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Ignore whitespace Rev 1052 → Rev 1053

0,0 → 1,214
* Copyright (C) 2010 Sebastian Boehm, *
* *
* translation by *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
#define PARAM_COUNT 120
#define PAGES 13
prog_char param_pages[13][15]= // zeilen,zeichen+1
"Canaux ",
"Config ",
"Manche ",
"Looping ",
"Altitude ",
"Camera ",
"NaviCtrl ",
"Sorties ",
"Divers ",
"Gyro ",
"Coupl Axes",
"Config Mix"
prog_char param_names[PARAM_COUNT][15]=
// group 0 (kanaele)
"Gaz ",
"Lacet ",
"Tangage ",
"Roulis ",
"Poti 1 ",
"Poti 2 ",
"Poti 3 ",
"Poti 4 ",
"Poti 5 ",
"Poti 6 ",
"Poti 7 ",
"Poti 8 ",
"Ctrl Ren Recep",
"Type Recepteur",
// group 1 (main)
"Ctrl Altitude ",
"GPS ",
"Compas ",
"Maintien Cap ",
"Ctrl Ren Recep",
"Deceuplage Axe",
"Limit Vit. Rot",
"Orient. fixe ",
// group 2 (stick)
"Roul/Tang P ",
"Roul/Tang D ",
"Lacet P ",
"Ctrl Externe ",
// group3 : looping
"Looping Avant ",
"Looping Arrier",
"Looping Gauche",
"Looping Droite",
"Limite Gaz ",
"Seuil Reponse ",
"Hysteresis ",
"Invers Roulis ",
"Invers Tangage",
// group 4 (hoehe)
"Ctrl Altitude ",
"Swith hauteur ",
"Vario acoustic",
"Hauteur Max ",
"Gaz min ",
"Altitude P ",
"Pression D ",
"ACC Z ",
"Var vol stat ",
"GPS Z ",
"Pos Neutre Man",
// group 5 : kamera
"Asser tangage ",
"Comp tangage ",
"Inverser dir ",
"Servo min ",
"servo max ",
"Asser roulis ",
"Comp tangage ",
"Inverser dir ",
"Servo min ",
"servo max ",
"Taux refresh ",
"Servo 3 ",
"Servo 4 ",
"Servo 5 ",
// group 6 : navictrl
"Activer GPS ",
"Def mode GPS ",
"Gain GPS ",
"Seuil manche ",
"Nbre Min. Sat.",
"GPS-P ",
"GPS-I ",
"GPS-D ",
"Limite P ",
"Limite I ",
"Limite D ",
"Accel GPS ",
"Correct vent ",
"Compens vit ",
"Rayon GPS max ",
"Limit angl GPS",
"Tps memoris ",
// group 7 : ausgaenge
"Bitmask S1 ",
"Horloge S1 ",
"Bitmask S2 ",
"Horloge S2 ",
"Actif au repos",
"Al undervoltag",
"actif ",
"Al undervoltage",
"actif ",
// group 8 : versch.
"Gaz Min. ",
"Gaz Max. ",
"Effet compas ",
"Carefree Ctrl ",
"Sous tension ",
"Duree secours ",
"Gaz de secours",
// group 9 : gyro
"Gyro P ",
"Gyro I ",
"Gyro D ",
"Lacet P ",
"Lacet I ",
"Stab dynamique",
"Limit vit Rota",
"ACC/Gyro Fact ",
"Comp ACC/Gyro ",
"Regul princ I ",
"Compens deriv ",
"Gyro stability",
// group 10: benutzer
"Parameter 1 ",
"Parameter 2 ",
"Parameter 3 ",
"Parameter 4 ",
"Parameter 5 ",
"Parameter 6 ",
"Parameter 7 ",
"Parameter 8 ",
// group 11: achskoppl
"(De)Coupl Axes",
"Retroac lacet ",
"Retro roul/tan",
"Correct lacet ",
// group 12: mixer
"Orientierung ",