Subversion Repositories FlightCtrl

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Ignore whitespace Rev 2284 → Rev 2285

0,0 → 1,632
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Software Nutzungsbedingungen (english version: see below)
// + der Fa. HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland - nachfolgend Lizenzgeber genannt -
// + Der Lizenzgeber räumt dem Kunden ein nicht-ausschließliches, zeitlich und räumlich* unbeschränktes Recht ein, die im den
// + Mikrocontroller verwendete Firmware für die Hardware Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, MK3Mag & PC-Programm MikroKopter-Tool
// + - nachfolgend Software genannt - nur für private Zwecke zu nutzen.
// + Der Einsatz dieser Software ist nur auf oder mit Produkten des Lizenzgebers zulässig.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Die vom Lizenzgeber gelieferte Software ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte an der Software sowie an sonstigen im
// + Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Vertragsdurchführung überlassenen Unterlagen stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner ausschließlich dem Lizenzgeber zu.
// + Die in der Software enthaltenen Copyright-Vermerke, Markenzeichen, andere Rechtsvorbehalte, Seriennummern sowie
// + sonstige der Programmidentifikation dienenden Merkmale dürfen vom Kunden nicht verändert oder unkenntlich gemacht werden.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den sicheren Einsatz der Software. Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren
// + Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Die Haftung des Lizenzgebers wird - soweit gesetzlich zulässig - begrenzt in Höhe des typischen und vorhersehbaren
// + Schadens. Die gesetzliche Haftung bei Personenschäden und nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleibt unberührt. Dem Lizenzgeber steht jedoch der Einwand
// + des Mitverschuldens offen.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den Fall, dass die Software ganz oder teilweise nicht ordnungsgemäß arbeitet.
// + Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Der Kunde wird er seine Daten vor Einsatz der Software nach dem Stand der Technik sichern.
// + Der Kunde ist darüber unterrichtet, dass der Lizenzgeber seine Daten im zur Vertragsdurchführung erforderlichen Umfang
// + und auf Grundlage der Datenschutzvorschriften erhebt, speichert, verarbeitet und, sofern notwendig, an Dritte übermittelt.
// + *) Die räumliche Nutzung bezieht sich nur auf den Einsatzort, nicht auf die Reichweite der programmierten Software.
// + Hinweis: Informationen über erweiterte Nutzungsrechte (wie z.B. Nutzung für nicht-private Zwecke) sind auf Anfrage per Email an info(@) verfügbar.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
// + The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware
// + (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
// + The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.
// + The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this
// + agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this
// + agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.
// + The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other
// + features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.
// + The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions
// + for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the
// + intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and
// + foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product
// + liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.
// + The customer will take adequate precautions in the case, that the software is not working properly. The customer will test
// + the software for his purpose before any operational usage. The customer will backup his data before using the software.
// + The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data
// + to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.
// + *) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.
// + Note: For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at info(@)
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#ifndef EEMEM
#define EEMEM __attribute__ ((section (".eeprom")))
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "eeprom.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include "led.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "fc.h"
#include "twimaster.h"
paramset_t EE_Parameter;
MixerTable_t Mixer;
uint8_t RequiredMotors;
uint8_t RAM_Checksum(uint8_t* pBuffer, uint16_t len)
uint8_t crc = 0xAA;
uint16_t i;
for(i=0; i<len; i++)
crc += pBuffer[i];
return crc;
uint8_t EEProm_Checksum(uint16_t EEAddr, uint16_t len)
uint8_t crc = 0xAA;
uint16_t off;
for(off=0; off<len; off++)
crc += eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(EEAddr + off));;
return crc;
void ParamSet_DefaultStickMapping(void)
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GAS] = 1;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL] = 2;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK] = 3;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GIER] = 4;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI1] = 5;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI2] = 6;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI3] = 7;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI4] = 8;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI5] = 9;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI6] = 10;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI7] = 11;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI8] = 12;
/* Default Values for parameter set 1 */
void CommonDefaults(void)
EE_Parameter.Revision = EEPARAM_REVISION;
memset(EE_Parameter.Name,0,12); // delete name
if(PlatinenVersion >= 20)
EE_Parameter.Gyro_D = 10;
EE_Parameter.Driftkomp = 0;
EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor = 27;
EE_Parameter.WinkelUmschlagNick = 78;
EE_Parameter.WinkelUmschlagRoll = 78;
EE_Parameter.Gyro_D = 3;
EE_Parameter.Driftkomp = 32;
EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor = 30;
EE_Parameter.WinkelUmschlagNick = 85;
EE_Parameter.WinkelUmschlagRoll = 85;
EE_Parameter.GyroAccAbgleich = 32; // 1/k
EE_Parameter.BitConfig = 0; // Looping usw.
EE_Parameter.ExtraConfig = CFG_GPS_AID | CFG2_VARIO_BEEP;
EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig3 = CFG3_SPEAK_ALL;//CFG3_VARIO_FAILSAFE;
EE_Parameter.Receiver = RECEIVER_HOTT;
EE_Parameter.MotorSafetySwitch = 0;
EE_Parameter.ExternalControl = 0;
EE_Parameter.Gas_Min = 8; // Wert : 0-32
EE_Parameter.Gas_Max = 230; // Wert : 33-247
EE_Parameter.KompassWirkung = 64; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_MinGas = 30;
EE_Parameter.MaxHoehe = 255; // Wert : 0-247 255 -> Poti1
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_P = 15; // Wert : 0-32
EE_Parameter.Luftdruck_D = 30; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_ACC_Wirkung = 0; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_HoverBand = 8; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_GPS_Z = 20; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_StickNeutralPoint = 0;// Wert : 0-247 (0 = Hover-Estimation)
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_Verstaerkung = 15; // Wert : 0-50 (15 -> ca. +/- 5m/sek bei Stick-Voll-Ausschlag)
EE_Parameter.UserParam1 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.UserParam2 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.UserParam3 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.UserParam4 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.UserParam5 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.UserParam6 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.UserParam7 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.UserParam8 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.ServoNickControl = 128; // Wert : 0-247 // Stellung des Servos
EE_Parameter.ServoNickComp = 50; // Wert : 0-247 // Einfluss Gyro/Servo
EE_Parameter.ServoCompInvert = 2; // Wert : 0-247 // Richtung Einfluss Gyro/Servo
EE_Parameter.ServoNickMin = 15; // Wert : 0-247 // Anschlag
EE_Parameter.ServoNickMax = 230; // Wert : 0-247 // Anschlag
EE_Parameter.ServoNickRefresh = 4;
EE_Parameter.Servo3 = 125;
EE_Parameter.Servo4 = 125;
EE_Parameter.Servo5 = 125;
EE_Parameter.ServoRollControl = 128; // Wert : 0-247 // Stellung des Servos
EE_Parameter.ServoRollComp = 85; // Wert : 0-247 // Einfluss Gyro/Servo
EE_Parameter.ServoRollMin = 70; // Wert : 0-247 // Anschlag
EE_Parameter.ServoRollMax = 220; // Wert : 0-247 // Anschlag
EE_Parameter.ServoManualControlSpeed = 60;
EE_Parameter.CamOrientation = 0; // Wert : 0-24 -> 0-360 -> 15° steps
EE_Parameter.J16Bitmask = 95;
EE_Parameter.J17Bitmask = 243;
EE_Parameter.WARN_J16_Bitmask = 0xAA;
EE_Parameter.WARN_J17_Bitmask = 0xAA;
EE_Parameter.J16Timing = 40;
EE_Parameter.J17Timing = 40;
EE_Parameter.NaviOut1Parameter = 0; // Photo release in meter
EE_Parameter.LoopGasLimit = 50;
EE_Parameter.LoopThreshold = 90; // Wert: 0-247 Schwelle für Stickausschlag
EE_Parameter.LoopHysterese = 50;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsModeControl = 254; // 254 -> Poti 2
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsGain = 100;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsP = 90;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsI = 90;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsD = 90;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsPLimit = 75;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsILimit = 85;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsDLimit = 75;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsACC = 0;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsMinSat = 6;
EE_Parameter.NaviStickThreshold = 8;
EE_Parameter.NaviWindCorrection = 90;
EE_Parameter.NaviAccCompensation = 42;
EE_Parameter.NaviOperatingRadius = 245;
EE_Parameter.NaviAngleLimitation = 140;
EE_Parameter.NaviPH_LoginTime = 5;
EE_Parameter.OrientationAngle = 0;
EE_Parameter.CareFreeModeControl = 0;
EE_Parameter.UnterspannungsWarnung = 33; // Wert : 0-247 ( Automatische Zellenerkennung bei < 50)
EE_Parameter.NotGas = 65; // Wert : 0-247 // Gaswert bei Empangsverlust (ggf. in Prozent)
EE_Parameter.NotGasZeit = 90; // Wert : 0-247 // Zeit bis auf NotGas geschaltet wird, wg. Rx-Problemen
EE_Parameter.MotorSmooth = 0;
EE_Parameter.ComingHomeAltitude = 0; // 0 = don't change
EE_Parameter.FailSafeTime = 0; // 0 = off
EE_Parameter.MaxAltitude = 150; // 0 = off
EE_Parameter.AchsKopplung1 = 90;
EE_Parameter.AchsKopplung2 = 55;
EE_Parameter.FailsafeChannel = 0;
EE_Parameter.ServoFilterNick = 0;
EE_Parameter.ServoFilterRoll = 0;
void ParamSet_DefaultSet1(void) // sport
EE_Parameter.Stick_P = 14; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Stick_D = 16; // Wert : 0-20
EE_Parameter.StickGier_P = 12; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Gyro_P = 80; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_I = 150; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_P = 80; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_I = 150; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Stability = 6; // Wert : 1-8
EE_Parameter.I_Faktor = 32;
EE_Parameter.CouplingYawCorrection = 1;
EE_Parameter.GyroAccAbgleich = 16; // 1/k;
EE_Parameter.DynamicStability = 100;
memcpy(EE_Parameter.Name, "Sport\0", 12);
EE_Parameter.crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(&EE_Parameter), sizeof(EE_Parameter)-1);
/* Default Values for parameter set 1 */
void ParamSet_DefaultSet1(void) // normal
EE_Parameter.Stick_P = 10; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Stick_D = 16; // Wert : 0-20
EE_Parameter.StickGier_P = 6; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Gyro_P = 90; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_I = 120; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_P = 90; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_I = 120; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Stability = 6; // Wert : 1-8
EE_Parameter.I_Faktor = 32;
EE_Parameter.CouplingYawCorrection = 60;
EE_Parameter.DynamicStability = 75;
memcpy(EE_Parameter.Name, "Fast",4);
EE_Parameter.crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(&EE_Parameter), sizeof(EE_Parameter)-1);
/* Default Values for parameter set 2 */
void ParamSet_DefaultSet2(void) // beginner
EE_Parameter.Stick_P = 8; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Stick_D = 16; // Wert : 0-20
EE_Parameter.StickGier_P = 6; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Gyro_P = 100; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_I = 120; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_P = 100; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_I = 120; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Stability = 6; // Wert : 1-8
EE_Parameter.I_Faktor = 16;
EE_Parameter.CouplingYawCorrection = 70;
EE_Parameter.DynamicStability = 70;
memcpy(EE_Parameter.Name, "Normal",6);
EE_Parameter.crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(&EE_Parameter), sizeof(EE_Parameter)-1);
/* Default Values for parameter set 3 */
void ParamSet_DefaultSet3(void) // beginner
EE_Parameter.Stick_P = 6; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Stick_D = 10; // Wert : 0-20
EE_Parameter.StickGier_P = 4; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Gyro_P = 100; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_I = 120; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_P = 100; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_I = 120; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Stability = 6; // Wert : 1-8
EE_Parameter.I_Faktor = 16;
EE_Parameter.CouplingYawCorrection = 70;
EE_Parameter.DynamicStability = 70;
memcpy(EE_Parameter.Name, "Easy", 4);
EE_Parameter.crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(&EE_Parameter), sizeof(EE_Parameter)-1);
/* Read Parameter from EEPROM as byte */
uint8_t GetParamByte(uint16_t param_id)
return eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAM_BEGIN + param_id));
/* Write Parameter to EEPROM as byte */
void SetParamByte(uint16_t param_id, uint8_t value)
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAM_BEGIN + param_id), value);
/* Read Parameter from EEPROM as word */
uint16_t GetParamWord(uint16_t param_id)
return eeprom_read_word((uint16_t *)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAM_BEGIN + param_id));
/* Write Parameter to EEPROM as word */
void SetParamWord(uint16_t param_id, uint16_t value)
eeprom_write_word((uint16_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAM_BEGIN + param_id), value);
/* Read Parameter Set from EEPROM */
// number [1..5]
uint8_t ParamSet_ReadFromEEProm(uint8_t setnumber)
uint8_t crc;
uint16_t eeaddr;
// range the setnumber
if((1 > setnumber) || (setnumber > 5)) setnumber = 3;
// calculate eeprom addr
eeaddr = EEPROM_ADR_PARAMSET + PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN * (setnumber - 1);
// calculate checksum from eeprom
crc = EEProm_Checksum(eeaddr, PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN - 1);
// check crc
if(crc != eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(eeaddr + PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN - 1))) return 0;
// check revision
if(eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(eeaddr)) != EEPARAM_REVISION) return 0;
// read paramset from eeprom
eeprom_read_block((void *) &EE_Parameter, (void*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAMSET + PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN * (setnumber - 1)), PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN);
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
return 1;
/* Write Parameter Set to EEPROM */
// number [1..5]
uint8_t ParamSet_WriteToEEProm(uint8_t setnumber)
uint8_t crc;
if(EE_Parameter.Revision == EEPARAM_REVISION) // write only the right revision to eeprom
if(setnumber > 5) setnumber = 5;
if(setnumber < 1) return 0;
if(EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig3 & CFG3_VARIO_FAILSAFE) // check the Setting: Not more than 100% emergency gas
if(EE_Parameter.NotGas > 99) EE_Parameter.NotGas = 80; // i.e. 80% of Hovergas
// update checksum
EE_Parameter.crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(&EE_Parameter), sizeof(EE_Parameter)-1);
// write paramset to eeprom
eeprom_write_block((void *) &EE_Parameter, (void*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAMSET + PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN * (setnumber - 1)), PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN);
// backup channel settings to separate block in eeprom
eeprom_write_block( (void*)(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung), (void*)(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS), sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung));
// write crc of channel block to eeprom
crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung), sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung));
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS + sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung)), crc);
// update active settings number
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
return 1;
// wrong revision
return 0;
/* Read MixerTable from EEPROM */
uint8_t MixerTable_ReadFromEEProm(void)
uint8_t crc;
// calculate checksum in eeprom
crc = EEProm_Checksum(EEPROM_ADR_MIXERTABLE, sizeof(Mixer) - 1);
// check crc
if( crc != eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_MIXERTABLE + sizeof(Mixer) - 1)) ) return 0;
// check revision
if(eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_MIXERTABLE)) != EEMIXER_REVISION) return 0;
// read mixer table
eeprom_read_block((void *) &Mixer, (void*)(EEPROM_ADR_MIXERTABLE), sizeof(Mixer));
return 1;
/* Write Mixer Table to EEPROM */
uint8_t MixerTable_WriteToEEProm(void)
if(Mixer.Revision == EEMIXER_REVISION)
// update crc
Mixer.crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(&Mixer), sizeof(Mixer) - 1);
// write to eeprom
eeprom_write_block((void *) &Mixer, (void*)(EEPROM_ADR_MIXERTABLE), sizeof(Mixer));
return 1;
else return 0;
/* Default Values for Mixer Table */
void MixerTable_Default(void) // Quadro
uint8_t i;
Mixer.Revision = EEMIXER_REVISION;
// clear mixer table
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
Mixer.Motor[i][MIX_GAS] = 0;
Mixer.Motor[i][MIX_NICK] = 0;
Mixer.Motor[i][MIX_ROLL] = 0;
Mixer.Motor[i][MIX_YAW] = 0;
// default = Quadro
Mixer.Motor[0][MIX_GAS] = 64; Mixer.Motor[0][MIX_NICK] = +64; Mixer.Motor[0][MIX_ROLL] = 0; Mixer.Motor[0][MIX_YAW] = +64;
Mixer.Motor[1][MIX_GAS] = 64; Mixer.Motor[1][MIX_NICK] = -64; Mixer.Motor[1][MIX_ROLL] = 0; Mixer.Motor[1][MIX_YAW] = +64;
Mixer.Motor[2][MIX_GAS] = 64; Mixer.Motor[2][MIX_NICK] = 0; Mixer.Motor[2][MIX_ROLL] = -64; Mixer.Motor[2][MIX_YAW] = -64;
Mixer.Motor[3][MIX_GAS] = 64; Mixer.Motor[3][MIX_NICK] = 0; Mixer.Motor[3][MIX_ROLL] = +64; Mixer.Motor[3][MIX_YAW] = -64;
memcpy(Mixer.Name, "Quadro\0\0\0\0\0\0", 12);
Mixer.crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(&Mixer), sizeof(Mixer) - 1);
/* Get active parameter set */
uint8_t GetActiveParamSet(void)
uint8_t setnumber;
setnumber = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAM_BEGIN + PID_ACTIVE_SET));
if(setnumber > 5)
setnumber = 3;
eeprom_write_byte((void*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAM_BEGIN+PID_ACTIVE_SET), setnumber);
/* Set active parameter set */
void SetActiveParamSet(uint8_t setnumber)
if(setnumber > 5) setnumber = 5;
if(setnumber < 1) setnumber = 1;
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAM_BEGIN + PID_ACTIVE_SET), setnumber);
/* Set default parameter set */
void SetDefaultParameter(uint8_t set, uint8_t restore_channels)
if(set > 5) set = 5;
else if(set < 1) set = 1;
case 1:
ParamSet_DefaultSet1(); // Fill ParamSet Structure to default parameter set 1 (Sport)
case 2:
ParamSet_DefaultSet2(); // Kamera
case 3:
ParamSet_DefaultSet3(); // Beginner
ParamSet_DefaultSet3(); // Beginner
uint8_t crc;
// 1st check for a valid channel backup in eeprom
crc = EEProm_Checksum(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS, sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung));
if(crc == eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS + sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung))) )
eeprom_read_block((void *)EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung, (void*)(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS), sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung));
else ParamSet_DefaultStickMapping();
else ParamSet_DefaultStickMapping();
/* Initialize EEPROM Parameter Sets */
void ParamSet_Init(void)
uint8_t channel_backup = 0, bad_params = 0, ee_default = 0,i;
ee_default = 1; // software update or forced by mktool
// 1st check for a valid channel backup in eeprom
i = EEProm_Checksum(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS, sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung));
if(i == eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS + sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung))) ) channel_backup = 1;
// parameter check
// check all 5 parameter settings
for (i = 1;i < 6; i++)
if(ee_default || !ParamSet_ReadFromEEProm(i)) // could not read paramset from eeprom
bad_params = 1;
printf("\n\rGenerating default Parameter Set %d",i);
case 1:
ParamSet_DefaultSet1(); // Fill ParamSet Structure to default parameter set 1 (Sport)
case 2:
ParamSet_DefaultSet2(); // Kamera
case 3:
ParamSet_DefaultSet3(); // Beginner
ParamSet_DefaultSet3(); // Kamera
if(channel_backup) // if we have an channel mapping backup in eeprom
{ // restore it from eeprom
eeprom_read_block((void *)EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung, (void*)(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS), sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung));
{ // use default mapping
if(bad_params) // at least one of the parameter settings were invalid
// default-Setting is parameter set 3
// read active parameter set to ParamSet stucture
i = GetActiveParamSet();
printf("\n\rUsing Parameter Set %d", i);
// load mixer table
if(GetParamByte(PID_EE_REVISION) == 0xff || !MixerTable_ReadFromEEProm() )
printf("\n\rGenerating default Mixer Table");
MixerTable_Default(); // Quadro
if(ee_default) SetParamByte(PID_EE_REVISION, EEPARAM_REVISION);
// determine motornumber
RequiredMotors = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if(Mixer.Motor[i][MIX_GAS] > 0) RequiredMotors++;
printf("\n\rMixer-Config: '%s' (%u Motors)",Mixer.Name, RequiredMotors);
PrintLine();// ("\n\r===================================");