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Ignore whitespace Rev 1052 → Rev 1053

0,0 → 1,674
* Copyright (C) 2009 Peter "woggle" Mack, *
* based on the C-OSD code from CaScAdE *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "osd.h"
#include "lcd.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "usart.h"
#include "eeprom.h"
#include "mk-data-structs.h"
/* ##########################################################################
* global definitions and global vars
* ##########################################################################*/
NaviData_t *naviData;
// stats for after flight
int16_t max_Altimeter = 0;
uint16_t max_GroundSpeed = 0;
int16_t max_Distance = 0;
uint8_t min_UBat = 255;
uint16_t max_FlyingTime = 0;
uint16_t max_Current = 0;
uint16_t max_Capacity = 0;
// cache old vars for blinking attribute, checkup is faster than full
// attribute write each time
volatile uint8_t last_UBat = 255;
volatile uint8_t last_RC_Quality = 255;
volatile uint16_t ftimer = 0;
// store stats description in progmem to save space
const char stats_item_0[] PROGMEM = "max Altitude:";
const char stats_item_1[] PROGMEM = "max Speed :";
const char stats_item_2[] PROGMEM = "max Distance:";
const char stats_item_3[] PROGMEM = "min Voltage :";
const char stats_item_4[] PROGMEM = "max Time :";
#if 1
const char stats_item_5[] PROGMEM = "max Current :";
const char stats_item_6[] PROGMEM = "UsedCapacity:";
const char stats_item_5[] PROGMEM = "Long. :";
const char stats_item_6[] PROGMEM = "Lat. :";
const char *stats_item_pointers[] PROGMEM = {
//char* rose = "-+-N-+-O-+-S-+-W-+-N-+-O-+-S-+-W-+-N-+-O-+-S-+-W";
const char rose[48] PROGMEM = {
0x0e, 0x0f, 0x0e, 'N', 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x0e, 'O', 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x0e, 'S',
0x0e, 0x0f, 0x0e, 'W', 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x0e, 'N', 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x0e, 'O',
0x0e, 0x0f, 0x0e, 'S', 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x0e, 'W', 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x0e, 'N',
0x0e, 0x0f, 0x0e, 'O', 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x0e, 'S', 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x0e, 'W'};
// the center is char 19 (north), we add the current heading in 8th
// which would be 22.5 degrees, but float would bloat up the code
// and *10 / 225 would take ages... so we take the uncorrect way
const char str_NE[] PROGMEM = "NE";
const char str_E[] PROGMEM = "E ";
const char str_SE[] PROGMEM = "SE";
const char str_S[] PROGMEM = "S ";
const char str_SW[] PROGMEM = "SW";
const char str_W[] PROGMEM = "W ";
const char str_NW[] PROGMEM = "NW";
const char str_N[] PROGMEM = "N ";
const char *directions_p[8] PROGMEM = {
// Flags
uint8_t COSD_FLAGS2 = 0;
GPS_Pos_t last5pos[7];
uint8_t error = 0;
* convert the <heading> gotton from NC into an index
uint8_t heading_conv (uint16_t heading)
if (heading > 23 && heading < 68)
return 0; //direction = "NE";
else if (heading > 67 && heading < 113)
return 1; //direction = "E ";
else if (heading > 112 && heading < 158)
return 2; //direction = "SE";
else if (heading > 157 && heading < 203)
return 3; //direction = "S ";
else if (heading > 202 && heading < 248)
return 4; //direction = "SW";
else if (heading > 247 && heading < 293)
return 5; //direction = "W ";
else if (heading > 292 && heading < 338)
return 6; //direction = "NW";
return 7; //direction = "N ";
* draw a compass rose at <x>/<y> for <heading>
void draw_compass (uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint16_t heading)
uint8_t front = 19 + (heading / 22);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; i++)
lcd_putc (x++, y, pgm_read_byte(&rose[front - 4 + i]), 0);
void D_Position(void)
/* ##########################################################################
* variometer
* ##########################################################################*/
* draw variometer arrows at <x>/<y> according to <variometer>
void draw_variometer (uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t width_x, uint8_t width_y, int16_t variometer)
lcd_rect (x, y - ((width_y - 1) / 2), width_x, width_y, 1);
lcd_frect (x + 1, y - ((width_y - 1) / 2) + 1, width_x - 2, width_y - 2, 0);
lcd_line (x, y, x + width_x, y, 1);
if (variometer > 0)
{ // gain height
switch (variometer / 5)
case 0:
lcd_frect (x + 3, y - 1, 3, 1, 1);
case 1:
lcd_frect (x + 2, y - 3, 5, 3, 1);
case 2:
lcd_frect (x + 2, y - 4, 5, 4, 1);
lcd_frect (x + 1, y - 5, 7, 5, 1);
{ // sink
switch (variometer / -5)
case 0:
lcd_frect (x + 3, y, 3, 1, 1);
case 1:
lcd_frect (x + 2, y, 5, 3, 1);
case 2:
lcd_frect (x + 2, y, 5, 4, 1);
lcd_frect (x + 1, y, 7, 5, 1);
#define TIMEOUT 200 // 2 sec
void print_statistics (void)
uint8_t line = 0;
lcd_cls ();
// max Altitude
lcd_printpns_at (0, line, stats_item_pointers[0], 0);
write_ndigit_number_s (13, line, max_Altimeter / 30, 4, 0);
lcd_putc (17, line, 'm', 0);
// max Speed
lcd_printpns_at (0, ++line, stats_item_pointers[1], 0);
write_ndigit_number_u (14, line, (uint16_t) (((uint32_t) max_GroundSpeed * (uint32_t) 9) / (uint32_t) 250), 3, 0);
lcd_printpns_at(17, line, PSTR("km/h"), 0);
// max Distance
lcd_printpns_at (0, ++line, stats_item_pointers[2], 0);
write_ndigit_number_u (14, line, max_Distance / 10, 3, 0);
lcd_putc (17, line, 'm', 0);
// max time
lcd_printpns_at (0, ++line, stats_item_pointers[4], 0);
write_time (13, line, max_FlyingTime);
// min voltage
lcd_printpns_at (0, ++line, stats_item_pointers[3], 0);
write_ndigit_number_u_10th (13, line, min_UBat, 3, 0);
lcd_putc (17, line, 'V', 0);
#if 1
// max Current
lcd_printpns_at (0, ++line, stats_item_pointers[5], 0);
write_ndigit_number_u_10th (13, line, max_Current, 3, 0);
lcd_putc (17, line, 'A', 0);
// Used Capacity
lcd_printpns_at (0, ++line, stats_item_pointers[6], 0);
write_ndigit_number_u (13, line, max_Capacity, 4, 0);
lcd_printpns_at(17, line, PSTR("mAh"), 0);
// longitude
lcd_printpns_at (0, ++line, stats_item_pointers[5], 0);
write_gps_pos (8, line, naviData->CurrentPosition.Longitude);
// latitude
lcd_printpns_at (0, ++line, stats_item_pointers[6], 0);
write_gps_pos (8, line, naviData->CurrentPosition.Latitude);
while (!get_key_press (1 << KEY_ESC))
timer = TIMEOUT;
void print_position (void)
lcd_cls ();
uint8_t ij =0;
uint32_t lon = last5pos[ij].Longitude;
write_ndigit_number_u (0, ij+1, (uint16_t)(lon/10000000), 3, 0);
lcd_printp_at (3,ij+1, PSTR("."), 0);
write_ndigit_number_u (4, ij+1, (uint16_t)((lon/1000) % 10000), 4, 1);
write_ndigit_number_u (8, ij+1, (uint16_t)((lon/10) % 100), 2, 1);
uint32_t lat = last5pos[ij].Latitude;
write_ndigit_number_u (10, ij+1, (uint16_t)(lat/10000000), 3, 0);
lcd_printp_at (13,ij+1, PSTR("."), 0);
write_ndigit_number_u (14, ij+1, (uint16_t)((lat/1000) % 10000), 4, 1);
write_ndigit_number_u (18, ij+1, (uint16_t)((lat/10) % 100), 2, 1);
while (!get_key_press (1 << KEY_MINUS) && !get_key_press (1 << KEY_ESC) && !get_key_press (1 << KEY_ENTER))
timer = TIMEOUT;
void osd (uint8_t ShowMode)
uint8_t flag;
uint8_t tmp_dat;
uint8_t OSD_Mode;
// Clear statistics
max_Altimeter = 0;
max_GroundSpeed = 0;
max_Distance = 0;
min_UBat = 255;
max_FlyingTime = 0;
// flags from last round to check for changes
uint8_t old_FCFlags = 0;
uint16_t old_hh = 0;
uint8_t old_AngleNick = 0;
uint8_t old_AngleRoll = 0;
OSD_Mode = ShowMode;
if(error == 0) lcd_cls();
if(error == 1) lcd_printp_at (0, 0, PSTR(" "), 0);
if (hardware == FC)
lcd_printp_at(0, 3, PSTR("Only with NC !"), 0);
timer = 100;
while (timer > 0);
mode = 'O';
// disable debug...
// RS232_request_mk_data (0, 'd', 0);
tmp_dat = 0;
SendOutData ('d', ADDRESS_ANY, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
// request OSD Data from NC every 100ms
// RS232_request_mk_data (1, 'o', 100);
tmp_dat = 10;
SendOutData ('o', ADDRESS_NC, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
flag = 0;
timer = TIMEOUT;
abo_timer = ABO_TIMEOUT;
if (rxd_buffer_locked)
timer = TIMEOUT;
Decode64 ();
naviData = (NaviData_t *) pRxData;
if(error == 1) lcd_cls();
error = 0;
GPS_Pos_t currpos;
currpos.Latitude = naviData->CurrentPosition.Latitude;
currpos.Longitude = naviData->CurrentPosition.Longitude;
if((currpos.Latitude != last5pos[0].Latitude)&&(currpos.Longitude != last5pos[0].Longitude))
last5pos[6] = last5pos[5];
last5pos[5] = last5pos[4];
last5pos[4] = last5pos[3];
last5pos[3] = last5pos[2];
last5pos[2] = last5pos[1];
last5pos[1] = last5pos[0];
last5pos[0] = currpos;
flag = 1;
if (OSD_Mode == 1)
if (naviData->FCFlags & FCFLAG_MOTOR_RUN)
{ // should be engines running
// motors are on, assume we were/are flying
{ // stats
// if ((COSD_FLAGS2 & COSD_WASFLYING) || (get_key_press (1 << KEY_ENTER)))
if (get_key_press (1 << KEY_ENTER))
print_statistics ();
if (get_key_press (1 << KEY_PLUS))
print_position ();
// lcd_printpns_at (0, 3, PSTR("012345678901234567890"), 0);
lcd_ecircle(22, 35, 16, 1);
// Ground Speed
write_ndigit_number_u (1, 0, (uint16_t) (((uint32_t) naviData->GroundSpeed * (uint32_t) 9) / (uint32_t) 250), 3, 0);
lcd_printpns_at(4, 0, PSTR("km/h"), 0);
// Compass
write_ndigit_number_u (14, 0, naviData->CompassHeading, 3, 0);
lcd_putc (17, 0, 0x1E, 0); // degree symbol
lcd_printpns_at (18, 0, (const char *) (pgm_read_word ( &(directions_p[heading_conv(naviData->CompassHeading)]))), 0);
draw_compass (12, 1, naviData->CompassHeading);
// Altitude
//note:lephisto:according to several sources it's /30
if (naviData->Altimeter > 300 || naviData->Altimeter < -300)
// above 10m only write full meters
write_ndigit_number_s (0, 1, naviData->Altimeter / 30, 4, 0);
// up to 10m write
write_ndigit_number_s_10th (0, 1, naviData->Altimeter / 3, 3, 0);
lcd_putc (4, 1, 'm', 0);
draw_variometer (55, 7, 9, 13, naviData->Variometer);
// TODO: verify correctness
uint16_t heading_home = (naviData->HomePositionDeviation.Bearing + 360 - naviData->CompassHeading) % 360;
lcd_ecirc_line (22, 35, 15, old_hh, 0);
old_hh = heading_home;
lcd_ecirc_line (22, 35, 15, heading_home, 1);
write_ndigit_number_u (7, 3, heading_home, 3, 0);
lcd_putc (10, 3, 0x1e, 0); // degree symbol
write_ndigit_number_u (7, 2, naviData->HomePositionDeviation.Distance / 10, 3, 0);
lcd_putc (10, 2, 'm', 0);
// Sats in use
lcd_printp_at(10, 4, PSTR("Sats"), 0);
write_ndigit_number_u (8, 4, naviData->SatsInUse, 2, 0);
if (naviData->NCFlags & NC_FLAG_MANUAL_CONTROL)
lcd_putc (19, 4, 'M', 0); // rc transmitter
lcd_putc (19, 4, 'X', 0); // clear
#if 0
lcd_printp_at(11, 5, PSTR("Mode:"), 0);
if (naviData->NCFlags & NC_FLAG_CH)
lcd_printpns_at (17, 5, PSTR("CH "), 0);
else if (naviData->NCFlags & NC_FLAG_PH)
lcd_printpns_at (17, 5, PSTR("PH "), 0);
{ // (naviData->NCFlags & NC_FLAG_FREE)
lcd_printpns_at (17, 5, PSTR("Free"), 0); // sat2 (free)
if (naviData->NCFlags & NC_FLAG_CH)
lcd_printpns_at (10, 5, PSTR("Coming Home"), 0);
else if (naviData->NCFlags & NC_FLAG_PH)
lcd_printpns_at (10, 5, PSTR("Pos. Hold "), 0);
{ // (naviData->NCFlags & NC_FLAG_FREE)
lcd_printpns_at (10, 5, PSTR("Free "), 0);
// Flying time
write_time (7, 6, naviData->FlyingTime);
// lcd_printp_at (7, 6, PSTR("Fly"), 0);
// RC
write_ndigit_number_u (15, 6, naviData->RC_Quality, 3, 0);
lcd_putc (18, 6, 0x1F, 0); // RC-transmitter
if (naviData->NCFlags & NC_FLAG_NOSERIALLINK)
lcd_printpns_at(19, 6, PSTR(" "), 0); // clear
lcd_printpns_at(19, 6, PSTR("PC"), 0);
// Battery level
write_ndigit_number_u_10th (0, 7, naviData->UBat, 3, 0);
lcd_putc (4, 7, 'V', 0);
// Akku Warnung
if (naviData->UBat < MK_LowBat)
{ //Beeper ein
#ifdef HWVERSION1_2
PORTC &= ~(1<<PORTC6);
#ifdef HWVERSION1_3
PORTC &= ~(1<<PORTC6);
#ifdef HWVERSION3_1
if (naviData->UBat < MK_LowBat+2) //bei kurzzeitigen Schwankungen Beeper erst wieder aus wenn UBat 0,2 V höher als Warnschwelle
{//Beeper aus
#ifdef HWVERSION1_2
PORTC |= (1<<PORTC6);
#ifdef HWVERSION1_3
PORTC |= (1<<PORTC6);
#ifdef HWVERSION3_1
// Akku Warnung Ende
// Current
write_ndigit_number_u_10th (7, 7, naviData->Current, 3, 0);
lcd_putc (11, 7, 'A', 0);
// Capacity
write_ndigit_number_u (14, 7, naviData->UsedCapacity, 4, 0);
lcd_printpns_at(18, 7, PSTR("mAh"), 0);
// remember statistics (only when engines running)
if (naviData->FCFlags & FCFLAG_MOTOR_RUN)
if (naviData->Altimeter > max_Altimeter) max_Altimeter = naviData->Altimeter;
if (naviData->GroundSpeed > max_GroundSpeed) max_GroundSpeed = naviData->GroundSpeed;
if (naviData->HomePositionDeviation.Distance > max_Distance) max_Distance = naviData->HomePositionDeviation.Distance;
if (naviData->UBat < min_UBat) min_UBat = naviData->UBat;
if (naviData->FlyingTime > max_FlyingTime) max_FlyingTime = naviData->FlyingTime;
if (naviData->Current > max_Current) max_Current = naviData->Current;
if (naviData->UsedCapacity > max_Capacity) max_Capacity = naviData->UsedCapacity;
// remember last values
last_RC_Quality = naviData->RC_Quality;
last_UBat = naviData->UBat;
old_FCFlags = naviData->FCFlags;
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
lcd_printpns_at(0, 0, PSTR("N:"), 0);
lcd_printpns_at(0, 1, PSTR("R:"), 0);
write_ndigit_number_s (2, 0, naviData->AngleNick, 3, 0);
write_ndigit_number_s (2, 1, naviData->AngleRoll, 3, 0);
uint8_t Nick = ((naviData->AngleNick/2)+32);
uint8_t Roll = -naviData->AngleRoll+64;
uint16_t head_home = (naviData->HomePositionDeviation.Bearing + 360 - naviData->CompassHeading) % 360;
write_ndigit_number_s (2, 2,head_home, 5, 0);
lcd_printpns_at(0, 2, PSTR("K:"), 0);
lcd_ecircle(old_AngleRoll,old_AngleNick, 10, 0);
lcd_ecirc_line (old_AngleRoll, old_AngleNick, 9, old_hh, 0);
lcd_ecircle(Roll, Nick, 10, 1);
lcd_ecirc_line (Roll, Nick, 9, head_home, 1);
old_hh = head_home;
old_AngleNick = Nick;
old_AngleRoll = Roll;
// remember last values
last_RC_Quality = naviData->RC_Quality;
last_UBat = naviData->UBat;
old_FCFlags = naviData->FCFlags;
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
if (!abo_timer)
{ // renew abo every 3 sec
// request OSD Data from NC every 100ms
// RS232_request_mk_data (1, 'o', 100);
tmp_dat = 10;
SendOutData ('o', ADDRESS_NC, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
abo_timer = ABO_TIMEOUT;
while (!get_key_press (1 << KEY_ESC) && timer);
// disable OSD Data from NC
// RS232_request_mk_data (1, 'o', 0);
tmp_dat = 0;
SendOutData ('o', ADDRESS_NC, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
mode = 0;
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
if (!timer)
{ // timeout occured
if (flag)
lcd_cls ();
error = 1;
uint8_t ij =0;
uint32_t lon = last5pos[ij].Longitude;
write_ndigit_number_u (0, ij+1, (uint16_t)(lon/10000000), 3, 0);
lcd_printp_at (3,ij+1, PSTR("."), 0);
write_ndigit_number_u (4, ij+1, (uint16_t)((lon/1000) % 10000), 4, 1);
write_ndigit_number_u (8, ij+1, (uint16_t)((lon/10) % 100), 2, 1);
uint32_t lat = last5pos[ij].Latitude;
write_ndigit_number_u (10, ij+1, (uint16_t)(lat/10000000), 3, 0);
lcd_printp_at (13,ij+1, PSTR("."), 0);
write_ndigit_number_u (14, ij+1, (uint16_t)((lat/1000) % 10000), 4, 1);
write_ndigit_number_u (18, ij+1, (uint16_t)((lat/10) % 100), 2, 1);
lcd_printp_at (0, 0, PSTR("ERROR: no data"), 0);
timer = 100;
while (timer > 0);
if (get_key_press (1 << KEY_PLUS))
print_position ();