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Dear Phat, am I still your beloved after all this?
I felt pretty well today and went to work, but I got tired. I am tired of the work too but OK I get paid. Tomorrow I will talk with the doctor again, she will get some more test results. Maybe we will never find out what it is ... I will then just hope it will cure by itself before too long.
Tomorrow I will go to a colleague's wedding. She is Swiss, and really nice. I hope I will feel OK and not be sick. I have to get a present for her and I have to be there at 2 in the afternoon. Somebody else I know also said he would love to go (he likes weddings very much) but later he canceled again... so I will go there alone.
I am sorry to hear about Pook not enjoying herself so much now... what can I say, things will get better. Just wait. And try yourself. She is such a sweet, fun loving girl. Ask her next time how she and I (!) danced while you were away for 5 minutes at DJ Station. But really, how does one survive in Bangkok without a job? I guess there is no real social security? How does she do? It is quite totally different from me here. You cannot really have a problem here, unless you really have taken care to get one. I never received any social security myself (even though I was without a job for a few months after graduating - I didn't really want to work in that town).
I also am not sure if I have the right job or not. Where I am now is a disaster site, I think. Everything is done wrongly and inefficiently, a huge waste of money. But honestly, I don't know how that could be done any better. In IT, you almost always have to work for some "business" people, and almost everything they think they know about IT is misunderstood... so I am working lazily, without pride and thinking it all doesn't matter because it will be rubbish anyway... not very good. Eventually I will be a grumpy old man (if I am not already, ha ha) that nobody wants to meet in the morning...
Thank you for your very very nice words about me :) I guess you can say I am not cold like some others. I am a little careful about finding the people I want to be together with, but then I can see a lot af charming and wonderful things in each person. Sometimes some disappointing ones too, but not until later. I would like you to be picky too - and rather just wait longer than to go with the wrong one. You are a really warm and sweet person. You easily deserve someone very very good to you - and also someone that you yourself find really attractive and wonderful. And someone with a personality and an energy level that are agreeable with yours.
I also very much enjoyed our happy but short time together. We had a nice way of sleeping together, always holding each other. That is actually the best of all time together, I think.
I know it is not very fair of me to fall in love with someone else, what can I say? Sorry, I think is the word. But I really did. But I am happy still to be able to write to you. And that is because I enjoy writing to you.
Even despite of that .. it is my bed time now. I sleep 12 hours a day...! It is a waste of precious time (there are so many many things I want to do, all the time! Flying and building my models, swim, do training, do my computer programming and electonics projects, get a Facebook profile, run over the mountains home from office, go out dancing, travel, see old and new friends...) and I just sleep instead. But I cannot really do anything else at the moment. I hope I will have my energy back, and soon..
Also kisses to you and if I may hold you...?
Dear Phat,
Thank you again so much for the nice emails...
Today, I have gone flying, and smashed up 2 helicopters. But the damage was only like 50 Baht. I went to the wedding together with 2 colleagues, we planned to come a little late (after church) but we came too late - almost 1 hr. Anyway we were there during all of the reception, in the garden of a beautiful old house. The weather was fantastic, usually it rains a lot in this season but today was sunny and warm, without being too hot.
And yes there was at least anohter gay but I dont care really :) And there was a gorgeous and charming young Swiss boy with a ... well not really so attractive girlfriend. He was crazy about her. That was a little funny to watch...
I talked with the doctor again today, on the phone. I don't have any hepatitis either, and now she doesn't have any more ideas what it can be. We just have to wait and see if it cures by itself, as viral infections almost always do. This afternoon, I felt like going out tonight, but now I don't know. Feel a little tired again. I can't wait till I can do some sports again! Then I will be better.
My life is OK basically, it's just that my work is too boring and I have too little energy now. Will find a solution soon!
Now I will go to sleep again. I didn't sleep for so long time out of boredom, just because I was feeling too tired. Better now.
Love from
Yr Soren