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Ignore whitespace Rev 2135 → Rev 2136

0,0 → 1,280
//file pwmsine8bit.c
//generate 8 bit sinewave using wavetable lookup
//12khz sample rate, 62500 hz pwm on pd5 oc1a
//for ere co embmega32 16Mhz 38400
//May 3 07 Bob G initial edit 8 bit
//May 5 07 Bob G add traffic tones
//Jan 18 08 Bob G compile with 7.15
//#include <stdio.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h> //sin
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "../timer/timer.h"
#include "../main.h"
#ifdef USE_SOUND
#define INTR_OFF() asm("CLI")
#define INTR_ON() asm("SEI")
//------vars in bss-------
volatile unsigned char sindat[256]; //8 bit sine table
//unsigned int addat[8]; //internal 10 bit
unsigned int idesfreq;
unsigned char iattenfac; //0-255
unsigned char dispon;
unsigned char freqincipart,freqincfpart;
unsigned char waveptipart,waveptfpart;
unsigned char tics;
unsigned char generate;
float basefreq;
float freqratio;
float sampfreq; //12khz
float samppd; //83.33usec
float fdesfreq;
float attendb; //0-50
float attenfac; //.999-0
const float pi=3.141592654;
#define MSB(w) ((char*) &w)[1]
#define LSB(w) ((char*) &w)[0]
static volatile unsigned char ToneBuf[TONE_BUFFER_SIZE];
static volatile unsigned char ToneBufHead;
static volatile unsigned char ToneBufTail;
void cvtfreq2frac(void){
//calc freq ratio, separate into integer and fractional parts
freqratio=fdesfreq/basefreq; //calc freq ratio from basefreq
freqincipart=(int)freqratio; //calc integer part
freqincfpart=(freqratio-freqincipart)*256; //calc fractional part
// cprintf("ipart %02x fpart %02x\n",freqincipart,freqincfpart);
void cvtdb2fac(void){
//cvt db to attenuation factor
attenfac=pow(10.0,-attendb/20.0); //10^0=1
iattenfac=(unsigned char)(attenfac*255.0);
// cprintf("attenfac %#7.5f\n",attenfac);
// cprintf("iattenfac %02x\n",iattenfac);
void initsindat(void){
//init 8 bit signed sin table 0-ff in ram 36dB s/n 46Hz basefreq
unsigned int n;
for(n=0; n < 256; n++){
sindat[n]=(signed char)127.0*sin(2.0*pi*n/256.0); //256 sin points
void initvars(void){
//init vars
// sampfreq=12000.0; //hz
sampfreq=19530.0; //hz
// printf("samp freq %#7.1f hz\n\r",sampfreq);
// printf("samp freq %#7.1f hz\n\r",1234567.1);
samppd=1.0/sampfreq; //83.33usec
// printf("samppd %#7.1f usec \n\r",samppd*1e6);
basefreq=sampfreq/256.0; //46.875hz
// printf("basefreq %#7.5f hz\n\r",basefreq);
cvtdb2fac(); //0db =.9999= 0xff
void tone1(int hz)
//tone at hz for ms
uint8_t volume = 0;
// TCNT2=0;
// sound_timer = ms/5;
// soundpause_timer = soundpause/5;
if (hz ==0) generate=0;
else { generate = 1;
// TIMSK2 |= _BV(TOIE2); // Interrupt freigeben
void tone_handler(void) // wird aus Timerinterrupt aufgerufen
uint16_t f_Hz=0;
uint16_t dur_ms=0;
char volume=0;
char tmp_high = 0;
char tmp_low = 0;
unsigned char tmptail;
if ( ToneBufHead != ToneBufTail) {
/* calculate and store new buffer index */
tmptail = (ToneBufTail + 1) & TONE_BUFFER_MASK;
ToneBufTail = tmptail;
/* get one byte from buffer */
tmp_low = ToneBuf[tmptail]; /* f_Hz low */
if ( ToneBufHead != ToneBufTail) {
/* calculate and store new buffer index */
tmptail = (ToneBufTail + 1) & TONE_BUFFER_MASK;
ToneBufTail = tmptail;
/* get one byte from buffer */
tmp_high = ToneBuf[tmptail]; /* f_Hz high */
f_Hz = (((uint16_t) tmp_high) << 8) | tmp_low;
if ( ToneBufHead != ToneBufTail) {
/* calculate and store new buffer index */
tmptail = (ToneBufTail + 1) & TONE_BUFFER_MASK;
ToneBufTail = tmptail;
/* get one byte from buffer*/
volume = ToneBuf[tmptail]; /* volume */
if ( ToneBufHead != ToneBufTail) {
/* calculate and store new buffer index */
tmptail = (ToneBufTail + 1) & TONE_BUFFER_MASK;
ToneBufTail = tmptail;
/* get one byte from buffer */
tmp_low = ToneBuf[tmptail]; /* low Duratuion */
if ( ToneBufHead != ToneBufTail) {
/* calculate and store new buffer index */
tmptail = (ToneBufTail + 1) & TONE_BUFFER_MASK;
ToneBufTail = tmptail;
/* get one byte from buffer*/
tmp_high = ToneBuf[tmptail]; /* high Duration */
dur_ms = (((uint16_t) tmp_high) << 8) | tmp_low;
sound_timer = dur_ms/10;
// TCNT2=0;
idesfreq= f_Hz;
attendb= volume;
if (f_Hz ==0) generate=0;
else { generate = 1;
// TIMSK2 |= _BV(TOIE2); // Interrupt freigeben
// printf("tone_handler f_Hz: %i dur_ms: %i volume: %i\n\r", f_Hz,dur_ms,volume);
void tone_putc(unsigned char data)
unsigned char tmphead;
tmphead = (ToneBufHead + 1) & TONE_BUFFER_MASK;
while ( tmphead == ToneBufTail ){
;/* wait for free space in buffer */
ToneBuf[tmphead] = data;
ToneBufHead = tmphead;
}/* tone_putc */
void playTone(uint16_t f_Hz, uint16_t dur_ms, uint8_t volume)
// printf("Playtone f_Hz: %i dur_ms: %i volume: %i\n\r", f_Hz,dur_ms,volume);
tone_putc( MSB(f_Hz));
tone_putc( volume);
void InitSound(void){//main program
ToneBufHead = 0;
ToneBufTail = 0;
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,22
* pwmsine8bit.h
* Created on: 01.09.2012
* Author: cebra
#ifndef PWMSINE8BIT_H_
#define PWMSINE8BIT_H_
extern unsigned char freqincipart,freqincfpart;
extern unsigned char waveptipart,waveptfpart;
extern unsigned char iattenfac; //0-255
extern unsigned char generate;
extern volatile unsigned char sindat[256]; //8 bit sine table
void InitSound(void);
void tone(int hz,uint8_t volume, uint16_t ms, uint16_t soundpause);
void tone1(int hz);
void playTone(uint16_t f_Hz, uint16_t dur_ms, uint8_t volume);
void tone_handler(void);
#endif /* PWMSINE8BIT_H_ */
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property