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Ignore whitespace Rev 13 → Rev 14

/branches/V0.1 killagreg/GPSUart.c
402,7 → 402,7
case UBXSTATE_LEN1: // 1st message length byte
msglen = c;
msglen = c; // lowbyte first
cka += c;
ckb += cka;
ubxState = UBXSTATE_LEN2;
409,7 → 409,7
case UBXSTATE_LEN2: // 2nd message length byte
msglen += ((u16)c)<<8;
msglen += ((u16)c)<<8; // high byte last
cka += c;
ckb += cka;
// if the old data are not processed so far then break parsing now
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/fat16.c
54,7 → 54,7
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include <stdio.h>
//#include <stdio.h>
#include "91x_lib.h"
#include "fat16.h"
#include "sdc.h"
64,25 → 64,27
// Module name: fat16.c
// Compiler used: avr-gcc 3.4.5
// Last Modifikation: 24.07.2007
// Version: 1.24
// Authors: Stephan Busker
// Description: Source files for FAT16 implementation with read and write-access using AVR-Mikrocontrollers
// Copyright (C) 2007 Stephan Busker
// Last Modifikation: 16.06.2008
// Version: 2.00
// Authors: Stephan Busker & Gregor Stobrawa
// Description: Source files for FAT16 implementation with read and write-access
// Copyright (C) 2008 Stephan Busker & Gregor Stobrawa
// Functions: extern u8 InitFat16(void);
// u8 fopen_(u8 *fname,s8 mode, File *file);
// void fclose_(File *file);
// u32 fread_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File *file);
// u32 fwrite_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File *file);
// s16 fseek_(File *file, s32 offset, s16 origin);
// s8 fgets8_(File *file);
// u8 fputchar_(File *file,s8 c);
// u8 fputs_(File *file,s8 *string);
// s8 * fgets(s8 *, s16, File);
// u8 fexist_(u8*, File *file);
// Functions: extern s16 Fat16_Init(void);
// extern s16 Fat16_Deinit(void);
// extern File_t * fopen_(const u8 *filename, const s8 mode);
// extern s16 fclose_(File_t *File);
// extern s16 fflush_(File_t *File);
// extern s16 fseek_(File_t *File, s32 offset, s16 origin);
// extern s16 fgetc_(File_t *File);
// extern s16 fputc_(u8 c, File_t *File);
// extern u32 fread_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File_t *File);
// extern u32 fwrite_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File_t *File);
// extern s16 fputs_(const u8 *string, File_t *File);
// extern u8 * fgets_(u8 *string, s16 length, File_t *File);
// ext. functions: extern SD_Result_t SDC_Init(void;)
// extern SD_Result_t SDC_Deinit(void);
// extern SD_Result_t SDC_GetSector (u32,u8 *);
// extern SD_Result_t SDC_PutSector (u32,u8 *);
98,7 → 100,6
Fat Tables Start + # of Reserved Sectors
Root Directory Entry Start + # of Reserved + (# of Sectors Per FAT * 2)
Data Area (Starts with Cluster #2) Start + # of Reserved + (# of Sectors Per FAT * 2) + ((Maximum Root Directory Entries * 32) / Bytes per Sector)
130,18 → 131,26
// Partition Types:
#define P_TYPE_UNKNOWN 0x00
#define P_TYPE_FAT12 0x01
#define P_TYPE_FAT16_SM16MB 0x04
#define P_TYPE_EXTMSDOS 0x05
#define P_TYPE_FAT16 0x06
#define P_TYPE_FAT32 0x0B
#define P_TYPE_FAT32_LBA1 0x0C
#define P_TYPE_FAT16_LBA1 0x0E
#define PART_TYPE_UNKNOWN 0x00
#define PART_TYPE_FAT12 0x01
#define PART_TYPE_XENIX 0x02
#define PART_TYPE_DOSFAT16 0x04
#define PART_TYPE_EXTDOS 0x05
#define PART_TYPE_FAT16 0x06
#define PART_TYPE_NTFS 0x07
#define PART_TYPE_FAT32 0x0B
#define PART_TYPE_FAT32LBA 0x0C
#define PART_TYPE_FAT16LBA 0x0E
#define PART_TYPE_ONTRACK 0x33
#define PART_TYPE_NOVELL 0x40
#define PART_TYPE_PCIX 0x4B
#define PART_TYPE_CPM 0xDB
#define PART_TYPE_DBFS 0xE0
#define PART_TYPE_BBT 0xFF
198,6 → 207,7
} __attribute__((packed)) VBR_Entry_t;
208,38 → 218,52
typedef struct
u8 name[8]; // 8 bytes name.
u8 extension[3]; // 3 bytes extension.
u8 attribute; // attribute of the directory entry (unused,archive,read-only,system,directory,volume)
u8 reserved[10]; // reserved bytes within the directory entry.
u16 time; // time and
u16 date; // date of last write acces to the file or directory.
u16 startcluster; // first cluster of the file or directory.
u32 size; // size of the file or directory in bytes.
u8 Name[8]; // 8 bytes name, padded with spaces.
u8 Extension[3]; // 3 bytes extension, padded with spaces.
u8 Attribute; // attribute of the directory entry (unused,archive,read-only,system,directory,volume)
u8 Reserved[10]; // reserved bytes within the directory entry.
u16 Time; // time and
u16 Date; // date of last write acces to the file or directory.
u16 StartCluster; // first cluster of the file or directory.
u32 Size; // size of the file or directory in bytes.
} __attribute__((packed)) DirEntry_t;
#define SLOT_EMPTY 0x00 // slot has never been used
#define SLOT_E5 0x05 // the real value is 0xe5
#define SLOT_DELETED 0xe5 // file in this slot deleted
#define ATTR_NORMAL 0x00 // normal file
#define ATTR_READONLY 0x01 // file is readonly
#define ATTR_HIDDEN 0x02 // file is hidden
#define ATTR_SYSTEM 0x04 // file is a system file
#define ATTR_VOLUMELABEL 0x08 // entry is a volume label
#define ATTR_LONG_FILENAME 0x0F // this is a long filename entry
#define ATTR_SUBDIRECTORY 0x10 // entry is a directory name
#define ATTR_ARCHIVE 0x20 // file is new or modified
Structure of an entry within the fileallocationtable.
0000h Available Cluster
0002h-FFEFh Used, Next Cluster in File
FFF0h-FFF6h Reserved Cluster
FFF7h BAD Cluster
FFF8h-FFFF Used, Last Cluster in File
typedef struct
u16 next_cluster; // the next cluster of the file.
} __attribute__((packed)) FatEntry_t;
u16 NextCluster; // the next cluster of the file.
} __attribute__((packed)) Fat16Entry_t;
// secial fat entries
#define FAT16_CLUSTER_FREE 0x0000
#define FAT16_CLUSTER_RESERVED 0x0001
#define FAT16_CLUSTER_USED_MIN 0x0002
#define FAT16_CLUSTER_BAD 0xFFF7
#define MBR_SECTOR 0x00 // the masterboot record is located in sector 0.
/* */
/* Global variables needed for read- or write-acces to the FAT16- filesystem. */
246,51 → 270,151
/* */
u8 SectorsPerCluster = 0; // how many sectors does a cluster contain?
u8 FatCopies = 0; // Numbers of copies of the FAT
u16 PossibleRootEntries = 0; // Possible number of entries in the root directory.
u16 SectorsPerFat = 0; // how many sectors does a fat16 contain?
u32 ReservedSectors = 0; // Sectors reserved by the filesystem.
u32 FirstPartitionSector = 0; // Distance in sectors between the first partition and the master bootrecord.
u32 FileAllocationTable = 0; // pointer to the first FAT
u32 RootDirectory = 0; // Pointer to the rootdirectory of the first partition.
u32 FirstDataCluster = 0; // Pointer to the first cluster containing data (cluster0).
#define MBR_SECTOR 0x00 // the masterboot record is located in sector 0.
#define DIRENTRY_SIZE 32 //bytes
#define FAT16_BYTES 2
DirEntry_t *DirectoryEntry; // Pointer to an entry of the directory.
FatEntry_t *Fat; // Pointer to an entry of the fat (next clusterposition).
#define FSTATE_USED 1
File_t FilePointer[__MAX_FILES_USED]; // Allocate Memmoryspace for each filepointer used.
typedef struct
u8 IsValid; // 0 means invalid, else valid
u8 SectorsPerCluster; // how many sectors does a cluster contain?
u8 FatCopies; // Numbers of copies of the FAT
u16 MaxRootEntries; // Possible number of entries in the root directory.
u16 SectorsPerFat; // how many sectors does a fat16 contain?
u32 FirstFatSector; // sector of the start of the fat
u32 FirstRootDirSector; // sector of the rootdirectory
u32 FirstDataSector; // sector of the first cluster containing data (cluster2).
} Partition_t;
Partition_t Partition; // Structure holds partition information
/* Function: InitFat16(void); */
/* */
/* Description: This function reads the Masterbootrecord and finds the position of the Volumebootrecord, the FAT and the Rootdir */
/* and stores the information in global variables. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns "0" if the filesystem is initialized. */
u8 InitFat16(void)
File_t FilePointer[FILE_MAX_OPEN]; // Allocate Memmoryspace for each filepointer used.
/* Function: SeperateDirName(u8*, u8*, u8*); */
/* */
/* Description: This function seperates the first dirname from filepath and brings them */
/* into the needed format ('test.txt' -> 'TEST TXT') */
/* The subpath is the pointer to the remaining substring if the filepath */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: Return 0 on error */
u8 SeperateDirName(const u8 *filepath, u8 *dirname, u8 *subpath)
u8* readpointer = 0;
u8 writepointer = 0;
// search subpath from beginning of filepath
subpath = 0;
readpointer = (u8*)filepath;
if(*readpointer == '/') readpointer++; // ignore first '/'
while(!subpath) // search the filepath until a subpath was found.
if(((*readpointer == 0) || (*readpointer == '/'))) // if '/' found or end of filepath reached
subpath = readpointer; // store the position of the first "/" found after the beginning of the filenpath
// clear dirname with spaces
for(writepointer = 0; writepointer < 11; writepointer++) dirname[writepointer] = ' ';
writepointer = 0;
// start seperating the dirname from the filepath.
readpointer = (u8*)filepath;
if(*readpointer == '/') readpointer++; // ignore first '/'
while( readpointer < subpath)
if(writepointer >= 11) return 0; // dirname to long
if(*readpointer == '.') // seperating dirname and extension.
readpointer++; // next character in filename
writepointer = 8; // jump to start of extension
else return (0); // dirbasename to long
if((0x60 < *readpointer) && (*readpointer < 0x7B))
dirname[writepointer] = (*readpointer - 0x20); // all characters must be upper case.
dirname[writepointer] = *readpointer;
return (1);
/* Function: Fat16ClusterToSector( u16 cluster); */
/* */
/* Description: This function converts a cluster number given by the fat to the corresponding */
/* sector that points to the start of the data area that is represented by the cluster number. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The sector number with the data area of the given cluster */
u32 Fat16ClusterToSector(u16 cluster)
if (cluster < 2) cluster = 2; // the 0. and 1. cluster in the fat are used for the media descriptor
return ( (cluster - 2) * Partition.SectorsPerCluster) + Partition.FirstDataSector; // the first data sector is represented by the 2nd cluster
/* Function: SectorToFat16Cluster( u32 sector); */
/* */
/* Description: This function converts a given sector number given to the corresponding */
/* cluster number in the fat that represents this data area. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The cluster number representing the data area of the sector. */
u16 SectorToFat16Cluster(u32 sector)
return ((u16)((sector - Partition.FirstDataSector) / Partition.SectorsPerCluster) + 2);
/* Function: Fat16_Init(void); */
/* */
/* Description: This function reads the Masterbootrecord and finds the position of the Volumebootrecord, the FAT and the Rootdir */
/* and stores the information in global variables. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns "0" if the filesystem is initialized. */
s16 InitFat16_Init(void)
u8 cnt = 0;
SD_Result_t sdresult = SD_ERROR_UNKNOWN;
VBR_Entry_t *VBR; // Pointer to the VolumeBootRecord.
MBR_Entry_t *MBR; // Pointer to the masterbootrecord.
File_t *file;
u32 PartitionFirstSector;
VBR_Entry_t *VBR;
MBR_Entry_t *MBR;
File_t *File;
Partition.IsValid = 0;
// declare the filepointers as unused.
for(cnt = 0; cnt < FILE_MAX_OPEN; cnt++)
FilePointer[cnt].state = _UNUSED;
FilePointer[cnt].State = FSTATE_UNUSED;
// set current file pinter to first position in list
file = &FilePointer[0];
File = &FilePointer[0];
// try to initialise the sd-card.
cnt = 0;
while(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_Init())
sdresult = SDC_Init();
if(cnt > 200)
SerialPutString("SD-Card could not be initialized.\r\n");
297,52 → 421,49
}while(sdresult != SD_SUCCESS);
// SD-Card is initialized successfully
sdresult = SDC_GetSector((u32)MBR_SECTOR,file->buffer); // Read the MasterBootRecord
if(sdresult != SD_SUCCESS)
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector((u32)MBR_SECTOR,File->Cache)) // Read the MasterBootRecord
SerialPutString("Error reading the MBR.\r\n");
MBR = (MBR_Entry_t *) file->buffer; // Enter the MBR using the structure MBR_Entry_t.
if(MBR->PartitionEntry1.Type != P_TYPE_FAT16)
MBR = (MBR_Entry_t *)File->Cache; // Enter the MBR using the structure MBR_Entry_t.
if(MBR->PartitionEntry1.Type != PART_TYPE_FAT16)
SerialPutString("MBR: 1st Partition ist not FAT16 type.\r\n");
// get sector offset 1st partition
FirstPartitionSector = MBR->PartitionEntry1.NoSectorsBeforePartition;
PartitionFirstSector = MBR->PartitionEntry1.NoSectorsBeforePartition;
// Start of Partition is the Volume Boot Sector
sdresult = SDC_GetSector(FirstPartitionSector,file->buffer); // Read the volume boot record
if(sdresult != SD_SUCCESS)
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(PartitionFirstSector,File->Cache)) // Read the volume boot record
SerialPutString("Error reading the VBR of 1st partition.\r\n");
VBR = (VBR_Entry_t *) file->buffer; // Enter the VBR using the structure VBR_Entry_t.
if(VBR->BytesPerSector != 512)
VBR = (VBR_Entry_t *) File->Cache; // Enter the VBR using the structure VBR_Entry_t.
if(VBR->BytesPerSector != BYTES_PER_SECTOR)
SerialPutString("Sector size of 1st partition not supported.\r\n");
SectorsPerCluster = VBR->SectorsPerCluster; // Number of sectors per cluster. Depends on the memorysize of the sd-card.
FatCopies = VBR->NoFATCopies; // Number of fatcopies.
PossibleRootEntries = VBR->MaxRootEntries; // How many Entries are possible in the rootdirectory (FAT16 allows max. 512 entries).
SectorsPerFat = VBR->SectorsPerFAT; // The number of sectors per FAT.
ReservedSectors = VBR->ReservedSectors; // The number of sectors that are reserved
Partition.SectorsPerCluster = VBR->SectorsPerCluster; // Number of sectors per cluster. Depends on the memorysize of the sd-card.
Partition.FatCopies = VBR->NoFATCopies; // Number of fatcopies.
Partition.MaxRootEntries = VBR->MaxRootEntries; // How many Entries are possible in the rootdirectory (FAT16 allows max. 512 entries).
Partition.SectorsPerFat = VBR->SectorsPerFAT; // The number of sectors per FAT.
/* Calculate the sectorpositon of the FAT, the Rootdirectory and the first Datacluster. */
// Calculate the position of the FileAllocationTable:
// Start + # of Reserved Sectors
FileAllocationTable = (u32)(FirstPartitionSector + (u32)ReservedSectors);
Partition.FirstFatSector = (u32)(PartitionFirstSector + (u32)(VBR->ReservedSectors));
// Calculate the position of the Rootdirectory:
// Start + # of Reserved Sectors + (# of Sectors Per FAT * # of FAT Copies)
RootDirectory = (u32)((u32)FileAllocationTable + (u32)((u32)SectorsPerFat*(u32)FatCopies));
Partition.FirstRootDirSector = Partition.FirstFatSector + (u32)((u32)Partition.SectorsPerFat*(u32)Partition.FatCopies);
// Calculate the position of the first datacluster:
// Start + # of Reserved + (# of Sectors Per FAT * # of FAT Copies) + ((Maximum Root Directory Entries * 32) / Bytes per Sector)
FirstDataCluster = (u32)((u32)RootDirectory + ((u32)(PossibleRootEntries>>4))); // assuming 512 Byte Per Sector
Partition.FirstDataSector = Partition.FirstRootDirSector + (u32)(Partition.MaxRootEntries>>4); // assuming 512 Byte Per Sector
// check for FAT16 in VBR of first partition
if(!((VBR->FATName[0]=='F') && (VBR->FATName[1]=='A') && (VBR->FATName[2]=='T') && (VBR->FATName[3]=='1')&&(VBR->FATName[4]=='6')))
349,854 → 470,869
SerialPutString("VBR: Partition ist not FAT16 type.\r\n");
return (2);
Partition.IsValid = 1; // mark data in partition structure as valid
/* Function: u16 SeekDirectoryEntry(u8*, File *) */
/* */
/* Description: this function searches all possible rootentries until the file or directory is found or the end of the rootdirectory is reached */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: This function returns 1 if the directoryentry specified was found. */
u8 SeekDirectoryEntry(u8 *fname, File_t *file)
/* Function: Fat16_Deinit(void); */
/* */
/* Description: This function uninitializes the fat 16 api */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns "0" on success */
s16 Fat16_Deinit(void)
u16 rootentry = 0;
u16 end_of_directory_not_reached = 0; // the directory has been read completely without a result.
u8 i = 0;
u8 retvalue = 0;
u32 cluster_temp = 0;
u16 cnt = 0;
// directory starts at sector specified by dir_sector. This can be the rootdirectory or any other directory.
{ // search the next 16 rootentries in this sector of the roordirectory.
rootentry = 0;
SDC_GetSector((u32) file->cluster_pointer,file->buffer); // Read the Rootdirectory.
DirectoryEntry = (DirEntry_t *)file->buffer;
while( (!retvalue) && (rootentry<16) )
s16 returnvalue = 0;
u8 cnt;
// declare the filepointers as unused.
for(cnt = 0; cnt < FILE_MAX_OPEN; cnt++)
if(FilePointer[cnt].State == FSTATE_USED)
// compare the dirnames (8+3 = )
i = 0;
while((i < 10) && (DirectoryEntry[rootentry].name[i] == fname[i]))
if((i==10) && (DirectoryEntry[rootentry].attribute == file->attribute)) // entry found!! -> reading startcluster of entry from offset 26.
cluster_temp = (u32)DirectoryEntry[rootentry].startcluster;
cluster_temp -=2; // Clusterposition is ((position in FAT)-2). first two entries in FAT are reserved.
cluster_temp *= (u32)SectorsPerCluster; // Calculate positon of first cluster.
file->start_cluster = (FirstDataCluster + cluster_temp);
file->directory_sector = (u32) file->cluster_pointer;
file->cluster_pointer = file->start_cluster; // start reading the file with the first cluster.
file->filesize = (u32) DirectoryEntry[rootentry].size;
file->directory_index = (u8) rootentry;
retvalue = 1;
returnvalue += fclose_(&FilePointer[cnt]); // try to close open file pointers
if(!retvalue) // file not found in this sector so take next sector.
end_of_directory_not_reached = GetNextCluster(file);
while((end_of_directory_not_reached) && (!retvalue));
SDC_Deinit(); // uninitialize interface to sd-card
Partition.IsValid = 0; // mark data in partition structure as invalid
/* Function: void ScanSubDirectories(u8* fname, File_t *file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function scans the filename for subdirectories and changes the directory until the last directory is reached. */
/* here the specified file is searched. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: */
u8 ScanSubDirectories(u8 *fname, File_t *file)
/* Function: GetNextCluster(File_t file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function finds the next datacluster of the file specified with File *File. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns the next cluster or 0 if the last cluster has already reached. */
u16 GetNextCluster(File_t * File)
u8 readpointer = 0; // pointer to read a character within the filepath.
u8 writepointer = 0; // pointer to write a character into the string dirname.
u8 dircnt = 0; // the number of subdirectories found in filepath.
u8 dirname[11]; // temporary variable containing the name of a directory within the filepath.
u8 retvalue = 1; // no error opening a subdirectory occured yet.
u8 cnt = 0; // maximun number of characters in a path is 256;
u16 cluster = 0;
u32 fat_byte_offset, sector, byte;
Fat16Entry_t * Fat;
// analyze the fname sting
while((fname[readpointer]!=0) && (cnt < 255)) // search the string until the end is reached.
if(File == 0) return(cluster);
// if sector is within the data area
if(Partition.FirstDataSector <= File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster)
if((fname[readpointer] == '/') && readpointer) // subdirectory found. ignore first "/" as directory.
// determine current file cluster
cluster = SectorToFat16Cluster(File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster);
// calculate byte offset in the fat for corresponding entry
fat_byte_offset = ((u32)cluster)<<1; // two FAT bytes (16 bits) for every cluster
// calculate the sector that contains the current cluster within the fat
sector = Partition.FirstFatSector + ( fat_byte_offset / BYTES_PER_SECTOR);
// calculate byte offset of the current cluster within that fat sector
byte = fat_byte_offset % BYTES_PER_SECTOR;
// read this sector to the file cache
if(File->SectorInCache != sector)
dircnt++; // count the number of subdirectories found within the filepath.
File->SectorInCache = sector; // update sector stored in buffer
SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache); // read sector from sd-card
// read the next cluster from cache
Fat = (Fat16Entry_t *)(&(File->Cache[byte]));
cluster = Fat->NextCluster;
// if last cluster fat entry
if(FAT16_CLUSTER_LAST_MIN <= cluster)
cluster = 0;
File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = Fat16ClusterToSector(cluster);
File->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
File->ByteOfCurrSector = 0;
// fill dirname with spaces
for(writepointer = 0; writepointer < 10; writepointer++) dirname[writepointer] = ' ';
// if sector is within the root directory
else if((Partition.FirstRootDirSector <= File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster) && (File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster < Partition.FirstDataSector))
if((File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster + 1) == Partition.FirstDataSector)
cluster = 0;
File->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
File->ByteOfCurrSector = 0;
cluster = 1;
writepointer = 0; // start writing the dirname at the beginning.
readpointer = 0; // start scanning the filename at the beginning.
file->cluster_pointer = RootDirectory; // always start searching in the rootdirectory.
file->attribute = _DIRECTORY; // the attribute of the item to be searched in the specified directory.
/* Function: FindNextFreeCluster(File_t *file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function looks in the fat to find the next free cluster */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns the cluster number of the next free cluster found within the fat. */
u16 FindNextFreeCluster(File_t *File)
u32 fat_sector; // current sector within the fat relative to the first sector of the fat.
u32 curr_sector; // current sector
u16 fat_entry; // index to an fatentry within the actual sector (256 fatentries are possible within one sector).
u16 free_cluster = 0; // next free cluster number.
Fat16Entry_t * Fat;
while(dircnt && retvalue) // scan all subdirectories found before.
if(File == 0) return(0);
// start searching for an empty cluster at the beginning of the fat.
fat_sector = 0;
if(fname[readpointer] != '/') // is the end of the subdirectory entry not reached yet?
curr_sector = Partition.FirstFatSector + fat_sector; // calculate sector to read
File->SectorInCache = curr_sector; // upate the sector number of file cache.
SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache); // read sector of fat from sd-card.
Fat = (Fat16Entry_t *)File->Cache; // set fat pointer to file cache
for(fat_entry = 0; fat_entry < FAT16_ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; fat_entry++) // look for an free cluster at all entries in this sector of the fat.
// all characters must be upper case.
// check if character is lower case (in between 0x61 and 0x7A)
if((fname[readpointer]>0x60) && (fname[readpointer]<0x7B))
dirname[writepointer]=(fname[readpointer] - 0x20); // to upper case
if(Fat[fat_entry].NextCluster == FAT16_CLUSTER_FREE) // empty cluster found!!
Fat[fat_entry].NextCluster = FAT16_CLUSTER_LAST_MAX; // mark this fat-entry as used
SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache); // and save the sector at the sd-card.
free_cluster = (u16)(fat_sector * FAT16_ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR + (u32)fat_entry);
fat_entry = FAT16_ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; // terminate the search for a free cluster in this sector.
dirname[writepointer]=fname[readpointer]; // was upper case
else // '/' was found indicating new subdirectory
if(!(SeekDirectoryEntry(dirname, file))) // was the seperated subdirectory not found?
retvalue = 0; // leave the function with return(0) otherwise continue with the next subdirectory until all directories have been searched.
for(writepointer=0;writepointer<10;writepointer++) dirname[writepointer] = ' ';
writepointer = 0;
readpointer++; // got next character
file->attribute = _FILE; // All subdirectories have been searched. the next thing to find is the specified file.
fat_sector++; // continue the search in next fat sector
// repeat until the end of the fat is reached and no free cluster has been found so far
}while((fat_sector < Partition.SectorsPerFat) && (!free_cluster));
/* Function: File_t * fopen_(u8* fname, s8 mode); */
/* */
/* Description: This function looks for the specified file in the rootdirectory of the drive. If the file is found the number of the */
/* corrosponding filepointer is returned. Only modes 'r' (reading) and 'a' append are implemented yet. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The filepointer to the file or 0 if faild. */
File_t * fopen_(u8 *fname, s8 mode)
/* Function: s16 fseek_(File *, s32 *, u8) */
/* */
/* Description: This function sets the pointer of the stream relative to the position */
/* specified by origin (SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END) */
/* Returnvalue: Is 1 if seek was successful */
s16 fseek_(File_t *File, s32 offset, s16 origin)
u32 cluster_temp = 0;
u8 name[11] = " ";
u16 temp = 0;
File_t *file = 0;
s32 fposition = 0;
s16 retvalue = 1;
file = 0;
// Look for an unused filepointer in the file pointer list?
for(temp = 0; temp < __MAX_FILES_USED; temp++)
if(FilePointer[temp].state == _UNUSED) // founbd an unused one
file = &FilePointer[temp]; // set pointer to that entry
FilePointer[temp].state = _USED; // mark it as used
case SEEK_SET: // Fileposition relative to the beginning of the file.
fposition = 0;
case SEEK_END: // Fileposition relative to the end of the file.
fposition = (s32)File->Size;
case SEEK_CUR: // Fileposition relative to the current position of the file.
fposition = File->Position;
// if no unused file pointer was found return 0
if(file == 0) return(file);
// initialize values
file->start_cluster = 0; // Sectorpointer to the first sector of the first datacluster of the file.
file->cluster_pointer = 0; // Pointer to the cluster which is edited at the moment.
file->sector_index = 0; // The sector which is edited at the moment (cluster_pointer + sector_index).
file->byte_index = 0; // The bytelocation within the current sector (cluster_pointer + sector_index + byte_index).
file->mode = mode; // mode of fileoperation (read,write)
file->filesize = 0; // the size of the opened file in bytes.
file->fileposition = 0; // pointer to a byte within the file 0 < fileposition < filesize
file->sector_in_buffer = 0; // the last sector read, wich is still in the sectorbuffer.
file->directory_sector = 0; // the sectorposition where the directoryentry has been made.
file->directory_index = 0; // the index to the directoryentry within the specified sector.
file->attribute = 0; // the attribute of the file opened.
fposition += offset;
if(ScanSubDirectories(&fname[0], file)) // Is the specified filepath available?
if((fposition >= 0) && (fposition <= (s32)File->Size)) // is the pointer still within the file?
SeperateFileName(&fname[0], &name[0]); // seperate the filename and attribute from the filepath and bring them in the correct format.
file->attribute = _FILE;
if(SeekDirectoryEntry(&name[0], file)) // if file was found
// reset file position to start of the file
File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = File->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster;
File->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
File->ByteOfCurrSector = 0;
File->Position = 0;
while(File->Position < fposition) // repeat until the current position is less than target
if(mode == 'a') // open existing file for writing (append data at the end of the file)
fseek_(file, 0, SEEK_END); // fseek points to the end of the file
if((mode == 'a') || (mode == 'w')) // specified file doesn't exist so create new file for writing data.
cluster_temp = (u32)FindNextFreeCluster(file); // the next free cluster on the disk.
if(cluster_temp) // if a free cluster is available:
File->Position++; // increment file position
File->ByteOfCurrSector++; // next byte in current sector
if(File->ByteOfCurrSector >= BYTES_PER_SECTOR)
File->ByteOfCurrSector = 0; // reading at the beginning of new sector.
File->SectorOfCurrCluster++; // continue reading in next sector
if(File->SectorOfCurrCluster >= Partition.SectorsPerCluster) // if end of cluster is reached, the next datacluster has to be searched in the FAT.
temp = (u16)cluster_temp; // remember the index of the free datacluster found for the directory entry.
cluster_temp -=2; // Clusterposition is ((position in FAT)-2). first two entries in FAT are reserved.
cluster_temp *= SectorsPerCluster; // Calculate relative sectorindex of first datacluster.
file->start_cluster = (FirstDataCluster + cluster_temp); // Calculate absolute sectorposition of first datacluster.
file->cluster_pointer = file->start_cluster; // start reading the file with the first sector of the first datacluster.
if(CreateDirectoryEntry(&name[0],temp,file,_FILE)) // Could an entry for the new file in the rootdirectory be created?
if(GetNextCluster(File)) // Sets the clusterpointer of the file to the next datacluster.
File->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
else // the last cluster was allready reached
File->SectorOfCurrCluster--; // jump back to the ast sector in the last cluster
File->ByteOfCurrSector = BYTES_PER_SECTOR; // set ByteOfCurrSector one byte over sector end
if(File->Position == fposition) retvalue = 0;
// Funtion: fflush_(File *file);
// Description: This function writes the data already in the buffer but not yet written to the file.
s16 fflush_(File_t *file)
/* Function: u16 AppendCluster(File *file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function looks in the fat to find the next free cluster and appends it to the file. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns the appened cluster number or 0 of no cluster was appended. */
u16 AppendCluster(File_t *File)
u16 time=0;
u16 date=0;
#ifdef __USE_TIME_DATE_ATTRIBUTE // has the date and time attribute of the file to be set?
u16 last_cluster, new_cluster = 0;
u32 fat_byte_offset, sector, byte;
Fat16Entry_t * Fat;
time = (((rtctime.hour)<<11) | ((rtctime.minute)<<5) | rtctime.second);
date = ((((rtctime.year)-1980) <<9) | ((rtctime.month) <<5) |;
new_cluster = FindNextFreeCluster(File); // the next free cluster found on the disk.
{ // A free cluster was found and can be added to the end of the file.
fseek_(File, 0, SEEK_END); // jump to the end of the file
last_cluster = SectorToFat16Cluster(File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster); // determine current file cluster
fat_byte_offset = ((u32)last_cluster)<<1;
sector = Partition.FirstFatSector + ( fat_byte_offset / BYTES_PER_SECTOR);
byte = fat_byte_offset % BYTES_PER_SECTOR;
if(file && file->mode =='a')
if(file->byte_index > 0) // has data been added to the file?
if(File->SectorInCache != sector)
SDC_PutSector((u32)(file->cluster_pointer + file->sector_index),file->buffer); // save the data still in the buffer
SDC_GetSector((u32)file->directory_sector,file->buffer); // read the directoryentry for this file.
DirectoryEntry = (DirEntry_t *)file->buffer;
DirectoryEntry[file->directory_index].size = (u32) file->filesize;
DirectoryEntry[file->directory_index].time = (u16) time;
DirectoryEntry[file->directory_index].date = (u16) date;
File->SectorInCache = sector; // update sector stored in buffer
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache)) // read sector from sd-card
Fat = (Fat16Entry_t *)(&(File->Cache[byte]));
Fat->NextCluster = new_cluster; // append the free cluster to the end of the file in the FAT.
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache)) // save the modified sector to the FAT.
File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = Fat16ClusterToSector(new_cluster);
File->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
File->ByteOfCurrSector = 0;
// Funtion: fclose_(File *file);
// Description: This function closes the open file by writing the remaining data from the buffer to the device and entering the filesize
// in the directory entry.
/* Function: DirectoryEntryExist(u8 *, File_t *) */
/* */
/* Description: This function searches all possible dir entries until the file or directory is found or the end of thedirectory is reached */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: This function returns 1 if the directory entry specified was found. */
u8 DirectoryEntryExist(u8 *dirname, File_t *File)
u32 dir_sector, max_dir_sector, curr_sector;
u16 dir_entry = 0;
void fclose_(File_t *file)
u8 cnt = 0;
u16 end_of_directory_not_reached = 0;
u8 i = 0;
u8 retvalue = 0;
DirEntry_t * Dir;
if(File == 0) return(0);
// dir entries can be searched only in filesclusters that have
// the dir-flag set in its attribute or within the root directory
// within the root directory area its allways valid to search a directory entry
if((Partition.FirstRootDirSector <= File->DirectorySector) && (File->DirectorySector < Partition.FirstDataSector))
if(&FilePointer[cnt] == file) // filepointer to be freed found?
FilePointer[cnt].state = _UNUSED;
max_dir_sector = (Partition.MaxRootEntries * DIRENTRY_SIZE)/BYTES_PER_SECTOR;
// check if directory entry of current file has the dir-flag set
else if(Partition.FirstDataSector <= File->DirectorySector)
max_dir_sector = Partition.SectorsPerCluster;
File->SectorInCache = File->DirectorySector; // upate the sector number of file cache.
SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache); // read in the sector.
Dir = (DirEntry_t *)File->Cache; // set pointer to directory
if(Dir[File->DirectoryIndex].Attribute != ATTR_SUBDIRECTORY)
{ // current file is not a directory
return (0);
else return (0); // bad sector range for directory sector of the file
fflush_(file); // save buffercontent to the sdcard
do // loop over all clusters of the curernt directory
dir_sector = 0; // reset sector counter within a new cluster
do // loop over all sectors of a cluster or all sectors of the root directory
curr_sector = File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster + dir_sector; // calculate sector number
File->SectorInCache = curr_sector; // upate the sector number of file cache.
SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache); // read in the sector.
Dir = (DirEntry_t *)File->Cache; // set pointer to directory
// search all directory entries of a sector
for(dir_entry = 0; dir_entry < DIRENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; dir_entry++)
// ignore empty or deleted dir entries
// check attributes before names are compared will safe performance
if (Dir[dir_entry].Attribute != File->Attribute) break; // attribute must match
// compare the dirname to filename (first 9 characters including 8 char of the dirname and padded space char.)
i = 0;
while((i < 11) && (Dir[dir_entry].Name[i] == dirname[i])) i++;
if (i < 10) break; // names does not match
File->Attribute = Dir[dir_entry].Attribute; // store attribute of dir entry
File->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = Fat16ClusterToSector(Dir[dir_entry].StartCluster); // set start cluster sector
File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = File->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster;
File->DirectorySector = File->SectorInCache; // store position of dir entry of that file
File->DirectoryIndex = dir_entry;
File->Size = Dir[dir_entry].Size;
retvalue = 1; // mark as found
dir_entry = DIRENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; // stop for-loop
} // end of first byte of name check
dir_sector++; // search next sector
// stop if we reached the end of the cluster or the end of the root dir
}while((dir_sector < max_dir_sector) && (!retvalue));
file->start_cluster = 0; // Sectorpointer to the first sector of the first datacluster of the file.
file->cluster_pointer = 0; // Pointer to the cluster which is edited at the moment.
file->sector_index = 0; // The sector which is edited at the moment (cluster_pointer + sector_index).
file->byte_index = 0; // The bytelocation within the current sector (cluster_pointer + sector_index + byte_index).
file->mode = 0; // mode of fileoperation (read,write)
file->filesize = 0; // the size of the opend file in bytes.
file->fileposition = 0; // pointer to a character within the file 0 < fileposition < filesize
file->sector_in_buffer = 0; // the last sector read, wich is still in the sectorbuffer.
file->directory_sector = 0; // the sectorposition where the directoryentry has been made.
file->directory_index = 0; // the index to the directoryentry within the specified sector.
file->attribute = 0; // the attribute of the file opened.
// if we are seaching in the data area and the file not found in this cluster so take next cluster.
if(!retvalue && ( Partition.FirstDataSector <= File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster))
end_of_directory_not_reached = GetNextCluster(File); // updates File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster
}while((end_of_directory_not_reached) && (!retvalue));
// Funtion: s32 fread_(void *buffer, s32 size, s32 count, File *file);
// Description: This function reads count objects of the specified size from the actual position of the file to the specified buffer.
// Returnvalue: The function returns the number of objects (not bytes) read from the file.
u32 fread_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File_t *file)
/* Function: CreateDirectoryEntry(u8 *, u16, File_t *) */
/* */
/* Description: This function looks for the next free position in the directory and creates an entry. */
/* The type of an directory entry is specified by the file attribute. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: Return 0 on error */
u8 CreateDirectoryEntry(u8 *name, File_t *File)
u32 object_cnt = 0; // count the number of objects read from the file.
u32 object_size = 0; // count the number of bytes read from the actual object.
u8 *buff_pnt = 0; // a pointer to the actual bufferposition.
u8 success = 1; // no error occured during read operation to the file.
u32 dir_sector, max_dir_sector, curr_sector;
u16 dir_entry = 0;
u16 cluster = 0;
u16 end_of_directory_not_reached = 0;
u8 i = 0;
u8 retvalue = 0;
DirEntry_t *Dir;
if(File == 0) return (0);
// It is not checked here that the dir entry that should be created is already existent!
buff_pnt = (u8 *) buffer; // cast the void pointer to an u8 *
while((object_cnt < count) && success)
// Dir entries can be created only in file-clusters that have
// the dir-flag set in its attribute or within the root directory
// within the root directory area its allways valid to create a directory entry
if((Partition.FirstRootDirSector <= File->DirectorySector) && (File->DirectorySector < Partition.FirstDataSector))
object_size = size;
while((size > 0) && success)
max_dir_sector = (Partition.MaxRootEntries * DIRENTRY_SIZE)/BYTES_PER_SECTOR;
// check if the directory entry of current file has the dir-flag set
else if(Partition.FirstDataSector <= File->DirectorySector)
max_dir_sector = Partition.SectorsPerCluster;
File->SectorInCache = File->DirectorySector; // update the sector number of file cache.
SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache); // read in the sector.
Dir = (DirEntry_t *)File->Cache; // set pointer to directory
if(Dir[File->DirectoryIndex].Attribute != ATTR_SUBDIRECTORY)
{ // current file is not a directory
return (0);
else return (0); // bad sector range for directory sector of the file
do // loop over all clusters of current directory
dir_sector = 0; // reset sector counter within a new cluster
do // loop over all sectors of a cluster or all sectors of the root directory
*buff_pnt = (u8) fgetchar_(file); // read a byte from the buffer to the opened file.
curr_sector = File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster + dir_sector; // calculate sector number
File->SectorInCache = curr_sector; // upate the sector number of file cache.
SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache); // read in the sector.
Dir = (DirEntry_t *)File->Cache; // set pointer to directory
// search all directory entries of a sector
for(dir_entry = 0; dir_entry < DIRENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; dir_entry++)
{ // check if current direntry is available
if((Dir[dir_entry].Name[0] == SLOT_EMPTY) || (Dir[dir_entry].Name[0] == SLOT_DELETED))
{ // a free direntry was found
cluster = FindNextFreeCluster(File); // get the next free cluster on the disk.
for(i = 0; i < 11; i++) Dir[dir_entry].Name[i] = name[i]; // Set dir name
Dir[dir_entry].Attribute = File->Attribute; // Set the fileattribute to archive to reserve the directoryentry.
Dir[dir_entry].StartCluster = cluster; // copy the location of the first datacluster to the directoryentry.
Dir[dir_entry].Size = 0; // the new createted file has no content yet.
SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache); // and save the sector containing new directory entry back to the sd-card.
File->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = Fat16ClusterToSector(cluster); // Calculate absolute sectorposition of first datacluster.
File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = File->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster; // Start reading the file with the first sector of the first datacluster.
File->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0; // reset sector of cureen cluster
File->ByteOfCurrSector = 0; // reset byte location within the current sector
File->Size = 0; // new file has no size
File->DirectorySector = curr_sector;
File->DirectoryIndex = dir_entry;
retvalue = 1;
dir_entry = DIRENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; // stop for-loop
{ //no free cluster found in the fat
return (0);
dir_sector++; // search next sector
// stop if we reached the end of the cluster or the end of the root dir
}while((dir_sector < max_dir_sector) && (!retvalue));
// if we are seaching in the data area and the file not found in this cluster so take next cluster.
if(!retvalue && ( Partition.FirstDataSector <= File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster))
end_of_directory_not_reached = GetNextCluster(File); // updates File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster
if(success) object_cnt++;
return(object_cnt); // return the number of objects succesfully read from the file
}while((end_of_directory_not_reached) && (!retvalue));
// Perhaps we are at the end of the last cluster of a directory file an have no free direntry found.
// Then we would need to add a cluster to that file and create the new direntry there.
// This code is not implemented yet, because its occurs only if more that 32*32=1024 direntries are
// within a subdirectory of root.
return(retvalue); // return 1 if file has been created otherwise return 0.
// Funtion: s32 fwrite_(void *buffer, s32 size, s32 count, File *file);
// Description: This function writes count objects of the specified size from the buffer to the actual positon within the file.
// Returnvalue: The function returns the number of objects (not bytes) written to the file.
u32 fwrite_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File_t *file)
/* Function: File_t * fopen_(u8* filename, s8 mode); */
/* */
/* Description: This function looks for the specified file in the rootdirectory of the drive. If the file is found the number of the */
/* corrosponding filepointer is returned. Only modes 'r' (reading) and 'a' append are implemented yet. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The filepointer to the file or 0 if faild. */
File_t * fopen_(const u8 *filename, const s8 mode)
u32 object_cnt = 0; // count the number of objects written to the file.
u32 object_size = 0; // count the number of bytes written from the actual object.
u8 *buff_pnt = 0; // a pointer to the actual bufferposition.
u8 success = 1; // no error occured during write operation to the file.
u8 name[11];
u8 *filepath = 0;
File_t *File = 0;
u8 i;
buff_pnt = (u8 *) buffer; // cast the void pointer to an u8 *
while((object_cnt < count) && success)
// Look for an unused filepointer in the file pointer list?
for(i = 0; i < FILE_MAX_OPEN; i++)
object_size = size;
while((size > 0) && success)
if(FilePointer[i].State == FSTATE_UNUSED) // found an unused one
success = fputchar_(file, *buff_pnt); // write a byte from the buffer to the opened file.
File = &FilePointer[i]; // set pointer to that entry
FilePointer[i].State = FSTATE_USED; // mark it as used
if(success) object_cnt++;
return(object_cnt); // return the number of objects succesfully written to the file
} // (!!!!! objects and not bytes !!!!)
// if no unused file pointer was found return 0
if(File == 0) return(File);
// Funtion: s16 fseek_(File *, s32, s16)
// Description: This function sets the pointer of the stream relative to the position
// specified by origin (SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END).
// initialize values
File->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = 0; // Sectorpointer to the first sector of the first datacluster of the file.
File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = 0; // Pointer to the cluster which is edited at the moment.
File->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0; // The sector which is edited at the moment (cluster_pointer + sector_index).
File->ByteOfCurrSector = 0; // The bytelocation within the current sector (cluster_pointer + sector_index + byte_index).
File->Mode = mode; // mode of fileoperation (read,write)
File->Size = 0; // the size of the opened file in bytes.
File->Position = 0; // pointer to a byte within the file 0 < fileposition < filesize
File->SectorInCache = 0; // the last sector read, wich is still in the sectorbuffer.
File->DirectorySector = 0; // the sectorposition where the directoryentry has been made.
File->DirectoryIndex = 0; // the index to the directoryentry within the specified sector.
File->Attribute = 0; // the attribute of the file opened.
s16 fseek_(File_t *file, s32 offset, s16 origin)
s32 fposition = 0;
s16 retvalue = 1;
u32 temp = 0;
if(origin == SEEK_SET) // Fileposition relative to the beginning of the file.
// trace along the filepath by checking if the directories
filepath = (u8*)filename; // start a the beginning of the filename string
File->DirectorySector = Partition.FirstRootDirSector; // Root of RootDirectory is Root
File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = Partition.FirstRootDirSector; // start search in RootDirectory
File->Attribute = ATTR_SUBDIRECTORY; //check for directory
while(*filepath != 0)
fposition = 0;
else if(origin == SEEK_END) // Fileposition relative to the end of the file.
fposition = (s32) file->filesize;
else if(origin == SEEK_CUR) // Fileposition relative to the current position of the file.
fposition = file->fileposition;
fposition += offset;
if((fposition >= 0) && (fposition <= (s32)file->filesize)) // is the pointer still within the file?
retvalue = 0;
file->sector_index = 0;
file->byte_index = 0;
file->fileposition = 0;
file->cluster_pointer = file->start_cluster;
while(file->fileposition < fposition)
if(SeperateDirName(filepath, name, filepath)) // separate dirname from filepath string
if(file->byte_index < 511)
if(!DirectoryEntryExist(name, File))
goto errorout; // subdirectory does not exist
file->byte_index=0; // reading at the beginning of new sector.
file->sector_index++; // continue reading in next sector
if(file->sector_index >= SectorsPerCluster) // When end of cluster is reached, the next datacluster has to be searched in the FAT.
if(file->fileposition < fposition)
file->sector_index = 0; // start reading new cluster at first sector of the cluster.
GetNextCluster(file); // Sets the clusterpointer of the file to the next datacluster.
else // error seperating the subpath
temp = (u32)((u32)file->cluster_pointer + (u32)file->sector_index);
SDC_GetSector((u32)temp,file->buffer); // FileBuffer will be written at once at the end of the cluster and has to be updated.
goto errorout; // bad subdir format
// Funtion: fgetchar_(File *file);
// Description: This function reads and returns one character from the specified file. Is the end of the actual sector reached the
// next sector of the cluster is read. Is the last sector of the cluster read the next cluster will be searched in FAT.
// Returnvalue: The function returns the character read from the specified memorylocation as u8 casted to s16 or EOF.
s16 fgetchar_(File_t *file)
s16 c = EOF;
u32 temp1;
if(file->filesize > 0) // wen the end of the file is not reached, get the next character.
// now name cointains the name of the file at the end of the filepath
File->Attribute = ATTR_ARCHIVE;
if(DirectoryEntryExist(name, File)) // file exist
temp1 = (u32)file->cluster_pointer; // calculate the adress of the next character to be read.
temp1 += (u32)file->sector_index;
if(file->sector_in_buffer != temp1) // Has the content of the buffer been modified and has to be updated?
if(mode == 'a') // if mode is: append to file
SDC_GetSector((u32)temp1,file->buffer); // Read the calculated cluster.
file->sector_in_buffer = (u32)temp1;
c = (s16) file->buffer[file->byte_index];
file->filesize--; // decrement the number of characters available.
if(file->byte_index < 511) // continue reading from this sector until the end of the sector is reached.
fseek_(File, 0, SEEK_END); // point to the end of the file
else // has the end of an sector been reached->
// else w /r ??
else // file does not exist
if((mode == 'a') || (mode == 'w'))
file->byte_index=0; // continue reading at the beginning -
file->sector_index++; // of new sector.
if(file->sector_index >= SectorsPerCluster) // When the end of an cluster is reached, the next datacluster has to be searched in the FAT.
if(CreateDirectoryEntry(name, File)) // Could an entry for the new file in the directory be created?
file->sector_index = 0; // start reading new cluster at first sector of the cluster.
GetNextCluster(file); // Sets the clusterpointer of the file to the next datacluster.
// else directory entry could be created at the current location --> error
// else opend for 'r' and file is not existent --> error
File->State = FSTATE_UNUSED; // release file pointer
File = 0;
// Funtion: fputchar_(File *file);
// Description: This function writes a byte to the specified file and takes care of writing the necessary FAT- Entries.
// Returnvalue: The function returns a value of 0 if the data could not be written.
/* Function: fflush_(File *); */
/* */
/* Description: This function writes the data already in the buffer but not yet written to the file. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: 0 on success EOF on error */
s16 fflush_(File_t *File)
u16 time = 0;
u16 date = 0;
DirEntry_t *Dir;
u8 fputchar_(File_t *file, s8 c)
u32 ul_temp = 0;
u8 retvalue = 1;
#ifdef __USE_TIME_DATE_ATTRIBUTE // has the date and time attribute of the file to be set?
time = (((rtctime.hour)<<11) | ((rtctime.minute)<<5) | rtctime.second);
date = ((((rtctime.year)-1980) <<9) | ((rtctime.month) <<5) |;
if(file->sector_index >= SectorsPerCluster) // if end of the cluster is reached, find next free cluster
if(File == 0) return (EOF);
if(File->Mode == 'a')
file->sector_index = 0;
if(!AppendCluster(file)) retvalue = 0; // append a new and free cluster at the end of the file.
file->buffer[file->byte_index] = c; // write databyte into the buffer. The byte will be written to the device at once
if(file->filesize == file->fileposition) file->filesize++; // a character has been written to the file so the size is inkremented but only when the character has been added at the end of the file.
file->fileposition++; // the actual positon within the file.
// if the buffer contains the complete sectordata.
if(file->byte_index < 511) // if the end of this sector is not reached yet
file->byte_index++; // the next byte will be written to the next byteposition in this sector.
else // otherwise the data in the sectorbuffer will be written to the device and the next sector will be selected.
ul_temp = (u32)file->cluster_pointer;
ul_temp += (u32)file->sector_index;
if(File->ByteOfCurrSector > 0) // has data been added to the file?
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache))// save the data still in the buffer
File->SectorInCache = File->DirectorySector;
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache)) // read the directory entry for this file.
file->byte_index=0; // and the next byte will be written at the beginning of this new sector.
if(file->sector_index >= SectorsPerCluster) // if end of the cluster is reached, find next free cluster
Dir = (DirEntry_t *)File->Cache;
Dir[File->DirectoryIndex].Size = File->Size; // update file size
Dir[File->DirectoryIndex].Time = time; // update time
Dir[File->DirectoryIndex].Date = date; // update date
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache)) // write back to sd-card
file->sector_index = 0;
if(!AppendCluster(file)) retvalue = 0; // append a new and free cluster at the end of the file.
// Funtion: fputs_(File *file);
// Description: This function writes a string to the specified file.
/* Function: fclose_(File *file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function closes the open file by writing the remaining data */
/* from the buffer to the device and entering the filesize in the directory entry. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: 0 on success EOF on error */
s16 fclose_(File_t *File)
u8 cnt = 0;
s16 returnvalue = EOF;
u8 fputs_(File_t *file,s8 * string)
u8 i=0;
while(string[i] != 0)
if(File == 0) return(returnvalue);
for(cnt = 0; cnt < FILE_MAX_OPEN; cnt++)
if(&FilePointer[cnt] == File) // filepointer to be freed found?
returnvalue = fflush_(File); // save cache content to the sdcard
File->State = FSTATE_UNUSED;
File->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = 0; // Sectorpointer to the first sector of the first datacluster of the file.
File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
File->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0; // Pointer to the cluster which is edited at the moment.
File->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0; // The sector which is edited at the moment (cluster_pointer + sector_index).
File->ByteOfCurrSector = 0; // The bytelocation within the current sector (cluster_pointer + sector_index + byte_index).
File->Mode = 0; // mode of fileoperation (read,write)
File->Size = 0; // the size of the opend file in bytes.
File->Position = 0; // pointer to a character within the file 0 < fileposition < filesize
File->SectorInCache = 0; // the last sector read, wich is still in the sectorbuffer.
File->DirectorySector = 0; // the sectorposition where the directoryentry has been made.
File->DirectoryIndex = 0; // the index to the directoryentry within the specified sector.
File->Attribute = 0; // the attribute of the file opened.
// Funtion: fgets_(File *file);
// Description: This function reads a string from the file to the specifies string.
// Returnvalue: A pointer to the string written from the file.
s8 * fgets_(s8 *string, s16 count, File_t *file)
s16 buff_pnt = 0;
s16 buff_tmp = 0;
u8 state = 0; // Variable used for a statemachine to recognize the end of a line.
/* Function: fgetc_(File *file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function reads and returns one character from the specified file. Is the end of the actual sector reached the */
/* next sector of the cluster is read. If the last sector of the cluster read the next cluster will be searched in FAT. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns the character read from the specified memorylocation as u8 casted to s16 or EOF. */
s16 fgetc_(File_t *File)
s16 c = EOF;
u32 curr_sector;
while(count > 1) // read the count-1 characters from the file to the string.
if(File == 0) return(c);
// if the end of the file is not reached, get the next character.
if((0 < File->Size) && (File->Position < File->Size) )
buff_tmp = fgetchar_(file); // read a character from the opened file.
curr_sector = File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster; // calculate the sector of the next character to be read.
curr_sector += File->SectorOfCurrCluster;
if(File->SectorInCache != curr_sector)
case 0:
if(buff_tmp == 0x0A)// state++;
File->SectorInCache = curr_sector;
SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache);
c = (s16) File->Cache[File->ByteOfCurrSector];
File->Position++; // increment file position
File->ByteOfCurrSector++; // goto next byte in sector
if(File->ByteOfCurrSector >= BYTES_PER_SECTOR) // if end of sector
File->ByteOfCurrSector = 0; // reset byte location
File->SectorOfCurrCluster++; // next sector
if(File->SectorOfCurrCluster >= Partition.SectorsPerCluster) // if end of cluster is reached, the next datacluster has to be searched in the FAT.
if(GetNextCluster(File)) // Sets the clusterpointer of the file to the next datacluster.
count = 1;
File->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0; // start reading new cluster at first sector of the cluster.
state = 0;
case 1:
if(buff_tmp == 0x0A)
else // the last cluster was allready reached
count = 1;
File->SectorOfCurrCluster--; // jump back to the last sector in the last cluster
File->ByteOfCurrSector = BYTES_PER_SECTOR; // set ByteOfCurrSector one byte over sector end
state = 0;
if(buff_tmp == EOF) {buff_tmp = 0; count = 1;} // is the end of the file reached, terminate the string with zero.
string[buff_pnt] = (s8) buff_tmp;
string[buff_pnt] = 0;
// Funtion: u8 fexist_(u8*, File *file);
// Description: This function searches the specified file and returns 0 if the file was not found.
// Return: 0 = file does not exist
// 1 = file exists
u8 fexist_(u8 *fname)
File_t *file;
/* Function: fputc_( const s8 c, File *File); */
/* */
/* Description: This function writes a byte to the specified file and takes care of writing the necessary FAT- Entries. */
/* next sector of the cluster is read. If the last sector of the cluster read the next cluster will be searched in FAT. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns the character written to the stream or EOF on error. */
s16 fputc_(const u8 c, File_t *File)
u32 curr_sector = 0;
if((file = fopen_(fname,'r')) != 0)
// If file position equals to file size, then the end of file has reached.
// In this chase it has to be checked that the ByteOfCurrSector is BYTES_PER_SECTOR
// and a new cluster should be appended.
if((File->Position = File->Size) && (File->ByteOfCurrSector >= BYTES_PER_SECTOR))
if(!AppendCluster(File)) return(EOF);
curr_sector = File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster;
curr_sector += File->SectorOfCurrCluster;
if(File->SectorInCache != curr_sector)
File->SectorInCache = curr_sector;
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache))
// Funtion: GetNextCluster(File *file);
// Description: This function finds the next datacluster of the file specified with File *file.
// Returnvalue: The function returns "0" if the last cluster has already been reached.
u16 GetNextCluster(File_t *file)
u32 fat_pointer = 0;
u32 fat_sector_offset = 0;
u32 ul_tmp = 0;
u8 retvalue = 0; // no new cluster found yet.
if((file->cluster_pointer >= RootDirectory) && (file->cluster_pointer < (RootDirectory + 31)))
{ // Is the next cluster searched within the rootdirectory and available?
file->cluster_pointer++; // the rootdirectory is a linear adress space of 32 clusters.
retvalue = 1; // and the next cluster has been found.
else if(file->cluster_pointer > (RootDirectory + 31)) // The specified cluster is within the FAT.
fat_sector_offset = ((file->cluster_pointer) - (FirstDataCluster)); // Calculate index of actual cluster within the FAT.
fat_sector_offset /= SectorsPerCluster; // calculate the index of the actual sector within the FAT.
fat_sector_offset += 2; // In Fat16 clusterpositions have an offset of two.
fat_pointer = (fat_sector_offset%0x100); // Calculate the sector within the cluster.
fat_sector_offset = (fat_sector_offset>>8); // and the position within the sector.
SDC_GetSector((u32)(FileAllocationTable + fat_sector_offset),file->buffer);
file->sector_in_buffer = (FileAllocationTable + fat_sector_offset); // Mark that new sector has been read.
ul_tmp = (u32)file->buffer[((fat_pointer << 1)+1)]; // Read next sector information from calculated clusterposition.
ul_tmp = (ul_tmp << 8);
ul_tmp |= (u32)file->buffer[(fat_pointer << 1)];
ul_tmp -=2; // next datacluster is clusterposition in fat - 2.
ul_tmp *= SectorsPerCluster; // calculate sectorposition of new cluster
ul_tmp += FirstDataCluster; // in relation to first datacluster of the disk.
if(ul_tmp < 0xfff7) // has a new cluster been read or was the end of the fat reached?
File->Cache[File->ByteOfCurrSector] = c; // write databyte into the buffer. The byte will be written to the device at once
if(File->Size == File->Position) File->Size++; // a character has been written to the file so the size is incremented only when the character has been added at the end of the file.
File->Position++; // the actual positon within the file.
File->ByteOfCurrSector++; // goto next byte in sector
if(File->ByteOfCurrSector >= BYTES_PER_SECTOR) // if the end of this sector is reached yet
{ // save the sector to the sd-card
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(File->SectorInCache, File->Cache))
file->cluster_pointer = (u32) ul_tmp; // continue reading the file at the beginning of new datacluster.
retvalue = 1; // a new cluster was found.
File->ByteOfCurrSector = 0; // reset byte location
File->SectorOfCurrCluster++; // next sector
if(File->SectorOfCurrCluster >= Partition.SectorsPerCluster)// if end of cluster is reached, the next datacluster has to be searched in the FAT.
if(!GetNextCluster(File)) // Sets the clusterpointer of the file to the next datacluster.
{ // if current cluster was the last cluster of the file
if(!AppendCluster(File)) // append a new and free cluster at the end of the file.
File->SectorOfCurrCluster--; // jump back to last sector of last cluster
File->ByteOfCurrSector = BYTES_PER_SECTOR; // set byte location to 1 byte over sector len
else // next cluster
File->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0; // start reading new cluster at first sector of the cluster.
// Funtion: u16 FindNextFreeCluster(void)
// Description: This function looks in the FAT to find the next free datacluster
// Returnvalue: The function returns the adress of the next free cluster found within the fAT.
u16 FindNextFreeCluster(File_t *file)
/* Function: fread_(void *buffer, s32 size, s32 count, File *File); */
/* */
/* Description: This function reads count objects of the specified size */
/* from the actual position of the file to the specified buffer. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns the number of objects (not bytes) read from the file. */
u32 fread_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File_t *File)
u32 fat_pointer = 0; // Pointer to the first sector of the FAT.
u32 ul_tmp = 0; // temporary variable used to calculate a sectornumber.
u16 fat_sector_offset = 0; // index to a sector within the FAT.
u16 fat_entry = 0; // index to an fatentry within the actual sector (256 fatentries are possible within one sector).
u16 free_cluster = 0; // a pointer to the first sector of the next free cluster.
u32 object_cnt = 0; // count the number of objects read from the file.
u32 object_size = 0; // count the number of bytes read from the actual object.
u8 *pbuff = 0; // a pointer to the actual bufferposition.
u8 success = 1; // no error occured during read operation to the file.
s16 c;
pbuff = (u8 *) buffer; // cast the void pointer to an u8 *
fat_pointer = (u32) FileAllocationTable; // start searching for empty cluster at the beginning of the fat.
// if the end of the fat is not reached yet and no free cluster has been found
while((fat_sector_offset < SectorsPerFat) && (!free_cluster))
while((object_cnt < count) && success)
ul_tmp = (u32) ((u32)fat_pointer + (u32)fat_sector_offset);
SDC_GetSector((u32)ul_tmp,file->buffer); // read next sector of FAT.
file->sector_in_buffer = ul_tmp; // remember the number of the sector in FileBuffer.
Fat = (FatEntry_t *)file->buffer;
for(fat_entry=0;fat_entry<256;fat_entry++) // look for an free cluster at all entries in this sector of the fat.
object_size = size;
while((size > 0) && success)
if(Fat[fat_entry].next_cluster == 0x0000) // empty cluster found!!
Fat[fat_entry].next_cluster = 0xffff; // mark this fat-entry as used and save it to the device.
free_cluster = fat_entry; // the relative position of the free cluster found in this sector of the FAT.
free_cluster += (fat_sector_offset << 8); // calculate the absolute position of the free cluster in the FAT;
fat_entry = 256; // terminate the search for a free cluster in this sector.
c = fgetc_(File);
if(c != EOF)
*pbuff = (u8)c; // read a byte from the buffer to the opened file.
else // error or end of file reached
success = 0;
if(success) object_cnt++;
return(object_cnt); // return the number of objects succesfully read from the file
// Funtion: u16 AppendCluster(File *file);
// Description: This function finds the next free datacluster on the disk and appends it to the specified file.
// Returnvalue: This funktion returns 1 if a cluster was appended to the specified file.
u8 AppendCluster(File_t *file)
/* Function: fwrite_(void *buffer, s32 size, s32 count, File *file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function writes count objects of the specified size */
/* from the buffer pointer to the actual position in the file. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns the number of objects (not bytes) read from the file. */
u32 fwrite_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File_t *File)
u16 free_cluster = 0;
u32 fat_pointer = 0;
u8 retvalue = 0;
free_cluster = FindNextFreeCluster(file); // the next free cluster found on the disk.
if(free_cluster) retvalue = 1; // A free cluster was found and can be added to the end of the file.
fat_pointer = FileAllocationTable; // Set Pointer to the beginnig of the FAT.
fat_pointer += (u32)((u32)GetFatClusterOffset(file) >> 8); // find the sector in the FAT with 256 entries per sector.
Fat = (FatEntry_t *)file->buffer;
Fat[GetFatSectorIndex(file)].next_cluster = free_cluster; // append the free cluster to the end of the file in the FAT.
SDC_PutSector((u32)fat_pointer,file->buffer); // save the modified sector to the FAT.
u32 object_cnt = 0; // count the number of objects written to the file.
u32 object_size = 0; // count the number of bytes written from the actual object.
u8 *pbuff = 0; // a pointer to the actual bufferposition.
u8 success = 1; // no error occured during write operation to the file.
s16 c;
fat_pointer = (u32)free_cluster;
fat_pointer -= 2;
fat_pointer *= SectorsPerCluster;
fat_pointer += FirstDataCluster;
file->cluster_pointer = fat_pointer; // continue wrtiting to the file in the new and free datacluster.
return(retvalue); // return 1 when a new cluster was appended to the file
// Funtion: u16 GetFatClusterIndex(File *file);
// Description: This function returns the clusterindex of the cluster specified by file->cluster_pointer of the specified file.
u16 GetFatClusterOffset(File_t *file)
u32 fat_sector_offset = 0;
fat_sector_offset = ((file->cluster_pointer) - (FirstDataCluster)); // Calculate index of actual cluster in FAT.
fat_sector_offset /= SectorsPerCluster;
fat_sector_offset += 2; // In Fat16 clusterpositions have an offset of two.
pbuff = (u8 *) buffer; // cast the void pointer to an u8 *
// Funtion: u16 GetFatSectorIndex(File *file);
// Description: This function returns the sectorindex of the cluster specified by file->cluster_pointer of the specified file.
u16 GetFatSectorIndex(File_t *file)
u16 fat_pointer = 0;
while((object_cnt < count) && success)
object_size = size;
while((size > 0) && success)
c = fputc_(*pbuff, File); // write a byte from the buffer to the opened file.
if(c != EOF)
success = 0;
if(success) object_cnt++;
fat_pointer = GetFatClusterOffset(file);
fat_pointer = fat_pointer % 0x100; // Calculate the clusterposition in the fat
return(object_cnt); // return the number of objects succesfully written to the file
// Funtion: u16 CreateDirectoryEntry(u8 *, u16, u8 attrib)
// Description: This function looks for the next free position in the directory and creates an entry. The type of an directoryentry is
// specified by the attribute.
// bit0: unused
// bit1: archive
// bit2: read_only
// bit3: system
// bit4: directory
// bit5: volume
u8 CreateDirectoryEntry(u8 *fname, u16 cluster, File_t *file,u8 attrib)
/* Function: fputs_(const u8 *string, File_t *File); */
/* */
/* Description: This function writes a string to the specified file. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns a no negative value or EOF on error. */
s16 fputs_(const u8 *string, File_t *File)
u16 rootentry = 0; // index to an entry in the rootdirectory.
u16 cnt_enries_searched = 0; // count the number of rootentries which have been searched already.
u8 i = 0;
u16 sector_offset = 0; // index to the sector of the Rootentry which is searched momentarily
u8 retvalue = 0;
u8 i=0;
s16 c = 0;
// directory starts at sector specified by dir_sector. This can be the rootdirectory or any other directory.
{ // search the next 16 rootentries in this sector of the roordirectory.
SDC_GetSector((u32)(RootDirectory + sector_offset),file->buffer); // Read the Rootdirectory.
DirectoryEntry = (DirEntry_t *)file->buffer;
while((rootentry<16) && (!retvalue))
if((DirectoryEntry[rootentry].attribute == 0) || (DirectoryEntry[rootentry].attribute == 0xE5)) // empty directory entry found
for(i=0;i<11;i++) DirectoryEntry[rootentry].name[i] = fname[i]; // Kopie the filename and the file extension to the directoryentry.
DirectoryEntry[rootentry].attribute = attrib; // Set the fileattribute to archive to reserve the directoryentry.
DirectoryEntry[rootentry].startcluster = cluster; // copy the location of the first datacluster to the directoryentry.
DirectoryEntry[rootentry].size = 0; // the new createted file has no content yet.
file->directory_sector = (u32) (RootDirectory + sector_offset);
file->directory_index = (u8) rootentry;
retvalue = 1;
SDC_PutSector((u32)(RootDirectory + sector_offset),file->buffer);
if(!retvalue) // file not found in this sector so take next sector.
rootentry = 0;
while((string[i] != 0)&& (c != EOF))
c = fputc_(string[i], File);
while((cnt_enries_searched< PossibleRootEntries) && (!retvalue));
return(retvalue); // return 1 if file has been created otherwise return 0.
// Funtion: void SeperateFileName(u8*);
// Description: This function seperates the filename and the fileattribute and brings them into the needed format ('test.txt' -> 'TEST TXT');
void SeperateFileName(u8 *fname, u8 *name)
/* Function: fgets_(u8 *, s16 , File_t *); */
/* */
/* Description: This function reads a string from the file to the specifies string. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: A pointer to the string read from the file or 0 on error. */
u8 * fgets_(u8 *string, s16 length, File_t *File)
u8 readpointer = 0;
u8 writepointer = 0;
u8 dircnt = 0; // the number of subdirectories found in filepath.
u8 fileindex = 0; // the position in the filenamestring where the last "/" is found.
u8 *pbuff;
s16 c = 0;
while(fname[readpointer]!=0) // search the string until the end is reached.
if((File == 0) || (string == 0) || (length = 0)) return (0);
pbuff = string;
while(length > 1) // read the count-1 characters from the file to the string.
if((fname[readpointer] == '/') && readpointer) // subdirectory found. ignore first "/" as directory.
c = fgetc_(File); // read a character from the opened file.
dircnt++; // subdirectory entry found.
fileindex = (readpointer + 1); // store the index of the last slash found as the beginning of the filename.
case 0x0A:
c = 0; // set string terminator
length = 1; // stop loop
case EOF:
c = 0; // set string terminator
length = 1; // stop loop
*pbuff = (u8)c; // copy byte to string
readpointer = fileindex; // start seperating the filename from the directory at the stored position.
dircnt = 0;
while((writepointer<=10) && (fname[readpointer]!=0)) // the rootdirectoryentry is 8bytes for filename and 3bytes for fileattribute.
{ // the filename in the rootdirectory is in the format "TEST TXT" without the dot.
if(fname[readpointer]=='.') // seperating filename and attribute.
if((fname[readpointer]>96) && (fname[readpointer]<123))
name[writepointer]=(fname[readpointer] - 32); // all characters must be upper case.
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/fat16.h
9,46 → 9,35
#define __MAX_FILES_USED 2 // The number of files that can accessed simultaneously.
#define _UNUSED 1 // Bits used in the attribute of an directory entry.
#define _USED 2
#define _ARCHIVE 2
#define _READ_ONLY 4
#define _SYSTEM 8
#define _DIRECTORY 16
#define _FILE 32
#define FILE_MAX_OPEN 2 // The number of files that can accessed simultaneously.
#define SEEK_SET 0
#define SEEK_CUR 1
#define SEEK_END 2
#define EOF (-1)
#define BYTES_PER_SECTOR 512
Structure of a filepointer
typedef struct
u32 start_cluster; // Sectorpointer to the first sector of the first datacluster of the file.
u32 cluster_pointer; // Pointer to the cluster which is edited at the moment.
u8 sector_index; // The sector which is edited at the moment (cluster_pointer + sector_index).
u16 byte_index; // The bytelocation within the current sector (cluster_pointer + sector_index + byte_index).
u8 mode; // mode of fileoperation (read,write)
u32 filesize; // the size of the opend file in bytes.
u32 fileposition; // pointer to a character within the file 0 < fileposition < filesize
u32 sector_in_buffer; // the last sector read, wich is still in the sectorbuffer.
u32 directory_sector; // the sectorposition where the directoryentry has been made.
u8 directory_index; // the index to the directoryentry within the specified sector.
u8 attribute; // the attribute of the file opened.
u8 buffer[512]; // Buffer for read and write operation from or to the sd-card.
u8 state; // state of the filepointer (used/unused/...)
u32 FirstSectorOfFirstCluster; // First sector of the first cluster of the file.
u32 FirstSectorOfCurrCluster; // First sector of the cluster which is edited at the moment.
u8 SectorOfCurrCluster; // The sector within the current cluster.
u16 ByteOfCurrSector; // The byte location within the current sector.
u8 Mode; // Mode of fileoperation (read,write)
u32 Size; // The size of the opend file in bytes.
u32 Position; // Pointer to a character within the file 0 < fileposition < filesize
u32 DirectorySector; // the sectorposition where the directoryentry has been made.
u16 DirectoryIndex; // The index to the directoryentry within the specified sector.
u8 Attribute; // The attribute of the file opened.
u8 Cache[BYTES_PER_SECTOR]; // Cache for read and write operation from or to the sd-card.
u32 SectorInCache; // The last sector read, which is still in the sector cache.
u8 State; // State of the filepointer (used/unused/...)
} File_t;
// API to the FAT16 filesystem
55,47 → 44,21
extern u8 InitFat16(void);
extern File_t * fopen_(u8 *fname, s8 mode);
extern s16 fflush_(File_t *file);
extern void fclose_(File_t *file);
extern u32 fread_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File_t *file);
extern u32 fwrite_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File_t *file);
extern s16 fseek_(File_t *file, s32 offset, s16 origin);
extern s16 fgetchar_(File_t *file);
extern u8 fputchar_(File_t *file,s8 c);
extern u8 fputs_(File_t *file,s8 *string);
extern s8 * fgets_(s8 *s, s16 count, File_t *file);
extern s16 frename_(s8 *oldname, s8 *newname);
extern u8 fexist_(u8*fname);
extern s16 Fat16_Init(void);
extern s16 Fat16_Deinit(void);
extern File_t * fopen_(const u8 *filename, const s8 mode);
extern s16 fclose_(File_t *File);
extern s16 fflush_(File_t *File);
extern s16 fseek_(File_t *File, s32 offset, s16 origin);
extern s16 fgetc_(File_t *File);
extern s16 fputc_(u8 c, File_t *File);
extern u32 fread_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File_t *File);
extern u32 fwrite_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File_t *File);
extern s16 fputs_(const u8 *string, File_t *File);
extern u8 * fgets_(u8 *string, s16 length, File_t *File);
// Functions needed internaly for the fat16 implementation
extern u8 CreateDirectoryEntry(u8*fname, u16 cluster, File_t *file,u8 attrib);
extern u16 FindNextFreeCluster(File_t *file);
extern u8 SeekDirectoryEntry(u8*fname, File_t *file);
extern void SeperateFileName(u8*fname, u8*name);
extern u8 ScanSubDirectories(u8*fname, File_t *file);
extern u16 GetNextCluster(File_t *file);
extern u8 AppendCluster(File_t *file);
extern u16 GetFatClusterOffset(File_t *file);
extern u16 GetFatSectorIndex(File_t *file);
// Vaiables needed internaly for the fat16 implementation
extern u8 SectorsPerCluster;
extern u8 SectorsPerCluster;
extern struct time rtctime;
#endif //_FAT16_H
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/sdc.c
274,8 → 274,8
Buffer[a] = SSC_GetChar();
// Read two bytes CRC16-Data checksum
Crc16 = SSC_GetChar();
Crc16 = (Crc16<<8)|SSC_GetChar();
Crc16 = SSC_GetChar(); // highbyte fisrt
Crc16 = (Crc16<<8)|SSC_GetChar(); // lowbyte last
if(Crc16 != CRC16(Buffer, len)) result = SD_ERROR_CRC_DATA;
else result = SD_SUCCESS;
667,9 → 667,9
SSC_PutChar((u8)(Crc16>>8)); // write two bytes of crc16 to the sdcard
// write two bytes of crc16 to the sdcard
SSC_PutChar((u8)(Crc16>>8)); // write high byte first
SSC_PutChar((u8)(0x00FF&Crc16)); // lowbyte last
Timeout = SetDelay(200);
do // wait for data response token
/branches/V0.1 killagreg/settings.c
111,12 → 111,12
void ReadSetting(unsigned char number)
void ReadSetting(u8 number)
File *fp;
char text[32];
File_t *fp;
u8 text[32];
u8 tmp;
char *token;
u8 *token;