Subversion Repositories FlightCtrl

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 741 → Rev 745

/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/eeprom.h
72,7 → 72,7
uint8_t LowVoltageWarning; // Wert : 0-250
uint8_t EmergencyThrust; // Wert : 0-250 //Gaswert bei Empängsverlust
uint8_t EmergencyThrustDuration; // Wert : 0-250 // Zeitbis auf EmergencyThrust geschaltet wird, wg. Rx-Problemen
uint8_t UfoArrangement; // X oder + Formation
uint8_t UfoArrangement; // x oder + Formation
uint8_t I_Factor; // Wert : 0-250
uint8_t UserParam1; // Wert : 0-250
uint8_t UserParam2; // Wert : 0-250
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/fc.c
66,7 → 66,6
#include "twimaster.h"
#include "mm3.h"
volatile unsigned int I2CTimeout = 100;
// gyro readings
volatile int16_t Reading_GyroPitch, Reading_GyroRoll, Reading_GyroYaw;
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/uart.c
1,4 → 1,4
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Copyright (c) 04.2007 Holger Buss
// + only for non-profit use
// +
21,8 → 21,10
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
uint8_t DebugGetAnforderung = 0, DebugDisplayAnforderung = 0, DebugDataAnforderung = 0, GetVersionAnforderung = 0;
//int8_t test __attribute__ ((section (".noinit")));
uint8_t DebugGetRequest = 0, DebugDisplayRequest = 0, DebugDataRequest = 0, GetVersionRequest = 0;
volatile uint8_t txd_buffer[TXD_BUFFER_LEN];
volatile uint8_t rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
volatile uint8_t rxd_buffer[RXD_BUFFER_LEN];
35,7 → 37,7
uint8_t PcAccess = 100;
uint8_t MotorTest[4] = {0,0,0,0};
uint8_t DubWiseKeys[4] = {0,0,0,0};
uint8_t MySlaveAddr;
uint8_t MySlaveAddr = 0;
uint8_t ConfirmFrame;
DebugOut_t DebugOut;
218,7 → 220,7
ReceivedBytes = ptr_rxd_buffer; // store number of received bytes
rxd_buffer[ptr_rxd_buffer] = '\r'; // set termination character
// if 2nd byte is an 'R' enable watchdog that will result in an reset
if(rxd_buffer[2] == 'R') wdt_enable(WDTO_250MS); // Reset-Commando
if(rxd_buffer[2] == 'R') {wdt_enable(WDTO_250MS);} // Reset-Commando
{ // checksum invalid
255,7 → 257,7
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SendOutData(uint8_t cmd,uint8_t modul, uint8_t *snd, uint8_t len)
void SendOutData(uint8_t cmd,uint8_t module, uint8_t *snd, uint8_t len)
uint16_t pt = 0;
uint8_t a,b,c;
262,7 → 264,7
uint8_t ptr = 0;
txd_buffer[pt++] = '#'; // Start character
txd_buffer[pt++] = modul; // Address (a=0; b=1,...)
txd_buffer[pt++] = module; // Address (a=0; b=1,...)
txd_buffer[pt++] = cmd; // Command
280,7 → 282,7
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Decode64(uint8_t *ptrOut, uint8_t len, uint8_t ptrIn, uint8_t max) // Wohin mit den Daten; Wie lang; Wo im rxd_buffer
void Decode64(uint8_t *ptrOut, uint8_t len, uint8_t ptrIn, uint8_t max)
uint8_t a,b,c,d;
uint8_t ptr = 0;
291,7 → 293,7
b = rxd_buffer[ptrIn++] - '=';
c = rxd_buffer[ptrIn++] - '=';
d = rxd_buffer[ptrIn++] - '=';
if(ptrIn > max - 2) break; // nicht mehr Daten verarbeiten, als empfangen wurden
if(ptrIn > max - 2) break;
x = (a << 2) | (b >> 4);
y = ((b & 0x0f) << 4) | (c >> 2);
328,7 → 330,7
Decode64((uint8_t *) &ExternControl,sizeof(ExternControl),3,ReceivedBytes);
RemoteButtons |= ExternControl.RemoteButtons;
ConfirmFrame = ExternControl.Frame;
DebugDataAnforderung = 1;
DebugDataRequest = 1;
case 'h':// x-1 display columns
Decode64((uint8_t *) &tmp_char_arr2[0],sizeof(tmp_char_arr2),3,ReceivedBytes);
335,7 → 337,7
RemoteButtons |= tmp_char_arr2[0];
if(tmp_char_arr2[1] == 255) NurKanalAnforderung = 1;
else NurKanalAnforderung = 0; // keine Displaydaten
DebugDisplayAnforderung = 1;
DebugDisplayRequest = 1;
case 't':// motor test
Decode64((uint8_t *) &MotorTest[0],sizeof(MotorTest),3,ReceivedBytes);
345,10 → 347,10
ConfirmFrame = DubWiseKeys[3];
case 'v': // get version and board release
GetVersionAnforderung = 1;
GetVersionRequest = 1;
case 'g':// get debug data
DebugGetAnforderung = 1;
DebugGetRequest = 1;
case 'q':// get settings
Decode64((uint8_t *) &tmp_char_arr2[0],sizeof(tmp_char_arr2),3,ReceivedBytes);
404,16 → 406,16
static int16_t Debug_Timer = 0;
if(!txd_complete) return;
if(DebugGetAnforderung && txd_complete) // Bei Get werden die vom PC einstellbaren Werte vom PC zurückgelesen
if(DebugGetRequest && txd_complete) // Bei Get werden die vom PC einstellbaren Werte vom PC zurückgelesen
SendOutData('G',MySlaveAddr,(uint8_t *) &ExternControl,sizeof(ExternControl));
DebugGetAnforderung = 0;
DebugGetRequest = 0;
if((CheckDelay(Debug_Timer) || DebugDataAnforderung) && txd_complete)
if((CheckDelay(Debug_Timer) || DebugDataRequest) && txd_complete)
SendOutData('D',MySlaveAddr,(uint8_t *) &DebugOut,sizeof(DebugOut));
DebugDataAnforderung = 0;
DebugDataRequest = 0;
Debug_Timer = SetDelay(MIN_DEBUG_INTERVALL);
if(DebugTextAnforderung != 255) // Texte für die Analogdaten
430,10 → 432,10
ConfirmFrame = 0;
UDR0 = txd_buffer[0];
if(DebugDisplayAnforderung && txd_complete)
if(DebugDisplayRequest && txd_complete)
DebugDisplayAnforderung = 0;
DebugDisplayRequest = 0;
if(++RemotePollDisplayLine == 4 || NurKanalAnforderung)
SendOutData('4',0,(uint8_t *)&PPM_in,sizeof(PPM_in)); // DisplayZeile übertragen
441,10 → 443,10
else SendOutData('0' + RemotePollDisplayLine,0,(uint8_t *)&DisplayBuff[20 * RemotePollDisplayLine],20); // DisplayZeile übertragen
if(GetVersionAnforderung && txd_complete)
if(GetVersionRequest && txd_complete)
SendOutData('V',MySlaveAddr,(uint8_t *) &VersionInfo,sizeof(VersionInfo));
GetVersionAnforderung = 0;
GetVersionRequest = 0;
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/version.txt
131,6 → 131,14
Parameter 4 --> Angle between the MM3 Board (Arrow) and the MK head
Parameter 5 --> P-Factor for GPS PD controller
Parameter 6 --> D-Factor for GPS PD controller
- Additional Beep Codes:
If Compass is activatied in the configuration and a communication problem occurs to the
MM3 board then a 10Hz beep is send out to signal this problem.
If GPS is activated in the configuration and the GPSposition hold feature is activated
(Poti2 > 70) a permanent beep signals that no data from GPS-Module ar received and
a 4Hz beep signals that no 3D-Fix is present.