Subversion Repositories FlightCtrl

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 1775 → Rev 1821

5,129 → 5,129
#include <avr/io.h>
typedef struct {
/*PMM*/ uint8_t HeightD;
/* P */ uint8_t MaxHeight;
/*PMM*/ uint8_t HeightP;
/* P */ uint8_t Height_ACC_Effect;
/* P */ uint8_t CompassYawEffect;
/* P */ uint8_t GyroD;
/*PMM*/ uint8_t GyroP;
/* P */ uint8_t GyroI;
/* Never used */ uint8_t StickYawP;
/* P */ uint8_t IFactor;
/* P */ uint8_t UserParams[8];
/* P */ uint8_t ServoPitchControl;
/* P */ uint8_t LoopGasLimit;
/* P */ uint8_t AxisCoupling1;
/* P */ uint8_t AxisCoupling2;
/* P */ uint8_t AxisCouplingYawCorrection;
/* P */ uint8_t DynamicStability;
/* P */ uint8_t ExternalControl;
/*PMM*/ uint8_t J16Timing;
/*PMM*/ uint8_t J17Timing;
/* P */ uint8_t NaviGpsModeControl;
/* P */ uint8_t NaviGpsGain;
/* P */ uint8_t NaviGpsP;
/* P */ uint8_t NaviGpsI;
/* P */ uint8_t NaviGpsD;
/* P */ uint8_t NaviGpsACC;
/*PMM*/ uint8_t NaviOperatingRadius;
/* P */ uint8_t NaviWindCorrection;
/* P */ uint8_t NaviSpeedCompensation;
int8_t KalmanK;
int8_t KalmanMaxDrift;
int8_t KalmanMaxFusion;
/*PMM*/uint8_t HeightD;
/* P */uint8_t MaxHeight;
/*PMM*/uint8_t HeightP;
/* P */uint8_t Height_ACC_Effect;
/* P */uint8_t CompassYawEffect;
/* P */uint8_t GyroD;
/*PMM*/uint8_t GyroP;
/* P */uint8_t GyroI;
/* Never used */uint8_t StickYawP;
/* P */uint8_t IFactor;
/* P */uint8_t UserParams[8];
/* P */uint8_t ServoPitchControl;
/* P */uint8_t LoopGasLimit;
/* P */uint8_t AxisCoupling1;
/* P */uint8_t AxisCoupling2;
/* P */uint8_t AxisCouplingYawCorrection;
/* P */uint8_t DynamicStability;
/* P */uint8_t ExternalControl;
/*PMM*/uint8_t J16Timing;
/*PMM*/uint8_t J17Timing;
/* P */uint8_t NaviGpsModeControl;
/* P */uint8_t NaviGpsGain;
/* P */uint8_t NaviGpsP;
/* P */uint8_t NaviGpsI;
/* P */uint8_t NaviGpsD;
/* P */uint8_t NaviGpsACC;
/*PMM*/uint8_t NaviOperatingRadius;
/* P */uint8_t NaviWindCorrection;
/* P */uint8_t NaviSpeedCompensation;
int8_t KalmanK;
int8_t KalmanMaxDrift;
int8_t KalmanMaxFusion;
} dynamicParam_t;
extern dynamicParam_t dynamicParams;
typedef struct {
uint8_t sourceIdx, targetIdx;
uint8_t min, max;
uint8_t sourceIdx, targetIdx;
uint8_t min, max;
typedef struct {
uint8_t sourceIdx, targetIdx;
uint8_t sourceIdx, targetIdx;
// values above 250 representing poti1 to poti4
typedef struct {
uint8_t ChannelAssignment[8]; // see upper defines for details
uint8_t GlobalConfig; // see upper defines for bitcoding
uint8_t HeightMinGas; // Value : 0-100
uint8_t HeightD; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t MaxHeight; // Value : 0-32
uint8_t HeightP; // Value : 0-32
uint8_t Height_Gain; // Value : 0-50
uint8_t Height_ACC_Effect; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t StickP; // Value : 1-6
uint8_t StickD; // Value : 0-64
uint8_t StickYawP; // Value : 1-20
uint8_t MinThrottle; // Value : 0-32
uint8_t MaxThrottle; // Value : 33-250
uint8_t GyroAccFactor; // Value : 1-64
uint8_t CompassYawEffect; // Value : 0-32
uint8_t GyroP; // Value : 10-250
uint8_t GyroI; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t GyroD; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t LowVoltageWarning; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t EmergencyGas; // Value : 0-250 //Gaswert bei Emp�ngsverlust
uint8_t EmergencyGasDuration; // Value : 0-250 // Zeitbis auf EmergencyGas geschaltet wird, wg. Rx-Problemen
uint8_t Unused0; //
uint8_t IFactor; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t UserParams1[4]; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t UserParam2; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t UserParam3; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t UserParam4; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t ServoPitchControl; // Value : 0-250 // Stellung des Servos
uint8_t ServoPitchComp; // Value : 0-250 // Einfluss Gyro/Servo
uint8_t ServoPitchMin; // Value : 0-250 // Anschlag
uint8_t ServoPitchMax; // Value : 0-250 // Anschlag
uint8_t ServoRefresh; // Value: 0-250 // Refreshrate of servo pwm output
uint8_t LoopGasLimit; // Value: 0-250 max. Gas w�hrend Looping
uint8_t LoopThreshold; // Value: 0-250 Schwelle f�r Stickausschlag
uint8_t LoopHysteresis; // Value: 0-250 Hysterese f�r Stickausschlag
uint8_t AxisCoupling1; // Value: 0-250 Faktor, mit dem Yaw die Achsen Roll und Nick koppelt (NickRollMitkopplung)
uint8_t AxisCoupling2; // Value: 0-250 Faktor, mit dem Nick und Roll verkoppelt werden
uint8_t ChannelAssignment[8]; // see upper defines for details
uint8_t GlobalConfig; // see upper defines for bitcoding
uint8_t HeightMinGas; // Value : 0-100
uint8_t HeightD; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t MaxHeight; // Value : 0-32
uint8_t HeightP; // Value : 0-32
uint8_t Height_Gain; // Value : 0-50
uint8_t Height_ACC_Effect; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t StickP; // Value : 1-6
uint8_t StickD; // Value : 0-64
uint8_t StickYawP; // Value : 1-20
uint8_t MinThrottle; // Value : 0-32
uint8_t MaxThrottle; // Value : 33-250
uint8_t GyroAccFactor; // Value : 1-64
uint8_t CompassYawEffect; // Value : 0-32
uint8_t GyroP; // Value : 10-250
uint8_t GyroI; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t GyroD; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t LowVoltageWarning; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t EmergencyGas; // Value : 0-250 //Gaswert bei Emp�ngsverlust
uint8_t EmergencyGasDuration; // Value : 0-250 // Zeitbis auf EmergencyGas geschaltet wird, wg. Rx-Problemen
uint8_t Unused0; //
uint8_t IFactor; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t UserParams1[4]; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t UserParam2; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t UserParam3; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t UserParam4; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t ServoPitchControl; // Value : 0-250 // Stellung des Servos
uint8_t ServoPitchComp; // Value : 0-250 // Einfluss Gyro/Servo
uint8_t ServoPitchMin; // Value : 0-250 // Anschlag
uint8_t ServoPitchMax; // Value : 0-250 // Anschlag
uint8_t ServoRefresh; // Value: 0-250 // Refreshrate of servo pwm output
uint8_t LoopGasLimit; // Value: 0-250 max. Gas w�hrend Looping
uint8_t LoopThreshold; // Value: 0-250 Schwelle f�r Stickausschlag
uint8_t LoopHysteresis; // Value: 0-250 Hysterese f�r Stickausschlag
uint8_t AxisCoupling1; // Value: 0-250 Faktor, mit dem Yaw die Achsen Roll und Nick koppelt (NickRollMitkopplung)
uint8_t AxisCoupling2; // Value: 0-250 Faktor, mit dem Nick und Roll verkoppelt werden
uint8_t AxisCouplingYawCorrection;// Value: 0-250 Faktor, mit dem Nick und Roll verkoppelt werden
uint8_t AngleTurnOverPitch; // Value: 0-250 180�-Punkt
uint8_t AngleTurnOverRoll; // Value: 0-250 180�-Punkt
uint8_t GyroAccTrim; // 1/k (Koppel_ACC_Wirkung)
uint8_t DriftComp; // limit for gyrodrift compensation
uint8_t DynamicStability; // PID limit for Attitude controller
uint8_t UserParams2[4]; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t UserParam6; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t UserParam7; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t UserParam8; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t J16Bitmask; // for the J16 Output
uint8_t J16Timing; // for the J16 Output
uint8_t J17Bitmask; // for the J17 Output
uint8_t J17Timing; // for the J17 Output
uint8_t NaviGpsModeControl; // Parameters for the Naviboard
uint8_t NaviGpsGain; // overall gain for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsP; // P gain for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsI; // I gain for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsD; // D gain for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsPLimit; // P limit for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsILimit; // I limit for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsDLimit; // D limit for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsACC; // ACC gain for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsMinSat; // number of sattelites neccesary for GPS functions
uint8_t NaviStickThreshold; // activation threshild for detection of manual stick movements
uint8_t NaviWindCorrection; // streng of wind course correction
uint8_t NaviSpeedCompensation; // D gain fefore position hold login
uint8_t NaviOperatingRadius; // Radius limit in m around start position for GPS flights
uint8_t NaviAngleLimitation; // limitation of attitude angle controlled by the gps algorithm
uint8_t NaviPHLoginTime; // position hold logintimeout
uint8_t ExternalControl; // for serial Control
uint8_t BitConfig; // see upper defines for bitcoding
uint8_t ServoPitchCompInvert; // Value : 0-250 0 oder 1 // WICHTIG!!! am Ende lassen
uint8_t AngleTurnOverPitch; // Value: 0-250 180�-Punkt
uint8_t AngleTurnOverRoll; // Value: 0-250 180�-Punkt
uint8_t GyroAccTrim; // 1/k (Koppel_ACC_Wirkung)
uint8_t DriftComp; // limit for gyrodrift compensation
uint8_t DynamicStability; // PID limit for Attitude controller
uint8_t UserParams2[4]; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t UserParam6; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t UserParam7; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t UserParam8; // Value : 0-250
uint8_t J16Bitmask; // for the J16 Output
uint8_t J16Timing; // for the J16 Output
uint8_t J17Bitmask; // for the J17 Output
uint8_t J17Timing; // for the J17 Output
uint8_t NaviGpsModeControl; // Parameters for the Naviboard
uint8_t NaviGpsGain; // overall gain for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsP; // P gain for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsI; // I gain for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsD; // D gain for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsPLimit; // P limit for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsILimit; // I limit for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsDLimit; // D limit for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsACC; // ACC gain for GPS-PID controller
uint8_t NaviGpsMinSat; // number of sattelites neccesary for GPS functions
uint8_t NaviStickThreshold; // activation threshild for detection of manual stick movements
uint8_t NaviWindCorrection; // streng of wind course correction
uint8_t NaviSpeedCompensation; // D gain fefore position hold login
uint8_t NaviOperatingRadius; // Radius limit in m around start position for GPS flights
uint8_t NaviAngleLimitation; // limitation of attitude angle controlled by the gps algorithm
uint8_t NaviPHLoginTime; // position hold logintimeout
uint8_t ExternalControl; // for serial Control
uint8_t BitConfig; // see upper defines for bitcoding
uint8_t ServoPitchCompInvert; // Value : 0-250 0 oder 1 // WICHTIG!!! am Ende lassen
uint8_t Reserved[4];
int8_t Name[12];
} paramset_t;
} paramset_t;
#define PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN sizeof(paramset_t)
134,10 → 134,10
extern paramset_t staticParams;
typedef struct {
uint8_t Revision;
int8_t Name[12];
int8_t Motor[16][4];
} __attribute__((packed)) MixerTable_t;
uint8_t Revision;
int8_t Name[12];
int8_t Motor[16][4];
}__attribute__((packed)) MixerTable_t;
extern MixerTable_t Mixer;