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Ignore whitespace Rev 2136 → Rev 2147

0,0 → 1,451
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Kaiser, *
* Copyright (C) 2009 Peter "woggle" Mack, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Christian "Cebra" Brandtner, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Harald Bongartz *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* *
* Credits to: *
* Holger Buss & Ingo Busker from for the MK project + SVN *
* *
* Gregor "killagreg" Stobrawa for his version of the MK code *
* Thomas Kaiser "thkais" for the original project. See *
* *
* *
* Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje for providing the font and his C-OSD code *
* *
* Harald Bongartz "HaraldB" for providing his Ideas and Code for usibility*
//# HISTORY Wi232.c
//# 15.06.2014 OG
//# -chg: umgestellt auf PKT_Progress_Init() / PKT_Progress_Next()
//# 10.06.2014 OG
//# (ehemaliger Code in v3.80cX4 oder frueher)
//# - add: Wi232_ConfigPC() - ehemals in connect.c als Port_USB2CFG_Wi()
//# 06.06.2014 OG
//# - add: Wi232_Write_Progress()
//# - chg: Codeformattierung
//# 05.06.2014 OG
//# -chg: Codeformattierung
//# 14.05.2014 OG
//# - chg: InitErrorWi232(), InitWi232() - umgestellt auf dezimale Anzeige des
//# Fehlercodes damit der einfacher im Source zu identifizieren ist
//# - add: Source-Historie ergaenzt
#include "../cpu.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../messages.h"
#include "../lcd/lcd.h"
#include "../uart/usart.h"
#include "../uart/uart1.h"
#include "../main.h"
#include "../wi232/Wi232.h"
#include "../timer/timer.h"
#include "../eeprom/eeprom.h"
#include "../setup/setup.h"
#include "../pkt/pkt.h"
#include "../utils/xutils.h"
#include "../lipo/lipo.h"
#include "../utils/menuctrl.h"
static const char STR_WI232INIT[] PROGMEM = "Wi.232 Init";
// lError = WriteWi232( Wi232Register, RegisterValue)
// set Register to Wi232, Register, Value
// Returns:
// 0 = ACK, FF = NAK
uint8_t Wi232_Write( uint8_t Wi232Register, uint8_t RegisterValue )
uint8_t timeout = 10;
uint8_t tc = 0;
unsigned int v;
if( RegisterValue < 0x80 )
else // RegisterValue >= 0x80
USART_putc(RegisterValue - 0x80);
v = USART_getc(); // ACK erwartet
} while( (v == 0) && (tc != timeout) );
if( v != 0x06 )
//PKT_Message_P( text, error, timeout, beep, clearscreen)
//PKT_Message_P( PSTR("Wi.232 NAK"), true, 2000, true, true); // ERROR: max. 20 Sekunden anzeigen (wird nicht mehr angezeigt da uebernommen von hoeheren Funktionen)
return 0xFF; // return: ERROR
return 0; // return: OK (v==0x06)
uint8_t Wi232_Write_Progress( uint8_t Wi232Register, uint8_t RegisterValue, uint8_t errorcode )
uint8_t nError;
// nError = 0: ok
// nError > 0: Fehler
nError = Wi232_Write( Wi232Register, RegisterValue );
PKT_Progress_Next(); // Progressbar
if( nError )
nError = errorcode;
return nError;
// Registervalue = Wi232_Read( Wi232Register )
// send Readcommand to Wi232,
// Returns:
// Registervalue: 0 = timeout 0xFF = Syntaxerror
uint8_t Wi232_Read( uint8_t Wi232Register )
uint8_t timeout = 10;
uint8_t tc = 0;
uint8_t v;
v = USART_getc(); // Zeichen loeschen
//lcd_printpns_at (0, 2, PSTR("read Wi232"),0);
v = USART_getc(); //ACK erwartet
} while( v==0 && tc!=timeout );
if( tc == timeout )
return 0; // Timeout
if( v != 0x06 )
return 0xFF; // Syntaxerror
// lcd_print_hex(v,0);
// v = USART_getc(); /*Register*/
// lcd_print_hex(v,0);
// v = USART_getc(); /*Value*/
// lcd_print_hex(v,0);
return v;
// foundbaud = Wi232_CheckBaud( Baudrate )
// =0: Error (Wi.232 not found at given Baud)
// >0: Baudrate
// INFO: Baudrate
// Baud_9600 1
// Baud_19200 2
// Baud_38400 3
// Baud_57600 4
// Baud_115200 5
// Baud_4800 6
// Baud_2400 7
uint16_t Wi232_CheckBaud( uint8_t Baudrate ) // Suche Wi232 mit entsprechender Baudrate
uint8_t RegisterWi232;
//lcdx_cls_row( y, mode, yoffs )
lcdx_cls_row( 2, MNORMAL, 1 ); // Zeile loeschen
lcdx_printf_center_P( 2, MNORMAL, 0,1, PSTR("%S %lu Baud"), strGet(STR_SEARCH), Baud_to_uint32(Baudrate) ); // "suche nnn Baud"
SetBaudUart0( Baudrate ); // UART auf angegebene Baudrate setzen
RegisterWi232 = Wi232_Read( regDiscover );
// Hinweis zu RegisterWi232 nach regDiscover
// == 0 : "no Wi.232 found"
// == 0xFF: "Wi.232 Syntaxerror"
// >0 && < 0xff: Wi.232 Version (Wi.232 gefunden)
if( RegisterWi232 > 0 && RegisterWi232 < 0xFF )
return Baudrate; // Wi.232 gefunden
return 0; // Wi.232 nicht gefunden bei gegebener Baudrate
// InitWI232( InitBaudrate )
// set Wi232Register for Mikrokopter
// Returns:
// 0 = ACK, FF = NAK ?????????
void Wi232_Initalize( void )
uint8_t foundbaud = 0;
uint8_t nError = 0;
uint8_t InitBaudrate = Config.PKT_Baudrate;
// 1. Kopter ausgeschaltet?
// Text1: "Kopter ausschalten!"
// Text2: NULL
// Head : "* ACHTUNG *"
// Titel: "Wi.232 Init"
// 2. Wi.232 suchen
PKT_Title_P( STR_WI232INIT, true, true ); // Titel - mit ShowLipo und clearscreen
Change_Output( Uart02Wi ); // Verbindung zu Wi232 herstellen
SwitchToWi232(); // Serielle Kanaele Wi232 mit USB verbinden
if( !foundbaud ) foundbaud = Wi232_CheckBaud( Old_Baudrate ); // versuche zuerst mit der 'alten' Baudrate (hohe Trefferwahrscheinlichkeit)
if( !foundbaud ) foundbaud = Wi232_CheckBaud( Baud_2400 );
if( !foundbaud ) foundbaud = Wi232_CheckBaud( Baud_9600 );
if( !foundbaud ) foundbaud = Wi232_CheckBaud( Baud_19200 );
if( !foundbaud ) foundbaud = Wi232_CheckBaud( Baud_38400 );
if( !foundbaud ) foundbaud = Wi232_CheckBaud( Baud_57600 );
if( !foundbaud ) foundbaud = Wi232_CheckBaud( Baud_115200 );
if( !foundbaud ) // gefunden?
//PKT_Message_P( text, error, timeout, beep, clearscreen)
PKT_Message_P( PSTR("Wi.232 not found"), true, 2000, true, true); // ERROR: max. 20 Sekunden anzeigen
// 3. Wi.232 initialisieren
if( foundbaud > 0 )
// Screen
PKT_Title_P( STR_WI232INIT, true, true ); // Titel - mit ShowLipo und clearscreen
lcdx_printf_center_P( 2, MNORMAL, 0,1, STR_WI232INIT );
//PKT_Progress_Init( max, yoffs, width, height);
PKT_Progress_Init( 18, 0, 0,0); // 18 Progress Steps
// DEBUG - hier kann ggf. die _gefundene_ Baudrate vom Wi.232 angezeigt werden
//lcdx_printf_center_P( 6, MNORMAL, 0,-4, PSTR("(found %lu Baud)"), Baud_to_uint32(foundbaud) ); // zeige Baudrate
// DEBUG - und hier auf welche Baudrate das Wi.232 gesetzt werden soll
//lcdx_printf_center_P( 7, MNORMAL, 0,-2, PSTR("(set %lu Baud)"), Baud_to_uint32(Config.PKT_Baudrate) ); // zeige Baudrate
SetBaudUart0( foundbaud );
// wenn sich ein EEPROM-Wert ändert wird auch das Ram beschrieben damit die Änderung sofort wirksam wird
// + Errorcode
// |
// |
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regNVTXCHANNEL,Config.WiTXRXChannel, 1); // TX Channel
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regTXCHANNEL,Config.WiTXRXChannel , 2); // TX Channel
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regNVRXCHANNEL,Config.WiTXRXChannel, 3); // RX Channel
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regRXCHANNEL,Config.WiTXRXChannel , 4); // RX Channel
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regNVSLPMODE ,Sleep_Awake , 5); // Sleepmode
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regNVPWRMODE,WbModeP15 , 6); // Transceiver Mode/Powermode
// 06.06.2014 OG: nicht mehr unterstuetzt via setup.c (ggf. spaeter festen Standardwert einsetzen statt
// Standard: TWaitTime16 (=0x10 // 16 ms Delay (default))
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regNVTXTO,Config.WiTXTO , 7); // UART Timeout
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regTXTO,Config.WiTXTO , 8); // UART Timeout
// 06.06.2014 OG: nicht mehr unterstuetzt via setup.c (ggf. spaeter festen Standardwert einsetzen statt
// Standard: UartMTU64 (=64 // default=64, valid 1-144)
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regNVUARTMTU,Config.WiUartMTU , 9); // UART Buffer
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regUARTMTU,Config.WiUartMTU ,10); // UART Buffer
// 06.06.2014 OG: nicht mehr unterstuetzt via setup.c (ggf. spaeter festen Standardwert einsetzen statt
// Standard: NetMode_Normal (=0x01 // Normalmode (default))
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regNVNETMODE,Config.WiNetworkMode ,11); // Networkmode
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regNETMODE,Config.WiNetworkMode ,12); // Networkmode
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regNVUSECRC ,CRC_Enable ,13); // CRC
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regNVCSMAMODE,CSMA_En ,14); // CSMA
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regNVNETGRP,Config.WiNetworkGroup ,15); // Networkgroup
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regNETGRP,Config.WiNetworkGroup ,16); // Networkgroup
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regNVDATARATE,InitBaudrate ,17); // Baudrate
if( !nError ) nError = Wi232_Write_Progress( regDATARATE,InitBaudrate ,18); // Baudrate
//_delay_ms(6000); // DEBUG
if( nError )
//PKT_Message( text, error, timeout, beep, clearscreen)
PKT_Message( buffered_sprintf_P(PSTR("Wi.232 Error: %d"),nError), true, 2000, true, true); // ERROR: 2000 = max. 20 Sekunden anzeigen
//PKT_Message_P( text, error, timeout, beep, clearscreen)
PKT_Message_P( PSTR("Wi.232 Init OK!"), false, 1000, true, true); // OK: 1000 = max. 10 Sekunden anzeigen
WriteWiInitFlag(); // erfolgreiches Init merken
SetBaudUart0( Config.PKT_Baudrate ); // die richtige UART Baudrate wiederherstellen !!
// Wi232_ConfigPC()
// Connect USB direct to Wi.232 in Progmode
void Wi232_ConfigPC( void )
lcd_cls ();
lcd_frect( 0, 0, 127, 7, 1); // Titelzeile Invers
lcdx_printf_at_P( 1, 0, MINVERS, 0,0, strGet(STR_WI232CONFIG) ); // Titeltext "Wi.232 Konfig."
lcdx_printp_center( 2, strGet(STR_USBCONNECTED), MNORMAL, 0,-2); // "mit USB verbunden"
lcdx_printp_center( 4, strGet(STR_SEEMKWIKI) , MNORMAL, 0,0); // "siehe MK-Wiki:"
lcdx_printp_center( 5, PSTR("\"RadioTronix\"") , MNORMAL, 0,2); // "RadioTronix"
lcd_rect_round( 0, 28, 127, 24, 1, R2); // Rahmen um Text
lcd_printp_at(12, 7, strGet(ENDE), MNORMAL); // Keyline "Ende"
set_WI232CMD(); // Port D6 = CMD
while(!get_key_press(1 << KEY_ESC))
clr_WI232CMD(); // Port D6 = CMD
if( Config.U02SV2 == 1 )
// 10.06.2014 OG: das Folgende war im orginalen Port_USB2CFG_Wi() nicht
// vorhanden - das hatte den Effekt, dass wenn man diese
// Funktion aufgerufen und wieder beendet hatte das
// PKT-Updatetool kein PKT-Update mehr via PKT_CtrlHook()
// durchfuehren konnte. Die USB Umschaltung war wohl nicht sauber.
uart1_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(USART_BAUD,F_CPU) ); // USB wieder zuruecksetzen damit PKT wieder normal via USB erreichbar (u.a. fuer PKT-Updatetool)
SetBaudUart1( Config.PKT_Baudrate ); // USB wieder zuruecksetzen damit PKT wieder normal via USB erreichbar (u.a. fuer PKT-Updatetool)
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,192
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Kaiser, *
* Copyright (C) 2009 Peter "woggle" Mack, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Christian "Cebra" Brandtner, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Harald Bongartz *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* *
* Credits to: *
* Holger Buss & Ingo Busker from for the MK project + SVN *
* *
* Gregor "killagreg" Stobrawa for his version of the MK code *
* Thomas Kaiser "thkais" for the original project. See *
* *
* *
* Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje for providing the font and his C-OSD code *
* *
* Harald Bongartz "HaraldB" for providing his Ideas and Code for usibility*
//# HISTORY Wi232.h
//# 10.06.2014 OG
//# - add: Wi232_Initalize()
//# - add: Wi232_ConfigPC()
//# - del: InitWi232()
//# 08.06.2014 OG
//# - chg: InitWi232() - Parameteraenderung
//# - del: Wi232_New_Baudrate
//# - add: Source-Historie ergaenzt
#ifndef WI232_H_
#define WI232_H_
// Non-volatile Registers
// Name Address Description Default
#define regNVTXCHANNEL 0x00 // Transmit channel setting ## 0 ##
#define regNVRXCHANNEL 0x01 // Receive channel setting ## 0 ##
#define regNVPWRMODE 0x02 // Operating mode settings ## +13 dBm widebandmode ##
#define regNVDATARATE 0x03 // UART data rate ## 2400bps ##
#define regNVNETMODE 0x04 // Network mode (Normal/Slave) ## Normal ##
#define regNVTXTO 0x05 // Transmit wait timeout ## ~16ms ##
#define regNVNETGRP 0x06 // Network group ID ## 0x00 ##
#define regNVUSECRC 0x08 // Enable/Disable CRC ## Enabled ##
#define regNVUARTMTU 0x09 // Minimum transmission unit. ## 64 bytes ##
#define regNVSHOWVER 0x0A // Enable/Disable start-up message ## Enabled ##
#define regNVCSMAMODE 0x0B // Enable/Disable CSMA ## Enabled ##
#define regNVSLPMODE 0x0D // Power state of module ## Awake ##
#define regNVACKONWAKE 0x0E // Send ACK character to host on wake
// Non-volatile Read Only Registers
// Name Address Description
#define regMAC0 0x22 // These registers form the unique 48-bit MAC address.
#define regMAC1 0x23 // MAC
#define regMAC2 0x24 // MAC
#define regOUI0 0x25 // MAC
#define regOUI1 0x26 // MAC
#define regOUI2 0x27 // MAC
#define regDiscover 0x78 // Versionsregister
// Volatile Read/Write Registers
// Name Address Description
#define regTXCHANNEL 0x4B // Transmit channel setting
#define regRXCHANNEL 0x4C // Receive channel setting
#define regPWRMODE 0x4D // Operating mode settings
#define regDATARATE 0x4E // UART data rate
#define regNETMODE 0x4F // Network mode (Normal or Slave)
#define regTXTO 0x50 // Transmit wait timeout
#define regNETGRP 0x51 // Network group ID
#define regUSECRC 0x53 // Enable/Disable CRC
#define regUARTMTU 0x54 // Minimum transmission unit.
#define regSHOWVER 0x55 // Enable/Disable start-up message
#define regCSMAMODE 0x56 // Enable/disable CSMA
#define regSLPMODE 0x58 // Power state of module
#define regACKONWAKE 0x59 // Send ACK character to host on wake
// Wideband Channels
// regNVTXCHAN (0x00) regTXCHAN (0x4B)
// Channel Number Frequency
#define wChan0 0x00 // 868.300 MHz
#define wChan1 0x01 // 868.95 MHz ## MK ##
// Narrowband Channels
// regNVRXCHAN (0x01) regRXCHAN (0x4C)
// Channel Number Frequency
#define nChan0 0x00 // 868.225 MHz
#define nChan1 0x01 // 868.375 MHz ## MK ##
#define nChan2 0x02 // 868.850 MHz
#define nChan3 0x03 // 869.050 MHz
#define nChan4 0x04 // 869.525 MHz
#define nChan5 0x05 // 869.850 MHz
// Power Mode
// regNVPWRMODE (0x02) regPWRMODE (0x4D)
// PM1 PM1 PM0 Mode
#define NbModeN0 0x00 // 0 0 0 Narrowband Mode 0dBm power setting (typical)
#define WbModeP5 0x01 // 0 0 1 Wideband Mode +5dBm power setting (typical)
#define WbModeP10 0x02 // 0 1 0 Wideband Mode +10dBm power setting (typical)
#define WbModeP15 0x03 // 0 1 1 Wideband Mode +15dBm power setting (typical) ## MK ##
#define WbModeN0 0x04 // 1 0 0 Wideband Mode 0dBm power setting (typical)
#define NbModeP5 0x05 // 1 0 1 Narrowband Mode +5dBm power setting (typical)
#define NbModeP10 0x06 // 1 1 0 Narrowband Mode +10dBm power setting (typical)
#define NbModeP15 0x07 // 1 1 1 Narrowband Mode +15dBm power setting (typical)
// Wi232 UART Baudrate
// regNVDATARATE (0x03) regDATARATE (0x4E)
// Baud Rate BR2 BR1 BR0
#define Wi232_2400 Baud_2400 // 0 0 0* (default 2400)
#define Wi232_9600 Baud_9600 // 0 0 1
#define Wi232_19200 Baud_19200 // 0 1 0
#define Wi232_38400 Baud_38400 // 0 1 1
#define Wi232_57600 Baud_57600 // 1 0 0 ## MK ##
#define Wi232_115200 Baud_115200 // 1 0 1
#define Wi232_10400 0x06 // 1 1 0
#define Wi232_31250 0x07 // 1 1 1
// NetworkMode
// regNVNETMODE (0x04) regNETMODE (0x4F)
#define NetMode_Slave 0x00 // Slavemode
#define NetMode_Normal 0x01 // Normalmode (default)
// Transmit Wait Timeout
// regNVTXTO (0x05) regTXTO (0x50)
#define TWaitTimeFull 0x00 // full Buffer required
#define TWaitTime16 0x10 // 16 ms Delay (default)
// Network Group
// regNVNETGRP (0x06) regNETGRP (0x51)
#define NetWorkGroup 66 // default = 0, valid 0-127 ## MK = 66 ##
// CRC Control
// regNVUSECRC (0x08) regUSECRC (0x53)
#define CRC_Disable 0x00 // no CRC check
#define CRC_Enable 0x01 // CRC check (default)
// UART minimum transmission unit
// regNVUARTMTU (0x09) regUARTMTU (0x54)
#define UartMTU64 64 // default=64, valid 1-144
// Verbose mode
// regNVSHOWVER (0x0A)
#define ShowVers_Dis 0x00 // do not show Startupmessage ## MK = 66 ##
#define ShowVers_En 0x01 // show Startupmessage (default)
// CSMA enable
// regNVCSMAMODE (0x0B) regCSMAMODE (0x56)
#define CSMA_Dis 0x00 // disable CSMA Carrier-sense multiple access
#define CSMA_En 0x01 // enable CSMA (default)
// Sleep control
// regNVSLPMODE (0x0D) regSLPMODE (0x58)
#define Sleep_Awake 0x00 // Sleepmode = Awake (default)
#define Sleep 0x01 // Sleepmode = Sleep
#define Sleep_Stby 0x02 // Sleepmode = Standby
// ACK on Wake
// regNVACKONWAKE (0x0D) regACKONWAKE (0x59)
#define ACKwake_Dis 0x00 // disable ACK on Wake
#define ACKwake_En 0x01 // enable ACK on Wake (default)
void Wi232_Initalize( void );
void Wi232_ConfigPC( void );
#endif // WI232_H_
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property