Subversion Repositories FlightCtrl

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 684 → Rev 685

/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/analog.c
4,8 → 4,11
// +
// + see the File "License.txt" for further Informations
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "analog.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "timer0.h"
#include "fc.h"
#include "printf_P.h"
volatile int16_t Current_Nick = 0, Current_Roll = 0, Current_Gier = 0;
volatile int16_t Current_AccX = 0, Current_AccY = 0, Current_AccZ = 0;
115,19 → 118,19
case 6:
// average over two samples to create current ADValueGier
if(PlatinenVersion == 10) AdValueGyrGier = (ADC + gier1) / 2;
if(BoardRelease == 10) AdValueGyrGier = (ADC + gier1) / 2;
else AdValueGyrGier = ADC + gier1; // gain is 2 times lower on FC 1.1
adc_channel = 1; // set next channel to ADC7 = ROLL GYRO
case 7:
// average over two samples to create current ADValueRoll
if(PlatinenVersion == 10) AdValueGyrRoll = (ADC + roll1) / 2;
if(BoardRelease == 10) AdValueGyrRoll = (ADC + roll1) / 2;
else AdValueGyrRoll = ADC + roll1; // gain is 2 times lower on FC 1.1
adc_channel = 2; // set next channel to ADC2 = NICK GYRO
case 8:
// average over two samples to create current ADValueNick
if(PlatinenVersion == 10) AdValueGyrNick = (ADC + nick1) / 2;
if(BoardRelease == 10) AdValueGyrNick = (ADC + nick1) / 2;
else AdValueGyrNick = ADC + nick1; // gain is 2 times lower on FC 1.1
adc_channel = 5; // set next channel to ADC5 = ACC_Z
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/analog.h
1,6 → 1,7
#ifndef _ANALOG_H
#define _ANALOG_H
#include <inttypes.h>
extern volatile int16_t UBat;
extern volatile int16_t AdValueGyrNick, AdValueGyrRoll, AdValueGyrGier;
15,9 → 16,9
extern volatile uint16_t MessLuftdruck;
extern volatile int16_t StartLuftdruck;
void SucheLuftruckOffset(void);
extern void SucheLuftruckOffset(void);
void ADC_Init(void);
extern void ADC_Init(void);
// clear ADC enable & ADC Start Conversion & ADC Interrupt Enable bit
#define ADC_Disable() (ADCSRA &= ~((1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADSC)|(1<<ADIE)))
24,3 → 25,7
// set ADC enable & ADC Start Conversion & ADC Interrupt Enable bit
#define ADC_Enable() (ADCSRA |= (1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADSC)|(1<<ADIE))
#endif //_ANALOG_H
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/eeprom.c
1,3 → 1,7
#include "fc.h"
#include "_Settings.h"
#include "main.h"
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Konstanten
// + 0-250 -> normale Werte
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/eeprom.h
0,0 → 1,8
#ifndef _EEPROM_H
#define _EEPROM_H
extern void DefaultKonstanten1(void);
extern void DefaultKonstanten2(void);
extern void DefaultKonstanten3(void);
#endif //_EEPROM_H
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/fc.c
52,8 → 52,17
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "main.h"
#include "eeprom.c"
#include "eeprom.h"
#include "timer0.h"
#include "_Settings.h"
#include "analog.h"
#include "fc.h"
#include "gps.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include "rc.h"
#include "twimaster.h"
unsigned char h,m,s;
volatile unsigned int I2CTimeout = 100;
242,7 → 251,7
if(AdValueGyrRoll < 15) MesswertRoll = -1000;
if(AdValueGyrRoll < 7) MesswertRoll = -2000;
if(PlatinenVersion == 10)
if(BoardRelease == 10)
if(AdValueGyrRoll > 1010) MesswertRoll = +1000;
if(AdValueGyrRoll > 1017) MesswertRoll = +2000;
269,7 → 278,7
if(AdValueGyrNick < 15) MesswertNick = -1000;
if(AdValueGyrNick < 7) MesswertNick = -2000;
if(PlatinenVersion == 10)
if(BoardRelease == 10)
if(AdValueGyrNick > 1010) MesswertNick = +1000;
if(AdValueGyrNick > 1017) MesswertNick = +2000;
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/fc.h
34,8 → 34,6
void SetNeutral(void);
void Piep(unsigned char Anzahl);
extern void DefaultKonstanten(void);
void DefaultKonstanten1(void);
void DefaultKonstanten2(void);
extern unsigned char h,m,s;
extern volatile unsigned char Timeout ;
53,8 → 51,6
extern volatile unsigned char SenderOkay;
extern int StickNick,StickRoll,StickGier;
extern char MotorenEin;
extern void DefaultKonstanten1(void);
extern void DefaultKonstanten2(void);
struct mk_param_struct
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/main.c
50,10 → 50,24
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "main.h"
#include "timer0.h"
#include "timer2.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include "uart1.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "fc.h"
#include "rc.h"
#include "analog.h"
#include "printf_P.h"
#include "spi.h"
#include "twimaster.h"
#include "eeprom.h"
#include "_Settings.h"
unsigned char EEPromArray[E2END+1] EEMEM;
unsigned char PlatinenVersion = 10;
uint8_t EEPromArray[E2END+1] EEMEM;
uint8_t BoardRelease = 10;
// -- Parametersatz aus EEPROM lesen ---
// number [0..5]
void ReadParameterSet(unsigned char number, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char length)
72,9 → 86,12
eeprom_write_byte(&EEPromArray[EEPROM_ADR_ACTIVE_SET], number); // diesen Parametersatz als aktuell merken
unsigned char GetActiveParamSetNumber(void)
/* Get number of active parameter set */
uint8_t GetActiveParamSetNumber(void)
unsigned char set;
uint8_t set;
set = eeprom_read_byte(&EEPromArray[EEPROM_ADR_ACTIVE_SET]);
if(set > 5)
97,7 → 114,11
DDRB = 0x00;
PORTB = 0x00;
for(timer = 0; timer < 1000; timer++); // make delay
if(PINB & 0x01) PlatinenVersion = 11; else PlatinenVersion = 10;
if(PINB & 0x01) BoardRelease = 11;
else BoardRelease = 10;
DDRC = 0x81; // SCL & Speaker
PORTC = 0xff; // Pullup SDA
DDRB = 0x1B; // LEDs und Druckoffset
137,7 → 158,7
VersionInfo.Nebenversion = VERSION_NEBENVERSION;
VersionInfo.PCKompatibel = VERSION_KOMPATIBEL;
printf("\n\rFlightControl\n\rHardware:%d.%d\n\rSoftware:V%d.%d%c ",PlatinenVersion/10,PlatinenVersion%10, VERSION_HAUPTVERSION, VERSION_NEBENVERSION,VERSION_INDEX + 'a');
printf("\n\rFlightControl\n\rHardware:%d.%d\n\rSoftware:V%d.%d%c ",BoardRelease/10,BoardRelease%10, VERSION_HAUPTVERSION, VERSION_NEBENVERSION,VERSION_INDEX + 'a');
189,7 → 210,7
I2CTimeout = 5000;
while (1)
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/main.h
15,8 → 15,8
// neue Hardware
#define ROT_OFF {if(PlatinenVersion == 10) PORTB &=~0x01; else PORTB |= 0x01;}
#define ROT_ON {if(PlatinenVersion == 10) PORTB |= 0x01; else PORTB &=~0x01;}
#define ROT_OFF {if(BoardRelease == 10) PORTB &=~0x01; else PORTB |= 0x01;}
#define ROT_ON {if(BoardRelease == 10) PORTB |= 0x01; else PORTB &=~0x01;}
#define ROT_FLASH PORTB ^= 0x01
#define GRN_OFF PORTB &=~0x02
#define GRN_ON PORTB |= 0x02
54,18 → 54,7
#define CFG_LOOP_LINKS 0x04
#define CFG_LOOP_RECHTS 0x08
//#define SYSCLK
//extern unsigned long SYSCLK;
extern volatile int i_Nick[20],i_Roll[20],DiffNick,DiffRoll;
extern volatile unsigned char SenderOkay;
extern unsigned char CosinusNickWinkel, CosinusRollWinkel;
extern unsigned char PlatinenVersion;
void ReadParameterSet (unsigned char number, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char length);
void WriteParameterSet(unsigned char number, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char length);
extern unsigned char GetActiveParamSetNumber(void);
extern unsigned char EEPromArray[];
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
75,23 → 64,20
#include <avr/boot.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
#include "old_macros.h"
#include "_Settings.h"
#include "printf_P.h"
#include "timer0.h"
#include "timer2.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include "uart1.h"
#include "analog.h"
#include "twimaster.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "rc.h"
#include "fc.h"
#include "gps.h"
#include "spi.h"
//#define SYSCLK
//extern unsigned long SYSCLK;
extern volatile int i_Nick[20],i_Roll[20],DiffNick,DiffRoll;
extern volatile unsigned char SenderOkay;
extern unsigned char CosinusNickWinkel, CosinusRollWinkel;
extern uint8_t BoardRelease;
void ReadParameterSet (unsigned char number, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char length);
void WriteParameterSet(unsigned char number, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char length);
extern uint8_t GetActiveParamSetNumber(void);
extern uint8_t EEPromArray[];
#ifndef EEMEM
#define EEMEM __attribute__ ((section (".eeprom")))
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/makefile
75,7 → 75,7
# List C source files here. (C dependencies are automatically generated.)
SRC = main.c uart.c printf_P.c timer0.c timer2.c analog.c menu.c
SRC += twimaster.c rc.c fc.c GPS.c spi.c
SRC += twimaster.c rc.c fc.c GPS.c spi.c eeprom.c
SRC += mymath.c ubx.c fifo.c uart1.c
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/menu.c
4,14 → 4,25
// +
// + see the File "License.txt" for further Informations
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "timer2.h"
#include "fc.h"
#include "rc.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include "printf_P.h"
#include "analog.h"
#include "_Settings.h"
unsigned int TestInt = 0;
unsigned char Array[ARRAYGROESSE] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
char DisplayBuff[80] = "Hallo Welt";
unsigned char DispPtr = 0;
unsigned char RemoteTasten = 0;
uint16_t TestInt = 0;
#define ARRAYSIZE 10
uint8_t Array[ARRAYSIZE] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
int8_t DisplayBuff[DISPLAYBUFFSIZE] = "Hello World";
uint8_t DispPtr = 0;
uint8_t RemoteButtons = 0;
#define KEY1 0x01
#define KEY2 0x02
19,31 → 30,63
#define KEY4 0x08
#define KEY5 0x10
void LcdClear(void)
/* Clear LCD Buffer */
void LCD_Clear(void)
unsigned char i;
for(i=0;i<80;i++) DisplayBuff[i] = ' ';
uint8_t i;
for( i = 0; i < DISPLAYBUFFSIZE; i++) DisplayBuff[i] = ' ';
void Menu(void)
/* Update Menu on LCD */
// Display with 20 characters in 4 lines
void LCD_PrintMenu(void)
static unsigned char MaxMenue = 11,MenuePunkt=0;
static uint8_t MaxMenuItem = 11, MenuItem=0;
if(RemoteTasten & KEY1) { if(MenuePunkt) MenuePunkt--; else MenuePunkt = MaxMenue; LcdClear(); RemotePollDisplayLine = -1; }
if(RemoteTasten & KEY2) { MenuePunkt++; LcdClear(); RemotePollDisplayLine = -1;}
if((RemoteTasten & KEY1) && (RemoteTasten & KEY2)) MenuePunkt = 0;
if(MenuePunkt < 10) {LCD_printfxy(17,0,"[%i]",MenuePunkt);} else {LCD_printfxy(16,0,"[%i]",MenuePunkt);};
// if KEY1 is activated goto previous menu item
if(RemoteButtons & KEY1)
case 0:
if(MenuItem) MenuItem--;
else MenuItem = MaxMenuItem;
RemotePollDisplayLine = -1;
// if KEY2 is activated goto next menu item
if(RemoteButtons & KEY2)
if (MenuItem == MaxMenuItem) MenuItem = 0;
else MenuItem++;
RemotePollDisplayLine = -1;
// if KEY1 and KEY2 is activated goto initial menu item
if((RemoteButtons & KEY1) && (RemoteButtons & KEY2)) MenuItem = 0;
// print menu item number in the upper right corner
if(MenuItem < 10)
case 0:// Version Info Menu Item
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"+ MikroKopter +");
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"HW:V%d.%d SW:%d.%d%c",PlatinenVersion/10,PlatinenVersion%10,VERSION_HAUPTVERSION, VERSION_NEBENVERSION,VERSION_INDEX+'a');
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"HW:V%d.%d SW:%d.%d%c",BoardRelease/10,BoardRelease%10,VERSION_HAUPTVERSION, VERSION_NEBENVERSION,VERSION_INDEX+'a');
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Setting: %d ",GetActiveParamSetNumber());
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"(c) Holger Buss");
// if(RemoteTasten & KEY3) TestInt--;
// if(RemoteTasten & KEY4) TestInt++;
case 1:
case 1:// Hight Control Menu Item
if(EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHENREGELUNG)
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Hoehe: %5i",HoehenWert);
58,27 → 101,27
case 2:
case 2:// Attitude Menu Item
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"akt. Lage");
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Nick: %5i",IntegralNick/1024);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Roll: %5i",IntegralRoll/1024);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Kompass: %5i",KompassValue);
case 3:
case 3:// Remote Control Channel Menu Item
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"K1:%4i K2:%4i ",PPM_in[1],PPM_in[2]);
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"K3:%4i K4:%4i ",PPM_in[3],PPM_in[4]);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"K5:%4i K6:%4i ",PPM_in[5],PPM_in[6]);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"K7:%4i K8:%4i ",PPM_in[7],PPM_in[8]);
case 4:
case 4:// Remote Control Mapping Menu Item
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Ni:%4i Ro:%4i ",PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]],PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]]);
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Gs:%4i Gi:%4i ",PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GAS]],PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GIER]]);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"P1:%4i P2:%4i ",PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI1]],PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI2]]);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"P3:%4i P4:%4i ",PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI3]],PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI4]]);
case 5:
case 5:// Gyro Sensor Menu Item
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Gyro - Sensor");
if(PlatinenVersion == 10)
if(BoardRelease == 10)
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Nick %4i (%3i)",AdValueGyrNick - AdNeutralNick, AdNeutralNick);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Roll %4i (%3i)",AdValueGyrRoll - AdNeutralRoll, AdNeutralRoll);
91,43 → 134,43
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Gier %4i (%3i)",MesswertGier, AdNeutralGier/2);
case 6:
case 6:// Acceleration Sensor Menu Item
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"ACC - Sensor");
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Nick %4i (%3i)",AdValueAccNick,NeutralAccX);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Roll %4i (%3i)",AdValueAccRoll,NeutralAccY);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Hoch %4i (%3i)",Mittelwert_AccHoch/*accumulate_AccHoch / messanzahl_AccHoch*/,(int)NeutralAccZ);
case 7:
case 7:// Accumulator Voltage / Remote Control Level
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Spannung: %5i",UBat);
case 8:
case 8:// Compass Menu Item
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Kompass ");
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Richtung: %5i",KompassRichtung);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Messwert: %5i",KompassValue);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Start: %5i",KompassStartwert);
case 9:
case 9:// Poti Menu Item
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Poti1: %3i",Poti1);
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Poti2: %3i",Poti2);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Poti3: %3i",Poti3);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Poti4: %3i",Poti4);
case 10:
case 10:// Servo Menu Item
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Servo " );
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Setpoint %3i",Parameter_ServoNickControl);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Stellung: %3i",ServoValue);
case 11:
case 11://Extern Control
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"ExternControl " );
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Ni:%4i Ro:%4i ",ExternControl.Nick,ExternControl.Roll);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Gs:%4i Gi:%4i ",ExternControl.Gas,ExternControl.Gier);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Hi:%4i Cf:%4i ",ExternControl.Hight,ExternControl.Config);
default: MaxMenue = MenuePunkt - 1;
MenuePunkt = 0;
default: MaxMenuItem = MenuItem - 1;
MenuItem = 0;
RemoteTasten = 0;
RemoteButtons = 0;
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/menu.h
1,6 → 1,16
extern void Menu(void);
extern void LcdClear(void);
extern char DisplayBuff[80];
extern unsigned char DispPtr;
extern unsigned char RemoteTasten;
#ifndef _MENU_H
#define _MENU_H
#include <inttypes.h>
extern void LCD_PrintMenu(void);
extern void LCD_Clear(void);
extern int8_t DisplayBuff[DISPLAYBUFFSIZE];
extern uint8_t DispPtr;
extern uint8_t RemoteButtons;
#endif //_MENU_H
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/printf_P.c
86,7 → 86,10
#include <varargs.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "old_macros.h"
#include "printf_P.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "uart.h"
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/rc.c
8,8 → 8,11
// + see the File "License.txt" for further Informations
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "rc.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "fc.h"
volatile int PPM_in[11];
volatile int PPM_diff[11]; // das diffenzierte Stick-Signal
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/spi.c
1,5 → 1,6
// ######################## SPI - FlightCtrl ###################
#include "main.h"
#include "spi.h"
struct str_ToNaviCtrl ToNaviCtrl;
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/timer0.c
1,3 → 1,8
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "fc.h"
#include "analog.h"
#include "main.h"
volatile uint16_t CountMilliseconds = 0;
4,7 → 9,7
volatile uint8_t UpdateMotor = 0;
volatile uint16_t cntKompass = 0;
volatile uint16_t BeepTime = 0;
uint16_t BeepModulation = 0xFFFF;
volatile uint16_t BeepModulation = 0xFFFF;
94,13 → 99,13
// set speaker port to high
if(PlatinenVersion == 10) PORTD |= (1<<2); // Speaker at PD2
if(BoardRelease == 10) PORTD |= (1<<2); // Speaker at PD2
else PORTC |= (1<<7); // Speaker at PC7
else // beeper is off
// set speaker port to low
if(PlatinenVersion == 10) PORTD &= ~(1<<2);// Speaker at PD2
if(BoardRelease == 10) PORTD &= ~(1<<2);// Speaker at PD2
else PORTC &= ~(1<<7);// Speaker at PC7
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/timer0.h
1,19 → 1,19
#ifndef _TIMER0_H
#define _TIMER0_H
#include <inttypes.h>
extern volatile uint16_t CountMilliseconds;
extern volatile uint8_t UpdateMotor;
extern volatile uint16_t cntKompass;
extern uint16_t BeepModulation;
extern volatile uint16_t BeepModulation;
extern volatile uint16_t BeepTime;
void TIMER0_Init(void);
void Delay_ms(uint16_t w);
void Delay_ms_Mess(uint16_t w);
uint16_t SetDelay (uint16_t t);
int8_t CheckDelay (uint16_t t);
extern void TIMER0_Init(void);
extern void Delay_ms(uint16_t w);
extern void Delay_ms_Mess(uint16_t w);
extern uint16_t SetDelay (uint16_t t);
extern int8_t CheckDelay (uint16_t t);
#endif //_TIMER0_H
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/timer2.c
1,14 → 1,15
#include "main.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "fc.h"
volatile int16_t ServoValue = 0;
int16_t ServoValue = 0;
/* Initialize Timer 2 */
// The timer 2 is used to generate the PWM at PD7 (J7)
// to control a camera servo for nick compensation
// to control a camera servo for nick compensation.
void TIMER2_Init(void)
uint8_t sreg = SREG;
23,30 → 24,30
// Timer/Counter 2 Control Register A
// Waveform Generation Mode is Fast PWM (Bits WGM22 = 0, WGM21 = 1, WGM20 = 1)
// PD7: Clear OC2B on Compare Match, set OC2B at BOTTOM, noninverting PWM (Bits COM2A1 = 1, COM2A0 = 0)
// PD6: Normal port operation, OC2B disconnected, (Bits COM2B1 = 0, COM2B0 = 0)
// Waveform Generation Mode is Fast PWM (Bits: WGM22 = 0, WGM21 = 1, WGM20 = 1)
// PD7: Clear OC2B on Compare Match, set OC2B at BOTTOM, noninverting PWM (Bits: COM2A1 = 1, COM2A0 = 0)
// PD6: Normal port operation, OC2B disconnected, (Bits: COM2B1 = 0, COM2B0 = 0)
TCCR2A &= ~((1<<COM2B1)|(1<<COM2B0)|(1<<COM2A0));
TCCR2A |= (1<<COM2A1)|(1<<WGM21)|(1<<WGM20);
// Timer/Counter 2 Control Register B
// set clock devider for timer 2 to SYSKLOCK/8 = 20MHz / 8 = 2.5MHz
// i.e. the timer increments from 0x00 to 0xFF with an update rate of 2.5 MHz
// Set clock divider for timer 2 to SYSKLOCK/8 = 20MHz / 8 = 2.5MHz.
// The timer increments from 0x00 to 0xFF with an update rate of 2.5 MHz,
// hence the timer overflow interrupt frequency is 2.5 MHz / 256 = 9.765 kHz
// devider 8 (Bits CS022 = 0, CS21 = 1, CS20 = 0)
// divider 8 (Bits: CS022 = 0, CS21 = 1, CS20 = 0)
TCCR2B &= ~((1<<FOC2A)|(1<<FOC2B)|(1<<WGM22));
TCCR2B = (TCCR2B & 0xF8)|(0<<CS22)|(1<<CS21)|(0<<CS20);
// initialize the Output Compare Register A used for PWM generation on port PD7
// Initialize the Output Compare Register A used for PWM generation on port PD7.
OCR2A = 10;
// init Timer/Counter 2 Register
// Initialize the Timer/Counter 2 Register
TCNT2 = 0;
// Timer/Counter 2 Interrupt Mask Register
// enable timer output compare match A Interrupt only
// Enable timer output compare match A Interrupt only
TIMSK2 &= ~((1<<OCIE2B)|(1<<TOIE2));
TIMSK2 |= (1<<OCIE2A);
57,7 → 58,7
/* Control Servo Position */
ISR(TIMER2_COMPA_vect) // 9,765 kHz
ISR(TIMER2_COMPA_vect) // 9.765 kHz
static uint8_t timer = 10;
72,7 → 73,7
ServoValue += ((int32_t) EE_Parameter.ServoNickComp * (IntegralNick / 128)) / 512;
else // non inverting movment of servo
else // non inverting movement of servo
ServoValue -= ((int32_t) EE_Parameter.ServoNickComp * (IntegralNick / 128)) / 512;
95,7 → 96,7
// disable PWM at PD7
TCCR2A &= ~((1<<COM2A1)|(1<<COM2A0));
// set PD7 to GND
// set PD7 to low
PORTD &= ~(1<<PORTD7);
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/timer2.h
1,9 → 1,10
#ifndef _TIMER2_H
#define _TIMER2_H
extern int16_t ServoValue;
#include <inttypes.h>
void TIMER2_Init(void);
extern volatile int16_t ServoValue;
extern void TIMER2_Init(void);
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/twimaster.c
2,6 → 2,8
#include "main.h"
#include "twimaster.h"
#include "fc.h"
unsigned char twi_state = 0;
unsigned char motor = 0;
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/twimaster.h
1,5 → 1,3
#ifndef _I2C_MASTER_H
#define _I2C_MASTER_H
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/uart.c
6,8 → 6,14
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "main.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "timer0.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include "fc.h"
#include "_Settings.h"
#include "rc.h"
unsigned char DebugGetAnforderung = 0,DebugDisplayAnforderung = 0,DebugDataAnforderung = 0,GetVersionAnforderung = 0;
unsigned volatile char SioTmp = 0;
unsigned volatile char txd_buffer[TXD_BUFFER_LEN];
295,18 → 301,18
case 'b':
Decode64((uint8_t *) &ExternControl,sizeof(ExternControl),3,AnzahlEmpfangsBytes);
RemoteTasten |= ExternControl.RemoteTasten;
RemoteButtons |= ExternControl.RemoteButtons;
ConfirmFrame = ExternControl.Frame;
case 'c':
Decode64((uint8_t *) &ExternControl,sizeof(ExternControl),3,AnzahlEmpfangsBytes);
RemoteTasten |= ExternControl.RemoteTasten;
RemoteButtons |= ExternControl.RemoteButtons;
ConfirmFrame = ExternControl.Frame;
DebugDataAnforderung = 1;
case 'h':// x-1 Displayzeilen
Decode64((uint8_t *) &tmp_char_arr2[0],sizeof(tmp_char_arr2),3,AnzahlEmpfangsBytes);
RemoteTasten |= tmp_char_arr2[0];
RemoteButtons |= tmp_char_arr2[0];
if(tmp_char_arr2[1] == 255) NurKanalAnforderung = 1; else NurKanalAnforderung = 0; // keine Displaydaten
DebugDisplayAnforderung = 1;
415,7 → 421,7
if(DebugDisplayAnforderung && UebertragungAbgeschlossen)
DebugDisplayAnforderung = 0;
if(++RemotePollDisplayLine == 4 || NurKanalAnforderung)
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/uart.h
10,6 → 10,8
#define DUB_KEY_LEFT 16
#define DUB_KEY_FIRE 64
#include <inttypes.h>
void BearbeiteRxDaten(void);
extern unsigned char DebugGetAnforderung;
49,7 → 51,7
struct str_ExternControl
unsigned char Digital[2];
unsigned char RemoteTasten;
unsigned char RemoteButtons;
signed char Nick;
signed char Roll;
signed char Gier;