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// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Copyright (c) 04.2007 Holger Buss
// + only for non-profit use
// +
// + see the File "License.txt" for further Informations
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
This program (files gps.c and gps.h) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of GNU General Public License (License_GPL.txt) and
GNU Lesser General Public License (License_LGPL.txt) along with this program.
If not, see <>.
Please note: All the other files for the project "Mikrokopter" by H.Buss are under the license (license_buss.txt) published by
von Peter Muehlenbrock alias Salvo
Auswertung der Daten vom GPS im ublox Format
Hold Modus mit PID Regler
Rückstuerz zur Basis Funktion
Umstellung auf NaviParameter an Flight Version 00.70d
GPS_V durch gps_gain ersetzt, damit Einstellung durch MK Tool möglich wird
Stand 7.12.2008
Aenderung 7.12.2008: an Coming Home geschraubt
Aenderung 27.11.2008: gps_gain erhoeht
#include "main.h"
#include "math.h"
//#include "gps.h"
// Defines fuer ublox Messageformat um Auswertung zu steuern
#define UBLOX_IDLE 0
#define UBLOX_SYNC1 1
#define UBLOX_SYNC2 2
#define UBLOX_CLASS 3
#define UBLOX_ID 4
#define UBLOX_LEN1 5
#define UBLOX_LEN2 6
#define UBLOX_CKA 7
#define UBLOX_CKB 8
// ublox Protokoll Identifier
#define UBLOX_NAV_POSUTM 0x08
#define UBLOX_NAV_STATUS 0x03
#define UBLOX_NAV_VELED 0x12
#define UBLOX_NAV_CLASS 0x01
#define UBLOX_SYNCH1_CHAR 0xB5
#define UBLOX_SYNCH2_CHAR 0x62
signed int GPS_Nick = 0;
signed int GPS_Roll = 0;
signed int GPS_Nick2 = 0;
signed int GPS_Roll2 = 0;
long GpsAktuell_X = 0;
long GpsAktuell_Y = 0;
long GpsZiel_X = 0;
long GpsZiel_Y = 0;
short int ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;
static uint8_t chk_a =0; //Checksum
static uint8_t chk_b =0;
short int gps_state,gps_sub_state; //Zustaende der Statemachine
short int gps_updte_flag;
static long signed gps_reg_x,gps_reg_y;
static unsigned int rx_len;
static unsigned int ptr_payload_data_end;
unsigned int gps_alive_cnt; // Wird bei jedem gueltigen GPS Telegramm hochgezaehlt
static signed int hdng_2home,dist_2home; //Richtung und Entfernung zur home Position
static signed gps_tick; //wird bei jedem Update durch das GPS Modul hochgezaehlt
static short int hold_fast,hold_reset_int; //Flags fuer Hold Regler
static uint8_t *ptr_payload_data;
static uint8_t *ptr_pac_status;
static int dist_flown;
//static unsigned int int_ovfl_cnt; // Zaehler fuer Overflows des Integrators
static int gps_quiet_cnt; // Zaehler fuer GPS Off Time beim Kameraausloesen
static long int limit_gain; // Teilerfaktor Regelabweichung zu Ausgabewert
static int gps_gain ; // Verstaerkunsgfaktor*10
short int Get_GPS_data(void);
NAV_POSUTM_t actual_pos; // Aktuelle Nav Daten werden hier im ublox Format abgelegt
NAV_STATUS_t actual_status; // Aktueller Nav Status
NAV_VELNED_t actual_speed; // Aktueller Geschwindigkeits und Richtungsdaten
GPS_ABS_POSITION_t gps_act_position; // Alle wichtigen Daten zusammengefasst
GPS_ABS_POSITION_t gps_home_position; // Die Startposition, beim Kalibrieren ermittelt
GPS_REL_POSITION_t gps_rel_act_position; // Die aktuelle relative Position bezogen auf Home Position
GPS_REL_POSITION_t gps_rel_hold_position; // Die gespeicherte Sollposition fuer GPS_ Hold Mode
GPS_REL_POSITION_t gps_rel_start_position; // Die gespeicherte Ausgangsposition fuer GPS_ Home Mode
// Initialisierung
void GPS_Neutral(void)
GpsZiel_X = GpsAktuell_X;
GpsZiel_Y = GpsAktuell_Y;
ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;
gps_state = GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
gps_sub_state = GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
actual_pos.status = 0;
actual_speed.status = 0;
actual_status.status = 0;
gps_home_position.status = 0; // Noch keine gueltige Home Position
gps_act_position.status = 0;
gps_rel_act_position.status = 0;
GPS_Nick = 0;
GPS_Roll = 0;
gps_updte_flag = 0;
gps_alive_cnt = 0;
void GPS_BerechneZielrichtung(void)
// Home Position sichern falls Daten verfuegbar sind.
void GPS_Save_Home(void)
short int n;
n = Get_GPS_data();
if (n == 0) // Gueltige und aktuelle Daten ?
// Neue GPS Daten liegen vor
gps_home_position.utm_east = gps_act_position.utm_east;
gps_home_position.utm_north = gps_act_position.utm_north;
gps_home_position.utm_alt = gps_act_position.utm_alt;
gps_home_position.status = 1; // Home Position gueltig
// Relative Position zur Home Position bestimmen
// Rueckgabewert 0= Daten sind aktuell und gueltig. 1= Keine Aenderung. 2= Daten ungueltig
short int Get_Rel_Position(void)
short int n = 0;
n = Get_GPS_data();
if (n >=1) return (n); // nix zu tun, weil keine neue Daten da sind
if (gps_alive_cnt < 1000) gps_alive_cnt += 600; // Timeoutzaehler. Wird in Motorregler Routine ueberwacht und dekrementiert
if (gps_home_position.status > 0) //Nur wenn Home Position vorliegt
gps_rel_act_position.utm_east = (int) (gps_act_position.utm_east - gps_home_position.utm_east);
gps_rel_act_position.utm_north = (int) (gps_act_position.utm_north - gps_home_position.utm_north);
gps_rel_act_position.utm_alt = (int) (gps_act_position.utm_alt - gps_home_position.utm_alt);
gps_rel_act_position.status = 1; // gueltige Positionsdaten
n = 0;
gps_updte_flag = 1; // zeigt an, dass neue Daten vorliegen.
n = 2; //keine gueltigen Daten vorhanden
gps_rel_act_position.status = 0; //keine gueltige Position weil keine home Position da ist.
return (n);
// Daten aus aktuellen ublox Messages extrahieren
// Rueckgabewert 0= Daten sind aktuell und gueltig. 1= Keine Aenderung. 2= Daten ungueltig
short int Get_GPS_data(void)
short int n = 1;
if (actual_pos.status == 0) return (1); //damit es schnell geht, wenn nix zu tun ist
gps_gain = Parameter_NaviGpsGain/5;
limit_gain = 8;
// debug_gp_0 = (int)limit_gain; // zum Debuggen
if ((actual_pos.status > 0) && (actual_status.status > 0) && (actual_speed.status > 0))
if (((actual_status.gpsfix_type & 0x03) >=2) && ((actual_status.nav_status_flag & 0x01) >=1)) // nur wenn Daten aktuell und gueltig sind
actual_status.status = 0;
gps_act_position.utm_east = actual_pos.utm_east/10;
gps_act_position.utm_north = actual_pos.utm_north/10;
gps_act_position.utm_alt = actual_pos.utm_alt/10;
actual_pos.status = 0; //neue ublox Messages anfordern
gps_act_position.speed_gnd = actual_speed.speed_gnd;
gps_act_position.speed_gnd = actual_speed.speed_gnd;
gps_act_position.heading = actual_speed.heading/100000;
actual_speed.status = 0;
gps_act_position.status = 1;
n = 0; //Daten gueltig
gps_act_position.status = 0; //Keine gueltigen Daten
actual_speed.status = 0;
actual_status.status = 0;
actual_pos.status = 0; //neue ublox Messages anfordern
n = 2;
return (n);
Daten vom GPS im ublox MSG Format auswerten
Die Routine wird bei jedem Empfang eines Zeichens vom GPS Modul durch den UART IRQ aufgerufen
// Die UBX Messages NAV_POSUTM, NAV_STATUS und NAV_VALED muessen aktiviert sein
void Get_Ublox_Msg(uint8_t rx)
switch (ublox_msg_state)
case UBLOX_IDLE: // Zuerst Synchcharacters pruefen
if ( rx == UBLOX_SYNCH1_CHAR ) ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_SYNC1;
else ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;
if (rx == UBLOX_SYNCH2_CHAR) ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_SYNC2;
else ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;
chk_a = 0,chk_b = 0;
if (rx == UBLOX_NAV_CLASS) ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_CLASS;
else ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;
case UBLOX_CLASS: // Nur NAV Meldungen auswerten
switch (rx)
ptr_pac_status = &actual_pos.status;
if (*ptr_pac_status > 0) ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE; //Abbruch weil Daten noch nicht verwendet wurden
ptr_payload_data = &actual_pos;
ptr_payload_data_end = &actual_pos.status;
ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_LEN1;
ptr_pac_status = &actual_status.status;
if (*ptr_pac_status > 0) ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;
ptr_payload_data = &actual_status;
ptr_payload_data_end = &actual_status.status;
ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_LEN1;
ptr_pac_status = &actual_speed.status;
if (*ptr_pac_status > 0) ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;
ptr_payload_data = &actual_speed;
ptr_payload_data_end = &actual_speed.status;
ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_LEN1;
ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;
chk_a = UBLOX_NAV_CLASS + rx;
chk_b = UBLOX_NAV_CLASS + chk_a;
case UBLOX_LEN1: // Laenge auswerten
rx_len = rx;
chk_a += rx;
chk_b += chk_a;
ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_LEN2;
case UBLOX_LEN2: // Laenge auswerten
rx_len = rx_len + (rx *256); // Laenge ermitteln
chk_a += rx;
chk_b += chk_a;
ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_PAYLOAD;
case UBLOX_PAYLOAD: // jetzt Nutzdaten einlesen
if (rx_len > 0)
*ptr_payload_data = rx;
chk_a += rx;
chk_b += chk_a;
if ((rx_len > 0) && (ptr_payload_data <= ptr_payload_data_end))
ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_PAYLOAD;
else ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_CKA;
else ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE; // Abbruch wegen Fehler
case UBLOX_CKA: // Checksum pruefen
if (rx == chk_a) ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_CKB;
else ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE; // Abbruch wegen Fehler
case UBLOX_CKB: // Checksum pruefen
if (rx == chk_b) *ptr_pac_status = 1; // Paket ok
ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;
ublox_msg_state = UBLOX_IDLE;
//Zentrale Statemachine fuer alle GPS relevanten Regelungsablauefe
short int GPS_CRTL(short int cmd)
static unsigned int cnt; // Zaehler fuer diverse Verzoegerungen
static long int delta_north,delta_east; // Mass fuer Distanz zur Sollposition
signed int n;
static signed int gps_g2t_act_v; // Aktuelle Geschwindigkeitsvorgabe fuer Home Funktion
signed int dist_frm_start_east,dist_frm_start_north;
int amplfy_speed_east,amplfy_speed_north; //Verstaerkungsfaktoren fuer D-Anteil
static signed int int_east,int_north; //Integrierer
long int speed_east,speed_north; //Aktuelle Geschwindigkeit
signed long int_east1,int_north1;
int dist_east,dist_north;
int diff_p; //Vom Modus abhaengige zusaetzliche Verstaerkung
long ni,ro; // Nick und Roll Zwischenwerte
switch (cmd)
case GPS_CMD_REQ_HOME: // Es soll zum Startpunkt zurueckgeflogen werden.
if ((gps_state != GPS_CRTL_HOLD_ACTIVE) && (gps_state != GPS_CRTL_HOME_ACTIVE))
if (cnt > 100) // erst nach Verzoegerung
// Erst mal initialisieren
cnt = 0;
gps_tick = 0;
hold_fast = 0;
hold_reset_int = 0; // Integrator enablen
int_east = 0, int_north = 0;
gps_reg_x = 0, gps_reg_y = 0;
delta_east = 0, delta_north = 0;
dist_flown = 0;
gps_g2t_act_v = 0;
gps_sub_state = GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
// aktuelle positionsdaten abspeichern
if (gps_rel_act_position.status > 0)
gps_rel_start_position.utm_east = gps_rel_act_position.utm_east;
gps_rel_start_position.utm_north= gps_rel_act_position.utm_north;
gps_rel_start_position.status = 1; // gueltige Positionsdaten
gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east = gps_rel_act_position.utm_east;
gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north = gps_rel_act_position.utm_north;
gps_rel_hold_position.status = 1; // gueltige Positionsdaten
//Richtung zur Home Position bezogen auf Nordpol bestimmen
hdng_2home = arctan_i(-gps_rel_start_position.utm_east,-gps_rel_start_position.utm_north);
// in Winkel 0...360 Grad umrechnen
if (( gps_rel_start_position.utm_east < 0)) hdng_2home = ( 90-hdng_2home);
else hdng_2home = (270 - hdng_2home);
dist_2home = (int) get_dist(gps_rel_start_position.utm_east,gps_rel_start_position.utm_north,hdng_2home); //Entfernung zur Home Position bestimmen
return (GPS_STST_OK);
gps_rel_start_position.status = 0; //Keine Daten verfuegbar
gps_state = GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
return(GPS_STST_ERR); // Keine Daten da
else return(GPS_STST_PEND); // noch warten
// ******************************
case GPS_CMD_REQ_HOLD: // Die Lageregelung soll aktiviert werden.
if (gps_state != GPS_CRTL_HOLD_ACTIVE)
if (cnt > 600) // erst nach Verzoegerung
cnt = 0;
// aktuelle positionsdaten abspeichern
if (gps_rel_act_position.status > 0)
hold_fast = 0;
hold_reset_int = 0; // Integrator enablen
int_east = 0, int_north = 0;
gps_reg_x = 0, gps_reg_y = 0;
delta_east = 0, delta_north = 0;
speed_east = 0; speed_north= 0;
// int_ovfl_cnt = 0;
gps_quiet_cnt = 0;
gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east = gps_rel_act_position.utm_east;
gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north = gps_rel_act_position.utm_north;
gps_rel_hold_position.status = 1; // gueltige Positionsdaten
return (GPS_STST_OK);
gps_rel_hold_position.status = 0; //Keine Daten verfuegbar
gps_state = GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
return(GPS_STST_ERR); // Keine Daten da
else return(GPS_STST_PEND); // noch warten
case GPS_CMD_STOP: // Lageregelung beenden
cnt = 0;
GPS_Nick = 0;
GPS_Roll = 0;
gps_sub_state = GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
gps_state = GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
return (GPS_STST_OK);
return (GPS_STST_ERR);
switch (gps_state)
cnt = 0;
return (GPS_STST_OK);
case GPS_CRTL_HOME_ACTIVE: // Rueckflug zur Basis
//Der Sollwert des Lagereglers wird der Homeposition angenaehert
if (gps_rel_start_position.status >0)
if ((gps_updte_flag > 0) && (gps_sub_state !=GPS_HOME_FINISHED)) // nur wenn neue GPS Daten vorliegen und nicht schon alles fertig ist
int d1,d2,d3;
d1 = abs (gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east - gps_rel_act_position.utm_east );
d2 = abs (gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north - gps_rel_act_position.utm_north );
d3 = (dist_2home - dist_flown); // Restdistanz zum Ziel
if (d3 > GPS_G2T_DIST_MAX_STOP) // Schneller Rueckflug, noch weit weg vom Ziel
if ((d1 < (GPS_G2T_FAST_TOL/2)) && (d2 < (GPS_G2T_FAST_TOL/2))) //voll Stoff weiter wenn Lage gut innerhalb der Toleranz
if (gps_g2t_act_v < GPS_G2T_V_MAX-1) gps_g2t_act_v += 2; //Geschwindigkeit erhoehen
dist_flown +=gps_g2t_act_v; // Vorgabe der Strecke anhand der Geschwindigkeit
gps_sub_state = GPS_HOME_FAST_IN_TOL;
else if ((d1 < GPS_G2T_FAST_TOL) && (d2 < GPS_G2T_FAST_TOL)) //nur weiter wenn Lage innerhalb der Toleranz
if (gps_g2t_act_v > (GPS_G2T_V_MAX/2)) gps_g2t_act_v -= 1; //Geschwindigkeit auf Haelfte runter oder rauffahren
else if (gps_g2t_act_v < (GPS_G2T_V_MAX/2)) gps_g2t_act_v += 1;
dist_flown +=gps_g2t_act_v; // Vorgabe der Strecke anhand der Geschwindigkeit
gps_sub_state = GPS_HOME_FAST_IN_TOL;
else //Den Lageregler in Ruhe arbeiten lassen weil ausserhalb der Toleranz
if (gps_g2t_act_v > 1) gps_g2t_act_v--; // Geschwindigkeit reduzieren
// dist_flown++; //Auch ausserhalb der Toleranz langsam erhoehen
gps_sub_state = GPS_HOME_FAST_OUTOF_TOL;
hold_reset_int = 1; // Integrator aussschalten
hold_fast = 1; // Regler fuer schnellen Flug
dist_frm_start_east = (int)(((long)dist_flown * (long)sin_i(hdng_2home))/1000);
dist_frm_start_north = (int)(((long)dist_flown * (long)cos_i(hdng_2home))/1000);
gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east = gps_rel_start_position.utm_east + dist_frm_start_east; //naechster Zielpunkt
gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north = gps_rel_start_position.utm_north + dist_frm_start_north; //naechster Zielpunkt
else if (d3 > GPS_G2T_DIST_HOLD) //Das Ziel naehert sich, deswegen abbremsen
if ((d1 < GPS_G2T_NRML_TOL) && (d2 < GPS_G2T_NRML_TOL))
dist_flown += GPS_G2T_V_RAMP_DWN; // Vorgabe der Strecke anhand der Geschwindigkeit
gps_sub_state = GPS_HOME_RMPDWN_IN_TOL;
dist_flown++; //Auch ausserhalb der Toleranz langsam erhoehen
gps_sub_state = GPS_HOME_RMPDWN_OUTOF_TOL;
hold_reset_int = 0; // Integrator einsschalten
hold_fast = 1; // Regler fuer schnellen Flug
dist_frm_start_east = (int)(((long)dist_flown * (long)sin_i(hdng_2home))/1000);
dist_frm_start_north = (int)(((long)dist_flown * (long)cos_i(hdng_2home))/1000);
gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east = gps_rel_start_position.utm_east + dist_frm_start_east; //naechster Zielpunkt
gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north = gps_rel_start_position.utm_north + dist_frm_start_north; //naechster Zielpunkt
else //Soll-Ziel fast erreicht, Jetzt noch Reste ausgleichen, weil Zielpunkt nicht exakt bestimmt werden konnte (Fehler in Winkelfkt)
if ((d1 < GPS_G2T_NRML_TOL) && (d2 < GPS_G2T_NRML_TOL)) // Jetzt bis zum Zielpunkt regeln
gps_sub_state = GPS_HOME_IN_TOL;
hold_fast = 0; // Wieder normal regeln
hold_reset_int = 0; // Integrator einsschalten
if (gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east >= GPS_G2T_V_MIN) gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east -= GPS_G2T_V_MIN;
else if (gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east <= -GPS_G2T_V_MIN ) gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east += GPS_G2T_V_MIN;
if (gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north >= GPS_G2T_V_MIN) gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north -= GPS_G2T_V_MIN;
else if (gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north <= - GPS_G2T_V_MIN ) gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north += GPS_G2T_V_MIN;
if ((abs(gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east) <= GPS_G2T_V_MIN) && (abs(gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north) <=GPS_G2T_V_MIN))
gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east = 0;
gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north = 0;
gps_sub_state = GPS_HOME_FINISHED;
else gps_sub_state = GPS_HOME_OUTOF_TOL;
gps_state = GPS_CRTL_HOLD_ACTIVE; //Zwischensprung
return (GPS_STST_OK);
else // Keine GPS Daten verfuegbar, deswegen Abbruch
gps_state = GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
return (GPS_STST_ERR);
case GPS_CRTL_HOLD_ACTIVE: // Hier werden die Daten fuer Nick und Roll errechnet
if (gps_updte_flag >0) // nur wenn neue GPS Daten vorliegen
// ab hier wird geregelt
delta_east = (long) (gps_rel_act_position.utm_east - gps_rel_hold_position.utm_east);
delta_north = (long) (gps_rel_act_position.utm_north - gps_rel_hold_position.utm_north);
int_east += (int)(delta_east*gps_gain)/10;
int_north += (int)(delta_north*gps_gain)/10;
speed_east = actual_speed.speed_e;
speed_north = actual_speed.speed_n;
gps_updte_flag = 0; // Neue Werte koennen vom GPS geholt werden
dist_east = (int)delta_east; //merken
dist_north = (int)delta_north;
// #define GPSINT_MAX 3000 // Neues Verfahren ab 30.12.2007 bei Integratoroverflow
long int gpsintmax;
if (Parameter_NaviGpsI > 0)
gpsintmax = (GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * limit_gain * GPS_USR_PAR_FKT * ((32*3)/10))/(long)Parameter_NaviGpsI; //auf ungefeahren Maximalwert begrenzen
if ((abs(int_east) > (int)gpsintmax) || (abs(int_north)> (int)gpsintmax))
// // = 1; // Zahl der Overflows zaehlen
// int_ovfl_cnt -= 1;
int_east = (int_east * 6)/8; // Wert reduzieren
int_north = (int_north* 6)/8;
if (hold_reset_int > 0) //Im Schnellen Mode Integrator abschalten
int_east = 0;
int_north = 0;
else // Integrator deaktiviert
int_east = 0;
int_north = 0;
debug_gp_4 = (int)int_east; // zum Debuggen
debug_gp_5 = (int)int_north; // zum Debuggen
//I Werte begrenzen
#define INT1_MAX (GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * limit_gain*3)/10// auf 30 Prozent des maximalen Nick/Rollwert begrenzen
int_east1 = ((((long)int_east) * Parameter_NaviGpsI)/32)/GPS_USR_PAR_FKT;
int_north1 = ((((long)int_north) * Parameter_NaviGpsI)/32)/GPS_USR_PAR_FKT;
if (int_east1 > INT1_MAX) int_east1 = INT1_MAX; //begrenzen
else if (int_east1 < -INT1_MAX) int_east1 = -INT1_MAX;
if (int_north1 > INT1_MAX) int_north1 = INT1_MAX; //begrenzen
else if (int_north1 < -INT1_MAX) int_north1 = -INT1_MAX;
if (hold_fast > 0) //schneller Coming Home Modus
amplfy_speed_east = DIFF_Y_F_MAX;
amplfy_speed_north = DIFF_Y_F_MAX;
amplfy_speed_east *= (Parameter_NaviGpsD/GPS_USR_PAR_FKT);
amplfy_speed_north *= (Parameter_NaviGpsD/GPS_USR_PAR_FKT);
speed_east = (speed_east * (long)amplfy_speed_east*gps_gain) /400;
speed_north = (speed_north * (long)amplfy_speed_north*gps_gain)/400;
// D Werte begrenzen
#define D_F_MAX (GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * limit_gain*7)/10 // auf 70 Prozent des Maximalen Nick/Rollwert begrenzen
if (speed_east > D_F_MAX) speed_east = D_F_MAX;
else if (speed_east < -D_F_MAX) speed_east = -D_F_MAX;
if (speed_north > D_F_MAX) speed_north = D_F_MAX;
else if (speed_north < -D_F_MAX) speed_north = -D_F_MAX;
diff_p = (Parameter_NaviGpsP * GPS_PROP_FAST_V)/GPS_USR_PAR_FKT; //Verstaerkung fuer P-Anteil
else //langsamer Holdmodus
amplfy_speed_east = DIFF_Y_N_MAX;
amplfy_speed_north = DIFF_Y_N_MAX;
amplfy_speed_east *= (Parameter_NaviGpsD/GPS_USR_PAR_FKT);
amplfy_speed_north *= (Parameter_NaviGpsD/GPS_USR_PAR_FKT);
speed_east = (speed_east * (long)amplfy_speed_east*gps_gain) /250;
speed_north = (speed_north * (long)amplfy_speed_north*gps_gain)/250;
// D Werte begrenzen
#define D_N_MAX (GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * limit_gain*8)/10 // auf 80 Prozent des Maximalen Nick/Rollwert begrenzen
if (speed_east > D_N_MAX) speed_east = D_N_MAX;
else if (speed_east < -D_N_MAX) speed_east = -D_N_MAX;
if (speed_north > D_N_MAX) speed_north = D_N_MAX;
else if (speed_north < -D_N_MAX) speed_north = -D_N_MAX;
diff_p = (Parameter_NaviGpsP * GPS_PROP_NRML_V)/GPS_USR_PAR_FKT; //Verstaerkung fuer P-Anteil
// debug_gp_4 = (int)speed_east; // zum Debuggen
// debug_gp_5 = (int)speed_north; // zum Debuggen
//P-Werte verstaerken
delta_east = (delta_east * (long)diff_p*gps_gain)/(400);
delta_north = (delta_north * (long)diff_p*gps_gain)/(400);
if (hold_fast > 0) //schneller Coming Home Modus
// P Werte begrenzen
#define P1_F_MAX (GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * limit_gain*7)/10 // auf 70 Prozent des Maximalen Nick/Rollwert begrenzen
if (delta_east > P1_F_MAX) delta_east = P1_F_MAX;
else if (delta_east < -P1_F_MAX) delta_east = -P1_F_MAX;
if (delta_north > P1_F_MAX) delta_north = P1_F_MAX;
else if (delta_north < -P1_F_MAX) delta_north = -P1_F_MAX;
else // Hold modus
// P Werte begrenzen
#define P1_N_MAX (GPS_NICKROLL_MAX * limit_gain*7)/10 // auf 70 Prozent des Maximalen Nick/Rollwert begrenzen
if (delta_east > P1_N_MAX) delta_east = P1_N_MAX;
else if (delta_east < -P1_N_MAX) delta_east = -P1_N_MAX;
if (delta_north > P1_N_MAX) delta_north = P1_N_MAX;
else if (delta_north < -P1_N_MAX) delta_north = -P1_N_MAX;
debug_gp_2 = (int)delta_east; // zum Debuggen
debug_gp_3 = (int)delta_north; // zum Debuggen
//PID Regler Werte aufsummieren
gps_reg_x = -(int_east1 + delta_east + speed_east); // I + P +D Anteil X Achse
gps_reg_y = -(int_north1 + delta_north + speed_north); // I + P +D Anteil Y Achse
debug_gp_0 = (int)gps_reg_x; // zum Debuggen
debug_gp_1 = (int)gps_reg_y; // zum Debuggen
// Werte fuer Nick und Roll direkt aus gps_reg_x und gps_reg_y bestimmen
n = GyroKomp_Int/GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR; //Ausrichtung Kopter
ni = -((gps_reg_y * (long)cos_i(n)) + (gps_reg_x * (long)sin_i(n)))/(1000L*(long)limit_gain);
ro = ((gps_reg_x * (long)cos_i(n)) - (gps_reg_y * (long)sin_i(n)))/(1000L*(long)limit_gain);
else if (ni < -(GPS_NICKROLL_MAX )) ni = -(GPS_NICKROLL_MAX );
else if (ro < -(GPS_NICKROLL_MAX)) ro = -(GPS_NICKROLL_MAX );
if ((abs(dist_east) > GPS_DIST_MAX) || (abs(dist_north) > GPS_DIST_MAX)) // bei zu grossem Abstand abbrechen
GPS_Roll = 0;
GPS_Nick = 0;
gps_state = GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
return (GPS_STST_ERR);
else if ((PPM_in[7] > 100) && (CAM_GPS_QUIET > 0) && (gps_quiet_cnt <=4) ) // Wenn Fotoausloeser gedruckt wird, GPS Stellwerte kurzzeitig auf 0 setzen
GPS_Roll = 0;
GPS_Nick = 0;
if ( cmd == GPS_CMD_REQ_HOME ) gps_state = GPS_CRTL_HOME_ACTIVE; // State umsetzen
return (GPS_STST_OK);
else if ((PPM_in[7] < 50) && (CAM_GPS_QUIET > 0) && (gps_quiet_cnt >= 4))
gps_quiet_cnt = 0;
if ( cmd == GPS_CMD_REQ_HOME ) gps_state = GPS_CRTL_HOME_ACTIVE; // State umsetzen
return (GPS_STST_OK);
GPS_Roll = (int)ro;
GPS_Nick = (int)ni;
if ( cmd == GPS_CMD_REQ_HOME ) gps_state = GPS_CRTL_HOME_ACTIVE; // State umsetzen
return (GPS_STST_OK);
if ( cmd == GPS_CMD_REQ_HOME ) gps_state = GPS_CRTL_HOME_ACTIVE; // State umsetzen
return (GPS_STST_OK);
gps_state = GPS_CRTL_IDLE;
return (GPS_STST_ERR);
return (GPS_STST_ERR);