Subversion Repositories Projects

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 1914 → Rev 1915

0,0 → 1,223
/* */
/* NG-Video 5,8GHz */
/* */
/* Copyright (C) 2011 - gebad */
/* */
/* This code is distributed under the GNU Public License */
/* which can be found at */
/* */
/* using */
/*! \file servo.c \brief Interrupt-driven RC Servo function library.*/
/* */
/*File Name : 'servo.c' */
/*Title : Interrupt-driven RC Servo function library */
/*Author : Pascal Stang - Copyright (C) 2002 */
/*Created : 7/31/2002 */
/*Revised : 8/02/2002 */
/*Version : 1.0 */
/*Target MCU : Atmel AVR Series */
/*Editor Tabs : 2 */
/* */
/*This code is distributed under the GNU Public License */
/* which can be found at */
/* */
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include "../tracking/ng_servo.h"
#include "../tracking/tracking.h"
#include "../HAL_HW3_9.h"
#include "../eeprom/eeprom.h"
//#include "config.h"
// Global variables
uint16_t ServoPosTics;
uint16_t ServoPeriodTics;
// servo channel registers
ServoChannelType ServoChannels[SERVO_NUM_CHANNELS];
const ServoConst_t ServoConst[2] = {{SERVO_MAX, SERVO_MIN, SERVO_STEPS, SERVO_PRESCALER},
{SERVO_MAX * 4, SERVO_MIN * 4, (SERVO_STEPS + 1) * 4 - 1, SERVO_PRESCALER / 4}};
// Servo limits (depend on hardware)
const servo_limit_t servo_limit[2][3] = {{{SERVO_I0_RIGHT_MIN, SERVO_I0_RIGHT_MAX},
// Servopositionen normiert für 950µs, 2,05ms und 1,5ms ==> Ergebnis Schritte. Da Zeit in µs ist F_CPU*e-1
const steps_pw_t steps_pw[2] = {{(uint64_t)950*F_CPU*1e-6/SERVO_PRESCALER + 0.5, (uint64_t)2050*F_CPU*1e-6/SERVO_PRESCALER + 0.5,(uint64_t)1500*F_CPU*1e-6/SERVO_PRESCALER + 0.5},
{(uint64_t)950*4*F_CPU*1e-6/SERVO_PRESCALER + 0.5, (uint64_t)2050*4*F_CPU*1e-6/SERVO_PRESCALER + 0.5, (uint64_t)1500*4*F_CPU*1e-6/SERVO_PRESCALER + 0.5}};
// anzufahrende Servopositionen 0=MIN, 1=MID, 2=MAX
const uint8_t PosIdx[POSIDX_MAX] = {1, 0, 1, 2 };
// functions
void servo_test(void)
//! initializes software PWM system 16-bit Timer
// normaler Weise wird ein Serv-PWM Signal aller 20ms wiederholt
// Werte: rev, min, max, mid vorher über servoSet...() initialisieren und einmal servoSetPosition(...) ausführen!!!
void servoInit(uint8_t servo_period)
{ uint16_t OCValue; // set initial interrupt time
// disble Timer/Counter1, Output Compare A Match Interrupt
TIMSK1 &= ~(1<<OCIE1A);
// set the prescaler for timer1
if (Config.sIdxSteps == STEPS_255) {
TCCR1B &= ~((1<<CS11) | (1<<CS10));
TCCR1B |= (1<<CS12); // prescaler 256, Servo-Schritte 185 bei 180 grd Winkel
else {
TCCR1B &= ~(1<<CS12);
TCCR1B |= (1<<CS11) | (1<<CS10); // prescaler 64, Servo-Schritte 740 bei 180 grd Winkel
// attach the software PWM service routine to timer1 output compare A
// timerAttach(TIMER1OUTCOMPAREA_INT, servoService);
// enable channels
for(uint8_t channel=0; channel < SERVO_NUM_CHANNELS; channel++) {
// set default pins assignments SERVO2 Pin 4; SERVO1 Pin 5
ServoChannels[channel].pin = (1 << (SERVO2 + channel));
ServoPosTics = 0; // set PosTics
// set PeriodTics
ServoPeriodTics = F_CPU / ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].prescaler * servo_period * 1e-3;
// read in current value of output compare register OCR1A
OCValue = OCR1AL; // read low byte of OCR1A
OCValue += (OCR1AH << 8); // read high byte of OCR1A
OCValue += ServoPeriodTics; // increment OCR1A value by nextTics
// set future output compare time to this new value
OCR1AH = OCValue >> 8; // write high byte
OCR1AL = OCValue & 0x00FF; // write low byte
TIMSK1 |= (1<<OCIE1A); // enable the timer1 output compare A interrupt
coldstart = 1;
void servoSetDefaultPos(void)
servoSetPosition(SERVO_PAN, ServoSteps()); // Ausgangsstellung SERVO_PAN
servoSetPosition(SERVO_TILT,ServoSteps()); // Ausgangsstellung SERVO_TILT
uint16_t pw_us(uint16_t Steps)
return(Steps * ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].prescaler/(F_CPU * 1e-6) + 0.5); // Zeit pro Schritt (Wert * e-1) in µs
uint16_t ServoSteps(void)
void servoSet_rev(uint8_t channel, uint8_t val)
ServoChannels[channel].rev = val & 0x01;
void servoSet_min(uint8_t channel, uint16_t min)
ServoChannels[channel].min = ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].min + min;
void servoSet_max(uint8_t channel, uint16_t max)
ServoChannels[channel].max = ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].max - max;
void servoSet_mid(uint8_t channel, uint16_t mid)
ServoChannels[channel].mid = mid;
// Faktor 16, bzw. 16/2 um mit einer Nachkommastelle zu Rechnen
ServoChannels[channel].mid_scaled = (8 * (ServoChannels[channel].max - ServoChannels[channel].min) + \
(16 * mid - 8 * ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].steps))/16 + ServoChannels[channel].min;
//! turns off software PWM system
void servoOff(void)
// disable the timer1 output compare A interrupt
TIMSK1 &= ~(1<<OCIE1A);
//! set servo position on channel (raw unscaled format)
void servoSetPositionRaw(uint8_t channel, uint16_t position)
// bind to limits
if (position < ServoChannels[channel].min) position = ServoChannels[channel].min;
if (position > ServoChannels[channel].max) position = ServoChannels[channel].max;
// set position
ServoChannels[channel].duty = position;
//! set servo position on channel
// input should be between 0 and ServoSteps() (entspricht Maximalausschlag)
void servoSetPosition(uint8_t channel, uint16_t position)
{ uint16_t pos_scaled;
// calculate scaled position
if (ServoChannels[channel].rev != 0) position = ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].steps - position;
if (position < ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].steps/2)
//bei Position < Servomittelstellung Position*(Mitte - Min)/(Servoschritte/2)
pos_scaled = ServoChannels[channel].min + ((int32_t)position*2*(ServoChannels[channel].mid_scaled-ServoChannels[channel].min))/ \
//bei Position >= Servomittelstellung
pos_scaled = ServoChannels[channel].mid_scaled + (uint32_t)(position - ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].steps / 2) \
* 2 * (ServoChannels[channel].max-ServoChannels[channel].mid_scaled)/ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].steps;
// set position
servoSetPositionRaw(channel, pos_scaled);
// Umrechnung Winkel in Servoschritte
void servoSetAngle(uint8_t servo_nr, int16_t angle)
servoSetPosition(servo_nr, (uint16_t)((uint32_t)angle * ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].steps / 180));
{ static uint8_t ServoChannel;
uint16_t nextTics;
uint16_t OCValue; // schedule next interrupt
if(ServoChannel < SERVO_NUM_CHANNELS) {
PORTD &= ~ServoChannels[ServoChannel].pin; // turn off current channel
ServoChannel++; // next channel
if(ServoChannel != SERVO_NUM_CHANNELS) {
// loop to channel 0 if needed
if(ServoChannel > SERVO_NUM_CHANNELS) ServoChannel = 0;
// turn on new channel
PORTD |= ServoChannels[ServoChannel].pin;
// schedule turn off time
nextTics = ServoChannels[ServoChannel].duty;
else {
// ***we could save time by precalculating this
// schedule end-of-period
nextTics = ServoPeriodTics-ServoPosTics;
// read in current value of output compare register OCR1A
OCValue = OCR1AL; // read low byte of OCR1A
OCValue += (OCR1AH <<8); // read high byte of OCR1A
OCValue += nextTics; // increment OCR1A value by nextTics
// set future output compare time to this new value
OCR1AH = OCValue >> 8; // write high byte
OCR1AL = OCValue & 0x00FF; // write low byte
ServoPosTics += nextTics; // set our new tic position
if(ServoPosTics >= ServoPeriodTics) ServoPosTics = 0;
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,190
/* */
/* NG-Video 5,8GHz */
/* */
/* Copyright (C) 2011 - gebad */
/* */
/* This code is distributed under the GNU Public License */
/* which can be found at */
/* */
/* using */
/*! \file servo.c \brief Interrupt-driven RC Servo function library. */
/* */
/*File Name : 'servo.c' */
/*Title : Interrupt-driven RC Servo function library */
/*Author : Pascal Stang - Copyright (C) 2002 */
/*Created : 7/31/2002 */
/*Revised : 8/02/2002 */
/*Version : 1.0 */
/*Target MCU : Atmel AVR Series */
/*Editor Tabs : 4 */
/* */
/*ingroup driver_sw */
/*defgroup servo Interrupt-driven RC Servo Function Library (servo.c)*/
/*code #include "servo.h" \endcode */
/*par Overview */
/* */
/*This code is distributed under the GNU Public License */
/*which can be found at */
/* */
#ifndef SERVO_H
#define SERVO_H
/* Servo */
#define SERVO_PAN 0
#define SERVO_TILT 1
#define SERVO_NUM_CHANNELS 2 // Anzahl der angeschlossen Servos max. 2!!!
/* Servokalibrierungen derzeit zu SERVO_STEPS = 255 skaliert */
//prescaler 256
#define SERVO_I0_RIGHT 45 // default Wert, ca. 0,9ms
#define SERVO_I0_RIGHT_MIN 0 // Servokalibrierung Grenze der linken Position
#define SERVO_I0_LEFT 45 // default Wert, ca. 2,1ms
#define SERVO_I0_LEFT_MIN 0 // Servokalibrierung Grenze der rechten Position
//prescaler 64
#define SERVO_I1_RIGHT 180 // default Wert, ca. 0,9ms
#define SERVO_I1_RIGHT_MIN 0 // Servokalibrierung Grenze der linken Position
#define SERVO_I1_LEFT 180 // default Wert, ca. 2,1ms
#define SERVO_I1_LEFT_MIN 0 // Servokalibrierung Grenze der rechten Position
//#define SERVO_I1_MIDDLE ((SERVO_STEPS + 1) * 4 - 1)/2
#define SERVO_I1_MIDDLE_MIN ((SERVO_STEPS + 1) * 4 - 1)/2 - 100
#define SERVO_I1_MIDDLE_MAX ((SERVO_STEPS + 1) * 4 - 1)/2 + 100
#define SERVO_REV 0 // kein Reverse
/* Test Servo */
#define SERVO_PERIODE 20 // default Angabe in ms
#define SERVO_PERIODE_MIN 10 // 10ms
#define SERVO_PERIODE_MAX 30 // 30ms
#define SINGLE_STEP 0 // Einzelschritt aus
#define SINGLE_STEP_MAX 20 // bei prescaler 256, sonst * 4 (von links nach rechts in 9 Abschnitte)
// zwischen den Schritten muss Pause > der Servoperiode sein, sonst keine Aktualisierung
#define REPEAT 1
#define REPEAT_MIN 1
#define REPEAT_MAX 100
#define PAUSE 10
#define PAUSE_MIN 4 // mindestens 400ms, da mechanischer Servo-Lauf zur Position berücksichtigt werden muss
#define PAUSE_MAX 20 // Pause pro Links-, Mittel- und Rechtsposition 10*100ms
#define PAUSE_STEP 0
#define PAUSE_STEP_MIN 0 // Pause bei jeden Servoschritt in ms
#define PAUSE_STEP_MAX 200
// The numbers below good for parallax servos at an F_CPU of 20.000MHz.
// Da einige Servo's auch eien Winkel von 180 grd zulassen, Wertebereich
// entgegen den sonst üblichen. Einschränkung mit default Kalibrierung
// auf 0,9ms (45) bis 2,1ms(45) gesetzt. Je nach Servo, entspricht einen
// Winkel von etwa 180grd
// Periode default 20ms
#define SERVO_MAX 211 // 2,7 ms bei prescaler 256, bei prescaler 64 SERVO_MAX * 4
#define SERVO_MIN 26 // 0,33ms bei prescaler 256, bei prescaler 64 SERVO_MIN * 4
#define SERVO_STEPS 255 // Servo-Schritte von links nach rechts, Anschlagkalibrierung spielt keine Rolle
#define SERVO_PRESCALER 256 // bei prescaler 256, bei prescaler 64 SERVO_PRESCALER / 4
#define STEPS_255 0 // Servo-Schritte von links nach rechts, Anschlagkalibrierung spielt keine Rolle
#define STEPS_1023 1 // Servo-Schritte von links nach rechts, Anschlagkalibrierung spielt keine Rolle
typedef struct //Servo-Konstante je nach Prescaler
uint16_t max;
uint16_t min;
uint16_t steps;
uint16_t prescaler;
typedef struct //struct_ServoChannel
uint8_t pin; // hardware I/O port and pin for this channel
uint16_t duty; // PWM duty setting which corresponds to servo position
uint8_t rev; // Parameter, wie on/off; reverse; range
uint16_t min; // SERVO_MIN + Parameter min
uint16_t max; // SERVO_MAX - Parameter max
uint16_t mid_scaled; // skalierte Servomitte
int16_t mid; // Servomitte = SERVO_STEPS/2 +/- x Schritte; bei Pescaler 256 wird nur uint8_t benötigt aber bei 64
//uint8_t sIdxSteps; // 0 für 255 und 1 für 1023 Schritte; Prescaler 256 oder 64
// Define servo limits (depend on hardware)
typedef struct {
uint16_t min;
uint16_t max;
extern const servo_limit_t servo_limit[2][3];
// Define servo positions (depend on hardware)
typedef struct {
uint16_t min;
uint16_t max;
uint16_t mid;
//typedef struct {
// uint8_t rev;
// uint16_t min;
// uint16_t max;
// uint16_t mid;
//} servo_t;
// Servopositionen für 950µs, 2,05ms und 1,5ms ==> Ergebnis Schritte. Da Zeit in µs ist F_CPU*e-1
extern const steps_pw_t steps_pw[2];
#define RIGHT 0 // Servopostionen, welche vom Einbau abhängig sind
#define LEFT 1
#define MIDDLE 2
#define POSIDX_MAX 4
extern const uint8_t PosIdx[POSIDX_MAX]; // anzufahrende Servopositionen 0=MIN, 1=MID, 2=MAX
// functions
void servoSetDefaultPos(void);
// initializes servo system
// You must run this to begin servo control
void servoInit(uint8_t servo_period);
// turns off servo system
// This stops controlling the servos and
// returns control of the SERVOPORT to your code
void servoOff(void);
// set servo position on a given channel
// servoSetPosition() commands the servo on <channel> to the position you
// desire. The position input must lie between 0 and POSITION_MAX and
// will be automatically scaled to raw positions between SERVO_MIN and
void servoSetPosition(uint8_t channel, uint16_t position);
// set raw servo position on a given channel
// Works like non-raw commands but position is not scaled. Position must
// be between SERVO_MIN and SERVO_MAX
void servoSetPositionRaw(uint8_t channel, uint16_t position);
// set servo to a specific angle
void servoSetAngle(uint8_t servo_nr, int16_t angle);
// vor servoInit(), oder vor sei() ServoWerte mit servoSet...() initialisieren, einschließlich servoSetPosition(...)!
void servoSet_rev(uint8_t channel, uint8_t val);
void servoSet_min(uint8_t channel, uint16_t min);
void servoSet_max(uint8_t channel, uint16_t max);
void servoSet_mid(uint8_t channel, uint16_t mid);
uint16_t pw_us(uint16_t Steps); // gibt Zeit in µs bei x Servoschritte
uint16_t ServoSteps(void); // gibt "Konstante" derzeitiger Servoschritte zürück
#endif /* SERVO_H */
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,153
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Kaiser, *
* Copyright (C) 2009 Peter "woggle" Mack, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Christian "Cebra" Brandtner, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Harald Bongartz *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* *
* Credits to: *
* Holger Buss & Ingo Busker from for the MK project + SVN *
* *
* Gregor "killagreg" Stobrawa for his version of the MK code *
* Thomas Kaiser "thkais" for the original project. See *
* *
* *
* Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje for providing the font and his C-OSD code *
* *
* Harald Bongartz "HaraldB" for providing his Ideas and Code for usibility*
#include "../cpu.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include "../lcd/lcd.h"
#include "../timer/timer.h"
#include "../tracking/servo.h"
#include "../messages.h"
#define SERVO_CORRECT 3.125
void servo_test (void)
#ifdef HWVERSION3_9
uint8_t chg = 0;
uint8_t Pos = 150; // 1,5mS
OCR1A = 150 * SERVO_CORRECT; // Servomitte
lcd_cls ();
lcd_printp (PSTR(" Servo Tester "), 2);
lcd_printp_at (7, 5, PSTR("%"), 0);
lcd_printp_at (16, 5, PSTR("mS"), 0);
// lcd_printp_at (0, 7, PSTR(KEY_LINE_3), 0);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE3), 0);
lcd_printp_at (18, 7, PSTR("\x19O\x18"), 0);
lcd_rect(3, 23, 120, 8, 1); // +-150% Rahmen
lcd_line(23,23,23,31,1); // -100%
lcd_line(43,23,43,31,1); // -50%
lcd_frect(61, 23, 3, 8, 1); // 0%
lcd_line(83,23,83,31,1); // +50%
lcd_line(103,23,103,31,1); // +100%
write_ndigit_number_u (4, 5, 0, 3, 0,0); // Pulse width in %
write_ndigit_number_u_100th(12, 5, 150, 3, 0); // Pulse width in ms
if ((get_key_press (1 << KEY_PLUS) || get_key_long_rpt_sp ((1 << KEY_PLUS), 3)) && (Pos < 225))
if (Pos < 150)
lcd_frect ((63 - ((150 - Pos) * 0.8)), 24, 1, 6, 0);
if (Pos == 75 || Pos == 100 || Pos == 125 || Pos == 150 || Pos == 175 || Pos == 200 || Pos == 225)
set_beep ( 200, 0x0080, BeepNormal);
if (Pos >= 225)
Pos = 225;
else if ((get_key_press (1 << KEY_MINUS) || get_key_long_rpt_sp ((1 << KEY_MINUS), 3)) && (Pos > 75))
if (Pos > 150)
lcd_frect ((((Pos - 150) * 0.8) + 63), 24, ((Pos - 150) * 0.8), 6, 0);
if (Pos == 75 || Pos == 100 || Pos == 125 || Pos == 150 || Pos == 175 || Pos == 200 || Pos == 225)
set_beep ( 200, 0x0080, BeepNormal);
if (Pos <= 75)
Pos = 75;
else if (get_key_press (1 << KEY_ENTER))
lcd_frect (4, 24, 118, 6, 0); // Balken löschen
lcd_frect(61, 23, 3, 8, 1); // 0%
Pos = 150;
set_beep ( 200, 0x0080, BeepNormal);
if (chg)
chg = 0;
if (Pos >= 150)
lcd_frect (63, 24, ((Pos - 150) * 0.8), 6, 1);
write_ndigit_number_u (4, 5, ((Pos - 150) * 2), 3, 0,0); // Pulse width in %
lcd_frect(62, 23, 2, 8, 1); // 0%
lcd_frect (63 - ((150 - Pos) * 0.8), 24, ((150 - Pos) * 0.8), 6, 1);
write_ndigit_number_u (4, 5, ((150 - Pos) * 2), 3, 0,0); // Pulse width in %
lcd_frect(61, 23, 2, 8, 1); // 0%
write_ndigit_number_u_100th(12, 5, Pos, 3, 0); // Pulse width in ms
lcd_line(3, 23,3, 31,1); // -150%
lcd_line(23, 23,23, 31,1); // -100%
lcd_line(43, 23,43, 31,1); // -50%
lcd_line(83, 23,83, 31,1); // +50%
lcd_line(103,23,103,31,1); // +100%
lcd_line(123,23,123,31,1); // +150%
OCR1A = Pos * SERVO_CORRECT; // Servostellung
while (!get_key_press (1 << KEY_ESC));
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,40
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Kaiser, *
* Copyright (C) 2009 Peter "woggle" Mack, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Christian "Cebra" Brandtner, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Harald Bongartz *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* *
* Credits to: *
* Holger Buss & Ingo Busker from for the MK project + SVN *
* *
* Gregor "killagreg" Stobrawa for his version of the MK code *
* Thomas Kaiser "thkais" for the original project. See *
* *
* *
* Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje for providing the font and his C-OSD code *
* *
* Harald Bongartz "HaraldB" for providing his Ideas and Code for usibility*
#ifndef _SERVO_H
#define _SERVO_H
void servo_test (void);
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
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/* */
/* NG-Video 5,8GHz */
/* */
/* Copyright (C) 2011 - gebad */
/* */
/* This code is distributed under the GNU Public License */
/* which can be found at */
/* */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "../cpu.h"
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "../main.h"
#include "../timer/timer.h"
#include "servo_setup.h"
#include "tracking.h"
#include "../lcd/lcd.h"
#include "../timer/timer.h"
#include "../menu.h"
#include "../messages.h"
#include "../mk-data-structs.h"
#include "mymath.h"
#include "../uart/usart.h"
#include "../osd/osd.h"
#include "../eeprom/eeprom.h"
#include "../setup/setup.h"
#include "tools.h"
//#include "ng_usart.h"
//#include "ng_config.h"
//#include "servo.h"
//#include "tools.h"
//#include "mk.h"
//#include "keys.h"
//#include "mymath.h"
//GPS_Pos_t last5pos[7];
//uint8_t error1 = 0;
//NaviData_t *naviData;
//HomePos_t MK_pos; // Home position of station
//GPS_Pos_t currentPos; // Current position of flying object
//int8_t satsInUse; // Number of satelites currently in use
//uint8_t tracking = TRACKING_MIN;
//uint8_t track_hyst = TRACKING_HYSTERESE;
//uint8_t track_tx = 0;
//geo_t geo;
//int16_t anglePan, angleTilt; // Servo Winkel
//uint8_t coldstart = 1;
uint8_t servo_nr; // zwischen Servo 1 und 2 wird nur mit global servo_nr unterschieden
//uint8_t FCStatusFlags;
#define ITEMS_SERVO 4
const prog_char servo_menuitems[ITEMS_SERVO][NUM_LANG][18]= // Zeilen,Zeichen+1
{"Servoschritte ","servo steps ","servo steps "},
{"Servo 1 \x1d","servo 1 \x1d","servo 1 \x1d"},
{"Servo 2 \x1d","servo 2 \x1d","servo 2 \x1d"},
{"Servotest \x1d","servotest \x1d","servotest \x1d"},
const prog_char servotest_menuitems[ITEMS_SERVOTEST][NUM_LANG][18]= // Zeilen,Zeichen+1
{"Test Pulslänge ","test puls width","test puls width "},
{"Test fortlaufend\x1d","test cont. \x1d","test cont. \x1d"},
{"Servo ","servo ","servo "},
{"Periode ","frame ","frame "},
const prog_char servotest_cont_menuitems[ITEMS_SERVOTEST_CONT][NUM_LANG][18]= // Zeilen,Zeichen+1
{ {"Start Test ","start test ","start test "},
{"Einzelschritt ","single step ","single step "},
{"Anzahl Test ","number of test ","number of test "},
{"Pause Endposition","pause end pos ","pasue end pos "},
{"Pause pro Inc. ","pause proc inc. ","pause proc inc. "},
const prog_char servo_adjust_menuitems[ITEMS_SERVOADJUST][NUM_LANG][18]= // Zeilen,Zeichen+1
{"Reverse ","reverse ","reverse "},
{"Links ","left ","left "},
{"Rechts ","right ","rigth "},
{"Mitte ","middle ","middle "},
///* */
///* Ändern der Werte mit Tasten +,- und Anzeige */
///* z.B. für U-Offset, Batterie leer Eingabe ... */
///* */
///* Parameter: */
///* uint16_t val :zu ändernter Wert */
///* uint16_t min_val, max_val :min, max Grenze Wert ändern darf */
///* uint8_t posX, posY :Darstellung Wert xPos, YPos auf LCD */
///* Displ_Fnct_t Displ_Fnct :Index um variable Display Funktion aufzurufen */
///* uint8_t cycle :0 begrenzt Anzeige bei man_val, bzw. max_val */
///* :1 springt nach max_val auf min_val und umgedreht */
///* uint8_t vrepeat :beschleunigte Repeat-Funktion aus/ein */
///* uint16_t Change_Value_plmi(...) :Rückgabe geänderter Wert */
///* */
void Servo_tmp_Original(uint8_t track)
// tracking = track; // ursprünglicher Wert Tracking aus, RSSI oder GPS
// NoTracking_ServosOff(); // Servos sind nur zum Tracking oder bei Kalibrierung eingeschaltet
// Jump_Menu(pmenu);
uint8_t Servo_tmp_on(uint8_t servo_period)
// uint8_t tmp_tracking = tracking;
// tracking = 0; // Servopositionierung durch tracking abschalten
// if (tracking == TRACKING_MIN) servoInit(servo_period); // falls aus, Servos einschalten
// lcdGotoXY(0, 0); // lcd Cursor vorpositionieren
// return(tmp_tracking);
return (0);
void Displ_Off_On(uint16_t val)
if (val == 0) lcd_puts_at(17, 2, strGet(OFF), 0); else lcd_puts_at(17, 2, strGet(ON), 0);
uint16_t Change_Value_plmi(uint16_t val, uint16_t min_val, uint16_t max_val, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY,Displ_Fnct_t Displ_Fnct)
uint16_t tmp_val;
// >> Menueauswahl nach oben
tmp_val = val;
if (get_key_press (1 << KEY_PLUS) || get_key_long_rpt_sp ((1 << KEY_PLUS), 3))
if (val < max_val) {
edit = 1;
val = min_val;
Displ_Fnct(val); // geänderten Wert darstellen, je nach Menüpunkt
// >> Menueauswahl nach unten
if (get_key_press (1 << KEY_MINUS) || get_key_long_rpt_sp ((1 << KEY_MINUS), 3))
if (val > min_val) {
edit = 1;
val = max_val;
Displ_Fnct(val); // geänderten Wert darstellen, je nach Menüpunkt
///* */
///* Ändern der Werte mit Tasten +,- repetierend; (long)Entertaste und Anzeige */
///* z.B. für U-Offset, Batterie leer Eingabe ... */
///* */
///* Parameter: */
///* uint16_t *val :zu ändernter Wert */
///* uint16_t min_val, max_val :min, max Grenze Wert ändern darf */
///* uint8_t fl_pos :Bit 7 beschleunigte Repeat-Funktion aus/ein */
///* Bit 6 zyklische Werteänderung aus/ein */
///* Bit 4-5 z.Z. ohne Funktion */
///* Bit 0-3 Wert xPos auf LCD */
///* Displ_Fnct_t Displ_Fnct :Index um variable Display Funktion aufzurufen */
///* uint8_t Change_Value(...) :Rückgabe geändert ergibt TRUE */
///* */
//// Bei Bedarf könnte einfach innerhalp fl_pos auch noch pos_y (Bit 4-5) übergeben werden
uint8_t Change_Value(uint16_t *val, uint16_t min_val, uint16_t max_val,Displ_Fnct_t Displ_Fnct)
{ uint16_t tmp_val;
tmp_val = *val;
Displ_Fnct(tmp_val); // initiale Wertdarstellung, je nach Menüpunkt
while(!get_key_press(1<<KEY_ENTER) && !get_key_press(1<<KEY_ESC))
*val = Change_Value_plmi(*val, min_val, max_val, 16,2, Displ_Fnct);
if (*val == tmp_val) {
edit = 0;
// lcd_printp_at (0, 5, PSTR("Edit=0"), 0);
// _delay_ms(500);
//// return (*val);
edit = 1;
// lcd_printp_at (0, 5, PSTR("Edit=1"), 0);
// _delay_ms(500);
return (tmp_val != *val);
uint16_t calc_range(int16_t PosProzent, int16_t min, int16_t max, int16_t mid)
{ uint16_t range;
if (PosProzent < 0) {
range = mid - min;
// if (chrxs == CHRRS) { // falls Richtung geändert, anderen Zeichensatz laden
// chrxs = CHRLS;
//// lcdWriteCGRAM_Array(lcdSpecialChrLs, 5);// LCD-Char mit Rahmensymbole vom Graph
// }
else {
range = max - mid;
// if (chrxs == CHRLS) { // falls Richtung geändert, anderen Zeichensatz laden
//// lcdWriteCGRAM_Array(lcdSpecialChrRs, 5);// LCD-Char mit Rahmensymbole vom Graph
// chrxs = CHRRS;
// }
/* zeigt einen max. 3-stelligen Integerwert auf Display an */
/* Parameter: */
/* uint16_t val :anzuzeigender Wert, */
/* uint16_t wegen Vereinheitlichung f. Funktionsaufrauf */
/* */
void Displ_Format_Int(uint16_t val)
// lcdPuts(my_itoa(val, 3, 0, 0));
// lcdPuts(my_itoa(mid_val, 4, 0, 0));
lcd_puts_at(16,2,my_itoa(val, 3, 0, 0),0);
void Displ_PulseWidth(uint16_t val)
{ int16_t PosProzent, range;
uint16_t Pos_us;
char me[3] = {"ms"};
servoSetPositionRaw(servo_nr, val);
PosProzent = val - steps_pw[Config.sIdxSteps].mid;
range = calc_range(PosProzent, steps_pw[Config.sIdxSteps].min, steps_pw[Config.sIdxSteps].max, steps_pw[Config.sIdxSteps].mid);
// draw_bar(PosProzent, range, 2); // auf 3. Display-Zeile
PosProzent = (int32_t)1000 * PosProzent / range;
// lcdGotoXY(1, 1);
Pos_us = pw_us(val); // Zeit in µs bei x Servoschritte
if (Pos_us < 1000) {
me[0] = 'u'; // soll 'µ' => programmierbarer Zeichensatz zu klein
// lcdPuts(" ");
else {
// lcdPuts(my_itoa(Pos_us, 5, 3, 3));
lcd_puts_at(14,2,my_itoa(Pos_us, 5, 3, 3),0);
// lcdPuts(me);
// lcdGotoXY(8, 1);
// lcdPuts(my_itoa(PosProzent, 6, 1, 1));
lcd_puts_at(14,2,my_itoa(PosProzent, 6, 1, 1),0);
// lcdPutc('%');
/* zeigt Pausenlänge der Links-, Mittel- und Rechtsposition auf Display an */
/* Parameter: */
/* uint16_t val : Zeit in 1ms * 100 */
/* */
void Displ_Pause(uint16_t val)
if (val > 9) {
// lcdPuts(my_itoa(val, 3, 1, 1));
lcd_puts_at(16,2,my_itoa(val, 3, 1, 1),0);
// lcdPuts("s ");
else {
Displ_Format_Int(val * 100);
// lcdPuts("ms");
/* zeigt aus oder Integerwert auf Display an */
/* Parameter: */
/* uint16_t val : val = 0 ==> aus, sont Integerwert */
/* */
void Displ_Off_Format_Int(uint16_t val)
if (val == 0)
// lcdPutStrMid(Msg(MSG_OFF), ZLE_VAL);
lcd_puts_at(17, 2, strGet(OFF), 0);
else {
// write_ndigit_number_u (16, 2, val, 5, 0,0);
// lcdGotoXY(5,ZLE_VAL);
// lcdPutc(' ');
/* zeigt aus oder Pausenzeit zwischen 2 Servoschritte auf Display an */
/* Parameter: */
/* uint16_t val : val = 0 ==> aus, sont Integerwert */
/* */
void Displ_Pause_Step(uint16_t val)
if (val > 0) {
// lcdGotoXY(8,ZLE_VAL);
// lcdPuts("ms");
/* zeigt zu testende Servonummer zur Auswahl auf Display an */
/* Parameter: */
/* uint16_t val :0 = Servo 1 oder 1 = Servo 2, */
/* uint16_t wegen Vereinheitlichung f. Funktionsaufrauf */
/* */
void Displ_ServoNr(uint16_t val)
// if (val == 0) lcdPuts(Msg(MSG_SERVO1)); else lcdPuts(Msg(MSG_SERVO2));
lcd_printp_at (0, 2, PSTR("Servo:"), 0);
if (val == 0) lcd_printp_at (14, 2, PSTR("Servo 1"), 0); else lcd_printp_at (14, 2, PSTR("Servo 2"), 0);
/* */
/* Servos-Tests */
/* */
//void Menu_Servo_Test(void)
// Scroll_Menu(scr_sub_menu, m_pkt); // pmenu global
// servo_nr = eeprom_read_byte(&ep_servo_nr);
// Jump_Menu(pmenu);
void Menu_Test_Frame(void)
{ uint16_t tmp_val;
// Displ_Title(MSG_FRAME);
// lcdGotoXY(8, ZLE_VAL);
lcd_cls ();
lcd_puts_at(0, 0, strGet(SV_TEST3),2);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE2), 0);
// lcdPuts("ms");
tmp_val = Config.servo_frame;
if (Change_Value(&tmp_val, SERVO_PERIODE_MIN, SERVO_PERIODE_MAX,Displ_Format_Int)) { // pmenu global
Config.servo_frame = tmp_val;
// eeprom_write_byte(&ep_servo_frame, servo_frame);
// Double_Beep(DBEEPWR, DBEEPWRP);
// Jump_Menu(pmenu);
void Menu_Test_ServoNr(void)
{ uint16_t tmp_val;
// Displ_Title(MSG_SERVO);
lcd_cls ();
lcd_puts_at(0, 0, strGet(SV_TEST2),2);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE2), 0);
tmp_val = servo_nr;
if (Change_Value(&tmp_val, 0, 1,Displ_ServoNr)) { // pmenu global; es gibt nur 0=Servo1, 1=Servo2
servo_nr = tmp_val;
// eeprom_write_byte(&ep_servo_nr, servo_nr);
// Double_Beep(DBEEPWR, DBEEPWRP);
// Jump_Menu(pmenu);
// Dieser Test im raw-Modus ohne Anschlagkalibrierung (normiert) z.B.: für Modelleinstellungen ohne Empfänger
void Menu_Test_PulseWidth(void)
{ uint8_t tmp_tracking;
uint16_t tmp_val;
lcd_cls ();
lcd_puts_at(0, 0, strGet(SERVO_TEST1),2);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE2), 0);
tmp_tracking = Servo_tmp_on(Config.servo_frame);
// lcdWriteCGRAM_Array(lcdSpecialChrLs, 8); // LCD-Char mit Rahmensymbole vom Graph
// chrxs = CHRLS; // verhindert wiederholtes Lesen bereits geladener LCD-Char
// Displ_Title(MSG_PULSE_WIDTH);
tmp_val = steps_pw[Config.sIdxSteps].mid;
Change_Value(&tmp_val, steps_pw[Config.sIdxSteps].min, steps_pw[Config.sIdxSteps].max,Displ_PulseWidth); // pmenu global
// lcdWriteCGRAM_Array(lcdSpecialChr, 7); // LCD-Char für Bargraph zurückschreiben
//void Menu_Test_Continuous(void)
// Scroll_Menu(scr_sub_menu, m_pkt); // pmenu global
// Jump_Menu(pmenu);
void Menu_Test_SingleStep(void)
{uint16_t tmp_val;
// Displ_Title(MSG_SINGLE_STEP);
lcd_cls ();
tmp_val = Config.single_step;
lcd_puts_at(0, 0, strGet(SV_SINGLESTEP),2);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE2), 0);
if (Change_Value(&tmp_val, SINGLE_STEP_MIN, SINGLE_STEP_MAX, Displ_Off_Format_Int)) { // pmenu global
Config.single_step = tmp_val;
// eeprom_write_byte(&ep_single_step, single_step);
// Double_Beep(DBEEPWR, DBEEPWRP);
// Jump_Menu(pmenu);
void Menu_Test_Repeat(void)
{uint16_t tmp_val;
// Displ_Title(MSG_REPEAT);
tmp_val = Config.repeat;
lcd_cls ();
lcd_puts_at(0, 0, strGet(SV_COUNTTEST),2);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE2), 0);
if (Change_Value(&tmp_val, REPEAT_MIN, REPEAT_MAX,Displ_Format_Int)) { // pmenu global
Config.repeat = tmp_val;
// eeprom_write_byte(&ep_repeat, repeat);
// Double_Beep(DBEEPWR, DBEEPWRP);
// Jump_Menu(pmenu);
void Menu_Test_Pause(void)
{uint16_t tmp_val;
// Displ_Title(MSG_PAUSE);
lcd_cls ();
lcd_puts_at(0, 0, strGet(SV_PAUSEEND),2);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE2), 0);
tmp_val = Config.pause;
if (Change_Value(&tmp_val, PAUSE_MIN, PAUSE_MAX,Displ_Pause)) { // pmenu global
Config.pause = tmp_val;
// eeprom_write_byte(&ep_pause, pause);
// Double_Beep(DBEEPWR, DBEEPWRP);
// Jump_Menu(pmenu);
void Menu_Test_Pause_Step(void)
{uint16_t tmp_val;
// Displ_Title(MSG_PAUSE_STEP);
lcd_cls ();
lcd_puts_at(0, 0, strGet(SV_PAUSEINC),2);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE2), 0);
tmp_val = Config.pause_step;
if (Change_Value(&tmp_val, PAUSE_STEP_MIN, PAUSE_STEP_MAX,Displ_Pause_Step)) { // pmenu global
Config.pause_step = tmp_val;
// eeprom_write_byte(&ep_pause_step, pause_step);
// Double_Beep(DBEEPWR, DBEEPWRP);
// Jump_Menu(pmenu);
int8_t calc_dir(uint8_t idx, int16_t *Position)
{ uint8_t nextIdx;
int8_t nextDir = 1;
nextIdx = idx;
if ((idx + 1) < POSIDX_MAX)
nextIdx = 0;
if (Position[PosIdx[idx]] > Position[PosIdx[nextIdx]]) nextDir = -1;
void Displ_LoopCounter(uint8_t val)
// lcdGotoXY(2,2);
// lcdPuts(Msg(MSG_COUNTER));
// lcdPuts(my_itoa(val, 4, 0, 0));
lcd_puts_at(16,2,my_itoa(val, 4, 0, 0),0);
// Test über Scalierung der Servos mit Anschlagkalibrierung
void Menu_Test_Start(void)
{ uint8_t tmp_tracking, idx, rep;
int8_t dir;
int16_t sPos;
int16_t Position[3];
int16_t range;
tmp_tracking = Servo_tmp_on(Config.servo_frame);
// lcdWriteCGRAM_Array(lcdSpecialChrLs, 8); // LCD-Char mit Rahmensymbole vom Graph
// chrxs = CHRLS; // Flag, welche Kästchensymbole geladen
// Displ_Title(MSG_CONTINOUS);
lcd_cls ();
lcd_puts_at(0, 0, strGet(SV_TESTCONT),2);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE2), 0);
Position[0] = 0; // skalierte Servoposition aber unterschiedliche Schrittanzahl möglich
Position[1] = ServoSteps()/2;
Position[2] = ServoSteps();
// init Einzelschritt
idx = 0;
dir = calc_dir(idx, Position);
sPos = Position[PosIdx[idx]];
rep = Config.repeat;
// Test bis Ende der Wiederholungen oder irgendein Enter
while(!get_key_press(1<<KEY_ENTER) && !get_key_press(1<<KEY_ESC)) {
range = calc_range(sPos - Position[1], Position[0], Position[2], Position[1]);
// draw_bar(sPos - Position[1], range, 1); // eingerahmter Balkengraph auf 2. Display-Zeile
servoSetPosition(servo_nr, sPos);
if ( sPos != Position[PosIdx[idx]]) { // Links-, Mittel- oder Rechtsposotion erreicht?
sPos += (Config.single_step * dir); // variable Schrittweite subtrahieren oder addieren
if (((dir < 0) && (sPos < Position[PosIdx[idx]])) || ((dir > 0) && (sPos > Position[PosIdx[idx]])) || !(Config.single_step))
sPos = Position[PosIdx[idx]]; // Überlauf bei variabler Schrittweite berücksichtigen oder Einzelschritt
Delay_ms(Config.servo_frame + 1 + Config.pause_step);// Bei Schrittweite um 1 würden welche übersprungen, zusätzlich pro Servoschritt verzögert
else {
dir = calc_dir(idx, Position); // Richtungsänderung
if (idx < (POSIDX_MAX - 1)) {
if (idx == 0) {
rep--; // bei jeden vollen Durchlauf Wiederholzähler verringern
idx++; // Index für nächsten Positionswert ==> Array PosIdx[] bestimmt Anschlagreihenfolge
idx = 0;
delay_ms100x(Config.pause); // variable Pause bei Links-, Mittel- und Rechtsposotion Mindestzeit 400ms (Servolauf)
// lcdClear();
// if (pmenu[0] == '\0')
// Displ_Main_Disp();
// else
// return_m_pkt(strlen(pmenu)); // um bei Rücksprung auf ursprünglichen Menüpunkt zeigen oder Displ_Main_Disp()
// lcdWriteCGRAM_Array(lcdSpecialChr, 7); // LCD-Char für Bargraph zurückschreiben
void test_servo_menu(void)
// uint8_t ii = 0;
// uint8_t Offset = 0;
// uint8_t dmode = 0;
uint8_t target_pos = 1;
// uint8_t val = 0;
lcd_cls ();
lcd_printpns_at(0, 0, PSTR("test_servo_menu "), 2);
// lcd_printp_at (0, 7, PSTR(KEY_LINE_1), 0);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE1), 0);
// while(2)
// {
// ii = 0;
// if(Offset > 0)
// {
// lcd_printp_at(1,1, PSTR("\x12"), 0);
// }
// for(ii = 0;ii < 6 ; ii++)
// {
// if((ii+Offset) < size)
// {
// lcd_printp_at(3,ii+1,servotest_menuitems[ii+Offset][Config.DisplayLanguage], 0);
// }
// if((ii == 5)&&(ii+Offset < (size-1)))
// {
// lcd_printp_at(1,6, PSTR("\x13"), 0);
// }
// }
// if(dmode == 0)
// {
// if(Offset == 0)
// {
// if(size > 6)
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (1, 5, target_pos,0,1);
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (1, size, target_pos,0,0);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 5, target_pos,1,1);
// }
// }
// if(dmode == 1)
// {
// if(Offset+7 > size)
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 6, target_pos,1,0);
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 5, target_pos,1,1);
// }
// }
// if(val == 254)
// {
// Offset++;
// dmode = 1;
// target_pos = 5;
// }
// else if(val == 253)
// {
// Offset--;
// dmode = 0;
// target_pos = 2;
// }
// else if(val == 255)
// {
// return;
// }
// else
// {
// break;
// }
// }
val = menu_select(servotest_menuitems,size,target_pos);
if (val==255) break;
target_pos = val;
// {"Test Pulslänge ","test puls width","test puls width "},
// {"Test fortlaufend\x1d","test cont. \x1d","test cont. \x1d"},
// {"Servo ","servo ","servo "},
// {"Periode ","frame ","frame "},
if(val == 1 )
if(val == 2 )
if(val == 3 )
if(val == 4 )
void servotest_cont_menu(void)
// uint8_t ii = 0;
// uint8_t Offset = 0;
// uint8_t dmode = 0;
uint8_t target_pos = 1;
// uint8_t val = 0;
lcd_cls ();
lcd_printpns_at(0, 0, PSTR("Servotest cont."), 2);
// lcd_printp_at (0, 7, PSTR(KEY_LINE_1), 0);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE1), 0);
// while(2)
// {
// ii = 0;
// if(Offset > 0)
// {
// lcd_printp_at(1,1, PSTR("\x12"), 0);
// }
// for(ii = 0;ii < 6 ; ii++)
// {
// if((ii+Offset) < size)
// {
// lcd_printp_at(3,ii+1,servotest_cont_menuitems[ii+Offset][Config.DisplayLanguage], 0);
// }
// if((ii == 5)&&(ii+Offset < (size-1)))
// {
// lcd_printp_at(1,6, PSTR("\x13"), 0);
// }
// }
// if(dmode == 0)
// {
// if(Offset == 0)
// {
// if(size > 6)
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (1, 5, target_pos,0,1);
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (1, size, target_pos,0,0);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 5, target_pos,1,1);
// }
// }
// if(dmode == 1)
// {
// if(Offset+7 > size)
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 6, target_pos,1,0);
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 5, target_pos,1,1);
// }
// }
// if(val == 254)
// {
// Offset++;
// dmode = 1;
// target_pos = 5;
// }
// else if(val == 253)
// {
// Offset--;
// dmode = 0;
// target_pos = 2;
// }
// else if(val == 255)
// {
// if (edit == 1)
// {
//// WriteParameter();
// edit = 0;
// return;
// }
// return;
// }
// else
// {
// break;
// }
// }
val = menu_select(servotest_cont_menuitems,size,target_pos);
if (val==255) break;
target_pos = val;
if(val == 1 )
if(val == 2 )
if(val == 3)
if(val == 4 )
if(val == 5)
void Servo_rev(void)
{ uint16_t tmp_val;
uint8_t tmp_tracking;
lcd_puts_at(0, 2, strGet(SERVO_REVERSE),0);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE2), 0);
tmp_tracking = Servo_tmp_on(SERVO_PERIODE);
tmp_val = Config.servo[servo_nr].rev;
if (Change_Value(&tmp_val , 0, 1, Displ_Off_On))
{ //reverse gibt es nur 0=off, 1=on
Config.servo[servo_nr].rev = tmp_val ;
servoSet_rev(servo_nr, tmp_val );
void Menu_Servotext(void)
lcd_cls ();
if (servo_nr == 0)
lcd_puts_at(0, 0, strGet(SERVO1_TEXT), 2);
lcd_puts_at(0, 0, strGet(SERVO2_TEXT), 2);
void Menu_Servo_rev(void)
/* zeigt Servo-Anschlagposition links auf Display an */
/* mit sofortiger Wirkung auf Servo */
/* Parameter: */
/* uint16_t val :anzuzeigender Wert, */
/* uint16_t wegen Vereinheitlichung f. Funktionsaufrauf */
/* */
void Displ_Servo_Min(uint16_t val)
{ uint16_t steps = 0;
// Displ_Format_Int(val);
write_ndigit_number_s (16, 2, val, 5, 0,0);
servoSet_min(servo_nr, val); // Wert setzen damit nachfolgend die
if (Config.servo[servo_nr].rev) steps = ServoSteps();
servoSetPosition(servo_nr, steps); // Änderung direkt am Servo sichtbar ist
/* zeigt Servo-Anschlagposition rechts auf Display an */
/* mit sofortiger Wirkung auf Servo */
/* Parameter: */
/* uint16_t val :anzuzeigender Wert, */
/* uint16_t wegen Vereinheitlichung f. Funktionsaufrauf */
/* */
void Displ_Servo_Max(uint16_t val)
{ uint16_t steps = ServoSteps();
// Displ_Format_Int(val);
write_ndigit_number_u (16, 2, val, 5, 0,0);
servoSet_max(servo_nr, val); // Wert setzen damit nachfolgend die
if (Config.servo[servo_nr].rev) steps = 0;
servoSetPosition(servo_nr, steps); // Änderung direkt am Servo sichtbar ist
/* zeigt Servo-Anschlagposition Mitte auf Display an */
/* mit sofortiger Wirkung auf Servo */
/* Parameter: */
/* uint16_t val :anzuzeigender Wert, */
/* uint16_t wegen Vereinheitlichung f. Funktionsaufrauf */
/* */
void Displ_Servo_Mid(uint16_t val)
{ int16_t mid_val;
mid_val = val - ServoSteps()/2;
// lcdPuts(my_itoa(mid_val, 4, 0, 0));
lcd_puts_at(16,2,my_itoa(mid_val, 4, 0, 0),0);
servoSet_mid(servo_nr, val); // Wert setzen damit nachfolgend die
servoSetPosition(servo_nr, ServoSteps()/2); // Änderung direkt am Servo sichtbar ist
void Servo_left(void)
{ uint16_t tmp_val;
uint8_t tmp_tracking;
lcd_puts_at(0, 2, strGet(SERVO_LEFT),0);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE2), 0);
tmp_tracking = Servo_tmp_on(SERVO_PERIODE);
servoSetPosition(servo_nr, ServoSteps()); // Linkssanschlag um Kalibrierung am Servo zu sehen
tmp_val = Config.servo[servo_nr].max;
// if (Change_Value(&tmp_val, servo_limit[sIdxSteps][LEFT].min, servo_limit[sIdxSteps][LEFT].max, 6|(1<<V_REPEAT), Displ_Servo_Max)) { // pmenu global
if (Change_Value(&tmp_val , servo_limit[Config.sIdxSteps][LEFT].min, servo_limit[Config.sIdxSteps][LEFT].max, Displ_Servo_Max))
Config.servo[servo_nr].max = tmp_val;
// eeprom_write_block(&servo[servo_nr],&ep_servo[servo_nr],sizeof(servo_t));
servoSet_mid(servo_nr, Config.servo[servo_nr].mid); // Mittelposition muss sich bei Ausschlagsänderung verschieben
// Double_Beep(DBEEPWR, DBEEPWRP);
void Menu_Servo_left(void)
// Displ_Title(MSG_CALIB1_LEFT);
void Servo_right(void)
{ uint16_t tmp_val;
uint8_t tmp_tracking;
lcd_puts_at(0, 2, strGet(SERVO_RIGTH),0);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE2), 0);
tmp_tracking = Servo_tmp_on(SERVO_PERIODE);
servoSetPosition(servo_nr, 0); // Rechtsanschlag um Kalibrierung am Servo zu sehen
tmp_val = Config.servo[servo_nr].min;
// if (Change_Value(&tmp_val, servo_limit[sIdxSteps][RIGHT].min, servo_limit[sIdxSteps][RIGHT].max, 6|(1<<V_REPEAT), Displ_Servo_Min)) { // pmenu global
if (Change_Value(&tmp_val , servo_limit[Config.sIdxSteps][RIGHT].min, servo_limit[Config.sIdxSteps][RIGHT].max, Displ_Servo_Min))
{Config.servo[servo_nr].min = tmp_val;
// eeprom_write_block(&servo[servo_nr],&ep_servo[servo_nr],sizeof(servo_t));
servoSet_mid(servo_nr, Config.servo[servo_nr].mid); // Mittelposition muss sich bei Ausschlagsänderung verschieben
// Double_Beep(DBEEPWR, DBEEPWRP);
void Menu_Servo_rigth(void)
void Servo_middle(void)
{ uint16_t tmp_val;
uint8_t tmp_tracking;
lcd_puts_at(0, 2, strGet(SERVO_MID),0);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE2), 0);
tmp_tracking = Servo_tmp_on(SERVO_PERIODE);
servoSetPosition(servo_nr, ServoSteps()/2); // Mittelposition um Kalibrierung am Servo zu sehen
tmp_val = Config.servo[servo_nr].mid;
// if (Change_Value(&tmp_val, servo_limit[sIdxSteps][MIDDLE].min, servo_limit[sIdxSteps][MIDDLE].max, 5|(1<<V_REPEAT), Displ_Servo_Mid)) { // pmenu global
if (Change_Value(&tmp_val , servo_limit[Config.sIdxSteps][MIDDLE].min, servo_limit[Config.sIdxSteps][MIDDLE].max, Displ_Servo_Mid))
{ Config.servo[servo_nr].mid = tmp_val;
// eeprom_write_block(&servo[servo_nr], &ep_servo[servo_nr], sizeof(servo_t));
// Double_Beep(DBEEPWR, DBEEPWRP);
void Menu_Servo_mid(void)
void Servo_NewValues(uint8_t idx_presc)
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < SERVO_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) {
if (idx_presc == STEPS_255) { // Werte umrechnen für Prescaler = 256
Config.servo[i].min /= 4;
Config.servo[i].max /= 4;
Config.servo[i].mid /= 4;
else { // Werte umrechnen für Prescaler = 64
Config.servo[i].min *= 4;
Config.servo[i].max *= 4;
Config.servo[i].mid = (Config.servo[i].mid + 1) * 4 - 1;
servoSet_min(i, Config.servo[i].min);
servoSet_max(i, Config.servo[i].max);
servoSet_mid(i, Config.servo[i].mid);
// eeprom_write_block(&servo[i],&ep_servo[i],sizeof(servo_t));
// Vorberechnung von ServoChannels[channel].duty
servoSetDefaultPos(); // Ausgangsstellung beider Servos
/* zeigt Servoschritte zur Auswahl auf Display an */
/* Parameter: */
/* uint16_t val :0 = 255 oder 1 = 1023, */
/* uint16_t wegen Vereinheitlichung f. Funktionsaufrauf */
/* */
void Displ_Servo_Steps(uint16_t val)
if (val==0)
lcd_puts_at(16,2,INTERNAT_STEPS_255,0 );
lcd_puts_at(16,2,INTERNAT_STEPS_1023,0 );
void Menu_Servo_Steps(void)
{ uint16_t tmp_val;
lcd_cls ();
lcd_puts_at(0, 0, strGet(SERVOSTEPS), 2);
lcd_puts_at(0, 2, strGet(SERVOSTEPS),0);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE2), 0);
tmp_val = Config.sIdxSteps;
if (Change_Value(&tmp_val, STEPS_255, STEPS_1023,Displ_Servo_Steps))
Config.sIdxSteps = tmp_val;
Servo_NewValues(Config.sIdxSteps); // hier ist der neue Index anzugeben!
void adjust_servo_menu(uint8_t servo)
// uint8_t ii = 0;
// uint8_t Offset = 0;
// uint8_t dmode = 0;
uint8_t target_pos = 1;
// uint8_t val = 0;
char ServoNr;
servo_nr = servo;
if (servo_nr == 0) ServoNr = '1'; else ServoNr = '2';
lcd_cls ();
lcd_printpns_at(0, 0, PSTR("adjust servo "), 2);
lcd_putc (18, 0, ServoNr, 2);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE1), 0);
// while(2)
// {
// ii = 0;
// if(Offset > 0)
// {
// lcd_printp_at(1,1, PSTR("\x12"), 0);
// }
// for(ii = 0;ii < 6 ; ii++)
// {
// if((ii+Offset) < size)
// {
// lcd_printp_at(3,ii+1,servo_adjust_menuitems[ii+Offset][Config.DisplayLanguage], 0);
// }
// if((ii == 5)&&(ii+Offset < (size-1)))
// {
// lcd_printp_at(1,6, PSTR("\x13"), 0);
// }
// }
// if(dmode == 0)
// {
// if(Offset == 0)
// {
// if(size > 6)
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (1, 5, target_pos,0,1);
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (1, size, target_pos,0,0);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 5, target_pos,1,1);
// }
// }
// if(dmode == 1)
// {
// if(Offset+7 > size)
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 6, target_pos,1,0);
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 5, target_pos,1,1);
// }
// }
// if(val == 254)
// {
// Offset++;
// dmode = 1;
// target_pos = 5;
// }
// else if(val == 253)
// {
// Offset--;
// dmode = 0;
// target_pos = 2;
// }
// else if(val == 255)
// {
// if (edit == 1)
// {
//// WriteParameter();
// edit = 0;
// return;
// }
// return;
// }
// else
// {
// break;
// }
// }
val = menu_select(servo_adjust_menuitems,size,target_pos);
if (val==255) break;
target_pos = val;
// {"Reverse ","reverse ","reverse "},
// {"Links ","left ","left "},
// {"Rechts ","right ","rigth "},
// {"Mitte ","middle ","middle "},
if(val == 1 )
if(val == 2 )
if(val == 3 )
if(val == 4 )
void servo_menu(void)
// uint8_t ii = 0;
// uint8_t Offset = 0;
// uint8_t dmode = 0;
uint8_t target_pos = 1;
// uint8_t val = 0;
edit =0;
lcd_cls ();
lcd_printpns_at(0, 0, PSTR("servo_menu"), 2);
// lcd_printp_at (0, 7, PSTR(KEY_LINE_1), 0);
lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE1), 0);
// while(2)
// {
// ii = 0;
// if(Offset > 0)
// {
// lcd_printp_at(1,1, PSTR("\x12"), 0);
// }
// for(ii = 0;ii < 6 ; ii++)
// {
// if((ii+Offset) < size)
// {
// lcd_printp_at(3,ii+1,servo_menuitems[ii+Offset][Config.DisplayLanguage], 0);
// }
// if((ii == 5)&&(ii+Offset < (size-1)))
// {
// lcd_printp_at(1,6, PSTR("\x13"), 0);
// }
// }
// if(dmode == 0)
// {
// if(Offset == 0)
// {
// if(size > 6)
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (1, 5, target_pos,0,1);
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (1, size, target_pos,0,0);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 5, target_pos,1,1);
// }
// }
// if(dmode == 1)
// {
// if(Offset+7 > size)
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 6, target_pos,1,0);
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 5, target_pos,1,1);
// }
// }
// if(val == 254)
// {
// Offset++;
// dmode = 1;
// target_pos = 5;
// }
// else if(val == 253)
// {
// Offset--;
// dmode = 0;
// target_pos = 2;
// }
// else if(val == 255)
// {
// if (edit == 1)
// {
//// WriteParameter();
// edit = 0;
// return;
// }
// return;
// }
// else
// {
// break;
// }
// }
val = menu_select(servo_menuitems,size,target_pos);
if (val==255) break;
target_pos = val;
// Edit_generic(uint8_t Value, uint8_t min, uint8_t max,uint8_t Text, uint8_t what
// if(val == 1 ) sIdxSteps=Edit_generic (sIdxSteps, STEPS_255, STEPS_1023,SERVOSTEPS,0);
if(val == 1 ) Menu_Servo_Steps();
if(val == 2 )
if(val == 3 )
if(val == 4 )
//void start_tracking(void)
// #define TIMEOUT 200 // 2 sec
// uint16_t old_anglePan = 0;
// uint16_t old_angleTilt = 0;
// //uint16_t old_hh = 0;
// uint8_t flag;
// uint8_t tmp_dat;
// lcd_cls ();
// //lcd_printpns_at(0, 0, PSTR("start_tracking "), 2);
// //lcd_printpns_at(0, 1, PSTR("ab jetzt Tracking"), 0);
// lcd_ecircle(22, 35, 16, 1);
// lcd_ecircle(88, 35, 16, 1);
// lcd_putc (10, 1, 0x1e, 0); // degree symbol
// lcd_putc (20, 1, 0x1e, 0); // degree symbol
//// lcd_printp_at (0, 7, PSTR(KEY_LINE_1), 0);
// lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE1), 0);
// SwitchToNC();
// mode = 'O';
// // disable debug...
// // RS232_request_mk_data (0, 'd', 0);
// tmp_dat = 0;
// SendOutData ('d', ADDRESS_ANY, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
// // request OSD Data from NC every 100ms
// // RS232_request_mk_data (1, 'o', 100);
// tmp_dat = 10;
// SendOutData ('o', ADDRESS_NC, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
// if (rxd_buffer_locked)
// {
// timer = TIMEOUT;
// Decode64 ();
// naviData = (NaviData_t *) pRxData;
// if(error1 == 1)
// lcd_cls();
// }
// GPS_Pos_t currpos;
// currpos.Latitude = naviData->CurrentPosition.Latitude;
// currpos.Longitude = naviData->CurrentPosition.Longitude;
// flag = 0;
// timer = TIMEOUT;
// abo_timer = ABO_TIMEOUT;
// coldstart = 1;
// do
// {
// if (rxd_buffer_locked)
// {
// timer = TIMEOUT;
// Decode64 ();
// naviData = (NaviData_t *) pRxData;
////CB uint8_t FCStatusFlag = naviData->FCFlags;
// uint8_t FCStatusFlag = naviData->FCStatusFlags;
// //write_ndigit_number_u (0, 0, FCStatusFlag);
// Tracking_GPS();
// //uint16_t heading_home = (naviData->HomePositionDeviation.Bearing + 360 - naviData->CompassHeading) % 360;
// // alte Linien löschen
// //lcd_ecirc_line (22, 35, 15, old_hh, 0);
// //old_hh = heading_home;
// lcd_ecirc_line (22, 35, 15, old_anglePan, 0);
// old_anglePan = anglePan;
// lcd_ecirc_line (88, 35, 15, old_angleTilt, 0);
// old_angleTilt = angleTilt;
// lcd_ecirc_line (22, 35, 15, anglePan, 1);
// write_ndigit_number_u (7, 1, anglePan, 3, 0,0);
// lcd_ecirc_line (88, 35, 15, angleTilt, 1);
// write_ndigit_number_u (17, 1, angleTilt, 3, 0,0);
// rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
// if (!abo_timer)
// { // renew abo every 3 sec
// // request OSD Data from NC every 100ms
// // RS232_request_mk_data (1, 'o', 100);
// tmp_dat = 10;
// SendOutData ('o', ADDRESS_NC, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
// abo_timer = ABO_TIMEOUT;
// }
// }
// if (!timer)
// {
// OSD_Timeout(flag);
// flag = 0;
// }
// }
// while(!get_key_press (1 << KEY_ESC));
// //lcd_cls();
// //return;
//void conect2at_unit(void)
// lcd_cls ();
// lcd_printpns_at(0, 0, PSTR("conect2at_unit "), 2);
// lcd_printpns_at(0, 3, PSTR("work in progress ;)"), 2);
//// lcd_printp_at (0, 7, PSTR(KEY_LINE_1), 0);
// lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE1), 0);
// while(!get_key_press (1 << KEY_ESC));
// lcd_cls();
// return;
//void conect2gps_ser (void)
// lcd_cls ();
// lcd_printpns_at(0, 0, PSTR("conect2gps_ser "), 2);
// lcd_printpns_at(0, 3, PSTR("work in progress ;)"), 2);
//// lcd_printp_at (0, 7, PSTR(KEY_LINE_1), 0);
// lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE1), 0);
// while(!get_key_press (1 << KEY_ESC));
// lcd_cls();
// return;
//void conect2gps_bt (void)
// lcd_cls ();
// lcd_printpns_at(0, 0, PSTR("conect2gps_bt "), 2);
// lcd_printpns_at(0, 3, PSTR("work in progress ;)"), 2);
//// lcd_printp_at (0, 7, PSTR(KEY_LINE_1), 0);
// lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE1), 0);
// while(!get_key_press (1 << KEY_ESC));
// lcd_cls();
// return;
//void conect2gps_menu(void)
// uint8_t ii = 0;
// uint8_t Offset = 0;
// uint8_t size = ITEMS_CONECT_GPS;
// uint8_t dmode = 0;
// uint8_t target_pos = 1;
// uint8_t val = 0;
// while(1)
// {
// lcd_cls ();
// lcd_printpns_at(0, 0, PSTR("conect2gps_menu "), 2);
//// lcd_printp_at (0, 7, PSTR(KEY_LINE_1), 0);
// lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE1), 0);
// while(2)
// {
// ii = 0;
// if(Offset > 0)
// {
// lcd_printp_at(1,1, PSTR("\x12"), 0);
// }
// for(ii = 0;ii < 6 ; ii++)
// {
// if((ii+Offset) < size)
// {
// lcd_printp_at(3,ii+1,conect_gps_menuitems[ii+Offset], 0);
// }
// if((ii == 5)&&(ii+Offset < (size-1)))
// {
// lcd_printp_at(1,6, PSTR("\x13"), 0);
// }
// }
// if(dmode == 0)
// {
// if(Offset == 0)
// {
// if(size > 6)
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (1, 5, target_pos,0,1);
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (1, size, target_pos,0,0);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 5, target_pos,1,1);
// }
// }
// if(dmode == 1)
// {
// if(Offset+7 > size)
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 6, target_pos,1,0);
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 5, target_pos,1,1);
// }
// }
// if(val == 254)
// {
// Offset++;
// dmode = 1;
// target_pos = 5;
// }
// else if(val == 253)
// {
// Offset--;
// dmode = 0;
// target_pos = 2;
// }
// else if(val == 255)
// {
// return;
// }
// else
// {
// break;
// }
// }
// target_pos = val;
// if((val+Offset) == 1 )
// conect2gps_ser();
// if((val+Offset) == 2 )
// conect2gps_bt();
// }
//void tracking_menu(void)
// uint8_t ii = 0;
// uint8_t Offset = 0;
// uint8_t size = ITEMS_AT;
// uint8_t dmode = 0;
// uint8_t target_pos = 1;
// uint8_t val = 0;
// while(1)
// {
// lcd_cls ();
// lcd_printpns_at(1, 0, PSTR("Tracking Men\x06 V.01 "), 2);
//// lcd_printp_at (0, 7, PSTR(KEY_LINE_1), 0);
// lcd_puts_at(0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE1), 0);
// while(2)
// {
// ii = 0;
// if(Offset > 0)
// {
// lcd_printp_at(1,1, PSTR("\x12"), 0);
// }
// for(ii = 0;ii < 6 ; ii++)
// {
// if((ii+Offset) < size)
// {
// lcd_printp_at(3,ii+1,at_menuitems[ii+Offset], 0);
// }
// if((ii == 5)&&(ii+Offset < (size-1)))
// {
// lcd_printp_at(1,6, PSTR("\x13"), 0);
// }
// }
// if(dmode == 0)
// {
// if(Offset == 0)
// {
// if(size > 6)
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (1, 5, target_pos,0,1);
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (1, size, target_pos,0,0);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 5, target_pos,1,1);
// }
// }
// if(dmode == 1)
// {
// if(Offset+7 > size)
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 6, target_pos,1,0);
// }
// else
// {
// val = menu_choose2 (2, 5, target_pos,1,1);
// }
// }
// if(val == 254)
// {
// Offset++;
// dmode = 1;
// target_pos = 5;
// }
// else if(val == 253)
// {
// Offset--;
// dmode = 0;
// target_pos = 2;
// }
// else if(val == 255)
// {
// return;
// }
// else
// {
// break;
// }
// }
// target_pos = val;
// if((val+Offset) == 1 )
// test_servo_menu();
// if((val+Offset) == 2 )
// adjust_servo_menu();
// if((val+Offset) == 3 )
// show_angle();
// if((val+Offset) == 4 )
////TODO: start_tracking();
// if((val+Offset) == 5 )
// conect2at_unit();
// if((val+Offset) == 6 )
// conect2gps_menu();
// }
// kapeschi Ant.Treking Funktionen
// Berechnung von Distanz und Winkel aus GPS-Daten home(MK eingeschaltet)
// zur aktuellen Position(nach Motorstart)
//geo_t calc_geo(HomePos_t *home, GPS_Pos_t *pos)
//{ int32_t lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2;
// int32_t d1, dlat;
// geo_t geo;
// lon1 = MK_pos.Home_Lon;
// lat1 = MK_pos.Home_Lat;
// lon2 = pos->Longitude;
// lat2 = pos->Latitude;
// // Formel verwendet von
// // 111.3 km = Abstand zweier Breitenkreise und/oder zweier Längenkreise am Äquator
// // es wird jedoch in dm Meter weiter gerechnet
// // (tlon1 - tlon2)/10) sonst uint32_t-Überlauf bei cos(0) gleich 1
// d1 = (1359 * (int32_t)(c_cos_8192((lat1 + lat2) / 20000000)) * ((lon1 - lon2)/10))/ 10000000;
// dlat = 1113 * (lat1 - lat2) / 10000;
// geo.bearing = (my_atan2(d1, dlat) + 540) % 360; // 360 +180 besserer Vergleich mit MkCockpit
// geo.distance = sqrt32(d1 * d1 + dlat * dlat);
// return(geo);
//void do_tracking(void)
//{ //static uint8_t hysteresis = 0;
// // aus MkCockpit
// // (4 * (........))/5 ==> Wichtung Luftdruck-Höhe zu GPS
// currentPos.Altitude = MK_pos.Home_Alt + (4000 * (int32_t)(naviData->Altimeter) / AltFaktor + currentPos.Altitude - MK_pos.Home_Alt) / 5;
// geo = calc_geo(&MK_pos, &currentPos);
// angleTilt = RAD_TO_DEG * (double)atan2((double)(currentPos.Altitude - MK_pos.Home_Alt) / 1000, geo.distance);
// //if (geo.distance < 4 || (geo.distance < 6 && hysteresis)) { // < 4m ==> Pan-Servo in Mittelstellung. Hysterese bis 6m, damit Servo im Grenzbereich nicht wild rumschlägt
// //geo.bearing = MK_pos.direction;
// //angleTilt = 0;
// //hysteresis = 1;
// //}
// //else {
// //hysteresis = 0;
// //}
// //// egal wo der Übergangspunkt 359, 360, 1grd ist => Winkelübergangspunkt auf 0 bzw. 180grd des Servos bringen
// //// 360 grd negative Winkelwerte als positive
// anglePan = (geo.bearing + 450 - MK_pos.direction) % 360; // 450 = 360 + 90
// //if (angleTilt < 0) angleTilt = 0;
// //if (angleTilt > 180) angleTilt = 180;
// //if (anglePan >= 180) { // zwecks 360grd-Abdeckung flipt Pan-/Tilt-Servo
// //anglePan = anglePan - 180;
// //angleTilt = 180 - angleTilt;
// //
// //}
////angleTilt = 180;
////angleTilt = 180;
//// servoSetAngle(0, anglePan);
//// servoSetAngle(1, angleTilt);
/* */
/* MK GPS Tracking */
/* */
// MK OSD-Daten lesen und verifizieren
//uint8_t OSD_Data_valid(NaviData_t **navi_data)
//{ uint8_t ret = 0;
//char *tx_osd = {"#co?]==EH\r"};
//// char interval[2] = {10, '\0'};
//if (rx_line_decode('O')) { // OSD-Datensatz prüfen/dekodieren
////*navi_data = (NaviData_t*)data_decode; // dekodierte Daten mit Struktur OSD-Daten versehen
//if (rx_timeout < RX_TIME_OLD) { // GPS-Daten nicht zu alt und ok.
//currentPos = (*navi_data)->CurrentPosition;
//if ((*navi_data)->NCFlags & NC_FLAG_GPS_OK)
//ret = 1;
//// aus MkCockpit
//// (4 * (........))/5 ==> Wichtung Luftdruck-Höhe zu GPS
//currentPos.Altitude = MK_pos.Home_Alt + (4000 * (int32_t)((*navi_data)->Altimeter) / AltFaktor + currentPos.Altitude - MK_pos.Home_Alt) / 5;
//satsInUse = (*navi_data)->SatsInUse;
//// ca. 210ms keine OSD-Daten empfangen ==> sende neue Anforderung an MK
//// if ((track_tx) && (rx_timeout > RX_TIMEOUT)) tx_Mk(NC_ADDRESS, 'o', interval, 1); // 420 * 0.5ms interval
//if ((track_tx) && (rx_timeout > RX_TIMEOUT)) SendOutData(tx_osd); // 420 * 0.5ms interval
//return ret;
// MK eingeschaltet und GPS-ok, danach Motoren gestartet ==> Berechnung horizontaler/vertikaler Servowinkel
// Hauptprogramm von GPS Antennen-Nachführung
//void Tracking_GPS(void)
//{ //NaviData_t *navidata;
// static uint8_t track_running = 0;
// if (!track_running)
// {
// //track_running = 1; // verhindert doppelten Aufruf, wenn in Eingabeschleife Menu_MK_BatteryChangeNr() !!!
// //if (OSD_Data_valid(&naviData)) {
// if (coldstart)
// {
// //// erst nach Neustart NGVideo und beim Motorstart werden Daten vom MK übernommen
// //if (naviData->FCFlags & FC_FLAG_MOTOR_START)
// //{
// MK_pos.Home_Lon = (double)naviData->HomePosition.Longitude / 10000000.0;
// MK_pos.Home_Lat = (double)naviData->HomePosition.Latitude / 10000000.0;
// MK_pos.Home_Lon7 = naviData->HomePosition.Longitude;
// MK_pos.Home_Lat7 = naviData->HomePosition.Latitude;
// MK_pos.Home_Alt = naviData->HomePosition.Altitude;
// MK_pos.direction = naviData->CompassHeading;
// coldstart = 0;
// //}
// //}
// //else {
// //do_tracking();
// }
// //}
// track_running = 0;
// }
// do_tracking();
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,46
#ifndef _TRACKING_H_
#define _TRACKING_H_
#define TRACKING_GPS 2
#define DLEFT 0
#define DRIGHT 1
#define AltFaktor 22.5
#define PAN_SERVO_CORRECT 3.125
#define TILT_SERVO_CORRECT 3.125
typedef void (*Displ_Fnct_t)( uint16_t );
//typedef struct {
// int32_t distance;
// int16_t bearing;
//typedef struct {
// double Home_Lon; // in degrees
// double Home_Lat; // in degrees
// int32_t Home_Lon7; // in 1E-7 degrees
// int32_t Home_Lat7; // in 1E-7 degrees
// int32_t Home_Alt; // in mm
// // ermittelte Konstante aus Mittelposition Antenne geo.bearing - navi_data.CompassHeading
// int16_t direction;
//}__attribute__((packed)) HomePos_t;
#define INTERNAT_STEPS_255 "255 "
#define INTERNAT_STEPS_1023 "1023"
// kapeschi
void servo_menu(void);
void servotest_cont_menu(void);
void Tracking_GPS(void);
void Tracking_NMEA(void);
void Tracking_RSSI(void);
void setNMEAdir(void);
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,180
/* */
/* NG-Video 5,8GHz */
/* */
/* Copyright (C) 2011 - gebad */
/* */
/* This code is distributed under the GNU Public License */
/* which can be found at */
/* */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
//#include "config.h"
//#include "dogm.h"
#include "tools.h"
//#include "messages.h"
#define MAX_POWER 10
#define getPower(x) (int32_t)pgm_read_dword(&powers[x])
const int32_t PROGMEM powers[MAX_POWER] = {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000};
/* Funktion zur Umwandlung einer vorzeichenbehafteten Integer
32-Bit "Festkomma-Zahl"(gedachtes Komma in Integer) in einen String
vereinfacht Variablenübergabe funktion change_value(uint16_t x),
kein printf, double oder float
len: max 13, Gesamtlänge des Resultats inklusive Vorzeichen und Komma, Rest wird mit ' ' aufgefüllt
fixedPoint: Position des Kommas im Integer-Wert. Bei Wert in mm und Anzeige in m ist das z.B. 3
afterPoint: Ziffern nach dem Komma = wieviele der fixedPoint Ziffern angezeigt werden sollen
Ist nicht genug Platz für die Zahl vorhanden werden nur '*' Zeichen ausgegeben!
makefile derzeit somit auch ohne! Minimalistic printf version*/
char *my_itoa(int32_t value, uint8_t len, uint8_t fixedPoint, uint8_t afterPoint)
{ int8_t i;
int8_t digits, digitsNeeded;
uint8_t neg = 0;
static char str[13];
// Terminate string
str[len] = '\0';
// Reduce precision of value if we're not supposed to show all of the mantissa
if (fixedPoint > afterPoint) {
value /= getPower(fixedPoint - afterPoint);
fixedPoint = afterPoint;
// Handle negative values
if (value < 0) {
value = -value;
neg = 1;
// Check how many digits we've got in total and if it fits in our space
for (digits = 1; digits < MAX_POWER && value >= getPower(digits); digits++);
if (neg) digits++; // We also need space for the sign
if (fixedPoint) digits++; // Plus space for decimal point
digitsNeeded = digits - len;
if (digitsNeeded > 0) {
// Not enough space, do something
if (digitsNeeded == fixedPoint || digitsNeeded == fixedPoint + 1) { // +1 = space for decimal point that we can get rid of
// If space is just big enough for integer part then simply don't show mantissa BUT ROUND CORRECTLY
value = (value + 5 * getPower(fixedPoint - 1)) / getPower(fixedPoint);
fixedPoint = 0;
} else if (digitsNeeded < fixedPoint) {
// We can reduce precision to make it fit (round correctly)
value = (value + 5 * getPower(digitsNeeded - 1)) / getPower(digitsNeeded);
fixedPoint -= digitsNeeded;
} else {
// Error, cannot display value! Let's show stars
for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i) str[i] = '*';
return str;
for (i = len - 1; i >= neg; --i) {
if (fixedPoint && i == len - fixedPoint - 1) {
// Insert decimal point at the right location
// str[i] = Msg(MSG_KOMMA)[0];
str[i] = ',';
fixedPoint = 0; // Now in integer part
} else {
str[i] = (value % 10) + '0';
value /= 10;
// Break if we're in integer part and there are only zeros from this point on
if (value == 0 && fixedPoint == 0) {
// Insert sign
if (neg) str[i--] = '-';
// Rest is blank
for (; i >= 0; --i)
str[i] = ' ';
return str;
// Trying to avoid floating point maths here. Converts a floating point string to an integer with a smaller unit
// i.e. floatStrToInt("4.5", 2) = 4.5 * 1E2 = 450
int32_t floatStrToInt(const char *s, int32_t power1)
{ char *endPtr;
int32_t v = strtol(s, &endPtr, 10);
if (*endPtr == '.') {
for (s = endPtr + 1; *s && power1; s++) {
v = v * 10 + (*s - '0');
if (power1) {
// Table to avoid multiple multiplications
v = v * getPower(power1);
return v;
// Delay helper
void delay_ms100x(uint8_t delay)
for ( uint8_t i=0; i<delay; i++)
///* */
///* Zeitanzeige */
///* */
//uint32_t TimeBase60(char *str, uint32_t time, uint8_t idx)
//{ uint32_t tmp = time % 60;
// str[idx] = (tmp / 10) + '0';
// str[idx + 1] = (tmp % 10) + '0';
// return time / 60;
//void Displ_TimeMS(int32_t time)
//{ char str[7];
// str[6] = '\0';
// if (time < 0) {
// time = abs(time);
// str[0] = '-';
// }
// else
// str[0] = ' ';
// time = TimeBase60(str, time, 4);
// str[3] = ':';
// TimeBase60(str, time, 1);
// lcdPuts(str);
//void Displ_TimeHMS(uint32_t time)
//{ char str[9];
// time /= T2SECDIV; // Zähler aller 500µs
// str[8] = '\0';
// time = TimeBase60(str, time, 6);
// str[5] = ':';
// time = TimeBase60(str, time, 3);
// str[2] = ':';
// TimeBase60(str, time, 0);
// lcdPuts(str);
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,15
#ifndef _TOOLS_H_
#define _TOOLS_H_
#include <avr/io.h>
//char *my_itoa(int32_t value, uint8_t sign, uint8_t len, uint8_t fixedPoint, uint8_t afterPoint);
char *my_itoa(int32_t value, uint8_t len, uint8_t fixedPoint, uint8_t afterPoint);
int32_t floatStrToInt(const char *s, int32_t power1);
void delay_ms100x(uint8_t delay);
void Displ_TimeMS(int32_t time);
void Displ_TimeHMS(uint32_t time);
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,694
* tracking.c
* Created on: 13.02.2012
* Author: cebra
#include "../cpu.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "../main.h"
#include "../tracking/tracking.h"
#include "../tracking/ng_servo.h"
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include "../bluetooth/fifo.h"
#include "../bluetooth/bluetooth.h"
#include "../lcd/lcd.h"
#include "../mk-data-structs.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "../messages.h"
#include "../lcd/lcd.h"
#include "../eeprom/eeprom.h"
#include "../timer/timer.h"
#include "../uart/uart1.h"
#include "../uart/usart.h"
#include "../osd/osd.h"
#include "../tracking/mymath.h"
#include "../setup/setup.h"
#ifdef HWVERSION3_9
//#define MAX_POWER 10
//#define getPower(x) (int32_t)pgm_read_dword(&powers[x])
//const int32_t PROGMEM powers[MAX_POWER] = {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000};
#define DLEFT 0
#define DRIGHT 1
#define DEG_TO_RAD 0.0174533 // degrees to radians = PI / 180
#define RAD_TO_DEG 57.2957795 // radians to degrees = 180 / PI
#define AltFaktor 22.5
#define TIMEOUT 200 // 2 sec
NaviData_t *naviData;
mk_param_struct_t *mk_param_struct;
HomePos_t MK_pos; // Home position of station
GPS_Pos_t currentPos; // Current position of flying object
uint8_t NMEAsatsInUse; // Number of satelites currently in use BT-Mouse
//uint8_t MKsatsInUse; // Number of satelites currently in use Mikrokopter
int32_t NMEAlatitude, NMEAlongitude; // Longitude, Latitude
int16_t NMEAaltitude; // Höhe in Meter
uint8_t posfix; // GPS Fix, 0 = Fix not available or invalid,1 = GPS SPS Mode, fix valid,
// 2 = Differential GPS, SPS Mode, fix valid, 6 = Dead Reckoning Mode, fix valid
int16_t HDOP; // Horizontal Dilution of Precision, 1.1 -xx.x, niederiger = besser
uint8_t tracking = TRACKING_MIN;
uint8_t track_hyst = TRACKING_HYSTERESE;
uint8_t track_tx =0;
uint8_t coldstart; // Flag erstmaliger MK-Start(Motore) nur nach GPS-Fix
geo_t geo;
int16_t anglePan, angleTilt;
char NMEAtime[9] = "GP:Ti:me";
//char NMEADate [6];
//// Berechnung von Distanz und Winkel aus GPS-Daten home(MK eingeschaltet)
//// zur aktuellen Position(nach Motorstart)
//geo_t calc_geo(HomePos_t *home, GPS_Pos_t *pos)
//{ double lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, d1, dlat;
// geo_t geo;
// lon1 = MK_pos.Home_Lon;
// lat1 = MK_pos.Home_Lat;
// lon2 = (double)pos->Longitude / 10000000.0;
// lat2 = (double)pos->Latitude / 10000000.0;
// // Formel verwendet von
// // 111.3 km = Abstand zweier Breitenkreise und/oder zweier Längenkreise am Äquator
// // es wird jedoch in Meter weiter gerechnet
// d1 = 111300 * (double)cos((double)(lat1 + lat2) / 2 * DEG_TO_RAD) * (lon1 - lon2);
// dlat = 111300 * (double)(lat1 - lat2);
// // returns a value in metres
// geo.bearing = fmod((RAD_TO_DEG * (double)atan2(d1, dlat)) + 180, 360); // +180 besserer Vergleich mit MkCockpit
// if (geo.bearing > 360) geo.bearing -= 360; // bekam schon Werte über 400
// geo.distance = sqrt(d1 * d1 + dlat * dlat);
// return(geo);
// Berechnung von Distanz und Winkel aus GPS-Daten home(MK eingeschaltet)
// zur aktuellen Position(nach Motorstart)
geo_t calc_geo(HomePos_t *home, GPS_Pos_t *pos)
{ int32_t lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2;
int32_t d1, dlat;
geo_t geo;
lon1 = home->Home_Lon;
lat1 = home->Home_Lat;
lon2 = pos->Longitude;
lat2 = pos->Latitude;
if (!CheckGPS)
lcd_puts_at (0, 3, my_itoa(home->Home_Lat, 10, 7, 7), 0);
lcd_puts_at (11, 3, my_itoa(home->Home_Lon, 10, 7, 7), 0);
lcd_puts_at (0, 4, my_itoa(pos->Latitude, 10, 7, 7), 0);
lcd_puts_at (11, 4, my_itoa(pos->Longitude, 10, 7, 7), 0);
// lcd_printp_at (0, 3, PSTR("H"), 0);
// lcd_printp_at (0, 4, PSTR("M"), 0);
// Formel verwendet von
// 111.3 km = Abstand zweier Breitenkreise und/oder zweier Langenkreise am Äquator
// es wird jedoch in dm Meter weiter gerechnet
// (tlon1 - tlon2)/10) sonst uint32_t-Überlauf bei cos(0) gleich 1
d1 = (1359 * (int32_t)(c_cos_8192((lat1 + lat2) / 20000000)) * ((lon1 - lon2)/10))/ 10000000;
dlat = 1113 * (lat1 - lat2) / 10000;
geo.bearing = (my_atan2(d1, dlat) + 540) % 360; // 360 +180 besserer Vergleich mit MkCockpit
geo.distance = sqrt32(d1 * d1 + dlat * dlat);
if (!CheckGPS)
lcd_printp_at (0, 5, PSTR("Bear:"), 0);
lcd_puts_at (5, 5, my_itoa((uint32_t)geo.bearing, 3, 0, 0), 0);
lcd_printp_at (8, 5, PSTR("\x1e"), 0);
lcd_printp_at (9, 5, PSTR("Dist:"), 0);
lcd_puts_at (15, 5, my_itoa((uint32_t)geo.distance, 3, 1, 1), 0);
lcd_printp_at (20, 5, PSTR("m"), 0);
void do_tracking(void)
{ static uint8_t hysteresis = 0;
geo = calc_geo(&MK_pos, &currentPos);
angleTilt = my_atan2((currentPos.Altitude - MK_pos.Home_Alt) / 100, geo.distance);
if (geo.distance < 40 || (geo.distance < 60 && hysteresis)) { // < 4m ==> Pan-Servo in Mittelstellung. Hysterese bis 6m, damit Servo im Grenzbereich nicht wild rumschl�gt
geo.bearing = MK_pos.direction;
if (currentPos.Altitude - MK_pos.Home_Alt < 4000) angleTilt = 0; // man fliegt nicht direkt �ber Kopf
hysteresis = 1;
else {
hysteresis = 0;
// egal wo der Übergangspunkt 359, 360, 1grd ist => Winkelübergangspunkt auf 0 bzw. 180grd des Servos bringen
// 360 grd negative Winkelwerte als positive
anglePan = (geo.bearing + 450 - MK_pos.direction) % 360; // 450 = 360 + 90
if (angleTilt < 0) angleTilt = 0;
if (angleTilt > 180) angleTilt = 180;
if (anglePan >= 180) { // zwecks 360grd-Abdeckung flipt Pan-/Tilt-Servo
anglePan = anglePan - 180;
angleTilt = 180 - angleTilt;
servoSetAngle(0, anglePan);
servoSetAngle(1, angleTilt);
if (!CheckGPS)
lcd_printp_at (0, 6, PSTR("Pan :"), 0);
write_ndigit_number_u (6, 6, anglePan, 3, 1,0);
lcd_printp_at (11, 6, PSTR("Tilt:"), 0);
write_ndigit_number_u (17, 6, angleTilt, 3, 1,0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (0, 5, (uint16_t)(currentPos.Altitude/10000000), 2, 0,0);
//// lcd_printp_at (4, 4, PSTR("."), 0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (2, 5, (uint16_t)((currentPos.Altitude/1000) % 10000), 4, 1,0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (6, 5, (uint16_t)((currentPos.Altitude/10) % 100), 2, 1,0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (10, 5, (uint16_t)(MK_pos.Home_Alt/10000000), 2, 0,0);
//// lcd_printp_at (4, 4, PSTR("."), 0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (12, 5, (uint16_t)((MK_pos.Home_Alt/1000) % 10000), 4, 1,0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (16, 5, (uint16_t)((MK_pos.Home_Alt/10) % 100), 2, 1,0);
uint8_t PKT_trackingBT(void) // Tracking mit NMEA-Daten von BT-Maus
uint8_t BT_WhasOn = 0;
uint8_t BT_status;
uint8_t flag;
uint8_t tmp_dat;
coldstart =1;
// lcd_printp_at(0,1, PSTR("try NMEA data from:"), 0);
lcd_puts_at (0, 1,Config.gps_UsedDevName, 0);
BT_WhasOn = true;
if (Config.BTIsSlave==true)
lcd_printp_at (18, 1, PSTR(" ?? "), 0);
BT_status = bt_connect(Config.gps_UsedMac);
if (BT_status==true)
lcd_printp_at (18, 1, PSTR(" OK "), 0);
receiveNMEA = true;
else lcd_printp_at (17, 1, PSTR("FAIL"), 2);
if (receiveNMEA==true)
lcd_printp_at (0, 2, PSTR("S Latitude Longitude"), 2);
lcd_cls_line (0,1,20);
lcd_printp_at (0, 3, PSTR("H"), 0);
lcd_printp_at (0, 4, PSTR("M"), 0);
bt_rx_ready = 0;
mode = 'O';
// disable debug...
// RS232_request_mk_data (0, 'd', 0);
tmp_dat = 0;
SendOutData ('d', ADDRESS_ANY, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
// request OSD Data from NC every 100ms
// RS232_request_mk_data (1, 'o', 100);
tmp_dat = 10;
// OSD_active = true; // benötigt für Navidata Ausgabe an SV2
SendOutData ('o', ADDRESS_NC, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
flag = 0;
timer = TIMEOUT;
abo_timer = ABO_TIMEOUT;
// bt_rx_ready = 0;
if (!bt_receiveNMEA())
if (rxd_buffer_locked)
timer = TIMEOUT;
Decode64 ();
naviData = (NaviData_t *) pRxData;
//#ifdef DEBUG
// debug_pgm(PSTR("setup Tracking_NMEA"));
currentPos = naviData->CurrentPosition;
// currentPos.Altitude = MK_pos.Home_Alt + (4000 * (int32_t)(naviData->Altimeter) / AltFaktor + currentPos.Altitude - MK_pos.Home_Alt) / 5;
// uint32_t lat = currentPos.Latitude;
// uint32_t lon = currentPos.Longitude;
// write_ndigit_number_u (2, 4, (uint16_t)(lat/10000000), 2, 0,0);
// lcd_printp_at (4, 4, PSTR("."), 0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (5, 4, (uint16_t)((lat/1000) % 10000), 4, 1,0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (9, 4, (uint16_t)((lat/10) % 100), 2, 1,0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (12, 4, (uint16_t)(lon/10000000), 2, 0,0);
// lcd_printp_at (14, 4, PSTR("."), 0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (15, 4, (uint16_t)((lon/1000) % 10000), 4, 1,0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (19, 4, (uint16_t)((lon/10) % 100),2, 1,0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (2, 3, (uint16_t)(NMEAlatitude/10000000), 2, 0,0);
// lcd_printp_at (4, 3, PSTR("."), 0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (5, 3, (uint16_t)((NMEAlatitude/1000) % 10000), 4, 1,0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (9, 3, (uint16_t)((NMEAlatitude/10) % 100), 2, 1,0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (12, 3, (uint16_t)(NMEAlongitude/10000000), 2, 0,0);
// lcd_printp_at (14, 3, PSTR("."), 0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (15, 3, (uint16_t)((NMEAlongitude/1000) % 10000), 4, 1,0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (19, 3, (uint16_t)((NMEAlongitude/10) % 100), 2, 1,0);
// lcd_printp_at (0, 2, PSTR("GPS Time: "), 0);
if (!CheckGPS)
lcd_puts_at (13, 0, NMEAtime, 2);
lcd_printp_at (16, 1, PSTR("Sat:"), 0);
write_ndigit_number_u (19, 1, NMEAsatsInUse, 2, 1,0);
lcd_printp_at (0, 1, PSTR("Fix:"), 0);
write_ndigit_number_u (4, 1, posfix, 1, 1,0);
lcd_printp_at (6, 1, PSTR("HDOP:"), 0);
write_ndigit_number_u_10th (11, 1, HDOP, 3, 0,0);
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
if (!abo_timer)
{ // renew abo every 3 sec
// request OSD Data from NC every 100ms
// RS232_request_mk_data (1, 'o', 100);
tmp_dat = 10;
SendOutData ('o', ADDRESS_NC, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
abo_timer = ABO_TIMEOUT;
}//if (rxd_buffer_locked)
if (!timer)
flag = 0;
error = 1;
} //end do
while (!get_key_press (1 << KEY_ENTER) || !receiveNMEA==true || error ==1);
// while (!get_key_press (1 << KEY_ENTER));
if (!receiveNMEA) lcd_printp_at (0, 2, PSTR("lost BT data"), 0);
// if (error ==1) lcd_printp_at (0, 2, PSTR("lost Wi.232 data"), 0);
lcd_printp_at (0, 3, PSTR("GPS trennen"), 0);
lcd_printp_at (0, 4, PSTR("Error at connecting"), 0);
lcd_printp_at (0, 5, PSTR("switch on BT Mouse!!"), 0);
while (!get_key_press (1 << KEY_ENTER));
receiveNMEA = false;
if (!bt_disconnect()) lcd_printp_at (0, 3, PSTR("Fehler beim Trennen"), 0);
return true;
uint8_t PKT_trackingMK(void) // Tracking mit GPS-Daten vom Mikrokopter
// uint8_t BT_WhasOn = 0;
// uint8_t BT_status;
uint8_t GPSfix=0;
uint8_t tmp_dat;
uint8_t toggletimer=0;
coldstart = true;
lcd_printp_at (0, 2, PSTR("S Latitude Longitude"), 2);
lcd_cls_line (0,1,20);
// lcd_printp_at (0, 3, PSTR("H"), 0);
// lcd_printp_at (0, 4, PSTR("M"), 0);
mode = 'O';
// disable debug...
// RS232_request_mk_data (0, 'd', 0);
tmp_dat = 0;
SendOutData ('d', ADDRESS_ANY, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
// request OSD Data from NC every 100ms
// RS232_request_mk_data (1, 'o', 100);
tmp_dat = 10;
SendOutData ('o', ADDRESS_NC, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
timer = TIMEOUT;
abo_timer = ABO_TIMEOUT;
error = 0;
if (rxd_buffer_locked)
timer = TIMEOUT;
Decode64 ();
naviData = (NaviData_t *) pRxData;
//OSD_Screen_Element (18, 1, OSD_SATS_IN_USE,1);
//if (GPSfix == true) OSD_Screen_Element (0, 1, OSD_STATUS_FLAGS,1);
OSD_Element_SatsInUse( 18, 1, 1);
if (GPSfix == true) OSD_Element_StatusFlags( 0, 1);
if (!(naviData->NCFlags & NC_FLAG_GPS_OK))
if (toggletimer == 50) toggletimer = 0;
if (toggletimer == 25) lcd_printp_at(0,1, PSTR("Whait for GPS Fix "), 2);
if (toggletimer == 1) lcd_printp_at(0,1, PSTR("Whait for GPS Fix "), 0);
rxd_buffer_locked = false;
GPSfix = false;
else GPSfix = true;
if (GPSfix)
if (coldstart)
// erst nach Neustart NGVideo und beim Motorstart werden Daten vom MK übernommen
if (naviData->FCStatusFlags & FC_FLAG_MOTOR_START) {
MK_pos.Home_Lon = naviData->HomePosition.Longitude;
MK_pos.Home_Lat = naviData->HomePosition.Latitude;
MK_pos.Home_Alt = naviData->HomePosition.Altitude;
MK_pos.direction = naviData->CompassHeading;
coldstart = false;
rxd_buffer_locked = false;
lcd_printp_at(0,1, PSTR(" "), 0);
lcd_printp_at(0,1, PSTR("GPS ok, start ok "), 0);
rxd_buffer_locked = false;
{ //run
currentPos = naviData->CurrentPosition;
currentPos.Altitude = MK_pos.Home_Alt + (4000 * (int32_t)(naviData->Altimeter) / AltFaktor + currentPos.Altitude - MK_pos.Home_Alt) / 5;
// lcd_puts_at (13, 0, NMEAtime, 2);
// lcd_printp_at (16, 1, PSTR("Sat:"), 0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (19, 1, NMEAsatsInUse, 2, 1,0);
// lcd_printp_at (0, 1, PSTR("Fix:"), 0);
// write_ndigit_number_u (4, 1, posfix, 1, 1,0);
// lcd_printp_at (6, 1, PSTR("HDOP:"), 0);
// write_ndigit_number_u_10th (11, 1, HDOP, 3, 0,0);
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
} // run
if (!abo_timer)
{ // renew abo every 3 sec
// request OSD Data from NC every 100ms
// RS232_request_mk_data (1, 'o', 100);
tmp_dat = 10;
SendOutData ('o', ADDRESS_NC, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
abo_timer = ABO_TIMEOUT;
} //rx_buffer_locked
if (!timer)
error = 1;
} //end do
while ((!get_key_press (1 << KEY_ENTER)) && (error ==0));
if (error ==1)
lcd_printp_at (0, 2, PSTR("lost Wi.232 data"), 0);
return true;
void PKT_tracking(void)
lcd_cls ();
if (Config.gps_UsedGPSMouse==GPS_Bluetoothmouse1) lcd_printp_at(0,0, PSTR("Tracking Bluetooth "), 2);
if (Config.gps_UsedGPSMouse==GPS_Mikrokopter) lcd_printp_at(0,0, PSTR(" Tracking Mikrokopter"), 2);
lcd_printp_at (16, 7, PSTR("Ende"), 0);
if (Config.gps_UsedGPSMouse==GPS_Bluetoothmouse1) PKT_trackingBT();
if (Config.gps_UsedGPSMouse==GPS_Mikrokopter) PKT_trackingMK();
//// Trying to avoid floating point maths here. Converts a floating point string to an integer with a smaller unit
//// i.e. floatStrToInt("4.5", 2) = 4.5 * 1E2 = 450
//int32_t floatStrToInt(const char *s, int32_t power1)
//{ char *endPtr;
// int32_t v = strtol(s, &endPtr, 10);
// if (*endPtr == '.') {
// for (s = endPtr + 1; *s && power1; s++) {
// v = v * 10 + (*s - '0');
// --power1;
// }
// }
// if (power1) {
// // Table to avoid multiple multiplications
// v = v * getPower(power1);
// }
// return v;
// NMEA latitudes are in the form ddmm.mmmmm, we want an integer in 1E-7 degree steps
int32_t getLatitude(const char *s, const char *NS)
{ int32_t deg = (s[0] - '0') * 10 + s[1] - '0'; // First 2 chars are full degrees
int32_t min = floatStrToInt(&s[2], 6) / 6; // Minutes * 1E5 * 100 / 60 = Minutes * 1E6 / 6 = 1E-7 degree steps
deg = deg * 10000000 + min;
if (*NS == 'S') deg = -deg;
return deg;
// NMEA longitudes are in the form dddmm.mmmmm, we want an integer in 1E-7 degree steps
int32_t getLongitude(const char *s, const char *WE)
{ int32_t deg = ((s[0] - '0') * 10 + s[1] - '0') * 10 + s[2] - '0'; // First 3 chars are full degrees
int32_t min = floatStrToInt(&s[3], 6) / 6; // Minutes * 1E5 * 100 / 60 = Minutes * 1E6 / 6 = 1E-7 degree steps
deg = deg * 10000000 + min;
if (*WE == 'W') deg = -deg;
return deg;
void getNMEATime( const char *s)
uint8_t sem = 0;
uint8_t i;
for ( i=0;i < 6; i++ )
NMEAtime[sem++] = s[i];
if (i==1 || i==3) NMEAtime[sem++] = ':';
NMEAtime[sem] = '\0';
// ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
// | | | | | | | |
// | | | | | | | Höhe Geoid minus
// | | | | | | | Höhe Ellipsoid (WGS84)
// | | | | | | | in Metern (48.0,M)
// | | | | | | |
// | | | | | | Höhe über Meer (über Geoid)in Metern (351.5,M)
// | | | | | |
// | | | | | HDOP (horizontal dilution
// | | | | | of precision) Genauigkeit
// | | | | |
// | | | | Anzahl der erfassten Satelliten
// | | | |
// | | | Qualität der Messung
// | | | (0 = ungültig)
// | | | (1 = GPS)
// | | | (2 = DGPS)
// | | | (6 = geschätzt nur NMEA-0183 2.3)
// | | |
// | | Längengrad
// | |
// | Breitengrad
// |
// Uhrzeit
void Tracking_NMEA(void)
char *token;
if (decodeNMEA()) {
token = strtok((char*)data_decode, ",");
if (!strcmp(token, "GPGGA"))
// $GPGGA,220613.400,4843.5080,N,00922.9583,E,1,7,2.23,287.1,M,48.0,M,,
// Time
getNMEATime(strtok(0, ".")); //Zeit
strtok(0, ","); // Skip Rest von der Zeit
// Latitude
NMEAlatitude = getLatitude(strtok(0, ","), strtok(0, ",")); //N
// Longitude
NMEAlongitude = getLongitude(strtok(0, ","), strtok(0, ","));//E
// Signal valid? (Position Fix Indicator)
posfix = atoi(strtok(0, ",")); // Qualität
// Satellites in use
NMEAsatsInUse = atoi(strtok(0, ",")); //Anzahl Sats
// Dilition, best = 0.0
HDOP = floatStrToInt(strtok(0, ","),1); //Dilution
// // Altitude
NMEAaltitude = floatStrToInt(strtok(0, ","), 1);
// currentPos.Altitude = altitude;
// currentPos.Latitude = latitude;
// currentPos.Longitude = longitude;
//TODO: erstmal test if ((coldstart) && (satsInUse > 5)) {
// First position after reboot (or change of mode) will be the home position (facing north)
MK_pos.Home_Lon = NMEAlongitude;
MK_pos.Home_Lat = NMEAlatitude;
MK_pos.Home_Alt = NMEAaltitude;
MK_pos.direction = 0;
// coldstart = 0;
// }
// Displ_GPS(); // letzte empfangene Daten auch bei ausgeschalteter NMEA sichtbar
uint8_t hexDigitToInt(uint8_t digit)
if (digit >= '0' && digit <= '9') return digit - '0';
if (digit >= 'a' && digit <= 'f') return digit - 'a' + 10;
if (digit >= 'A' && digit <= 'F') return digit - 'A' + 10;
return 0;
uint8_t decodeNMEA(void)
uint8_t ret = 0;
uint8_t crc;
uint8_t tmpCRC = 0;
uint8_t i;
if (bt_rx_ready == 1 && bt_rx_len > 0) {
// Calculate checksum
for (i = 1; i < bt_rx_len && bt_rx_buffer[i] != '*'; i++) {
tmpCRC ^= bt_rx_buffer[i];
if (bt_rx_len >= i + 3) {
crc = hexDigitToInt(bt_rx_buffer[i + 1]) << 4 | hexDigitToInt(bt_rx_buffer[i + 2]);
if (crc == tmpCRC) {
bt_rx_buffer[i] = 0;
strcpy(data_decode, &bt_rx_buffer[1]); // Data without $, crc
ret = 1;
// wi232RX = 1; // So antenna-symbol will blink
// cli();
// rx_timeout = 0; // Got valid data, reset counter
// sei();
// if (rx_timeout < RX_TIME_OLD) wi232RX = 1;
bt_rx_ready = 0; // Unlock buffer, next NMEA string can be received
return ret;
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,67
* tracking.h
* Created on: 13.02.2012
* Author: cebra
#ifndef TRACKING_H_
#define TRACKING_H_
#define REPEAT 1
#define REPEAT_MIN 1
#define REPEAT_MAX 100
#define PAUSE 10
#define PAUSE_MIN 4 // mindestens 400ms, da mechanischer Servo-Lauf zur Position berücksichtigt werden muss
#define PAUSE_MAX 20 // Pause pro Links-, Mittel- und Rechtsposition 10*100ms
#define PAUSE_STEP 0
#define PAUSE_STEP_MIN 0 // Pause bei jeden Servoschritt in ms
#define PAUSE_STEP_MAX 200
/* Antennen-Nachführung */
#define TRACKING_MAX 4
/* Antennen-Nachführung per RSSI */
#define TRACKING_HYSTERESE 40 // Hysterese bevor Tracking bei Richtungswechsel anspricht
#define FC_FLAG_MOTOR_RUN 0x01
#define FC_FLAG_FLY 0x02
#define FC_FLAG_CALIBRATE 0x04
#define FC_FLAG_MOTOR_START 0x08
//#define NC_FLAG_GPS_OK 0
typedef struct {
int32_t distance;
int16_t bearing;
typedef struct {
int32_t Home_Lon; // in 1E-7 degrees
int32_t Home_Lat; // in 1E-7 degrees
int32_t Home_Alt; // in mm
int16_t direction; // ermittelte Konstante aus Mittelposition Antenne geo.bearing - navi_data.CompassHeading
}__attribute__((packed)) HomePos_t;
extern uint8_t NMEAsatsInUse; // Number of satelites currently in use
extern int32_t NMEAlatitude, NMEAlongitude;
extern uint8_t posfix; // GPS Fix, 0 = Fix not available or invalid,1 = GPS SPS Mode, fix valid,
// 2 = Differential GPS, SPS Mode, fix valid, 6 = Dead Reckoning Mode, fix valid
extern int16_t HDOP; // Horizontal Dilution of Precision, 1.1 -xx.x, niederiger = besser
extern int16_t NMEAaltitude; // Höhe in Meter
extern char NMEAtime[9];
extern uint8_t coldstart; // Flag erstmaliger MK-Start(Motore) nur nach GPS-Fix
void Tracking_NMEA(void);
uint8_t decodeNMEA(void);
void PKT_tracking(void);
#endif /* TRACKING_H_ */
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property