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Ignore whitespace Rev 2147 → Rev 2155

0,0 → 1,525
//# HISTORY nmea.c
//# 08.08.2015 CB
//# - add: Einführung eines neuen Interruptbasierten NMEA Parsers
//# cpp-Code auf c geändert und an PKT angepasst
File: nmea.cpp
Version: 0.1.0
Date: Feb. 23, 2013
License: GPL v2
NMEA GPS content parser
Copyright (C) 2013 Radu Motisan <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "nmea.h"
#include "../timer/timer.h"
//#include <stdio.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <util/delay.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define MAX_POWER 10
#define getPower(x) (int32_t)pgm_read_dword(&powers[x])
static const int32_t powers[MAX_POWER] PROGMEM = {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000};
uint8_t m_bFlagRead, // flag used by the parser, when a valid sentence has begun
m_bFlagDataReady = false; // valid GPS fix and data available, user can call reader functions
volatile uint32_t res_nNMEAcounter = 0; // NMEA Datensatzzähler
volatile uint32_t res_nCRCerror = 0; // zählt die CRC Errors beim dekodieren
uint8_t receiveNMEA = false;
char tmp_words[20][15], // hold parsed words for one given NMEA sentence
tmp_szChecksum[15]; // hold the received checksum for one given NMEA sentence
// will be set to true for characters between $ and * only
bool m_bFlagComputedCks ; // used to compute checksum and indicate valid checksum interval (between $ and * in a given sentence)
int m_nChecksum ; // numeric checksum, computed for a given sentence
bool m_bFlagReceivedCks ; // after getting * we start cuttings the received checksum
int index_received_checksum ; // used to parse received checksum
// word cutting variables
int m_nWordIdx , // the current word in a sentence
m_nPrevIdx, // last character index where we did a cut
m_nNowIdx ; // current character index
// globals to store parser results
int32_t res_fLongitude; // GPRMC and GPGGA
int32_t res_fLatitude; // GPRMC and GPGGA
unsigned char res_nUTCHour, res_nUTCMin, res_nUTCSec, // GPRMC and GPGGA
res_nUTCDay, res_nUTCMonth, res_nUTCYear; // GPRMC
char Time[9]; // GPRMC and GPGGA
uint8_t res_nSatellitesUsed; // GPGGA
uint8_t res_nGPSfix; // GPGGA
int16_t res_nHDOP; // GPGGA
int16_t res_fAltitude; // GPGGA
float res_fSpeed; // GPRMC
int16_t res_fBearing; // GPRMC
NMEA_GPGGA_t NMEA; // Variable mit der Struktur für die NMEA Daten für PKT
// the parser, currently handling GPRMC and GPGGA, but easy to add any new sentences
// void parsedata();
// aux functions
int digit2dec(char hexdigit);
float string2float(char* s);
int mstrcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
* The serial data is assembled on the fly, without using any redundant buffers.
* When a sentence is complete (one that starts with $, ending in EOL), all processing is done on
* this temporary buffer that we've built: checksum computation, extracting sentence "words" (the CSV values),
* and so on.
* When a new sentence is fully assembled using the fusedata function, the code calls parsedata.
* This function in turn, splits the sentences and interprets the data. Here is part of the parser function,
* handling both the $GPRMC NMEA sentence:
uint8_t fusedata(char c)
if (c == '$') {
m_bFlagRead = true;
// init parser vars
m_bFlagComputedCks = false;
m_nChecksum = 0;
// after getting * we start cuttings the received m_nChecksum
m_bFlagReceivedCks = false;
index_received_checksum = 0;
// word cutting variables
m_nWordIdx = 0; m_nPrevIdx = 0; m_nNowIdx = 0;
timer_nmea_timeout = NMEA_TIMEOUT; // Timeout Timer setzen
if (m_bFlagRead) {
// check ending
if (c == '\r' || c== '\n') {
// catch last ending item too
tmp_words[m_nWordIdx][m_nNowIdx - m_nPrevIdx] = 0;
// cut received m_nChecksum
tmp_szChecksum[index_received_checksum] = 0;
// sentence complete, read done
m_bFlagRead = false;
// parse
} else {
// computed m_nChecksum logic: count all chars between $ and * exclusively
if (m_bFlagComputedCks && c == '*') m_bFlagComputedCks = false;
if (m_bFlagComputedCks) m_nChecksum ^= c;
if (c == '$') m_bFlagComputedCks = true;
// received m_nChecksum
if (m_bFlagReceivedCks) {
tmp_szChecksum[index_received_checksum] = c;
if (c == '*') m_bFlagReceivedCks = true;
// build a word
tmp_words[m_nWordIdx][m_nNowIdx - m_nPrevIdx] = c;
if (c == ',') {
tmp_words[m_nWordIdx][m_nNowIdx - m_nPrevIdx] = 0;
m_nPrevIdx = m_nNowIdx;
else m_nNowIdx++;
return m_nWordIdx;
* parse internal tmp_ structures, fused by pushdata, and set the data flag when done
void parsedata(void) {
int received_cks = 16*digit2dec(tmp_szChecksum[0]) + digit2dec(tmp_szChecksum[1]);
//uart1.Send("seq: [cc:%X][words:%d][rc:%s:%d]\r\n", m_nChecksum,m_nWordIdx, tmp_szChecksum, received_cks);
// check checksum, and return if invalid!
if (m_nChecksum != received_cks) {
m_bFlagDataReady = false;
res_nCRCerror = res_nCRCerror+1;
* $GPGGA,,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x,xx,x.x,x.x,M,x.x,M,x.x,xxxx*hh
* ex: $GPGGA,230600.501,4543.8895,N,02112.7238,E,1,03,3.3,96.7,M,39.0,M,,0000*6A,
* 1 = UTC of Position
* 2 = Latitude
* 3 = N or S
* 4 = Longitude
* 5 = E or W
* 6 = GPS quality indicator (0=invalid; 1=GPS fix; 2=Diff. GPS fix)
* 7 = Number of satellites in use [not those in view]
* 8 = Horizontal dilution of position
* 9 = Antenna altitude above/below mean sea level (geoid)
* 10 = Meters (Antenna height unit)
* 11 = Geoidal separation (Diff. between WGS-84 earth ellipsoid and mean sea level.
* -geoid is below WGS-84 ellipsoid)
* 12 = Meters (Units of geoidal separation)
* 13 = Age in seconds since last update from diff. reference station
* 14 = Diff. reference station ID#
* 15 = Checksum
if (mstrcmp(tmp_words[0], "$GPGGA") == 0) {
// Check GPS Fix: 0=no fix, 1=GPS fix, 2=Dif. GPS fix
res_nGPSfix = atoi(&tmp_words[6][0]);
NMEA.SatFix = res_nGPSfix;
if (tmp_words[6][0] == '0') {
// clear data
res_fLatitude = 0;
res_fLongitude = 0;
// m_bFlagDataReady = false;
// return;
// parse time
res_nUTCHour = digit2dec(tmp_words[1][0]) * 10 + digit2dec(tmp_words[1][1]);
res_nUTCMin = digit2dec(tmp_words[1][2]) * 10 + digit2dec(tmp_words[1][3]);
res_nUTCSec = digit2dec(tmp_words[1][4]) * 10 + digit2dec(tmp_words[1][5]);
NMEA_getTime (tmp_words[1]);
// parse latitude and longitude in NMEA format
// res_fLatitude = string2float(tmp_words[2]);
// res_fLongitude = string2float(tmp_words[4]);
// get decimal format
// if (tmp_words[3][0] == 'S') res_fLatitude *= -1.0;
// if (tmp_words[5][0] == 'W') res_fLongitude *= -1.0;
// float degrees = trunc(res_fLatitude / 100.0f);
// float minutes = res_fLatitude - (degrees * 100.0f);
// res_fLatitude = degrees + minutes / 60.0f;
// degrees = trunc(res_fLongitude / 100.0f);
// minutes = res_fLongitude - (degrees * 100.0f);
// res_fLongitude = degrees + minutes / 60.0f;
res_fLatitude = NMEA_calcLatitude(tmp_words[2],tmp_words[3]);
res_fLongitude = NMEA_calcLongitude(tmp_words[4],tmp_words[5]);
NMEA.Latitude = res_fLatitude;
NMEA.Longitude = res_fLongitude;
// parse number of satellites
res_nSatellitesUsed = (int)string2float(tmp_words[7]);
NMEA.SatsInUse = atoi(tmp_words[7]);
// parse HDOP
res_nHDOP = NMEA_floatStrToInt(tmp_words[8],1);
// parse altitude
// res_fAltitude = string2float(tmp_words[9]);
res_fAltitude = NMEA_floatStrToInt( tmp_words[9], 1);
NMEA.Altitude = res_fAltitude;
// data ready
m_bFlagDataReady = true;
res_nNMEAcounter = res_nNMEAcounter +1;
NMEA.Counter = res_nNMEAcounter;
// 8.8.2015 CB wird zur Zeit nicht benötigt
* note: a siRF chipset will not support magnetic headers.
* $GPRMC,,A,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x.x,x.x,ddmmyy,x.x,a*hh
* ex: $GPRMC,230558.501,A,4543.8901,N,02112.7219,E,1.50,181.47,230213,,,A*66,
* 1 = UTC of position fix
* 2 = Data status (V=navigation receiver warning)
* 3 = Latitude of fix
* 4 = N or S
* 5 = Longitude of fix
* 6 = E or W
* 7 = Speed over ground in knots
* 8 = Track made good in degrees True, Bearing This indicates the direction that the device is currently moving in,
* from 0 to 360, measured in “azimuth”.
* 9 = UT date
* 10 = Magnetic variation degrees (Easterly var. subtracts from true course)
* 11 = E or W
* 12 = Checksum
// if (mstrcmp(tmp_words[0], "$GPRMC") == 0) {
// // Check data status: A-ok, V-invalid
// if (tmp_words[2][0] == 'V') {
// // clear data
// res_fLatitude = 0;
// res_fLongitude = 0;
//// m_bFlagDataReady = false;
// return;
// }
//// // parse time
//// res_nUTCHour = digit2dec(tmp_words[1][0]) * 10 + digit2dec(tmp_words[1][1]);
//// res_nUTCMin = digit2dec(tmp_words[1][2]) * 10 + digit2dec(tmp_words[1][3]);
//// res_nUTCSec = digit2dec(tmp_words[1][4]) * 10 + digit2dec(tmp_words[1][5]);
//// // parse latitude and longitude in NMEA format
//// res_fLatitude = string2float(tmp_words[3]);
//// res_fLongitude = string2float(tmp_words[5]);
//// // get decimal format
//// if (tmp_words[4][0] == 'S') res_fLatitude *= -1.0;
//// if (tmp_words[6][0] == 'W') res_fLongitude *= -1.0;
//// float degrees = trunc(res_fLatitude / 100.0f);
//// float minutes = res_fLatitude - (degrees * 100.0f);
//// res_fLatitude = degrees + minutes / 60.0f;
//// degrees = trunc(res_fLongitude / 100.0f);
//// minutes = res_fLongitude - (degrees * 100.0f);
//// res_fLongitude = degrees + minutes / 60.0f;
// //parse speed
// // The knot (pronounced not) is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile (1.852 km) per hour
// res_fSpeed = NMEA_floatStrToInt(tmp_words[7],1);
// res_fSpeed /= 1.852; // convert to km/h
// // parse bearing
// res_fBearing = NMEA_floatStrToInt(tmp_words[8],1);
//// // parse UTC date
//// res_nUTCDay = digit2dec(tmp_words[9][0]) * 10 + digit2dec(tmp_words[9][1]);
//// res_nUTCMonth = digit2dec(tmp_words[9][2]) * 10 + digit2dec(tmp_words[9][3]);
//// res_nUTCYear = digit2dec(tmp_words[9][4]) * 10 + digit2dec(tmp_words[9][5]);
// // data ready
// res_nNMEAcounter = res_nNMEAcounter +1;
// NMEA.Counter = res_nNMEAcounter;
// m_bFlagDataReady = true;
// }
// NMEA latitudes are in the form ddmm.mmmmm, we want an integer in 1E-7 degree steps
int32_t NMEA_calcLatitude( const char *s, const char *NS)
int32_t deg;
int32_t min;
deg = (s[0] - '0') * 10 + s[1] - '0'; // First 2 chars are full degrees
min = NMEA_floatStrToInt( &s[2], 6) / 6; // Minutes * 1E5 * 100 / 60 = Minutes * 1E6 / 6 = 1E-7 degree steps
deg = deg * 10000000 + min;
if( *NS == 'S' )
deg = -deg;
return deg;
// NMEA longitudes are in the form dddmm.mmmmm, we want an integer in 1E-7 degree steps
int32_t NMEA_calcLongitude( const char *s, const char *WE)
int32_t deg;
int32_t min;
deg = ((s[0] - '0') * 10 + s[1] - '0') * 10 + s[2] - '0'; // First 3 chars are full degrees
min = NMEA_floatStrToInt( &s[3], 6) / 6; // Minutes * 1E5 * 100 / 60 = Minutes * 1E6 / 6 = 1E-7 degree steps
deg = deg * 10000000 + min;
if( *WE == 'W' )
deg = -deg;
return deg;
void NMEA_getTime( const char *s)
uint8_t sem = 0;
uint8_t i;
for( i=0; i<6; i++ )
NMEA.Time[sem++] = s[i];
if( i==1 || i==3)
NMEA.Time[sem++] = ':';
NMEA.Time[sem] = '\0';
* returns base-16 value of chars '0'-'9' and 'A'-'F';
* does not trap invalid chars!
int digit2dec(char digit)
if ((int)digit >= 65)
return ((int)digit - 55);
return ((int)digit - 48);
/* returns base-10 value of zero-terminated string
* that contains only chars '+','-','0'-'9','.';
* does not trap invalid strings!
float string2float(char* s) {
long integer_part = 0;
float decimal_part = 0.0;
float decimal_pivot = 0.1;
bool isdecimal = false, isnegative = false;
char c;
while ( ( c = *s++) ) {
// skip special/sign chars
if (c == '-') { isnegative = true; continue; }
if (c == '+') continue;
if (c == '.') { isdecimal = true; continue; }
if (!isdecimal) {
integer_part = (10 * integer_part) + (c - 48);
else {
decimal_part += decimal_pivot * (float)(c - 48);
decimal_pivot /= 10.0;
// add integer part
decimal_part += (float)integer_part;
// check negative
if (isnegative) decimal_part = - decimal_part;
return decimal_part;
// Trying to avoid floating point maths here. Converts a floating point string to an integer with a smaller unit
// i.e. floatStrToInt("4.5", 2) = 4.5 * 1E2 = 450
int32_t NMEA_floatStrToInt( const char *s, int32_t power1 )
char *endPtr;
int32_t v;
v = strtol(s, &endPtr, 10);
if( *endPtr == '.' )
for (s = endPtr + 1; *s && power1; s++)
v = v * 10 + (*s - '0');
if( power1 )
// Table to avoid multiple multiplications
v = v * getPower(power1);
return v;
int mstrcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
while((*s1 && *s2) && (*s1 == *s2))
return *s1 - *s2;
bool NMEA_isdataready() {
return m_bFlagDataReady;
int NMEA_getHour() {
return res_nUTCHour;
int NMEA_getMinute() {
return res_nUTCMin;
int NMEA_getSecond() {
return res_nUTCSec;
int NMEA_getDay() {
return res_nUTCDay;
int NMEA_getMonth() {
return res_nUTCMonth;
int NMEA_getYear() {
return res_nUTCYear;
int32_t NMEA_getLatitude() {
return res_fLatitude;
int32_t NMEA_getLongitude() {
return res_fLongitude;
uint8_t NMEA_getSatellites() {
return res_nSatellitesUsed;
uint8_t NMEA_getGPSfix() {
return res_nGPSfix;
int16_t NMEA_getHDOP() {
return res_nHDOP;
int16_t NMEA_getAltitude() {
return res_fAltitude;
float NMEA_getSpeed() {
return res_fSpeed;
int16_t NMEA_getBearing() {
return res_fBearing;
uint32_t NMEA_getNMEAcounter() {
return res_nNMEAcounter;
uint32_t NMEA_getCRCerror() {
return res_nCRCerror;
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,135
File: nmea.h
Version: 0.1.0
Date: Feb. 23, 2013
License: GPL v2
NMEA GPS content parser
Copyright (C) 2013 Radu Motisan <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <string.h>
//#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define NMEA_TIMEOUT 500 // Timeout 5 sek.
typedef struct
uint32_t Counter; // Zaehler empfangene GPGGA Pakete
int32_t Latitude; // in 1E-7 deg
int32_t Longitude; // in 1E-7 deg
int16_t Altitude; // Hoehe in Meter
uint8_t SatFix; // GPS Quality indicator (0=no fix, 1=GPS fix, 2=Dif. GPS fix, 6=Estimated)
uint8_t SatsInUse; // Number of satelites currently in use
int16_t HDOP; // Horizontal Dilution of Precision, 1.1 -xx.x, niederiger = besser
char Time[9]; // "hh:mm:ss"
// export vars
extern uint8_t receiveNMEA;
extern volatile uint32_t res_nNMEAcounter;
// /*class NMEA {
// private:
// bool m_bFlagRead, // flag used by the parser, when a valid sentence has begun
// m_bFlagDataReady; // valid GPS fix and data available, user can call reader functions
// char tmp_words[20][15], // hold parsed words for one given NMEA sentence
// tmp_szChecksum[15]; // hold the received checksum for one given NMEA sentence
// // will be set to true for characters between $ and * only
// bool m_bFlagComputedCks ; // used to compute checksum and indicate valid checksum interval (between $ and * in a given sentence)
// int m_nChecksum ; // numeric checksum, computed for a given sentence
// bool m_bFlagReceivedCks ; // after getting * we start cuttings the received checksum
// int index_received_checksum ; // used to parse received checksum
// // word cutting variables
// int m_nWordIdx , // the current word in a sentence
// m_nPrevIdx, // last character index where we did a cut
// m_nNowIdx ; // current character index
// // globals to store parser results
// float res_fLongitude; // GPRMC and GPGGA
// float res_fLatitude; // GPRMC and GPGGA
// unsigned char res_nUTCHour, res_nUTCMin, res_nUTCSec, // GPRMC and GPGGA
// res_nUTCDay, res_nUTCMonth, res_nUTCYear; // GPRMC
// int res_nSatellitesUsed; // GPGGA
// float res_fAltitude; // GPGGA
// float res_fSpeed; // GPRMC
// float res_fBearing; // GPRMC
// // the parser, currently handling GPRMC and GPGGA, but easy to add any new sentences
// void parsedata();
// // aux functions
// int digit2dec(char hexdigit);
// float string2float(char* s);
// int mstrcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
// public:
// // constructor, initing a few variables
* The serial data is assembled on the fly, without using any redundant buffers.
* When a sentence is complete (one that starts with $, ending in EOL), all processing is done on
* this temporary buffer that we've built: checksum computation, extracting sentence "words" (the CSV values),
* and so on.
* When a new sentence is fully assembled using the fusedata function, the code calls parsedata.
* This function in turn, splits the sentences and interprets the data. Here is part of the parser function,
* handling both the $GPRMC NMEA sentence:
uint8_t fusedata(char c);
void parsedata(void);
int32_t NMEA_floatStrToInt( const char *s, int32_t power1 );
int32_t NMEA_calcLatitude( const char *s, const char *NS);
int32_t NMEA_calcLongitude( const char *s, const char *WE);
void NMEA_getTime( const char *s);
// READER functions: retrieving results, call isdataready() first
bool NMEA_isdataready();
int NMEA_getHour();
int NMEA_getMinute();
int NMEA_getSecond();
int NMEA_getDay();
int NMEA_getMonth();
int NMEA_getYear();
int32_t NMEA_getLatitude();
int32_t NMEA_getLongitude();
uint8_t NMEA_getSatellites();
uint8_t NMEA_getGPSfix();
int16_t NMEA_getHDOP();
int16_t NMEA_getAltitude();
float NMEA_getSpeed();
int16_t NMEA_getBearing();
uint32_t NMEA_getNMEAcounter();
uint32_t NMEA_getCRCerror();
// };
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property