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Ignore whitespace Rev 234 → Rev 235

0,0 → 1,2047
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Copyright (c) 2008 Ingo Busker, Holger Buss
// + Nur für den privaten Gebrauch / NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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#include <stdio.h>
#include "91x_lib.h"
#include "timer1.h"
#include "fat16.h"
#include "sdc.h"
#include "uart1.h"
// Module name: fat16.c
// Compiler used: avr-gcc 3.4.5
// Last Modifikation: 20.03.2010
// Version: 2.10
// Authors: Stephan Busker & Gregor Stobrawa
// Description: Source files for FAT16 implementation with read and write-access
// Copyright (C) 2008 Stephan Busker & Gregor Stobrawa
// Functions: extern s16 Fat16_Init(void);
// extern s16 Fat16_Deinit(void);
// extern s8* FAT16_GetVolumeLabel(void);
// extern File_t * fopen_(const u8 *filename, const s8 mode);
// extern s16 fclose_(File_t *File);
// extern u8 fexist_(s8 * const filename);
// extern s16 fflush_(File_t *File);
// extern s16 fseek_(File_t *File, s32 offset, s16 origin);
// extern s16 fgetc_(File_t *File);
// extern s16 fputc_(u8 c, File_t *File);
// extern u32 fread_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File_t *File);
// extern u32 fwrite_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File_t *File);
// extern s16 fputs_(const u8 *string, File_t *File);
// extern u8 * fgets_(u8 *string, s16 length, File_t *File);
// extern u8 feof_(File_t * const file);
// ext. functions: extern SD_Result_t SDC_Init(void;)
// extern SD_Result_t SDC_Deinit(void);
// extern SD_Result_t SDC_GetSector (u32,u8 *);
// extern SD_Result_t SDC_PutSector (u32,u8 *);
// URL:
// mailto:
FAT16 Drive Layout:
Description Offset
Volume Boot Sector Start of Partition
Fat Tables Start + # of Reserved Sectors
Root Directory Entry Start + # of Reserved + (# of Sectors Per FAT * 2)
Data Area (Starts with Cluster #2) Start + # of Reserved + (# of Sectors Per FAT * 2) + ((Maximum Root Directory Entries * 32) / Bytes per Sector)
Structure of an partition entry
Partition Entry is 16 bytes long
typedef struct
u8 PartitionState; // Current State of Partition (00h=Inactive, 80h=Active)
u8 BeginningHead; // Beginning of Partition - Head
u16 BeginningCylSec; // Beginning of Partition - Cylinder/Sector (See Below)
u8 Type; // Type of Partition (See List Below)
u8 EndHead; // End of Partition - Head
u16 EndCylSec; // End of Partition - Cylinder/Sector
u32 NoSectorsBeforePartition; // Number of Sectors between the MBR and the First Sector in the Partition
u32 NoSectorsPartition ; // Number of Sectors in the Partition
} __attribute__((packed)) PartitionEntry_t;
Coding of Cylinder/Sector words
Cylinder is 10 bits: [7:0] at [15:8] and [9:8] at [7:6]
Sector is 5 bits: [5:0] at [5:0]
// Partition Types:
#define PART_TYPE_UNKNOWN 0x00
#define PART_TYPE_FAT12 0x01
#define PART_TYPE_XENIX 0x02
#define PART_TYPE_FAT16_ST_32_MB 0x04
#define PART_TYPE_EXTDOS 0x05
#define PART_TYPE_FAT16_LT_32_MB 0x06
#define PART_TYPE_NTFS 0x07
#define PART_TYPE_FAT32 0x0B
#define PART_TYPE_FAT32LBA 0x0C
#define PART_TYPE_FAT16LBA 0x0E
#define PART_TYPE_EISA 0x12
#define PART_TYPE_ONTRACK 0x33
#define PART_TYPE_NOVELL 0x40
#define PART_TYPE_DYNAMIC 0x42
#define PART_TYPE_PCIX 0x4B
#define PART_TYPE_CPM 0xDB
#define PART_TYPE_DBFS 0xE0
#define PART_TYPE_BBT 0xFF
Structure of the MasterBootRecord
Master Boot Record is 512 bytes long
The Master Boot Record is the same for pretty much all Operating Systems.
It is located on the first Sector of the Hard Drive, at Cylinder 0, Head 0, Sector 1
typedef struct
u8 ExecutableCode[446]; // 446 bytes for machine start code
PartitionEntry_t PartitionEntry1; // 16 bytes for partition entry 1
PartitionEntry_t PartitionEntry2; // 16 bytes for partition entry 2
PartitionEntry_t PartitionEntry3; // 16 bytes for partition entry 3
PartitionEntry_t PartitionEntry4; // 16 bytes for partition entry 4
u16 ExecutableMarker; // BIOS-Signature (0x55 0xAA)
} __attribute__((packed)) MBR_Entry_t;
Structure of the VolumeBootRecord
The Volume Boot Record is 512 bytes long
This information is located in the first sector of every partition.
typedef struct
u8 JumpCode[3]; // Jump Code + NOP
s8 OEMName[8]; // OEM Name
u16 BytesPerSector; // Bytes Per Sector
u8 SectorsPerCluster; // Sectors Per Cluster
u16 ReservedSectors; // Reserved Sectors
u8 NoFATCopies; // Number of Copies of FAT
u16 MaxRootEntries; // Maximum Root Directory Entries
u16 NoSectorsInPartSml32MB; // Number of Sectors in Partition Smaller than 32 MB
u8 MediaDescriptor; // Media Descriptor (0xF8 for Hard Disks)
u16 SectorsPerFAT; // Sectors Per FAT
u16 SectorsPerTrack; // Sectors Per Track
u16 NoHeads; // Number of Heads
u32 NoHiddenSectors; // Number of Hidden Sectors in Partition
u32 NoSectors; // Number of Sectors in Partition
u16 DriveNo; // Logical Drive Number of Partition
u8 ExtendedSig; // Extended Signature (0x29)
u32 SerialNo; // Serial Number of the Partition
s8 VolumeName[11]; // Volume Name of the Partititon
s8 FATName[8]; // FAT Name (FAT16)
u8 ExecutableCode[446]; // 446 bytes for machine start code
u16 ExecutableMarker; // Executable Marker (0x55 0xAA)
} __attribute__((packed)) VBR_Entry_t;
Structure of an directory entry
Directory entry is 32 bytes.
typedef struct
s8 Name[8]; // 8 bytes name, padded with spaces.
u8 Extension[3]; // 3 bytes extension, padded with spaces.
u8 Attribute; // attribute of the directory entry (unused,archive,read-only,system,directory,volume)
u8 Res1; // should be zero
u8 CreationTime10ms; // subsecond resolution of creation time
u16 CreationTime; // Time of creation h:m:s
u16 CreationDate; // Date of creation Y.M.D
u16 LastAccessDate; // The date where the file was last accessed
u8 Res2[2]; // should be zero
u16 ModTime; // date of last write access
u16 ModDate; // date of last write access to the file or directory.
u16 StartCluster; // first cluster of the file or directory.
u32 Size; // size of the file or directory in bytes.
} __attribute__((packed)) DirEntry_t;
#define SLOT_EMPTY 0x00 // slot has never been used
#define SLOT_E5 0x05 // the real value is 0xe5
#define SLOT_DELETED 0xE5 // file in this slot deleted
#define ATTR_NONE 0x00 // normal file
#define ATTR_READONLY 0x01 // file is readonly
#define ATTR_HIDDEN 0x02 // file is hidden
#define ATTR_SYSTEM 0x04 // file is a system file
#define ATTR_VOLUMELABEL 0x08 // entry is a volume label
#define ATTR_LONG_FILENAME 0x0F // this is a long filename entry
#define ATTR_SUBDIRECTORY 0x10 // entry is a directory name
#define ATTR_ARCHIVE 0x20 // file is new or modified
Structure of an entry within the fileallocationtable.
typedef struct
u16 NextCluster; // the next cluster of the file.
} __attribute__((packed)) Fat16Entry_t;
// secial fat entries
#define FAT16_CLUSTER_FREE 0x0000
#define FAT16_CLUSTER_RESERVED 0x0001
#define FAT16_CLUSTER_USED_MIN 0x0002
#define FAT16_CLUSTER_BAD 0xFFF7
/* */
/* Global variables needed for read- or write-acces to the FAT16- filesystem. */
/* */
#define MBR_SECTOR 0x00 // the masterboot record is located in sector 0.
#define DIRENTRY_SIZE 32 //bytes
#define FAT16_BYTES 2
#define SECTOR_UNDEFINED 0x00000000L
#define CLUSTER_UNDEFINED 0x0000
#define FSTATE_USED 1
typedef struct
u8 IsValid; // 0 means invalid, else valid
u8 SectorsPerCluster; // how many sectors does a cluster contain?
u8 FatCopies; // Numbers of copies of the FAT
u16 MaxRootEntries; // Possible number of entries in the root directory.
u16 SectorsPerFat; // how many sectors does a fat16 contain?
u32 FirstFatSector; // sector of the start of the fat
u32 FirstRootDirSector; // sector of the rootdirectory
u32 FirstDataSector; // sector of the first cluster containing data (cluster2).
u32 LastDataSector; // the last data sector of the partition
u8 VolumeLabel[12]; // the volume label
} Partition_t;
Partition_t Partition; // Structure holds partition information
File_t FilePointer[FILE_MAX_OPEN]; // Allocate Memmoryspace for each filepointer used.
/* Function: FileDate(DateTime_t *); */
/* */
/* Description: This function calculates the DOS date from a pointer to a time structure. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: Returns the DOS date. */
u16 FileDate(DateTime_t * pTimeStruct)
u16 date = 0;
if(pTimeStruct == NULL) return date;
if(!(pTimeStruct->Valid)) return date;
date |= (0x007F & (u16)(pTimeStruct->Year - 1980))<<9; // set year
date |= (0x000F & (u16)(pTimeStruct->Month))<<5; // set month
date |= (0x001F & (u16)(pTimeStruct->Day));
return date;
/* Function: FileTime(DateTime_t *); */
/* */
/* Description: This function calculates the DOS time from a pointer to a time structure. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: Returns the DOS time. */
u16 FileTime(DateTime_t * pTimeStruct)
u16 time = 0;
if(pTimeStruct == NULL) return time;
if(!(pTimeStruct->Valid)) return time;
time |= (0x001F & (u16)(pTimeStruct->Hour))<<11;
time |= (0x003F & (u16)(pTimeStruct->Min))<<5;
time |= (0x001F & (u16)(pTimeStruct->Sec/2));
return time;
/* Function: LockFilePointer(); */
/* */
/* Description: This function trys to lock a free file pointer. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: Returns the Filepointer on success or 0. */
File_t * LockFilePointer(void)
u8 i;
File_t * File = 0;
for(i = 0; i < FILE_MAX_OPEN; i++)
if(FilePointer[i].State == FSTATE_UNUSED) // found an unused one
File = &FilePointer[i]; // set pointer to that entry
FilePointer[i].State = FSTATE_USED; // mark it as used
/* Function: UnlockFilePointer(file_t *); */
/* */
/* Description: This function trys to unlock a file pointer. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: Returns 1 if file pointer was freed else 0. */
u8 UnlockFilePointer(File_t * file)
u8 cnt;
if(file == NULL) return(0);
for(cnt = 0; cnt < FILE_MAX_OPEN; cnt++)
if(&FilePointer[cnt] == file) // filepointer to be freed found?
file->State = FSTATE_UNUSED;
file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = SECTOR_UNDEFINED; // Sectorpointer to the first sector of the first datacluster of the file.
file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = SECTOR_UNDEFINED; // Pointer to the cluster which is edited at the moment.
file->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0; // The sector which is edited at the moment (cluster_pointer + sector_index).
file->ByteOfCurrSector = 0; // The bytelocation within the current sector (cluster_pointer + sector_index + byte_index).
file->Mode = 0; // mode of fileoperation (read,write)
file->Size = 0; // the size of the opend file in bytes.
file->Position = 0; // pointer to a character within the file 0 < fileposition < filesize
file->SectorInCache = SECTOR_UNDEFINED; // the last sector read, wich is still in the sectorbuffer.
file->DirectorySector = SECTOR_UNDEFINED; // the sectorposition where the directoryentry has been made.
file->DirectoryIndex = 0; // the index to the directoryentry within the specified sector.
file->Attribute = 0; // the attribute of the file opened.
file = NULL;
/* Function: SeperateDirName(s8*, s8*); */
/* */
/* Description: This function seperates the first dirname from filepath and brings them */
/* into the needed format ('test.txt' -> 'TEST TXT') */
/* The subpath is the pointer to the remaining substring of the filepath */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: Return NULL on error or pointer to subpath */
s8* SeperateDirName(const s8 *filepath, s8 *dirname)
s8* subpath = NULL;
u8 readpointer = 0;
u8 writepointer = 0;
// search subpath from beginning of filepath
subpath = NULL;
readpointer = 0;
if(filepath[0] == '/') readpointer = 1; // ignore first '/'
while(subpath == NULL) // search the filepath until a subpath was found.
if(((filepath[readpointer] == 0) || (filepath[readpointer] == '/'))) // if '/' found or end of filepath reached
subpath = (s8*)&filepath[readpointer]; // store the position of the first "/" found after the beginning of the filenpath
// clear dirname with spaces
dirname[11] = 0; // terminate dirname
for(writepointer = 0; writepointer < 11; writepointer++) dirname[writepointer] = ' ';
writepointer = 0;
// start seperating the dirname from the filepath.
readpointer = 0;
if(filepath[0] == '/') readpointer = 1; // ignore first '/'
while( &filepath[readpointer] < subpath)
if(writepointer >= 11) return(NULL); // dirname to long
if(filepath[readpointer] == '.') // seperating dirname and extension.
if(writepointer <= 8)
readpointer++; // next character in filename
writepointer = 8; // jump to start of extension
else return(NULL); // dirbasename to long
if((0x60 < filepath[readpointer]) && (filepath[readpointer] < 0x7B))
dirname[writepointer] = (filepath[readpointer] - 0x20); // all characters must be upper case.
dirname[writepointer] = filepath[readpointer];
/* Function: Fat16ClusterToSector( u16 cluster); */
/* */
/* Description: This function converts a cluster number given by the fat to the corresponding */
/* sector that points to the start of the data area that is represented by the cluster number. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The sector number with the data area of the given cluster */
u32 Fat16ClusterToSector(u16 cluster)
if(!Partition.IsValid) return SECTOR_UNDEFINED;
if ((cluster < 2) || (cluster == CLUSTER_UNDEFINED))
return ( (cluster - 2) * Partition.SectorsPerCluster) + Partition.FirstDataSector; // the first data sector is represented by the 2nd cluster
/* Function: SectorToFat16Cluster( u32 sector); */
/* */
/* Description: This function converts a given sector number given to the corresponding */
/* cluster number in the fat that represents this data area. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The cluster number representing the data area of the sector. */
u16 SectorToFat16Cluster(u32 sector)
if(!Partition.IsValid) return CLUSTER_UNDEFINED;
if((sector == SECTOR_UNDEFINED) || (sector < Partition.FirstDataSector)) return CLUSTER_UNDEFINED;
else return ((u16)((sector - Partition.FirstDataSector) / Partition.SectorsPerCluster) + 2);
/* Function: Fat16_IsValid(void); */
/* */
/* Description: This function return the Fat 16 filesystem state */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns "1" on success */
u8 Fat16_IsValid(void)
/* Function: Fat16_Deinit(void); */
/* */
/* Description: This function uninitializes the fat 16 api */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns "0" on success */
u8 Fat16_Deinit(void)
s16 returnvalue = 0;
u8 cnt;
UART1_PutString("\r\n FAT16 deinit...");
// declare the filepointers as unused.
for(cnt = 0; cnt < FILE_MAX_OPEN; cnt++)
if(FilePointer[cnt].State == FSTATE_USED)
returnvalue += fclose_(&FilePointer[cnt]); // try to close open file pointers
else UnlockFilePointer(&FilePointer[cnt]);
SDC_Deinit(); // uninitialize interface to sd-card
Partition.IsValid = 0; // mark data in partition structure as invalid
/* Function: Fat16_Init(void); */
/* */
/* Description: This function reads the Masterbootrecord and finds the position of the Volumebootrecord, the FAT and the Rootdir */
/* and stores the information in global variables. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns "0" if the filesystem is initialized. */
u8 Fat16_Init(void)
u8 cnt = 0;
u32 partitionfirstsector;
VBR_Entry_t *VBR;
MBR_Entry_t *MBR;
File_t *file;
u8 result = 0;
UART1_PutString("\r\n FAT16 init...");
Partition.IsValid = 0;
// declare the filepointers as unused.
for(cnt = 0; cnt < FILE_MAX_OPEN; cnt++)
// set current file pinter to first position in list
file = &FilePointer[0];
// try to initialize the sd-card.
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_Init())
UART1_PutString("SD-Card could not be initialized.");
result = 1;
goto end;
// SD-Card is initialized successfully
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector((u32)MBR_SECTOR,file->Cache)) // Read the MasterBootRecord
UART1_PutString("Error reading the MBR.");
result = 2;
goto end;
MBR = (MBR_Entry_t *)file->Cache; // Enter the MBR using the structure MBR_Entry_t.
if((MBR->PartitionEntry1.Type == PART_TYPE_FAT16_ST_32_MB) ||
(MBR->PartitionEntry1.Type == PART_TYPE_FAT16_LT_32_MB) ||
(MBR->PartitionEntry1.Type == PART_TYPE_FAT16LBA))
// get sector offset 1st partition
partitionfirstsector = MBR->PartitionEntry1.NoSectorsBeforePartition;
// Start of Partition is the Volume Boot Sector
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(partitionfirstsector,file->Cache)) // Read the volume boot record
UART1_PutString("Error reading the VBR.");
result = 3;
goto end;
else // maybe the medium has no partition assuming sector 0 is the vbr
partitionfirstsector = 0;
VBR = (VBR_Entry_t *) file->Cache; // Enter the VBR using the structure VBR_Entry_t.
if(VBR->BytesPerSector != BYTES_PER_SECTOR)
UART1_PutString("VBR: Sector size not supported.");
result = 4;
goto end;
Partition.SectorsPerCluster = VBR->SectorsPerCluster; // Number of sectors per cluster. Depends on the memorysize of the sd-card.
Partition.FatCopies = VBR->NoFATCopies; // Number of fatcopies.
Partition.MaxRootEntries = VBR->MaxRootEntries; // How many Entries are possible in the rootdirectory (FAT16 allows max. 512 entries).
Partition.SectorsPerFat = VBR->SectorsPerFAT; // The number of sectors per FAT // copy volume label
Partition.VolumeLabel[0] = '\0'; // set string terminator
/* Calculate the sectorpositon of the FAT, the Rootdirectory and the first Datacluster. */
// Calculate the position of the FileAllocationTable:
// Start + # of Reserved Sectors
Partition.FirstFatSector = (u32)(partitionfirstsector + (u32)(VBR->ReservedSectors));
// Calculate the position of the Rootdirectory:
// Start + # of Reserved Sectors + (# of Sectors Per FAT * # of FAT Copies)
Partition.FirstRootDirSector = Partition.FirstFatSector + (u32)((u32)Partition.SectorsPerFat*(u32)Partition.FatCopies);
// Calculate the position of the first datacluster:
// Start + # of Reserved + (# of Sectors Per FAT * # of FAT Copies) + ((Maximum Root Directory Entries * 32) / Bytes per Sector)
Partition.FirstDataSector = Partition.FirstRootDirSector + (u32)(Partition.MaxRootEntries>>4); // assuming 512 Byte Per Sector
// Calculate the last data sector
if(VBR->NoSectors == 0)
UART1_PutString("VBR: Bad number of sectors.");
result = 5;
goto end;
Partition.LastDataSector = Partition.FirstDataSector + VBR->NoSectors - 1;
// check for FAT16 in VBR of first partition
if(!((VBR->FATName[0]=='F') && (VBR->FATName[1]=='A') && (VBR->FATName[2]=='T') && (VBR->FATName[3]=='1')&&(VBR->FATName[4]=='6')))
UART1_PutString("VBR: Partition ist not FAT16 type.");
result = 6;
goto end;
Partition.IsValid = 1; // mark data in partition structure as valid
result = 0;
if(result != 0) Fat16_Deinit();
else UART1_PutString("ok");
/* Function: ClearCurrCluster(File_t*); */
/* */
/* Description: This function fills the current cluster with 0. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns 1 on success else 0. */
u8 ClearCurrCluster(File_t * file)
u8 retvalue = 1;
u32 i;
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (file == NULL)) return(0);
for(i = 0; i < BYTES_PER_SECTOR; i++) file->Cache[i] = 0; // clear file cache
if(file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster == SECTOR_UNDEFINED) return (0); // nothing to do
for(i = 0; i < Partition.SectorsPerCluster; i++)
file->SectorInCache = file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster + i;
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache))
retvalue = 0;
/* Function: GetNextCluster(File_t* ); */
/* */
/* Description: This function finds the next datacluster of the file specified with File *File. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns the next cluster or 0 if the last cluster has already reached. */
u16 GetNextCluster(File_t * file)
u16 cluster = CLUSTER_UNDEFINED;
u32 fat_byte_offset, sector, byte;
Fat16Entry_t * fat;
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (file == NULL)) return(cluster);
if(file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster == SECTOR_UNDEFINED) return(cluster);
// if sector is within the data area
if((Partition.FirstDataSector <= file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster)&& (file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster <= Partition.LastDataSector))
// determine current file cluster
cluster = SectorToFat16Cluster(file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster);
// calculate byte offset in the fat for corresponding entry
fat_byte_offset = ((u32)cluster)<<1; // two FAT bytes (16 bits) for every cluster
// calculate the sector that contains the current cluster within the fat
sector = Partition.FirstFatSector + ( fat_byte_offset / BYTES_PER_SECTOR);
// calculate byte offset of the current cluster within that fat sector
byte = fat_byte_offset % BYTES_PER_SECTOR;
// read this sector to the file cache
if(file->SectorInCache != sector)
file->SectorInCache = sector; // update sector stored in buffer
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache)) // read sector from sd-card
return (cluster);
// read the next cluster from cache
fat = (Fat16Entry_t *)(&(file->Cache[byte]));
cluster = fat->NextCluster;
// if no next cluster exist
if(FAT16_CLUSTER_LAST_MIN <= cluster)
cluster = CLUSTER_UNDEFINED; // next cluster is undefined
file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = Fat16ClusterToSector(cluster);
file->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
file->ByteOfCurrSector = 0;
/* Function: FindNextFreeCluster(File_t *); */
/* */
/* Description: This function looks in the fat to find the next free cluster */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns the cluster number of the next free cluster found within the fat. */
u16 FindNextFreeCluster(File_t *file)
u32 fat_sector; // current sector within the fat relative to the first sector of the fat.
u32 curr_sector; // current sector
u16 fat_entry; // index to an fatentry within the actual sector (256 fatentries are possible within one sector).
u16 free_cluster = CLUSTER_UNDEFINED; // next free cluster number.
Fat16Entry_t * fat;
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (file == NULL)) return(0);
// start searching for an empty cluster at the beginning of the fat.
fat_sector = 0;
curr_sector = Partition.FirstFatSector + fat_sector; // calculate sector to read
file->SectorInCache = curr_sector; // upate the sector number of file cache.
if( SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache)) // read sector of fat from sd-card.
fat = (Fat16Entry_t *)file->Cache; // set fat pointer to file cache
for(fat_entry = 0; fat_entry < FAT16_ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; fat_entry++) // look for an free cluster at all entries in this sector of the fat.
if(fat[fat_entry].NextCluster == FAT16_CLUSTER_FREE) // empty cluster found!!
fat[fat_entry].NextCluster = FAT16_CLUSTER_LAST_MAX; // mark this fat-entry as used
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache)) // and save the sector at the sd-card.
free_cluster = (u16)(fat_sector * FAT16_ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR + (u32)fat_entry);
fat_entry = FAT16_ENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; // terminate the search for a free cluster in this sector.
fat_sector++; // continue the search in next fat sector
// repeat until the end of the fat is reached and no free cluster has been found so far
}while((fat_sector < Partition.SectorsPerFat) && (!free_cluster));
/* Function: s16 fseek_(File_t *, s32 *, u8) */
/* */
/* Description: This function sets the pointer of the stream relative to the position */
/* specified by origin (SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END) */
/* Returnvalue: Is 0 if seek was successful */
s16 fseek_(File_t *file, s32 offset, s16 origin)
s32 fposition = 0;
s16 retvalue = 1;
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (file == NULL)) return(retvalue);
case SEEK_SET: // Fileposition relative to the beginning of the file.
fposition = 0;
case SEEK_END: // Fileposition relative to the end of the file.
fposition = (s32)file->Size;
case SEEK_CUR: // Fileposition relative to the current position of the file.
fposition = file->Position;
fposition += offset;
if((fposition >= 0) && (fposition <= (s32)file->Size)) // is the pointer still within the file?
// reset file position to start of the file
file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster;
file->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
file->ByteOfCurrSector = 0;
file->Position = 0;
if(file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster == SECTOR_UNDEFINED) return(retvalue);
while(file->Position < fposition) // repeat until the current position is less than target
file->Position++; // increment file position
file->ByteOfCurrSector++; // next byte in current sector
if(file->ByteOfCurrSector >= BYTES_PER_SECTOR)
file->ByteOfCurrSector = 0; // reading at the beginning of new sector.
file->SectorOfCurrCluster++; // continue reading in next sector
if(file->SectorOfCurrCluster >= Partition.SectorsPerCluster) // if end of cluster is reached, the next datacluster has to be searched in the FAT.
if(GetNextCluster(file)) // Sets the clusterpointer of the file to the next datacluster.
file->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
else // the last cluster was allready reached
file->SectorOfCurrCluster--; // jump back to the last sector in the last cluster
file->ByteOfCurrSector = BYTES_PER_SECTOR; // set ByteOfCurrSector one byte over sector end
if(file->Position == fposition) retvalue = 0;
/* Function: u16 DeleteClusterChain(File *file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function trances along a cluster chain in the fat and frees all clusters visited. */
/* */
u8 DeleteClusterChain(u16 StartCluster)
u16 cluster;
u32 fat_byte_offset, sector, byte;
Fat16Entry_t * fat;
u8 buffer[BYTES_PER_SECTOR];
u32 sector_in_buffer = 0;
u8 repeat = 0;
if(!Partition.IsValid) return(0);
if(StartCluster == CLUSTER_UNDEFINED) return(0);
cluster = StartCluster; // init chain trace
// if start cluster is no real cluster
if(FAT16_CLUSTER_LAST_MIN <= cluster) return 1;
// calculate byte offset in the fat for corresponding entry
fat_byte_offset = ((u32)cluster)<<1; // two FAT bytes (16 bits) for every cluster
// calculate the sector that contains the current cluster within the fat
sector = Partition.FirstFatSector + ( fat_byte_offset / BYTES_PER_SECTOR);
// calculate byte offset of the current cluster within that fat sector
byte = fat_byte_offset % BYTES_PER_SECTOR;
if(sector != sector_in_buffer)
// read this sector to buffer
sector_in_buffer = sector;
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(sector_in_buffer, buffer)) return 0; // read sector from sd-card
// read the next cluster from cache
fat = (Fat16Entry_t *)(&(buffer[byte]));
cluster = fat->NextCluster;
fat->NextCluster = FAT16_CLUSTER_FREE; // mark current cluster as free
if((FAT16_CLUSTER_USED_MIN <= cluster) && (cluster <= FAT16_CLUSTER_USED_MAX) )
repeat = 1;
// calculate sector byte and byte offset in the fat for the next cluster
fat_byte_offset = ((u32)cluster)<<1; // two FAT bytes (16 bits) for every cluster
// calculate the sector that contains the current cluster within the fat
sector = Partition.FirstFatSector + ( fat_byte_offset / BYTES_PER_SECTOR);
// calculate byte offset of the current cluster within that fat sector
byte = fat_byte_offset % BYTES_PER_SECTOR;
else repeat = 0;
// if new sector is not the sector in buffer or the last cluster in the chain was traced
if((sector != sector_in_buffer) || !repeat)
{ // write sector in buffer
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(sector_in_buffer,buffer))
return 1;
/* Function: u16 AppendCluster(File *file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function looks in the fat to find the next free cluster and appends it to the file. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns the appened cluster number or CLUSTER_UNDEFINED of no cluster was appended. */
u16 AppendCluster(File_t *file)
u16 last_cluster, new_cluster = CLUSTER_UNDEFINED;
u32 fat_byte_offset, sector, byte;
Fat16Entry_t * fat;
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (file == NULL)) return(new_cluster);
new_cluster = FindNextFreeCluster(file); // the next free cluster found on the disk.
if(new_cluster != CLUSTER_UNDEFINED)
{ // A free cluster was found and can be added to the end of the file.
fseek_(file, 0, SEEK_END); // jump to the end of the file
last_cluster = SectorToFat16Cluster(file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster); // determine current file cluster
if(last_cluster != CLUSTER_UNDEFINED)
// update FAT entry of last cluster
fat_byte_offset = ((u32)last_cluster)<<1;
sector = Partition.FirstFatSector + ( fat_byte_offset / BYTES_PER_SECTOR);
byte = fat_byte_offset % BYTES_PER_SECTOR;
// read the sector containing the last cluster of the file
if(file->SectorInCache != sector)
file->SectorInCache = sector; // update sector stored in buffer
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache)) // read sector from sd-card
fat = (Fat16Entry_t *)(&(file->Cache[byte]));
fat->NextCluster = new_cluster; // append the free cluster to the end of the file in the FAT.
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache)) // save the modified sector to the FAT.
else // last cluster of the file is undefined
{ // then the new cluster must be the first one of the file
// and its cluster number must be set in the direntry
DirEntry_t * dir;
file->SectorInCache = file->DirectorySector; // update the sector number of file cache.
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache))// read in the sector.
dir = (DirEntry_t *)file->Cache; // set pointer to directory
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].Res1 = 0;
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].Res2[0] = 0;
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].Res2[1] = 0;
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].StartCluster = new_cluster; // update startcluster
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].ModTime = FileTime(&SystemTime);// set time
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].ModDate = FileDate(&SystemTime);// and date of modification
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].LastAccessDate = dir[file->DirectoryIndex].ModDate;
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].Size = 0;
// write sector containing the direntry
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache))
// update file info
file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = Fat16ClusterToSector(new_cluster);
file->Size = 0;
file->Position = 0;
// update file pointes
file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = Fat16ClusterToSector(new_cluster);
file->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
file->ByteOfCurrSector = 0;
/* Function: DirectoryEntryExist(s8 *, u8, u8, File_t *) */
/* */
/* Description: This function searches all possible dir entries until the file or directory is found or the end of the directory is reached */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: This function returns 1 if the directory entry specified was found. */
u8 DirectoryEntryExist(s8 *dirname, u8 attribfilter, u8 attribmask, File_t *file)
u32 dir_sector, max_dir_sector, curr_sector;
u16 dir_entry = 0;
u16 end_of_directory_not_reached = 0;
u8 i = 0;
u8 direntry_exist = 0;
DirEntry_t * dir;
// if incomming pointers are useless return immediatly
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (file == NULL) || (dirname == NULL)) return(direntry_exist);
// dir entries can be searched only in filesclusters that have
// a corresponding dir entry with adir-flag set in its attribute
// or direct within the root directory area
file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = SECTOR_UNDEFINED;
// no current directory exist therefore assume searching in the root
if(file->DirectorySector == SECTOR_UNDEFINED)
max_dir_sector = (Partition.MaxRootEntries * DIRENTRY_SIZE)/BYTES_PER_SECTOR;
file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = Partition.FirstRootDirSector;
// within the root directory area we can read sectors sequentially until the end of this area
else if((Partition.FirstRootDirSector <= file->DirectorySector) && (file->DirectorySector < Partition.FirstDataSector))
max_dir_sector = (Partition.MaxRootEntries * DIRENTRY_SIZE)/BYTES_PER_SECTOR;
// within the data clusters we can read sectors sequentially only within the cluster
else if((Partition.FirstDataSector <= file->DirectorySector) && (file->DirectorySector <= Partition.LastDataSector))
max_dir_sector = Partition.SectorsPerCluster; // limit max secters before next cluster
else return (direntry_exist); // bad sector range for directory sector of the file
// if search area is not defined yet
if(file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster == SECTOR_UNDEFINED)
// check if the directory entry of current file is existent and has the dir-flag set
file->SectorInCache = file->DirectorySector; // update the sector number of file cache.
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache))// read in the sector.
dir = (DirEntry_t *)file->Cache; // set pointer to directory
switch((u8)dir[file->DirectoryIndex].Name[0]) // check if current directory exist
// the directrory pointer of this file points to a deleted or not existen directory
// therefore no file or subdirectory can be created
return (direntry_exist);
default: // and is a real directory
if((dir[file->DirectoryIndex].Attribute & ATTR_SUBDIRECTORY) != ATTR_SUBDIRECTORY)
{ // current file is not a directory therefore no file or subdirectory can be created here
return (direntry_exist);
file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = Fat16ClusterToSector(dir[file->DirectoryIndex].StartCluster);
// update current file data area position to start of first cluster
file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster;
file->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
file->ByteOfCurrSector = 0;
do // loop over all data clusters of the current directory entry
dir_sector = 0; // reset sector counter within a new cluster
do // loop over all sectors of a cluster or all sectors of the root directory
curr_sector = file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster + dir_sector; // calculate sector number
file->SectorInCache = curr_sector; // upate the sector number of file cache.
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache))// read the sector
dir = (DirEntry_t *)file->Cache; // set pointer to directory
// search all directory entries within that sector
for(dir_entry = 0; dir_entry < DIRENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; dir_entry++)
{ // check for existing dir entry
// ignore empty or deleted dir entries
// if existing check attributes before names are compared will safe performance
if ((dir[dir_entry].Attribute & attribmask) != attribfilter) break; // attribute must match
// then compare the name to the giveb dirname (first 11 characters include 8 chars of basename and 3 chars extension.)
i = 0;
while((i < 11) && (dir[dir_entry].Name[i] == dirname[i])) i++;
if (i < 10) break; // names does not match
// if dirname and attribute have matched
file->Attribute = dir[dir_entry].Attribute; // store attribute of found dir entry
file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = Fat16ClusterToSector(dir[dir_entry].StartCluster); // set sector of first data cluster
file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster;
file->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
file->ByteOfCurrSector = 0;
file->DirectorySector = curr_sector; // current sector
file->DirectoryIndex = dir_entry; // current direntry in current sector
file->Size = dir[dir_entry].Size;
direntry_exist = 1; // mark as found
dir_entry = DIRENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; // stop for-loop
} // end of first byte of name check
dir_sector++; // search next sector
// stop if we reached the end of the cluster or the end of the root dir
}while((dir_sector < max_dir_sector) && (!direntry_exist));
// if we are seaching in the data area and the file not found in this cluster so take next cluster.
if(!direntry_exist && ( Partition.FirstDataSector <= file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster))
end_of_directory_not_reached = GetNextCluster(file); // updates File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster
}while((end_of_directory_not_reached) && (!direntry_exist)); // repeat until a next cluster exist an no
/* Function: CreateDirectoryEntry(s8 *, u16, File_t *) */
/* */
/* Description: This function looks for the next free position in the directory and creates an entry. */
/* The type of an directory entry is specified by the file attribute. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: Return 0 on error */
u8 CreateDirectoryEntry(s8 *dirname, u8 attrib, File_t *file)
u32 dir_sector, max_dir_sector, curr_sector;
u16 dir_entry = 0;
u16 subdircluster, dircluster = 0;
u16 end_of_directory_not_reached = 0;
u8 i = 0;
u8 retvalue = 0;
DirEntry_t *dir;
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (file == NULL) || (dirname == NULL)) return (retvalue);
// It is not checked here that the dir entry that should be created is already existent!
// Dir entries can be created only in file-clusters that have
// the dir-flag set in its attribute or within the root directory
file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = SECTOR_UNDEFINED;
// no current directory exist therefore assume creating in the root
if(file->DirectorySector == SECTOR_UNDEFINED)
max_dir_sector = (Partition.MaxRootEntries * DIRENTRY_SIZE)/BYTES_PER_SECTOR;
dircluster = 0;
file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = Partition.FirstRootDirSector;
// within the root directory area we can read sectors sequentially until the end of this area
else if((Partition.FirstRootDirSector <= file->DirectorySector) && (file->DirectorySector < Partition.FirstDataSector))
max_dir_sector = (Partition.MaxRootEntries * DIRENTRY_SIZE)/BYTES_PER_SECTOR;
// within the data clusters we can read sectors sequentially only within the cluster
else if((Partition.FirstDataSector <= file->DirectorySector) && (file->DirectorySector <= Partition.LastDataSector))
max_dir_sector = Partition.SectorsPerCluster;
else return (retvalue); // bad sector range for directory sector of the file
// if search area is not defined yet
if(file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster == SECTOR_UNDEFINED)
// check if the directory entry of current file is existent and has the dir-flag set
file->SectorInCache = file->DirectorySector; // update the sector number of file cache.
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache))// read in the sector.
dir = (DirEntry_t *)file->Cache; // set pointer to directory
switch((u8)dir[file->DirectoryIndex].Name[0]) // check if current directory exist
return (retvalue);
default: // and is a real directory
if((dir[file->DirectoryIndex].Attribute & ATTR_SUBDIRECTORY) != ATTR_SUBDIRECTORY)
{ // current file is not a directory therefore no file or subdirectory can be created here
return (retvalue);
dircluster = dir[file->DirectoryIndex].StartCluster;
file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = Fat16ClusterToSector(dircluster);
// if the new direntry is a subdirectory
{ // get a free clutser for its content
subdircluster = FindNextFreeCluster(file); // get the next free cluster on the disk and mark it as used.
else // a normal file
{ // has no data cluster after creation
subdircluster = CLUSTER_UNDEFINED;
file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster;
file->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
do // loop over all clusters of current directory
dir_sector = 0; // reset sector counter within a new cluster
do // loop over all sectors of a cluster or all sectors of the root directory
curr_sector = file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster + dir_sector; // calculate sector number
file->SectorInCache = curr_sector; // upate the sector number of file cache.
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache))// read in the sector.
dir = (DirEntry_t *)file->Cache; // set pointer to directory
// search all directory entries of a sector
for(dir_entry = 0; dir_entry < DIRENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; dir_entry++)
{ // check if current direntry is available
if(((u8)dir[dir_entry].Name[0] == SLOT_EMPTY) || ((u8)dir[dir_entry].Name[0] == SLOT_DELETED))
{ // a free direntry was found
for(i = 0; i < 11; i++) dir[dir_entry].Name[i] = dirname[i]; // Set dir name
dir[dir_entry].Attribute = attrib;
dir[dir_entry].Res1 = 0;
dir[dir_entry].CreationTime10ms = (u8)(SystemTime.mSec/10);
dir[dir_entry].CreationTime = FileTime(&SystemTime);
dir[dir_entry].CreationDate = FileDate(&SystemTime);
dir[dir_entry].LastAccessDate = dir[dir_entry].CreationDate;
dir[dir_entry].Res2[0] = 0;
dir[dir_entry].Res2[1] = 0;
dir[dir_entry].ModTime = dir[dir_entry].CreationTime;
dir[dir_entry].ModDate = dir[dir_entry].CreationDate;
// Set the attribute of the new directoryentry.
dir[dir_entry].StartCluster = subdircluster; // copy the location of the first datacluster to the directoryentry.
dir[dir_entry].Size = 0; // the new createted file has no content yet.
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache)) // write back to card
file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = Fat16ClusterToSector(subdircluster); // Calculate absolute sectorposition of first datacluster.
file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster; // Start reading the file with the first sector of the first datacluster.
file->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0; // reset sector of cureen cluster
file->ByteOfCurrSector = 0; // reset the byte location within the current sector
file->Attribute = attrib; // set file attribute to dir attribute
file->Size = 0; // new file has no size
file->DirectorySector = curr_sector;
file->DirectoryIndex = dir_entry;
// prepare subdirectory data cluster
if((attrib & ATTR_SUBDIRECTORY) == ATTR_SUBDIRECTORY) // if a new directory was created then initilize the data area
ClearCurrCluster(file); // fill cluster with zeros
file->SectorInCache = file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster;
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache))// read in the sector.
dir = (DirEntry_t *)file->Cache;
// create direntry "." to current dir
dir[0].Name[0] = 0x2E;
for(i = 1; i < 11; i++) dir[0].Name[i] = ' ';
dir[0].Attribute = ATTR_SUBDIRECTORY;
dir[0].StartCluster = subdircluster;
dir[0].Size = 0;
// create direntry ".." to the upper dir
dir[1].Name[0] = 0x2E;
dir[1].Name[1] = 0x2E;
for(i = 2; i < 11; i++) dir[1].Name[i] = ' ';
dir[1].Attribute = ATTR_SUBDIRECTORY;
dir[1].StartCluster = dircluster;
dir[1].Size = 0;
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache))// read in the sector.
retvalue = 1;
dir_entry = DIRENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; // stop for-loop
dir_sector++; // search next sector
// stop if we reached the end of the cluster or the end of the root dir
}while((dir_sector < max_dir_sector) && (!retvalue));
// if we are seaching in the data area and the file not found in this cluster so take next cluster.
if(!retvalue && ( Partition.FirstDataSector <= file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster))
end_of_directory_not_reached = GetNextCluster(file); // updates File->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster
}while((end_of_directory_not_reached) && (!retvalue));
// Perhaps we are at the end of the last cluster of a directory file and have no free direntry found.
// Then we would need to add a cluster to that file and create the new direntry there.
// This code is not implemented yet, because its occurs only if more that 32*32=1024 direntries are
// within a subdirectory of root.
return(retvalue); // return 1 if file has been created otherwise return 0.
/* Function: FileExist(const s8* filename, u8 attribfilter, u8 attribmask, File_t *file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function looks for the specified file including its subdirectories beginning */
/* in the rootdirectory of the drive. If the file is found the Filepointer properties are */
/* updated. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: 1 if file is found else 0. */
u8 FileExist(const s8* filename, const u8 attribfilter, const u8 attribmask, File_t *file)
s8* path = 0;
s8* subpath = 0;
u8 af, am, file_exist = 0;
s8 dirname[12]; // 8+3 + temination character
// if incomming pointers are useless return immediatly
if ((filename == NULL) || (file == NULL) || (!Partition.IsValid)) return 0;
// trace along the filepath
path = (s8*)filename; // start a the beginning of the filename string
file->DirectorySector = 0; // start at RootDirectory with file search
file->DirectoryIndex = 0;
// as long as the file was not found and the remaining path is not empty
while((*path != 0) && !file_exist)
{ // separate dirname and subpath from filepath string
subpath = SeperateDirName(path, dirname);
if(subpath != NULL)
if(*subpath == 0)
{ // empty subpath indicates last element of dir chain
af = attribfilter;
am = attribmask;
else // it must be a subdirectory and no volume label
if(!DirectoryEntryExist(dirname, af, am, file))
return (file_exist); // subdirectory does not exist
if (*subpath == 0)
file_exist = 1; // last element of path chain was found with the given attribute filter
else // error seperating the subpath
return file_exist; // bad subdir format
path = subpath;
subpath = 0;
return (file_exist);
/* Function: FileCreate(const s8* filename, u8 attrib, File_t *file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function looks for the specified file including its subdirectories beginning */
/* in the rootdirectory of the partition. If the file is found the Filepointer properties are */
/* updated. If file or its subdirectories are not found they will be created */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: 1 if file was created else 0. */
u8 FileCreate(const s8* filename, const u8 attrib, File_t *file)
s8 *path = 0;
s8 *subpath = 0;
u8 af, am, file_created = 0;
s8 dirname[12];
// if incomming pointers are useless return immediatly
if ((filename == NULL) || (file == NULL) || (!Partition.IsValid)) return 0;
// trace along the filepath
path = (s8*)filename; // start a the beginning of the filename string
file->DirectorySector = 0; // start at RootDirectory with file search
file->DirectoryIndex = 0;
// as long as the file was not created and the remaining file path is not empty
while((*path != 0) && !file_created)
{ // separate dirname and subpath from filepath string
subpath = SeperateDirName(path, dirname);
if(subpath != NULL)
if(*subpath == 0)
{ // empty subpath indicates last element of dir chain
am = ATTR_SUBDIRECTORY|ATTR_VOLUMELABEL; // any file that is no subdir or volume label
else // it must be a subdirectory and no volume label
if(!DirectoryEntryExist(dirname, af, am, file)) // if subdir or file is not existent
{ // try to create subdir or file
if(*subpath == 0) af = attrib; // if last element in dir chain take the given attribute
if(!CreateDirectoryEntry(dirname, af, file))
{ // could not be created
else if (*subpath == 0) file_created = 1; // last element of path chain was created
else // error seperating the subpath
return file_created; // bad subdir format
path = subpath;
subpath = 0;
return (file_created);
/* Function: File_t * fopen_(s8* filename, s8 mode); */
/* */
/* Description: This function looks for the specified file in the rootdirectory of the drive. If the file is found the number of the */
/* corrosponding filepointer is returned. Only modes 'r' (reading) and 'a' append are implemented yet. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The filepointer to the file or 0 if faild. */
File_t * fopen_(s8 * const filename, const s8 mode)
File_t *file = 0;
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (filename == 0)) return(file);
// Look for an unused filepointer in the file pointer list?
file = LockFilePointer();
// if no unused file pointer was found return 0
if(file == NULL) return(file);
// now we have found a free filepointer and claimed it
// so let initiate its property values
file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = SECTOR_UNDEFINED; // Sectorpointer to the first sector of the first datacluster of the file.
file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = SECTOR_UNDEFINED; // Pointer to the cluster which is edited at the moment.
file->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0; // The sector which is edited at the moment (cluster_pointer + sector_index).
file->ByteOfCurrSector = 0; // The bytelocation within the current sector (cluster_pointer + sector_index + byte_index).
file->Mode = mode; // mode of fileoperation (read,write)
file->Size = 0; // the size of the opened file in bytes.
file->Position = 0; // pointer to a byte within the file 0 < fileposition < filesize
file->SectorInCache = SECTOR_UNDEFINED; // the last sector read, wich is still in the sectorbuffer.
file->DirectorySector = SECTOR_UNDEFINED; // the sectorposition where the directoryentry has been made.
file->DirectoryIndex = 0; // the index to the directoryentry within the specified sector.
file->Attribute = 0; // the attribute of the file opened.
// check if a real file (no directory) to the given filename exist
{ // file exist
switch(mode) // check mode
case 'a': // if mode is: append to file
if((file->Attribute & ATTR_READONLY) == ATTR_READONLY)
{ // file is marked as readonly --> do not open this file
file = NULL;
{ // file is not marked as read only --> goto end of file
fseek_(file, 0, SEEK_END); // point to the end of the file
case 'w': // if mode is: write to file
if((file->Attribute & ATTR_READONLY) == ATTR_READONLY)
{ // file is marked as readonly --> do not open this file
file = NULL;
{ // file is not marked as read only
DirEntry_t * dir;
// free all clusters of that file
// update directory entry of that file
file->SectorInCache = file->DirectorySector; // update the sector number of file cache.
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache))// read in the sector.
dir = (DirEntry_t *)file->Cache; // set pointer to directory
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].ModTime = FileTime(&SystemTime); // set modification time
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].ModDate = FileDate(&SystemTime); // set modification date
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].LastAccessDate = dir[file->DirectoryIndex].ModDate;
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].StartCluster = CLUSTER_UNDEFINED; // update startcluster
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].Size = 0;
// write sector containing the direntry
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache))
file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = SECTOR_UNDEFINED;
file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster;
file->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
file->ByteOfCurrSector = 0;
file->Size = 0;
file->Position = 0;
fseek_(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
case 'r': // if mode is: read from file
// goto end of file
fseek_(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
default: // other modes are not supported
file = NULL;
else // file does not exist
switch(mode) // check mode
case 'a':
case 'w': // if mode is write or append
// try to create the file
if(!FileCreate(filename, ATTR_ARCHIVE, file))
{ // if it could not be created
file = NULL;
case 'r': // else opened for 'r'
default: // if unsupported mode
file = NULL;
// we should never come to this point
file = NULL;
/* Function: fflush_(File *); */
/* */
/* Description: This function writes the data already in the buffer but not yet written to the file. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: 0 on success EOF on error */
s16 fflush_(File_t *file)
DirEntry_t *dir;
if((file == NULL) || (!Partition.IsValid)) return (EOF);
case 'a':
case 'w':
if(file->ByteOfCurrSector > 0) // has data been added to the file?
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache))// save the data still in the buffer
file->SectorInCache = file->DirectorySector;
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache)) // read the directory entry for this file.
dir = (DirEntry_t *)file->Cache;
// update dile size and modification time & date
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].ModTime = FileTime(&SystemTime);
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].ModDate = FileDate(&SystemTime);
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].LastAccessDate = dir[file->DirectoryIndex].ModDate;
dir[file->DirectoryIndex].Size = file->Size; // update file size
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache)) // write back to sd-card
case 'r':
// do nothing!
/* Function: fclose_(File *file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function closes the open file by writing the remaining data */
/* from the buffer to the device and entering the filesize in the directory entry. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: 0 on success EOF on error */
s16 fclose_(File_t *file)
s16 returnvalue = EOF;
if(file == NULL) return(returnvalue);
returnvalue = fflush_(file);
/* Function: fgetc_(File *file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function reads and returns one character from the specified file. Is the end of the actual sector reached the */
/* next sector of the cluster is read. If the last sector of the cluster read the next cluster will be searched in FAT. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns the character read from the specified memorylocation as u8 casted to s16 or EOF. */
s16 fgetc_(File_t *file)
s16 c = EOF;
u32 curr_sector;
if( (!Partition.IsValid) || (file == NULL)) return(c);
// if the end of the file is not reached, get the next character.
if((0 < file->Size) && ((file->Position+1) < file->Size) )
curr_sector = file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster; // calculate the sector of the next character to be read.
curr_sector += file->SectorOfCurrCluster;
if(file->SectorInCache != curr_sector)
file->SectorInCache = curr_sector;
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(file->SectorInCache,file->Cache))
c = (s16) file->Cache[file->ByteOfCurrSector];
file->Position++; // increment file position
file->ByteOfCurrSector++; // goto next byte in sector
if(file->ByteOfCurrSector >= BYTES_PER_SECTOR) // if end of sector
file->ByteOfCurrSector = 0; // reset byte location
file->SectorOfCurrCluster++; // next sector
if(file->SectorOfCurrCluster >= Partition.SectorsPerCluster) // if end of cluster is reached, the next datacluster has to be searched in the FAT.
if(GetNextCluster(file)) // Sets the clusterpointer of the file to the next datacluster.
file->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0; // start reading new cluster at first sector of the cluster.
else // the last cluster was allready reached
file->SectorOfCurrCluster--; // jump back to the last sector in the last cluster
file->ByteOfCurrSector = BYTES_PER_SECTOR; // set ByteOfCurrSector one byte over sector end
/* Function: fputc_( const s8 c, File *file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function writes a byte to the specified file and takes care of writing the necessary FAT- Entries. */
/* next sector of the cluster is read. If the last sector of the cluster read the next cluster will be searched in FAT. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns the character written to the stream or EOF on error. */
s16 fputc_(const s8 c, File_t *file)
u32 curr_sector = 0;
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (file == NULL)) return(EOF);
case 'w':
case 'a':
// If file position equals to file size, then the end of file has been reached.
// In this case it has to be checked that the ByteOfCurrSector is BYTES_PER_SECTOR
// and a new cluster should be appended.
// If the first sector of first cluster is unvalid, then the file claims no data clusters
// and size should be zero, therefore append a new Cluster too.
if(((file->Position >= file->Size) && (file->ByteOfCurrSector >= BYTES_PER_SECTOR)) || (file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster == SECTOR_UNDEFINED))
if(CLUSTER_UNDEFINED == AppendCluster(file)) return(EOF);
curr_sector = file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster;
curr_sector += file->SectorOfCurrCluster;
if(file->SectorInCache != curr_sector)
file->SectorInCache = curr_sector;
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache))
file->Cache[file->ByteOfCurrSector] = (u8)c; // write databyte into the buffer. The byte will be written to the device at once
if(file->Size == file->Position) file->Size++; // a character has been written to the file so the size is incremented only when the character has been added at the end of the file.
file->Position++; // the actual positon within the file.
file->ByteOfCurrSector++; // goto next byte in sector
if(file->ByteOfCurrSector >= BYTES_PER_SECTOR) // if the end of this sector is reached yet
{ // save the sector to the sd-card
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_PutSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache))
file->ByteOfCurrSector = 0; // reset byte location
file->SectorOfCurrCluster++; // next sector
if(file->SectorOfCurrCluster >= Partition.SectorsPerCluster)// if end of cluster is reached, the next datacluster has to be searched in the FAT.
if(!GetNextCluster(file)) // Sets the clusterpointer of the file to the next datacluster.
{ // if current cluster was the last cluster of the file
if(!AppendCluster(file)) // append a new and free cluster at the end of the file.
file->SectorOfCurrCluster--; // jump back to last sector of last cluster
file->ByteOfCurrSector = BYTES_PER_SECTOR; // set byte location to 1 byte over sector len
else // next cluster
file->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0; // start reading new cluster at first sector of the cluster.
case 'r':
} // EOF switch(file->Mode)
/* Function: fread_(void *buffer, s32 size, s32 count, File *File); */
/* */
/* Description: This function reads count objects of the specified size */
/* from the actual position of the file to the specified buffer. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns the number of objects (not bytes) read from the file. */
u32 fread_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File_t *file)
u32 object_cnt = 0; // count the number of objects read from the file.
u32 object_size = 0; // count the number of bytes read from the actual object.
u8 *pbuff = 0; // a pointer to the actual bufferposition.
u8 success = 1; // no error occured during read operation to the file.
s16 c;
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (file == NULL) || (buffer == NULL)) return(0);
pbuff = (u8 *) buffer; // cast the void pointer to an u8 *
while((object_cnt < count) && success)
object_size = size;
while((size > 0) && success)
c = fgetc_(file);
if(c != EOF)
*pbuff = (u8)c; // read a byte from the buffer to the opened file.
else // error or end of file reached
success = 0;
if(success) object_cnt++;
return(object_cnt); // return the number of objects succesfully read from the file
/* Function: fwrite_(void *buffer, s32 size, s32 count, File *file); */
/* */
/* Description: This function writes count objects of the specified size */
/* from the buffer pointer to the actual position in the file. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns the number of objects (not bytes) read from the file. */
u32 fwrite_(void *buffer, u32 size, u32 count, File_t *file)
u32 object_cnt = 0; // count the number of objects written to the file.
u32 object_size = 0; // count the number of bytes written from the actual object.
u8 *pbuff = 0; // a pointer to the actual bufferposition.
u8 success = 1; // no error occured during write operation to the file.
s16 c;
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (file == NULL) || (buffer == NULL)) return(0);
if(file->Mode == 'r') return (0); // opened read only
pbuff = (u8 *) buffer; // cast the void pointer to an u8 *
while((object_cnt < count) && success)
object_size = size;
while((size > 0) && success)
c = fputc_(*pbuff, file); // write a byte from the buffer to the opened file.
if(c != EOF)
success = 0;
if(success) object_cnt++;
return(object_cnt); // return the number of objects succesfully written to the file
/* Function: fputs_(const s8 *string, File_t *File); */
/* */
/* Description: This function writes a string to the specified file. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: The function returns a no negative value or EOF on error. */
s16 fputs_(s8 * const string, File_t * const file)
u8 i=0;
s16 c = 0;
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (file == NULL) || (string == NULL)) return(EOF);
if(file->Mode == 'r') return(EOF);
while((string[i] != 0)&& (c != EOF))
c = fputc_(string[i], file);
/* Function: fgets_(s8 *, s16 , File_t *); */
/* */
/* Description: This function reads a string from the file to the specifies string. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: A pointer to the string read from the file or 0 on error. */
s8 * fgets_(s8 * const string, s16 const length, File_t * const file)
s8 *pbuff;
s16 c = 0, bytecount;
if((!Partition.IsValid) || (file == NULL) || (string == NULL) || (length < 1)) return (0);
bytecount = length;
pbuff = string; // set write pointer to start of string
while(bytecount > 1) // read the length-1 characters from the file to the string.
c = fgetc_(file); // read a character from the opened file.
case 0x0A: // new line
*pbuff = 0; // set string terminator
return(string); // return normal
case EOF:
*pbuff = 0; // set string terminator
*pbuff++ = (s8)c; // copy byte to string
*pbuff = 0; // set string terminator
/* Function: fexist_(const u8*); */
/* */
/* Description: This function checks if a file already exist. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: 1 if the file exist else 0. */
u8 fexist_(s8 * const filename)
u8 exist = 0;
File_t *file = 0;
file = LockFilePointer();
/* Function: feof_(File_t *File); */
/* */
/* Description: This function checks wether the end of the file has been reached. */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: 0 if the end of the file was not reached otherwise 1. */
u8 feof_(File_t *file)
if(((file->Position)+1) < (file->Size))
/* Function: s8* FAT16_GetVolumeLabel(void) */
/* */
/* Description: This function returns the volume label */
/* */
/* Returnvalue: This function returns the pointer to the volume label or NULL if not found. */
s8* FAT16_GetVolumeLabel(void)
s8 *pVolumeLabel = NULL;
u32 dir_sector, max_dir_sector, curr_sector;
u16 dir_entry = 0;
u8 i = 0;
DirEntry_t * dir;
File_t *file = NULL;
// if Partition is not valud return NULL
if(!Partition.IsValid) return(pVolumeLabel);
// if Volume label was read before return it
if(Partition.VolumeLabel[0]!= '\0') return (Partition.VolumeLabel);
// try to catch a file pointer
file = LockFilePointer();
if(file == NULL) return(pVolumeLabel);
// search dir entries direct within the root directory area
file->DirectorySector = 0;
max_dir_sector = (Partition.MaxRootEntries * DIRENTRY_SIZE)/BYTES_PER_SECTOR;
file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = Partition.FirstRootDirSector;
// update current file data area position to start of first cluster
file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster;
file->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
file->ByteOfCurrSector = 0;
dir_sector = 0; // reset sector counter within a new cluster
do // loop over all sectors of the root directory
curr_sector = file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster + dir_sector; // calculate sector number
file->SectorInCache = curr_sector; // upate the sector number of file cache.
if(SD_SUCCESS != SDC_GetSector(file->SectorInCache, file->Cache))// read the sector
dir = (DirEntry_t *)file->Cache; // set pointer to directory
// search all directory entries within that sector
for(dir_entry = 0; dir_entry < DIRENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; dir_entry++)
{ // check for existing dir entry
// ignore empty or deleted dir entries
// check attributes for volume label
if ((dir[dir_entry].Attribute & ATTR_VOLUMELABEL) != ATTR_VOLUMELABEL) break; // attribute must match
// (first 11 characters include 8 chars of basename and 3 chars extension.)
for(i = 0; i<11;i++) Partition.VolumeLabel[i] = dir[dir_entry].Name[i];
Partition.VolumeLabel[11] = '\0'; // terminate string
file->Attribute = dir[dir_entry].Attribute; // store attribute of found dir entry
file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster = Fat16ClusterToSector(dir[dir_entry].StartCluster); // set sector of first data cluster
file->FirstSectorOfCurrCluster = file->FirstSectorOfFirstCluster;
file->SectorOfCurrCluster = 0;
file->ByteOfCurrSector = 0;
file->DirectorySector = curr_sector; // current sector
file->DirectoryIndex = dir_entry; // current direntry in current sector
file->Size = dir[dir_entry].Size;
dir_entry = DIRENTRIES_PER_SECTOR; // stop for-loop
pVolumeLabel = Partition.VolumeLabel;
} // end of first byte of name check
dir_sector++; // search next sector
// stop if we reached the end of the cluster or the end of the root dir
}while((dir_sector < max_dir_sector) && (!pVolumeLabel));