Subversion Repositories FlightCtrl

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Regard whitespace Rev 761 → Rev 762

/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/GPS.c
1,5 → 1,4
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "fc.h"
#include "ubx.h"
#include "mymath.h"
10,6 → 9,8
#define TSK_HOLD 1
#define TSK_HOME 2
#define GPS_STICK_SENSE 12
#define GPS_STICK_LIMIT 45
int16_t GPS_Pitch = 0;
int16_t GPS_Roll = 0;
43,6 → 44,11
if(HomePosition.Status == VALID) BeepTime = 1000; // signal if new home position was set
// clear home position
void GPS_ClearHomePosition(void)
HomePosition.Status = INVALID;
// disable GPS control sticks
void GPS_Neutral(void)
51,12 → 57,21
GPS_Roll = 0;
// calculates the GPS control sticks values from the position deviation
void GPS_PDController(void)
// calculates the GPS control sticks values from the deviation to target position
void GPS_PDController(GPS_Pos_t *TargetPos)
int32_t coscompass, sincompass;
int32_t P_North = 0, D_North = 0, P_East = 0, D_East = 0;
int32_t PD_North = 0, PD_East = 0;
if( (TargetPos->Status == VALID) && (GPSInfo.status == VALID) && (GPSInfo.satfix == SATFIX_3D))
GPSPosDev_North = GPSInfo.utmnorth - TargetPos->Northing;
GPSPosDev_East = GPSInfo.utmeast - TargetPos->Easting;
DebugOut.Analog[12] = GPSPosDev_North;
DebugOut.Analog[13] = GPSPosDev_East;
//Calculate PD-components of the controller (negative sign for compensation)
P_North = -(GPS_P_Factor * GPSPosDev_North)/2048;
D_North = -(GPS_D_Factor * GPSInfo.velnorth)/512;
96,23 → 111,28
GPS_Pitch = -1*(int16_t)((sincompass * PD_East + coscompass * PD_North) / 8192);
// limit GPS controls
#define GPS_CTRL_LIMIT 35
else // invalid input data
BeepTime = 50;
void GPS_Main(void)
void GPS_Main(uint8_t ctrl)
static uint8_t GPS_Task = TSK_IDLE;
int16_t satbeep;
// poti2 enables the gps feature
if(Poti2 < 70) GPS_Task = TSK_IDLE;
else if (Poti2 < 160) GPS_Task = TSK_HOLD;
else GPS_Task = TSK_HOME; // Poti2 >= 160
// ctrl enables the gps feature
if(ctrl < 70) GPS_Task = TSK_IDLE;
else if (ctrl < 160) GPS_Task = TSK_HOLD;
else GPS_Task = TSK_HOME; // ctrl >= 160
150,16 → 170,12
break; // eof TSK_IDLE
case TSK_HOLD:
// if sticks are centered and hold position is valid enable position hold control
if ((MaxStickPitch < 20) && (MaxStickRoll < 20) && (HoldPosition.Status == VALID))
if(HoldPosition.Status == VALID)
// Calculate deviation from hold position
GPSPosDev_North = GPSInfo.utmnorth - HoldPosition.Northing;
GPSPosDev_East = GPSInfo.utmeast - HoldPosition.Easting;
DebugOut.Analog[12] = GPSPosDev_North;
DebugOut.Analog[13] = GPSPosDev_East;
// if sticks are centered (no manual control)
if ((MaxStickPitch < GPS_STICK_SENSE) && (MaxStickRoll < GPS_STICK_SENSE))
else // MK controlled by user
166,32 → 182,36
// update hold point to current gps position
HoldPosition.Northing = GPSInfo.utmnorth;
HoldPosition.Easting = GPSInfo.utmeast;
HoldPosition.Status = VALID;
HoldPosition.Status = GPSInfo.status;
// disable gps control
break; // eof TSK_HOLD
case TSK_HOME:
if(HomePosition.Status == VALID)
// update hold point to current gps position
// to avoid a flight back if home comming is deactivated
HoldPosition.Northing = GPSInfo.utmnorth;
HoldPosition.Easting = GPSInfo.utmeast;
HoldPosition.Status = VALID;
// Calculate deviation from home position
GPSPosDev_North = GPSInfo.utmnorth - HomePosition.Northing;
GPSPosDev_East = GPSInfo.utmeast - HomePosition.Easting;
DebugOut.Analog[12] = GPSPosDev_North;
DebugOut.Analog[13] = GPSPosDev_East;
HoldPosition.Status = GPSInfo.status;
// if sticks are centered (no manual control)
if((MaxStickPitch < GPS_STICK_SENSE) && (MaxStickRoll < GPS_STICK_SENSE))
else // bad home position
BeepTime = 50; // signal invalid home position
// try to hold at least the position as a fallback option
// if sticks are centered (no manual control)
if((MaxStickPitch < GPS_STICK_SENSE) && (MaxStickRoll < GPS_STICK_SENSE) && (HoldPosition.Status == VALID))
break; // eof TSK_HOME
default: // unhandled task
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/cmps03.c
10,9 → 10,9
void CMPS03_Init(void)
// Port PC4 connected to PWM output from compass module
// Port PC5 connected to PWM output from compass module
DDRC &= ~(1<<DDC4); // set as input
PORTC |= (1<<PORTC4); // pull up to increase PWM counter aslo if nowthing is connected
PORTC |= (1<<PORTC4); // pull up to increase PWM counter allo if nothing is connected
PWMTimeout = 0;
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/eeprom.c
83,7 → 83,7
ParamSet.GyroAccTrim = 16; // 1/k
ParamSet.DriftComp = 4;
ParamSet.DynamicStability = 100;
memcpy(ParamSet.Name, "Sport\0", 12);
memcpy(ParamSet.Name, "Sport\0",6);
146,7 → 146,7
ParamSet.GyroAccTrim = 32; // 1/k
ParamSet.DriftComp = 4;
ParamSet.DynamicStability = 75;
memcpy(ParamSet.Name, "Normal\0", 12);
memcpy(ParamSet.Name, "Normal\0", 7);
209,7 → 209,7
ParamSet.GyroAccTrim = 32; // 1/k
ParamSet.DriftComp = 4;
ParamSet.DynamicStability = 50;
memcpy(ParamSet.Name, "Beginner\0", 12);
memcpy(ParamSet.Name, "Beginner\0", 9);
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/fc.c
70,6 → 70,7
#ifdef USE_CMPS03
#include "cmps03.h"
#include "led.h"
volatile uint16_t I2CTimeout = 100;
// gyro readings
114,7 → 115,7
volatile int16_t DiffPitch, DiffRoll;
int16_t Poti1 = 0, Poti2 = 0, Poti3 = 0, Poti4 = 0;
int16_t Poti1 = 0, Poti2 = 0, Poti3 = 0, Poti4 = 0, Poti5 = 0, Poti6 = 0, Poti7 = 0, Poti8 = 0;
// setpoints for motors
volatile uint8_t Motor_Front, Motor_Rear, Motor_Right, Motor_Left;
362,11 → 363,23
if(Poti2 < PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_POTI2]] + 110) Poti2++; else if(Poti2 > PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_POTI2]] + 110 && Poti2) Poti2--;
if(Poti3 < PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_POTI3]] + 110) Poti3++; else if(Poti3 > PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_POTI3]] + 110 && Poti3) Poti3--;
if(Poti4 < PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_POTI4]] + 110) Poti4++; else if(Poti4 > PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_POTI4]] + 110 && Poti4) Poti4--;
if(Poti5 < PPM_in[9] + 110) Poti5++; else if(Poti5 > PPM_in[9] + 110 && Poti5) Poti5--;
if(Poti6 < PPM_in[10] + 110) Poti6++; else if(Poti6 > PPM_in[10] + 110 && Poti6) Poti6--;
if(Poti7 < PPM_in[11] + 110) Poti7++; else if(Poti7 > PPM_in[11] + 110 && Poti7) Poti7--;
if(Poti8 < PPM_in[12] + 110) Poti8++; else if(Poti8 > PPM_in[12] + 110 && Poti8) Poti8--;
//limit poti values
if(Poti1 < 0) Poti1 = 0; else if(Poti1 > 255) Poti1 = 255;
if(Poti2 < 0) Poti2 = 0; else if(Poti2 > 255) Poti2 = 255;
if(Poti3 < 0) Poti3 = 0; else if(Poti3 > 255) Poti3 = 255;
if(Poti4 < 0) Poti4 = 0; else if(Poti4 > 255) Poti4 = 255;
if(Poti5 < 0) Poti5 = 0; else if(Poti5 > 255) Poti5 = 255;
if(Poti6 < 0) Poti6 = 0; else if(Poti6 > 255) Poti6 = 255;
if(Poti7 < 0) Poti7 = 0; else if(Poti7 > 255) Poti7 = 255;
if(Poti8 < 0) Poti8 = 0; else if(Poti8 > 255) Poti8 = 255;
TurnOver180Pitch = (int32_t) ParamSet.AngleTurnOverPitch * 2500L;
TurnOver180Roll = (int32_t) ParamSet.AngleTurnOverRoll * 2500L;
407,7 → 420,9
void ParameterMapping(void)
if(SenderOkay > 140) // do the mapping of RC-Potis only if the rc-signal is ok
// else the last updated values are used
#define CHK_POTI(b,a,min,max) { if(a > 250) { if(a == 251) b = Poti1; else if(a == 252) b = Poti2; else if(a == 253) b = Poti3; else if(a == 254) b = Poti4;} else b = a; if(b <= min) b = min; else if(b >= max) b = max;}
430,9 → 445,9
Ki = (float) FCParam.I_Factor * FACTOR_I;
456,8 → 471,8
static int32_t CorrectionPitch, CorrectionRoll;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// determine thrust value
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
500,7 → 515,7
PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]] = 0;
else MotorsOn = 0; // switch of all motors
} // eof SenderOkay < 100
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// RC-signal is good
624,12 → 639,13
delay_stopmotors = 200; // do not repeat if once executed
Modell_Is_Flying = 0;
MotorsOn = 0;
else delay_stopmotors = 0; // reset delay timer if sticks are not in this position
// remapping of paameters only if the signal rc-sigbnal conditions are good
} // eof SenderOkay > 140
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// new values from RC
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
637,7 → 653,6
int tmp_int;
ParameterMapping(); // remapping params (online poti replacement)
// calculate Stick inputs by rc channels (P) and changing of rc channels (D)
StickPitch = (StickPitch * 3 + PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] * ParamSet.Stick_P) / 4;
StickPitch += PPM_diff[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] * ParamSet.Stick_D;
754,6 → 769,14
if(ThrustMixFraction > ParamSet.LoopThrustLimit) ThrustMixFraction = ParamSet.LoopThrustLimit;
//+ LED Control on J16/J17
LED_OffTime = FCParam.UserParam7;
LED_OnTime = FCParam.UserParam8;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// in case of emergency landing
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1056,11 → 1079,12
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// GPS
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if((ParamSet.GlobalConfig & CFG_GPS_ACTIVE) && !EmergencyLanding)
if(ParamSet.GlobalConfig & CFG_GPS_ACTIVE)
GPS_P_Factor = FCParam.UserParam5;
GPS_D_Factor = FCParam.UserParam6;
GPS_Main(); // updates GPS_Pitch and GPS_Roll on new GPS data
if(EmergencyLanding) GPS_Main(230); // enables Comming Home
else GPS_Main(Poti3);
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/fc.h
74,7 → 74,7
void Beep(uint8_t numbeeps);
extern int16_t Poti1, Poti2, Poti3, Poti4;
extern int16_t Poti1, Poti2, Poti3, Poti4, Poti5, Poti6, Poti7, Poti8;
// setpoints for motors
extern volatile uint8_t Motor_Front, Motor_Rear, Motor_Right, Motor_Left; //used by twimaster isr
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/gps.h
9,8 → 9,9
extern uint8_t GPS_P_Factor;
extern uint8_t GPS_D_Factor;
extern void GPS_Main(void);
extern void GPS_Main(uint8_t ctrl);
extern void GPS_SetHomePosition(void);
extern void GPS_ClearHomePosition(void);
extern void GPS_Neutral(void);
#endif //_GPS_H
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/main.c
61,6 → 61,7
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega644P__)
#include "uart1.h"
#include "led.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "ubx.h"
#include "fc.h"
105,11 → 106,6
// set PC2 & PC3 as output (ctrl J16 & J17)
DDRC |= (1<<DDC2)|(1<<DDC3);
// disable watchdog
MCUSR &=~(1<<WDRF);
WDTCSR |= (1<<WDCE)|(1<<WDE);
125,6 → 121,7
// initalize modules
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/main.h
1,6 → 1,8
#ifndef _MAIN_H
#define _MAIN_H
#include <avr/io.h>
//Hier die Quarz Frequenz einstellen
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega32__)
#define SYSCLK 20000000L //Quarz Frequenz in Hz
25,11 → 27,6
#define GRN_ON PORTB |= (1<<PORTB1)
#define GRN_FLASH PORTB ^= (1<<PORTB1)
#define J16_ON PORTC |= (1<<PORTC2)
#define J16_OFF PORTC &= ~(1<<PORTC2)
#define J17_ON PORTC |= (1<<PORTC3)
#define J17_OFF PORTC &= ~(1<<PORTC3)
#include <inttypes.h>
extern uint8_t BoardRelease;
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/makefile
80,7 → 80,7
# List C source files here. (C dependencies are automatically generated.)
SRC = main.c uart.c printf_P.c timer0.c timer2.c analog.c menu.c
SRC = main.c uart.c printf_P.c timer0.c timer2.c analog.c menu.c led.c
SRC += twimaster.c rc.c fc.c GPS.c spi.c eeprom.c mymath.c ubx.c fifo.c
ifeq ($(MCU), atmega644p)
SRC += uart1.c
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/menu.c
161,10 → 161,10
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"OffCourse: %5i",CompassOffCourse);
case 9:// Poti Menu Item
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Poti1: %3i",Poti1);
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Poti2: %3i",Poti2);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Poti3: %3i",Poti3);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Poti4: %3i",Poti4);
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Po1: %3i Po5: %3i" ,Poti1,Poti5); //PPM24-Extesion
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Po2: %3i Po6: %3i" ,Poti2,Poti6); //PPM24-Extesion
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Po3: %3i Po7: %3i" ,Poti3,Poti7); //PPM24-Extesion
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Po4: %3i Po8: %3i" ,Poti4,Poti8); //PPM24-Extesion
case 10:// Servo Menu Item
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Servo " );
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/rc.c
114,7 → 114,7
// if a sync gap happens and there where at least 4 channels decoded before
// then the NewPpmData flag is reset indicating valid data in the PPM_in[] array.
if(index >= 4) NewPpmData = 0; // Null means NewData
if(index >= 4) NewPpmData = 0; // Null means NewData for the first 4 channels
// synchronize channel index
index = 1;