Subversion Repositories NaviCtrl

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Ignore whitespace Rev 16 → Rev 17

/branches/V0.1 killagreg/GPS.c
67,7 → 67,7
s16 GPS_Pitch;
s16 GPS_Roll;
s16 GPS_Yaw;
File_t *GPSLogFile = 0;
GPSParameter_t GPSParameter;
u8 logtext[100];
111,6 → 111,7
void LogGPSData(void)
static u32 Flushtime = 0;
static File_t *GPSLogFile = 0;
s16 i1, i2, i3;
if((GPS_Data.Status != INVALID) && (GPS_Data.SatFix == SATFIX_3D))
119,7 → 120,9
GPSLogFile = fopen_("/LOG/GPSLOG.TXT", 'a');
if(GPSLogFile) SerialPutString("GPSLogCreated\r\n");
if(GPSLogFile) SerialPutString("Opening GPSLog\r\n");
Flushtime = SetDelay(5000L); // every 5 seconds
// if logfile
141,7 → 144,7
Flushtime = SetDelay(10000L); // every 10 seconds
Flushtime = SetDelay(5000L); // every 5 seconds
166,7 → 169,7
// handle new gps data
GPSTimeout = SetDelay(2*GPS_Data.UpdateTime);
LogGPSData(); // write gps position to file
GPS_Data.Status = PROCESSED; // mark as processed
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/GPSUart.c
313,7 → 313,7
lasttime = UbxPosLlh.ITOW;
GPS_Data.Longitude = UbxPosLlh.LON;
GPS_Data.Latitude = UbxPosLlh.LAT;
GPS_Data.Altitude = UbxPosLlh.HEIGHT;
GPS_Data.Altitude = UbxPosLlh.HMSL;
UbxPosLlh.Status = PROCESSED; // ready for new data
GPS_Data.Speed_East = UbxVelNed.VEL_E;
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/fat16.c
429,6 → 429,7
u32 Fat16ClusterToSector(u16 cluster)
if(!Partition.IsValid) return 0;
if (cluster < 2) cluster = 2; // the 0. and 1. cluster in the fat are used for the media descriptor
return ( (cluster - 2) * Partition.SectorsPerCluster) + Partition.FirstDataSector; // the first data sector is represented by the 2nd cluster
443,10 → 444,37
u16 SectorToFat16Cluster(u32 sector)
if(!Partition.IsValid) return 0;
return ((u16)((sector - Partition.FirstDataSector) / Partition.SectorsPerCluster) + 2);
/* Function: Fat16_Deinit(void); */
/* */
/* Description: This function uninitializes the fat 16 api */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns "0" on success */
u8 Fat16_Deinit(void)
s16 returnvalue = 0;
u8 cnt;
// declare the filepointers as unused.
for(cnt = 0; cnt < FILE_MAX_OPEN; cnt++)
if(FilePointer[cnt].State == FSTATE_USED)
returnvalue += fclose_(&FilePointer[cnt]); // try to close open file pointers
SDC_Deinit(); // uninitialize interface to sd-card
Partition.IsValid = 0; // mark data in partition structure as invalid
/* Function: Fat16_Init(void); */
/* */
/* Description: This function reads the Masterbootrecord and finds the position of the Volumebootrecord, the FAT and the Rootdir */
454,7 → 482,7
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns "0" if the filesystem is initialized. */
s16 Fat16_Init(void)
u8 Fat16_Init(void)
u8 cnt = 0;
u32 PartitionFirstSector;
461,6 → 489,7
VBR_Entry_t *VBR;
MBR_Entry_t *MBR;
File_t *File;
u8 result;
Partition.IsValid = 0;
476,10 → 505,11
cnt = 0;
while(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_Init())
if(cnt > 5)
if(cnt > 3)
SerialPutString("SD-Card could not be initialized.\r\n");
result = 1;
goto end;
488,27 → 518,33
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector((u32)MBR_SECTOR,File->Cache)) // Read the MasterBootRecord
SerialPutString("Error reading the MBR.\r\n");
result = 2;
goto end;
MBR = (MBR_Entry_t *)File->Cache; // Enter the MBR using the structure MBR_Entry_t.
if(MBR->PartitionEntry1.Type != PART_TYPE_FAT16)
if(MBR->PartitionEntry1.Type == PART_TYPE_FAT16)
SerialPutString("MBR: 1st Partition ist not FAT16 type.\r\n");
// get sector offset 1st partition
PartitionFirstSector = MBR->PartitionEntry1.NoSectorsBeforePartition;
// Start of Partition is the Volume Boot Sector
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(PartitionFirstSector,File->Cache)) // Read the volume boot record
SerialPutString("Error reading the VBR.\r\n");
result = 3;
goto end;
// get sector offset 1st partition
PartitionFirstSector = MBR->PartitionEntry1.NoSectorsBeforePartition;
// Start of Partition is the Volume Boot Sector
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(PartitionFirstSector,File->Cache)) // Read the volume boot record
else // maybe the medium has no partition assuming sector 0 is the vbr
SerialPutString("Error reading the VBR of 1st partition.\r\n");
PartitionFirstSector = 0;
VBR = (VBR_Entry_t *) File->Cache; // Enter the VBR using the structure VBR_Entry_t.
if(VBR->BytesPerSector != BYTES_PER_SECTOR)
SerialPutString("Sector size of 1st partition not supported.\r\n");
SerialPutString("VBR: Sector size not supported.\r\n");
result = 4;
goto end;
Partition.SectorsPerCluster = VBR->SectorsPerCluster; // Number of sectors per cluster. Depends on the memorysize of the sd-card.
Partition.FatCopies = VBR->NoFATCopies; // Number of fatcopies.
528,8 → 564,9
// Calculate the last data sector
if(VBR->NoSectors == 0)
SerialPutString("Bad nuber of sectors in this partition.\r\n");
SerialPutString("VBR: Bad number of sectors.\r\n");
result = 5;
goto end;
Partition.LastDataSector = Partition.FirstDataSector + VBR->NoSectors - 1;
// check for FAT16 in VBR of first partition
536,37 → 573,18
if(!((VBR->FATName[0]=='F') && (VBR->FATName[1]=='A') && (VBR->FATName[2]=='T') && (VBR->FATName[3]=='1')&&(VBR->FATName[4]=='6')))
SerialPutString("VBR: Partition ist not FAT16 type.\r\n");
return (2);
result = 6;
goto end;
Partition.IsValid = 1; // mark data in partition structure as valid
result = 0;
if(result != 0) Fat16_Deinit();
/* Function: Fat16_Deinit(void); */
/* */
/* Description: This function uninitializes the fat 16 api */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns "0" on success */
s16 Fat16_Deinit(void)
s16 returnvalue = 0;
u8 cnt;
// declare the filepointers as unused.
for(cnt = 0; cnt < FILE_MAX_OPEN; cnt++)
if(FilePointer[cnt].State == FSTATE_USED)
returnvalue += fclose_(&FilePointer[cnt]); // try to close open file pointers
SDC_Deinit(); // uninitialize interface to sd-card
Partition.IsValid = 0; // mark data in partition structure as invalid
/* Function: ClearCurrCluster(File_t file); */
/* */
578,11 → 596,18
u8 retvalue = 1;
u32 i;
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (File == 0)) return(0);
for(i = 0; i < BYTES_PER_SECTOR; i++) File->Cache[i] = 0; // clear file cache
for(i = 0; i < Partition.SectorsPerCluster; i++)
File->SectorInCache = File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster + i;
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache)) retvalue = 0;
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache))
retvalue = 0;
600,7 → 625,7
u32 fat_byte_offset, sector, byte;
Fat16Entry_t * Fat;
if(File == 0) return(cluster);
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (File == 0)) return(cluster);
// if sector is within the data area
if((Partition.FirstDataSector <= File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster)&& (File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster <= Partition.LastDataSector))
616,7 → 641,11
if(File->SectorInCache != sector)
File->SectorInCache = sector; // update sector stored in buffer
SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache); // read sector from sd-card
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache)) // read sector from sd-card
return (cluster);
// read the next cluster from cache
Fat = (Fat16Entry_t *)(&(File->Cache[byte]));
632,7 → 661,7
File->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
File->ByteOfCurrSector = 0;
652,7 → 681,7
u16 free_cluster = 0; // next free cluster number.
Fat16Entry_t * Fat;
if(File == 0) return(0);
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (File == 0)) return(0);
// start searching for an empty cluster at the beginning of the fat.
fat_sector = 0;
662,6 → 691,7
File->SectorInCache = curr_sector; // upate the sector number of file cache.
if( SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache)) // read sector of fat from sd-card.
674,6 → 704,7
Fat[fat_entry].NextCluster = FAT16_CLUSTER_LAST_MAX; // mark this fat-entry as used
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache)) // and save the sector at the sd-card.
free_cluster = (u16)(fat_sector * FAT16_ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR + (u32)fat_entry);
682,7 → 713,7
fat_sector++; // continue the search in next fat sector
// repeat until the end of the fat is reached and no free cluster has been found so far
}while((fat_sector < Partition.SectorsPerFat) && (!free_cluster));
}while((fat_sector < Partition.SectorsPerFat) && (!free_cluster));
699,7 → 730,7
s32 fposition = 0;
s16 retvalue = 1;
if(!Partition.IsValid) return(0);
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (File == 0)) return(0);
case SEEK_SET: // Fileposition relative to the beginning of the file.
765,6 → 796,8
u32 fat_byte_offset, sector, byte;
Fat16Entry_t * Fat;
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (File == 0)) return(new_cluster);
new_cluster = FindNextFreeCluster(File); // the next free cluster found on the disk.
{ // A free cluster was found and can be added to the end of the file.
779,6 → 812,7
File->SectorInCache = sector; // update sector stored in buffer
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache)) // read sector from sd-card
786,12 → 820,12
Fat->NextCluster = new_cluster; // append the free cluster to the end of the file in the FAT.
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache)) // save the modified sector to the FAT.
File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = Fat16ClusterToSector(new_cluster);
File->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
File->ByteOfCurrSector = 0;
814,7 → 848,7
DirEntry_t * Dir;
// if incomming pointers are useless return immediatly
if((File == 0) || (dirname == 0)) return(direntry_exist);
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (File == 0) || (dirname == 0)) return(direntry_exist);
// dir entries can be searched only in filesclusters that have
// a corresponding dir entry with adir-flag set in its attribute
843,7 → 877,11
// check if the directory entry of current file is existent and has the dir-flag set
File->SectorInCache = File->DirectorySector; // update the sector number of file cache.
SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache); // read in the sector.
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache))// read in the sector.
Dir = (DirEntry_t *)File->Cache; // set pointer to directory
switch(Dir[File->DirectoryIndex].Name[0]) // check if current directory exist
875,7 → 913,11
curr_sector = File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster + dir_sector; // calculate sector number
File->SectorInCache = curr_sector; // upate the sector number of file cache.
SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache); // read the sector
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache))// read the sector
Dir = (DirEntry_t *)File->Cache; // set pointer to directory
// search all directory entries within that sector
for(dir_entry = 0; dir_entry < DIRENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; dir_entry++)
938,7 → 980,7
u8 retvalue = 0;
DirEntry_t *Dir;
if((File == 0) || (dirname == 0)) return (retvalue);
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (File == 0) || (dirname == 0)) return (retvalue);
// It is not checked here that the dir entry that should be created is already existent!
// Dir entries can be created only in file-clusters that have
968,7 → 1010,11
// check if the directory entry of current file is existent and has the dir-flag set
File->SectorInCache = File->DirectorySector; // update the sector number of file cache.
SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache); // read in the sector.
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache))// read in the sector.
Dir = (DirEntry_t *)File->Cache; // set pointer to directory
switch(Dir[File->DirectoryIndex].Name[0]) // check if current directory exist
999,7 → 1045,11
curr_sector = File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster + dir_sector; // calculate sector number
File->SectorInCache = curr_sector; // upate the sector number of file cache.
SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache);
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache))// read in the sector.
Dir = (DirEntry_t *)File->Cache; // set pointer to directory
// search all directory entries of a sector
for(dir_entry = 0; dir_entry < DIRENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; dir_entry++)
1010,7 → 1060,11
Dir[dir_entry].Attribute = attrib; // Set the attribute of the new directoryentry.
Dir[dir_entry].StartCluster = SubDirCluster; // copy the location of the first datacluster to the directoryentry.
Dir[dir_entry].Size = 0; // the new createted file has no content yet.
SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache); // write back to card
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache)) // write back to card
File->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = Fat16ClusterToSector(SubDirCluster); // Calculate absolute sectorposition of first datacluster.
File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = File->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster; // Start reading the file with the first sector of the first datacluster.
File->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0; // reset sector of cureen cluster
1023,7 → 1077,11
ClearCurrCluster(File); // fill cluster with zeros
File->SectorInCache = File->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster;
SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache);
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache))// read in the sector.
Dir = (DirEntry_t *)File->Cache;
// create direntry "." to current dir
Dir[0].Name[0] = 0x2E;
1038,7 → 1096,11
Dir[1].Attribute = ATTR_SUBDIRECTORY;
Dir[1].StartCluster = DirCluster;
Dir[1].Size = 0;
SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache);
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache))// read in the sector.
retvalue = 1;
dir_entry = DIRENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; // stop for-loop
1299,29 → 1361,40
if((File == 0) || (!Partition.IsValid)) return (EOF);
if(File->Mode == 'a')
if(File->ByteOfCurrSector > 0) // has data been added to the file?
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache))// save the data still in the buffer
case 'a':
case 'w':
if(File->ByteOfCurrSector > 0) // has data been added to the file?
File->SectorInCache = File->DirectorySector;
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache)) // read the directory entry for this file.
Dir = (DirEntry_t *)File->Cache;
Dir[File->DirectoryIndex].Size = File->Size; // update file size
Dir[File->DirectoryIndex].Time = time; // update time
Dir[File->DirectoryIndex].Date = date; // update date
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache)) // write back to sd-card
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache))// save the data still in the buffer
File->SectorInCache = File->DirectorySector;
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache)) // read the directory entry for this file.
Dir = (DirEntry_t *)File->Cache;
Dir[File->DirectoryIndex].Size = File->Size; // update file size
Dir[File->DirectoryIndex].Time = time; // update time
Dir[File->DirectoryIndex].Date = date; // update date
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache)) // write back to sd-card
case 'r':
1367,7 → 1440,11
if(File->SectorInCache != curr_sector)
File->SectorInCache = curr_sector;
SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache);
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache))
c = (s16) File->Cache[File->ByteOfCurrSector];
File->Position++; // increment file position
1411,7 → 1488,7
// If file position equals to file size, then the end of file has reached.
// In this chase it has to be checked that the ByteOfCurrSector is BYTES_PER_SECTOR
// and a new cluster should be appended.
if((File->Position = File->Size) && (File->ByteOfCurrSector >= BYTES_PER_SECTOR))
if((File->Position >= File->Size) && (File->ByteOfCurrSector >= BYTES_PER_SECTOR))
if(!AppendCluster(File)) return(EOF);
1423,6 → 1500,7
File->SectorInCache = curr_sector;
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache))
1435,6 → 1513,7
{ // save the sector to the sd-card
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache))
File->ByteOfCurrSector = 0; // reset byte location
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/fat16.h
44,8 → 44,8
extern s16 Fat16_Init(void);
extern s16 Fat16_Deinit(void);
extern u8 Fat16_Init(void);
extern u8 Fat16_Deinit(void);
extern File_t * fopen_(const u8 *filename, const s8 mode);
extern s16 fclose_(File_t *File);
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/main.c
57,6 → 57,7
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
const unsigned long _Main_Crystal = 25000;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "91x_lib.h"
#include "led.h"
#include "GPSUart.h"
141,24 → 142,8
// initialize fat16 partition on sd card
File_t * F = 0;
u8 txt[20];
u16 i;
F = fopen_("/test.txt",'a');
sprintf(txt, "%04i\r\n",i);
fputs_(txt, F);
// get version from MK3MAG
I2C_Version.Major = 0xFF;
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/sdc.c
192,12 → 192,24
u8 SDC_SendCMD(u8 CmdNo, u32 arg)
u8 r1;
u16 Timeout = 0;
u32 Timeout = 0;
u16 a;
u8 cmd[6];
SSC_ClearRxFifo(); // clear the rx fifo
SSC_Enable(); // enable chipselect.
// wait if card is busy
Timeout = SetDelay(1000);
r1 = SSC_GetChar();
if (CheckDelay(Timeout))
}while(r1 != 0xFF);
SSC_GetChar(); // dummy to sync
cmd[0] = 0x40|CmdNo; // set command index