Subversion Repositories FlightCtrl

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Regard whitespace Rev 225 → Rev 226

20,14 → 20,13
void init_spi(void)
SPCR = (1<<SPIE)|(1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(1<<SPR1)|(1<<SPR0);
SPCR = (1<<SPIE)|(1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(1<<SPR1)|(1<<SPR0); //Interrupt an, Master, 156 kHz Oszillator
//SPSR = (1<<SPI2X);
DDRB |= (1<<PB2)|(1<<PB7)|(1<<PB5); // J8, SCK, MOSI Ausgang (MicroMag3)
DDRB |= (1<<PB7)|(1<<PB5)|(1<<PB2); // J8, MOSI, SCK Ausgang
PORTD &= ~(1<<PD3); // J5 einmalig auf Low -> SSNOT
44,27 → 43,27
PORTB &= ~(1<<PB2); // J8 auf Low
PORTB &= ~(1<<PB2); // J8 auf Low (war ~125 µs auf High)
if (MM3.AXIS == MM3_X) SPDR = 0x41; // Schreiben ins SPDR löst automatisch Übertragung (MOSI und MISO) aus
else if (MM3.AXIS == MM3_Y) SPDR = 0x42;
else if (MM3.AXIS == MM3_Z) SPDR = 0x43;
if (MM3.AXIS == MM3_X) SPDR = 0x51; // Schreiben ins SPDR löst automatisch Übertragung (MOSI und MISO) aus
else if (MM3.AXIS == MM3_Y) SPDR = 0x52; // Micromag Period Select ist auf 1024 (0x50)
else if (MM3.AXIS == MM3_Z) SPDR = 0x53; // 1: x-Achse, 2: Y-Achse, 3: Z-Achse
else {MM3.STATE == MM3_IDLE;break;}
MM3.DRDY = SetDelay(8);
MM3.DRDY = SetDelay(15); // Laut Datenblatt max. Zeit bis Messung fertig (bei PS 1024)
if (CheckDelay(MM3.DRDY)) {SPDR = 0x00;MM3.STATE = MM3_DRDY;} // Irgendwas ins SPDR, damit Übertragung ausgelöst wird
if (CheckDelay(MM3.DRDY)) {SPDR = 0x00;MM3.STATE = MM3_DRDY;} // Irgendwas ins SPDR, damit Übertragung ausgelöst wird, wenn Wartezeit vorbei
case MM3_IDLE:
//SPI byte ready
73,12 → 72,15
switch (MM3.STATE)
case MM3_DRDY:
// 1. Byte ist da, abspeichern, an die MSB-Stelle rücken und Übertragung von 2. Byte auslösen
if (MM3.AXIS == MM3_X) {MM3.x_axis=SPDR; MM3.x_axis<<=8; SPDR=0x00; MM3.STATE=MM3_X_BYTE2; break;}
if (MM3.AXIS == MM3_Y) {MM3.y_axis=SPDR; MM3.y_axis<<=8; SPDR=0x00; MM3.STATE=MM3_Y_BYTE2; break;}
if (MM3.AXIS == MM3_Z) {MM3.z_axis=SPDR; MM3.z_axis<<=8; SPDR=0x00; MM3.STATE=MM3_Z_BYTE2; break;}
case MM3_X_BYTE2:
case MM3_X_BYTE2: // 2. Byte der entsprechenden Achse ist da.
MM3.x_axis |= SPDR;
MM3.x_axis -= OFF_X; // Sofort Offset aus der Kalibrierung berücksichtigen
//MM3.x_axis /= GAIN_X;
85,6 → 87,8
case MM3_Y_BYTE2:
MM3.y_axis |= SPDR;
MM3.y_axis -= OFF_Y;
//MM3.y_axis /= GAIN_Y;
91,9 → 95,35
case MM3_Z_BYTE2:
MM3.z_axis |= SPDR;
MM3.z_axis -= OFF_Z;
//MM3.z_axis /= GAIN_Z;
// Zeitnahe Berechnung der Nick-/Rollneigung in °
MM3.NickGrad = IntegralNick/Int2Grad_Faktor;
MM3.RollGrad = IntegralRoll/Int2Grad_Faktor;
signed int MM3_heading(void)
float sin_nick, cos_nick, sin_roll, cos_roll;
signed int x_corr, y_corr;
signed int heading;
//Berechung von sinus und cosinus
sin_nick = (float)sin_i(MM3.NickGrad)/1000;
cos_nick = (float)cos_i(MM3.NickGrad)/1000;
sin_roll = (float)sin_i(MM3.RollGrad)/1000;
cos_roll = (float)cos_i(MM3.RollGrad)/1000;
y_corr = ((cos_roll * MM3.y_axis) + (sin_roll * MM3.z_axis));
x_corr = (((sin_roll * MM3.y_axis) - (cos_roll * MM3.z_axis)) * sin_nick) + (cos_nick * MM3.x_axis);
heading = arctan_f(x_corr, y_corr);
return (heading);
2,12 → 2,14
typedef struct
unsigned char STATE;
uint8_t STATE;
unsigned int DRDY;
unsigned char AXIS;
uint8_t AXIS;
signed int x_axis;
signed int y_axis;
signed int z_axis;
signed int NickGrad;
signed int RollGrad;
extern MM3_struct MM3;
14,7 → 16,11
void init_spi(void);
void MM3_timer0(void);
signed int MM3_heading(void);
#define Int2Grad_Faktor 1024
// Die Werte der Statemachine
#define MM3_RESET 0
#define MM3_WAIT_DRDY 2
27,8 → 33,16
#define MM3_Z 9
#define MM3_IDLE 255
#define PS2 6
#define PS1 5
#define PS0 5
#define AS1 1
#define AS0 0
// Die Werte der Kompasskalibrierung
#define RANGE_X 1161
#define RANGE_Y 1209
#define RANGE_Z 1276
#define OFF_X -46
#define OFF_Y 52
#define OFF_Z 25
#define GAIN_X 14
#define GAIN_Y 15
#define GAIN_Z 16
679,7 → 679,13
DebugOut.Analog[5] = HoehenWert;
DebugOut.Analog[6] = (Mess_Integral_Hoch / 512);
DebugOut.Analog[7] = GasMischanteil;
DebugOut.Analog[8] = KompassValue;
// DebugOut.Analog[8] = KompassValue;
DebugOut.Analog[8] = MM3_heading();
DebugOut.Analog[9] = MM3.x_axis;
DebugOut.Analog[10] = MM3.y_axis;
DebugOut.Analog[11] = MM3.z_axis;
// DebugOut.Analog[9] = SollHoehe;
// DebugOut.Analog[10] = Mess_Integral_Gier / 128;
// DebugOut.Analog[11] = KompassStartwert;
13,14 → 13,16
#include "main.h"
// Fast arctan2 with max error of .01 rads
// Fast arctan2 with max error of .07 rads
float arctan_f(signed int x, signed int y)
signed char arctan_f(signed int x, signed int y)
float rad,r;
signed int angle;
short int m;
#define coeff_1 0.7854
#define coeff_2 2.3562
#define rad2grad 57.2958
if (!x && !y) return 0;
29,15 → 31,17
if (x>=0)
r = (x - y) / (x + y);
rad = 0.1963*r*r*r - 0.9817*r + 0.7854;
r = (float)(x - y) / (float)(x + y);
rad = coeff_1 - coeff_1*r;
r = (x + y) / (y - x);
rad = 0.1963*r*r*r - 0.9817*r + 2.3562;
r = (float)(x + y) / (float)(y - x);
rad = coeff_2 - coeff_1*r;
rad *= rad2grad;
47,9 → 51,8
Stand 1.10.2007
// arctan Funktion: Eingabewert x,y Rueckgabe =arctan(x,y) in grad
int8_t arctan_i( signed int x, signed int y)
signed int arctan_i(signed int x, signed int y)
short int change_xy = 0;
signed int i;
67,7 → 70,8
// Quadranten ermitteln
// Wert durch lineare Interpolation ermitteln
if ((y == 0) && (x == 0)) wert =1; // Division durch 0 nicht erlaubt
if (!y && !x) return 0; // Division durch 0 nicht erlaubt
else wert= abs((x*1000)/y);
if (wert <=268) //0...0.0,268 entsprechend 0..15 Grad
90,16 → 94,16
return return_value;
const unsigned int pgm_sinus[91] PROGMEM = {0,17,35,52,70,87,105,122,139,156,174,191,208,225,242,259,276,292,309,326,342,358,375,391,407,423,438,454,469,485,500,515,530,545,559,574,588,602,616,629,643,656,669,682,695,707,719,731,743,755,766,777,788,799,809,819,829,839,848,857,866,875,883,891,899,906,914,921,927,934,940,946,951,956,961,966,970,974,978,982,985,988,990,993,995,996,998,999,999,1000,1000};
// cosinus Funktion: Eingabewert Winkel in Grad, Rueckgabe =cos(winkel)*1000
signed int cos_i(signed int winkel)
winkel = sin_i(90-winkel);
return winkel;
return (sin_i(90-winkel));
const unsigned int pgm_sinus[91] PROGMEM = {0,17,35,52,70,87,105,122,139,156,174,191,208,225,242,259,276,292,309,326,342,358,375,391,407,423,438,454,469,485,500,515,530,545,559,574,588,602,616,629,643,656,669,682,695,707,719,731,743,755,766,777,788,799,809,819,829,839,848,857,866,875,883,891,899,906,914,921,927,934,940,946,951,956,961,966,970,974,978,982,985,988,990,993,995,996,998,999,999,1000,1000};
// sinus Funktion: Eingabewert Winkel in Grad, Rueckgabe =sin(winkel)*1000
signed int sin_i(signed int winkel)
126,3 → 130,51
const float pgm_sinus_f [91] PROGMEM = {0.00,0.02,0.03,0.05,0.07,0.09,0.10,0.12,0.14,0.16,0.17,0.19,0.21,0.23,0.24,0.26,0.28,0.29,0.31,0.33,0.34,0.36,0.38,0.39,0.41,0.42,0.44,0.45,0.47,0.49,0.50,0.52,0.53,0.55,0.56,0.57,0.59,0.60,0.62,0.63,0.64,0.66,0.67,0.68,0.70,0.71,0.72,0.73,0.74,0.76,0.77,0.78,0.79,0.80,0.81,0.82,0.83,0.84,0.85,0.86,0.87,0.88,0.88,0.89,0.90,0.91,0.91,0.92,0.93,0.93,0.94,0.95,0.95,0.96,0.96,0.97,0.97,0.97,0.98,0.98,0.98,0.99,0.99,0.99,0.99,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00};
inline float pgm_read_float(const float *addr)
uint16_t i[2]; // 2 16-bit-Worte
float f;
} u;
return u.f;
// cosinus Funktion: Eingabewert Winkel in Grad
float cos_f(signed int winkel)
return (sin_f(90-winkel));
// sinus Funktion: Eingabewert Winkel in Grad
float sin_f(signed int winkel)
short int m,n;
float sinus;
//winkel = winkel % 360;
if (winkel < 0)
m = -1;
winkel = abs(winkel);
else m = +1;
// Quadranten auswerten
if ((winkel > 90 ) && (winkel <= 180)) {winkel = 180 - winkel; n = 1;}
else if ((winkel > 180 ) && (winkel <= 270)) {winkel = winkel - 180; n = -1;}
else if ((winkel > 270) && (winkel <= 360)) {winkel = 360 - winkel; n = -1;}
else n = 1; //0 - 90 Grad
sinus = pgm_read_float(&pgm_sinus_f[winkel]);
return (sinus*m*n);
5,12 → 5,12
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "main.h"
extern signed int arctan_i(signed int x, signed int y);
extern signed char arctan_f(signed int x, signed int y);
extern signed int sin_i(signed int winkel);
extern signed int cos_i(signed int winkel);
extern int8_t arctan_i(signed int x, signed int y);
extern float arctan_f(signed int x, signed int y);
extern float cos_f(signed int winkel);
extern float sin_f(signed int winkel);
#define Pi 3.1416