Subversion Repositories Projects

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 800 → Rev 801

23,7 → 23,7
// Datensatz nach 16bit Integer
int HandlerMK::Data2Int(unsigned char Data[150] , int Start, bool is_signed)
int HandlerMK::Data2Int(unsigned char Data[160] , int Start, bool is_signed)
int Out = (Data[Start+1]<<8) | (Data[Start+0]);
139,13 → 139,13
// Base64 Encoder
QString HandlerMK::Encode64(char Data[150],unsigned int Length)
QString HandlerMK::Encode64(char Data[160],unsigned int Length)
unsigned int pt = 0;
unsigned char a,b,c;
unsigned char ptr = 0;
char TX_Buff[150];
char TX_Buff[160];
while(Length > 0)
163,7 → 163,7
return QString(TX_Buff);
QString HandlerMK::make_Frame(char t_CMD, int t_Adress, char t_Data[150], unsigned int t_Length)
QString HandlerMK::make_Frame(char t_CMD, int t_Adress, char t_Data[160], unsigned int t_Length)
QString tx_Data = Encode64(t_Data, t_Length);
44,14 → 44,14
static int Data2Int(unsigned char Data[150], int Start, bool is_signed = true);
static QString Data2QString(unsigned char Data[150], int Start, int End);
static QString Data2QString(unsigned char Data[160], int Start, int End);
static QString add_CRC(QString TXString);
static bool Check_CRC(char *t_InData, int Length);
static int Decode_64(char *t_InData, int Length, unsigned char *t_OutData);
static QString Encode64(char Data[150],unsigned int Length);
static QString make_Frame(char t_CMD, int t_Adress, char t_Data[150], unsigned int t_Length);
static QString Encode64(char Data[160],unsigned int Length);
static QString make_Frame(char t_CMD, int t_Adress, char t_Data[160], unsigned int t_Length);
static QString get_SelectFC();
static QString get_SelectNC();
141,10 → 141,12
void Input_TCP::slot_TCP_ReadLine()
// QString t_Data = QString(TCP_Socket->readLine(TCP_Socket->bytesAvailable())).remove(QChar('\n'));
QString t_Data = s_Buffer + QString(TCP_Socket->readAll());
QString t_Data = s_Buffer + QString(TCP_Socket->readAll()).remove(QChar('\n'));
s_Buffer = "";
t_Data = t_Data.replace('\r', "\r\n");
QStringList l_Data;
l_Data = t_Data.split('\n');
27,8 → 27,9
namespace qmapcontrol
: TileMapAdapter("", "/mt?n=404&x=%2&y=%3&zoom=%1", 256, 17, 0)
//: TileMapAdapter("", "/%1/%2/%3.png", 256, 0, 17)
: TileMapAdapter("", "/vt/lyrs=m@120&hl=de&x=%2&y=%3&z=%1&s=", 256, 0, 17)
// : TileMapAdapter("", "/mt?n=404&x=%2&y=%3&zoom=%1", 256, 17, 0)
// : TileMapAdapter("", "/ArcGIS/rest/services/ESRI_Imagery_World_2D/MapServer/tile/%1/%3/%2", 512, 0, 17)
24,158 → 24,14
#include "googlesatmapadapter.h"
#include <math.h>
namespace qmapcontrol
: TileMapAdapter("", "/kh?n=404&v=8&t=trtqtt", 256, 0, 19)
: TileMapAdapter("", "/kh/v=57&hl=de&x=%2&y=%3&z=%1&s=", 256, 0, 20)
// name = "googlesat";
numberOfTiles = pow(2, current_zoom+0.0);
coord_per_x_tile = 360. / numberOfTiles;
coord_per_y_tile = 180. / numberOfTiles;
QString GoogleSatMapAdapter::getHost() const
int random = qrand() % 4;
return QString("").arg(random);
QPoint GoogleSatMapAdapter::coordinateToDisplay(const QPointF& coordinate) const
//double x = ((coordinate.x()+180)*(tilesize*numberOfTiles/360));
//double y = (((coordinate.y()*-1)+90)*(tilesize*numberOfTiles/180));
qreal x = (coordinate.x()+180.) * (numberOfTiles*mytilesize)/360.; // coord to pixel!
//double y = -1*(coordinate.y()-90) * (numberOfTiles*tilesize)/180.; // coord to pixel!
qreal y = (getMercatorYCoord(coordinate.y())-M_PI) * -1 * (numberOfTiles*mytilesize)/(2*M_PI); // coord to pixel!
return QPoint(int(x), int(y));
QPointF GoogleSatMapAdapter::displayToCoordinate(const QPoint& point) const
//double lon = ((point.x()/tilesize*numberOfTiles)*360)-180;
//double lat = (((point.y()/tilesize*numberOfTiles)*180)-90)*-1;
qreal lon = (point.x()*(360./(numberOfTiles*mytilesize)))-180.;
//double lat = -(point.y()*(180./(numberOfTiles*tilesize)))+90;
//qreal lat = getMercatorLatitude(point.y()*-1*(2*M_PI/(numberOfTiles*tilesize)) + M_PI);
qreal lat = lat *180./M_PI;
return QPointF(lon, lat);
qreal GoogleSatMapAdapter::getMercatorLatitude(qreal YCoord) const
if (YCoord > M_PI) return 9999.;
if (YCoord < -M_PI) return -9999.;
qreal t = atan(exp(YCoord));
qreal res = (2.*(t))-(M_PI/2.);
return res;
qreal GoogleSatMapAdapter::getMercatorYCoord(qreal lati) const
qreal lat = lati;
// conversion degre=>radians
qreal phi = M_PI * lat / 180;
qreal res;
//double temp = Math.Tan(Math.PI / 4 - phi / 2);
//res = Math.Log(temp);
res = 0.5 * log((1 + sin(phi)) / (1 - sin(phi)));
return res;
void GoogleSatMapAdapter::zoom_in()
numberOfTiles = pow(2, current_zoom+0.0);
coord_per_x_tile = 360. / numberOfTiles;
coord_per_y_tile = 180. / numberOfTiles;
void GoogleSatMapAdapter::zoom_out()
numberOfTiles = pow(2, current_zoom+0.0);
coord_per_x_tile = 360. / numberOfTiles;
coord_per_y_tile = 180. / numberOfTiles;
bool GoogleSatMapAdapter::isValid(int x, int y, int z) const
if ((x>=0 && x < numberOfTiles) && (y>=0 && y < numberOfTiles) && z>=0)
return true;
return false;
QString GoogleSatMapAdapter::query(int i, int j, int z) const
return getQ(-180+i*coord_per_x_tile,
90-(j+1)*coord_per_y_tile, z);
QString GoogleSatMapAdapter::getQ(qreal longitude, qreal latitude, int zoom) const
qreal xmin=-180;
qreal xmax=180;
qreal ymin=-90;
qreal ymax=90;
qreal xmoy=0;
qreal ymoy=0;
QString location="t";
//Google uses a latitude divided by 2;
qreal halflat = latitude;
for (int i = 0; i < zoom; i++)
xmoy = (xmax + xmin) / 2;
ymoy = (ymax + ymin) / 2;
if (halflat >= ymoy) //upper part (q or r)
ymin = ymoy;
if (longitude < xmoy)
{ /*q*/
location+= "q";
xmax = xmoy;
location+= "r";
xmin = xmoy;
else //lower part (t or s)
ymax = ymoy;
if (longitude < xmoy)
{ /*t*/
location+= "t";
xmax = xmoy;
location+= "s";
xmin = xmoy;
return QString("/kh?n=404&v=24&t=%1").arg(location);
27,6 → 27,7
#include "tilemapadapter.h"
namespace qmapcontrol
//! MapAdapter for Google
37,6 → 38,7
class GoogleSatMapAdapter : public TileMapAdapter
//! constructor
44,31 → 46,6
virtual ~GoogleSatMapAdapter();
virtual QPoint coordinateToDisplay(const QPointF&) const;
virtual QPointF displayToCoordinate(const QPoint&) const;
//! returns the host of this MapAdapter
* @return the host of this MapAdapter
QString getHost () const;
virtual void zoom_in();
virtual void zoom_out();
virtual QString query(int x, int y, int z) const;
virtual bool isValid(int x, int y, int z) const;
virtual QString getQ(qreal longitude, qreal latitude, int zoom) const;
qreal getMercatorLatitude(qreal YCoord) const;
qreal getMercatorYCoord(qreal lati) const;
qreal coord_per_x_tile;
qreal coord_per_y_tile;
int srvNum;
1,3 → 1,6
win32:DEFINES += _TTY_WIN_ WIN32
DEPENDPATH += ../Global/Class_SerialPort
INCLUDEPATH += ../Global/Class_SerialPort
24,9 → 24,9
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef _BETA_
static const QString QA_HWVERSION = "FlightCtrl v0.78f & NaviCtrl v0.18c";
static const QString QA_HWVERSION = "FlightCtrl v0.80g & NaviCtrl v0.20c";
static const QString QA_HWVERSION = "FlightCtrl v0.78f & NaviCtrl v0.18c";
static const QString QA_HWVERSION = "FlightCtrl v0.80g & NaviCtrl v0.20c";
// Datenfeld-ID's
22,12 → 22,12
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef _BETA_
static const int MK_VERSION_SETTINGS = 82; // wird angepasst, wenn sich die EEPROM-Daten ge�ndert haben
static const int MK_VERSION_SETTINGS = 84; // wird angepasst, wenn sich die EEPROM-Daten ge�ndert haben
static const int MK_VERSION_SETTINGS = 82; // wird angepasst, wenn sich die EEPROM-Daten ge�ndert haben
static const int MK_VERSION_SETTINGS = 84; // wird angepasst, wenn sich die EEPROM-Daten ge�ndert haben
static const int MK_VERSION_NAVI = 3; // wird angepasst, wenn sich die Navi-Daten ge�ndert haben
static const int MK_VERSION_NAVI = 4; // wird angepasst, wenn sich die Navi-Daten ge�ndert haben
static const int MK_VERSION_MIXER = 1; // wird angepasst, wenn sich die Mixer-Daten ge�ndert haben
static const int MK_MAX_MOTOR = 16; // Maximale Anzahl der Motoren im Mixer
41,14 → 41,32
static const int ADDRESS_FC = 1;
static const int ADDRESS_NC = 2;
static const int ADDRESS_MK3MAG = 3;
static const int ADDRESS_BLC = 5;
#define FLAG_MOTOR_RUN 1
#define FLAG_FLY 2
#define FLAG_START 8
#define FLAG_LOWBAT 32
#define FCFLAG_MOTOR_RUN 0x01
#define FCFLAG_FLY 0x02
#define FCFLAG_START 0x08
#define FCFLAG_LOWBAT 0x20
#define FCFLAG_SPI_RX_ERR 0x40
#define FCFLAG_I2CERR 0x80
#define DEFEKT_G_NICK 0x01
#define DEFEKT_G_ROLL 0x02
#define DEFEKT_G_GIER 0x04
#define DEFEKT_A_NICK 0x08
#define DEFEKT_A_ROLL 0x10
#define DEFEKT_A_Z 0x20
#define DEFEKT_PRESSURE 0x40
#define DEFEKT_I2C 0x01
#define DEFEKT_BL_MISSING 0x02
#define DEFEKT_SPI_RX_ERR 0x04
#define DEFEKT_PPM_ERR 0x08
#define DEFEKT_MIXER_ERR 0x10
#define CFG_HEADING_HOLD 0x04
71,6 → 89,34
#define CFG2_VARIO_BEEP 0x02
#define CFG_SENSITIVE_RC 0x04
#define CFG0_HEIGHT_SWITCH 0x02
#define CFG0_HEADING_HOLD 0x04
#define CFG0_COMPASS_ACTIVE 0x08
#define CFG0_COMPASS_FIX 0x10
#define CFG0_GPS_ACTIVE 0x20
// defines for the receiver selection
#define RECEIVER_PPM 0
struct s_MK_VersionInfo
unsigned char SWMajor;
unsigned char SWMinor;
unsigned char ProtoMajor;
unsigned char ProtoMinor;
unsigned char SWPatch;
unsigned char HardwareError[5];
struct s_MK_Debug
unsigned char Digital[2];
95,8 → 141,8
// Die ersten beiden Bytes nicht an den MK senden.
unsigned char Index;
unsigned char Version;
unsigned char Revision;
unsigned char Kanalbelegung[12]; // GAS[0], GIER[1],NICK[2], ROLL[3], POTI1, POTI2, POTI3
unsigned char GlobalConfig; // 0x01=H�henregler aktiv,0x02=Kompass aktiv, 0x04=GPS aktiv, 0x08=Heading Hold aktiv
unsigned char Hoehe_MinGas; // Wert : 0-100
120,6 → 166,7
unsigned char Gyro_D; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Gyro_Gier_P; // Wert : 10-250
unsigned char Gyro_Gier_I; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Gyro_Stability; // 0.80 Wert : 0-16
unsigned char UnterspannungsWarnung; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char NotGas; // Wert : 0-250 //Gaswert bei Emp�ngsverlust
unsigned char NotGasZeit; // Wert : 0-250 // Zeitbis auf NotGas geschaltet wird, wg. Rx-Problemen
133,12 → 180,10
unsigned char ServoNickComp; // Wert : 0-250 // Einfluss Gyro/Servo
unsigned char ServoNickMin; // Wert : 0-250 // Anschlag
unsigned char ServoNickMax; // Wert : 0-250 // Anschlag
//--- Seit V0.75
unsigned char ServoRollControl; // Wert : 0-250 // Stellung des Servos
unsigned char ServoRollComp; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char ServoRollMin; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char ServoRollMax; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char ServoRollControl; // 0.75 Wert : 0-250 // Stellung des Servos
unsigned char ServoRollComp; // 0.75 Wert : 0-250
unsigned char ServoRollMin; // 0.75 Wert : 0-250
unsigned char ServoRollMax; // 0.75 Wert : 0-250
unsigned char ServoNickRefresh; // Speed of the Servo
unsigned char Servo3; // Value or mapping of the Servo Output
unsigned char Servo4; // Value or mapping of the Servo Output
152,8 → 197,8
unsigned char WinkelUmschlagNick; // Wert: 0-250 180�-Punkt
unsigned char WinkelUmschlagRoll; // Wert: 0-250 180�-Punkt
unsigned char GyroAccAbgleich; // 1/k (Koppel_ACC_Wirkung)
unsigned char Driftkomp;
unsigned char DynamicStability;
unsigned char Driftkomp; //
unsigned char DynamicStability; //
unsigned char UserParam5; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char UserParam6; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char UserParam7; // Wert : 0-250
163,9 → 208,8
unsigned char J16Timing; // for the J16 Output
unsigned char J17Bitmask; // for the J17 Output
unsigned char J17Timing; // for the J17 Output
// seit version V0.75c
unsigned char WARN_J16_Bitmask; // for the J16 Output
unsigned char WARN_J17_Bitmask; // for the J17 Output
unsigned char WARN_J16_Bitmask; // 0.75 for the J16 Output
unsigned char WARN_J17_Bitmask; // 0.75 for the J17 Output
unsigned char NaviGpsModeControl; // Parameters for the Naviboard
unsigned char NaviGpsGain;
185,19 → 229,24
unsigned char NaviPH_LoginTime;
unsigned char ExternalControl; // for serial Control
unsigned char OrientationAngle; // 0.80 Where is the front-direction?
unsigned char OrientationModeControl; // 0.80 switch for CareFree
unsigned char BitConfig; // (war Loop-Cfg) Bitcodiert: 0x01=oben, 0x02=unten, 0x04=links, 0x08=rechts / wird getrennt behandelt
unsigned char ServoCompInvert; // // 0x01 = Nick, 0x02 = Roll 0 oder 1 // WICHTIG!!! am Ende lassen
unsigned char ExtraConfig; // bitcodiert
char Name[12];
unsigned char crc;
struct s_MK_Mixer
char Revision;
uint8_t Revision;
char Name[12];
signed char Motor[16][4];
int8_t Motor[16][4];
uint8_t crc;
217,6 → 266,9
#define NC_FLAG_8 0x80
#define POINT_TYPE_WP 0
#define POINT_TYPE_POI 1
typedef struct
int32_t Longitude; // in 1E-7 deg
252,7 → 304,7
int8_t AngleNick; // current Nick angle in 1°
int8_t AngleRoll; // current Rick angle in 1°
uint8_t RC_Quality; // RC_Quality
uint8_t MKFlags; // Flags from FC
uint8_t FCFlags; // Flags from FC
uint8_t NCFlags; // Flags from NC
uint8_t Errorcode; // 0 --> okay
uint8_t OperatingRadius; // current operation radius around the Home Position in m
273,7 → 325,9
uint8_t ToleranceRadius; // in meters, if the MK is within that range around the target, then the next target is triggered
uint8_t HoldTime; // in seconds, if the was once in the tolerance area around a WP, this time defies the delay before the next WP is triggered
uint8_t Event_Flag; // future emplementation
uint8_t reserve[12]; // reserve
uint8_t Index; // to indentify different waypoints, workaround for bad communications PC <-> NC
uint8_t Type; // type of Waypoint
uint8_t reserve[11]; // reserve
} __attribute__((packed)) s_MK_WayPoint;
#endif // MK_DATATYPES_H
142,6 → 142,7
void wgt_Connection::send_Data(QString ps_Data, int pi_ID)
// qDebug(ps_Data.toLatin1().data());
o_Input->send_Data(ps_Data, pi_ID);
6,7 → 6,7
35,10 → 35,10
<item row="0" column="0">
<widget class="QToolButton" name="btn_Connect">
<property name="text">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../../QMK-Maps/QMK-Maps.qrc">
<iconset resource="../../QMK-Scope/QMK-Scope.qrc">
48,6 → 48,9
<property name="checked">
<property name="toolButtonStyle">
<item row="0" column="1">
78,7 → 81,7
<item row="0" column="3">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_4">
<property name="text">
199,7 → 202,7
<include location="../../QMK-Maps/QMK-Maps.qrc"/>
<include location="../../QMK-Scope/QMK-Scope.qrc"/>
1,7 → 1,6
DEPENDPATH += ../Global/Widget_Connection/
INCLUDEPATH += ../Global/Widget_Connection/
SOURCES += wgt_Connection.cpp \