Subversion Repositories FlightCtrl

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Ignore whitespace Rev 1971 → Rev 1979

86,7 → 86,7
volatile uint16_t sensorInputs[8];
volatile int16_t rawGyroSum[3];
volatile int16_t acc[3];
volatile int16_t filteredAcc[2] = { 0,0 };
volatile int16_t filteredAcc[3] = { 0,0,0 };
// volatile int32_t stronglyFilteredAcc[3] = { 0,0,0 };
150,8 → 150,8
* Experiment: Measuring vibration-induced sensor noise.
volatile uint16_t gyroNoisePeak[2];
volatile uint16_t accNoisePeak[2];
volatile uint16_t gyroNoisePeak[3];
volatile uint16_t accNoisePeak[3];
// ADC channels
#define AD_GYRO_YAW 0
347,6 → 347,12
void analog_updateAccelerometers(void) {
// Z acc.
acc[Z] = accOffset.offsets[Z] - sensorInputs[AD_ACC_Z];
acc[Z] = sensorInputs[AD_ACC_Z] - accOffset.offsets[Z];
// Pitch and roll axis accelerations.
for (uint8_t axis=0; axis<2; axis++) {
if (ACC_REVERSED[axis])
353,27 → 359,12
acc[axis] = accOffset.offsets[axis] - sensorInputs[AD_ACC_PITCH-axis];
acc[axis] = sensorInputs[AD_ACC_PITCH-axis] - accOffset.offsets[axis];
for (uint8_t axis=0; axis<3; axis++) {
filteredAcc[axis] = (filteredAcc[axis] * (staticParams.accFilterConstant - 1) + acc[axis]) / staticParams.accFilterConstant;
stronglyFilteredAcc[PITCH] =
(stronglyFilteredAcc[PITCH] * 99 + acc[PITCH] * 10) / 100;
measureNoise(acc[axis], &accNoisePeak[axis], 1);
// Z acc.
acc[Z] = accOffset.offsets[Z] - sensorInputs[AD_ACC_Z];
acc[Z] = sensorInputs[AD_ACC_Z] - accOffset.offsets[Z];
stronglyFilteredAcc[Z] =
(stronglyFilteredAcc[Z] * 99 + acc[Z] * 10) / 100;
void analog_updateAirPressure(void) {
482,13 → 473,10
gyroOffset.offsets[YAW] = 512 * GYRO_SUMMATION_FACTOR_YAW;
debugOut.analog[6] = gyroOffset.offsets[PITCH];
debugOut.analog[7] = gyroOffset.offsets[ROLL];
if (accOffset_readFromEEProm()) {
printf("acc. meter offsets invalid%s",recal);
accOffset.offsets[PITCH] = accOffset.offsets[ROLL] = 512 * ACC_SUMMATION_FACTOR_PITCHROLL;
accOffset.offsets[Z] = 512 * ACC_SUMMATION_FACTOR_Z;
accOffset.offsets[Z] = 717 * ACC_SUMMATION_FACTOR_Z;
// Noise is relative to offset. So, reset noise measurements when changing offsets.