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Title: Interrupt UART library with receive/transmit circular buffers
Author: Peter Fleury <>
File: $Id: uart.c,v 2009/11/29 08:56:12 Peter Exp $
Software: AVR-GCC 4.1, AVR Libc 1.4.6 or higher
Hardware: any AVR with built-in UART,
License: GNU General Public License
An interrupt is generated when the UART has finished transmitting or
receiving a byte. The interrupt handling routines use circular buffers
for buffering received and transmitted data.
the buffer size in bytes. Note that these variables must be a
power of 2.
Refere to the header file uart.h for a description of the routines.
See also example test_uart.c.
Based on Atmel Application Note AVR306
Copyright (C) 2006 Peter Fleury
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
//# HISTORY uart1.c
//# 08.08.2015 CB
//# - chg: Umbau ISR(USART1_RX_vect) um Behandlung der NMEA Datensätze
//# 06.08.2015 CB
//# - add: uint8_t receiveNMEA // Flag zur Empfangssteuerung in ISR(USART1_RX_vect)
//# - add: Erweiterung ISR(USART1_RX_vect) um Behandlung der NMEA Datensätze
//# 26.06.2014 OG
//# - del: receiveNMEA
//# 04.07.2013 Cebra
//# - add: neue Funktion uart1_peek
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "uart1.h"
#include "usart.h"
#include "../main.h"
#include "../bluetooth/bluetooth.h"
#include "../tracking/tracking.h"
#include "../avr-nmea-gps-library/nmea.h"
// constants and macros
// size of RX/TX buffers
#error RX buffer size is not a power of 2
#error TX buffer size is not a power of 2
// ATmega with two USART
#define UART1_DATA UDR1
// module global variables
#if defined( ATMEGA_USART1 )
static volatile unsigned char UART1_TxBuf[UART_TX_BUFFER_SIZE];
static volatile unsigned char UART1_RxBuf[UART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE];
static volatile unsigned char UART1_TxHead;
static volatile unsigned char UART1_TxTail;
static volatile unsigned char UART1_RxHead;
static volatile unsigned char UART1_RxTmpHead;
static volatile unsigned char UART1_RxTail;
static volatile unsigned char UART1_LastRxError;
static volatile unsigned char UART1_RxTmpHead;;
volatile uint16_t UART1_RxError;
volatile uint8_t UART1_receiveNMEA = false;
void SetBaudUart1(uint8_t Baudrate)
switch (Baudrate)
case Baud_2400: uart1_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(2400,F_CPU) ); break;
case Baud_4800: uart1_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(4800,F_CPU) ); break;
// case Baud_9600: uart1_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(9600,F_CPU) ); break;
case Baud_9600: uart1_init( 129); break;
case Baud_19200: uart1_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(19200,F_CPU) ); break;
case Baud_38400: uart1_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(38400,F_CPU) ); break;
case Baud_57600: uart1_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(57600,F_CPU) ); break;
// case Baud_57600: uart1_init( 21); break;
// case Baud_115200: uart1_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(115200,F_CPU) ); break;
case Baud_115200: uart1_init( 10 ); break;
// these functions are only for ATmegas with two USART
#if defined( ATMEGA_USART1 )
#if 0
// Function: UART1 Receive Complete interrupt
// Purpose: called when the UART1 has received a character
unsigned char tmphead;
unsigned char data;
unsigned char usr;
unsigned char lastRxError;
// read UART status register and UART data register
data = UART1_DATA;
lastRxError = (usr & (_BV(FE1)|_BV(DOR1)) );
// calculate buffer index
tmphead = ( UART1_RxHead + 1) & UART_RX_BUFFER_MASK;
if ( tmphead == UART1_RxTail )
// error: receive buffer overflow
lastRxError = UART_BUFFER_OVERFLOW >> 8;
// store new index
UART1_RxHead = tmphead;
// store received data in buffer
UART1_RxBuf[tmphead] = data;
UART1_LastRxError = lastRxError;
#warning Test neue UART ISR für NMEA
// Function: UART1 Receive Complete interrupt, decode NMEA GPGGA
// Purpose: called when the UART1 has received a character
unsigned char tmphead;
unsigned char data;
unsigned char usr;
unsigned char lastRxError;
data = UART1_DATA;
lastRxError = (usr & (_BV(FE1)|_BV(DOR1)) );
// calculate buffer index
tmphead = ( UART1_RxHead + 1) & UART_RX_BUFFER_MASK;
if ( tmphead == UART1_RxTail )
// error: receive buffer overflow
lastRxError = UART_BUFFER_OVERFLOW >> 8;
if (UART1_receiveNMEA)
fusedata(data); // NMEA Daten bearbeiten
else // if (UART1_receiveNMEA)
// store new index
UART1_RxHead = tmphead;
// store received data in buffer
UART1_RxBuf[tmphead] = data;
UART1_LastRxError = lastRxError;
//// Function: UART1 Receive Complete interrupt, decode NMEA GPGGA
//// Purpose: called when the UART1 has received a character
// unsigned char tmphead;
// unsigned char data;
// unsigned char usr;
// unsigned char lastRxError;
// static volatile uint8_t GGA;
// static char buffer[6];
// static volatile uint8_t bufferindex;
// static volatile uint8_t NMEAstart,NMEAend = false;
// // read UART status register and UART data register
// usr = UART1_STATUS;
// data = UART1_DATA;
// lastRxError = (usr & (_BV(FE1)|_BV(DOR1)) );
// // calculate buffer index
// tmphead = ( UART1_RxHead + 1) & UART_RX_BUFFER_MASK;
// if ( tmphead == UART1_RxTail )
// {
// // error: receive buffer overflow
// lastRxError = UART_BUFFER_OVERFLOW >> 8;
// UART1_RxError++;
// }
// else
// {
// if (UART1_receiveNMEA)
// {
// cli();
// switch(data)
// {
// case '$': //start of a packet
// if (!NMEAstart && GGA) // falls mitten im Datensatz eine neuer kommt, warum auch immer
// {
// // restore index, war kein GPGGA Datensatz
// UART1_RxHead = UART1_RxTmpHead;
// memset(buffer,0,6);
// bufferindex=0; //wipe all these so they can be reused
// }
// NMEAstart = true;
// NMEAend = false;
// GGA=false;
// bufferindex=0; //wipe all these so they can be reused
// UART1_RxTmpHead = tmphead-1; // erstmal sichern, Start des NMEA Datensatzes
// // store new index, erstam in den Buffer schreiben
// UART1_RxHead = tmphead;
// // store received data in buffer
// UART1_RxBuf[tmphead] = data;
//// USART_putc(data);
// sei();
// break;
// default: //we have some of the CSV data
// if(bufferindex<6) //dont mess up ! Dont overflow
// {
// buffer[bufferindex]=data; //stick the character in our buffer
// }
// if(GGA)
// {
// // store new index, erstam in den Buffer schreiben
// UART1_RxHead = tmphead;
// // store received data in buffer
// UART1_RxBuf[tmphead] = data;
//// USART_putc(data);
// switch ( data)
// {
// case '\r' :
// GGA = false;
// bufferindex=0; //wipe all these so they can be reused
// NMEAstart = false;
// NMEAend = true;
// memset(buffer,0,6);
// break; // Ende mit NMEA Datensatz
// case '\n' :
// GGA = false;
// bufferindex=0; //wipe all these so they can be reused
// NMEAstart = false;
// NMEAend = true;
// memset(buffer,0,6);
// break; // Ende mit NMEA Datensatz
// }
// }
// else if(NMEAstart) //the header, erstes Komma noch nicht gekommen
// {
// if(bufferindex<4)
// {
// bufferindex++; //increase the position in the buffer
// // store new index, erstmal in den Buffer schreiben
// UART1_RxHead = tmphead;
// // store received data in buffer
// UART1_RxBuf[tmphead] = data;
//// USART_putc(data);
// }
// else
// {
//// cli();
// if(!strcmp(buffer,"GPGGA")) //the last character will be a 0(end of string)
// {
// GGA=true;
// NMEAstart = false;
// // store new index, erstmal in den Buffer schreiben
// UART1_RxHead = tmphead;
// // store received data in buffer
// UART1_RxBuf[tmphead] = data;
//// USART_putc(data);
//// sei();
// }
// else
// {
// // restore index, war kein GPGGA Datensatz
// UART1_RxHead = UART1_RxTmpHead;
//// commacount=0;
// memset(buffer,0,6);
// bufferindex=0; //wipe all these so they can be reused
// NMEAstart = false;
//// sei();
// }
// }
// }
// else if (!NMEAend && !GGA) UART1_RxHead = UART1_RxTmpHead; // Zeichen verwerfen
// } // end switch (data)
// }
// else // if (UART1_receiveNMEA)
// {
// // store new index
// UART1_RxHead = tmphead;
// // store received data in buffer
// UART1_RxBuf[tmphead] = data;
// }
// }
// UART1_LastRxError = lastRxError;
// Function: UART1 Data Register Empty interrupt
// Purpose: called when the UART1 is ready to transmit the next byte
unsigned char tmptail;
if ( UART1_TxHead != UART1_TxTail)
// calculate and store new buffer index
tmptail = (UART1_TxTail + 1) & UART_TX_BUFFER_MASK;
UART1_TxTail = tmptail;
// get one byte from buffer and write it to UART
UART1_DATA = UART1_TxBuf[tmptail]; // start transmission
// tx buffer empty, disable UDRE interrupt
// Function: uart1_init()
// Purpose: initialize UART1 and set baudrate
// Input: baudrate using macro UART_BAUD_SELECT()
// Returns: none
void uart1_init(unsigned int baudrate)
UART1_TxHead = 0;
UART1_TxTail = 0;
UART1_RxHead = 0;
UART1_RxTail = 0;
UART1_RxError = 0;
UART1_receiveNMEA = false; //Empfang von NMEA Daten aus
// Set baud rate
if ( baudrate & 0x8000 )
UART1_STATUS = (1<<U2X1); //Enable 2x speed
baudrate &= ~0x8000;
UBRR1H = (unsigned char)(baudrate>>8);
UBRR1L = (unsigned char) baudrate;
// Enable USART receiver and transmitter and receive complete interrupt
// Set frame format: asynchronous, 8data, no parity, 1stop bit
#ifdef URSEL1
UCSR1C = (1<<URSEL1)|(3<<UCSZ10);
UCSR1C = (3<<UCSZ10);
// UCSR1C = (1<<UCSZ11) | (1<<UCSZ10); // 8data Bit
// Function: uart1_getc()
// Purpose: return byte from ringbuffer
// Returns: lower byte: received byte from ringbuffer
// higher byte: last receive error
unsigned int uart1_getc(void)
unsigned char tmptail;
unsigned char data;
if ( UART1_RxHead == UART1_RxTail )
return UART_NO_DATA; // no data available
// calculate /store buffer index
tmptail = (UART1_RxTail + 1) & UART_RX_BUFFER_MASK;
UART1_RxTail = tmptail;
// get data from receive buffer
data = UART1_RxBuf[tmptail];
return (UART1_LastRxError << 8) + data;
}/* uart1_getc */
// Function: uart1_peek()
// Purpose: Returns the next byte (character) of incoming serial data without removing it from the internal serial buffer
// Returns: lower byte: received byte from ringbuffer
// higher byte: last receive error
int uart1_peek(void)
unsigned char tmptail;
unsigned char data;
if ( UART1_RxHead == UART1_RxTail )
return -1; // no data available
// calculate /store buffer index
tmptail = (UART1_RxTail + 1) & UART_RX_BUFFER_MASK;
// get data from receive buffer
data = UART1_RxBuf[tmptail];
return (UART1_LastRxError << 8) + data;
}/* uart1_getc */
//int HardwareSerial::peek(void)
// if (_rx_buffer->head == _rx_buffer->tail) {
// return -1;
// } else {
// return _rx_buffer->buffer[_rx_buffer->tail];
// }
// Function: uart1_putc()
// Purpose: write byte to ringbuffer for transmitting via UART
// Input: byte to be transmitted
// Returns: 1 on succes, 0 if remote not ready
int uart1_putc(unsigned char data)
unsigned char tmphead;
tmphead = (UART1_TxHead + 1) & UART_TX_BUFFER_MASK;
while ( tmphead == UART1_TxTail )
{;} // wait for free space in buffer
UART1_TxBuf[tmphead] = data;
UART1_TxHead = tmphead;
// enable UDRE interrupt
return (UART1_LastRxError << 8) + data;
// Function: uart1_puts()
// Purpose: transmit string to UART1
// Input: string to be transmitted
// Returns: none
void uart1_puts(const char *s )
while (*s)
// Function: uart1_puts_p()
// Purpose: transmit string from program memory to UART1
// Input: program memory string to be transmitted
// Returns: none
void uart1_puts_p(const char *progmem_s )
register char c;
while ( (c = pgm_read_byte(progmem_s++)) )
// Function: uart1_available()
// Purpose: Determine the number of bytes waiting in the receive buffer
// Input: None
// Returns: Integer number of bytes in the receive buffer
uint16_t uart1_available(void)
// Function: uart1_flush()
// Purpose: Flush bytes waiting the receive buffer. Acutally ignores them.
// Input: None
// Returns: None
void uart1_flush(void)
UART1_RxHead = UART1_RxTail;
Function: utoa()
Purpose: convert unsigned integer to ascii
Input: string_buffer, string_buffer_size, unsigned integer value
Returns: first ascii character
char *utoa1(char* buffer, const unsigned int size, unsigned int value)
char *p;
// p points to last char
p = buffer+size-1;
// Set terminating Zero
*--p = value%10 + '0';
value = value/10;
} while (value!=0 && p>buffer);
return p;
}/* utoa */
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Added: svn:mime-type
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