Subversion Repositories FlightCtrl

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 693 → Rev 694

/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/timer0.c
5,6 → 5,7
#include "analog.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "fc.h"
#include "mm3.h"
volatile uint16_t CountMilliseconds = 0;
volatile uint8_t UpdateMotor = 0;
30,6 → 31,18
DDRB |= (1<<DDB4)|(1<<DDB3);
PORTB &= ~((1<<PORTB4)|(1<<PORTB3));
if(BoardRelease == 10)
DDRD |= (1<<DDD2);
PORTD &= ~(1<<PORTD2);
DDRC |= (1<<DDC7);
PORTC &= ~(1<<PORTC7);
// Timer/Counter 0 Control Register A
// Waveform Generation Mode is Fast PWM (Bits WGM02 = 0, WGM01 = 1, WGM00 = 1)
106,28 → 119,16
else // beeper is off
// set speaker port to low
if(BoardRelease == 10) PORTD &= ~(1<<2);// Speaker at PD2
else PORTC &= ~(1<<7);// Speaker at PC7
if(BoardRelease == 10) PORTD &= ~(1<<PORTD2);// Speaker at PD2
else PORTC &= ~(1<<PORTC7);// Speaker at PC7
// update compass value if this option is enabled in the settings
if(ParamSet.GlobalConfig & CFG_COMPASS_ACTIVE)
if(PINC & 0x10)
if((cntKompass) && (cntKompass < 4000))
KompassValue = cntKompass;
KompassRichtung = ((540 + KompassValue - KompassStartwert) % 360) - 180;
cntKompass = 0;
134,17 → 135,13
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
uint16_t SetDelay (uint16_t t)
// TIMSK0 &= ~(1<<TOIE0);
return(CountMilliseconds + t + 1);
// TIMSK0 |= (1<<TOIE0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
int8_t CheckDelay(uint16_t t)
// TIMSK0 &= ~(1<<TOIE0);
return(((t - CountMilliseconds) & 0x8000) >> 9);
// TIMSK0 |= (1<<TOIE0);
return(((t - CountMilliseconds) & 0x8000) >> 9); // check sign bit
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------