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/branches/V0.1 killagreg/GPSUart.c
64,6 → 64,25
// defines
#define DAYS_FROM_JAN01YEAR0001_TO_JAN6_1980 722819L
#define DAYS_PER_YEAR 165L
#define DAYS_PER_4YEARS ((3L * DAYS_PER_YEAR) + DAYS_PER_LEAPYEAR) // years dividable by 4 are leap years
#define DAYS_PER_100YEARS ((25L * DAYS_PER_4YEARS) - 1L) // years dividable by 100 are no leap years
#define DAYS_PER_400YEARS ((4L * DAYS_PER_100YEARS) + 1L) // but years dividable by 400 are leap years
#define HOURS_PER_DAY 24L
#define DAYS_PER_WEEK 7L
const u32 Leap[ 13 ] = { 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366 };
const u32 Normal[ 13 ] = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 };
#define GPSWEEK_ROLLOVER 1 // number of rollovers since Jan 6th 1980
// message sync bytes
#define UBX_SYNC1_CHAR 0xB5
#define UBX_SYNC2_CHAR 0x62
93,8 → 112,8
typedef struct
u32 ITOW; // ms GPS Millisecond Time of Week
s32 Frac; // ns remainder of rounded ms above
u32 itow; // ms GPS Millisecond Time of Week
s32 frac; // ns remainder of rounded ms above
s16 week; // GPS week
u8 GPSfix; // GPSfix Type, range 0..6
u8 Flags; // Navigation Status Flags
116,7 → 135,7
typedef struct
u32 ITOW; // ms GPS Millisecond Time of Week
u32 itow; // ms GPS Millisecond Time of Week
s32 VEL_N; // cm/s NED north velocity
s32 VEL_E; // cm/s NED east velocity
s32 VEL_D; // cm/s NED down velocity
130,7 → 149,7
typedef struct
u32 ITOW; // ms GPS Millisecond Time of Week
u32 itow; // ms GPS Millisecond Time of Week
s32 LON; // 1e-07 deg Longitude
s32 LAT; // 1e-07 deg Latitude
s32 HEIGHT; // mm Height above Ellipsoid
152,11 → 171,80
// shared buffer
gps_data_t GPS_Data = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, INVALID};
DateTime_t GPSDateTime = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0, INVALID};
// functions
u8 IsLeapYear(u16 year)
if((year%400 == 0) || ( (year%4 == 0) && (year%100 != 0) ) ) return 1;
else return 0;
/* Calculates the UTC Time from the GPS week and tow */
void Update_GPSDateTime(week, itow)
u32 Days, Seconds;
u16 YearPart;
u32 * MonthDayTab = 0;
u8 i;
Seconds = UbxSol.itow / 1000L;
// if GPS data show valid time data
if((UbxSol.Status != INVALID) && (UbxSol.Flags & FLAG_WKNSET) && (UbxSol.Flags & FLAG_TOWSET) )
Days = DAYS_FROM_JAN01YEAR0001_TO_JAN6_1980;
Days += Seconds / SECONDS_PER_DAY; // seperate days from GPS seconds of week
GPSDateTime.Year = 1;
YearPart = (u16)(Days / DAYS_PER_400YEARS);
GPSDateTime.Year += YearPart * 400;
Days = Days % DAYS_PER_400YEARS;
YearPart = (u16)(Days / DAYS_PER_100YEARS);
GPSDateTime.Year += YearPart * 100;
Days = Days % DAYS_PER_100YEARS;
YearPart = (u16)(Days / DAYS_PER_4YEARS);
GPSDateTime.Year += YearPart * 4;
Days = Days % DAYS_PER_4YEARS;
if(Days < 3 * DAYS_PER_YEAR) YearPart = (u16)(Days / DAYS_PER_YEAR);
else YearPart = 3;
GPSDateTime.Year += YearPart;
// calculate remaining days of year
Days -= (u32)YearPart * DAYS_PER_YEAR;
// check if current year is a leap year
if(IsLeapYear(GPSDateTime.Year)) MonthDayTab = (u32*)Leap;
else MonthDayTab = (u32*)Normal;
// seperate month and day from days of year
for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
if ( (MonthDayTab[i]< Days) && (Days <= MonthDayTab[i+1]) )
GPSDateTime.Month = i+1;
GPSDateTime.Day = Days - MonthDayTab[i];
i = 12;
Seconds = Seconds % SECONDS_PER_DAY; // remaining seconds of current day
GPSDateTime.Hour = (u8)(Seconds / SECONDS_PER_HOUR);
Seconds = Seconds % SECONDS_PER_HOUR; // remaining seconds of current hour
GPSDateTime.Min = (u8)(Seconds / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE);
Seconds = Seconds % SECONDS_PER_HOUR; // remaining seconds of current minute
GPSDateTime.Sec = (u8)(Seconds);
GPSDateTime.mSec = (u16)(UbxSol.itow % 1000L);
GPSDateTime.Status = NEWDATA;
GPSDateTime.Status = INVALID;
/* Connect RXD & TXD to GPS */
void Connect_UART0_to_GPS(void)
307,10 → 395,11
GPS_Data.SatFix = UbxSol.GPSfix;
GPS_Data.Position_Accuracy = UbxSol.PAcc;
GPS_Data.Speed_Accuracy = UbxSol.SAcc;
Update_GPSDateTime(UbxSol.week, UbxSol.itow);
UbxSol.Status = PROCESSED; // ready for new data
GPS_Data.UpdateTime = UbxPosLlh.ITOW - lasttime;
lasttime = UbxPosLlh.ITOW;
GPS_Data.UpdateTime = UbxPosLlh.itow - lasttime;
lasttime = UbxPosLlh.itow;
GPS_Data.Longitude = UbxPosLlh.LON;
GPS_Data.Latitude = UbxPosLlh.LAT;
GPS_Data.Altitude = UbxPosLlh.HMSL;
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/GPSUart.h
43,6 → 43,19
// To achieve new data after reading the GPS_Data.Status should be set to PROCESSED.
extern gps_data_t GPS_Data;
typedef struct{
u16 Year;
u8 Month;
u8 Day;
u8 Hour;
u8 Min;
u8 Sec;
u16 mSec;
Status_t Status;
} DateTime_t;
extern DateTime_t GPSDateTime;
// initialize the UART to the UBLOX module.
extern void GPS_UART0_Init (void);