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/* */
/* NG-Video 5,8GHz */
/* */
/* Copyright (C) 2011 - gebad */
/* */
/* This code is distributed under the GNU Public License */
/* which can be found at */
/* */
/* using */
/*! \file servo.c \brief Interrupt-driven RC Servo function library.*/
/* */
/*File Name : 'servo.c' */
/*Title : Interrupt-driven RC Servo function library */
/*Author : Pascal Stang - Copyright (C) 2002 */
/*Created : 7/31/2002 */
/*Revised : 8/02/2002 */
/*Version : 1.0 */
/*Target MCU : Atmel AVR Series */
/*Editor Tabs : 2 */
/* */
/*This code is distributed under the GNU Public License */
/* which can be found at */
/* */
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include "../tracking/ng_servo.h"
#include "../tracking/tracking.h"
#include "../HAL_HW3_9.h"
#include "../eeprom/eeprom.h"
//#include "config.h"
// Global variables
uint16_t ServoPosTics;
uint16_t ServoPeriodTics;
// servo channel registers
ServoChannelType ServoChannels[SERVO_NUM_CHANNELS];
const ServoConst_t ServoConst[2] = {{SERVO_MAX, SERVO_MIN, SERVO_STEPS, SERVO_PRESCALER},
{SERVO_MAX * 4, SERVO_MIN * 4, (SERVO_STEPS + 1) * 4 - 1, SERVO_PRESCALER / 4}};
// Servo limits (depend on hardware)
const servo_limit_t servo_limit[2][3] = {{{SERVO_I0_RIGHT_MIN, SERVO_I0_RIGHT_MAX},
// Servopositionen normiert für 950µs, 2,05ms und 1,5ms ==> Ergebnis Schritte. Da Zeit in µs ist F_CPU*e-1
const steps_pw_t steps_pw[2] = {{(uint64_t)950*F_CPU*1e-6/SERVO_PRESCALER + 0.5, (uint64_t)2050*F_CPU*1e-6/SERVO_PRESCALER + 0.5,(uint64_t)1500*F_CPU*1e-6/SERVO_PRESCALER + 0.5},
{(uint64_t)950*4*F_CPU*1e-6/SERVO_PRESCALER + 0.5, (uint64_t)2050*4*F_CPU*1e-6/SERVO_PRESCALER + 0.5, (uint64_t)1500*4*F_CPU*1e-6/SERVO_PRESCALER + 0.5}};
// anzufahrende Servopositionen 0=MIN, 1=MID, 2=MAX
const uint8_t PosIdx[POSIDX_MAX] = {1, 0, 1, 2 };
// functions
void servo_test(void)
//! initializes software PWM system 16-bit Timer
// normaler Weise wird ein Serv-PWM Signal aller 20ms wiederholt
// Werte: rev, min, max, mid vorher über servoSet...() initialisieren und einmal servoSetPosition(...) ausführen!!!
void servoInit(uint8_t servo_period)
{ uint16_t OCValue; // set initial interrupt time
// disble Timer/Counter1, Output Compare A Match Interrupt
TIMSK1 &= ~(1<<OCIE1A);
// set the prescaler for timer1
if (Config.sIdxSteps == STEPS_255) {
TCCR1B &= ~((1<<CS11) | (1<<CS10));
TCCR1B |= (1<<CS12); // prescaler 256, Servo-Schritte 185 bei 180 grd Winkel
else {
TCCR1B &= ~(1<<CS12);
TCCR1B |= (1<<CS11) | (1<<CS10); // prescaler 64, Servo-Schritte 740 bei 180 grd Winkel
// attach the software PWM service routine to timer1 output compare A
// timerAttach(TIMER1OUTCOMPAREA_INT, servoService);
// enable channels
for(uint8_t channel=0; channel < SERVO_NUM_CHANNELS; channel++) {
// set default pins assignments SERVO2 Pin 4; SERVO1 Pin 5
ServoChannels[channel].pin = (1 << (SERVO2 + channel));
ServoPosTics = 0; // set PosTics
// set PeriodTics
ServoPeriodTics = F_CPU / ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].prescaler * servo_period * 1e-3;
// read in current value of output compare register OCR1A
OCValue = OCR1AL; // read low byte of OCR1A
OCValue += (OCR1AH << 8); // read high byte of OCR1A
OCValue += ServoPeriodTics; // increment OCR1A value by nextTics
// set future output compare time to this new value
OCR1AH = OCValue >> 8; // write high byte
OCR1AL = OCValue & 0x00FF; // write low byte
TIMSK1 |= (1<<OCIE1A); // enable the timer1 output compare A interrupt
coldstart = 1;
void servoSetDefaultPos(void)
servoSetPosition(SERVO_PAN, ServoSteps()); // Ausgangsstellung SERVO_PAN
servoSetPosition(SERVO_TILT,ServoSteps()); // Ausgangsstellung SERVO_TILT
uint16_t pw_us(uint16_t Steps)
return(Steps * ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].prescaler/(F_CPU * 1e-6) + 0.5); // Zeit pro Schritt (Wert * e-1) in µs
uint16_t ServoSteps(void)
void servoSet_rev(uint8_t channel, uint8_t val)
ServoChannels[channel].rev = val & 0x01;
void servoSet_min(uint8_t channel, uint16_t min)
ServoChannels[channel].min = ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].min + min;
void servoSet_max(uint8_t channel, uint16_t max)
ServoChannels[channel].max = ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].max - max;
void servoSet_mid(uint8_t channel, uint16_t mid)
ServoChannels[channel].mid = mid;
// Faktor 16, bzw. 16/2 um mit einer Nachkommastelle zu Rechnen
ServoChannels[channel].mid_scaled = (8 * (ServoChannels[channel].max - ServoChannels[channel].min) + \
(16 * mid - 8 * ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].steps))/16 + ServoChannels[channel].min;
//! turns off software PWM system
void servoOff(void)
// disable the timer1 output compare A interrupt
TIMSK1 &= ~(1<<OCIE1A);
//! set servo position on channel (raw unscaled format)
void servoSetPositionRaw(uint8_t channel, uint16_t position)
// bind to limits
if (position < ServoChannels[channel].min) position = ServoChannels[channel].min;
if (position > ServoChannels[channel].max) position = ServoChannels[channel].max;
// set position
ServoChannels[channel].duty = position;
//! set servo position on channel
// input should be between 0 and ServoSteps() (entspricht Maximalausschlag)
void servoSetPosition(uint8_t channel, uint16_t position)
{ uint16_t pos_scaled;
// calculate scaled position
if (ServoChannels[channel].rev != 0) position = ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].steps - position;
if (position < ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].steps/2)
//bei Position < Servomittelstellung Position*(Mitte - Min)/(Servoschritte/2)
pos_scaled = ServoChannels[channel].min + ((int32_t)position*2*(ServoChannels[channel].mid_scaled-ServoChannels[channel].min))/ \
//bei Position >= Servomittelstellung
pos_scaled = ServoChannels[channel].mid_scaled + (uint32_t)(position - ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].steps / 2) \
* 2 * (ServoChannels[channel].max-ServoChannels[channel].mid_scaled)/ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].steps;
// set position
servoSetPositionRaw(channel, pos_scaled);
// Umrechnung Winkel in Servoschritte
void servoSetAngle(uint8_t servo_nr, int16_t angle)
servoSetPosition(servo_nr, (uint16_t)((uint32_t)angle * ServoConst[Config.sIdxSteps].steps / 180));
{ static uint8_t ServoChannel;
uint16_t nextTics;
uint16_t OCValue; // schedule next interrupt
if(ServoChannel < SERVO_NUM_CHANNELS) {
PORTD &= ~ServoChannels[ServoChannel].pin; // turn off current channel
ServoChannel++; // next channel
if(ServoChannel != SERVO_NUM_CHANNELS) {
// loop to channel 0 if needed
if(ServoChannel > SERVO_NUM_CHANNELS) ServoChannel = 0;
// turn on new channel
PORTD |= ServoChannels[ServoChannel].pin;
// schedule turn off time
nextTics = ServoChannels[ServoChannel].duty;
else {
// ***we could save time by precalculating this
// schedule end-of-period
nextTics = ServoPeriodTics-ServoPosTics;
// read in current value of output compare register OCR1A
OCValue = OCR1AL; // read low byte of OCR1A
OCValue += (OCR1AH <<8); // read high byte of OCR1A
OCValue += nextTics; // increment OCR1A value by nextTics
// set future output compare time to this new value
OCR1AH = OCValue >> 8; // write high byte
OCR1AL = OCValue & 0x00FF; // write low byte
ServoPosTics += nextTics; // set our new tic position
if(ServoPosTics >= ServoPeriodTics) ServoPosTics = 0;
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