Subversion Repositories FlightCtrl

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 1796 → Rev 1805

56,122 → 56,129
#include "rc.h"
#include "eeprom.h"
typedef enum
} FlightMode_t;
typedef enum {
} FlightMode_t;
#define GPS_STICK_LIMIT 45 // limit of gps stick control to avoid critical flight attitudes
#define GPS_P_LIMIT 25
typedef struct
int32_t Longitude;
int32_t Latitude;
int32_t Altitude;
Status_t Status;
typedef struct {
int32_t Longitude;
int32_t Latitude;
int32_t Altitude;
Status_t Status;
} GPS_Pos_t;
// GPS coordinates for hold position
GPS_Pos_t HoldPosition = {0,0,0,INVALID};
GPS_Pos_t HoldPosition = { 0, 0, 0, INVALID };
// GPS coordinates for home position
GPS_Pos_t HomePosition = {0,0,0,INVALID};
GPS_Pos_t HomePosition = { 0, 0, 0, INVALID };
// the current flight mode
FlightMode_t FlightMode = GPS_FLIGHT_MODE_UNDEF;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GPS_UpdateParameter(void) {
static FlightMode_t FlightModeOld = GPS_FLIGHT_MODE_UNDEF;
if((RC_Quality < 100) || (MKFlags & MKFLAG_EMERGENCY_LANDING)) {
} else {
if (dynamicParams.NaviGpsModeControl < 50) FlightMode = GPS_FLIGHT_MODE_AID;
else if(dynamicParams.NaviGpsModeControl < 180) FlightMode = GPS_FLIGHT_MODE_FREE;
else FlightMode = GPS_FLIGHT_MODE_HOME;
static FlightMode_t FlightModeOld = GPS_FLIGHT_MODE_UNDEF;
if (FlightMode != FlightModeOld) {
BeepTime = 100;
FlightModeOld = FlightMode;
if ((RC_Quality < 100) || (MKFlags & MKFLAG_EMERGENCY_LANDING)) {
} else {
if (dynamicParams.NaviGpsModeControl < 50)
else if (dynamicParams.NaviGpsModeControl < 180)
if (FlightMode != FlightModeOld) {
BeepTime = 100;
FlightModeOld = FlightMode;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function defines a good GPS signal condition
uint8_t GPS_IsSignalOK(void) {
static uint8_t GPSFix = 0;
if( (GPSInfo.status != INVALID) && (GPSInfo.satfix == SATFIX_3D) && (GPSInfo.flags & FLAG_GPSFIXOK) && ((GPSInfo.satnum >= staticParams.NaviGpsMinSat) || GPSFix)) {
GPSFix = 1;
return 1;
else return (0);
static uint8_t GPSFix = 0;
if ((GPSInfo.status != INVALID) && (GPSInfo.satfix == SATFIX_3D)
&& (GPSInfo.flags & FLAG_GPSFIXOK) && ((GPSInfo.satnum
>= staticParams.NaviGpsMinSat) || GPSFix)) {
GPSFix = 1;
return 1;
} else
return (0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// rescale xy-vector length to limit
uint8_t GPS_LimitXY(int32_t *x, int32_t *y, int32_t limit) {
uint8_t retval = 0;
int32_t len;
len = (int32_t)c_sqrt(*x * *x + *y * *y);
if (len > limit) {
// normalize control vector components to the limit
*x = (*x * limit) / len;
*y = (*y * limit) / len;
retval = 1;
uint8_t retval = 0;
int32_t len;
len = (int32_t) c_sqrt(*x * *x + *y * *y);
if (len > limit) {
// normalize control vector components to the limit
*x = (*x * limit) / len;
*y = (*y * limit) / len;
retval = 1;
return (retval);
// checks nick and roll sticks for manual control
uint8_t GPS_IsManualControlled(void) {
if ((abs(PPM_in[staticParams.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]]) < staticParams.NaviStickThreshold) && (abs(PPM_in[staticParams.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]]) < staticParams.NaviStickThreshold)) return 0;
else return 1;
if ((abs(PPM_in[staticParams.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]])
< staticParams.NaviStickThreshold)
&& (abs(PPM_in[staticParams.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]])
< staticParams.NaviStickThreshold))
return 0;
return 1;
// set given position to current gps position
uint8_t GPS_SetCurrPosition(GPS_Pos_t * pGPSPos) {
uint8_t retval = 0;
if(pGPSPos == NULL) return(retval); // bad pointer
uint8_t retval = 0;
if (pGPSPos == NULL)
return (retval); // bad pointer
if(GPS_IsSignalOK()) { // is GPS signal condition is fine
pGPSPos->Longitude = GPSInfo.longitude;
pGPSPos->Latitude = GPSInfo.latitude;
pGPSPos->Altitude = GPSInfo.altitude;
pGPSPos->Status = NEWDATA;
retval = 1;
} else { // bad GPS signal condition
pGPSPos->Status = INVALID;
retval = 0;
if (GPS_IsSignalOK()) { // is GPS signal condition is fine
pGPSPos->Longitude = GPSInfo.longitude;
pGPSPos->Latitude = GPSInfo.latitude;
pGPSPos->Altitude = GPSInfo.altitude;
pGPSPos->Status = NEWDATA;
retval = 1;
} else { // bad GPS signal condition
pGPSPos->Status = INVALID;
retval = 0;
return (retval);
// clear position
uint8_t GPS_ClearPosition(GPS_Pos_t * pGPSPos) {
uint8_t retval = 0;
if(pGPSPos == NULL)
return retval; // bad pointer
else {
pGPSPos->Longitude = 0;
pGPSPos->Latitude = 0;
pGPSPos->Altitude = 0;
pGPSPos->Status = INVALID;
retval = 1;
return (retval);
uint8_t retval = 0;
if (pGPSPos == NULL)
return retval; // bad pointer
else {
pGPSPos->Longitude = 0;
pGPSPos->Latitude = 0;
pGPSPos->Altitude = 0;
pGPSPos->Status = INVALID;
retval = 1;
return (retval);
// disable GPS control sticks
void GPS_Neutral(void) {
GPSStickNick = 0;
GPSStickRoll = 0;
GPSStickNick = 0;
GPSStickRoll = 0;
// calculates the GPS control stick values from the deviation to target position
178,255 → 185,241
// if the pointer to the target positin is NULL or is the target position invalid
// then the P part of the controller is deactivated.
void GPS_PIDController(GPS_Pos_t *pTargetPos) {
static int32_t PID_Nick, PID_Roll;
int32_t coscompass, sincompass;
int32_t GPSPosDev_North, GPSPosDev_East; // Position deviation in cm
int32_t P_North = 0, D_North = 0, P_East = 0, D_East = 0, I_North = 0, I_East = 0;
int32_t PID_North = 0, PID_East = 0;
static int32_t cos_target_latitude = 1;
static int32_t GPSPosDevIntegral_North = 0, GPSPosDevIntegral_East = 0;
static GPS_Pos_t *pLastTargetPos = 0;
static int32_t PID_Nick, PID_Roll;
int32_t coscompass, sincompass;
int32_t GPSPosDev_North, GPSPosDev_East; // Position deviation in cm
int32_t P_North = 0, D_North = 0, P_East = 0, D_East = 0, I_North = 0,
I_East = 0;
int32_t PID_North = 0, PID_East = 0;
static int32_t cos_target_latitude = 1;
static int32_t GPSPosDevIntegral_North = 0, GPSPosDevIntegral_East = 0;
static GPS_Pos_t *pLastTargetPos = 0;
// if GPS data and Compass are ok
if( GPS_IsSignalOK() && (CompassHeading >= 0)) {
if(pTargetPos != NULL) // if there is a target position
if(pTargetPos->Status != INVALID) // and the position data are valid
// if the target data are updated or the target pointer has changed
if ((pTargetPos->Status != PROCESSED) || (pTargetPos != pLastTargetPos) )
// if GPS data and Compass are ok
if (GPS_IsSignalOK() && (CompassHeading >= 0)) {
if (pTargetPos != NULL) // if there is a target position
if (pTargetPos->Status != INVALID) // and the position data are valid
// if the target data are updated or the target pointer has changed
if ((pTargetPos->Status != PROCESSED) || (pTargetPos
!= pLastTargetPos)) {
// reset error integral
GPSPosDevIntegral_North = 0;
GPSPosDevIntegral_East = 0;
// recalculate latitude projection
cos_target_latitude = (int32_t) c_cos_8192(
(int16_t) (pTargetPos->Latitude / 10000000L));
// remember last target pointer
pLastTargetPos = pTargetPos;
// mark data as processed
pTargetPos->Status = PROCESSED;
// calculate position deviation from latitude and longitude differences
GPSPosDev_North = (GPSInfo.latitude - pTargetPos->Latitude); // to calculate real cm we would need *111/100 additionally
GPSPosDev_East = (GPSInfo.longitude - pTargetPos->Longitude); // to calculate real cm we would need *111/100 additionally
// calculate latitude projection
GPSPosDev_East *= cos_target_latitude;
GPSPosDev_East /= 8192;
} else {// no valid target position available
// reset error
GPSPosDev_North = 0;
GPSPosDev_East = 0;
// reset error integral
GPSPosDevIntegral_North = 0;
GPSPosDevIntegral_East = 0;
} else { // no target position available
// reset error
GPSPosDev_North = 0;
GPSPosDev_East = 0;
// reset error integral
GPSPosDevIntegral_North = 0;
GPSPosDevIntegral_East = 0;
//Calculate PID-components of the controller
// D-Part
D_North = ((int32_t) dynamicParams.NaviGpsD * GPSInfo.velnorth) / 512;
D_East = ((int32_t) dynamicParams.NaviGpsD * GPSInfo.veleast) / 512;
// P-Part
P_North = ((int32_t) dynamicParams.NaviGpsP * GPSPosDev_North) / 2048;
P_East = ((int32_t) dynamicParams.NaviGpsP * GPSPosDev_East) / 2048;
// I-Part
I_North = ((int32_t) dynamicParams.NaviGpsI * GPSPosDevIntegral_North)
/ 8192;
I_East = ((int32_t) dynamicParams.NaviGpsI * GPSPosDevIntegral_East)
/ 8192;
// combine P & I
PID_North = P_North + I_North;
PID_East = P_East + I_East;
if (!GPS_LimitXY(&PID_North, &PID_East, GPS_P_LIMIT)) {
GPSPosDevIntegral_North += GPSPosDev_North / 16;
GPSPosDevIntegral_East += GPSPosDev_East / 16;
GPS_LimitXY(&GPSPosDevIntegral_North, &GPSPosDevIntegral_East,
// combine PI- and D-Part
PID_North += D_North;
PID_East += D_East;
// scale combination with gain.
PID_North = (PID_North * (int32_t) dynamicParams.NaviGpsGain) / 100;
PID_East = (PID_East * (int32_t) dynamicParams.NaviGpsGain) / 100;
// GPS to nick and roll settings
// A positive nick angle moves head downwards (flying forward).
// A positive roll angle tilts left side downwards (flying left).
// If compass heading is 0 the head of the copter is in north direction.
// A positive nick angle will fly to north and a positive roll angle will fly to west.
// In case of a positive north deviation/velocity the
// copter should fly to south (negative nick).
// In case of a positive east position deviation and a positive east velocity the
// copter should fly to west (positive roll).
// The influence of the GPSStickNick and GPSStickRoll variable is contrarily to the stick values
// in the flight.c. Therefore a positive north deviation/velocity should result in a positive
// GPSStickNick and a positive east deviation/velocity should result in a negative GPSStickRoll.
coscompass = (int32_t) c_cos_8192(YawGyroHeading / GYRO_DEG_FACTOR);
sincompass = (int32_t) c_sin_8192(YawGyroHeading / GYRO_DEG_FACTOR);
PID_Nick = (coscompass * PID_North + sincompass * PID_East) / 8192;
PID_Roll = (sincompass * PID_North - coscompass * PID_East) / 8192;
// limit resulting GPS control vector
GPSStickNick = (int16_t) PID_Nick;
GPSStickRoll = (int16_t) PID_Roll;
} else { // invalid GPS data or bad compass reading
GPS_Neutral(); // do nothing
// reset error integral
GPSPosDevIntegral_North = 0;
GPSPosDevIntegral_East = 0;
// recalculate latitude projection
cos_target_latitude = (int32_t)c_cos_8192((int16_t)(pTargetPos->Latitude/10000000L));
// remember last target pointer
pLastTargetPos = pTargetPos;
// mark data as processed
pTargetPos->Status = PROCESSED;
// calculate position deviation from latitude and longitude differences
GPSPosDev_North = (GPSInfo.latitude - pTargetPos->Latitude); // to calculate real cm we would need *111/100 additionally
GPSPosDev_East = (GPSInfo.longitude - pTargetPos->Longitude); // to calculate real cm we would need *111/100 additionally
// calculate latitude projection
GPSPosDev_East *= cos_target_latitude;
GPSPosDev_East /= 8192;
else // no valid target position available
// reset error
GPSPosDev_North = 0;
GPSPosDev_East = 0;
// reset error integral
GPSPosDevIntegral_North = 0;
GPSPosDevIntegral_East = 0;
else // no target position available
// reset error
GPSPosDev_North = 0;
GPSPosDev_East = 0;
// reset error integral
GPSPosDevIntegral_North = 0;
GPSPosDevIntegral_East = 0;
//Calculate PID-components of the controller
// D-Part
D_North = ((int32_t)dynamicParams.NaviGpsD * GPSInfo.velnorth)/512;
D_East = ((int32_t)dynamicParams.NaviGpsD * GPSInfo.veleast)/512;
// P-Part
P_North = ((int32_t)dynamicParams.NaviGpsP * GPSPosDev_North)/2048;
P_East = ((int32_t)dynamicParams.NaviGpsP * GPSPosDev_East)/2048;
// I-Part
I_North = ((int32_t)dynamicParams.NaviGpsI * GPSPosDevIntegral_North)/8192;
I_East = ((int32_t)dynamicParams.NaviGpsI * GPSPosDevIntegral_East)/8192;
// combine P & I
PID_North = P_North + I_North;
PID_East = P_East + I_East;
if(!GPS_LimitXY(&PID_North, &PID_East, GPS_P_LIMIT))
GPSPosDevIntegral_North += GPSPosDev_North/16;
GPSPosDevIntegral_East += GPSPosDev_East/16;
GPS_LimitXY(&GPSPosDevIntegral_North, &GPSPosDevIntegral_East, GPS_POSINTEGRAL_LIMIT);
// combine PI- and D-Part
PID_North += D_North;
PID_East += D_East;
// scale combination with gain.
PID_North = (PID_North * (int32_t)dynamicParams.NaviGpsGain) / 100;
PID_East = (PID_East * (int32_t)dynamicParams.NaviGpsGain) / 100;
// GPS to nick and roll settings
// A positive nick angle moves head downwards (flying forward).
// A positive roll angle tilts left side downwards (flying left).
// If compass heading is 0 the head of the copter is in north direction.
// A positive nick angle will fly to north and a positive roll angle will fly to west.
// In case of a positive north deviation/velocity the
// copter should fly to south (negative nick).
// In case of a positive east position deviation and a positive east velocity the
// copter should fly to west (positive roll).
// The influence of the GPSStickNick and GPSStickRoll variable is contrarily to the stick values
// in the flight.c. Therefore a positive north deviation/velocity should result in a positive
// GPSStickNick and a positive east deviation/velocity should result in a negative GPSStickRoll.
coscompass = (int32_t)c_cos_8192(YawGyroHeading / GYRO_DEG_FACTOR);
sincompass = (int32_t)c_sin_8192(YawGyroHeading / GYRO_DEG_FACTOR);
PID_Nick = (coscompass * PID_North + sincompass * PID_East) / 8192;
PID_Roll = (sincompass * PID_North - coscompass * PID_East) / 8192;
// limit resulting GPS control vector
GPSStickNick = (int16_t)PID_Nick;
GPSStickRoll = (int16_t)PID_Roll;
else // invalid GPS data or bad compass reading
GPS_Neutral(); // do nothing
// reset error integral
GPSPosDevIntegral_North = 0;
GPSPosDevIntegral_East = 0;
void GPS_Main(void) {
static uint8_t GPS_P_Delay = 0;
static uint16_t beep_rythm = 0;
static uint8_t GPS_P_Delay = 0;
static uint16_t beep_rythm = 0;
// store home position if start of flight flag is set
if(GPS_SetCurrPosition(&HomePosition)) BeepTime = 700;
switch(GPSInfo.status) {
case INVALID: // invalid gps data
if(FlightMode != GPS_FLIGHT_MODE_FREE) {
BeepTime = 100; // beep if signal is neccesary
case PROCESSED: // if gps data are already processed do nothing
// downcount timeout
if(GPSTimeout) GPSTimeout--;
// if no new data arrived within timeout set current data invalid
// and therefore disable GPS
GPSInfo.status = INVALID;
case NEWDATA: // new valid data from gps device
// if the gps data quality is good
if (GPS_IsSignalOK())
switch(FlightMode) // check what's to do
// update hold position to current gps position
GPS_SetCurrPosition(&HoldPosition); // can get invalid if gps signal is bad
// disable gps control
if(HoldPosition.Status != INVALID)
if( GPS_IsManualControlled() ) // MK controlled by user
// update hold point to current gps position
// disable gps control
GPS_P_Delay = 0;
else // GPS control active
if(GPS_P_Delay < 7)
{ // delayed activation of P-Part for 8 cycles (8*0.25s = 2s)
GPS_SetCurrPosition(&HoldPosition); // update hold point to current gps position
GPS_PIDController(NULL); // activates only the D-Part
else GPS_PIDController(&HoldPosition);// activates the P&D-Part
else // invalid Hold Position
{ // try to catch a valid hold position from gps data input
// store home position if start of flight flag is set
if (GPS_SetCurrPosition(&HomePosition))
BeepTime = 700;
switch (GPSInfo.status) {
case INVALID: // invalid gps data
if(HomePosition.Status != INVALID)
// update hold point to current gps position
// to avoid a flight back if home comming is deactivated
if( GPS_IsManualControlled() ) // MK controlled by user
else // GPS control active
else // bad home position
BeepTime = 50; // signal invalid home position
// try to hold at least the position as a fallback option
if (HoldPosition.Status != INVALID)
if( GPS_IsManualControlled() ) // MK controlled by user
if (FlightMode != GPS_FLIGHT_MODE_FREE) {
BeepTime = 100; // beep if signal is neccesary
case PROCESSED: // if gps data are already processed do nothing
// downcount timeout
if (GPSTimeout)
// if no new data arrived within timeout set current data invalid
// and therefore disable GPS
else {
else // GPS control active
{ // try to catch a valid hold position
break; // eof TSK_HOME
default: // unhandled task
break; // eof default
} // eof switch GPS_Task
} // eof gps data quality is good
else // gps data quality is bad
{ // disable gps control
if(FlightMode != GPS_FLIGHT_MODE_FREE)
// beep if signal is not sufficient
if(!(GPSInfo.flags & FLAG_GPSFIXOK) && !(beep_rythm % 5)) BeepTime = 100;
else if (GPSInfo.satnum < staticParams.NaviGpsMinSat && !(beep_rythm % 5)) BeepTime = 10;
// set current data as processed to avoid further calculations on the same gps data
GPSInfo.status = PROCESSED;
} // eof GPSInfo.status
GPSInfo.status = INVALID;
case NEWDATA: // new valid data from gps device
// if the gps data quality is good
if (GPS_IsSignalOK()) {
switch (FlightMode) { // check what's to do
// update hold position to current gps position
GPS_SetCurrPosition(&HoldPosition); // can get invalid if gps signal is bad
// disable gps control
if (HoldPosition.Status != INVALID) {
if (GPS_IsManualControlled()) { // MK controlled by user
// update hold point to current gps position
// disable gps control
GPS_P_Delay = 0;
} else { // GPS control active
if (GPS_P_Delay < 7) {
// delayed activation of P-Part for 8 cycles (8*0.25s = 2s)
GPS_SetCurrPosition(&HoldPosition); // update hold point to current gps position
GPS_PIDController(NULL); // activates only the D-Part
} else
GPS_PIDController(&HoldPosition);// activates the P&D-Part
} else // invalid Hold Position
{ // try to catch a valid hold position from gps data input
if (HomePosition.Status != INVALID) {
// update hold point to current gps position
// to avoid a flight back if home comming is deactivated
if (GPS_IsManualControlled()) // MK controlled by user
} else // GPS control active
} else // bad home position
BeepTime = 50; // signal invalid home position
// try to hold at least the position as a fallback option
if (HoldPosition.Status != INVALID) {
if (GPS_IsManualControlled()) // MK controlled by user
} else // GPS control active
} else { // try to catch a valid hold position
break; // eof TSK_HOME
default: // unhandled task
break; // eof default
} // eof switch GPS_Task
} // eof gps data quality is good
else // gps data quality is bad
{ // disable gps control
if (FlightMode != GPS_FLIGHT_MODE_FREE) {
// beep if signal is not sufficient
if (!(GPSInfo.flags & FLAG_GPSFIXOK) && !(beep_rythm % 5))
BeepTime = 100;
else if (GPSInfo.satnum < staticParams.NaviGpsMinSat
&& !(beep_rythm % 5))
BeepTime = 10;
// set current data as processed to avoid further calculations on the same gps data
GPSInfo.status = PROCESSED;
} // eof GPSInfo.status