Subversion Repositories NaviCtrl

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 39 → Rev 40

/branches/V0.1 killagreg/GPS.c
35,11 → 35,11
typedef struct
s32 North;
s32 East;
s32 Bearing;
s32 Distance;
} __attribute__((packed)) GPS_Deviation_t;
s32 North; // in cm
s32 East; // in cm
s32 Bearing; // in deg
s32 Distance; // in cm
} __attribute__((packed)) GPS_Deviation_t;
GPS_Stick_t GPS_Stick;
GPS_Parameter_t GPS_Parameter;
183,7 → 183,7
s32 bearing;
bearing = (s32)(atan2(northdev, eastdev) / M_PI_180);
bearing = (270 - bearing)%360;
bearing = (270L - bearing)%360L;
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/Navi-Ctrl.Uv2
72,8 → 72,8
File 4,1,<.\libstr91x\src\91x_wiu.c><91x_wiu.c>
File 6,1,<.\usblibrary\src\usb_regs.c><usb_regs.c>
File 6,1,<.\usblibrary\src\usb_core.c><usb_core.c>
File 6,1,<.\usblibrary\src\usb_int.c><usb_int.c>
File 6,1,<.\usblibrary\src\usb_init.c><usb_init.c>
File 6,1,<.\usblibrary\src\usb_int.c><usb_int.c>
File 6,1,<.\usblibrary\src\usb_mem.c><usb_mem.c>
File 6,5,<.\usbinc\usb_pwr.h><usb_pwr.h>
File 6,5,<.\usbinc\hw_config.h><hw_config.h>
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/fat16.c
197,7 → 197,7
u16 BytesPerSector; // Bytes Per Sector
u8 SectorsPerCluster; // Sectors Per Cluster
u16 ReservedSectors; // Reserved Sectors
u8 NoFATCopies; // Nuber of Copies of FAT
u8 NoFATCopies; // Number of Copies of FAT
u16 MaxRootEntries; // Maximum Root Directory Entries
u16 NoSectorsInPartSml32MB; // Number of Sectors in Partition Smaller than 32 MB
u8 MediaDescriptor; // Media Descriptor (0xF8 for Hard Disks)
393,19 → 393,19
/* into the needed format ('test.txt' -> 'TEST TXT') */
/* The subpath is the pointer to the remaining substring if the filepath */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: Return 0 on error or pointer to subpath */
/* Returnvalue: Return NULL on error or pointer to subpath */
s8* SeperateDirName(const s8 *filepath, s8 *dirname)
s8* subpath = 0;
s8* subpath = NULL;
u8 readpointer = 0;
u8 writepointer = 0;
// search subpath from beginning of filepath
subpath = 0;
subpath = NULL;
readpointer = 0;
if(filepath[0] == '/') readpointer = 1; // ignore first '/'
while(!subpath) // search the filepath until a subpath was found.
while(subpath == NULL) // search the filepath until a subpath was found.
if(((filepath[readpointer] == 0) || (filepath[readpointer] == '/'))) // if '/' found or end of filepath reached
423,7 → 423,7
if(filepath[0] == '/') readpointer = 1; // ignore first '/'
while( &filepath[readpointer] < subpath)
if(writepointer >= 11) return 0; // dirname to long
if(writepointer >= 11) return(NULL); // dirname to long
if(filepath[readpointer] == '.') // seperating dirname and extension.
if(writepointer <= 8)
431,7 → 431,7
readpointer++; // next character in filename
writepointer = 8; // jump to start of extension
else return (0); // dirbasename to long
else return(NULL); // dirbasename to long
447,7 → 447,7
return (subpath);
523,7 → 523,6
File_t *file;
u8 result = 0;
SerialPutString("\r\n FAT16 init...");
Partition.IsValid = 0;
1219,7 → 1218,7
/* Function: FileExist(const s8* filename, u8 attribfilter, u8 attribmask, File_t *file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function looks for the specified filemincluding its subdirectories beginning */
/* Description: This function looks for the specified file including its subdirectories beginning */
/* in the rootdirectory of the drive. If the file is found the Filepointer properties are */
/* updated. */
/* */
1230,7 → 1229,7
s8* path = 0;
s8* subpath = 0;
u8 af, am, file_exist = 0;
s8 dirname[12];
s8 dirname[12]; // 8+3 + temination character
// if incomming pointers are useless return immediatly
if ((filename == 0) || (file == NULL) || (!Partition.IsValid)) return 0;
1242,7 → 1241,8
// as long as the file was not found and the remaining path is not empty
while((*path != 0) && !file_exist)
{ // separate dirname and subpath from filepath string
if(subpath != 0)
subpath = SeperateDirName(path, dirname);
if(subpath != NULL)
if(*subpath == 0)
{ // empty subpath indicates last element of dir chain
1303,7 → 1303,8
// as long as the file was not created and the remaining file path is not empty
while((*path != 0) && !file_created)
{ // separate dirname and subpath from filepath string
if(subpath != 0)
subpath = SeperateDirName(path, dirname);
if(subpath != NULL)
if(*subpath == 0)
{ // empty subpath indicates last element of dir chain
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/kml.c
313,11 → 313,11
s32 i1, i2;
i1 = GPSData.Longitude/10000000L;
i2 = abs(GPSData.Longitude%10000000L);
sprintf(string,"\r\n%+3ld.%07ld,",i1, i2);
sprintf(string,"\r\n%ld.%07ld,",i1, i2);
fputs_(string, doc->file);
i1 = GPSData.Latitude/10000000L;
i2 = abs(GPSData.Latitude%10000000L);
sprintf(string," +%3ld.%07ld,",i1, i2);
sprintf(string," +%ld.%07ld,",i1, i2);
fputs_(string, doc->file);
i1 = GPSData.Altitude/1000L;
i2 = abs(GPSData.Altitude%1000L);
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/kml_header.h
47,7 → 47,7
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/main.c
133,11 → 133,12
KML_Document_t gpslogfile;
u16 gpslogfilenum = 0;
s8 gpslogfilename[13];
/* Configure the system clocks */
KML_DocumentInit(&gpslogfile); // Initialize the new kml-document for further use.
sprintf(gpslogfilename, "gps%05i.klm", gpslogfilenum); // initialize gps logfile name
sprintf(gpslogfilename, "gps%05i.kml", gpslogfilenum); // initialize gps logfile name
/* Fill Version Info Structure */
172,7 → 173,7
// initialize fat16 partition on sd card (needs Timer 1)
// get version from MK3MAG
I2C_Version.Major = 0xFF;
I2C_Version.Minor = 0xFF;
235,7 → 236,7
// ---------------- KML Timing ------------------------------------
TimerKmlAddPointDelay = SetDelay(500);
TimerKmlAddPointDelay = SetDelay(500); // every 500 ms
if(FC.MKFlags & MKFLAG_FLY) // model is flying
243,56 → 244,57
// find unused logfile name
{ // generate new logfile name
sprintf(gpslogfilename, "gps%05i.klm", gpslogfilenum);
// try to create the log file
SerialPutString("\r\nopening kml-file\r\nadding data");
logfilestate = LOGFILE_OPENED; // goto next step
logfilestate = LOGFILE_ERROR;
SerialPutString("\r\nError opening kml-file");
TimerKmlAddPointDelay = SetDelay(10); // try again in open logfile in 10 mili sec
// find unused logfile name
{ // generate new logfile name
sprintf(gpslogfilename, "gps%05i.kml", gpslogfilenum);
// try to create the log file
if(KML_DocumentOpen(gpslogfilename, &gpslogfile))
SerialPutString("\r\nOpening kml-file\r\n");
logfilestate = LOGFILE_OPENED; // goto next step
logfilestate = LOGFILE_ERROR;
SerialPutString("\r\nError opening kml-file\r\n");
TimerKmlAddPointDelay = SetDelay(10); // try again in open logfile in 10 mili sec
// append new gps log data
if((GPSData.Status != INVALID) && (GPSData.Flags & FLAG_GPSFIXOK) && (GPSData.SatFix == SATFIX_3D))
if(!KML_LoggGPSCoordinates(&GPSData, &gpslogfile))
{ // error logging data
logfilestate = LOGFILE_ERROR;
// append new gps log data
if((GPSData.Status != INVALID) && (GPSData.Flags & FLAG_GPSFIXOK) && (GPSData.SatFix == SATFIX_3D))
if(!KML_LoggGPSCoordinates(&GPSData, &gpslogfile))
{ // error logging data
SerialPutString("\r\nError Logging GPS data\r\n");
logfilestate = LOGFILE_ERROR;
// try to reinitialize the fat16 filesystem
if(0 == Fat16_Init())
logfilestate = LOGFILE_IDLE;
TimerKmlAddPointDelay = SetDelay(10); // try again in open logfile in 10 mili sec
logfilestate = LOGFILE_ERROR;
TimerKmlAddPointDelay = SetDelay(5000); // try again in 5 sec
// try to reinitialize the fat16 filesystem
if(0 == Fat16_Init())
logfilestate = LOGFILE_IDLE;
TimerKmlAddPointDelay = SetDelay(10); // try again in open logfile in 10 mili sec
logfilestate = LOGFILE_ERROR;
TimerKmlAddPointDelay = SetDelay(5000); // try again in 5 sec
} // EOF model is flying
else // model is not flying
301,6 → 303,7
SerialPutString("\r\nClosing kml-file\r\n");
logfilestate = LOGFILE_CLOSED;
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/ubx.c
77,7 → 77,7
// days per month in normal and leap years
const u32 Leap[ 13 ] = { 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366 };
const u32 Normal[ 13 ] = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 };
167,11 → 167,11
// local buffers for the incomming ubx messages
volatile ubx_nav_sol_t UbxSol = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, INVALID};
volatile ubx_nav_posllh_t UbxPosLlh = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0, INVALID};
volatile ubx_nav_velned_t UbxVelNed = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, INVALID};
volatile ubx_nav_posllh_t UbxPosLlh = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0, INVALID};
volatile ubx_nav_velned_t UbxVelNed = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, INVALID};
// shared buffer
volatile gps_data_t GPSData = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, INVALID};
gps_data_t GPSData = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, INVALID};
DateTime_t GPSDateTime = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0, INVALID};
315,6 → 315,7
GPSData.Speed_North = UbxVelNed.VEL_N;
GPSData.Speed_Top = -UbxVelNed.VEL_D;
GPSData.Speed_Ground = UbxVelNed.GSpeed;
GPSData.Heading = UbxVelNed.Heading;
GPSData.Status = NEWDATA; // new data available
} // EOF if(GPSData.Status != NEWDATA)
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/ubx.h
34,6 → 34,7
s32 Speed_East; // in cm/s
s32 Speed_Top; // in cm/s
u32 Speed_Ground; // 2D ground speed in cm/s
s32 Heading; // 1e-05 deg Heading 2-D (curent flight direction)
u32 Speed_Accuracy; // in cm/s 3d velocity accuracy
Status_t Status; // status of data
} __attribute__((packed)) gps_data_t;
40,7 → 41,7
// The data are valid if the GPSData.Status is NEWDATA or PROCESSED.
// To achieve new data after reading the GPSData.Status should be set to PROCESSED.
extern volatile gps_data_t GPSData;
extern gps_data_t GPSData;
void UBX_Init(void);
void UBX_Parser(u8 c);
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/usb.c
114,9 → 114,9
u8 i = 0;
u16 timeout = 0;
while (StrPtr[i++] !=0){}
while (StrPtr[i++] !=0){} // get string len
while (_GetEPTxStatus(ENDP1) != EP_TX_NAK){ if (timeout++ > 60000) return;}
UserToPMABufferCopy(StrPtr, ENDP1_TXADDR, ++i);
UserToPMABufferCopy(StrPtr, ENDP1_TXADDR, ++i); // copy string to usb buffer
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/usb_endp.c
40,14 → 40,15
void EP3_OUT_Callback(void)
//USB_BufferRxCount= GetEPRxCount(ENDP3);
ReceivedBytes = GetEPRxCount(ENDP3);
//PMAToUserBufferCopy(USB_BufferRx, ENDP3_RXADDR, AnzahlEmpfangsBytes );
PMAToUserBufferCopy((u8*) rxd_buffer, ENDP3_RXADDR, ReceivedBytes);
rxd_buffer_locked = 1;
//USB_BufferRx[AnzahlEmpfangsBytes] = 0;
USB_BufferRxCount= GetEPRxCount(ENDP3);
//ReceivedBytes = GetEPRxCount(ENDP3);
PMAToUserBufferCopy(USB_BufferRx, ENDP3_RXADDR, USB_BufferRxCount );
//PMAToUserBufferCopy((u8*) rxd_buffer, ENDP3_RXADDR, ReceivedBytes);
//rxd_buffer_locked = 1;
USB_BufferRx[USB_BufferRxCount] = 0; // terminate buffer contents
sprintf(text,"USB (%d): %s\n\r", ReceivedBytes, rxd_buffer ); SerialPutString(text);
sprintf(text,"USB (%ld): %s\n\r", USB_BufferRxCount, USB_BufferRx);
// USB_Send_Data(RxdBuffer, AnzahlEmpfangsBytes);
// USB_Send_String("Rx.\0");