mul=0.3f; |
double gier_mul=0.3f; |
double gas_mul=0.3f; |
#define BUTTON_SELECT 26 |
#define BUTTON_DOWN 28 |
#define BUTTON_UP 27 |
int rel_axis_nick=1; |
int rel_axis_roll=0; |
int rel_axis_gier=5; |
int rel_axis_gas=2; |
// #define AXIS_ROLL 0 |
// #define AXIS_NICK 1 |
// #define AXIS_GIER 5 |
// #define AXIS_GAS 2 |
cfg_bool_t exit_after_init = cfg_false; |
// for x52 |
/* |
#define AXIS_ROLL 4 |
#define AXIS_NICK 3 |
#define AXIS_GIER 5 |
#define AXIS_GAS 2 |
#define INVERT_ROLL -1 |
#define INVERT_NICK -1 |
#define INVERT_GIER 1 |
#define INVERT_GAS -1 |
*/ |
#define AXIS_ROLL 0 |
#define AXIS_NICK 1 |
#define AXIS_GIER 3 |
#define AXIS_GAS 2 |
#define INVERT_ROLL 1 |
#define INVERT_NICK -1 |
#define INVERT_GIER 1 |
#define INVERT_GAS -1 |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <errno.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <sys/socket.h> |
#include <sys/types.h> |
#include <netinet/in.h> |
#include <unistd.h>//for close() for socket |
#define INPUT_NONE 0 |
#define INPUT_JOYDEV 1 |
#define INPUT_EVDEV 2 |
// from config |
char *input_evdev_name; |
// time struct for measuring |
struct timeval time_struct1; |
struct timeval time_struct2; |
int act_nick=0; |
int act_roll=0; |
int act_gier=0; |
int act_gas=0; |
int act_mode=0; |
char RxBuffer[150]; |
int bt_device_count=0; |
char names[MAX_BT_DEVICES][248]; |
char addrs[MAX_BT_DEVICES][19]; |
int status; |
int s, status; |
unsigned char TxBuffer[150]; |
unsigned char _TxBuffer[150]; |
char RxBuffer[150]; |
int x52_input_fd, *axis=NULL, num_of_axis=0, num_of_buttons=0, x; |
113,87 → 63,101 |
char in_char; |
struct ExternControl_s |
{ |
unsigned char Digital[2]; // (noch unbenutzt) |
unsigned char RemoteTasten; //(gab es schon für das virtuelle Display) |
signed char Nick; |
signed char Roll; |
signed char Gier; |
unsigned char Gas; //(es wird das Stick-Gas auf diesen Wert begrenzt; --> StickGas ist das Maximum) |
signed char Higt; //(Höhenregler) |
unsigned char free; // (unbenutzt) |
unsigned char Frame; // (Bestätigung) |
unsigned char Config; |
}; |
struct x52 *x52_output; |
int selected_bt_device=0; |
struct ExternControl_s ExternControl ; |
int yalv; /* loop counter */ |
size_t read_bytes; /* how many bytes were read */ |
struct input_event ev[64]; /* the events (up to 64 at once) */ |
int evdev_fd; |
int evdev_out_fd; |
int evdev_rw=TRUE; |
struct x52 *x52_output; |
int connect_evdev() |
{ |
int selected_bt_device=0; |
void scan_bt() |
{ |
inquiry_info *ii = NULL; |
struct input_devinfo { |
uint16_t bustype; |
uint16_t vendor; |
uint16_t product; |
uint16_t version; |
}; |
struct input_devinfo device_info; |
int dev_id, sock, len, flags; |
int i; |
char addr[19] = { 0 }; |
char name[248] = { 0 }; |
if ((evdev_out_fd = open(input_evdev_name, O_WRONLY)) < 0) |
{ |
printf(" cant open evdev read/write - trying readonly\n"); |
evdev_rw=FALSE; |
} |
if ((evdev_fd = open(input_evdev_name, O_RDONLY)) < 0) |
{ |
printf(" cant open evdev !"); |
return 0; |
} |
dev_id = hci_get_route(NULL); |
sock = hci_open_dev( dev_id ); |
if (dev_id < 0 || sock < 0) { |
perror("opening socket"); |
exit(1); |
} |
ioctl(evdev_fd,EVIOCGID,&device_info); |
printf("vendor 0x%04hx product 0x%04hx version 0x%04hx \n", |
device_info.vendor, device_info.product, |
device_info.version); |
len = 8; |
ii = (inquiry_info*)malloc(MAX_BT_DEVICES * sizeof(inquiry_info)); |
bt_device_count = hci_inquiry(dev_id, len, MAX_BT_DEVICES, NULL, &ii, flags); |
if( bt_device_count < 0 ) perror("hci_inquiry"); |
for (i = 0; i < bt_device_count; i++) { |
ba2str(&(ii+i)->bdaddr, addr); |
sprintf(addrs[i],"%s",addr); |
memset(name, 0, sizeof(name)); |
if (hci_read_remote_name(sock, &(ii+i)->bdaddr, sizeof(name), |
name, 0) < 0) |
sprintf(names[i],"[unknown]"); |
else |
sprintf(names[i],"%s",name); |
char name[256]= "Unknown"; |
if(ioctl(evdev_fd, EVIOCGNAME(sizeof(name)), name) < 0) { |
perror("evdev ioctl"); |
} |
free( ii ); |
close( sock ); |
} |
printf("EVDEV reports name: %s\n", name); |
int yalv; /* loop counter */ |
size_t read_bytes; /* how many bytes were read */ |
struct input_event ev[64]; /* the events (up to 64 at once) */ |
/* this macro is used to tell if "bit" is set in "array" |
* it selects a byte from the array, and does a boolean AND |
* operation with a byte that only has the relevant bit set. |
* eg. to check for the 12th bit, we do (array[1] & 1<<4) |
*/ |
int evdev_fd; |
int connect_evdev() |
{ |
if ((evdev_fd = open(input_evdev_name, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { |
printf(" cant open evdev "); |
return 0; |
} |
return 1; |
uint8_t evtype_bitmask[EV_MAX/8 + 1]; |
if(ioctl(evdev_fd, EVIOCGBIT(0, sizeof(evtype_bitmask)), evtype_bitmask) < 0) |
perror("evdev ioctl"); |
printf("Supported event types:\n"); |
for (yalv = 0; yalv < EV_MAX; yalv++) { |
if (test_bit(yalv, evtype_bitmask)) { |
/* this means that the bit is set in the event types list */ |
printf(" Event type 0x%02x ", yalv); |
switch ( yalv) |
{ |
case EV_KEY : |
printf(" (Keys or Buttons)\n"); |
break; |
case EV_ABS : |
printf(" (Absolute Axes)\n"); |
break; |
case EV_LED : |
printf(" (LEDs)\n"); |
break; |
case EV_REP : |
printf(" (Repeat)\n"); |
break; |
case EV_SYN : |
printf(" (Sync?)\n"); |
break; |
case EV_REL : |
printf(" (Relative Axis)\n"); |
break; |
case EV_MSC : |
printf(" (Misc)\n"); |
break; |
default: |
printf(" (Unknown event type: 0x%04hx)\n", yalv); |
}}} |
return 1; |
} |
int connect_joy() |
233,69 → 197,9 |
void AddCRC(unsigned int wieviele) |
{ |
unsigned int tmpCRC = 0,i; |
for(i = 0; i < wieviele;i++) |
{ |
tmpCRC += TxBuffer[i]; |
} |
tmpCRC %= 4096; |
TxBuffer[i++] = '=' + tmpCRC / 64; |
TxBuffer[i++] = '=' + tmpCRC % 64; |
TxBuffer[i++] = '\r'; |
} |
void SendOutData(unsigned char cmd,unsigned char modul, unsigned char *snd, unsigned char len) |
{ |
unsigned int pt = 0; |
unsigned char a,b,c; |
unsigned char ptr = 0; |
TxBuffer[pt++] = '#'; // Startzeichen |
TxBuffer[pt++] = modul; // Adresse (a=0; b=1,...) |
TxBuffer[pt++] = cmd; // Commando |
while(len) |
{ |
if(len) { a = snd[ptr++]; len--;} else a = 0; |
if(len) { b = snd[ptr++]; len--;} else b = 0; |
if(len) { c = snd[ptr++]; len--;} else c = 0; |
TxBuffer[pt++] = '=' + (a >> 2); |
TxBuffer[pt++] = '=' + (((a & 0x03) << 4) | ((b & 0xf0) >> 4)); |
TxBuffer[pt++] = '=' + (((b & 0x0f) << 2) | ((c & 0xc0) >> 6)); |
TxBuffer[pt++] = '=' + ( c & 0x3f); |
} |
AddCRC(pt); |
printf("Sending to MK %d \n" , pt); |
status = send(s,"\r" , 1, 0); |
// for (c=0;c<pt+2;c++) |
// { |
status = write(s,&TxBuffer , pt+3); |
// printf("Send to MK %d \n" , TxBuffer[c] ); |
// } |
/*while(TxBuffer[i] !='\r' && i<150) |
{ |
// TxBuffer[i]='#'; |
status = send(s,&TxBuffer[i] , 1, 0); |
printf(" +%d%c ",i,TxBuffer[i]); |
i++; |
} |
status = send(s,"\r" , 1, 0); |
*/ |
// status = send(s,"\r" , 1, 0); |
printf("\n"); |
} |
void write_display(int line,char* text) |
{ |
if (x52_output) x52_settext(x52_output, line , text, strlen(text)); |
327,53 → 231,15 |
} |
} |
int connect_mk(char dest[18]) |
void print_device_list() |
{ |
struct sockaddr_rc addr ; |
struct sockaddr_in sa; |
sa.sin_family = AF_INET; |
sa.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0x0); |
sa.sin_port = htons(54321); |
// allocate a socket |
//); |
// set the connection parameters (who to connect to) |
addr.rc_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; |
addr.rc_channel = 1; |
str2ba( dest, &addr.rc_bdaddr ); |
// connect to server |
// status = connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)); |
status = connect(s,(struct sockaddr*) &sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); |
return status; |
/* |
struct sockaddr_rc addr ; |
// allocate a socket |
// set the connection parameters (who to connect to) |
addr.rc_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; |
addr.rc_channel = 1; |
str2ba( dest, &addr.rc_bdaddr ); |
// connect to server |
status = connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)); |
return status; |
*/ |
int i; |
for(i=0;i<bt_device_count;i++) |
printf("device%i->%s\n",i,names[i]); |
} |
int r=0; |
int count=0; |
int connected=0; |
387,11 → 253,27 |
printf("Starting Riddim \n"); |
printf("\tRemote Interactive Digital Drone Interface Mashup\n"); |
printf("\nusage:\n"); |
printf("\t riddim [config_file]\n\n"); |
cfg_opt_t opts[] = { |
CFG_SIMPLE_BOOL("exit_after_init", &exit_after_init), |
CFG_SIMPLE_STR("input_evdev", &input_evdev_name), |
CFG_SIMPLE_INT("loop_delay", &loop_delay), |
CFG_SIMPLE_INT("mk_socket_port", &mk_socket_port), |
CFG_SIMPLE_FLOAT("nick_mul", &nick_mul), |
CFG_SIMPLE_FLOAT("roll_mul", &roll_mul), |
CFG_SIMPLE_FLOAT("gier_mul", &gier_mul), |
CFG_SIMPLE_FLOAT("gas_mul", &gas_mul), |
CFG_SIMPLE_INT("rel_axis_nick", &rel_axis_nick), |
CFG_SIMPLE_INT("rel_axis_roll", &rel_axis_roll), |
CFG_SIMPLE_INT("rel_axis_gier", &rel_axis_gier), |
CFG_SIMPLE_INT("rel_axis_gas", &rel_axis_gas), |
}; |
398,30 → 280,39 |
cfg_t *cfg; |
// input_evdev_name=strdup("/dev/event0"); |
printf("Parsing config file"); |
printf("Parsing config file "); |
cfg = cfg_init(opts, 0); |
cfg_parse(cfg, "/etc/riddim.conf"); |
printf("input %s:",input_evdev_name); |
// 1st argument -> Bluetooth adrees to bypass scanning ( takes to long for short testing roundtrips ) |
if (argv[1]) |
{ |
if (connect_mk(argv[1])==-1) |
printf("%s\n ",argv[1]); |
cfg_parse(cfg, argv[1]); |
} |
else |
{ |
printf("/etc/riddim.conf\n"); |
cfg_parse(cfg, "/etc/riddim.conf"); |
} |
printf("input %s:\n",input_evdev_name); |
// 1st argument -> Bluetooth adrees to bypass scanning ( takes to long for short testing roundtrips ) |
if (mk_socket_port) |
{ |
printf("connecting to local port: %i\n",mk_socket_port); |
if (connect_mk_localhost_socket(mk_socket_port)==-1) |
printf("cant connect !!"); |
else |
{ |
printf("cant connect to QC at adress: %s\n",argv[1]); |
return 0; |
printf("connected to QC at adress: %s\n",argv[1]); |
connected=TRUE; |
} |
printf("connected to QC at adress: %s\n",argv[1]); |
connected=1; |
} |
int i; |
printf("\nInitializing X-52 input ..\n"); |
if (connect_joy()) |
{ |
454,6 → 345,7 |
else |
printf(" not found \n"); |
/* |
if (!connected) |
{ |
printf("Scanning for Bluetooth Devices ..\n"); |
461,57 → 353,98 |
scan_bt(); |
printf(" done \n"); |
printf(" %d Devices found \n",bt_device_count); |
print_device_list() ; |
} |
*/ |
int v_old; |
int polls=0; |
int retval; |
if (exit_after_init) |
exit(0); |
printf("starting loop ..\n"); |
struct input_event led_event; |
led_event.type=EV_LED; |
int complete_misses=0; |
if (evdev_out_fd) |
{ |
led_event.code = LED_MISC; |
led_event.value = 1; |
retval = write(evdev_out_fd, &led_event, sizeof(struct input_event)); |
} |
int confirm_misses; |
while( 1 ) |
{ |
if (evdev_out_fd) |
{ |
if (led_event.value) |
led_event.value = 0; |
else |
led_event.value = 1 ; |
retval = write(evdev_out_fd, &led_event, sizeof(struct input_event)); |
} |
usleep(loop_delay); |
switch (input) |
{ |
case INPUT_NONE: |
printf("input none\n"); |
usleep(10000); |
printf("starting input none\n"); |
break; |
printf("input evdev\n"); |
usleep(30000); |
struct timeval tv; |
int retval; |
fd_set rfds; |
FD_ZERO(&rfds); |
FD_SET(evdev_fd,&rfds); |
read_bytes = read(evdev_fd, ev, sizeof(struct input_event) * 64); |
printf("read done\n"); |
if (read_bytes < (int) sizeof(struct input_event)) { |
perror("evtest: short read"); |
exit (1); |
} |
tv.tv_sec = 0; |
tv.tv_usec = 5; |
for (yalv = 0; yalv < (int) (read_bytes / sizeof(struct input_event)); yalv++) |
{ |
// 1 -> nick |
// 2 -> gas |
// 4->roll |
// 5-> gier |
axis[ ev[yalv].code]= ev[yalv].value; |
printf("nick:%d roll:%d gier:%d gas:%d\n",axis[3] , axis[4] , axis[5] , axis[2]); |
/*if ( ev[yalv].code==5) |
printf("Event: time %ld.%06ld, type %d, code %d, value %d\n", |
ev[yalv].time.tv_sec, ev[yalv].time.tv_usec, ev[yalv].type, |
ev[yalv].code, ev[yalv].value); |
*/ |
} |
retval = select(evdev_fd+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); |
if (retval==-1) |
printf("error in select!!!!!!!!\n"); |
else if (retval) |
{ |
read_bytes = read(evdev_fd, ev, sizeof(struct input_event) * 64); |
break; |
if (read_bytes < (int) sizeof(struct input_event)) { |
perror("evtest: short read"); |
exit (1); |
} |
for (yalv = 0; yalv < (int) (read_bytes / sizeof(struct input_event)); yalv++) |
{ |
printf("%d type:%d code:%d val:%d \n",yalv,ev[yalv].type,ev[yalv].code,ev[yalv].value); |
if (ev[yalv].type==EV_REL) axis[ ev[yalv].code]= ev[yalv].value; |
if (ev[yalv].type==EV_KEY) button[ ev[yalv].code-256]= ev[yalv].value; |
} |
for (yalv=0;yalv<10;yalv++) |
printf("A%d %d -" , yalv, axis[yalv] ); |
printf("\n"); |
for (yalv=0;yalv<10;yalv++) |
printf("B%d %d -" , yalv, button[yalv] ); |
// printf("input read done: nick:%d roll:%d gier:%d gas:%d\n",axis[3] , axis[4] , axis[5] , axis[2]); |
} |
else |
printf("no data from evdev data from evdev: \n"); |
break; |
printf("input joydev\n"); |
// poll values from input device |
570,7 → 503,7 |
printf("sending data\n"); |
SendOutData('b', 0, (unsigned char *)&ExternControl, sizeof(ExternControl)); |
if (connected)SendOutData('b', 0, (unsigned char *)&ExternControl, sizeof(ExternControl)); |
gettimeofday(&time_struct1,NULL); |
if (button_trigger[BUTTON_SELECT]==1) |
579,7 → 512,7 |
clear_display(); |
write_display(0,"connecting to"); |
write_display(1,names[selected_bt_device]); |
connect_mk(addrs[selected_bt_device]); |
//connect_mk(addrs[selected_bt_device]); |
write_display(0,"connected to"); |
} |
591,29 → 524,33 |
if (button_trigger[BUTTON_UP]==1) |
if (selected_bt_device<bt_device_count-1) selected_bt_device++; |
output_device_list() ; |
} |
break; |
RxBuffer[1]=0; |
confirm_misses=0; |
printf("connected:%d",connected); |
if (connected) while (RxBuffer[1]!='t') |
{ |
RxBuffer[1]=0; |
// ftime(&time_struct); |
printf("waiting for confirm frame\n"); |
RxBuffer[2]=0; |
int confirm_misses=0; |
while (RxBuffer[2]!='t') |
{ |
// ftime(&time_struct); |
printf("waiting for confirm frame ( misses:%d )\n",confirm_misses); |
RxBuffer[2]=0; |
r=0; |
in_char='#'; |
while(in_char!='\n') |
{ |
count=read(s,&in_char,1); |
count=read(mk_socket,&in_char,1); |
if (in_char!=0) |
{ |
RxBuffer[r++]=in_char; |
625,7 → 562,7 |
// printf("\ncount:%d r:%d %d %c \n",count , r, in_char, in_char); |
} |
RxBuffer[r++]='\0'; |
printf("--->%s\n",RxBuffer); |
printf("%d--->%s\n",complete_misses,RxBuffer); |
// new |
if (button_trigger[12]>1) |
{ |
633,23 → 570,40 |
button_trigger[12]=0; |
} |
if (++confirm_misses>4) |
SendOutData('b', 0, (unsigned char *)&ExternControl, sizeof(ExternControl)); |
{ |
complete_misses++; |
printf("sending again\n"); |
SendOutData('b', 0, (unsigned char *)&ExternControl, sizeof(ExternControl)); |
} |
} |
else |
printf("not connected to mk\n"); |
gettimeofday(&time_struct2,NULL); |
printf("last trip: %d",(int)(time_struct1.tv_usec-time_struct2.tv_usec)); |
act_mode=button[24] | (button[25]<<1); |
// Step converting axis data to nick/roll/gier/gas/.. |
act_nick=axis[rel_axis_nick]*nick_mul; |
act_roll=axis[rel_axis_roll]*roll_mul; |
act_gier=axis[rel_axis_gier]*gier_mul; |
act_gas=axis[rel_axis_gas]*gas_mul; |
act_gas=255; |
/* |
switch (act_mode) |
{ |
case 0: |
act_nick=(axis[AXIS_NICK]>>8)*(INVERT_NICK); |
act_roll=(axis[AXIS_ROLL]>>8)*(INVERT_ROLL); |
act_gier=(axis[AXIS_GIER]>>8)*(INVERT_GIER); |
act_gas=((axis[AXIS_GAS]>>8)-128)*(-1); |
act_nick=(axis[AXIS_NICK])*(INVERT_NICK); |
act_roll=(axis[AXIS_ROLL])*(INVERT_ROLL); |
act_gier=(axis[AXIS_GIER])*(INVERT_GIER); |
act_gas=((axis[AXIS_GAS])-128)*(-1); |
// clip gas |
if (act_gas<0) act_gas=0; |
677,7 → 631,7 |
break; |
} |
*/ |
ExternControl.Digital[0]=0; |
ExternControl.Digital[1]=0; |
ExternControl.RemoteTasten=0; |
698,24 → 652,26 |
printf("sending data\n"); |
SendOutData('b', 0, (unsigned char *)&ExternControl, sizeof(ExternControl)); |
gettimeofday(&time_struct1,NULL); |
printf("sent data\n"); |
if (connected) |
{ |
printf("sending data\n"); |
SendOutData('b', 0, (unsigned char *)&ExternControl, sizeof(ExternControl)); |
gettimeofday(&time_struct1,NULL); |
printf("sent data\n"); |
} |
// printf("sleeping\n"); |
// for (polls=0;polls<100;polls++) // FIXME - better Polling |
// printf("end_sleep\n"); |
// printf("sleeping\n"); |
// for (polls=0;polls<100;polls++) // FIXME - better Polling |
// printf("end_sleep\n"); |
int v=axis[6]/655+50; |
if (v!=v_old)if (x52_output) x52_setbri(x52_output, 0,v ); |
v_old=v; |
printf("v: %d \n",v); |
for (i=0;i<num_of_axis;i++) |
printf("A%d: %d ", i,axis[i]>>8 ); |
722,13 → 678,13 |
for( x=0 ; x<num_of_buttons ; ++x ) |
printf("B%d: %d ", x, button[x] ); |
break; |
} |
printf("\n"); |
fflush(stdout); |
printf("loop fin"); |
printf("loop fin ( misses:%d)\n",complete_misses); |
} |
735,7 → 691,7 |
/******************** Cleanup **********************/ |
close(x52_input_fd); |
close(s); |
close(mk_socket); |
if (x52_output) x52_close(x52_output); |
return 0; |