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Ignore whitespace Rev 2147 → Rev 2203

0,0 → 1,825
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Kaiser, *
* Copyright (C) 2009 Peter "woggle" Mack, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Christian "Cebra" Brandtner, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Harald Bongartz *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* *
* Credits to: *
* Holger Buss & Ingo Busker from for the MK project + SVN *
* *
* Gregor "killagreg" Stobrawa for his version of the MK code *
* Thomas Kaiser "thkais" for the original project. See *
* *
* *
* Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje for providing the font and his C-OSD code *
* *
* Harald Bongartz "HaraldB" for providing his Ideas and Code for usibility*
//# HISTORY mkbase.c
//# 21.06.2014 OG
//# - chg: searchMK() schaltet am Ende wieder auf die NC um sofern diese
//# vorhanden ist
//# 19.05.2014 OG
//# - chg: MKVersion_Setting_print() umgestellt auf strGet(STR_ERROR) fuer
//# Multi-Sprachenunterstuetzung
//# 14.05.2014 OG
//# - chg: include "paramset.h" geaendert auf "../mksettings/paramset.h"
//# 13.05.2014 OG
//# - chg: MK_Info() - del: MKINFO_AUTO_REFRESH (nicht mehr unterstuetzt)
//# - chg: MK_Setting_write() - del: unused variable 'lsetting'
//# 17.04.2014 OG
//# - chg: MK_Setting_load - Ansprechverhalten verbessert wenn Windows
//# Mikrokoptertool aktiv ist
//# 29.03.2014 OG
//# - del: MK_Show_LastGPS_Position() -> jetzt: OSDDATA_ShowLastGPSPosition()/osddata.c
//# 28.03.2014 OG
//# - add: MK_Show_LastGPS_Position() - ehemals in main.c
//# 24.03.2014 OG
//# - chg: searchMK(): doppeltes MK_SwitchToNC() um evtl. vorhandene NC
//# zuverlaessiger zu erkennen
//# - fix: searchMK(): RetVal initialisiert
//# - chg: Default-Anzeigezeit von MK_Info() in searchMK() auf 5 Sek. reduziert
//# 21.02.2014 OG
//# - fix: MKVersion_Setting_print() Anzeige der Settings-Nummer gekuerzt
//# 20.02.2014 OG
//#- chg: searchMK() auf aktuelle Version von PKT_TitlePKTVersion() angepasst
//# 20.02.2014 OG
//# - chg: MKVersion_Setting_print() um ein paar Bytes zu sparen
//# - chg: MK_Info() um ein paar Bytes zu sparen
//# 16.02.2014 OG
//# - add: MK_SwitchToNC(), MK_SwitchToFC(), MK_SwitchToMAG(), MK_SwitchToGPS()
//# - add: MK_Setting_write(), MK_Setting_change()
//# - chg: umbenannt: MK_load_setting() zu MK_Setting_load()
//# 13.02.2014 OG
//# - add: MKVersion_Cmp() (Anleitung bei der Funktion beachten!)
//# - del: WrongFCVersion
//# 12.02.2014 OG
//# - chg: verschiedene Verbesserungen an MK_Info(), MK_load_settings(), searckMK()
//# 10.02.2014 OG
//# - add: MKVersion_Setting_print()
//# 09.02.2014 OG
//# - add: MK_Info()
//# 08.02.2014 OG
//# - chg: searckMK() Anpassung an MKVersion
//# - chg: MK_load_setting() Anpassung an MKVersion und Parameter geaendert
//# - add: MKVersion_Init(), MKVersion_print_at()
//# 03.02.2014 OG
//# - chg: Titelanzeige in searchMK() umgestellt auf PKT_ShowTitlePKTVersion()
//# - chg: kleine Aenderung in der Anzeige "für FC..." in searchMK()
//# 29.01.2014 OG
//# - Ausgliederungen aus main.c: MK_load_setting(), searchMK()
#include "../cpu.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <util/atomic.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
//#include "../lipo/lipo.h"
#include "../main.h"
#include "../lipo/lipo.h"
#include "../lcd/lcd.h"
#include "../uart/usart.h"
#include "../uart/uart1.h"
#include "../mk-data-structs.h"
//#include "../menu.h"
#include "../timer/timer.h"
#include "../eeprom/eeprom.h"
#include "../messages.h"
#include "../utils/scrollbox.h"
#include "../utils/xutils.h"
#include "../pkt/pkt.h"
#include "../mksettings/paramset.h"
#include "mkbase.h"
// MK-Versionsinformationen
// global verfuegbar
MKVersion_t MKVersion;
uint8_t cmd;
//# 1. MKVersion
// MKVersion_Init()
// initialisiert MKVersion auf 0
void MKVersion_Init( void )
memset( &MKVersion, 0, sizeof(MKVersion_t) );
// value = MKVersion_Cmp( FC/NCver, SWMajor,SWMinor,SWPatch )
// Vergleicht eine uebergebene FC/NC-Version mit der vom MK
// ermittelten Version
// Parameter:
// FC/NCver: MKVersion.FCVer oder MKVersion.NCVer
// SWMajor,SWMinor,SWPatch: siehe nachfolgendes...
// Beispiel aus osd.c/OSD_MK_GetData():
// v = MKVersion_Cmp( MKVersion.NCVer, 0,30,'g' ); // pruefe auf NC-Version "0.30g"
// if( v && (v >= GIVEN_VERSION) ) // wenn aktuelle NC-Version >= "0.30g"...
// { ...
// Sowas geht auch:
// if( v && (v == GIVEN_VERSION) ) // nur wenn aktuelle NC-Version == "0.30g"...
// oder:
// if( v && (v < GIVEN_VERSION) ) // nur wenn aktuelle NC-Version kleiner als "0.30g"...
// Warum "if( v && ..." ?
// Wenn das PKT keine FC/NC-Version ermitteln konnte, und somit kein
// Vergleich moeglich ist, gibt MKVersion_Cmp() false (=0) zurueck!
uint8_t MKVersion_Cmp( Version_t ver, unsigned char SWMajor, unsigned char SWMinor, unsigned char SWPatch )
SWPatch = SWPatch -'a';
if( ver.SWMajor > 0 || ver.SWMinor > 0 ) // NC/FC Version erkannt?
if( (ver.SWMajor == SWMajor) && (ver.SWMinor == SWMinor) && (ver.SWPatch == SWPatch) )
return VERSION_EQUAL; // ==2
if( ver.SWMajor != SWMajor )
if( ver.SWMajor < SWMajor )
return VERSION_LOWER; // ==1
return VERSION_GREATER; // ==3
if( ver.SWMinor != SWMinor )
if( ver.SWMinor < SWMinor )
return VERSION_LOWER; // ==1
return VERSION_GREATER; // ==3
if( ver.SWPatch < SWPatch )
return VERSION_LOWER; // ==1
return VERSION_GREATER; // ==3
return VERSION_NO; // ==0
// MKVersion_print_at()
// zeigt die aktuelle FC, NC Version auf dem LCD an
// Parameter:
// what: NC, FC,
void MKVersion_print_at( uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t what, uint8_t drawmode, int8_t xoffs, int8_t yoffs )
const char *mask = PSTR("%1u.%02u%c");
const char *nostr = PSTR("-----");
case FC: if( MKVersion.FCVer.SWMajor > 0 || MKVersion.FCVer.SWMinor > 0 )
lcdx_printf_at_P( x, y, drawmode, xoffs, yoffs, mask, MKVersion.FCVer.SWMajor, MKVersion.FCVer.SWMinor, MKVersion.FCVer.SWPatch+'a' );
lcdx_printp_at( x,y, nostr, drawmode, xoffs, yoffs);
case NC: if( (MKVersion.NCVer.SWMajor != 0) || (MKVersion.NCVer.SWMinor != 0) )
lcdx_printf_at_P( x, y, drawmode, xoffs, yoffs, PSTR("%1u.%02u%c"), MKVersion.NCVer.SWMajor, MKVersion.NCVer.SWMinor, MKVersion.NCVer.SWPatch+'a' );
lcdx_printp_at( x,y, nostr, drawmode, xoffs, yoffs);
// MKVersion_Setting_print( y, drawmode, xoffs,yoffs)
// Zeigt das aktuelle MK-Setting aus MKVersion zentriert in der
// Zeile y auf dem PKT-Screen an
void MKVersion_Setting_print( uint8_t y, uint8_t drawmode, uint8_t xoffs, uint8_t yoffs )
char buffer[18]; // String Buffer fuer eine Zeile
if( MKVersion.mksetting == 0 )
xsnprintf_P( buffer, 18, PSTR("* %S *"), strGet(STR_ERROR) ); // FC Setting konnte NICHT gelesen werden
else if( MKVersion.mksetting != 0 && MKVersion.paramsetOK ) // FC-Setting wurde gelesen...
xsnprintf_P( buffer, 18, PSTR("%u %s"), MKVersion.mksetting, MKVersion.mksettingName ); // ... passende FC-Reversion -> Nummer und Name anzeigen
xsnprintf_P( buffer, 18, PSTR("%u"), MKVersion.mksetting ); // ... aber FALSCHE FC-Version -> nicht den Namen anzeigen (nur die Nummer)
lcdx_print_center( y, (unsigned char *)buffer, drawmode, xoffs,yoffs); // Ausgabe Setting-Name (zentriert)
//# 2. Sonstiges - MK-Suche, Settings laden, MK-Info
#define SWITCH_DELAY 25 // alt 50
void MK_SwitchToNC( void )
// switch to NC
USART_putc (0x1b);
USART_putc (0x1b);
USART_putc (0x55);
USART_putc (0xaa);
USART_putc (0x00);
current_hardware = NC;
_delay_ms( SWITCH_DELAY );
void MK_SwitchToFC( void )
// switch to FC
cmd = 0x00; // 0 = FC, 1 = MK3MAG, 2 = MKGPS
SendOutData('u', ADDRESS_NC, 1, &cmd, 1);
current_hardware = FC;
_delay_ms( SWITCH_DELAY );
void MK_SwitchToMAG( void )
// switch to MK3MAG
cmd = 0x01; // 0 = FC, 1 = MK3MAG, 2 = MKGPS
SendOutData('u', ADDRESS_NC, 1, &cmd, 1);
current_hardware = MK3MAG;
_delay_ms( SWITCH_DELAY );
void MK_SwitchToGPS( void )
// switch to MKGPS
cmd = 0x02; // 0 = FC, 1 = MK3MAG, 2 = MKGPS
SendOutData('u', ADDRESS_NC, 1, &cmd, 1);
current_hardware = MKGPS;
_delay_ms( SWITCH_DELAY );
// ret = MK_Setting_load( lsetting, &mk_param_struct, showerror)
// holt MK-Settings - es wird auf die FC umgeschaltet!
uint8_t MK_Setting_load( uint8_t lsetting, uint8_t timeout )
// timeout = 15 bis 20 ist meist ein guter Wert
mode = 'Q'; // Settings Request
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
while( !rxd_buffer_locked && timeout )
SendOutData( 'q', ADDRESS_FC, 1, &lsetting, 1); // lsetting == 0xff -> aktuelles MK-Setting laden
timer2 = 25; // timer ist ggf. belegt von MK_Info() -> versuchen wir es mit timer2....
while( timer2 > 0 && !rxd_buffer_locked );
mode = 0;
// Initialisierungen
if( rxd_buffer_locked )
paramsetInit( (unsigned char *) pRxData ); // fuellt u.a. auch MKVersion.paramsetRevision
return MKVersion.mksetting; // wird von paramsetInit() gesetzt/initialisert
uint8_t MK_Setting_write( uint8_t wsetting, uint8_t timeout)
//uint8_t timeout = 50;
uint8_t setting;
if( !MKVersion.paramsetOK )
return 0; // Error
//MK_SwitchToFC(); // ?
setting = 0;
mode = 'S'; // Settings
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
while( !rxd_buffer_locked && timeout && !setting)
SendOutData( 's', ADDRESS_FC, 2, &wsetting, 1, (pRxData+1), paramsetSize() ); // pRxData+1 = die mk_datastruct beginnt bei +1; bei 0 ist die Settingsnummer
timer2 = 70;
while( timer2 > 0 && !rxd_buffer_locked );
if( rxd_buffer_locked )
setting = *pRxData;
if( !setting )
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
setting = MK_Setting_load( 0xff, 15); // damit pRxData & MKVersion initialisiert sind
return setting;
uint8_t MK_Setting_change( uint8_t setting )
uint8_t lsetting = 0;
uint8_t wsetting = 0;
lsetting = MK_Setting_load( setting, 20);
if( lsetting == setting )
wsetting = MK_Setting_write( setting, 50);
// DEBUG...
lcd_printf_at_P( 0, 1, MNORMAL, PSTR("load : %1u (req:%1u)"), lsetting, setting );
lcd_printf_at_P( 0, 2, MNORMAL, PSTR("write: %1u "), wsetting );
if( (setting != lsetting) || (setting != wsetting) )
set_beep( 1000, 0x0f0f, BeepNormal ); // Error
timer2 = 500; while( timer2 > 0 );
return wsetting; // 0 = Fehler; oder 1..5 = geschriebenes Setting
// ok = searchMK( showMKInfo )
// Parameter:
// showMKInfo: true/false
uint8_t searchMK( uint8_t showMKInfo )
uint8_t timeout;
//uint8_t setting; // aktuelles FC-Setting (1..5)
uint8_t RetVal = false;
uint8_t redraw = true;
uint8_t searchbar_y;
uint8_t searchbar_w = 0;
// Switch to NC
_delay_ms(50); // 24.03.2014 OG: manchmal wurde nicht auf eine vorhandene NC umgeschaltet
MK_SwitchToNC(); // evtl. wird das durch doppeltes Senden verbessert
// MK-Suchscreen - Versionsabfrage NC
mode = 'V';
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
timeout = 50;
//searchbar_y = 5*8-1;
searchbar_y = 5*8+2;
while( !rxd_buffer_locked )
// MK Suchscreen anzeigen
if( redraw )
PKT_TitlePKT(); // Titel mit PKT-Version anzeigen (mit Lipo-Anzeige)
lcdx_printp_center( 2, strGet(STR_PKT), MNORMAL, 0,2); // "PKT"
lcdx_printp_at( 0, 3, strGet(START_SEARCHFC), MNORMAL, 0,8); // "suche Mikrokopter..."
lcd_printp_at(12, 7, strGet(ENDE), MNORMAL); // Keyline
lcd_rect ( 0, searchbar_y , 126, 8, 1); // Rahmen fuer Bar-Anzeige
searchbar_w = 2;
redraw = false;
// PKT-LiPo Anzeige
// MK Datenanfrage
SendOutData( 'v', ADDRESS_ANY, 0); // Versions-Anfrage an MK senden
timer = 16; // kurze Verögerung fuer Datenanfrage und Fortschrittsbalken
while( timer > 0 );
// Fortschrittsbalken
lcd_frect( 2, searchbar_y+2, searchbar_w, 4, 1); // Fortschrittsbalken zeichnen...
searchbar_w += 2;
if( searchbar_w >= 125 )
searchbar_w = 0;
lcd_frect( 2, searchbar_y+2, 123, 4, 0);
// Tasten abfragen
if( get_key_press(1 << KEY_ESC) )
hardware = NO;
return false;
// Pruefe PKT-Update oder andere PKT-Aktion
if( PKT_CtrlHook() ) // Update vom Updatetool angefordert?
redraw = true;
// MK gefunden?
if( rxd_buffer_locked )
// TODO OG: testen mit entsprechendem Hardware Setup des MK's!
if( (rxd_buffer[1] - 'a') == ADDRESS_FC )
hardware = FC;
current_hardware = hardware;
MKVersion.isFC = true;
RetVal = true;
memcpy( &MKVersion.FCVer, (Version_t *) (pRxData), sizeof(Version_t) );
if( (rxd_buffer[1] - 'a') == ADDRESS_NC )
hardware = NC;
current_hardware = hardware;
MKVersion.isNC = true;
RetVal = true;
memcpy( &MKVersion.NCVer, (Version_t *) (pRxData), sizeof(Version_t) );
// jetzt: Version der FC abfragen
if( hardware == NC )
mode = 'V';
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
timeout = 40;
while( !rxd_buffer_locked && timeout)
SendOutData( 'v', ADDRESS_FC, 0);
timer = 20;
while( timer > 0 );
// FC gefunden!
// -> Version kopieren
if( rxd_buffer_locked )
MKVersion.isFC = true;
memcpy( &MKVersion.FCVer, (Version_t *) (pRxData), sizeof(Version_t) );
} // end: if( rxd_buffer_locked )
// FC EEprom Version / Struktur pruefen
MK_Setting_load( 0xff, 15 ); // 0xff == aktuelles Parameterset holen; 15 == timeout; Ergebnisse in MKVersion
mode = 0;
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
if( MKVersion.isNC )
MK_SwitchToNC(); // wieder auf NC umschalten als default
if( MKVersion.paramsetOK ) // FC Revision OK?
set_beep( 25, 0xffff, BeepNormal ); // kurzer Beep (FC-Revision ok)
if( showMKInfo ) MK_Info( 500, true ); // Anzeige von MK_Info() max. 5 Sekunden (mit Settings-Refresh)
else // FC Revision nicht unterstuetzt...
set_beep( 1000, 0xffff, BeepNormal ); // langer Error-Beep (FC-Revision nicht unterstuetzt)
if( showMKInfo ) MK_Info( 1600, true ); // Anzeige von MK_Info() max. 16 Sekunden (mit Settings-Refresh)
//timer = 50;
//while (timer > 0);
return RetVal;
} // searchMK()
// chg = MK_Info( displaytimeout, refreshSettings )
// Parameter:
// displaytimeout : 0 = kein autom. Timeout
// n = Anzeige verschwindet automatisch nach n Zeit
// (bei z.B. n=600 nach 6 Sekunden)
// refreshSettings: true/false
// true = in bestimmten Zeitintervallen (RELOAD_SETTING_TIME)
// wird MK_Setting_load() durchgeführt um ggf. einen Kopterwechsel
// automatisch zu erkennen.
// Dazu muss MKINFO_AUTO_REFRESH in main.h eingeschaltet sein!
// Rueckgabe:
// hardwarechange: true/false
uint8_t MK_Info( uint16_t displaytimeout, uint8_t refreshSettings )
uint8_t redraw;
uint8_t old_isFC;
uint8_t old_isNC;
old_isFC = MKVersion.isFC;
old_isNC = MKVersion.isNC;
//displaytimeout = 0;
if( displaytimeout )
timer = displaytimeout;
#define RELOAD_SETTING_TIME 350 // alle 0.35 sec neue Settings vom MK laden
timer_get_tidata = RELOAD_SETTING_TIME; // ich brauche weitere timer... und bediene mich jetzt mal bei einem osd-timer
// (timer2 ist belegt von MK_Setting_load)
redraw = true;
while( true )
// Screen neu zeichnen
if( redraw )
if( redraw != 2 )
show_Lipo(); // LiPo direkt anzeigen damit es nicht flackert
lcd_frect( 0, 0, 101, 8, 1); // Headline: Box fill Black mit Platz fuer PKT-LiPo rechts
lcdx_printp_at( 1, 0, PSTR("MK Info"), MINVERS, 0,0); // Titel
if( MKVersion.isFC || MKVersion.isNC ) // MK gefunden...
lcd_frect_round( 0, 30, 127, 22, 1, R2); // Fill: Anzeigebereich der Settings in Schwarz
// FC-Version
lcdx_printp_at( 0, 2, PSTR("FC:") , MNORMAL, 4,-5);
MKVersion_print_at( 4, 2, FC , MNORMAL, 2,-5);
// FC-Revision
lcdx_printp_at( 12, 2, PSTR("Rev:"), MNORMAL, 5,-5);
lcdx_printf_at_P( 17, 2, MNORMAL, 2,-5, PSTR("%03u"), MKVersion.paramsetRevision );
if( !MKVersion.paramsetOK )
lcdx_printp_at( 11, 3, PSTR(" Rev-ERR!"), MINVERS, 5,-4); // Fehler FC-Revision (nicht vom PKT unterstuetzt)
lcd_frect( 11*6+5, 3*8-4, 9*6, 8, 0); // ggf. Fehleranzeige loeschen (nach refreshSettings)
// NC-Version
lcdx_printp_at( 0, 3, PSTR("NC:") , MNORMAL, 4,-3);
MKVersion_print_at( 4, 3, NC , MNORMAL, 2,-3);
// aktuelles Setting
lcdx_printp_center( 4, PSTR("MK Setting"), MINVERS, 0,1); // "MK Setting" (zentriert)
//lcdx_printp_at( 5, 4, PSTR("MK Setting"), MINVERS, 4,1);
MKVersion_Setting_print( 5, MINVERS, 0,3);
else // else: if( MKVersion.isFC || MKVersion.isNC ) // KEINEN MK gefunden...
//PKT_Message_P( *text, error, timeout, beep, clearscreen )
PKT_Message_P( strGet(NOMKFOUND), false, 0, true, false ); // FEHLER! nodata (max. 8 Sekunden anzeigen)
} // end: if( MKVersion.isFC || MKVersion.isNC )
//lcd_printp_at( 19, 7, strGet(OK), MNORMAL); // Keyline
lcd_printp_at(12, 7, strGet(ENDE), MNORMAL); // Keyline
if( displaytimeout == 0 )
lcd_printp_at( 0, 7, PSTR("Refresh"), MNORMAL); // Keyline: Refresh
redraw = false;
} // end: if( redraw )
// PKT-LiPo Anzeige
// Tasten abfragen
if( get_key_press(1 << KEY_MINUS) && (displaytimeout == 0) )
searchMK( false ); // false = zeige nicht MK_Info() an
redraw = true;
if( get_key_short(1 << KEY_ESC) )
// Pruefe PKT-Update oder andere PKT-Aktion
if( PKT_CtrlHook() ) // Update vom Updatetool angefordert?
redraw = true;
// displaytimeout?
if( displaytimeout && !timer )
} // end: while( true )
return( (old_isFC != MKVersion.isFC) || (old_isNC != MKVersion.isNC) );
} // MK_Info()
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,143
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Kaiser, *
* Copyright (C) 2009 Peter "woggle" Mack, *
* Copyright (C) 2012 Christian "Cebra" Brandtner, *
* Copyright (C) 2012 Harald Bongartz *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* *
* Credits to: *
* Holger Buss & Ingo Busker from for the MK project + SVN *
* *
* Gregor "killagreg" Stobrawa for his version of the MK code *
* Thomas Kaiser "thkais" for the original project. See *
* *
* *
* Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje for providing the font and his C-OSD code *
* *
* Harald Bongartz "HaraldB" for providing his Ideas and Code for usibility*
//# HISTORY mkbase.h
//# 14.05.2014 OG
//# - chg: include "paramset.h" geaendert auf "../mksettings/paramset.h"
//# 29.03.2014 OG
//# - del: MK_Show_LastGPS_Position() -> jetzt: OSDDATA_ShowLastGPSPosition()/osddata.c
//# 28.03.2014 OG
//# - add: MK_Show_LastGPS_Position() - ehemals in main.c
//# 16.02.2014 OG
//# - add: MK_SwitchToNC(), MK_SwitchToFC(), MK_SwitchToMAG(), MK_SwitchToGPS()
//# - add: MK_Setting_write(), MK_Setting_change()
//# - chg: umbenannt: MK_load_setting() zu MK_Setting_load()
//# 13.02.2014 OG
//# - add: MKVersion_Cmp()
//# - add: defines zu VERSION... fuer MKVersion_Cmp()
//# - del: WrongFCVersion
//# 10.02.2014 OG
//# - add: MKVersion_Setting_print()
//# 09.02.2014 OG
//# - add: MK_Info()
//# - add: MKVersion_print_at
//# 08.02.2014 OG
//# - chg: MK_load_setting() Parameter geaendert
//# - add: extern MKVersion_t MKVersion
//# 29.01.2014 OG
//# - Ausgliederungen aus main.c
#ifndef _MKBASE_H
#define _MKBASE_H
//#include "../mksettings/paramset.h"
#include "../mk-data-structs.h"
typedef struct
unsigned char isFC; // true / false - FC vorhanden? -> wird gesetzt durch searchMK()
unsigned char isNC; // true / false - NC vorhanden? -> wird gesetzt durch searchMK()
Version_t FCVer; // -> wird gesetzt durch searchMK()
Version_t NCVer; // -> wird gesetzt durch searchMK()
unsigned char paramsetOK; // true wenn Revision in paramset.c vorhanden und initialisiert -> wird gesetzt druch paramsetInit()/paramset.c
unsigned char paramsetRevision; // Revision FC-Parameterset -> wird gesetzt druch paramsetInit()/paramset.c
uint8_t mksetting; // -> wird gesetzt druch paramsetInit()/paramset.c
unsigned char mksettingName[13]; // -> wird gesetzt druch paramsetInit()/paramset.c
} MKVersion_t;
// zur Orientierung: Version_t
//typedef struct
// unsigned char SWMajor;
// unsigned char SWMinor;
// unsigned char ProtoMajor;
// unsigned char ProtoMinor;
// unsigned char SWPatch;
// unsigned char HardwareError[5];
//} __attribute__((packed)) Version_t;
// MK-Versionsinformationen
// global verfuegbar
extern MKVersion_t MKVersion;
// defines fuer den Versionsvergleich von FC/NC
// siehe: MKVersion_Cmp()... (mkbase.c)
#define GIVEN_VERSION 2 // das macht die Sache leserlicher fuer resultierenden Ergebnisse! => siehe Anmerkungen: MKVersion_Cmp() !
#define VERSION_NO 0
void MKVersion_Init( void );
void MKVersion_print_at( uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t what, uint8_t drawmode, int8_t xoffs, int8_t yoffs );
void MKVersion_Setting_print( uint8_t y, uint8_t drawmode, uint8_t xoffs, uint8_t yoffs );
uint8_t MKVersion_Cmp( Version_t ver, unsigned char SWMajor, unsigned char SWMinor, unsigned char SWPatch );
void MK_SwitchToNC( void );
void MK_SwitchToFC( void );
void MK_SwitchToMAG( void );
void MK_SwitchToGPS( void );
uint8_t MK_Setting_load( uint8_t lsetting, uint8_t timeout );
uint8_t MK_Setting_write( uint8_t wsetting, uint8_t timeout);
uint8_t MK_Setting_change( uint8_t setting );
uint8_t MK_Info( uint16_t displaytimeout, uint8_t refreshSettings );
uint8_t searchMK( uint8_t showMKInfo );
#endif // end: #ifndef _MKBASE_H
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,416
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Kaiser, *
* Copyright (C) 2009 Peter "woggle" Mack, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Christian "Cebra" Brandtner, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Harald Bongartz *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* *
* Credits to: *
* Holger Buss & Ingo Busker from for the MK project + SVN *
* *
* Gregor "killagreg" Stobrawa for his version of the MK code *
* Thomas Kaiser "thkais" for the original project. See *
* *
* *
* Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje for providing the font and his C-OSD code *
* *
* Harald Bongartz "HaraldB" for providing his Ideas and Code for usibility*
//# HISTORY mkdebugdata.c
//# 04.06.2014 OG
//# komplett neues Layout
//# - chg: MK_DebugData(), GetAnalogNames() umgestellt auf PKT_Message_Datenverlust()
//# - chg: GetAnalogNames() Timeout reduziert
//# - add: #include "../lipo/lipo.h"
//# - add: #include "../pkt/pkt.h"
//# - add: #include <stdbool.h>
//# 29.01.2014 OG
//# - chg: ehemals display_debug() jetzt MK_DebugData()
//# - chg: ehemals 'debug.c' jetzt 'mk/mkdebugdata.c'
//# 03.04.2013 OG
//# - chg: define 'analognames' zu define 'USE_MKDEBUGDATA'
//# - add: Benutzer kann GetAnalogNames() via KEY_ESC abbrechen
//# - chg: Screen-Layout GetAnalogNames()
//# - chg: SwitchToNC/FC Reihenfolge
//# 27.03.2013 OG
//# - chg: auf malloc umgestellt
//# - fix: diverse Anzeigefehler
//# - chg: teilweise redunten Code entfernt
#include "../cpu.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../main.h"
#include "../lcd/lcd.h"
#include "../pkt/pkt.h"
#include "../lipo/lipo.h"
#include "../uart/usart.h"
#include "mkdebugdata.h"
#include "../timer/timer.h"
#include "../messages.h"
#include "../mk-data-structs.h"
#define PAGELINES 5 // Anzahl der Zeilen pro Anzeigescreens
#define XOFFS 4
#define YOFFS 12
#define TIMEOUT 200 // 2 sec
#define ANALOGTIME 20 // 200 ms
#define MKDD_ANALOGNAME_SIZE 2*32*17 // MALLOC: 32 names, 16 characters + 1 0x00
// WARNING: this work for NC & FC only
// if current_hardware == MK3MAG or MKGPS the access is outside of the array...
//uint8_t AnalogNames[2][32][16 + 1]; // 32 names, 16 characters + 1 0x00
uint8_t *AnalogNames; // MALLOC: MKDD_ANALOGNAME_SIZE - 32 names, 16 characters + 1 0x00
uint8_t AnalogNamesRead[2] = {0,0};
static const char strFC[] PROGMEM = "FC";
static const char strNC[] PROGMEM = "NC";
// Speicher wieder freigeben
void MKDD_MemFree( void )
free( AnalogNames );
void showTitle( void )
lcdx_printf_at_P( 0, 0, MINVERS, 0,0, PSTR(" %2S %16S"), (current_hardware==FC ? strFC : strNC), strGet(STR_DATA) ); // Titelzeile
// lOk = GetAnalogNames()
// Return:
// true = OK
// false = User-Abort (KEY_ESC)
uint8_t GetAnalogNames( void )
uint8_t i = AnalogNamesRead[current_hardware - 1];
uint8_t t = 0;
uint8_t lOk = TRUE;
int8_t yoffs = -2; // yoffs der Progress-Bar
lcd_cls ();
showTitle(); // Titel
lcdx_printf_center_P( 3, MNORMAL, 0,0, PSTR("%S %S %S"), strGet(STR_READING), (current_hardware==FC ? strFC : strNC), strGet(STR_LABELS) );
lcd_rect_round( 13, 40+yoffs, 102, 6, 1, R1); // Rahmen fuer Progress
lcd_printp_at(12, 7, strGet(ENDE), MNORMAL); // Keyline
mode = 'A'; // read Names
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
while( (i < 32) && lOk )
SendOutData ('a', ADDRESS_ANY, 1, &i, 1);
while( !rxd_buffer_locked && timer && lOk)
lOk = !get_key_press (1 << KEY_ESC);
if( timer )
Decode64 ();
if( i == *pRxData )
lcd_frect( 16, 42+yoffs, (i+1)*3, 2, 1); // Progress
memcpy( (uint8_t *) (AnalogNames+((current_hardware-1)*32*17)+(i*17)), (uint8_t *) pRxData + 1, 16);
*(AnalogNames+((current_hardware-1)*32*17)+(i*17)+16) = 0;
t = 0;
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
else if( lOk )
{ // timeout occured
if( t >= 15 ) // timeout?
//PKT_Message_Datenverlust( timeout, beep)
PKT_Message_Datenverlust( 500, true); // 500 = 5 Sekunden
lOk = !get_key_press( 1 << KEY_ESC );
if(lOk) AnalogNamesRead[current_hardware - 1] = i;
//_delay_ms(4000); // DEBUG
return lOk;
void showLabels( uint8_t page)
uint8_t i = 0;
for( i = 0; i < PAGELINES; i++ )
if( (i + (page * PAGELINES)) >= 32 )
//lcdx_cls_rowwidth( y, width, mode, xoffs, yoffs )
lcdx_cls_rowwidth( i, 20, MNORMAL, XOFFS,YOFFS );
lcdx_print_at( 0, i, AnalogNames+((current_hardware-1)*32*17)+(i + page * PAGELINES)*17, MNORMAL, XOFFS,YOFFS);
void MK_DebugData(void)
uint8_t tmp_dat;
uint8_t i = 0;
uint8_t page = 0;
uint8_t pagemax = (32/PAGELINES);
uint8_t redraw = 2;
DebugData_t *DebugData;
// alloc ram
AnalogNames = malloc( MKDD_ANALOGNAME_SIZE );
if( !AnalogNames )
memset( AnalogNames, 0, MKDD_ANALOGNAME_SIZE ); // init: AnalogNames
AnalogNamesRead[0] = 0;
AnalogNamesRead[1] = 0;
timer = TIMEOUT;
if( AnalogNamesRead[current_hardware - 1] < 32 )
if( !GetAnalogNames() )
if( !timer )
mode = 'D'; // Debug Data
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
timer = TIMEOUT;
timer1 = 0;
tmp_dat = 10;
SendOutData( 'd', ADDRESS_ANY, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
abo_timer = ABO_TIMEOUT;
if( redraw )
if( redraw==2 ) lcd_cls();
showTitle(); // Titelzeile
lcd_rect_round( 0, (1*8)+1, 127, (6*8)-4, 1, R2); // Rahmen fuer 5 Zeilen Display
showLabels( page );
lcd_printp_at( 0, 7, strGet(KEYLINE3), 0);
lcd_write_number_u_at (5, 7, page + 1);
lcd_printp_at( (current_hardware==FC ? 3 : 19), 7, strFC, 0);
lcd_printp_at( (current_hardware==FC ? 19 : 3), 7, strNC, 0);
redraw = false;
if( rxd_buffer_locked )
DebugData = (DebugData_t *) pRxData;
if( !timer1 )
for( i = 0; i < PAGELINES && (i + (page * PAGELINES)) < 32; i++)
writex_ndigit_number_s( 21-6, i, DebugData->Analog[i + page * PAGELINES], 5, 0, MNORMAL, XOFFS,YOFFS);
timer1 = 25; // Anzeigeverzoegerung damit es nicht flackert
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
timer = TIMEOUT;
if( !abo_timer )
{ // renew abo every ... sec
tmp_dat = 10;
SendOutData( 'd', ADDRESS_ANY, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
abo_timer = ABO_TIMEOUT;
// PKT LiPo anzeigen
// Pruefe PKT Update oder andere PKT-Aktion
if( PKT_CtrlHook() ) // Update vom Updatetool angefordert?
redraw = 2;
timer = TIMEOUT;
// Tasten
if( get_key_press(1 << KEY_MINUS) )
if( page > pagemax ) page = pagemax;
redraw = true;
if( get_key_press(1 << KEY_PLUS) )
if( page > pagemax ) page = 0;
redraw = true;
if( (hardware == NC) && get_key_press (1 << KEY_ENTER) )
if( current_hardware == NC ) SwitchToFC();
else SwitchToNC();
if( AnalogNamesRead[current_hardware - 1] < 32 )
if( !GetAnalogNames() )
mode = 'D'; // Debug Data
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
timer = TIMEOUT;
tmp_dat = 10;
SendOutData ('d', ADDRESS_ANY, 1, &tmp_dat, 1);
//page = 0;
redraw = true;
while (!get_key_press(1 << KEY_ESC) && timer); // Taste: Ende oder Timeout
tmp_dat = 0;
SendOutData ('d', ADDRESS_ANY, 1, &tmp_dat, 1); // Request Debugdata abschalten
mode = 0;
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
if( !timer )
{ // timeout occured
//PKT_Message_Datenverlust( timeout, beep)
PKT_Message_Datenverlust( 500, true); // 500 = 5 Sekunden
// free ram
#endif // end: #ifdef USE_MKDEBUGDATA
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,51
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Kaiser, *
* Copyright (C) 2009 Peter "woggle" Mack, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Christian "Cebra" Brandtner, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Harald Bongartz *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* *
* Credits to: *
* Holger Buss & Ingo Busker from for the MK project + SVN *
* *
* Gregor "killagreg" Stobrawa for his version of the MK code *
* Thomas Kaiser "thkais" for the original project. See *
* *
* *
* Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje for providing the font and his C-OSD code *
* *
* Harald Bongartz "HaraldB" for providing his Ideas and Code for usibility*
//# HISTORY mkdebugdata.h
//# 29.01.2014 OG
//# - chg: ehemals display_debug() jetzt MK_DebugData()
//# - chg: ehemals 'debug.h' jetzt 'mk/mkdebugdata.h'
//# - add: Source-History ergaenzt
extern uint8_t AnalogNamesRead[2];
void MK_DebugData(void);
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,267
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Kaiser, *
* Copyright (C) 2009 Peter "woggle" Mack, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Christian "Cebra" Brandtner, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Harald Bongartz *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* *
* Credits to: *
* Holger Buss & Ingo Busker from for the MK project + SVN *
* *
* Gregor "killagreg" Stobrawa for his version of the MK code *
* Thomas Kaiser "thkais" for the original project. See *
* *
* *
* Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje for providing the font and his C-OSD code *
* *
* Harald Bongartz "HaraldB" for providing his Ideas and Code for usibility*
//# HISTORY mkdisplay.c
//# 05.04.2015 Cebra
//# - chg: SendOutData( 'h', ADDRESS_ANY, 2, &cmd, 1, 0x00 ,1) ergänzt um 2. Parameter wegen Fehlfunktion mit NC 2.09h
//# 04.06.2014 OG
//# - chg: MK_Display() umgestellt auf PKT_Message_Datenverlust()
//# 31.05.2014 OG
//# - chg: MK_Display() - umgestellt auf PKT_KeylineUpDown()
//# 28.04.2014 OG
//# - chg: MK_Display() - leichte Optimierung der Display-Ausgabe um ein paar
//# Bytes Code zu sparen
//# 09.04.2014 OG - vervollstaendigte Steuerung des MK-Display's
//# - chg: die Tasten fuer 'Ende' und NC/FC-Umschaltung muessen jetzt lange
//# gedruekckt werden (get_key_long) - keine Beschriftung mehr dafuer
//# vorhanden da die Beschriftung jetzt hoch/runter zeigt!
//# (aber 'Ende' ist da wo es immer im PKT ist)
//# - add: Unterstuetzung der hoch/runter Tasten
//# - chg: diverse Aenderungen bei der Kommunkation und Einbindung aktueller
//# Funktionen von mkbase.c
//# 29.01.2014 OG
//# - chg: ehemals display_data() jetzt MK_display()
//# - chg: ehemals 'display.c' jetzt 'mk/mkdisplay.c'
//# 25.01.2014 OG
//# - optisches Facelift
//# - PKT_CtrlHook() eingeklinkt
//# - Versionshistorie hinzugefuegt
#include "../cpu.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "../main.h"
#include "../lcd/lcd.h"
#include "../uart/usart.h"
#include "../timer/timer.h"
#include "../messages.h"
#include "../lipo/lipo.h"
#include "../pkt/pkt.h"
#include "../mk-data-structs.h"
#include "mkbase.h"
#include "mkdisplay.h"
#define TIMEOUT 500 // 5 sec
uint8_t ACC_Display=false;
void MK_Display(void)
uint8_t cmd;
uint8_t redraw = true;
uint8_t exit = false;
mode = 'H';
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
timer = TIMEOUT;
// cmd = 0xfc; // Home = first page
cmd = 0xff; // aktuelle Seite
redraw = true;
MK_SwitchToFC(); // add 31.3.2014 Cebra, definierter Zustand
if (ACC_Display==true)
cmd = 0x06;
SendOutData( 'l', ADDRESS_ANY, 1, &cmd,1);
cmd = 0xff;
if( rxd_buffer_locked )
Decode64 ();
// RX-Buffer freigeben
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
timer = TIMEOUT;
} // end: if( rxd_buffer_locked )
// _delay_ms(250);
// Screen neu zeichnen
if( redraw )
ShowTitle_P( ( current_hardware == NC ? PSTR("NC") : PSTR("FC") ), true );
lcd_printp_at( 4, 0, PSTR("Display"), MINVERS);
lcd_rect_round( 0, 2*7-3, 127, 5*7+3+3, 1, R2); // Rahmen
lcdx_printp_at( 2, 7, PSTR("\x18 \x19"), MNORMAL, 0,0); // Keyline: Links / Rechts
PKT_KeylineUpDown( 18, 13, 0,0); // Keyline: Down / Up
redraw = false;
SendOutData( 'h', ADDRESS_ANY, 2, &cmd, 1, 0x00 ,1); // 05.04.2015 Cebra, Parameter wg NC 2.09i
cmd = 0xff;
if( rxd_buffer_locked )
Decode64 ();
// Ausgabe auf PKT-Anzeige
// 4 Zeilen a 20 Zeichen
// (Anzeige von unten nach oben)
rxd_buffer[83] = 0;
lcdx_print_at( 0,5, (uint8_t *) &rxd_buffer[3+60], MNORMAL, 5,2);
rxd_buffer[63] = 0;
lcdx_print_at( 0,4, (uint8_t *) &rxd_buffer[3+40], MNORMAL, 5,1);
rxd_buffer[43] = 0;
lcdx_print_at( 0,3, (uint8_t *) &rxd_buffer[3+20], MNORMAL, 5,0);
rxd_buffer[23] = 0;
lcdx_print_at( 0,2, (uint8_t *) &rxd_buffer[3+ 0], MNORMAL, 5,-1);
// RX-Buffer freigeben
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
timer = TIMEOUT;
} // end: if( rxd_buffer_locked )
// Pruefe PKT Update oder andere PKT-Aktion
if( PKT_CtrlHook() ) // Update vom Updatetool angefordert?
redraw = true;
if( get_key_press(1 << KEY_MINUS) || get_key_long_rpt_sp((1 << KEY_MINUS),2) )
cmd = 0xfe; // key: rechts (next page)
if( get_key_press(1 << KEY_PLUS) || get_key_long_rpt_sp((1 << KEY_PLUS),2) )
cmd = 0xfd; // key: links (previous page)
if( get_key_short(1 << KEY_ESC) )
cmd = 0xfb; // key: runter
if( get_key_short(1 << KEY_ENTER) )
cmd = 0xf7; // key: hoch
if( (hardware == NC) && get_key_long(1 << KEY_ENTER) )
set_beep( 25, 0xffff, BeepNormal ); // kurzer Bestaetigungs-Beep
if( current_hardware == NC )
redraw = true;
redraw = true;
// cmd = 0xff;
timer2 = 50;
while( timer2 > 0 );
if( get_key_long(1 << KEY_ESC) )
set_beep( 25, 0xffff, BeepNormal ); // kurzer Bestaetigungs-Beep
exit = true;
while( (!exit) && timer );
mode = 0;
rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
// Timeout?
if( !timer )
{ // timeout occured
//PKT_Message_Datenverlust( timeout, beep)
PKT_Message_Datenverlust( 500, true); // 500 = 5 Sekunden
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,53
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Kaiser, *
* Copyright (C) 2009 Peter "woggle" Mack, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Christian "Cebra" Brandtner, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Harald Bongartz *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* *
* Credits to: *
* Holger Buss & Ingo Busker from for the MK project + SVN *
* *
* Gregor "killagreg" Stobrawa for his version of the MK code *
* Thomas Kaiser "thkais" for the original project. See *
* *
* *
* Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje for providing the font and his C-OSD code *
* *
* Harald Bongartz "HaraldB" for providing his Ideas and Code for usibility*
//# HISTORY mkdisplay.h
//# 29.01.2014 OG
//# - chg: ehemals display_data() jetzt MK_display()
//# - chg: ehemals 'display.h' jetzt 'mk/mkdisplay.h'
//# - add: Source-History ergaenzt
#ifndef _DISPLAY_H
#define _DISPLAY_H
extern uint8_t ACC_Display;
void MK_Display(void);
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,425
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Kaiser, *
* Copyright (C) 2009 Peter "woggle" Mack, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Christian "Cebra" Brandtner, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Harald Bongartz *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* *
* Credits to: *
* Holger Buss & Ingo Busker from for the MK project + SVN *
* *
* Gregor "killagreg" Stobrawa for his version of the MK code *
* Thomas Kaiser "thkais" for the original project. See *
* *
* *
* Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje for providing the font and his C-OSD code *
* *
* Harald Bongartz "HaraldB" for providing his Ideas and Code for usibility*
//# HISTORY mkgpsinfo.c
//# 04.06.2014 OG
//# - chg: MK_Gps_Info() umgestellt auf PKT_Message_Datenverlust()
//# 14.05.2014 OG
//# - chg: Code-Redesign; neues Screen-Layout; Code-Reduzierung;
//# Anpassungen an neue PKT-Funktionen
//# - chg: umbenannt von 'gps.c' zu 'mkgpsinfo.c'
//# - chg: gps() ist jetzt MK_Gps_Info()
//# - add: Source-Historie ergaenzt
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "../main.h"
#include "../lcd/lcd.h"
#include "../timer/timer.h"
#include "../uart/usart.h"
#include "../lipo/lipo.h"
#include "../pkt/pkt.h"
#include "../mk/mkbase.h"
#include "../messages.h"
//#define DEBUG_MKGPS // erweiterte Anzeigen zum debuggen
#define GPSTIMEOUT 300 // 3 Sekunden
#define UBX_BUFFER_SIZE 100 // 100 Byte Buffer fuer GPS-Daten
uint8_t ck_a = 0;
uint8_t ck_b = 0;
union long_union
uint32_t dword;
uint8_t byte[4];
} longUnion;
union int_union
uint16_t dword;
uint8_t byte[2];
} intUnion;
uint32_t join_4_bytes(uint8_t Buffer[])
longUnion.byte[0] = *Buffer;
longUnion.byte[1] = *(Buffer+1);
longUnion.byte[2] = *(Buffer+2);
longUnion.byte[3] = *(Buffer+3);
return (longUnion.dword);
void checksum(uint8_t data)
ck_a += data;
ck_b += ck_a;
void MK_Gps_Info( void )
uint8_t UBX_buffer[UBX_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t UBX_payload_counter = 0;
uint8_t UBX_class = 0;
uint8_t UBX_id = 0;
uint8_t UBX_ck_a = 0;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t length = 0;
uint8_t state = 0;
uint8_t redraw = true;
uint8_t refresh = false;
uint8_t yoffs = 1; // Anzeige-Verschiebung: der obere Bereich
uint8_t yoffs2 = 4; // Anzeige-Verschiebung: GPS-Koordinaten
int16_t v_16; // tmp-Variable
int32_t v_32; // tmp-Variable
uint8_t maxlen = 0;
MK_SwitchToNC(); // Anmerkung OG: warum auch immer es besser ist erst auf die NC
MK_SwitchToGPS(); // umzuschalten... es laeuft so scheinbar zuverlaessiger
timer_mk_timeout = GPSTIMEOUT;
if( redraw )
ShowTitle_P( PSTR("MK GPS Info"), true);
lcdx_printp_at( 0,1, PSTR("Fix:"), MNORMAL, 0,yoffs );
lcdx_printp_at( 0,2, PSTR("Sat:"), MNORMAL, 0,yoffs );
lcdx_printp_at( 0,3, PSTR("Alt:"), MNORMAL, 0,yoffs );
lcdx_printp_at( 9,1, PSTR("PDOP:"), MNORMAL, 3,yoffs );
lcdx_printp_at( 9,2, PSTR("Accu:"), MNORMAL, 3,yoffs );
lcdx_printp_at( 9,3, PSTR("Sped:"), MNORMAL, 3,yoffs );
lcd_frect( 0, (4*7)+4+yoffs2, 127, 7, 1); // GPS: Rect: Invers
lcdx_printp_at(1, 3, strGet(START_LASTPOS1), MINVERS, 0,8+yoffs2); // GPS: "Breitengr Längengr"
lcd_rect( 0, (3*8)+7+yoffs2, 127, (2*8)+4, 1); // GPS: Rahmen
lcdx_printp_at(12,7, strGet(ENDE), MNORMAL, 0,1); // KEYLINE
redraw = false;
if( refresh )
if((UBX_class == 1) && (UBX_id == 6)) // GPS: SVINFO
// GPS Status
switch( UBX_buffer[10] )
case 4:
case 3: lcdx_printp_at( 5, 1, PSTR("3D"), MNORMAL, 1,yoffs); break;
case 2: lcdx_printp_at( 5, 1, PSTR("2D"), MNORMAL, 1,yoffs); break;
default: lcdx_printp_at( 5, 1, PSTR("no"), MNORMAL, 1,yoffs);
// GPS ok => ein Haken wird angezeigt
if( (UBX_buffer[11] & 1) == 1 ) lcdx_putc( 7, 1, SYMBOL_CHECK, MNORMAL, 3,yoffs );
else lcdx_putc( 7, 1, ' ', MNORMAL, 3,yoffs );
// Anzeige von "D" - evtl. DGPS (Differential GPS)?
// aktuell nicht mehr unterstuetzt da kein Platz auf dem Screen
//if( (UBX_buffer[11] & 3) == 3 ) lcd_printp_at (10,0, PSTR("D"), 0);
//else lcd_printp_at (10,0, PSTR(" "), 0);
// Sat
lcdx_printf_at_P( 5, 2, MNORMAL, 0,yoffs, PSTR("%2u"), UBX_buffer[47] );
v_16 = UBX_buffer[44]+UBX_buffer[45]*255;
lcdx_printf_at_P( 15, 1, MNORMAL, 0,yoffs, PSTR("%2.2d"), v_16 );
// Accuracy
v_32 = (int32_t)join_4_bytes(&UBX_buffer[24]);
lcdx_printf_at_P( 15, 2, MNORMAL, 0,yoffs, PSTR("%2.2ldm"), v_32 );
if((UBX_class == 1) && (UBX_id == 18)) // GPS: VELNED
// Speed
v_16 = (int16_t)((join_4_bytes(&UBX_buffer[20])*60*60)/100000);
lcdx_printf_at_P( 15, 3, MNORMAL, 0,yoffs, PSTR("%3dkmH"), v_16 );
//uint16_t speed = (uint16_t)((join_4_bytes(&UBX_buffer[20])*60*60)/100000);
//write_ndigit_number_u (11, 4, speed, 3, 0,0);
//lcd_printp_at (15,4, PSTR("km/h"), 0);
if((UBX_class == 1) && (UBX_id == 2)) // GPS: POSLLH
// Altitude
v_16 = (int16_t)(join_4_bytes(&UBX_buffer[16])/1000);
//v_16 = v_16 + 3000;
lcdx_printf_at_P( 4, 3, MNORMAL, 1,yoffs, PSTR("%4d"), v_16 );
//uint16_t height = (uint16_t)(join_4_bytes(&UBX_buffer[16])/1000);
//write_ndigit_number_u (11, 7, height, 4, 0,0);
//lcd_printp_at(16,7, PSTR("m"), 0);
// Breitengrad - Lat (51.)
v_32 = join_4_bytes(&UBX_buffer[8]);
writex_gpspos( 1, 4, v_32 , MNORMAL, 0,10+yoffs2); // Anzeige: Breitengrad
//write_ndigit_number_u ( 0, 7, (uint16_t)(lat/10000000), 2, 0,0);
//lcd_printp_at ( 2, 7, PSTR("."), 0);
//write_ndigit_number_u ( 3, 7, (uint16_t)((lat/1000) % 10000), 4, 1,0);
//write_ndigit_number_u ( 7, 7, (uint16_t)((lat/10) % 100), 2, 1,0);
// Laengengrad - Long (7.)
v_32 = join_4_bytes(&UBX_buffer[4]);
writex_gpspos( 12, 4, v_32, MNORMAL, -1,10+yoffs2); // Anzeige: Laengengrad
//write_ndigit_number_u (10, 7, (uint16_t)(lon/10000000), 2, 0,0);
//lcd_printp_at (12, 7, PSTR("."), 0);
//write_ndigit_number_u (13, 7, (uint16_t)((lon/1000) % 10000), 4, 1,0);
//write_ndigit_number_u (17, 7, (uint16_t)((lon/10) % 100), 2, 1,0);
// PKT-LiPo Anzeige
refresh = false;
} // end: if( refresh )
if( uart_getc_nb( &data ) )
switch( state )
case 0: if( data == 0xB5 ) // GPS: init 1
UBX_payload_counter = 0;
UBX_id = 0;
UBX_class = 0;
ck_a = 0;
ck_b = 0;
case 1: if( data == 0x62 ) // GPS: init 2
state = 0;
case 2: if( data != 1 ) // GPS: class
state = 0;
UBX_class = data;
case 3: if( (data != 48) // GPS: id
&&(data != 6 )
&&(data != 18)
&&(data != 2 ))
state = 0;
UBX_id = data;
case 4: if( data >= UBX_BUFFER_SIZE ) // GPS: length lo
state = 0;
length = data;
// DEBUG - Anzeige der Paketgroesse
if( data > maxlen )
// groesstes gemessenes Paket lag bei 181
// ob man das Paket braucht ist eine andere Frage
maxlen = data;
lcdx_printf_at_P( 1, 7, MNORMAL, 0,1, PSTR("%3u"), maxlen );
set_beep( 25, 0xffff, BeepNormal ); // kurzer Beep
case 5: if( data != 0 ) // GPS: length hi
state = 0;
case 6: UBX_buffer[UBX_payload_counter] = data; // GPS: data
if( length == 0 )
case 7: state++; // GPS: check lo
UBX_ck_a = data;
case 8: state = 0; // GPS: check hi
if((UBX_ck_a == ck_a) && (data == ck_b))
timer_mk_timeout = GPSTIMEOUT;
refresh = true;
} // end: switch( state )
} // end: if( uart_getc_nb(&data) )
// Pruefe PKT-Update oder andere PKT-Aktion
// funktioniert hier nicht - warum auch immer
if( PKT_CtrlHook() ) // Update vom Updatetool angefordert?
redraw = true;
} while( !get_key_press(1 << KEY_ESC) && timer_mk_timeout );
// in den Timeout gelaufen?
if( !timer_mk_timeout )
//PKT_Message_Datenverlust( timeout, beep)
PKT_Message_Datenverlust( 500, true); // 500 = 5 Sekunden
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,50
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Kaiser, *
* Copyright (C) 2009 Peter "woggle" Mack, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Christian "Cebra" Brandtner, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Harald Bongartz *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* *
* Credits to: *
* Holger Buss & Ingo Busker from for the MK project + SVN *
* *
* Gregor "killagreg" Stobrawa for his version of the MK code *
* Thomas Kaiser "thkais" for the original project. See *
* *
* *
* Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje for providing the font and his C-OSD code *
* *
* Harald Bongartz "HaraldB" for providing his Ideas and Code for usibility*
//# HISTORY mkgpsinfo.h
//# 14.05.2014 OG
//# - chg: umbenannt von 'gps.h' zu 'mkgpsinfo.h'
//# - chg: gps() ist jetzt MK_Gps_Info()
//# - add: Source-Historie ergaenzt
#ifndef _GPS_H
#define _GPS_H
void MK_Gps_Info( void );
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Property changes:
Added: svn:ignore