Subversion Repositories FlightCtrl

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Ignore whitespace Rev 2188 → Rev 2189

2,73 → 2,21
#define _OUTPUT_H
#include <avr/io.h>
#include "configuration.h"
#define J3HIGH PORTD |= (1<<PORTD5)
#define J3LOW PORTD &= ~(1<<PORTD5)
#define J3TOGGLE PORTD ^= (1<<PORTD5)
#define J4HIGH PORTD |= (1<<PORTD4)
#define J4LOW PORTD &= ~(1<<PORTD4)
#define J4TOGGLE PORTD ^= (1<<PORTD4)
#define J5HIGH PORTD |= (1<<PORTD3)
#define J5LOW PORTD &= ~(1<<PORTD3)
#define J5TOGGLE PORTD ^= (1<<PORTD3)
// invert means: An "1" bit in digital debug data make a LOW on the output.
#define OUTPUT_HIGH(num) {PORTC |= (4 << (num));}
#define OUTPUT_LOW(num) {PORTC &= ~(4 << (num));}
#define OUTPUT_TOGGLE(num) ( {PORTC ^= (4 << (num));}
* Some digital debugs. A digital debug is 2 signals on the 2 LED outputs,
* turned on and off depending on some condtions given in the code.
* Only one can be selected, by defining DIGITAL_DEBUG_MASK to the value
* of the debug.
* In the code one can do like:
* if (whatever_condition) {
* DebugOut.Digital[0] |= DEBUG_MYOWNDEBUGGER;
* } else {
* DebugOut.Digital[0] &= ~DEBUG_MYOWNDEBUGGER;
* }
* ...
* if (whatever_other_condition) {
* DebugOut.Digital[1] |= DEBUG_MYOWNDEBUGGER;
* } else {
* DebugOut.Digital[1] &= ~DEBUG_MYOWNDEBUGGER;
* }
* Digital debugs may be added as desired, and removed when the mystery
* at hand is resolved.
// Control terms (multicopter)
// TODO: Multicopter stuff separate?
extern int16_t throttleTerm;
extern int32_t yawTerm, term[2];
#define DEBUG_COMPASS 16
#define DEBUG_CLIP 64
// I2C and PWM motor and servo outputs.
// extern int16_t outputs[NUM_OUTPUTS];
#define OUTPUTFLAGS_INVERT_0 1 // Inverted: 1 means low output on atmega. Does not affect on-board LED (if used with the OUTPUTOPTIONS_USE_ONBOARD_LEDS option)
#define OUTPUTFLAGS_INVERT_1 2 // Inverted: 1 means low output on atmega. Does not affect on-board LED (if used with the OUTPUTOPTIONS_USE_ONBOARD_LEDS option)
#define OUTPUTFLAGS_FLASH_0_AT_BEEP 4 // Flash LED when beeper beeps
#define OUTPUTFLAGS_FLASH_1_AT_BEEP 8 // Flash LED when beeper beeps
#define OUTPUTFLAGS_USE_ONBOARD_LEDS 16 // Control on-board LEDs in addition to outputs
#define OUTPUTFLAGS_TEST_OFF 32 // For testing: Turn off both outputs
#define OUTPUTFLAGS_TEST_ON 64 // For testing: Turn on both outputs
// For practical reasons put here instead of in uart0.h
typedef struct {
uint8_t digital[2];
uint16_t analog[32]; // debug values
}__attribute__((packed)) DebugOut_t;
extern DebugOut_t debugOut;
* Set to 0 for using outputs as the usual flashing lights.
* Set to one of the DEBUG_... defines h for using the outputs as debug lights.
76,12 → 24,9
void output_init(void);
void outputSet(uint8_t num, uint8_t state);
void output_setLED(uint8_t num, uint8_t state);
void output_update(void);
void beep(uint16_t millis);
void beepNumber(uint8_t numbeeps);
void beepRCAlarm(void);
void beepI2CAlarm(void);
void beepBatteryAlarm(void);
void output_applyMulticopterMixer(void);
void output_setParameters(void);
#endif //_output_H