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Ignore whitespace Rev 824 → Rev 825

0,0 → 1,1890
#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - MK Mission Cockpit - GUI
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
# Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
# * das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
# * Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
# Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
# * Namensnennung.
# Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
# * Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
# Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
# * Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
# Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
# verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
# dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
# weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
# Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
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# Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
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# Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-02-20 0.0.1 rw created
# 2009-04-01 0.1.0 rw RC1
# 2009-04-16 0.1.1 rw Bugfix, ALT= average of airsensor and Sat
# 2009-05-14 0.2.0 rw Waypoint Player
# 2009-05-17 0.2.1 rw Cursor-Steuerung fuer WP-Player. Cmdline-Parameter "-geometry"
# 2009-07-18 0.2.2 rw DE/EN multinational
# Target-Balloon with Distance, Tolerance and Holdtime
# Fix footprint "Ausreiser"
# JPEG and PNG maps supported
# Player for KML Files
# 2009-07-26 0.2.3 rw System Messages Balloon
# 2009-07-31 0.2.4 rw ODO Kilometerzähler
# Enter WP-Number from Keyboard
# Random WP-Player (Waypoint and Map)
# Check Airfield Border
# Draw Calibration points on map
# 2009-08-08 0.2.5 rw KML Recorder
# Text to speech
# Subroutines moved to
# Timer moved to
# Start Scenarion configuration
# Battery capacity estimation
# Read map definition from maps/map.xml
# 2009-08-23 0.2.6 rw Tracking-Antenna Icon
# Show Fox only in Player-Pause mode
# POI heading control
# Display scale
# Measuring-tool on left mouse button
# Display Operation Radius Border
# Read map definition from KML file (GE import)
# Include of local *.pm changed
# Copy x/y/Lat/Lon to Clipboard when pressing left mouse button
# Calculate size of map image
# - Commandline parameter added for COM ports
# don't use local perl libs any more
# 2009-10-18 0.2.7 rw Mk-Simulator
# Start tracker at program start. Coldstart at MK-calibration
# COM Port >9; PortSetSkip config
# Reset Flight-Time and ODO when clicking on OSD-value
# 2009-10-25 0.3.0 rw NC 0.17
# Read/Write KopterTool WPL Waypoint list
# Cfg Optionmenues
# 2010-02-09 0.4.0 rw Canvas - Popup focus improvement
# bugfix "WP hinzufügen und senden" in classic mode
# Grid on canvas
# joystick and 3D-Mouse
# remove main window status line
# Event engine
# Serial Channel
# External Control
# Expo, Dualrate
# Player Pause move relative to MAP or MK
# Load plugin directory
# Current, UsedCapacity, Power added
# RETURN turns off External-Control + Serial Channel
# 2010-02-15 0.4.1 rw F-Keys for Event
# 2010-03-20 0.4.2 rw Maestro Servo Controller
# 2010-07-01 0.5.0 rw WP/POI adjustments for NC 0.19/0.20
# TTS system messages closer to current situation
# NC Hardware Error Codes
# 2010-09-09 0.5.1 rw Use exifTool
# rename map/ -->
# Tracker start at motor start
# Start web browser (GeoMapTool)
# Change Map without program restart
# Support JPEG from
# 2010-09-18 0.5.2 rw Compose Maps from Google/OSM Download
# North Arrow
# Heartbeat shown again
# 2010-10-04 0.5.3 rw Google Maps entfernt, wg. rechtlicher Bedenken
$Version = "0.5.3 - 2010-10-04";
# change working directory to program path
my $Cwd = substr ($0, 0, rindex ($0, ""));
chdir $Cwd;
# set path for local Perl libs
push @INC, $Cwd . "perl/lib";
use threads; #
use threads::shared; #
use Thread::Queue; #
use Tk;
use Tk::Balloon;
use Tk::Dialog;
use Tk::Notebook;
use Tk::JPEG; #
use Tk::PNG; #
use Tk::Tree;
use Math::Trig;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); #
use XML::Simple; #
use Clipboard; #
use Tk::BrowseEntry; #
# Version setting
share (%Version);
$Version{''} = $Version;
# Read configuration
$XmlConfigFile = "mkcockpit.xml";
$Cfg = XMLin($XmlConfigFile);
require ""; # Tracking antenna
require ""; # MK communication
require ""; # CSV and GPX Logging
require ""; # Map definition
&MapDefLoad(); # Load the Maps in hash %Maps
require ""; # map subs
require ""; # Übersetzungstable
require ""; # Text to Speech
require ""; # Subroutines
require ""; # MK Simulator
require ""; # Option menu values
require ""; # 3D Mouse
require ""; # joystick
# Commandline parameter
my %CmdLine = @ARGV;
# Aktuell gültige Karte
my %Map = %{$Maps{'Current'}};
# Canvas size - get image size
$MapSizeX = $Map{'Size_X'};
$MapSizeY = $Map{'Size_Y'};
# Thread fuer Kommunikation mit MK starten
# Output: %MkOsd, %MkTarget, %MkNcDebug, %Mk
# Input: Thread-Queue: $MkSendQueue
$mk_thr = threads->create (\&MkCommLoop) -> detach();
# Start Logging Thread
$log_thr = threads->create (\&MkLogLoop) -> detach();
# Start TTS Thread
$tts_thr = threads->create (\&TtsLoop) -> detach();
# Start Antenna tracker
if ( $Cfg->{'track'}->{'Active'} =~ /y/i )
$track_thr = threads->create (\&TrackAntennaGps)->detach();
# 3D Mouse Thread
$mouse_thr = threads->create (\&Mouse3D) -> detach();
# Joystick Thread
$joystick_thr = threads->create (\&Joystick) -> detach();
# Player:
# Waypoint-List: @Waypoints
# KML-Target-List: @KmlTargets
# Player state machine
$PlayerMode = 'Stop'; # Play, Stop, Pause, Home ...
$PlayerWptKmlMode = 'WPT'; # WPT, KML
$PlayerRandomMode = 'STD'; # STD, RND, MAP
$PlayerRecordMode = ""; # "", REC
$PlayerPauseMode = "MAP"; # MAP, MK
$WpPlayerIndex = 0;
$WpPlayerHoldtime = -1;
$KmlPlayerIndex = 0;
$PlayerPause_Lat = "";
$PlayerPause_Lon = "";
# Point Of Interest (POI)
my $Poi_x = $MapSizeX/2-50;
my $Poi_y = $MapSizeY/2 ;
($Poi_Lat, $Poi_Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($Poi_x + 24, $Poi_y + 48);
# POI from Map configuration
if ( $Map{'Poi_Lat'} ne "" and $Map{'Poi_Lon'} ne "" )
$Poi_Lat = $Map{'Poi_Lat'};
$Poi_Lon = $Map{'Poi_Lon'};
($Poi_x, $Poi_y) = &MapGps2XY($Poi_Lat, $Poi_Lon);
$Poi_x = $Poi_x - 24;
$Poi_y = $Poi_y - 48;
$Poi_Mode = 0; # POI Mode off
$TxExtOn = 0; # Tx External-Control/SerialChannel off
# Event configuration
my $XmlEventConfigFile = $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'EventFile'} || "event/mkevent.xml";
if ( ! -f $XmlEventConfigFile )
$XmlEventConfigFile = "event/" . $XmlEventConfigFile;
if ( -f $XmlEventConfigFile )
$Event = XMLin($XmlEventConfigFile);
if ( scalar keys %{$Event} == 0 )
# create new dummy event, if no XML or XML is empty
&EventInit("Dummy", $Event);
my %EventStat; # internal state of event maschine
# load user plugins
opendir DIR, "plugin";
my @Plugin = readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
@Plugin = grep /\.pl$/, @Plugin;
foreach my $File (@Plugin)
require "plugin/$File";
# Hauptfenster
$main = new MainWindow;
$main->title ("MK Mission Cockpit - Version $Version");
if ( $CmdLine{'-geometry'} ne "" )
$main->geometry( "$CmdLine{'-geometry'}" );
# pattern for dashed lines
my $stipple_bits = [];
foreach my $b (1..8)
push @$stipple_bits, pack ('b8', '1' x $b . '.' x (8 - $b));
$main->DefineBitmap("stipple$b" => 8, 1, $stipple_bits->[$b-1]);
# Catch delete window event and exit
$main->protocol( 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW' => sub
# disable main window Key-Bindings for F10
$main->bind('all', '<Key-F10>', undef);
# Menu
# Menu bar
my $menu_bar = $main->Menu;
$main->optionAdd("*tearOff", "false");
$main->configure ('-menu' => $menu_bar);
my $menu_file = $menu_bar->cascade('-label' => $Translate{'File'});
$menu_file->command('-label' => $Translate{'Preferences'},
'-command' => sub
# Reload Map directory
&Configure ($XmlConfigFile, $Cfg, "CONFIG");
$menu_file->command('-label' => $Translate{'ConfigEvent'},
'-command' => [\&Configure, $XmlEventConfigFile, $Event, "EVENT", ],
if ( $Cfg->{'map2'}->{'ImageMagickInstalled'} =~ /y/i )
$menu_file->command('-label' => $Translate{'ComposeOsmMap'},
'-command' => [\&MapCompose,],
$menu_file->command('-label' => $Translate{'GeoMapTool'},
'-command' => [\&StartBrowser, "", ],
$menu_file->command('-label' => $Translate{'Exit'},
'-command' => [\&CbExit ],
my $menu_debug = $menu_bar->cascade(-label => $Translate{'Debug'});
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'NcOsdDataset'},
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%MkOsd, $Translate{'NcOsdDataset'}, "Display Refresh Heartbeat"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'NcTargetDataset'},
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%MkTarget, $Translate{'NcTargetDataset'}, "Display Refresh Heartbeat"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'NcDebugDataset'},
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%MkNcDebug, $Translate{'NcDebugDataset'}, "Display Refresh Heartbeat"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'NcOther'},
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%Mk, $Translate{'NcOther'}, "Display Refresh Heartbeat"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'TrackingDebugDataset'},
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%MkTrack, $Translate{'TrackingDebugDataset'}, "Display Refresh Heartbeat"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'MapDebugDataset'},
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%Map, $Translate{'MapDebugDataset'}, "Display"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'SystemDebug'},
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%System, $Translate{'SystemDebug'}, "Display Refresh"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'StickDebug'},
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%Stick, $Translate{'StickDebug'}, "Display Refresh"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'SerialChannel'},
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%MkSerialChannel, $Translate{'SerialChannel'}, "Display Refresh SerialChannel"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'ExternControl'},
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%MkExternControl, $Translate{'ExternControl'}, "Display Refresh ExternControl"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'MkDebugSim'},
'-command' => \&MkSim,
my $menu_help = $menu_bar->cascade(-label => $Translate{'Help'});
$menu_help->command('-label' => 'Version',
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%Version, $Translate{'Version'}, "Display"],
$menu_help->command('-label' => $Translate{'About'},
'-command' => sub
my $License = <<EOF;
Copyright (C) 2010 Rainer Walther (rainerwalther-mail\
Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
my $DlgAbout = $frame_map->Dialog('-title' => $Translate{'AboutMissionCockpit'},
'-text' => "$License",
'-buttons' => ['OK'],
'-bitmap' => 'info',
# Frames
# Frame: Map
$frame_map = $main->Frame( '-background' => 'lightgray',
'-relief' => 'sunken',
'-borderwidth' => 5,
) -> pack('-side' => 'top',
'-fill' => 'x',
# Map Überschrift
$frame_map_top = $frame_map->Frame( -background => 'lightgray',
) -> pack( -side => 'top',
-anchor => 'w',
-fill => 'x',
-expand => 1,
$map_top_label = $frame_map_top->Label (-text => "$Translate{'Map'}: $Map{'Name'} ($Map{'File'})",
-background => 'lightgray',
-relief => 'flat',
) -> pack( -side => 'left' );
# 10 placeholders for status texts in upper status line. Field update in libmktimer
for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++)
$map_status_top[$i] = $frame_map_top->Label ( -text => "",
-background => 'lightgray',
-anchor => 'e',
) -> pack (-side => 'right',
-anchor => 'e',
-padx => 1,
# Map Statuszeile
$map_status = $frame_map->Frame( -background => 'lightgray',
) -> pack( -side => 'bottom',
-anchor => 'w',
-fill => 'x',
-expand => 1,
$map_status_line = $map_status->Label ( -text => $Translate{'StatusLine'},
-background => 'lightgray',
) -> pack (-side => 'left',
-anchor => 'w',
-expand => 1,
# 10 placeholders for event status in lower status line. Field update in libmktimer
for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++)
$map_status_event[$i] = $map_status->Label ( -text => "",
-background => 'lightgray',
-anchor => 'e',
) -> pack (-side => 'right',
-anchor => 'e',
-padx => 1,
# Map Canvas
# Balloon attached to Canvas
$map_balloon = $frame_map->Balloon('-statusbar' => $status_line, );
'-balloonposition' => 'mouse',
'-state' => 'balloon',
'-msg' => { 'MK-Arrow' => $Translate{'Balloon-MK-Arrow'},
'MK-Home-Line' => $Translate{'Balloon-MK-Home-Line'},
'MK-Home-Dist' => $Translate{'Balloon-MK-Home-Dist'},
'MK-Target-Line' => $Translate{'Balloon-MK-Target-Line' },
'MK-Target-Dist' => $Translate{'Balloon-MK-Target-Dist'},
'MK-Speed' => $Translate{'Balloon-MK-Speed'},
'Map-Variometer' => $Translate{'Balloon-Map-Variometer' },
'Map-Variometer-Pointer' => $Translate{'Balloon-Map-Variometer-Pointer'},
'Map-Variometer-Skala' => $Translate{'Balloon-Map-Variometer-Pointer'},
'Fox' => $Translate{'Balloon-Fox'},
'Heartbeat' => $Translate{'Balloon-Heartbeat'},
'Satellite' => $Translate{'Balloon-Satellite'},
'Waypoint' => $Translate{'Balloon-Waypoint'},
'Map-Border' => $Translate{'Balloon-Map-Border'},
'Waypoint-Connector' => $Translate{'Balloon-Waypoint-Connector'},
'Wp-PlayPause' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-PlayPause'},
'Wp-Stop' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-Stop'},
'Wp-First' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-First'},
'Wp-Last' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-Last'},
'Wp-Next' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-Next'},
'Wp-Prev' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-Prev'},
'Wp-Home' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-Home'},
'Wp-WptKml' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-WptKml'},
'Wp-WptRandom' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-WptRandom'},
'Wp-Record' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-Record'},
'Track-Antenna' => $Translate{'Balloon-TrackAntenna'},
'POI' => $Translate{'Balloon-Poi'},
# Mouse button 1
# Button 1 Press
$map_canvas->CanvasBind("<Button-1>", sub
# print coords in status line
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my ($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Lat: $Lat Lon: $Lon x: $x y: $y");
# save Coords and GPS-Pos for Button-Motion and Release
$Button1_x = $x;
$Button1_y = $y;
$Button1_Lat = $Lat;
$Button1_Lon = $Lon;
# copy Pixel-Coordinates to Clipboard
Clipboard->copy ("x=$x\r\n" . "y=$y\r\n" . "Lat=$Lat\r\n" . "Lon=$Lon\r\n");
# Button 1 Motion
$map_canvas->CanvasBind("<Button1-Motion>", sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
# delete old measuring line
my @Tags = $map_canvas->gettags($id);
if ( ( $Tags[0] eq "Map" or $Tags[0] eq "Map-Border") and
$x ne $Button1_x and $y ne $Button1_y )
# button moved on Map
# draw new measuring line
$map_canvas->createLine ( $Button1_x, $Button1_y, $x, $y,
'-tags' => 'Map-Measure',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => 'white',
'-width' => 1,
# update status line
my ($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = &MapGpsTo($Button1_Lat, $Button1_Lon, $Lat, $Lon);
$Dist = sprintf ("%.2f m", $Dist);
$Bearing = sprintf ("%.2f degree", $Bearing);
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Dist: $Dist Bearing: $Bearing");
# Button 1 Release
$map_canvas->CanvasBind("<Button1-ButtonRelease>", sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
# delete measuring line
my @Tags = $map_canvas->gettags($id);
if ( ( $Tags[0] eq "Map" or $Tags[0] eq "Map-Border") and
$x ne $Button1_x and $y ne $Button1_y )
# button released on Map
# update status line
my ($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = &MapGpsTo($Button1_Lat, $Button1_Lon, $Lat, $Lon);
$Dist = sprintf ("%.2f m", $Dist);
$Bearing = sprintf ("%.2f degree", $Bearing);
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Dist: $Dist Bearing: $Bearing");
# Mouse button 1 for Fox
my $FoxOldx = 0;
my $FoxOldy = 0;
my $FoxTime = time;
&FoxHide(); # Show only in Player-Pause Mode
# Pick Fox
$map_canvas->bind('Fox' => '<Button-1>' => sub
# prepare to move Fox
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
$FoxOldx = $x;
$FoxOldy = $y;
$FoxTime = time;
# Move Fox
$map_canvas->bind('Fox' => '<Button1-Motion>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
$map_canvas->move($id => $x - $FoxOldx, $y - $FoxOldy);
$FoxOldx = $x;
$FoxOldy = $y;
if ( time > $FoxTime )
# wenn in Bewegung Koordinaten nur 1/s senden
my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = $map_canvas->bbox ($id);
$x = $x0 + ($x1 - $x0)/2;
$y = $y1;
($PlayerPause_Lat, $PlayerPause_Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
$FoxTime = time;
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'TargetCoordSent'} -> Lat: $PlayerPause_Lat Lon: $PlayerPause_Lon x: $x y: $y");
# Release Fox
$map_canvas->bind('Fox' => '<Button1-ButtonRelease>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = $map_canvas->bbox ($id);
$x = $x0 + ($x1 - $x0)/2;
$y = $y1;
($PlayerPause_Lat, $PlayerPause_Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
# Show user that Waypoints in MK are cleared
$WaypointsModified = 1;
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'TargetCoordSent'} -> Lat: $PlayerPause_Lat Lon: $PlayerPause_Lon x: $x y: $y");
# Pick Waypoint
my $WpOldx;
my $WpOldy;
$map_canvas->bind('Waypoint' => '<Button-1>' => sub
# prepare to move
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
$WpOldx = $x;
$WpOldy = $y;
# Move Waypoint
$map_canvas->bind('Waypoint' => '<Button1-Motion>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
# move icon and Wp-Number
my $WpIndex = &WpGetIndexFromId($id);
if ( $WpIndex >= 0 )
my $Tag = $Waypoints[$WpIndex]{'Tag'};
$map_canvas->move($Tag => $x - $WpOldx, $y - $WpOldy);
$WpOldx = $x;
$WpOldy = $y;
# Release Wp
$map_canvas->bind('Waypoint' => '<Button1-ButtonRelease>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
# take coords from lower/middle icon position
my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = $map_canvas->bbox ($id);
$x = $x0 + ($x1 - $x0)/2;
$y = $y1;
# update Waypoint-Array
my $WpIndex = &WpGetIndexFromId($id);
if ( $WpIndex >= 0 )
# got it: set new coords
my ($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$WpIndex];
$Wp->{'MapX'} = $x;
$Wp->{'MapY'} = $y;
$Wp->{'_MapX_Rel'} = $x / $MapSizeX;
$Wp->{'_MapY_Rel'} = $y / $MapSizeY;
$Wp->{'Pos_Lat'} = $Lat;
$Wp->{'Pos_Lon'} = $Lon;
# redraw connector-lines
# red connectors: Wp still have to be sent to MK
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorWpResend'},
$WaypointsModified = 1;
my $WpNum = $WpIndex + 1;
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'WpMoved'}: $WpNum -> Lat: $Lat Lon: $Lon x: $x y: $y");
# Mouse button 1 for POI
my $PoiOldx = 0;
my $PoiOldy = 0;
# Pick POI
$map_canvas->bind('POI' => '<Button-1>' => sub
# prepare to move Icon
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
$PoiOldx = $x;
$PoiOldy = $y;
# Move POI
$map_canvas->bind('POI' => '<Button1-Motion>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
$map_canvas->move($id => $x - $PoiOldx, $y - $PoiOldy);
$PoiOldx = $x;
$PoiOldy = $y;
# Release POI
$map_canvas->bind('POI' => '<Button1-ButtonRelease>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = $map_canvas->bbox ($id);
$x = $x0 + ($x1 - $x0)/2;
$y = $y1;
($Poi_Lat, $Poi_Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'PoiMoved'}: -> Lat: $Poi_Lat Lon: $Poi_Lon x: $x y: $y");
# Reset Flight time
$map_canvas->bind('MK-OSD-Tim-Value' => '<Button-1>' => sub
$MkFlyingTime = 0;
# Reset ODO
$map_canvas->bind('MK-OSD-Odo-Value' => '<Button-1>' => sub
$OdoMeter = 0;
# Mouse button 3 context menu
my $map_menu = $map_canvas->Menu('-tearoff' => 0,
'-title' =>'None',
'-menuitems' =>
[Button => $Translate{'WpAddAndSend'}, -command => sub
# send Wp to MK
my ($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($MapCanvasX, $MapCanvasY);
&MkFlyTo ( -lat => $Lat,
-lon => $Lon,
-mode => "Waypoint",
-index => scalar @Waypoints,
# Add Wp to Waypoints list
&WpAdd (-lat => $Lat,
-lon => $Lon,
-x => $MapCanvasX,
-y => $MapCanvasY,
# switch player to Wp mode and redraw waypoints
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'WpSavedAndSent'} -> Lat: $Lat Lon: $Lon");
[Button => $Translate{'WpProperties'}, -command => sub
# find Wp-Hash for selected icon/tag
my $WpIndex = &WpGetIndexFromId($MapCanvasId);
if ( $WpIndex >= 0 )
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$WpIndex];
my $WpNum = $WpIndex + 1;
&DisplayHash ($Wp, "$Translate{'WpProperties'} $WpNum", "Edit Waypoint Refresh");
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'WpProperties'} $WpNum");
[Button => $Translate{'WpResendAll'}, -command => sub
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => $Translate{'WpAllSent'});
'', # Separator
[Button => $Translate{'WpLoadAndSend'}, -command => sub
my $WpFile = $main->getOpenFile('-defaultextension' => ".xml",
'-filetypes' =>
[['Mission Cockpit', '.xml' ],
['Mikrokopter Tool', '.wpl' ],
['All Files', '*', ],
'-initialdir' => $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'WpDir'},
'-title' => $Translate{'WpLoad'},
if ( -f $WpFile )
&WpLoadFile ($WpFile);
# send all Wp to MK
# switch player to Wp mode and redraw waypoints
$PlayerRandomMode = 'STD';
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'WpLoadedAndSent'}: $WpFile");
[Button => $Translate{'WpSave'}, -command => sub
my $WpFile = $main->getSaveFile('-defaultextension' => ".xml",
'-filetypes' =>
[['Mission Cockpit', '.xml' ],
['Mikrokopter Tool', '.wpl' ],
['All Files', '*', ],
'-initialdir' => $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'WpDir'},
'-title' => $Translate{'WpSave'},
&WpSaveFile ($WpFile);
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'WpSaved'}: $WpFile");
'', # Separator
[Button => $Translate{'WpDelete'}, -command => sub
# find Wp-Hash for selected icon/tag
my $WpIndex = &WpGetIndexFromId($MapCanvasId);
if ( $WpIndex >= 0 )
&WpDelete ($WpIndex);
# redraw connector-lines
$WaypointsModified = 1;
&WpRedrawIcons(); # wg. Wp-Nummern
my $WpNum = $WpIndex + 1;
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'WpDeleted'}: $WpNum");
[Button => $Translate{'WpAllDeleteAndSend'}, -command => sub
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'WpAllDeleted'}: $WpIndex");
'', # Separator
[Button => $Translate{'KmlLoadAndPlay'}, -command => sub
$KmlFile = $main->getOpenFile('-defaultextension' => ".kml",
'-filetypes' =>
[['KML', '.kml' ],
['All Files', '*', ],
'-initialdir' => $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'KmlDir'},
'-title' => $Translate{'KmlLoad'},
if ( -f $KmlFile )
# switch player to KML mode and redraw track
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'KmlLoaded'}: $KmlFile" );
$map_canvas->CanvasBind("<Button-3>" => [ sub
my($w, $x, $y) = @_;
($MapCanvasX, $MapCanvasY) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
$MapCanvasId = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
$map_menu->post($x, $y);
}, Ev('X'), Ev('Y') ] );
# Mouse bindings
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-PlayPause' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerPlayPause );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-Next' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerNext );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-Prev' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerPrev );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-First' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerFirst );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-Last' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerLast );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-Home' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerHome );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-Stop' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerStop );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-WptKml' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerWptKml );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-WptRandom' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerWptRandom );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-Record' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerRecord );
# Focus Canvas, if any key pressed. Needed for the following key-bindings
my $bBindFocus = 0;
$main->bind('<Any-Enter>' => sub
if ($bBindFocus == 0)
# focus only once. Verhindern vom canvas-popup, wenn Config-Dialog aktiv ist.
# funktioniert so, habe aber keine Ahnung warum
$bBindFocus = 1;
# Disable default arrow-key bindings on canvas
$main->bind('Tk::Canvas',"<$_>",undef)for qw /Left Right Up Down/;
# keyboard bindings
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-space>' , \&CbPlayerPlayPause );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-n>' , \&CbPlayerNext );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-p>' , \&CbPlayerPrev );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-f>' , \&CbPlayerFirst );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-l>' , \&CbPlayerLast );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-h>' , \&CbPlayerHome );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-s>' , \&CbPlayerStop );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-w>' , \&CbPlayerWptKml );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-k>' , \&CbPlayerWptKml );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-r>' , \&CbPlayerWptRandom );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-a>' , \&CbPlayerRecord );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-m>' , \&CbPlayerMute );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-v>' , \&CbPoi );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-g>' , \&CbGrid );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-x>' , \&CbPlayerPauseMode );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-0>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "0"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-1>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "1"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-2>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "2"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-3>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "3"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-4>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "4"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-5>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "5"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-6>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "6"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-7>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "7"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-8>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "8"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-9>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "9"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-Left>' , [\&CbPlayerMove, -1, 0] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-Right>' , [\&CbPlayerMove, 1, 0] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-Up>' , [\&CbPlayerMove, 0, 1] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-Down>' , [\&CbPlayerMove, 0, -1] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-Escape>', \&CbExit );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-Return>', \&CbTxOnOff );
# Fct-Keys F1 .. F12
for ($i=1; $i <= 12; $i++)
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( "<KeyPress-F$i>", [\&CbFctKeyPress, "$i"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( "<KeyRelease-F$i>", [\&CbFctKeyRelease, "$i"] );
$Stick{'FctKey'} = 0;
# Load Start Scenario
# Waypoint file
my $CfgVal = $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'WpFile'};
if ( ! -f $CfgVal )
$CfgVal = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'WpDir'} . "/" . $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'WpFile'};
if ( -f $CfgVal )
# send all Wp to MK
# KML file
my $CfgVal = $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'KmlFile'};
if ( ! -f $CfgVal )
$CfgVal = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'KmlDir'} . "/" . $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'KmlFile'};
if ( -f $CfgVal )
# PLayer Mode
my $CfgVal = $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'PlayerMode'};
if ( $CfgVal =~ /Play/i ) { &PlayerPlay(); }
if ( $CfgVal =~ /Pause/i ) { &PlayerPause(); }
if ( $CfgVal =~ /Home/i ) { &PlayerHome(); }
if ( $CfgVal =~ /Stop/i ) { &PlayerStop(); }
# Player Random Mode
my $CfgVal = $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'PlayerRandomMode'};
if ( $CfgVal eq "STD" ) { &PlayerRandomStd(); }
if ( $CfgVal eq "RND" ) { &PlayerRandomRnd(); }
if ( $CfgVal eq "MAP" ) { &PlayerRandomMap(); }
# PLayer Wpt/Kml Mode
my $CfgVal = $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'PlayerWptKmlMode'};
if ( $CfgVal eq "WPT" ) { &PlayerWpt(); }
if ( $CfgVal eq "KML" ) { &PlayerKml(); }
# PLayer Pause Mode
my $CfgVal = $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'PlayerPauseMode'};
if ( $CfgVal eq "MAP" ) { &PlayerPauseMode("MAP"); }
if ( $CfgVal eq "MK" ) { &PlayerPauseMode("MK"); }
# Audio TTS Mute
my $CfgVal = $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'AudioMute'};
if ( $CfgVal =~ /y/i )
$TtsMute = 1;
# External-Contorl/Serial Channel Tx On/Off
my $CfgVal = $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'TxExtOn'};
if ( $CfgVal =~ /y/i )
$TxExtOn = 1;
# Timer
require "";
MainLoop(); # should never end
# Canvas handling
# Create map canvas
sub CanvasCreate()
if ( defined $map_canvas )
# update size
$map_canvas->configure ('-width' => $MapSizeX,
'-height' => $MapSizeY,
# create new
$map_canvas = $frame_map->Canvas( '-width' => $MapSizeX,
'-height' => $MapSizeY,
'-cursor' => 'cross',
) -> pack();
# Images and Icons on canvas
my @Icons = (
# Image Tag File Pos_x Pos_y
'Map', 'Map', "$Cfg->{'map'}->{'MapDir'}/$Map{'File'}", 0, 0,
'HeartbeatSmall', 'HeartbeatSmall',"$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconHeartSmall'}", $MapSizeX/4-10, -100,
'HeartbeatLarge', 'HeartbeatLarge',"$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconHeartLarge'}", $MapSizeX/4-10, -150,
'Heartbeat', 'Heartbeat', "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconHeartSmall'}", $MapSizeX/4-10, 10,
'Satellite-Photo', 'Satellite', "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconSatellite'}", $MapSizeX-50, -100,
'Antenna-Photo', 'Track-Antenna', "$Cfg->{'track'}->{'IconAntenna'}", 0, -50,
'POI-Photo', 'POI' , "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconPoi'}", $Poi_x, $Poi_y,
'Waypoint-Photo', 'Waypoint', "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconWaypoint'}", 0, -150,
'Target-Photo', 'Target', "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconTarget'}", 0, -100,
'Fox-Photo', 'Fox', "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconFox'}", $MapSizeX/2-100, $MapSizeY/2,
'WpPlay-Foto', 'Wp-PlayPause', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconPlay'}", $MapSizeX/2+150, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpPause-Foto', 'Wp-PlayPause', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconPause'}", $MapSizeX/2+150, -100,
'WpStop-Foto', 'Wp-Stop', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconStop'}", $MapSizeX/2+200, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpNext-Foto', 'Wp-Next', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconNext'}", $MapSizeX/2+50, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpPrev-Foto', 'Wp-Prev', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconPrev'}", $MapSizeX/2, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpFirst-Foto', 'Wp-First', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconFirst'}", $MapSizeX/2-50, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpLast-Foto', 'Wp-Last', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconLast'}", $MapSizeX/2+100, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpHome-Foto', 'Wp-Home', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconHome'}", $MapSizeX/2-100, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpRecord-Foto', 'Wp-Record', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconRecord'}", $MapSizeX/2-150, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpRandomOff-Foto', 'Wp-WptRandom', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconRandomOff'}", $MapSizeX/2-200, -100,
'WpRandomOn-Foto', 'Wp-WptRandom', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconRandomOn'}", $MapSizeX/2-200, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpRandomMap-Foto', 'Wp-WptRandom', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconRandomMap'}", $MapSizeX/2-200, -100,
'WpWpt-Foto', 'Wp-WptKml', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconWpt'}", $MapSizeX/2-250, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpKml-Foto', 'Wp-WptKml', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconKml'}", $MapSizeX/2-250, -100 ,
my $i = 0;
for $Icon (0 .. $#Icons/5)
my $Image = $Icons[$i++];
my $Tag = $Icons[$i++];
my $File = $Icons[$i++];
my $Pos_x = $Icons[$i++];
my $Pos_y = $Icons[$i++];
$map_canvas->Photo( $Image,
-file => $File,
$map_canvas->createImage( $Pos_x, $Pos_y,
-tags => $Tag,
-anchor => 'nw',
-image => $Image,
# Calibration Points
$map_canvas->createLine ( $Map{'P1_x'}-8, $Map{'P1_y'},
$Map{'P1_x'}+8, $Map{'P1_y'},
$Map{'P1_x'}, $Map{'P1_y'},
$Map{'P1_x'}, $Map{'P1_y'}-8,
$Map{'P1_x'}, $Map{'P1_y'}+8,
'-tags' => 'Calibration',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => 'red',
'-width' => 1,
$map_canvas->createLine ( $Map{'P2_x'}-8, $Map{'P2_y'},
$Map{'P2_x'}+8, $Map{'P2_y'},
$Map{'P2_x'}, $Map{'P2_y'},
$Map{'P2_x'}, $Map{'P2_y'}-8,
$Map{'P2_x'}, $Map{'P2_y'}+8,
'-tags' => 'Calibration',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => 'red',
'-width' => 1,
# display scale on canvas
my $x1 = $MapSizeX/2 +280;
my $x2 = $MapSizeX -30;
my $y1 = $MapSizeY - 20;
my $y2 = $MapSizeY - 15;
if ( $x2 - $x1 > 150 )
$x1 = $x2 - 150;
$map_canvas->createLine ( $x1, $y1,
$x1, $y2,
$x2, $y2,
$x2, $y1,
'-tags' => 'Scale',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => 'red',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorScale'} || 'white',
'-width' => 1,
my ($Lat1, $Lon1) = &MapXY2Gps($x1, $y1);
my ($Lat2, $Lon2) = &MapXY2Gps($x2, $y2);
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = &MapGpsTo($Lat1, $Lon1, $Lat2, $Lon2 );
$Dist = sprintf ("%.2f m", $Dist);
$map_canvas->createText ( $x1 + ($x2 - $x1)/2 - 20, $y1 - ($y2 - $y1)/2,
'-tags' => 'Scale-Text',
'-text' => $Dist,
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorScale'} || 'white',
# North arrow above scale
$NorthArrowLen = 25;
my $x = $x1 + ($x2 - $x1)/2; # x1, x2 from scale abowe
my $y = $y1 - $NorthArrowLen/2 - 10;
my $Angle = &MapAngel();
my $dx = cos (deg2rad $Angle) * ($NorthArrowLen/2);
my $dy = sin (deg2rad $Angle) * ($NorthArrowLen/2);
my $x0 = $x - $dx;
my $y0 = $y + $dy;
my $x1 = $x + $dx;
my $y1 = $y - $dy;
$map_canvas->createLine ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-tags' => 'North-Arrow',
'-arrow' => 'last',
'-arrowshape' => [15, 15, 5 ],
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorScale'} || 'white',
'-width' => 4,
$map_canvas->createOval ( $x-$NorthArrowLen/2, $y-$NorthArrowLen/2, $x+$NorthArrowLen/2, $y+$NorthArrowLen/2,
'-tags' => 'North-Arrow',
'-outline' => 'white',
'-width' => 1,
# border polygon
$map_canvas->createPolygon( @Map{'Border'},
'-tags' => 'Map-Border',
'-fill' => '',
'-outline' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorAirfield'}, '-width' => 2,
$map_canvas->raise('Map-Border', 'Map'); # Border above Map
# dynamic objecs on canvas
# current MK position on canvas
$MkPos_x = $MapSizeX/2;
$MkPos_y = $MapSizeY/2;
# Line from MK to Home
$map_canvas->createLine ( $MapSizeX/2, $MapSizeY/2, $MapSizeX/2, $MapSizeY/2,
'-tags' => 'MK-Home-Line',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorHomeLine'},
'-width' => 3,
# Text Entfernung positioniert an der Home-Linie
$map_canvas->createText ( $MapSizeX/2 + 8, $MapSizeY/2 - 8,
'-tags' => 'MK-Home-Dist',
'-text' => '0 m',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-200-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorHomeDist'},
# Line from MK to Target, draw invisible out of sight
$map_canvas->createLine ( 0, -100, 0, -100,
'-tags' => 'MK-Target-Line',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorTargetLine'},
'-width' => 3,
# Text Entfernung positioniert an der Target-Linie
$map_canvas->createText ( 0, -100,
'-tags' => 'MK-Target-Dist',
'-text' => '0 m',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-200-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorTargetDist'},
# Line from MK to POI, draw invisible out of sight
$map_canvas->createLine ( 0, -200, 0, -200,
'-tags' => 'MK-POI-Line',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorPoiLine'},
'-stipple' => "stipple4",
'-width' => 1,
$map_canvas->lower('MK-POI-Line', 'Target');
# MK Geschwindigkeits-Vektor
$MapMkSpeedLen = 60; # Länge Speed-Zeiger
my $x0 = $MapSizeX/2;
my $y0 = $MapSizeY/2;
my $x1 = $MapSizeX/2;
my $y1 = $MapSizeY/2 - $MapMkSpeedLen;
$map_canvas->createLine ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-tags' => 'MK-Speed',
'-arrow' => 'last',
'-arrowshape' => [10, 10, 3 ],
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorSpeedVector'},
'-width' => 4,
# MK als Pfeilspitze einer Linie darstellen
$MapMkLen = 25;
my $x0 = $MapSizeX/2;
my $y0 = $MapSizeY/2 + $MapMkLen/2;
my $x1 = $MapSizeX/2;
my $y1 = $MapSizeY/2 - $MapMkLen/2;
$map_canvas->createLine ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-tags' => 'MK-Arrow',
'-arrow' => 'last',
'-arrowshape' => [25, 30, 10 ],
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorMkSatNo'},
'-width' => 1
# OSD Texte auf Karte anzeigen
my @Texts = (
# Tag Text Pos_x Pos_y Font
'MK-OSD-Tim-Label', "TIM", $MapSizeX/2 + 30, 20, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Tim-Value', "00:00", $MapSizeX/2 + 80, 20, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Bat-Label', "BAT", $MapSizeX/2 + 30, 50, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Bat-Value', "0.0 V", $MapSizeX/2 + 80, 50, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Cap-Label', "CAP", $MapSizeX/2 - 150, 20, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Cap-Value', "0.00 Ah", $MapSizeX/2 - 100, 20, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Cur-Label', "CUR", $MapSizeX/2 - 150, 50, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Cur-Value', "0.0 A", $MapSizeX/2 - 100, 50, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Pow-Label', "POW", $MapSizeX/2 - 150, 80, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Pow-Value', "0.0 W", $MapSizeX/2 - 100, 80, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Spd-Label', "SPD", 10, 20, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Spd-Value', "0.0 km/h", 60, 20, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Alt-Label', "ALT", 10, 50, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Alt-Value', "0 m", 60, 50, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Odo-Label', "ODO", 10, 80, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Odo-Value', "0.000 km", 60, 80, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Sat-Label', "SAT", $MapSizeX - 230, 20, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Sat-Value', "0", $MapSizeX - 180, 20, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Wp-Label', "WPT", $MapSizeX - 230, 50, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Wp-Value', "0 / 0", $MapSizeX - 180, 50, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Mode-Label', "MOD", $MapSizeX - 230, 80, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Mode-Value', "", $MapSizeX - 180, 80, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Rec-Value', "", $MapSizeX - 180, 110, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-200-*',
my $i = 0;
for $Text (0 .. $#Texts/5)
my $Tag = $Texts[$i++];
my $Text = $Texts[$i++];
my $Pos_x = $Texts[$i++];
my $Pos_y = $Texts[$i++];
my $Font = $Texts[$i++];
$map_canvas->createText ( $Pos_x, $Pos_y,
'-tags' => $Tag,
'-text' => $Text,
'-font' => $Font,
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
# Variometer on canvas
my @Polygon;
for ( $y = -100; $y <= 100; $y += 10)
my $Len = 5;
if ( ($y % 50) == 0 )
$Len = 10;
$map_canvas->createText ( $Len+5, $MapSizeY/2 + $y,
'-tags' => 'Map-Variometer-Skala',
'-text' => sprintf ("%3d", -$y / 10),
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Normal-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorVariometer'},
push @Polygon, ( 0, $MapSizeY/2 + $y);
push @Polygon, ($Len, $MapSizeY/2 + $y);
push @Polygon, ( 0, $MapSizeY/2 + $y);
'-tags' => 'Map-Variometer',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorVariometer'},
'-width' => 2,
'-arrow' => 'none',
# Vario Pointer
$map_canvas->createPolygon( 5, $MapSizeY/2, 20, $MapSizeY/2+10, 20, $MapSizeY/2-10,
'-tags' => 'Map-Variometer-Pointer',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorVariometerPointer'},
'-outline' => 'black', '-width' => 1,
# Crosshair
$map_canvas->createLine ( 0, $MapSizeY/2, $MapSizeX, $MapSizeY/2,
'-tags' => ['Map-Crosshair', 'Map-Crosshair-X'],
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'map'}->{'CrosshairColor'},
'-width' => 1,
$map_canvas->createLine ( $MapSizeX/2, 0, $MapSizeX/2, $MapSizeY,
'-tags' => ['Map-Crosshair', 'Map-Crosshair-Y'],
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'map'}->{'CrosshairColor'},
'-width' => 1,
$map_canvas->lower('Map-Crosshair', 'Map'); # hide below map
# Tracking Canvas
if ( $Cfg->{'track'}->{'Active'} =~ /y/i )
# Canvas size
$TrackSizeX = 125;
$TrackSizeY = 100;
$TrackOffY = $TrackSizeY - $MapSizeY + $TrackSizeY/2;
$TrackPtrLen = 50; # Länge Zeiger
# draw in map-canvas
$track_canvas = $map_canvas;
# Ziffernblatt
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2 - $TrackPtrLen;
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY + $TrackPtrLen - $TrackOffY;
my $x1 = $TrackSizeX/2 + $TrackPtrLen;
my $y1 = $TrackSizeY - $TrackPtrLen - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->createArc ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-tags' => 'Map-Tracker',
'-extent' => '359',
'-start' => '0',
'-style' => 'chord',
'-outline' => 'gray', '-width' => '1',
# Skala Ziffernblatt
for ($i=0; $i<360; $i+=15)
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2 - ($TrackPtrLen - 20) * cos( deg2rad $i );
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY - ($TrackPtrLen - 20) * sin( deg2rad $i ) - $TrackOffY;
my $x1 = $TrackSizeX/2 - ($TrackPtrLen - 28) * cos( deg2rad $i );
my $y1 = $TrackSizeY - ($TrackPtrLen - 28) * sin( deg2rad $i ) - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->createLine ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-tags' => 'Map-Tracker',
'-fill' => 'white',
'-width' => 1,
# Skala Beschriftung Ziffernblatt
for ($i=-180; $i<180; $i+=45)
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2 - ($TrackPtrLen - 12) * cos( deg2rad $i+90 );
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY - ($TrackPtrLen - 12) * sin( deg2rad $i+90 ) - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->createText ( $x0, $y0,
'-tags' => 'Map-Tracker',
'-text' => $i,
'-fill' => 'white',
# Zeiger Pan
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2;
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY - 0 - $TrackOffY;
my $x1 = $TrackSizeX/2;
my $y1 = $TrackSizeY - ($TrackPtrLen - 22) - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->createLine ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-tags' => [ 'Map-Tracker', 'Track-Ptr-Pan' ],
'-arrow' => 'last',
'-arrowshape' => [20, 30, 5 ],
'-fill' => 'red',
'-width' => 8,
# Zeiger Tilt
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2;
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY - 0 - $TrackOffY;
my $x1 = $TrackSizeX/2;
my $y1 = $TrackSizeY - ($TrackPtrLen - 22) - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->createLine ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-tags' => [ 'Map-Tracker', 'Track-Ptr-Tilt' ],
'-fill' => 'white',
'-width' => 1,
# Zeiger Center
my $Dia = 7;
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2 - $Dia;
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY + $Dia - $TrackOffY;
my $x1 = $TrackSizeX/2 + $Dia;
my $y1 = $TrackSizeY - $Dia - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->createArc ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-tags' => 'Map-Tracker',
'-extent' => '359',
'-outline' => 'gray', '-width' => 1,
'-fill' => 'gray',
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "" );
$map_top_label->configure (-text => "$Translate{'Map'}: $Map{'Name'} ($Map{'File'})", );
# Redraw map canvas after Map change
sub CanvasRedraw()
# Aktuell gültige Karte
# global map variables used everywhere
%Map = %{$Maps{'Current'}};
$MapSizeX = $Map{'Size_X'};
$MapSizeY = $Map{'Size_Y'};
# Draw new Canvas
# Re-calculate WP Lat/Lon from X/Y for map
# PLayer Mode
if ( $PlayerMode =~ /Play/i ) { &PlayerPlay(); }
if ( $PlayerMode =~ /Pause/i ) { &PlayerPause(); }
if ( $PlayerMode =~ /Home/i ) { &PlayerHome(); }
if ( $PlayerMode =~ /Stop/i ) { &PlayerStop(); }
# Player Random Mode
if ( $PlayerRandomMode eq "STD" ) { &PlayerRandomStd(); }
if ( $PlayerRandomMode eq "RND" ) { &PlayerRandomRnd(); }
if ( $PlayerRandomMode eq "MAP" ) { &PlayerRandomMap(); }
# PLayer Wpt/Kml Mode
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq "WPT" ) { &PlayerWpt(); }
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq "KML" ) { &PlayerKml(); }
# PLayer Pause Mode
if ( $PlayerPauseMode eq "MAP" ) { &PlayerPauseMode("MAP"); }
if ( $PlayerPauseMode eq "MK" ) { &PlayerPauseMode("MK"); }
# Set POI position
($Poi_Lat, $Poi_Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($Poi_x + 24, $Poi_y + 48);
if ( $PoiMode )
# delete Footprint
@Footprint = ();
# Start Web Browser with URL
sub StartBrowser()
($Url) = @_;
system ("start $Url")
# GUI Call Back
# Player CallBack: Play/Pause button
sub CbPlayerPlayPause()
if ( ($PlayerMode eq "Pause") or ($PlayerMode eq "Stop") or ($PlayerMode eq "Home") )
# Player CallBack: Next
sub CbPlayerNext()
if ( $PlayerMode ne 'Stop' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'WPT' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'KML' )
# Player CallBack: Prev
sub CbPlayerPrev()
if ( $PlayerMode ne 'Stop' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'WPT' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'KML' )
# Player CallBack: First
sub CbPlayerFirst()
if ( $PlayerMode ne 'Stop' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'WPT' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'KML' )
# Player CallBack: Last
sub CbPlayerLast()
if ( $PlayerMode ne 'Stop' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'WPT' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'KML' )
# Player CallBack: Home
sub CbPlayerHome()
if ( $PlayerMode ne 'Stop' )
# Player CallBack: Stop
sub CbPlayerStop()
if ( $PlayerMode ne 'Stop' )
# Player CallBack: Move MK in Pause-Mode
sub CbPlayerMove()
my ($Id, $DirX, $DirY) = @_;
if ( $PlayerMode eq 'Pause' and
$PlayerPause_Lat ne "" and $PlayerPause_Lon ne "" )
my $Dist = $Cfg->{'map'}->{'PauseMoveDist'} || 1; # 1m default
my $BearingTop = &MapAngel() - 90.0;
my $BearingKey = rad2deg atan2($DirX, $DirY);
my $Bearing = $BearingTop + $BearingKey;
if ( $PlayerPauseMode eq "MK" )
# MK Reference
$Bearing = $MkOsd{'CompassHeading'} + $BearingKey;
($PlayerPause_Lat, $PlayerPause_Lon) = &MapGpsAt($PlayerPause_Lat, $PlayerPause_Lon, $Dist, $Bearing);
# restart crosshair display timer
$CrosshairTimerCnt = 0;
# Player CallBack: Toggle WPT/KML button
sub CbPlayerWptKml()
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode =~ /WPT/i )
elsif ( $PlayerWptKmlMode =~ /KML/i )
# Player CallBack: Toggle Random modes. STD -> RND -> MAP
sub CbPlayerWptRandom()
if ( $PlayerRandomMode eq "STD" )
elsif ( $PlayerRandomMode eq "RND" )
# Player CallBack: Toggle Record KML
sub CbPlayerRecord()
if ( $PlayerRecordMode =~ /REC/i )
elsif ( $PlayerRecordMode eq "" )
# Player CallBack: Number Keys
sub CbPlayerNum()
my ($Id, $Num) = @_;
$CbPlayerKey = "$CbPlayerKey" . "$Num";
# Player CallBack: mute TTS audio
sub CbPlayerMute()
if ( $TtsMute )
# Switch POI Mode
sub CbPoi()
if ( $PoiMode )
$PoiMode = 0;
$PoiMode = 1;
# Grid on canvas
$GridIsOn = 0;
sub CbGrid()
if ( $GridIsOn )
$GridIsOn = 0;
$GridIsOn = 1;
# Player Pause Mode
sub CbPlayerPauseMode()
if ( $PlayerPauseMode eq "MAP" )
# External-Control, SerialChannel On/Off
sub CbTxOnOff()
if ( $TxExtOn == 1 )
$TxExtOn = 0;
$TxExtOn = 1;
# Function Key Press
sub CbFctKeyPress()
my ($Id, $Num) = @_;
$Num --;
$Stick{'FctKey'} |= (1 << $Num);
# Function Key Release
sub CbFctKeyRelease()
my ($Id, $Num) = @_;
$Num --;
$Stick{'FctKey'} ^= (1 << $Num);
# CallBack: Exit Mission Cockpit
sub CbExit()
# stop 3D Mouse
# stop Joystick
# stop antenna tracking
$TrackQueue->enqueue( "IDLE" );
# wait for tracker shutdown, with timeout
if ( $Cfg->{'track'}->{'Active'} =~ /y/i )
for ($i=0; $i < 5; $i++)
if ( $MkTrack{'State'} ne "Idle" )
sleep 1;