Subversion Repositories NaviCtrl

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Ignore whitespace Rev 307 → Rev 308

0,0 → 1,139
#ifndef _UART1_H
#define _UART1_H
#define UART_MK3MAG 1
#define UART_MKGPS 2
#include "ubx.h"
#define NC_ERROR0_SPI_RX 0x01
#define NC_ERROR0_COMPASS_RX 0x02
#define NC_ERROR0_GPS_RX 0x10
typedef struct
u8 SWMajor;
u8 SWMinor;
u8 ProtoMajor;
u8 ProtoMinor;
u8 SWPatch;
u8 HardwareError[5];
} __attribute__((packed)) UART_VersionInfo_t;
extern UART_VersionInfo_t UART_VersionInfo;
typedef struct
s16 AngleNick; // in 0.1 deg
s16 AngleRoll; // in 0.1 deg
s16 Heading; // in 0.1 deg
u8 reserve[8];
} __attribute__((packed)) Data3D_t;
extern Data3D_t Data3D;
extern const u8 ANALOG_LABEL[32][16];
typedef struct
u8 Status[2];
u16 Analog[32]; // Debugwerte
} __attribute__((packed)) DebugOut_t;
extern DebugOut_t DebugOut;
typedef struct
u8 Digital[2];
u8 RemoteButtons;
s8 Nick;
s8 Roll;
s8 Yaw;
u8 Gas;
s8 Height;
u8 free;
u8 Frame;
u8 Config;
} __attribute__((packed)) ExternControl_t;
extern ExternControl_t ExternControl;
typedef struct
s16 Nick;
s16 Roll;
s16 Compass; // angle between north and head of the MK
} __attribute__((packed)) Attitude_t;
typedef struct
u16 Distance; // distance to target in dm
s16 Bearing; // course to target in deg
} __attribute__((packed)) GPS_PosDev_t;
typedef struct
u8 Version; // version of the data structure
GPS_Pos_t CurrentPosition; // see ubx.h for details
GPS_Pos_t TargetPosition;
GPS_PosDev_t TargetPositionDeviation;
GPS_Pos_t HomePosition;
GPS_PosDev_t HomePositionDeviation;
u8 WaypointIndex; // index of current waypoints running from 0 to WaypointNumber-1
u8 WaypointNumber; // number of stored waypoints
u8 SatsInUse; // number of satellites used for position solution
s16 Altimeter; // hight according to air pressure
s16 Variometer; // climb(+) and sink(-) rate
u16 FlyingTime; // in seconds
u8 UBat; // Battery Voltage in 0.1 Volts
u16 GroundSpeed; // speed over ground in cm/s (2D)
s16 Heading; // current flight direction in ° as angle to north
s16 CompassHeading; // current compass value in °
s8 AngleNick; // current Nick angle in 1°
s8 AngleRoll; // current Rick angle in 1°
u8 RC_Quality; // RC_Quality
u8 FCStatusFlags; // Flags from FC
u8 NCFlags; // Flags from NC
u8 Errorcode; // 0 --> okay
u8 OperatingRadius; // current operation radius around the Home Position in m
s16 TopSpeed; // velocity in vertical direction in cm/s
u8 TargetHoldTime; // time in s to stay at the given target, counts down to 0 if target has been reached
u8 FCStatusFlags2; // StatusFlags2 (since version 5 added)
s16 SetpointAltitude; // setpoint for altitude
u8 Gas; // for future use
u16 Current; // actual current in 0.1A steps
u16 UsedCapacity; // used capacity in mAh
} __attribute__((packed)) NaviData_t;
extern NaviData_t NaviData;
#define NC_FLAG_FREE 0x01
#define NC_FLAG_PH 0x02
#define NC_FLAG_CH 0x04
#define NC_FLAG_RANGE_LIMIT 0x08
#define NC_FLAG_GPS_OK 0x80
extern UART_TypeDef *DebugUART;
extern volatile u8 SerialLinkOkay;
void UART1_Init(void);
void UART1_Transmit(void);
void UART1_TransmitTxData(void);
void UART1_ProcessRxData(void);
s16 UART1_Putchar(char c);
void UART1_PutString(u8 *s);
extern u8 text[]; // globally used text buffer
extern u8 UART1_Request_SendFollowMe;
#endif //_UART1_H