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// AsyncSocket.m
// This class is in the public domain.
// Originally created by Dustin Voss on Wed Jan 29 2003.
// Updated and maintained by Deusty Designs and the Mac development community.
#import "AsyncSocket.h"
#import <sys/socket.h>
#import <netinet/in.h>
#import <arpa/inet.h>
#import <netdb.h>
// Note: You may need to add the CFNetwork Framework to your project
#import <CFNetwork/CFNetwork.h>
#pragma mark Declarations
#define DEFAULT_PREBUFFERING YES // Whether pre-buffering is enabled by default
#define READQUEUE_CAPACITY 5 // Initial capacity
#define WRITEQUEUE_CAPACITY 5 // Initial capacity
#define READALL_CHUNKSIZE 256 // Incremental increase in buffer size
#define WRITE_CHUNKSIZE (1024 * 4) // Limit on size of each write pass
NSString *const AsyncSocketException = @"AsyncSocketException";
NSString *const AsyncSocketErrorDomain = @"AsyncSocketErrorDomain";
// Mutex lock used by all instances of AsyncSocket, to protect getaddrinfo.
// Prior to Mac OS X 10.5 this method was not thread-safe.
static NSString *getaddrinfoLock = @"lock";
enum AsyncSocketFlags
kEnablePreBuffering = 1 << 0, // If set, pre-buffering is enabled
kDidPassConnectMethod = 1 << 1, // If set, disconnection results in delegate call
kDidCompleteOpenForRead = 1 << 2, // If set, open callback has been called for read stream
kDidCompleteOpenForWrite = 1 << 3, // If set, open callback has been called for write stream
kStartingReadTLS = 1 << 4, // If set, we're waiting for TLS negotiation to complete
kStartingWriteTLS = 1 << 5, // If set, we're waiting for TLS negotiation to complete
kForbidReadsWrites = 1 << 6, // If set, no new reads or writes are allowed
kDisconnectAfterReads = 1 << 7, // If set, disconnect after no more reads are queued
kDisconnectAfterWrites = 1 << 8, // If set, disconnect after no more writes are queued
kClosingWithError = 1 << 9, // If set, the socket is being closed due to an error
kDequeueReadScheduled = 1 << 10, // If set, a maybeDequeueRead operation is already scheduled
kDequeueWriteScheduled = 1 << 11, // If set, a maybeDequeueWrite operation is already scheduled
kSocketCanAcceptBytes = 1 << 12, // If set, we know socket can accept bytes. If unset, it's unknown.
kSocketHasBytesAvailable = 1 << 13, // If set, we know socket has bytes available. If unset, it's unknown.
@interface AsyncSocket (Private)
// Connecting
- (void)startConnectTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout;
- (void)endConnectTimeout;
// Socket Implementation
- (CFSocketRef)newAcceptSocketForAddress:(NSData *)addr error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- (BOOL)createSocketForAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- (BOOL)attachSocketsToRunLoop:(NSRunLoop *)runLoop error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- (BOOL)configureSocketAndReturnError:(NSError **)errPtr;
- (BOOL)connectSocketToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- (void)doAcceptWithSocket:(CFSocketNativeHandle)newSocket;
- (void)doSocketOpen:(CFSocketRef)sock withCFSocketError:(CFSocketError)err;
// Stream Implementation
- (BOOL)createStreamsFromNative:(CFSocketNativeHandle)native error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- (BOOL)createStreamsToHost:(NSString *)hostname onPort:(UInt16)port error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- (BOOL)attachStreamsToRunLoop:(NSRunLoop *)runLoop error:(NSError **)errPtr;
- (BOOL)configureStreamsAndReturnError:(NSError **)errPtr;
- (BOOL)openStreamsAndReturnError:(NSError **)errPtr;
- (void)doStreamOpen;
- (BOOL)setSocketFromStreamsAndReturnError:(NSError **)errPtr;
// Disconnect Implementation
- (void)closeWithError:(NSError *)err;
- (void)recoverUnreadData;
- (void)emptyQueues;
- (void)close;
// Errors
- (NSError *)getErrnoError;
- (NSError *)getAbortError;
- (NSError *)getStreamError;
- (NSError *)getSocketError;
- (NSError *)getConnectTimeoutError;
- (NSError *)getReadMaxedOutError;
- (NSError *)getReadTimeoutError;
- (NSError *)getWriteTimeoutError;
- (NSError *)errorFromCFStreamError:(CFStreamError)err;
// Diagnostics
- (BOOL)isSocketConnected;
- (BOOL)areStreamsConnected;
- (NSString *)connectedHost:(CFSocketRef)socket;
- (UInt16)connectedPort:(CFSocketRef)socket;
- (NSString *)localHost:(CFSocketRef)socket;
- (UInt16)localPort:(CFSocketRef)socket;
- (NSString *)addressHost:(CFDataRef)cfaddr;
- (UInt16)addressPort:(CFDataRef)cfaddr;
// Reading
- (void)doBytesAvailable;
- (void)completeCurrentRead;
- (void)endCurrentRead;
- (void)scheduleDequeueRead;
- (void)maybeDequeueRead;
- (void)doReadTimeout:(NSTimer *)timer;
// Writing
- (void)doSendBytes;
- (void)completeCurrentWrite;
- (void)endCurrentWrite;
- (void)scheduleDequeueWrite;
- (void)maybeDequeueWrite;
- (void)maybeScheduleDisconnect;
- (void)doWriteTimeout:(NSTimer *)timer;
// Run Loop
- (void)runLoopAddSource:(CFRunLoopSourceRef)source;
- (void)runLoopRemoveSource:(CFRunLoopSourceRef)source;
- (void)runLoopAddTimer:(NSTimer *)timer;
- (void)runLoopRemoveTimer:(NSTimer *)timer;
- (void)runLoopUnscheduleReadStream;
- (void)runLoopUnscheduleWriteStream;
// Security
- (void)maybeStartTLS;
- (void)onTLSHandshakeSuccessful;
// Callbacks
- (void)doCFCallback:(CFSocketCallBackType)type forSocket:(CFSocketRef)sock withAddress:(NSData *)address withData:(const void *)pData;
- (void)doCFReadStreamCallback:(CFStreamEventType)type forStream:(CFReadStreamRef)stream;
- (void)doCFWriteStreamCallback:(CFStreamEventType)type forStream:(CFWriteStreamRef)stream;
static void MyCFSocketCallback(CFSocketRef, CFSocketCallBackType, CFDataRef, const void *, void *);
static void MyCFReadStreamCallback(CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType type, void *pInfo);
static void MyCFWriteStreamCallback(CFWriteStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType type, void *pInfo);
#pragma mark -
* The AsyncReadPacket encompasses the instructions for any given read.
* The content of a read packet allows the code to determine if we're:
* - reading to a certain length
* - reading to a certain separator
* - or simply reading the first chunk of available data
@interface AsyncReadPacket : NSObject
NSMutableData *buffer;
CFIndex bytesDone;
NSTimeInterval timeout;
CFIndex maxLength;
long tag;
NSData *term;
BOOL readAllAvailableData;
- (id)initWithData:(NSMutableData *)d
terminator:(NSData *)e
- (unsigned)readLengthForTerm;
- (unsigned)prebufferReadLengthForTerm;
- (CFIndex)searchForTermAfterPreBuffering:(CFIndex)numBytes;
@implementation AsyncReadPacket
- (id)initWithData:(NSMutableData *)d
terminator:(NSData *)e
if((self = [super init]))
buffer = [d retain];
timeout = t;
tag = i;
readAllAvailableData = a;
term = [e copy];
bytesDone = 0;
maxLength = m;
return self;
* For read packets with a set terminator, returns the safe length of data that can be read
* without going over a terminator, or the maxLength.
* It is assumed the terminator has not already been read.
- (unsigned)readLengthForTerm
NSAssert(term != nil, @"Searching for term in data when there is no term.");
// What we're going to do is look for a partial sequence of the terminator at the end of the buffer.
// If a partial sequence occurs, then we must assume the next bytes to arrive will be the rest of the term,
// and we can only read that amount.
// Otherwise, we're safe to read the entire length of the term.
unsigned result = [term length];
// Shortcut when term is a single byte
if(result == 1) return result;
// i = index within buffer at which to check data
// j = length of term to check against
// Note: Beware of implicit casting rules
// This could give you -1: MAX(0, (0 - [term length] + 1));
CFIndex i = MAX(0, (CFIndex)(bytesDone - [term length] + 1));
CFIndex j = MIN([term length] - 1, bytesDone);
while(i < bytesDone)
const void *subBuffer = [buffer bytes] + i;
if(memcmp(subBuffer, [term bytes], j) == 0)
result = [term length] - j;
if(maxLength > 0)
return MIN(result, (maxLength - bytesDone));
return result;
* Assuming pre-buffering is enabled, returns the amount of data that can be read
* without going over the maxLength.
- (unsigned)prebufferReadLengthForTerm
if(maxLength > 0)
return MIN(READALL_CHUNKSIZE, (maxLength - bytesDone));
* For read packets with a set terminator, scans the packet buffer for the term.
* It is assumed the terminator had not been fully read prior to the new bytes.
* If the term is found, the number of excess bytes after the term are returned.
* If the term is not found, this method will return -1.
* Note: A return value of zero means the term was found at the very end.
- (CFIndex)searchForTermAfterPreBuffering:(CFIndex)numBytes
NSAssert(term != nil, @"Searching for term in data when there is no term.");
// We try to start the search such that the first new byte read matches up with the last byte of the term.
// We continue searching forward after this until the term no longer fits into the buffer.
// Note: Beware of implicit casting rules
// This could give you -1: MAX(0, 1 - 1 - [term length] + 1);
CFIndex i = MAX(0, (CFIndex)(bytesDone - numBytes - [term length] + 1));
while(i + [term length] <= bytesDone)
const void *subBuffer = [buffer bytes] + i;
if(memcmp(subBuffer, [term bytes], [term length]) == 0)
return bytesDone - (i + [term length]);
return -1;
- (void)dealloc
[buffer release];
[term release];
[super dealloc];
#pragma mark -
* The AsyncWritePacket encompasses the instructions for any given write.
@interface AsyncWritePacket : NSObject
NSData *buffer;
CFIndex bytesDone;
long tag;
NSTimeInterval timeout;
- (id)initWithData:(NSData *)d timeout:(NSTimeInterval)t tag:(long)i;
@implementation AsyncWritePacket
- (id)initWithData:(NSData *)d timeout:(NSTimeInterval)t tag:(long)i
if((self = [super init]))
buffer = [d retain];
timeout = t;
tag = i;
bytesDone = 0;
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[buffer release];
[super dealloc];
#pragma mark -
* The AsyncSpecialPacket encompasses special instructions for interruptions in the read/write queues.
* This class my be altered to support more than just TLS in the future.
@interface AsyncSpecialPacket : NSObject
NSDictionary *tlsSettings;
- (id)initWithTLSSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings;
@implementation AsyncSpecialPacket
- (id)initWithTLSSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings
if((self = [super init]))
tlsSettings = [settings copy];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[tlsSettings release];
[super dealloc];
#pragma mark -
@implementation AsyncSocket
- (id)init
return [self initWithDelegate:nil userData:0];
- (id)initWithDelegate:(id)delegate
return [self initWithDelegate:delegate userData:0];
// Designated initializer.
- (id)initWithDelegate:(id)delegate userData:(long)userData
if((self = [super init]))
theFlags = DEFAULT_PREBUFFERING ? kEnablePreBuffering : 0;
theDelegate = delegate;
theUserData = userData;
theSocket4 = NULL;
theSource4 = NULL;
theSocket6 = NULL;
theSource6 = NULL;
theRunLoop = NULL;
theReadStream = NULL;
theWriteStream = NULL;
theConnectTimer = nil;
theReadQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:READQUEUE_CAPACITY];
theCurrentRead = nil;
theReadTimer = nil;
partialReadBuffer = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity:READALL_CHUNKSIZE];
theWriteQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:WRITEQUEUE_CAPACITY];
theCurrentWrite = nil;
theWriteTimer = nil;
// Socket context
NSAssert(sizeof(CFSocketContext) == sizeof(CFStreamClientContext), @"CFSocketContext != CFStreamClientContext");
theContext.version = 0; = self;
theContext.retain = nil;
theContext.release = nil;
theContext.copyDescription = nil;
// Default run loop modes
theRunLoopModes = [[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSDefaultRunLoopMode] retain];
return self;
// The socket may been initialized in a connected state and auto-released, so this should close it down cleanly.
- (void)dealloc
[self close];
[theReadQueue release];
[theWriteQueue release];
[theRunLoopModes release];
[partialReadBuffer release];
[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
[super dealloc];
#pragma mark Accessors
- (long)userData
return theUserData;
- (void)setUserData:(long)userData
theUserData = userData;
- (id)delegate
return theDelegate;
- (void)setDelegate:(id)delegate
theDelegate = delegate;
- (BOOL)canSafelySetDelegate
return ([theReadQueue count] == 0 && [theWriteQueue count] == 0 && theCurrentRead == nil && theCurrentWrite == nil);
- (CFSocketRef)getCFSocket
return theSocket4;
return theSocket6;
- (CFReadStreamRef)getCFReadStream
return theReadStream;
- (CFWriteStreamRef)getCFWriteStream
return theWriteStream;
#pragma mark Progress
- (float)progressOfReadReturningTag:(long *)tag bytesDone:(CFIndex *)done total:(CFIndex *)total
// Check to make sure we're actually reading something right now,
// and that the read packet isn't an AsyncSpecialPacket (upgrade to TLS).
if (!theCurrentRead || ![theCurrentRead isKindOfClass:[AsyncReadPacket class]]) return NAN;
// It's only possible to know the progress of our read if we're reading to a certain length
// If we're reading to data, we of course have no idea when the data will arrive
// If we're reading to timeout, then we have no idea when the next chunk of data will arrive.
BOOL hasTotal = (theCurrentRead->readAllAvailableData == NO && theCurrentRead->term == nil);
CFIndex d = theCurrentRead->bytesDone;
CFIndex t = hasTotal ? [theCurrentRead->buffer length] : 0;
if (tag != NULL) *tag = theCurrentRead->tag;
if (done != NULL) *done = d;
if (total != NULL) *total = t;
float ratio = (float)d/(float)t;
return isnan(ratio) ? 1.0F : ratio; // 0 of 0 bytes is 100% done.
- (float)progressOfWriteReturningTag:(long *)tag bytesDone:(CFIndex *)done total:(CFIndex *)total
// Check to make sure we're actually writing something right now,
// and that the write packet isn't an AsyncSpecialPacket (upgrade to TLS).
if (!theCurrentWrite || ![theCurrentWrite isKindOfClass:[AsyncWritePacket class]]) return NAN;
CFIndex d = theCurrentWrite->bytesDone;
CFIndex t = [theCurrentWrite->buffer length];
if (tag != NULL) *tag = theCurrentWrite->tag;
if (done != NULL) *done = d;
if (total != NULL) *total = t;
return (float)d/(float)t;
#pragma mark Run Loop
- (void)runLoopAddSource:(CFRunLoopSourceRef)source
unsigned i, count = [theRunLoopModes count];
for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
CFStringRef runLoopMode = (CFStringRef)[theRunLoopModes objectAtIndex:i];
CFRunLoopAddSource(theRunLoop, source, runLoopMode);
- (void)runLoopRemoveSource:(CFRunLoopSourceRef)source
unsigned i, count = [theRunLoopModes count];
for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
CFStringRef runLoopMode = (CFStringRef)[theRunLoopModes objectAtIndex:i];
CFRunLoopRemoveSource(theRunLoop, source, runLoopMode);
- (void)runLoopAddTimer:(NSTimer *)timer
unsigned i, count = [theRunLoopModes count];
for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
CFStringRef runLoopMode = (CFStringRef)[theRunLoopModes objectAtIndex:i];
CFRunLoopAddTimer(theRunLoop, (CFRunLoopTimerRef)timer, runLoopMode);
- (void)runLoopRemoveTimer:(NSTimer *)timer
unsigned i, count = [theRunLoopModes count];
for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
CFStringRef runLoopMode = (CFStringRef)[theRunLoopModes objectAtIndex:i];
CFRunLoopRemoveTimer(theRunLoop, (CFRunLoopTimerRef)timer, runLoopMode);
- (void)runLoopUnscheduleReadStream
unsigned i, count = [theRunLoopModes count];
for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
CFStringRef runLoopMode = (CFStringRef)[theRunLoopModes objectAtIndex:i];
CFReadStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(theReadStream, theRunLoop, runLoopMode);
CFReadStreamSetClient(theReadStream, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
- (void)runLoopUnscheduleWriteStream
unsigned i, count = [theRunLoopModes count];
for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
CFStringRef runLoopMode = (CFStringRef)[theRunLoopModes objectAtIndex:i];
CFWriteStreamUnscheduleFromRunLoop(theWriteStream, theRunLoop, runLoopMode);
CFWriteStreamSetClient(theWriteStream, kCFStreamEventNone, NULL, NULL);
#pragma mark Configuration
* See the header file for a full explanation of pre-buffering.
- (void)enablePreBuffering
theFlags |= kEnablePreBuffering;
* See the header file for a full explanation of this method.
- (BOOL)moveToRunLoop:(NSRunLoop *)runLoop
NSAssert((theRunLoop == NULL) || (theRunLoop == CFRunLoopGetCurrent()),
@"moveToRunLoop must be called from within the current RunLoop!");
if(runLoop == nil)
return NO;
if(theRunLoop == [runLoop getCFRunLoop])
return YES;
[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
theFlags &= ~kDequeueReadScheduled;
theFlags &= ~kDequeueWriteScheduled;
if(theReadStream && theWriteStream)
[self runLoopUnscheduleReadStream];
[self runLoopUnscheduleWriteStream];
if(theSource4) [self runLoopRemoveSource:theSource4];
if(theSource6) [self runLoopRemoveSource:theSource6];
// We do not retain the timers - they get retained by the runloop when we add them as a source.
// Since we're about to remove them as a source, we retain now, and release again below.
[theReadTimer retain];
[theWriteTimer retain];
if(theReadTimer) [self runLoopRemoveTimer:theReadTimer];
if(theWriteTimer) [self runLoopRemoveTimer:theWriteTimer];
theRunLoop = [runLoop getCFRunLoop];
if(theReadTimer) [self runLoopAddTimer:theReadTimer];
if(theWriteTimer) [self runLoopAddTimer:theWriteTimer];
// Release timers since we retained them above
[theReadTimer release];
[theWriteTimer release];
if(theSource4) [self runLoopAddSource:theSource4];
if(theSource6) [self runLoopAddSource:theSource6];
if(theReadStream && theWriteStream)
if(![self attachStreamsToRunLoop:runLoop error:nil])
return NO;
[runLoop performSelector:@selector(maybeDequeueRead) target:self argument:nil order:0 modes:theRunLoopModes];
[runLoop performSelector:@selector(maybeDequeueWrite) target:self argument:nil order:0 modes:theRunLoopModes];
[runLoop performSelector:@selector(maybeScheduleDisconnect) target:self argument:nil order:0 modes:theRunLoopModes];
return YES;
* See the header file for a full explanation of this method.
- (BOOL)setRunLoopModes:(NSArray *)runLoopModes
NSAssert((theRunLoop == NULL) || (theRunLoop == CFRunLoopGetCurrent()),
@"setRunLoopModes must be called from within the current RunLoop!");
if([runLoopModes count] == 0)
return NO;
if([theRunLoopModes isEqualToArray:runLoopModes])
return YES;
[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
theFlags &= ~kDequeueReadScheduled;
theFlags &= ~kDequeueWriteScheduled;
if(theReadStream && theWriteStream)
[self runLoopUnscheduleReadStream];
[self runLoopUnscheduleWriteStream];
if(theSource4) [self runLoopRemoveSource:theSource4];
if(theSource6) [self runLoopRemoveSource:theSource6];
// We do not retain the timers - they get retained by the runloop when we add them as a source.
// Since we're about to remove them as a source, we retain now, and release again below.
[theReadTimer retain];
[theWriteTimer retain];
if(theReadTimer) [self runLoopRemoveTimer:theReadTimer];
if(theWriteTimer) [self runLoopRemoveTimer:theWriteTimer];
[theRunLoopModes release];
theRunLoopModes = [runLoopModes copy];
if(theReadTimer) [self runLoopAddTimer:theReadTimer];
if(theWriteTimer) [self runLoopAddTimer:theWriteTimer];
// Release timers since we retained them above
[theReadTimer release];
[theWriteTimer release];
if(theSource4) [self runLoopAddSource:theSource4];
if(theSource6) [self runLoopAddSource:theSource6];
if(theReadStream && theWriteStream)
// Note: theRunLoop variable is a CFRunLoop, and NSRunLoop is NOT toll-free bridged with CFRunLoop.
// So we cannot pass theRunLoop to the method below, which is expecting a NSRunLoop parameter.
// Instead we pass nil, which will result in the method properly using the current run loop.
if(![self attachStreamsToRunLoop:nil error:nil])
return NO;
[self performSelector:@selector(maybeDequeueRead) withObject:nil afterDelay:0 inModes:theRunLoopModes];
[self performSelector:@selector(maybeDequeueWrite) withObject:nil afterDelay:0 inModes:theRunLoopModes];
[self performSelector:@selector(maybeScheduleDisconnect) withObject:nil afterDelay:0 inModes:theRunLoopModes];
return YES;
- (NSArray *)runLoopModes
return [[theRunLoopModes retain] autorelease];
#pragma mark Accepting
- (BOOL)acceptOnPort:(UInt16)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
return [self acceptOnInterface:nil port:port error:errPtr];
* To accept on a certain interface, pass the address to accept on.
* To accept on any interface, pass nil or an empty string.
* To accept only connections from localhost pass "localhost" or "loopback".
- (BOOL)acceptOnInterface:(NSString *)interface port:(UInt16)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
if (theDelegate == NULL)
[NSException raise:AsyncSocketException
format:@"Attempting to accept without a delegate. Set a delegate first."];
if (theSocket4 != NULL || theSocket6 != NULL)
[NSException raise:AsyncSocketException
format:@"Attempting to accept while connected or accepting connections. Disconnect first."];
// Set up the listen sockaddr structs if needed.
NSData *address4 = nil, *address6 = nil;
if(interface == nil || ([interface length] == 0))
// Accept on ANY address
struct sockaddr_in nativeAddr4;
nativeAddr4.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
nativeAddr4.sin_family = AF_INET;
nativeAddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
nativeAddr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
memset(&(nativeAddr4.sin_zero), 0, sizeof(nativeAddr4.sin_zero));
struct sockaddr_in6 nativeAddr6;
nativeAddr6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
nativeAddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
nativeAddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
nativeAddr6.sin6_flowinfo = 0;
nativeAddr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
nativeAddr6.sin6_scope_id = 0;
// Wrap the native address structures for CFSocketSetAddress.
address4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr4 length:sizeof(nativeAddr4)];
address6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr6 length:sizeof(nativeAddr6)];
else if([interface isEqualToString:@"localhost"] || [interface isEqualToString:@"loopback"])
// Accept only on LOOPBACK address
struct sockaddr_in nativeAddr4;
nativeAddr4.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
nativeAddr4.sin_family = AF_INET;
nativeAddr4.sin_port = htons(port);
nativeAddr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
memset(&(nativeAddr4.sin_zero), 0, sizeof(nativeAddr4.sin_zero));
struct sockaddr_in6 nativeAddr6;
nativeAddr6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
nativeAddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
nativeAddr6.sin6_port = htons(port);
nativeAddr6.sin6_flowinfo = 0;
nativeAddr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_loopback;
nativeAddr6.sin6_scope_id = 0;
// Wrap the native address structures for CFSocketSetAddress.
address4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr4 length:sizeof(nativeAddr4)];
address6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nativeAddr6 length:sizeof(nativeAddr6)];
NSString *portStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%hu", port];
@synchronized (getaddrinfoLock)
struct addrinfo hints, *res, *res0;
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
int error = getaddrinfo([interface UTF8String], [portStr UTF8String], &hints, &res0);
NSString *errMsg = [NSString stringWithCString:gai_strerror(error) encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
NSDictionary *info = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:errMsg forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey];
*errPtr = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"kCFStreamErrorDomainNetDB" code:error userInfo:info];
for(res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next)
if(!address4 && (res->ai_family == AF_INET))
// Found IPv4 address
// Wrap the native address structures for CFSocketSetAddress.
address4 = [NSData dataWithBytes:res->ai_addr length:res->ai_addrlen];
else if(!address6 && (res->ai_family == AF_INET6))
// Found IPv6 address
// Wrap the native address structures for CFSocketSetAddress.
address6 = [NSData dataWithBytes:res->ai_addr length:res->ai_addrlen];
if(!address4 && !address6) return NO;
// Create the sockets.
if (address4)
theSocket4 = [self newAcceptSocketForAddress:address4 error:errPtr];
if (theSocket4 == NULL) goto Failed;
if (address6)
theSocket6 = [self newAcceptSocketForAddress:address6 error:errPtr];
// Note: The iPhone doesn't currently support IPv6
if (theSocket6 == NULL) goto Failed;
// Attach the sockets to the run loop so that callback methods work
[self attachSocketsToRunLoop:nil error:nil];
// Set the SO_REUSEADDR flags.
int reuseOn = 1;
if (theSocket4) setsockopt(CFSocketGetNative(theSocket4), SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseOn, sizeof(reuseOn));
if (theSocket6) setsockopt(CFSocketGetNative(theSocket6), SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseOn, sizeof(reuseOn));
// Set the local bindings which causes the sockets to start listening.
CFSocketError err;
if (theSocket4)
err = CFSocketSetAddress (theSocket4, (CFDataRef)address4);
if (err != kCFSocketSuccess) goto Failed;
//NSLog(@"theSocket4: %hu", [self localPort:theSocket4]);
if(port == 0 && theSocket4 && theSocket6)
// The user has passed in port 0, which means he wants to allow the kernel to choose the port for them
// However, the kernel will choose a different port for both theSocket4 and theSocket6
// So we grab the port the kernel choose for theSocket4, and set it as the port for theSocket6
UInt16 chosenPort = [self localPort:theSocket4];
struct sockaddr_in6 *pSockAddr6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)[address6 bytes];
pSockAddr6->sin6_port = htons(chosenPort);
if (theSocket6)
err = CFSocketSetAddress (theSocket6, (CFDataRef)address6);
if (err != kCFSocketSuccess) goto Failed;
//NSLog(@"theSocket6: %hu", [self localPort:theSocket6]);
theFlags |= kDidPassConnectMethod;
return YES;
if(errPtr) *errPtr = [self getSocketError];
if(theSocket4 != NULL)
theSocket4 = NULL;
if(theSocket6 != NULL)
theSocket6 = NULL;
return NO;
#pragma mark Connecting
- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString*)hostname onPort:(UInt16)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
return [self connectToHost:hostname onPort:port withTimeout:-1 error:errPtr];
* This method creates an initial CFReadStream and CFWriteStream to the given host on the given port.
* The connection is then opened, and the corresponding CFSocket will be extracted after the connection succeeds.
* Thus the delegate will have access to the CFReadStream and CFWriteStream prior to connection,
* specifically in the onSocketWillConnect: method.
- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)hostname
error:(NSError **)errPtr
if(theDelegate == NULL)
[NSException raise:AsyncSocketException
format:@"Attempting to connect without a delegate. Set a delegate first."];
if(theSocket4 != NULL || theSocket6 != NULL)
[NSException raise:AsyncSocketException
format:@"Attempting to connect while connected or accepting connections. Disconnect first."];
if(![self createStreamsToHost:hostname onPort:port error:errPtr]) goto Failed;
if(![self attachStreamsToRunLoop:nil error:errPtr]) goto Failed;
if(![self configureStreamsAndReturnError:errPtr]) goto Failed;
if(![self openStreamsAndReturnError:errPtr]) goto Failed;
[self startConnectTimeout:timeout];
theFlags |= kDidPassConnectMethod;
return YES;
[self close];
return NO;
- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr
return [self connectToAddress:remoteAddr withTimeout:-1 error:errPtr];
* This method creates an initial CFSocket to the given address.
* The connection is then opened, and the corresponding CFReadStream and CFWriteStream will be
* created from the low-level sockets after the connection succeeds.
* Thus the delegate will have access to the CFSocket and CFSocketNativeHandle (BSD socket) prior to connection,
* specifically in the onSocketWillConnect: method.
* Note: The NSData parameter is expected to be a sockaddr structure. For example, an NSData object returned from
* NSNetservice addresses method.
* If you have an existing struct sockaddr you can convert it to an NSData object like so:
* struct sockaddr sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:&remoteAddr length:remoteAddr.sa_len];
* struct sockaddr *sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:remoteAddr length:remoteAddr->sa_len];
- (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout error:(NSError **)errPtr
if (theDelegate == NULL)
[NSException raise:AsyncSocketException
format:@"Attempting to connect without a delegate. Set a delegate first."];
if (theSocket4 != NULL || theSocket6 != NULL)
[NSException raise:AsyncSocketException
format:@"Attempting to connect while connected or accepting connections. Disconnect first."];
if(![self createSocketForAddress:remoteAddr error:errPtr]) goto Failed;
if(![self attachSocketsToRunLoop:nil error:errPtr]) goto Failed;
if(![self configureSocketAndReturnError:errPtr]) goto Failed;
if(![self connectSocketToAddress:remoteAddr error:errPtr]) goto Failed;
[self startConnectTimeout:timeout];
theFlags |= kDidPassConnectMethod;
return YES;
[self close];
return NO;
- (void)startConnectTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
if(timeout >= 0.0)
theConnectTimer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:timeout
[self runLoopAddTimer:theConnectTimer];
- (void)endConnectTimeout
[theConnectTimer invalidate];
theConnectTimer = nil;
- (void)doConnectTimeout:(NSTimer *)timer
[self endConnectTimeout];
[self closeWithError:[self getConnectTimeoutError]];
#pragma mark Socket Implementation
* Creates the accept sockets.
* Returns true if either IPv4 or IPv6 is created.
* If either is missing, an error is returned (even though the method may return true).
- (CFSocketRef)newAcceptSocketForAddress:(NSData *)addr error:(NSError **)errPtr
struct sockaddr *pSockAddr = (struct sockaddr *)[addr bytes];
int addressFamily = pSockAddr->sa_family;
CFSocketRef theSocket = CFSocketCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
kCFSocketAcceptCallBack, // Callback flags
(CFSocketCallBack)&MyCFSocketCallback, // Callback method
if(theSocket == NULL)
if(errPtr) *errPtr = [self getSocketError];
return theSocket;
- (BOOL)createSocketForAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr
struct sockaddr *pSockAddr = (struct sockaddr *)[remoteAddr bytes];
if(pSockAddr->sa_family == AF_INET)
theSocket4 = CFSocketCreate(NULL, // Default allocator
PF_INET, // Protocol Family
SOCK_STREAM, // Socket Type
IPPROTO_TCP, // Protocol
kCFSocketConnectCallBack, // Callback flags
(CFSocketCallBack)&MyCFSocketCallback, // Callback method
&theContext); // Socket Context
if(theSocket4 == NULL)
if (errPtr) *errPtr = [self getSocketError];
return NO;
else if(pSockAddr->sa_family == AF_INET6)
theSocket6 = CFSocketCreate(NULL, // Default allocator
PF_INET6, // Protocol Family
SOCK_STREAM, // Socket Type
IPPROTO_TCP, // Protocol
kCFSocketConnectCallBack, // Callback flags
(CFSocketCallBack)&MyCFSocketCallback, // Callback method
&theContext); // Socket Context
if(theSocket6 == NULL)
if (errPtr) *errPtr = [self getSocketError];
return NO;
if (errPtr) *errPtr = [self getSocketError];
return NO;
return YES;
* Adds the CFSocket's to the run-loop so that callbacks will work properly.
- (BOOL)attachSocketsToRunLoop:(NSRunLoop *)runLoop error:(NSError **)errPtr
// Get the CFRunLoop to which the socket should be attached.
theRunLoop = (runLoop == nil) ? CFRunLoopGetCurrent() : [runLoop getCFRunLoop];
theSource4 = CFSocketCreateRunLoopSource (kCFAllocatorDefault, theSocket4, 0);
[self runLoopAddSource:theSource4];
theSource6 = CFSocketCreateRunLoopSource (kCFAllocatorDefault, theSocket6, 0);
[self runLoopAddSource:theSource6];
return YES;
* Allows the delegate method to configure the CFSocket or CFNativeSocket as desired before we connect.
* Note that the CFReadStream and CFWriteStream will not be available until after the connection is opened.
- (BOOL)configureSocketAndReturnError:(NSError **)errPtr
// Call the delegate method for further configuration.
if([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onSocketWillConnect:)])
if([theDelegate onSocketWillConnect:self] == NO)
if (errPtr) *errPtr = [self getAbortError];
return NO;
return YES;
- (BOOL)connectSocketToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr
// Start connecting to the given address in the background
// The MyCFSocketCallback method will be called when the connection succeeds or fails
CFSocketError err = CFSocketConnectToAddress(theSocket4, (CFDataRef)remoteAddr, -1);
if(err != kCFSocketSuccess)
if (errPtr) *errPtr = [self getSocketError];
return NO;
else if(theSocket6)
CFSocketError err = CFSocketConnectToAddress(theSocket6, (CFDataRef)remoteAddr, -1);
if(err != kCFSocketSuccess)
if (errPtr) *errPtr = [self getSocketError];
return NO;
return YES;
* Attempt to make the new socket.
* If an error occurs, ignore this event.
- (void)doAcceptWithSocket:(CFSocketNativeHandle)newNative
// New socket inherits same delegate and run loop modes.
// Note: We use [self class] to support subclassing AsyncSocket.
AsyncSocket *newSocket = [[[[self class] alloc] initWithDelegate:theDelegate] autorelease];
[newSocket setRunLoopModes:theRunLoopModes];
if ([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onSocket:didAcceptNewSocket:)])
[theDelegate onSocket:self didAcceptNewSocket:newSocket];
NSRunLoop *runLoop = nil;
if ([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onSocket:wantsRunLoopForNewSocket:)])
runLoop = [theDelegate onSocket:self wantsRunLoopForNewSocket:newSocket];
BOOL pass = YES;
if(pass && ![newSocket createStreamsFromNative:newNative error:nil]) pass = NO;
if(pass && ![newSocket attachStreamsToRunLoop:runLoop error:nil]) pass = NO;
if(pass && ![newSocket configureStreamsAndReturnError:nil]) pass = NO;
if(pass && ![newSocket openStreamsAndReturnError:nil]) pass = NO;
newSocket->theFlags |= kDidPassConnectMethod;
else {
// No NSError, but errors will still get logged from the above functions.
[newSocket close];
* Description forthcoming...
- (void)doSocketOpen:(CFSocketRef)sock withCFSocketError:(CFSocketError)socketError
NSParameterAssert ((sock == theSocket4) || (sock == theSocket6));
if(socketError == kCFSocketTimeout || socketError == kCFSocketError)
[self closeWithError:[self getSocketError]];
// Get the underlying native (BSD) socket
CFSocketNativeHandle nativeSocket = CFSocketGetNative(sock);
// Setup the socket so that invalidating the socket will not close the native socket
CFSocketSetSocketFlags(sock, 0);
// Invalidate and release the CFSocket - All we need from here on out is the nativeSocket
// Note: If we don't invalidate the socket (leaving the native socket open)
// then theReadStream and theWriteStream won't function properly.
// Specifically, their callbacks won't work, with the exception of kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted.
// I'm not entirely sure why this is, but I'm guessing that events on the socket fire to the CFSocket we created,
// as opposed to the CFReadStream/CFWriteStream.
theSocket4 = NULL;
theSocket6 = NULL;
NSError *err;
BOOL pass = YES;
if(pass && ![self createStreamsFromNative:nativeSocket error:&err]) pass = NO;
if(pass && ![self attachStreamsToRunLoop:nil error:&err]) pass = NO;
if(pass && ![self openStreamsAndReturnError:&err]) pass = NO;
[self closeWithError:err];
#pragma mark Stream Implementation
* Creates the CFReadStream and CFWriteStream from the given native socket.
* The CFSocket may be extracted from either stream after the streams have been opened.
* Note: The given native socket must already be connected!
- (BOOL)createStreamsFromNative:(CFSocketNativeHandle)native error:(NSError **)errPtr
// Create the socket & streams.
CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket(kCFAllocatorDefault, native, &theReadStream, &theWriteStream);
if (theReadStream == NULL || theWriteStream == NULL)
NSError *err = [self getStreamError];
NSLog (@"AsyncSocket %p couldn't create streams from accepted socket: %@", self, err);
if (errPtr) *errPtr = err;
return NO;
// Ensure the CF & BSD socket is closed when the streams are closed.
CFReadStreamSetProperty(theReadStream, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanTrue);
CFWriteStreamSetProperty(theWriteStream, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanTrue);
return YES;
* Creates the CFReadStream and CFWriteStream from the given hostname and port number.
* The CFSocket may be extracted from either stream after the streams have been opened.
- (BOOL)createStreamsToHost:(NSString *)hostname onPort:(UInt16)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
// Create the socket & streams.
CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFStringRef)hostname, port, &theReadStream, &theWriteStream);
if (theReadStream == NULL || theWriteStream == NULL)
if (errPtr) *errPtr = [self getStreamError];
return NO;
// Ensure the CF & BSD socket is closed when the streams are closed.
CFReadStreamSetProperty(theReadStream, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanTrue);
CFWriteStreamSetProperty(theWriteStream, kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanTrue);
return YES;
- (BOOL)attachStreamsToRunLoop:(NSRunLoop *)runLoop error:(NSError **)errPtr
// Get the CFRunLoop to which the socket should be attached.
theRunLoop = (runLoop == nil) ? CFRunLoopGetCurrent() : [runLoop getCFRunLoop];
// Setup read stream callbacks
CFOptionFlags readStreamEvents = kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable |
kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred |
kCFStreamEventEndEncountered |
if (!CFReadStreamSetClient(theReadStream,
(CFStreamClientContext *)(&theContext)))
NSError *err = [self getStreamError];
NSLog (@"AsyncSocket %p couldn't attach read stream to run-loop,", self);
NSLog (@"Error: %@", err);
if (errPtr) *errPtr = err;
return NO;
// Setup write stream callbacks
CFOptionFlags writeStreamEvents = kCFStreamEventCanAcceptBytes |
kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred |
kCFStreamEventEndEncountered |
if (!CFWriteStreamSetClient (theWriteStream,
(CFStreamClientContext *)(&theContext)))
NSError *err = [self getStreamError];
NSLog (@"AsyncSocket %p couldn't attach write stream to run-loop,", self);
NSLog (@"Error: %@", err);
if (errPtr) *errPtr = err;
return NO;
// Add read and write streams to run loop
unsigned i, count = [theRunLoopModes count];
for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
CFStringRef runLoopMode = (CFStringRef)[theRunLoopModes objectAtIndex:i];
CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(theReadStream, theRunLoop, runLoopMode);
CFWriteStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(theWriteStream, theRunLoop, runLoopMode);
return YES;
* Allows the delegate method to configure the CFReadStream and/or CFWriteStream as desired before we connect.
* Note that the CFSocket and CFNativeSocket will not be available until after the connection is opened.
- (BOOL)configureStreamsAndReturnError:(NSError **)errPtr
// Call the delegate method for further configuration.
if([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onSocketWillConnect:)])
if([theDelegate onSocketWillConnect:self] == NO)
if (errPtr) *errPtr = [self getAbortError];
return NO;
return YES;
- (BOOL)openStreamsAndReturnError:(NSError **)errPtr
BOOL pass = YES;
if(pass && !CFReadStreamOpen (theReadStream))
NSLog (@"AsyncSocket %p couldn't open read stream,", self);
pass = NO;
if(pass && !CFWriteStreamOpen (theWriteStream))
NSLog (@"AsyncSocket %p couldn't open write stream,", self);
pass = NO;
if (errPtr) *errPtr = [self getStreamError];
return pass;
* Called when read or write streams open.
* When the socket is connected and both streams are open, consider the AsyncSocket instance to be ready.
- (void)doStreamOpen
NSError *err = nil;
if ((theFlags & kDidCompleteOpenForRead) && (theFlags & kDidCompleteOpenForWrite))
// Get the socket.
if (![self setSocketFromStreamsAndReturnError: &err])
NSLog (@"AsyncSocket %p couldn't get socket from streams, %@. Disconnecting.", self, err);
[self closeWithError:err];
// Stop the connection attempt timeout timer
[self endConnectTimeout];
if ([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onSocket:didConnectToHost:port:)])
[theDelegate onSocket:self didConnectToHost:[self connectedHost] port:[self connectedPort]];
// Immediately deal with any already-queued requests.
[self maybeDequeueRead];
[self maybeDequeueWrite];
- (BOOL)setSocketFromStreamsAndReturnError:(NSError **)errPtr
// Get the CFSocketNativeHandle from theReadStream
CFSocketNativeHandle native;
CFDataRef nativeProp = CFReadStreamCopyProperty(theReadStream, kCFStreamPropertySocketNativeHandle);
if(nativeProp == NULL)
if (errPtr) *errPtr = [self getStreamError];
return NO;
CFDataGetBytes(nativeProp, CFRangeMake(0, CFDataGetLength(nativeProp)), (UInt8 *)&native);
CFSocketRef theSocket = CFSocketCreateWithNative(kCFAllocatorDefault, native, 0, NULL, NULL);
if(theSocket == NULL)
if (errPtr) *errPtr = [self getSocketError];
return NO;
// Determine whether the connection was IPv4 or IPv6
CFDataRef peeraddr = CFSocketCopyPeerAddress(theSocket);
if(peeraddr == NULL)
NSLog(@"AsyncSocket couldn't determine IP version of socket");
if (errPtr) *errPtr = [self getSocketError];
return NO;
struct sockaddr *sa = (struct sockaddr *)CFDataGetBytePtr(peeraddr);
if(sa->sa_family == AF_INET)
theSocket4 = theSocket;
theSocket6 = theSocket;
return YES;
#pragma mark Disconnect Implementation
// Sends error message and disconnects
- (void)closeWithError:(NSError *)err
theFlags |= kClosingWithError;
if (theFlags & kDidPassConnectMethod)
// Try to salvage what data we can.
[self recoverUnreadData];
// Let the delegate know, so it can try to recover if it likes.
if ([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onSocket:willDisconnectWithError:)])
[theDelegate onSocket:self willDisconnectWithError:err];
[self close];
// Prepare partially read data for recovery.
- (void)recoverUnreadData
if(theCurrentRead != nil)
// We never finished the current read.
// Check to see if it's a normal read packet (not AsyncSpecialPacket) and if it had read anything yet.
if(([theCurrentRead isKindOfClass:[AsyncReadPacket class]]) && (theCurrentRead->bytesDone > 0))
// We need to move its data into the front of the partial read buffer.
[partialReadBuffer replaceBytesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 0)
withBytes:[theCurrentRead->buffer bytes]
[self emptyQueues];
- (void)emptyQueues
if (theCurrentRead != nil) [self endCurrentRead];
if (theCurrentWrite != nil) [self endCurrentWrite];
[theReadQueue removeAllObjects];
[theWriteQueue removeAllObjects];
[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self selector:@selector(maybeDequeueRead) object:nil];
[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self selector:@selector(maybeDequeueWrite) object:nil];
theFlags &= ~kDequeueReadScheduled;
theFlags &= ~kDequeueWriteScheduled;
* Disconnects. This is called for both error and clean disconnections.
- (void)close
// Empty queues
[self emptyQueues];
// Clear partialReadBuffer (pre-buffer and also unreadData buffer in case of error)
[partialReadBuffer replaceBytesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [partialReadBuffer length]) withBytes:NULL length:0];
[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self selector:@selector(disconnect) object:nil];
// Stop the connection attempt timeout timer
if (theConnectTimer != nil)
[self endConnectTimeout];
// Close streams.
if (theReadStream != NULL)
[self runLoopUnscheduleReadStream];
theReadStream = NULL;
if (theWriteStream != NULL)
[self runLoopUnscheduleWriteStream];
theWriteStream = NULL;
// Close sockets.
if (theSocket4 != NULL)
CFSocketInvalidate (theSocket4);
CFRelease (theSocket4);
theSocket4 = NULL;
if (theSocket6 != NULL)
CFSocketInvalidate (theSocket6);
CFRelease (theSocket6);
theSocket6 = NULL;
if (theSource4 != NULL)
[self runLoopRemoveSource:theSource4];
CFRelease (theSource4);
theSource4 = NULL;
if (theSource6 != NULL)
[self runLoopRemoveSource:theSource6];
CFRelease (theSource6);
theSource6 = NULL;
theRunLoop = NULL;
// If the client has passed the connect/accept method, then the connection has at least begun.
// Notify delegate that it is now ending.
BOOL shouldCallDelegate = (theFlags & kDidPassConnectMethod);
// Clear all flags (except the pre-buffering flag, which should remain as is)
theFlags &= kEnablePreBuffering;
if (shouldCallDelegate)
if ([theDelegate respondsToSelector: @selector(onSocketDidDisconnect:)])
[theDelegate onSocketDidDisconnect:self];
// Do not access any instance variables after calling onSocketDidDisconnect.
// This gives the delegate freedom to release us without returning here and crashing.
* Disconnects immediately. Any pending reads or writes are dropped.
- (void)disconnect
[self close];
* Diconnects after all pending reads have completed.
- (void)disconnectAfterReading
theFlags |= (kForbidReadsWrites | kDisconnectAfterReads);
[self maybeScheduleDisconnect];
* Disconnects after all pending writes have completed.
- (void)disconnectAfterWriting
theFlags |= (kForbidReadsWrites | kDisconnectAfterWrites);
[self maybeScheduleDisconnect];
* Disconnects after all pending reads and writes have completed.
- (void)disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting
theFlags |= (kForbidReadsWrites | kDisconnectAfterReads | kDisconnectAfterWrites);
[self maybeScheduleDisconnect];
* Schedules a call to disconnect if possible.
* That is, if all writes have completed, and we're set to disconnect after writing,
* or if all reads have completed, and we're set to disconnect after reading.
- (void)maybeScheduleDisconnect
BOOL shouldDisconnect = NO;
if(theFlags & kDisconnectAfterReads)
if(([theReadQueue count] == 0) && (theCurrentRead == nil))
if(theFlags & kDisconnectAfterWrites)
if(([theWriteQueue count] == 0) && (theCurrentWrite == nil))
shouldDisconnect = YES;
shouldDisconnect = YES;
else if(theFlags & kDisconnectAfterWrites)
if(([theWriteQueue count] == 0) && (theCurrentWrite == nil))
shouldDisconnect = YES;
[self performSelector:@selector(disconnect) withObject:nil afterDelay:0 inModes:theRunLoopModes];
* In the event of an error, this method may be called during onSocket:willDisconnectWithError: to read
* any data that's left on the socket.
- (NSData *)unreadData
// Ensure this method will only return data in the event of an error
if(!(theFlags & kClosingWithError)) return nil;
if(theReadStream == NULL) return nil;
CFIndex totalBytesRead = [partialReadBuffer length];
BOOL error = NO;
while(!error && CFReadStreamHasBytesAvailable(theReadStream))
[partialReadBuffer increaseLengthBy:READALL_CHUNKSIZE];
// Number of bytes to read is space left in packet buffer.
CFIndex bytesToRead = [partialReadBuffer length] - totalBytesRead;
// Read data into packet buffer
UInt8 *packetbuf = (UInt8 *)( [partialReadBuffer mutableBytes] + totalBytesRead );
CFIndex bytesRead = CFReadStreamRead(theReadStream, packetbuf, bytesToRead);
// Check results
if(bytesRead < 0)
error = YES;
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
[partialReadBuffer setLength:totalBytesRead];
return partialReadBuffer;
#pragma mark Errors
* Returns a standard error object for the current errno value.
* Errno is used for low-level BSD socket errors.
- (NSError *)getErrnoError
NSString *errorMsg = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:strerror(errno)];
NSDictionary *userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:errorMsg forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey];
return [NSError errorWithDomain:NSPOSIXErrorDomain code:errno userInfo:userInfo];
* Returns a standard error message for a CFSocket error.
* Unfortunately, CFSocket offers no feedback on its errors.
- (NSError *)getSocketError
NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"AsyncSocketCFSocketError",
@"AsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
@"General CFSocket error", nil);
NSDictionary *info = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:errMsg forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey];
return [NSError errorWithDomain:AsyncSocketErrorDomain code:AsyncSocketCFSocketError userInfo:info];
- (NSError *)getStreamError
CFStreamError err;
if (theReadStream != NULL)
err = CFReadStreamGetError (theReadStream);
if (err.error != 0) return [self errorFromCFStreamError: err];
if (theWriteStream != NULL)
err = CFWriteStreamGetError (theWriteStream);
if (err.error != 0) return [self errorFromCFStreamError: err];
return nil;
* Returns a standard AsyncSocket abort error.
- (NSError *)getAbortError
NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"AsyncSocketCanceledError",
@"AsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
@"Connection canceled", nil);
NSDictionary *info = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:errMsg forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey];
return [NSError errorWithDomain:AsyncSocketErrorDomain code:AsyncSocketCanceledError userInfo:info];
* Returns a standard AsyncSocket connect timeout error.
- (NSError *)getConnectTimeoutError
NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"AsyncSocketConnectTimeoutError",
@"AsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
@"Attempt to connect to host timed out", nil);
NSDictionary *info = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:errMsg forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey];
return [NSError errorWithDomain:AsyncSocketErrorDomain code:AsyncSocketConnectTimeoutError userInfo:info];
* Returns a standard AsyncSocket maxed out error.
- (NSError *)getReadMaxedOutError
NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"AsyncSocketReadMaxedOutError",
@"AsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
@"Read operation reached set maximum length", nil);
NSDictionary *info = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:errMsg forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey];
return [NSError errorWithDomain:AsyncSocketErrorDomain code:AsyncSocketReadMaxedOutError userInfo:info];
* Returns a standard AsyncSocket read timeout error.
- (NSError *)getReadTimeoutError
NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"AsyncSocketReadTimeoutError",
@"AsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
@"Read operation timed out", nil);
NSDictionary *info = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:errMsg forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey];
return [NSError errorWithDomain:AsyncSocketErrorDomain code:AsyncSocketReadTimeoutError userInfo:info];
* Returns a standard AsyncSocket write timeout error.
- (NSError *)getWriteTimeoutError
NSString *errMsg = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@"AsyncSocketWriteTimeoutError",
@"AsyncSocket", [NSBundle mainBundle],
@"Write operation timed out", nil);
NSDictionary *info = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:errMsg forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey];
return [NSError errorWithDomain:AsyncSocketErrorDomain code:AsyncSocketWriteTimeoutError userInfo:info];
- (NSError *)errorFromCFStreamError:(CFStreamError)err
if (err.domain == 0 && err.error == 0) return nil;
// Can't use switch; these constants aren't int literals.
NSString *domain = @"CFStreamError (unlisted domain)";
NSString *message = nil;
if(err.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainPOSIX) {
domain = NSPOSIXErrorDomain;
else if(err.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainMacOSStatus) {
domain = NSOSStatusErrorDomain;
else if(err.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainMach) {
domain = NSMachErrorDomain;
else if(err.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainNetDB)
domain = @"kCFStreamErrorDomainNetDB";
message = [NSString stringWithCString:gai_strerror(err.error) encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
else if(err.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainNetServices) {
domain = @"kCFStreamErrorDomainNetServices";
else if(err.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS) {
domain = @"kCFStreamErrorDomainSOCKS";
else if(err.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainSystemConfiguration) {
domain = @"kCFStreamErrorDomainSystemConfiguration";
else if(err.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL) {
domain = @"kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL";
NSDictionary *info = nil;
if(message != nil)
info = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:message forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey];
return [NSError errorWithDomain:domain code:err.error userInfo:info];
#pragma mark Diagnostics
- (BOOL)isConnected
return [self isSocketConnected] && [self areStreamsConnected];
- (NSString *)connectedHost
return [self connectedHost:theSocket4];
return [self connectedHost:theSocket6];
- (UInt16)connectedPort
return [self connectedPort:theSocket4];
return [self connectedPort:theSocket6];
- (NSString *)localHost
return [self localHost:theSocket4];
return [self localHost:theSocket6];
- (UInt16)localPort
return [self localPort:theSocket4];
return [self localPort:theSocket6];
- (NSString *)connectedHost:(CFSocketRef)theSocket
if (theSocket == NULL) return nil;
CFDataRef peeraddr;
NSString *peerstr = nil;
if((peeraddr = CFSocketCopyPeerAddress(theSocket)))
peerstr = [self addressHost:peeraddr];
CFRelease (peeraddr);
return peerstr;
- (UInt16)connectedPort:(CFSocketRef)theSocket
if (theSocket == NULL) return 0;
CFDataRef peeraddr;
UInt16 peerport = 0;
if((peeraddr = CFSocketCopyPeerAddress(theSocket)))
peerport = [self addressPort:peeraddr];
CFRelease (peeraddr);
return peerport;
- (NSString *)localHost:(CFSocketRef)theSocket
if (theSocket == NULL) return nil;
CFDataRef selfaddr;
NSString *selfstr = nil;
if((selfaddr = CFSocketCopyAddress(theSocket)))
selfstr = [self addressHost:selfaddr];
CFRelease (selfaddr);
return selfstr;
- (UInt16)localPort:(CFSocketRef)theSocket
if (theSocket == NULL) return 0;
CFDataRef selfaddr;
UInt16 selfport = 0;
if ((selfaddr = CFSocketCopyAddress(theSocket)))
selfport = [self addressPort:selfaddr];
CFRelease (selfaddr);
return selfport;
- (NSString *)addressHost:(CFDataRef)cfaddr
if (cfaddr == NULL) return nil;
struct sockaddr *pSockAddr = (struct sockaddr *) CFDataGetBytePtr (cfaddr);
struct sockaddr_in *pSockAddrV4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)pSockAddr;
struct sockaddr_in6 *pSockAddrV6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)pSockAddr;
const void *pAddr = (pSockAddr->sa_family == AF_INET) ?
(void *)(&(pSockAddrV4->sin_addr)) :
(void *)(&(pSockAddrV6->sin6_addr));
const char *pStr = inet_ntop (pSockAddr->sa_family, pAddr, addrBuf, sizeof(addrBuf));
if (pStr == NULL) [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException
format: @"Cannot convert address to string."];
return [NSString stringWithCString:pStr encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
- (UInt16)addressPort:(CFDataRef)cfaddr
if (cfaddr == NULL) return 0;
struct sockaddr_in *pAddr = (struct sockaddr_in *) CFDataGetBytePtr (cfaddr);
return ntohs (pAddr->sin_port);
- (NSData *)connectedAddress
CFSocketRef theSocket;
if (theSocket4)
theSocket = theSocket4;
theSocket = theSocket6;
if (theSocket == NULL) return nil;
CFDataRef peeraddr = CFSocketCopyPeerAddress(theSocket);
if (peeraddr == NULL) return nil;
NSData *result = [NSData dataWithBytes:CFDataGetBytePtr(peeraddr) length:CFDataGetLength(peeraddr)];
return result;
return [(NSData *)NSMakeCollectable(peeraddr) autorelease];
- (NSData *)localAddress
CFSocketRef theSocket;
if (theSocket4)
theSocket = theSocket4;
theSocket = theSocket6;
if (theSocket == NULL) return nil;
CFDataRef selfaddr = CFSocketCopyAddress(theSocket);
if (selfaddr == NULL) return nil;
NSData *result = [NSData dataWithBytes:CFDataGetBytePtr(selfaddr) length:CFDataGetLength(selfaddr)];
return result;
return [(NSData *)NSMakeCollectable(selfaddr) autorelease];
- (BOOL)isIPv4
return (theSocket4 != NULL);
- (BOOL)isIPv6
return (theSocket6 != NULL);
- (BOOL)isSocketConnected
if(theSocket4 != NULL)
return CFSocketIsValid(theSocket4);
else if(theSocket6 != NULL)
return CFSocketIsValid(theSocket6);
return NO;
- (BOOL)areStreamsConnected
CFStreamStatus s;
if (theReadStream != NULL)
s = CFReadStreamGetStatus (theReadStream);
if ( !(s == kCFStreamStatusOpen || s == kCFStreamStatusReading || s == kCFStreamStatusError) )
return NO;
else return NO;
if (theWriteStream != NULL)
s = CFWriteStreamGetStatus (theWriteStream);
if ( !(s == kCFStreamStatusOpen || s == kCFStreamStatusWriting || s == kCFStreamStatusError) )
return NO;
else return NO;
return YES;
- (NSString *)description
static const char *statstr[] = {"not open","opening","open","reading","writing","at end","closed","has error"};
CFStreamStatus rs = (theReadStream != NULL) ? CFReadStreamGetStatus(theReadStream) : 0;
CFStreamStatus ws = (theWriteStream != NULL) ? CFWriteStreamGetStatus(theWriteStream) : 0;
NSString *peerstr, *selfstr;
CFDataRef peeraddr4 = NULL, peeraddr6 = NULL, selfaddr4 = NULL, selfaddr6 = NULL;
if (theSocket4 || theSocket6)
if (theSocket4) peeraddr4 = CFSocketCopyPeerAddress(theSocket4);
if (theSocket6) peeraddr6 = CFSocketCopyPeerAddress(theSocket6);
if(theSocket4 && theSocket6)
peerstr = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/%@ %u",
[self addressHost:peeraddr4], [self addressHost:peeraddr6], [self addressPort:peeraddr4]];
else if(theSocket4)
peerstr = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ %u", [self addressHost:peeraddr4], [self addressPort:peeraddr4]];
peerstr = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ %u", [self addressHost:peeraddr6], [self addressPort:peeraddr6]];
if(peeraddr4) CFRelease(peeraddr4);
if(peeraddr6) CFRelease(peeraddr6);
peeraddr4 = NULL;
peeraddr6 = NULL;
else peerstr = @"nowhere";
if (theSocket4 || theSocket6)
if (theSocket4) selfaddr4 = CFSocketCopyAddress (theSocket4);
if (theSocket6) selfaddr6 = CFSocketCopyAddress (theSocket6);
if (theSocket4 && theSocket6)
selfstr = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/%@ %u",
[self addressHost:selfaddr4], [self addressHost:selfaddr6], [self addressPort:selfaddr4]];
else if (theSocket4)
selfstr = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ %u", [self addressHost:selfaddr4], [self addressPort:selfaddr4]];
selfstr = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ %u", [self addressHost:selfaddr6], [self addressPort:selfaddr6]];
if(selfaddr4) CFRelease(selfaddr4);
if(selfaddr6) CFRelease(selfaddr6);
selfaddr4 = NULL;
selfaddr6 = NULL;
else selfstr = @"nowhere";
NSMutableString *ms = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:150];
[ms appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"<AsyncSocket %p", self]];
[ms appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" local %@ remote %@ ", selfstr, peerstr]];
unsigned readQueueCount = (unsigned)[theReadQueue count];
unsigned writeQueueCount = (unsigned)[theWriteQueue count];
[ms appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"has queued %u reads %u writes, ", readQueueCount, writeQueueCount]];
if (theCurrentRead == nil)
[ms appendString: @"no current read, "];
int percentDone;
if ([theCurrentRead->buffer length] != 0)
percentDone = (float)theCurrentRead->bytesDone /
(float)[theCurrentRead->buffer length] * 100.0F;
percentDone = 100.0F;
[ms appendString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"currently read %u bytes (%d%% done), ",
(unsigned int)[theCurrentRead->buffer length],
theCurrentRead->bytesDone ? percentDone : 0]];
if (theCurrentWrite == nil)
[ms appendString: @"no current write, "];
int percentDone;
if ([theCurrentWrite->buffer length] != 0)
percentDone = (float)theCurrentWrite->bytesDone /
(float)[theCurrentWrite->buffer length] * 100.0F;
percentDone = 100.0F;
[ms appendString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"currently written %u (%d%%), ",
(unsigned int)[theCurrentWrite->buffer length],
theCurrentWrite->bytesDone ? percentDone : 0]];
[ms appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"read stream %p %s, ", theReadStream, statstr[rs]]];
[ms appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"write stream %p %s", theWriteStream, statstr[ws]]];
if(theFlags & kDisconnectAfterReads)
if(theFlags & kDisconnectAfterWrites)
[ms appendString: @", will disconnect after reads & writes"];
[ms appendString: @", will disconnect after reads"];
else if(theFlags & kDisconnectAfterWrites)
[ms appendString: @", will disconnect after writes"];
if (![self isConnected]) [ms appendString: @", not connected"];
[ms appendString:@">"];
return [ms autorelease];
#pragma mark Reading
- (void)readDataToLength:(CFIndex)length withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
if(length == 0) return;
if(theFlags & kForbidReadsWrites) return;
NSMutableData *buffer = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithLength:length];
AsyncReadPacket *packet = [[AsyncReadPacket alloc] initWithData:buffer
[theReadQueue addObject:packet];
[self scheduleDequeueRead];
[packet release];
[buffer release];
- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
[self readDataToData:data withTimeout:timeout maxLength:-1 tag:tag];
- (void)readDataToData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout maxLength:(CFIndex)length tag:(long)tag
if(data == nil || [data length] == 0) return;
if(length >= 0 && length < [data length]) return;
if(theFlags & kForbidReadsWrites) return;
NSMutableData *buffer = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithLength:0];
AsyncReadPacket *packet = [[AsyncReadPacket alloc] initWithData:buffer
[theReadQueue addObject:packet];
[self scheduleDequeueRead];
[packet release];
[buffer release];
- (void)readDataWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
if (theFlags & kForbidReadsWrites) return;
NSMutableData *buffer = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithLength:0];
AsyncReadPacket *packet = [[AsyncReadPacket alloc] initWithData:buffer
[theReadQueue addObject:packet];
[self scheduleDequeueRead];
[packet release];
[buffer release];
* Puts a maybeDequeueRead on the run loop.
* An assumption here is that selectors will be performed consecutively within their priority.
- (void)scheduleDequeueRead
if((theFlags & kDequeueReadScheduled) == 0)
theFlags |= kDequeueReadScheduled;
[self performSelector:@selector(maybeDequeueRead) withObject:nil afterDelay:0 inModes:theRunLoopModes];
* This method starts a new read, if needed.
* It is called when a user requests a read,
* or when a stream opens that may have requested reads sitting in the queue, etc.
- (void)maybeDequeueRead
// Unset the flag indicating a call to this method is scheduled
theFlags &= ~kDequeueReadScheduled;
// If we're not currently processing a read AND we have an available read stream
if((theCurrentRead == nil) && (theReadStream != NULL))
if([theReadQueue count] > 0)
// Dequeue the next object in the write queue
theCurrentRead = [[theReadQueue objectAtIndex:0] retain];
[theReadQueue removeObjectAtIndex:0];
if([theCurrentRead isKindOfClass:[AsyncSpecialPacket class]])
// Attempt to start TLS
theFlags |= kStartingReadTLS;
// This method won't do anything unless both kStartingReadTLS and kStartingWriteTLS are both set
[self maybeStartTLS];
// Start time-out timer
if(theCurrentRead->timeout >= 0.0)
theReadTimer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:theCurrentRead->timeout
[self runLoopAddTimer:theReadTimer];
// Immediately read, if possible
[self doBytesAvailable];
else if(theFlags & kDisconnectAfterReads)
if(theFlags & kDisconnectAfterWrites)
if(([theWriteQueue count] == 0) && (theCurrentWrite == nil))
[self disconnect];
[self disconnect];
* Call this method in doBytesAvailable instead of CFReadStreamHasBytesAvailable().
* This method supports pre-buffering properly as well as the kSocketHasBytesAvailable flag.
- (BOOL)hasBytesAvailable
if ((theFlags & kSocketHasBytesAvailable) || ([partialReadBuffer length] > 0))
return YES;
return CFReadStreamHasBytesAvailable(theReadStream);
* Call this method in doBytesAvailable instead of CFReadStreamRead().
* This method support pre-buffering properly.
- (CFIndex)readIntoBuffer:(UInt8 *)buffer maxLength:(CFIndex)length
if([partialReadBuffer length] > 0)
// Determine the maximum amount of data to read
CFIndex bytesToRead = MIN(length, [partialReadBuffer length]);
// Copy the bytes from the buffer
memcpy(buffer, [partialReadBuffer bytes], bytesToRead);
// Remove the copied bytes from the buffer
[partialReadBuffer replaceBytesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, bytesToRead) withBytes:NULL length:0];
return bytesToRead;
// Unset the "has-bytes-available" flag
theFlags &= ~kSocketHasBytesAvailable;
return CFReadStreamRead(theReadStream, buffer, length);
* This method is called when a new read is taken from the read queue or when new data becomes available on the stream.
- (void)doBytesAvailable
// If data is available on the stream, but there is no read request, then we don't need to process the data yet.
// Also, if there is a read request, but no read stream setup yet, we can't process any data yet.
if((theCurrentRead != nil) && (theReadStream != NULL))
// Note: This method is not called if theCurrentRead is an AsyncSpecialPacket (startTLS packet)
CFIndex totalBytesRead = 0;
BOOL done = NO;
BOOL socketError = NO;
BOOL maxoutError = NO;
while(!done && !socketError && !maxoutError && [self hasBytesAvailable])
BOOL didPreBuffer = NO;
// There are 3 types of read packets:
// 1) Read a specific length of data.
// 2) Read all available data.
// 3) Read up to a particular terminator.
if(theCurrentRead->readAllAvailableData == YES)
// We're reading all available data.
// Make sure there is at least READALL_CHUNKSIZE bytes available.
// We don't want to increase the buffer any more than this or we'll waste space.
// With prebuffering it's possible to read in a small chunk on the first read.
unsigned buffInc = READALL_CHUNKSIZE - ([theCurrentRead->buffer length] - theCurrentRead->bytesDone);
[theCurrentRead->buffer increaseLengthBy:buffInc];
else if(theCurrentRead->term != nil)
// We're reading up to a terminator.
// We may only want to read a few bytes.
// Just enough to ensure we don't go past our term or over our max limit.
// Unless pre-buffering is enabled, in which case we may want to read in a larger chunk.
// If we already have data pre-buffered, we obviously don't want to pre-buffer it again.
// So in this case we'll just read as usual.
if(([partialReadBuffer length] > 0) || !(theFlags & kEnablePreBuffering))
unsigned maxToRead = [theCurrentRead readLengthForTerm];
unsigned bufInc = maxToRead - ([theCurrentRead->buffer length] - theCurrentRead->bytesDone);
[theCurrentRead->buffer increaseLengthBy:bufInc];
didPreBuffer = YES;
unsigned maxToRead = [theCurrentRead prebufferReadLengthForTerm];
unsigned buffInc = maxToRead - ([theCurrentRead->buffer length] - theCurrentRead->bytesDone);
[theCurrentRead->buffer increaseLengthBy:buffInc];
// Number of bytes to read is space left in packet buffer.
CFIndex bytesToRead = [theCurrentRead->buffer length] - theCurrentRead->bytesDone;
// Read data into packet buffer
UInt8 *subBuffer = (UInt8 *)([theCurrentRead->buffer mutableBytes] + theCurrentRead->bytesDone);
CFIndex bytesRead = [self readIntoBuffer:subBuffer maxLength:bytesToRead];
// Check results
if(bytesRead < 0)
socketError = YES;
// Update total amount read for the current read
theCurrentRead->bytesDone += bytesRead;
// Update total amount read in this method invocation
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
// Is packet done?
if(theCurrentRead->readAllAvailableData != YES)
if(theCurrentRead->term != nil)
// Search for the terminating sequence within the big chunk we just read.
CFIndex overflow = [theCurrentRead searchForTermAfterPreBuffering:bytesRead];
if(overflow > 0)
// Copy excess data into partialReadBuffer
NSMutableData *buffer = theCurrentRead->buffer;
const void *overflowBuffer = [buffer bytes] + theCurrentRead->bytesDone - overflow;
[partialReadBuffer appendBytes:overflowBuffer length:overflow];
// Update the bytesDone variable.
// Note: The completeCurrentRead method will trim the buffer for us.
theCurrentRead->bytesDone -= overflow;
done = (overflow >= 0);
// Search for the terminating sequence at the end of the buffer
int termlen = [theCurrentRead->term length];
if(theCurrentRead->bytesDone >= termlen)
const void *buf = [theCurrentRead->buffer bytes] + (theCurrentRead->bytesDone - termlen);
const void *seq = [theCurrentRead->term bytes];
done = (memcmp (buf, seq, termlen) == 0);
if(!done && theCurrentRead->maxLength >= 0 && theCurrentRead->bytesDone >= theCurrentRead->maxLength)
// There's a set maxLength, and we've reached that maxLength without completing the read
maxoutError = YES;
// Done when (sized) buffer is full.
done = ([theCurrentRead->buffer length] == theCurrentRead->bytesDone);
// else readAllAvailable doesn't end until all readable is read.
if(theCurrentRead->readAllAvailableData && theCurrentRead->bytesDone > 0)
// Ran out of bytes, so the "read-all-available-data" type packet is done
done = YES;
[self completeCurrentRead];
if (!socketError) [self scheduleDequeueRead];
else if(totalBytesRead > 0)
// We're not done with the readToLength or readToData yet, but we have read in some bytes
if ([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onSocket:didReadPartialDataOfLength:tag:)])
[theDelegate onSocket:self didReadPartialDataOfLength:totalBytesRead tag:theCurrentRead->tag];
CFStreamError err = CFReadStreamGetError(theReadStream);
[self closeWithError:[self errorFromCFStreamError:err]];
[self closeWithError:[self getReadMaxedOutError]];
// Ends current read and calls delegate.
- (void)completeCurrentRead
NSAssert(theCurrentRead, @"Trying to complete current read when there is no current read.");
[theCurrentRead->buffer setLength:theCurrentRead->bytesDone];
if([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onSocket:didReadData:withTag:)])
[theDelegate onSocket:self didReadData:theCurrentRead->buffer withTag:theCurrentRead->tag];
if (theCurrentRead != nil) [self endCurrentRead]; // Caller may have disconnected.
// Ends current read.
- (void)endCurrentRead
NSAssert(theCurrentRead, @"Trying to end current read when there is no current read.");
[theReadTimer invalidate];
theReadTimer = nil;
[theCurrentRead release];
theCurrentRead = nil;
- (void)doReadTimeout:(NSTimer *)timer
NSTimeInterval timeoutExtension = 0.0;
if([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onSocket:shouldTimeoutReadWithTag:elapsed:bytesDone:)])
timeoutExtension = [theDelegate onSocket:self shouldTimeoutReadWithTag:theCurrentRead->tag
if(timeoutExtension > 0.0)
theCurrentRead->timeout += timeoutExtension;
theReadTimer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:timeoutExtension
[self runLoopAddTimer:theReadTimer];
// Do not call endCurrentRead here.
// We must allow the delegate access to any partial read in the unreadData method.
[self closeWithError:[self getReadTimeoutError]];
#pragma mark Writing
- (void)writeData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag
if (data == nil || [data length] == 0) return;
if (theFlags & kForbidReadsWrites) return;
AsyncWritePacket *packet = [[AsyncWritePacket alloc] initWithData:data timeout:timeout tag:tag];
[theWriteQueue addObject:packet];
[self scheduleDequeueWrite];
[packet release];
- (void)scheduleDequeueWrite
if((theFlags & kDequeueWriteScheduled) == 0)
theFlags |= kDequeueWriteScheduled;
[self performSelector:@selector(maybeDequeueWrite) withObject:nil afterDelay:0 inModes:theRunLoopModes];
* Conditionally starts a new write.
* IF there is not another write in process
* AND there is a write queued
* AND we have a write stream available
* This method also handles auto-disconnect post read/write completion.
- (void)maybeDequeueWrite
// Unset the flag indicating a call to this method is scheduled
theFlags &= ~kDequeueWriteScheduled;
// If we're not currently processing a write AND we have an available write stream
if((theCurrentWrite == nil) && (theWriteStream != NULL))
if([theWriteQueue count] > 0)
// Dequeue the next object in the write queue
theCurrentWrite = [[theWriteQueue objectAtIndex:0] retain];
[theWriteQueue removeObjectAtIndex:0];
if([theCurrentWrite isKindOfClass:[AsyncSpecialPacket class]])
// Attempt to start TLS
theFlags |= kStartingWriteTLS;
// This method won't do anything unless both kStartingReadTLS and kStartingWriteTLS are both set
[self maybeStartTLS];
// Start time-out timer
if(theCurrentWrite->timeout >= 0.0)
theWriteTimer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:theCurrentWrite->timeout
[self runLoopAddTimer:theWriteTimer];
// Immediately write, if possible
[self doSendBytes];
else if(theFlags & kDisconnectAfterWrites)
if(theFlags & kDisconnectAfterReads)
if(([theReadQueue count] == 0) && (theCurrentRead == nil))
[self disconnect];
[self disconnect];
* Call this method in doSendBytes instead of CFWriteStreamCanAcceptBytes().
* This method supports the kSocketCanAcceptBytes flag.
- (BOOL)canAcceptBytes
if (theFlags & kSocketCanAcceptBytes)
return YES;
return CFWriteStreamCanAcceptBytes(theWriteStream);
- (void)doSendBytes
if((theCurrentWrite != nil) && (theWriteStream != NULL))
// Note: This method is not called if theCurrentWrite is an AsyncSpecialPacket (startTLS packet)
CFIndex totalBytesWritten = 0;
BOOL done = NO;
BOOL error = NO;
while (!done && !error && [self canAcceptBytes])
// Figure out what to write.
CFIndex bytesRemaining = [theCurrentWrite->buffer length] - theCurrentWrite->bytesDone;
CFIndex bytesToWrite = (bytesRemaining < WRITE_CHUNKSIZE) ? bytesRemaining : WRITE_CHUNKSIZE;
UInt8 *writestart = (UInt8 *)([theCurrentWrite->buffer bytes] + theCurrentWrite->bytesDone);
// Write.
CFIndex bytesWritten = CFWriteStreamWrite(theWriteStream, writestart, bytesToWrite);
// Unset the "can accept bytes" flag
theFlags &= ~kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
// Check results
if (bytesWritten < 0)
error = YES;
// Update total amount read for the current write
theCurrentWrite->bytesDone += bytesWritten;
// Update total amount written in this method invocation
totalBytesWritten += bytesWritten;
// Is packet done?
done = ([theCurrentWrite->buffer length] == theCurrentWrite->bytesDone);
[self completeCurrentWrite];
[self scheduleDequeueWrite];
else if(error)
CFStreamError err = CFWriteStreamGetError(theWriteStream);
[self closeWithError:[self errorFromCFStreamError:err]];
// We're not done with the entire write, but we have written some bytes
if ([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onSocket:didWritePartialDataOfLength:tag:)])
[theDelegate onSocket:self didWritePartialDataOfLength:totalBytesWritten tag:theCurrentWrite->tag];
// Ends current write and calls delegate.
- (void)completeCurrentWrite
NSAssert(theCurrentWrite, @"Trying to complete current write when there is no current write.");
if ([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onSocket:didWriteDataWithTag:)])
[theDelegate onSocket:self didWriteDataWithTag:theCurrentWrite->tag];
if (theCurrentWrite != nil) [self endCurrentWrite]; // Caller may have disconnected.
// Ends current write.
- (void)endCurrentWrite
NSAssert(theCurrentWrite, @"Trying to complete current write when there is no current write.");
[theWriteTimer invalidate];
theWriteTimer = nil;
[theCurrentWrite release];
theCurrentWrite = nil;
- (void)doWriteTimeout:(NSTimer *)timer
NSTimeInterval timeoutExtension = 0.0;
if([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onSocket:shouldTimeoutWriteWithTag:elapsed:bytesDone:)])
timeoutExtension = [theDelegate onSocket:self shouldTimeoutWriteWithTag:theCurrentWrite->tag
if(timeoutExtension > 0.0)
theCurrentWrite->timeout += timeoutExtension;
theWriteTimer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:timeoutExtension
[self runLoopAddTimer:theWriteTimer];
[self closeWithError:[self getWriteTimeoutError]];
#pragma mark Security
- (void)startTLS:(NSDictionary *)tlsSettings
if(tlsSettings == nil)
// Passing nil/NULL to CFReadStreamSetProperty will appear to work the same as passing an empty dictionary,
// but causes problems if we later try to fetch the remote host's certificate.
// To be exact, it causes the following to return NULL instead of the normal result:
// CFReadStreamCopyProperty(readStream, kCFStreamPropertySSLPeerCertificates)
// So we use an empty dictionary instead, which works perfectly.
tlsSettings = [NSDictionary dictionary];
AsyncSpecialPacket *packet = [[AsyncSpecialPacket alloc] initWithTLSSettings:tlsSettings];
[theReadQueue addObject:packet];
[self scheduleDequeueRead];
[theWriteQueue addObject:packet];
[self scheduleDequeueWrite];
[packet release];
- (void)maybeStartTLS
// We can't start TLS until:
// - All queued reads prior to the user calling StartTLS are complete
// - All queued writes prior to the user calling StartTLS are complete
// We'll know these conditions are met when both kStartingReadTLS and kStartingWriteTLS are set
if((theFlags & kStartingReadTLS) && (theFlags & kStartingWriteTLS))
AsyncSpecialPacket *tlsPacket = (AsyncSpecialPacket *)theCurrentRead;
BOOL didStartOnReadStream = CFReadStreamSetProperty(theReadStream, kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings,
BOOL didStartOnWriteStream = CFWriteStreamSetProperty(theWriteStream, kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings,
if(!didStartOnReadStream || !didStartOnWriteStream)
[self closeWithError:[self getSocketError]];
- (void)onTLSHandshakeSuccessful
if((theFlags & kStartingReadTLS) && (theFlags & kStartingWriteTLS))
theFlags &= ~kStartingReadTLS;
theFlags &= ~kStartingWriteTLS;
if([theDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onSocketDidSecure:)])
[theDelegate onSocketDidSecure:self];
[self endCurrentRead];
[self endCurrentWrite];
[self scheduleDequeueRead];
[self scheduleDequeueWrite];
#pragma mark CF Callbacks
- (void)doCFSocketCallback:(CFSocketCallBackType)type
withAddress:(NSData *)address
withData:(const void *)pData
NSParameterAssert ((sock == theSocket4) || (sock == theSocket6));
switch (type)
case kCFSocketConnectCallBack:
// The data argument is either NULL or a pointer to an SInt32 error code, if the connect failed.
[self doSocketOpen:sock withCFSocketError:kCFSocketError];
[self doSocketOpen:sock withCFSocketError:kCFSocketSuccess];
case kCFSocketAcceptCallBack:
[self doAcceptWithSocket: *((CFSocketNativeHandle *)pData)];
NSLog (@"AsyncSocket %p received unexpected CFSocketCallBackType %d.", self, type);
- (void)doCFReadStreamCallback:(CFStreamEventType)type forStream:(CFReadStreamRef)stream
NSParameterAssert(theReadStream != NULL);
CFStreamError err;
switch (type)
case kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted:
theFlags |= kDidCompleteOpenForRead;
[self doStreamOpen];
case kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:
if(theFlags & kStartingReadTLS) {
[self onTLSHandshakeSuccessful];
else {
theFlags |= kSocketHasBytesAvailable;
[self doBytesAvailable];
case kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred:
case kCFStreamEventEndEncountered:
err = CFReadStreamGetError (theReadStream);
[self closeWithError: [self errorFromCFStreamError:err]];
NSLog (@"AsyncSocket %p received unexpected CFReadStream callback, CFStreamEventType %d.", self, type);
- (void)doCFWriteStreamCallback:(CFStreamEventType)type forStream:(CFWriteStreamRef)stream
NSParameterAssert(theWriteStream != NULL);
CFStreamError err;
switch (type)
case kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted:
theFlags |= kDidCompleteOpenForWrite;
[self doStreamOpen];
case kCFStreamEventCanAcceptBytes:
if(theFlags & kStartingWriteTLS) {
[self onTLSHandshakeSuccessful];
else {
theFlags |= kSocketCanAcceptBytes;
[self doSendBytes];
case kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred:
case kCFStreamEventEndEncountered:
err = CFWriteStreamGetError (theWriteStream);
[self closeWithError: [self errorFromCFStreamError:err]];
NSLog (@"AsyncSocket %p received unexpected CFWriteStream callback, CFStreamEventType %d.", self, type);
* This is the callback we setup for CFSocket.
* This method does nothing but forward the call to it's Objective-C counterpart
static void MyCFSocketCallback (CFSocketRef sref, CFSocketCallBackType type, CFDataRef address, const void *pData, void *pInfo)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
AsyncSocket *theSocket = [[(AsyncSocket *)pInfo retain] autorelease];
[theSocket doCFSocketCallback:type forSocket:sref withAddress:(NSData *)address withData:pData];
[pool release];
* This is the callback we setup for CFReadStream.
* This method does nothing but forward the call to it's Objective-C counterpart
static void MyCFReadStreamCallback (CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType type, void *pInfo)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
AsyncSocket *theSocket = [[(AsyncSocket *)pInfo retain] autorelease];
[theSocket doCFReadStreamCallback:type forStream:stream];
[pool release];
* This is the callback we setup for CFWriteStream.
* This method does nothing but forward the call to it's Objective-C counterpart
static void MyCFWriteStreamCallback (CFWriteStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType type, void *pInfo)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
AsyncSocket *theSocket = [[(AsyncSocket *)pInfo retain] autorelease];
[theSocket doCFWriteStreamCallback:type forStream:stream];
[pool release];
#pragma mark Class Methods
// Return line separators.
+ (NSData *)CRLFData
return [NSData dataWithBytes:"\x0D\x0A" length:2];
+ (NSData *)CRData
return [NSData dataWithBytes:"\x0D" length:1];
+ (NSData *)LFData
return [NSData dataWithBytes:"\x0A" length:1];
+ (NSData *)ZeroData
return [NSData dataWithBytes:"" length:1];